mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 09:51:29 +00:00
- scriptified the input methods of DConversationMenu.
- fixed handling of DimAllowed.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 169 additions and 157 deletions
@ -1936,6 +1936,7 @@ DEFINE_FIELD_BIT(FLevelLocals, flags2, polygrind, LEVEL2_POLYGRIND)
DEFINE_FIELD_BIT(FLevelLocals, flags2, nomonsters, LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS)
DEFINE_FIELD_BIT(FLevelLocals, flags2, frozen, LEVEL2_FROZEN)
DEFINE_FIELD_BIT(FLevelLocals, flags2, infinite_flight, LEVEL2_INFINITE_FLIGHT)
DEFINE_FIELD_BIT(FLevelLocals, flags2, no_dlg_freeze, LEVEL2_CONV_SINGLE_UNFREEZE)
@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ DMenu::DMenu(DMenu *parent)
mParentMenu = parent;
mMouseCapture = false;
mBackbuttonSelected = false;
DontDim = false;
GC::WriteBarrier(this, parent);
@ -445,11 +446,6 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DMenu, Close)
return 0;
bool DMenu::DimAllowed()
return true;
bool DMenu::TranslateKeyboardEvents()
IFVIRTUAL(DMenu, TranslateKeyboardEvents)
@ -928,7 +924,7 @@ void M_Drawer (void)
if (CurrentMenu != nullptr && menuactive != MENU_Off)
if (CurrentMenu->DimAllowed())
if (!CurrentMenu->DontDim)
@ -1203,6 +1199,7 @@ CCMD(undocolorpic)
DEFINE_FIELD(DMenu, mParentMenu)
DEFINE_FIELD(DMenu, mMouseCapture);
DEFINE_FIELD(DMenu, mBackbuttonSelected);
DEFINE_FIELD(DMenuDescriptor, mMenuName)
DEFINE_FIELD(DMenuDescriptor, mNetgameMessage)
@ -271,13 +271,13 @@ public:
TObjPtr<DMenu> mParentMenu;
bool mMouseCapture;
bool mBackbuttonSelected;
bool DontDim;
DMenu(DMenu *parent = NULL);
virtual bool Responder (event_t *ev);
virtual bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller);
virtual void Ticker ();
virtual void Drawer ();
virtual bool DimAllowed ();
bool TranslateKeyboardEvents();
virtual void Close();
virtual bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y);
@ -689,8 +689,18 @@ static bool ShouldSkipReply(FStrifeDialogueReply *reply, player_t *player)
return false;
static void SendConversationReply(int node, int reply)
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(FStrifeDialogueReply, ShouldSkipReply)
PARAM_POINTER(player, player_t);
ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(ShouldSkipReply(self, player));
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DConversationMenu, SendConversationReply)
switch (node)
case -1:
@ -708,6 +718,7 @@ static void SendConversationReply(int node, int reply)
StaticLastReply = reply;
return 0;
@ -874,154 +885,6 @@ public:
void OnDestroy() override
mDialogueLines = NULL;
I_SetMusicVolume (1.f);
bool DimAllowed()
return false;
int GetReplyNum()
assert((unsigned)mCurNode->ThisNodeNum < StrifeDialogues.Size());
assert(StrifeDialogues[mCurNode->ThisNodeNum] == mCurNode);
// This is needed because mSelection represents the replies currently being displayed which will
// not match up with what's supposed to be selected if there are any hidden/skipped replies. [FishyClockwork]
FStrifeDialogueReply *reply = mCurNode->Children;
int replynum = mSelection;
for (int i = 0; i <= mSelection && reply != nullptr; reply = reply->Next)
if (ShouldSkipReply(reply, mPlayer))
return replynum;
bool MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
if (demoplayback)
{ // During demo playback, don't let the user do anything besides close this menu.
if (mkey == MKEY_Back)
return true;
return false;
if (mkey == MKEY_Up)
if (--mSelection < 0) mSelection = mResponses.Size() - 1;
return true;
else if (mkey == MKEY_Down)
if (++mSelection >= (int)mResponses.Size()) mSelection = 0;
return true;
else if (mkey == MKEY_Back)
SendConversationReply(-1, GetReplyNum());
return true;
else if (mkey == MKEY_Enter)
int replynum = GetReplyNum();
if ((unsigned)mSelection >= mResponses.Size())
SendConversationReply(-1, replynum);
// Send dialogue and reply numbers across the wire.
SendConversationReply(mCurNode->ThisNodeNum, replynum);
return true;
return false;
bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y)
int sel = -1;
int fh = OptionSettings.mLinespacing;
// convert x/y from screen to virtual coordinates, according to CleanX/Yfac use in DrawTexture
x = ((x - (screen->GetWidth() / 2)) / CleanXfac) + 160;
y = ((y - (screen->GetHeight() / 2)) / CleanYfac) + 100;
if (x >= 24 && x <= 320-24 && y >= mYpos && y < mYpos + fh * (int)mResponseLines.Size())
sel = (y - mYpos) / fh;
for(unsigned i=0;i<mResponses.Size(); i++)
if ((int)mResponses[i] > sel)
sel = i-1;
if (sel != -1 && sel != mSelection)
//S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE | CHAN_UI, "menu/cursor", snd_menuvolume, ATTN_NONE);
mSelection = sel;
if (type == MOUSE_Release)
return MenuEvent(MKEY_Enter, true);
return true;
bool Responder(event_t *ev)
if (demoplayback)
{ // No interaction during demo playback
return false;
if (ev->type == EV_GUI_Event && ev->subtype == EV_GUI_Char && ev->data1 >= '0' && ev->data1 <= '9')
{ // Activate an item of type numberedmore (dialogue only)
mSelection = ev->data1 == '0' ? 9 : ev->data1 - '1';
return MenuEvent(MKEY_Enter, false);
return Super::Responder(ev);
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DConversationMenu, true, false)
@ -909,6 +909,9 @@ void InitThingdef()
fieldptr = new PField("gametic", TypeSInt32, VARF_Native | VARF_Static | VARF_ReadOnly, (intptr_t)&gametic);
fieldptr = new PField("demoplayback", TypeSInt32, VARF_Native | VARF_Static | VARF_ReadOnly, (intptr_t)&demoplayback);
// Argh. It sucks when bad hacks need to be supported. WP_NOCHANGE is just a bogus pointer but it used everywhere as a special flag.
// It cannot be defined as constant because constants can either be numbers or strings but nothing else, so the only 'solution'
@ -463,6 +463,7 @@ struct LevelLocals native
native bool nomonsters;
native bool frozen;
native bool infinite_flight;
native bool no_dlg_freeze;
// level_info_t *info cannot be done yet.
native String GetUDMFString(int type, int index, Name key);
@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ struct StrifeDialogueReply native
native int NextNode; // index into StrifeDialogues
native int LogNumber;
native bool NeedsGold;
native bool ShouldSkipReply(PlayerInfo player);
@ -78,8 +80,151 @@ class ConversationMenu : Menu native
native PlayerInfo mPlayer;
native int mSelection;
native static void SendConversationReply(int node, int reply);
//ConversationPauseTic = gametic + 20;
// DontDim = true;
override void OnDestroy()
SetMusicVolume (1);
protected int GetReplyNum()
// This is needed because mSelection represents the replies currently being displayed which will
// not match up with what's supposed to be selected if there are any hidden/skipped replies. [FishyClockwork]
let reply = mCurNode.Children;
int replynum = mSelection;
for (int i = 0; i <= mSelection && reply != null; reply = reply.Next)
if (reply.ShouldSkipReply(mPlayer))
return replynum;
override bool MenuEvent(int mkey, bool fromcontroller)
if (demoplayback)
{ // During demo playback, don't let the user do anything besides close this menu.
if (mkey == MKEY_Back)
return true;
return false;
if (mkey == MKEY_Up)
if (--mSelection < 0) mSelection = mResponses.Size() - 1;
return true;
else if (mkey == MKEY_Down)
if (++mSelection >= mResponses.Size()) mSelection = 0;
return true;
else if (mkey == MKEY_Back)
SendConversationReply(-1, GetReplyNum());
return true;
else if (mkey == MKEY_Enter)
int replynum = GetReplyNum();
if (mSelection >= mResponses.Size())
SendConversationReply(-2, replynum);
// Send dialogue and reply numbers across the wire.
SendConversationReply(mCurNode.ThisNodeNum, replynum);
return true;
return false;
override bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y)
int sel = -1;
int fh = OptionMenuSettings.mLinespacing;
// convert x/y from screen to virtual coordinates, according to CleanX/Yfac use in DrawTexture
x = ((x - (screen.GetWidth() / 2)) / CleanXfac) + 160;
y = ((y - (screen.GetHeight() / 2)) / CleanYfac) + 100;
if (x >= 24 && x <= 320-24 && y >= mYpos && y < mYpos + fh * mResponseLines.Size())
sel = (y - mYpos) / fh;
for(int i = 0; i < mResponses.Size(); i++)
if (mResponses[i] > sel)
sel = i-1;
if (sel != -1 && sel != mSelection)
//S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE | CHAN_UI, "menu/cursor", snd_menuvolume, ATTN_NONE);
mSelection = sel;
if (type == MOUSE_Release)
return MenuEvent(MKEY_Enter, true);
return true;
override bool Responder(InputEventData ev)
if (demoplayback)
{ // No interaction during demo playback
return false;
if (ev.type == InputEventData.GUI_Event && ev.subtype == InputEventData.GUI_Char && ev.data1 >= 48 && ev.data1 <= 57)
{ // Activate an item of type numberedmore (dialogue only)
mSelection = ev.data1 == 48 ? 9 : ev.data1 - 49;
return MenuEvent(MKEY_Enter, false);
return Super.Responder(ev);
// Draw the backdrop, returns true if the text background should be dimmed
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class ListMenu : Menu
virtual void Init(Menu parent = NULL, ListMenuDescriptor desc = NULL)
mParentMenu = parent;
mDesc = desc;
if (desc.mCenter)
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ class Menu : Object native
native Menu mParentMenu;
native bool mMouseCapture;
native bool mBackbuttonSelected;
native bool DontDim;
void Init(Menu parent)
@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ class OptionMenu : Menu
mParentMenu = parent;
mDesc = desc;
DontDim = desc.mDontDim;
if (mDesc != NULL && mDesc.mSelectedItem == -1) mDesc.mSelectedItem = FirstSelectable();
Reference in a new issue