mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 09:51:29 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 225 additions and 21 deletions
@ -790,7 +790,6 @@ static double mapystart=0; // y-value for the start of the map bitmap...used in
static double mapxstart=0; //x-value for the bitmap.
static bool stopped = true;
static int viewbottom;
static void AM_calcMinMaxMtoF();
@ -1063,7 +1062,7 @@ static void AM_findMinMaxBoundaries ()
static void AM_calcMinMaxMtoF()
double a = SCREENWIDTH / max_w;
double b = viewbottom / max_h;
double b = StatusBar->GetTopOfStatusbar() / max_h;
min_scale_mtof = a < b ? a : b;
max_scale_mtof = SCREENHEIGHT / (2*PLAYERRADIUS);
@ -1421,7 +1420,7 @@ void AM_NewResolution()
else if (scale_mtof > max_scale_mtof)
f_w = screen->GetWidth();
f_h = viewbottom;
f_h = StatusBar->GetTopOfStatusbar();
@ -3169,7 +3168,6 @@ void AM_Drawer (int bottom)
bool allmap = (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLMAP) != 0;
bool allthings = allmap && players[consoleplayer].mo->FindInventory(NAME_PowerScanner, true) != nullptr;
viewbottom = bottom;
if (am_portaloverlay)
sector_t *sec;
@ -3186,7 +3184,7 @@ void AM_Drawer (int bottom)
// and view size adjustments.
f_x = f_y = 0;
f_w = screen->GetWidth ();
f_h = viewbottom;
f_h = bottom;
f_p = screen->GetPitch ();
@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ public:
void DrawGraphic(FTextureID texture, double x, double y, int flags, double Alpha, double boxwidth, double boxheight, double scaleX, double scaleY);
void DrawString(FFont *font, const FString &cstring, double x, double y, int flags, double Alpha, int translation, int spacing, bool monospaced, int shadowX, int shadowY);
void Fill(PalEntry color, double x, double y, double w, double h, int flags = 0);
void SetClipRect(double x, double y, double w, double h, int flags = 0);
void BeginStatusBar(int resW, int resH, int relTop, bool forceScaled);
void BeginHUD(int resW, int resH, double Alpha, bool forceScaled = false);
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "g_levellocals.h"
#include "virtual.h"
#define ARTIFLASH_OFFSET (statusBar->invBarOffset+6)
@ -1545,10 +1546,16 @@ DBaseStatusBar *CreateCustomStatusBar(int scriptno)
I_FatalError("Tried to create a status bar with no script!");
auto sbar = (DBaseStatusBar*)PClass::FindClass("SBarInfoWrapper")->CreateNew();
IFVIRTUALPTR(sbar, DBaseStatusBar, Init)
VMValue params[] = { sbar };
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, 1, nullptr, 0);
auto core = new DSBarInfo(sbar, script);
sbar->PointerVar<DSBarInfo>("core") = core;
sbar->SetSize(script->height, script->_resW, script->_resH);
sbar->CompleteBorder = script->completeBorder;
return sbar;
@ -1910,7 +1910,82 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DBaseStatusBar, Fill)
if (!screen->HasBegun2D()) ThrowAbortException(X_OTHER, "Attempt to draw to screen outside a draw function");
self->Fill(color, x, y, w, h);
self->Fill(color, x, y, w, h, flags);
return 0;
// draw stuff
void DBaseStatusBar::SetClipRect(double x, double y, double w, double h, int flags)
// resolve auto-alignment before making any adjustments to the position values.
if (!(flags & DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN))
if (x < 0) flags |= DI_SCREEN_RIGHT;
else flags |= DI_SCREEN_LEFT;
if (y < 0) flags |= DI_SCREEN_BOTTOM;
else flags |= DI_SCREEN_TOP;
x += drawOffset.X;
y += drawOffset.Y;
if (!fullscreenOffsets)
StatusbarToRealCoords(x, y, w, h);
double orgx, orgy;
switch (flags & DI_SCREEN_HMASK)
default: orgx = 0; break;
case DI_SCREEN_HCENTER: orgx = screen->GetWidth() / 2; break;
case DI_SCREEN_RIGHT: orgx = screen->GetWidth(); break;
switch (flags & DI_SCREEN_VMASK)
default: orgy = 0; break;
case DI_SCREEN_VCENTER: orgy = screen->GetHeight() / 2; break;
case DI_SCREEN_BOTTOM: orgy = screen->GetHeight(); break;
// move stuff in the top right corner a bit down if the fps counter is on.
if ((flags & (DI_SCREEN_HMASK | DI_SCREEN_VMASK)) == DI_SCREEN_RIGHT_TOP && vid_fps) y += 10;
DVector2 Scale = GetHUDScale();
x *= Scale.X;
y *= Scale.Y;
w *= Scale.X;
h *= Scale.Y;
x += orgx;
y += orgy;
int x1 = int(x);
int y1 = int(y);
int ww = int(x + w - x1); // account for scaling to non-integers. Truncating the values separately would fail for cases like
int hh = int(y + h - y1); // y=3.5, height = 5.5 where adding both values gives a larger integer than adding the two integers.
screen->SetClipRect(x1, y1, ww, hh);
self->SetClipRect(x, y, w, h, flags);
return 0;
@ -376,6 +376,8 @@ void FGameConfigFile::DoGlobalSetup ()
if (var != NULL) var->ResetToDefault();
var = FindCVar("con_scaletext", NULL);
if (var != NULL) var->ResetToDefault();
var = FindCVar("uiscale", NULL);
if (var != NULL) var->ResetToDefault();
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
#include "g_levellocals.h"
#include "textures.h"
if (self < 0)
@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ int GetUIScale(int altval)
if (altval > 0) scaleval = altval;
else if (uiscale == 0)
// Default should try to scale to 640x480
int vscale = screen->GetHeight() / 640;
int hscale = screen->GetWidth() / 480;
// Default should try to scale to 640x400
int vscale = screen->GetHeight() / 400;
int hscale = screen->GetWidth() / 640;
scaleval = clamp(vscale, 1, hscale);
else scaleval = uiscale;
@ -187,7 +187,25 @@ void DCanvas::SetClipRect(int x, int y, int w, int h)
clipleft = clamp(x, 0, GetWidth());
clipwidth = clamp(w, 0, GetWidth() - x);
cliptop = clamp(y, 0, GetHeight());
clipwidth = clamp(w, 0, GetHeight() - y);
clipheight = clamp(h, 0, GetHeight() - y);
screen->SetClipRect(x, y, w, h);
return 0;
return 0;
void DCanvas::GetClipRect(int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
@ -198,6 +216,19 @@ void DCanvas::GetClipRect(int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
if (h) *h = clipheight;
int x, y, w, h;
screen->GetClipRect(&x, &y, &w, &h);
if (numret > 0) ret[0].SetInt(x);
if (numret > 1) ret[1].SetInt(y);
if (numret > 2) ret[2].SetInt(w);
if (numret > 3) ret[3].SetInt(h);
return MIN(numret, 4);
bool DCanvas::SetTextureParms(DrawParms *parms, FTexture *img, double xx, double yy) const
if (img != NULL)
@ -1853,6 +1853,7 @@ HUDMNU_HEXENFLASHES = "Hexen weapon flashes";
HUDMNU_POISONFLASHES = "Poison damage flashes";
HUDMNU_ICEFLASHES = "Ice death flashes";
HUDMNU_HAZARDFLASHES = "Poison Buildup flashes";
HUDMNU_SCALEOPT = "Scaling Options";
// Scaling options
SCALEMNU_TITLE = "Scaling Options";
@ -1863,6 +1864,9 @@ SCALEMNU_STATBAR = "Status bar";
SCALEMNU_HUD = "Fullscreen HUD";
SCALEMNU_ALTHUD = "Alternative HUD";
SCALEMNU_HUDASPECT = "HUD preserves aspect ratio";
SCALEMNU_USEUI = "Use default scale";
SCALEMNU_USEFS = "Scale to fullscreen";
SCALEMNU_ADAPT = "Adapt to screen size";
// AltHUD Options
ALTHUDMNU_TITLE = "Alternative HUD";
@ -852,15 +852,15 @@ OptionMenu "HUDOptions"
OptionMenu "ScalingOptions"
Slider "$HUDMNU_UISCALE", "uiscale", 0.0, 8.0, 1.0, 0
ScaleSlider "$HUDMNU_UISCALE", "uiscale", 0.0, 8.0, 1.0, "$SCALEMNU_ADAPT"
StaticText " "
// These will need a new control type.
Option "$SCALEMNU_MESSAGES", "con_scaletext", "OnOff"
Option "$SCALEMNU_CONSOLE", "con_scale", "OnOff"
Option "$SCALEMNU_STATBAR", "st_scale", "OnOff"
Option "$SCALEMNU_HUD", "hud_scale", "OnOff"
Option "$SCALEMNU_ALTHUD", "hud_althudscale", "OnOff"
ScaleSlider "$SCALEMNU_MESSAGES", "con_scaletext", 0.0, 8.0, 1.0, "$SCALEMNU_USEUI"
ScaleSlider "$SCALEMNU_CONSOLE", "con_scale", 0.0, 8.0, 1.0, "$SCALEMNU_USEUI"
ScaleSlider "$SCALEMNU_STATBAR", "st_scale", -1.0, 8.0, 1.0, "$SCALEMNU_USEUI", "$SCALEMNU_USEFS"
ScaleSlider "$SCALEMNU_HUD", "hud_scale", -1.0, 8.0, 1.0, "$SCALEMNU_USEUI", "$SCALEMNU_USEFS"
ScaleSlider "$SCALEMNU_ALTHUD", "hud_althudscale", 0.0, 8.0, 1.0, "$SCALEMNU_USEUI"
StaticText " "
Option "$SCALEMNU_HUDASPECT", "hud_aspectscale", "OnOff"
@ -166,6 +166,10 @@ struct Screen native
native static void DrawFrame(int x, int y, int w, int h);
native static Vector2, Vector2 VirtualToRealCoords(Vector2 pos, Vector2 size, Vector2 vsize, bool vbottom=false, bool handleaspect=true);
native static double GetAspectRatio();
native static void SetClipRect(int x, int y, int w, int h);
native static void ClearClipRect();
native static int, int, int, int GetClipRect();
// This is a leftover of the abandoned Inventory.DrawPowerup method.
deprecated("2.5") static ui void DrawHUDTexture(TextureID tex, double x, double y)
@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ class OptionMenuSliderBase : OptionMenuItem
private void DrawSlider (int x, int y, double min, double max, double cur, int fracdigits, int indent)
protected void DrawSlider (int x, int y, double min, double max, double cur, int fracdigits, int indent)
String formater = String.format("%%.%df", fracdigits); // The format function cannot do the '%.*f' syntax.
String textbuf;
@ -1211,3 +1211,74 @@ class OptionMenuItemNumberField : OptionMenuFieldBase
float mStep;
// A special slider that displays plain text for special settings related
// to scaling.
class OptionMenuItemScaleSlider : OptionMenuItemSlider
String TextZero;
String TextNegOne;
int mClickVal;
OptionMenuItemScaleSlider Init(String label, Name command, double min, double max, double step, String zero, String negone = "")
Super.Init(label, command, min, max, step, 0);
mCVar =CVar.FindCVar(command);
TextZero = zero;
TextNEgOne = negone;
mClickVal = -10;
return self;
override int Draw(OptionMenuDescriptor desc, int y, int indent, bool selected)
drawLabel(indent, y, selected? OptionMenuSettings.mFontColorSelection : OptionMenuSettings.mFontColor);
int Selection = GetSliderValue();
if ((Selection == 0 || Selection == -1) && mClickVal <= 0)
String text = Selection == 0? TextZero : Selection == -1? TextNegOne : "";
screen.DrawText (SmallFont, OptionMenuSettings.mFontColorValue, indent + CursorSpace(), y, text, DTA_CleanNoMove_1, true);
mDrawX = indent + CursorSpace();
DrawSlider (mDrawX, y, mMin, mMax, GetSliderValue(), mShowValue, indent);
return indent;
override bool MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y)
int value = GetSliderValue();
switch (type)
case Menu.MOUSE_Click:
mClickVal = value;
if (value <= 0) return false;
return Super.MouseEvent(type, x, y);
case Menu.MOUSE_Move:
if (mClickVal <= 0) return false;
return Super.MouseEvent(type, x, y);
case Menu.MOUSE_Release:
if (mClickVal <= 0)
mClickVal = -10;
SetSliderValue(value + 1);
return true;
mClickVal = -10;
return Super.MouseEvent(type, x, y);
return false;
@ -327,6 +327,12 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
native static String FormatNumber(int number, int minsize = 0, int maxsize = 0, int format = 0, String prefix = "");
native double, double, double, double StatusbarToRealCoords(double x, double y=0, double w=0, double h=0);
native int GetTopOfStatusBar();
native void SetClipRect(double x, double y, double w, double h, int flags = 0);
void ClearClipRect()
@ -984,13 +990,17 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
double sizeOfImage = (horizontal ? texsize.X - border*2 : texsize.Y - border*2);
Clip[(!horizontal) | ((!reverse)<<1)] = sizeOfImage - sizeOfImage *value;
// preserve the active clipping rectangle
int cx, cy, cw, ch;
[cx, cy, cw, ch] = screen.GetClipRect();
if(border != 0)
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) Clip[i] += border;
//Draw the whole foreground
DrawTexture(ontex, position, flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
// SetClip
SetClipRect(position.X + Clip[0], position.Y + Clip[1], texsize.X - Clip[0] - Clip[2], texsize.Y - Clip[1] - Clip[3], flags);
if (offtex.IsValid() && TexMan.GetScaledSize(offtex) == texsize) DrawTexture(offtex, position, flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
@ -998,10 +1008,11 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
if (border == 0)
// SetClip
SetClipRect(position.X + Clip[0], position.Y + Clip[1], texsize.X - Clip[0] - Clip[2], texsize.Y - Clip[1] - Clip[3], flags);
DrawTexture(ontex, position, flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
// UnsetClip
// restore the previous clipping rectangle
screen.SetClipRect(cx, cy, cw, ch);
Reference in a new issue