mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 09:51:29 +00:00
- added editor number definitions to MAPINFO.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 845 additions and 0 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// MAPINFO for Chex Quest
include "mapinfo/common.txt"
include "mapinfo/doomitems.txt"
@ -67,6 +68,64 @@ gameinfo
statscreen_enteringpatch = "WIENTER"
5 = ChexBlueCard
6 = ChexYellowCard
8 = Zorchpack
9 = FlemoidusBipedicus
13 = ChexRedCard
17 = PhasingZorchPack
25 = ChexTallFlower2
28 = ChexTallFlower
30 = ChexCavernStalagmite
31 = ChexSubmergedPlant
32 = ChexCavernColumn
33 = ChexMineCart
34 = ChexChemicalFlask
35 = ChexGasTank
37 = ChexFlagOnPole
41 = ChexChemicalBurner
43 = ChexOrangeTree
44 = ChexSlimeFountain
45 = ChexCivilian1
47 = ChexAppleTree
48 = ChexSpaceship
54 = ChexBananaTree
55 = ChexLightColumn
56 = ChexCivilian2
57 = ChexCivilian3
82 = SuperLargeZorcher
2001 = LargeZorcher
2002 = RapidZorcher
2003 = ZorchPropulsor
2004 = PhasingZorcher
2005 = SuperBootspork
2006 = LAZDevice
2007 = MiniZorchRecharge
2008 = LargeZorchRecharge
2010 = PropulsorZorch
2011 = BowlOfFruit
2012 = BowlOfVegetables
2013 = SuperchargeBreakfast
2014 = GlassOfWater
2015 = SlimeRepellent
2018 = ChexArmor
2019 = SuperChexArmor
2025 = SlimeProofSuit
2026 = ComputerAreaMap
2028 = ChexLandingLight
2046 = PropulsorZorchPack
2047 = PhasingZorch
2048 = MiniZorchPack
2049 = LargeZorchPack
3001 = ArmoredFlemoidusBipedicus
3002 = FlemoidusCycloptisCommonus
3003 = Flembrane
3004 = FlemoidusCommonus
3006 = ChexSoul
skill baby
@ -4,6 +4,77 @@ Gameinfo
EasyKey = "maparrows/ravenkey.txt"
0 = Unknown
14 = TeleportDest
118 = ZBridge
888 = MBFHelperDog
5001 = PointPusher
5002 = PointPuller
5004 = FS_Mapspot
5061 = InvisibleBridge32
5064 = InvisibleBridge16
5065 = InvisibleBridge8
9001 = MapSpot
9013 = MapSpotGravity
9024 = PatrolPoint
9025 = SecurityCamera
9026 = Spark
9027 = RedParticleFountain
9028 = GreenParticleFountain
9029 = BlueParticleFountain
9030 = YellowParticleFountain
9031 = PurpleParticleFountain
9032 = BlackParticleFountain
9033 = WhiteParticleFountain
9037 = BetaSkull
9038 = ColorSetter
9039 = FadeSetter
9040 = MapMarker
9041 = SectorFlagSetter
9043 = TeleportDest3
9044 = TeleportDest2
9045 = Waterzone
9046 = SecretTrigger
9047 = PatrolSpecial
9048 = SoundEnvironment
9070 = InterpolationPoint
9071 = PathFollower
9072 = MovingCamera
9073 = AimingCamera
9074 = ActorMover
9075 = InterpolationSpecial
9076 = HateTarget
9077 = UpperStackLookOnly
9078 = LowerStackLookOnly
9080 = SkyViewpoint
9081 = SkyPicker
9082 = SectorSilencer
9083 = SkyCamCompat
9200 = Decal
9982 = SecActEyesAboveC
9983 = SecActEyesBelowC
9988 = CustomSprite
9989 = SecActHitFakeFloor
9990 = InvisibleBridge
9991 = CustomBridge
9992 = SecActEyesSurface
9993 = SecActEyesDive
9994 = SecActUseWall
9995 = SecActUse
9996 = SecActHitCeil
9997 = SecActExit
9998 = SecActEnter
9999 = SecActHitFloor
14065 = AmbientSound
14066 = SoundSequence
14067 = AmbientSoundNoGravity
14165 = MusicChanger
32000 = DoomBuilderCamera
Intermission Inter_Titlescreen
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
include "mapinfo/common.txt"
include "mapinfo/doomitems.txt"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
5 = BlueCard
6 = YellowCard
7 = SpiderMastermind
8 = Backpack
9 = ShotgunGuy
10 = GibbedMarine
12 = GibbedMarineExtra
13 = RedCard
15 = DeadMarine
16 = Cyberdemon
17 = CellPack
18 = DeadZombieMan
19 = DeadShotgunGuy
20 = DeadDoomImp
21 = DeadDemon
22 = DeadCacodemon
23 = DeadLostSoul
24 = Gibs
25 = DeadStick
26 = LiveStick
27 = HeadOnAStick
28 = HeadsOnAStick
29 = HeadCandles
30 = TallGreenColumn
31 = ShortGreenColumn
32 = TallRedColumn
33 = ShortRedColumn
34 = Candlestick
35 = Candelabra
36 = HeartColumn
37 = SkullColumn
38 = RedSkull
39 = YellowSkull
40 = BlueSkull
41 = EvilEye
42 = FloatingSkull
43 = TorchTree
44 = BlueTorch
45 = GreenTorch
46 = RedTorch
47 = Stalagtite
48 = TechPillar
49 = BloodyTwitch
50 = Meat2
51 = Meat3
52 = Meat4
53 = Meat5
54 = BigTree
55 = ShortBlueTorch
56 = ShortGreenTorch
57 = ShortRedTorch
58 = Spectre
59 = NonsolidMeat2
60 = NonsolidMeat4
61 = NonsolidMeat3
62 = NonsolidMeat5
63 = NonsolidTwitch
64 = Archvile
65 = ChaingunGuy
66 = Revenant
67 = Fatso
68 = Arachnotron
69 = HellKnight
70 = BurningBarrel
71 = PainElemental
72 = CommanderKeen
73 = HangNoGuts
74 = HangBNoBrain
75 = HangTLookingDown
76 = HangTSkull
77 = HangTLookingUp
78 = HangTNoBrain
79 = ColonGibs
80 = SmallBloodPool
81 = BrainStem
82 = SuperShotgun
83 = Megasphere
84 = WolfensteinSS
85 = TechLamp
86 = TechLamp2
87 = BossTarget
88 = BossBrain
89 = BossEye
2001 = Shotgun
2002 = Chaingun
2003 = RocketLauncher
2004 = PlasmaRifle
2005 = Chainsaw
2006 = BFG9000
2007 = Clip
2008 = Shell
2010 = RocketAmmo
2011 = Stimpack
2012 = Medikit
2013 = Soulsphere
2014 = HealthBonus
2015 = ArmorBonus
2016 = EvilSceptre
2017 = UnholyBible
2018 = GreenArmor
2019 = BlueArmor
2022 = InvulnerabilitySphere
2023 = Berserk
2024 = BlurSphere
2025 = RadSuit
2026 = Allmap
2028 = Column
2035 = ExplosiveBarrel
2045 = Infrared
2046 = RocketBox
2047 = Cell
2048 = ClipBox
2049 = ShellBox
3001 = DoomImp
3002 = Demon
3003 = BaronOfHell
3004 = Zombieman
3005 = Cacodemon
3006 = LostSoul
5010 = Pistol
5050 = Stalagmite
9050 = StealthArachnotron
9051 = StealthArchvile
9052 = StealthBaron
9053 = StealthCacodemon
9054 = StealthChaingunGuy
9055 = StealthDemon
9056 = StealthHellKnight
9057 = StealthDoomImp
9058 = StealthFatso
9059 = StealthRevenant
9060 = StealthShotgunGuy
9061 = StealthZombieMan
9100 = ScriptedMarine
9101 = MarineFist
9102 = MarineBerserk
9103 = MarineChainsaw
9104 = MarinePistol
9105 = MarineShotgun
9106 = MarineSSG
9107 = MarineChaingun
9108 = MarineRocket
9109 = MarinePlasma
9110 = MarineRailgun
9111 = MarineBFG
@ -66,6 +66,102 @@ gameinfo
statscreen_enteringfont = "SmallFont"
5 = HereticImpLeader
6 = Ironlich
7 = Sorcerer1
8 = BagOfHolding
9 = Minotaur
10 = GoldWandAmmo
12 = GoldWandHefty
13 = MaceAmmo
15 = Wizard
16 = MaceHefty
17 = SkullHang70
18 = CrossbowAmmo
19 = CrossbowHefty
20 = SkullRodAmmo
21 = SkullRodHefty
22 = PhoenixRodAmmo
23 = PhoenixRodHefty
24 = SkullHang60
25 = SkullHang45
26 = SkullHang35
27 = SerpentTorch
28 = Chandelier
29 = SmallPillar
30 = ArtiEgg
31 = EnchantedShield
32 = ArtiSuperHealth
33 = ArtiTorch
34 = ArtiTimeBomb
35 = SuperMap
36 = ArtiTeleport
37 = StalagmiteSmall
38 = StalagmiteLarge
39 = StalactiteSmall
40 = StalactiteLarge
41 = SoundWaterfall
42 = SoundWind
43 = PodGenerator
44 = Barrel
45 = MummyLeader
46 = MummyLeaderGhost
47 = BrownPillar
48 = Moss1
49 = Moss2
50 = WallTorch
51 = HangingCorpse
52 = TeleGlitterGenerator2
53 = Blaster
54 = BlasterAmmo
55 = BlasterHefty
56 = BossSpot
64 = Knight
65 = KnightGhost
66 = HereticImp
68 = Mummy
69 = MummyGhost
70 = Beast
73 = KeyGreen
74 = TeleGlitterGenerator1
75 = ArtiInvisibility
76 = FireBrazier
79 = KeyBlue
80 = KeyYellow
81 = CrystalVial
82 = ArtiHealth
83 = ArtiFly
84 = ArtiInvulnerability
85 = SilverShield
86 = ArtiTomeOfPower
87 = Volcano
90 = Clink
92 = Snake
94 = KeyGizmoBlue
95 = KeyGizmoGreen
96 = KeyGizmoYellow
118 = Bridge
1200 = HereticSoundSequence1
1201 = HereticSoundSequence2
1202 = HereticSoundSequence3
1203 = HereticSoundSequence4
1204 = HereticSoundSequence5
1205 = HereticSoundSequence6
1206 = HereticSoundSequence7
1207 = HereticSoundSequence8
1208 = HereticSoundSequence9
1209 = HereticSoundSequence10
2001 = Crossbow
2002 = MaceSpawner
2003 = PhoenixRod
2004 = SkullRod
2005 = Gauntlets
2035 = Pod
9042 = GoldWand
skill baby
@ -64,6 +64,235 @@ gameinfo
statscreen_enteringfont = "SmallFont"
5 ZWingedStatue
6 ZRock1
7 ZRock2
9 ZRock3
10 CWeapStaff
12 FWeaponPiece1
13 FWeaponPiece2
15 ZRock4
16 FWeaponPiece3
17 ZChandelier
18 CWeaponPiece1
19 CWeaponPiece2
20 CWeaponPiece3
21 MWeaponPiece1
22 MWeaponPiece2
23 MWeaponPiece3
24 ZTreeDead
25 ZTree
26 ZTreeSwamp150
27 ZTreeSwamp120
28 ZStumpBurned
29 ZStumpBare
30 ArtiPork
31 Demon1
32 ArtiSuperHealth
33 ArtiTorch
34 Wraith
36 ArtiTeleport
37 ZStumpSwamp1
38 ZStumpSwamp2
39 ZShroomLarge1
40 ZShroomLarge2
41 ZShroomLarge3
42 ZShroomSmall1
44 ZShroomSmall2
45 ZShroomSmall3
46 ZShroomSmall4
47 ZShroomSmall5
48 ZStalagmitePillar
49 ZStalagmiteLarge
50 ZStalagmiteMedium
51 ZStalagmiteSmall
52 ZStalactiteLarge
53 MWeapFrost
54 ZWallTorch
55 ZWallTorchUnlit
56 ZStalactiteMedium
57 ZStalactiteSmall
58 ZMossCeiling1
59 ZMossCeiling2
60 ZSwampVine
61 ZCorpseKabob
62 ZCorpseSleeping
63 ZTombstoneRIP
64 ZTombstoneShane
65 ZTombstoneBigCross
66 ZTombstoneBrianR
67 ZTombstoneCrossCircle
68 ZTombstoneSmallCross
69 ZTombstoneBrianP
71 ZCorpseHanging
72 ZStatueGargoyleGreenTall
73 ZStatueGargoyleBlueTall
74 ZStatueGargoyleGreenShort
76 ZStatueGargoyleBlueShort
77 ZBannerTattered
78 ZTreeLarge1
79 ZTreeLarge2
80 ZTreeGnarled1
81 CrystalVial
82 ArtiHealth
83 ArtiFly
84 ArtiInvulnerability2
86 ArtiDarkServant
87 ZTreeGnarled2
88 ZLog
89 ZStalactiteIceLarge
90 ZStalactiteIceMedium
91 ZStalactiteIceSmall
92 ZStalactiteIceTiny
93 ZStalagmiteIceLarge
94 ZStalagmiteIceMedium
95 ZStalagmiteIceSmall
96 ZStalagmiteIceTiny
97 ZRockBrown1
98 ZRockBrown2
99 ZRockBlack
100 ZRubble1
101 ZRubble2
102 ZRubble3
103 ZVasePillar
104 Pottery1
105 Pottery2
106 Pottery3
107 Centaur
108 ZCorpseLynched
109 ZCorpseLynchedNoHeart
110 ZCorpseSitting
111 BloodPool
112 LittleFly
113 LeafSpawner
114 Bishop
115 CentaurLeader
116 ZTwinedTorch
117 ZTwinedTorchUnlit
118 Bridge
119 ZCandle
120 SerpentLeader
121 Serpent
122 Mana1
123 FWeapHammer
124 Mana2
140 TeleSmoke
254 Dragon
1410 SoundWindHexen
8000 ArtiPoisonBag
8002 ArtiSpeedBoots
8003 ArtiBoostMana
8004 Mana3
8005 MeshArmor
8006 FalconShield
8007 PlatinumHelm
8008 AmuletOfWarding
8009 CWeapFlame
8010 FWeapAxe
8020 IceGuy
8030 KeySteel
8031 KeyCave
8032 KeyAxe
8033 KeyFire
8034 KeyEmerald
8035 KeyDungeon
8036 KeySilver
8037 KeyRusted
8038 KeyHorn
8039 KeySwamp
8040 MWeapLightning
8041 ArtiBoostArmor
8042 ZFireBull
8043 ZFireBullUnlit
8044 ZStatueGargoyleStripeTall
8045 ZStatueGargoyleDarkRedTall
8046 ZStatueGargoyleRedTall
8047 ZStatueGargoyleTanTall
8048 ZStatueGargoyleRustTall
8049 ZStatueGargoyleDarkRedShort
8050 ZStatueGargoyleRedShort
8051 ZStatueGargoyleTanShort
8052 ZStatueGargoyleRustShort
8060 FireThing
8061 BrassTorch
8062 TreeDestructible
8063 ZChandelierUnlit
8064 ZSuitOfArmor
8065 ZBell
8066 ZBlueCandle
8067 ZIronMaiden
8068 ZXmasTree
8069 ZCauldron
8070 ZCauldronUnlit
8071 ZChainBit32
8072 ZChainBit64
8073 ZChainEndHeart
8074 ZChainEndHook1
8075 ZChainEndHook2
8076 ZChainEndSpike
8077 ZChainEndSkull
8080 Demon2
8100 ZBarrel
8101 ZShrub1
8102 ZShrub2
8103 ZBucket
8104 ZPoisonShroom
8200 KeyCastle
8500 TableShit1
8501 TableShit2
8502 TableShit3
8503 TableShit4
8504 TableShit5
8505 TableShit6
8506 TableShit7
8507 TableShit8
8508 TableShit9
8509 TableShit10
9002 PuzzSkull
9003 PuzzGemBig
9004 PuzzGemRed
9005 PuzzGemGreen1
9006 PuzzGemBlue1
9007 PuzzBook1
9008 PuzzBook2
9009 PuzzGemGreen2
9010 PuzzGemBlue2
9011 ZWingedStatueNoSkull
9012 ZGemPedestal
9014 PuzzFlameMask
9015 PuzzFWeapon
9016 PuzzCWeapon
9017 PuzzMWeapon
9018 PuzzGear1
9019 PuzzGear2
9020 PuzzGear3
9021 PuzzGear4
10000 FogSpawner
10001 FogPatchSmall
10002 FogPatchMedium
10003 FogPatchLarge
10011 WraithBuried
10030 Ettin
10040 ArtiTeleportOther
10060 FireDemon
10080 Heresiarch
10090 ThrustFloorDown
10091 ThrustFloorUp
10100 FighterBoss
10101 ClericBoss
10102 MageBoss
10110 ArtiBlastRadius
10120 ArtiHealingRadius
10200 Korax
10225 BatSpawner
10500 FlameSmallTemp
10501 FlameSmall
10502 FlameLargeTemp
10503 FlameLarge
skill baby
@ -66,6 +66,247 @@ gameinfo
statscreen_enteringfont = "BigFont", "white"
9 Rebel1
10 TeleporterBeacon
12 Loremaster
13 IDCard
15 DeadStrifePlayer
16 Inquisitor
17 EnergyPack
18 DeadPeasant
19 DeadRebel
20 DeadReaver
21 DeadAcolyte
22 DeadCrusader
23 TeleportSwirl
24 KlaxonWarningLight
25 ForceFieldGuard
26 EntityNest
27 CeilingTurret
28 CageLight
29 Rubble1
30 Rubble2
31 Rubble3
32 Rubble4
33 TreeStub
34 Candle
35 StrifeCandelabra
36 Rubble5
37 Rubble6
38 SilverKey
39 BrassKey
40 GoldKey
41 Rubble7
42 Rubble8
43 OutsideLamp
44 StatueRuined
45 Piston
46 PoleLantern
47 LargeTorch
48 PillarTechno
50 HugeTorch
51 PalmTree
52 OfficersUniform
53 WaterDrip
54 PillarAztec
55 PillarAztecDamaged
56 PillarAztecRuined
57 PillarHugeTech
58 AcolyteShadow
59 DegninOre
60 ShortBush
61 OracleKey
62 TallBush
63 ChimneyStack
64 Macil1
65 Peasant4
66 Peasant7
67 Peasant10
68 Tray
69 BarricadeColumn
70 StrifeBurningBarrel
71 Programmer
72 BarKeep
73 Armorer
74 Medic
75 AlienSpectre2
76 AlienSpectre3
77 Sigil1
78 Sigil2
79 Sigil3
80 Sigil4
81 Sigil5
82 WoodenBarrel
83 SurgeryKit
85 RatBuddy
86 OrderKey
90 GuardUniform
91 SeveredHand
92 PowerCrystal
93 Coin
94 ExplosiveBarrel2
95 LightSilverFluorescent
96 LightBrownFluorescent
97 LightGoldFluorescent
98 SStalactiteBig
99 SRock1
100 SRock2
101 SRock3
102 SRock4
103 WaterDropOnFloor
104 WaterfallSplash
105 BurningBowl
106 BurningBrazier
107 SmallTorchLit
108 SmallTorchUnlit
109 CeilingChain
110 Statue
111 MediumTorch
112 WaterFountain
113 HeartsInTank
114 ElectricBolts
115 PoisonBolts
116 WeaponSmith
117 SurgeryCrab
128 EntityBoss
129 AlienSpectre1
130 Peasant2
131 Peasant3
132 Peasant5
133 Peasant6
134 Peasant8
135 Peasant9
136 Peasant11
137 Peasant12
138 Gold10
139 Gold25
140 Gold50
141 Beggar1
142 AcolyteRed
143 AcolyteRust
144 Rebel2
145 Rebel3
146 AcolyteGray
147 AcolyteDGreen
148 AcolyteGold
149 Rebel4
150 Rebel5
151 Rebel6
152 HEGrenadeRounds
153 PhosphorusGrenadeRounds
154 StrifeGrenadeLauncher
155 Beggar2
156 Beggar3
157 Beggar4
158 Beggar5
159 CavePillarTop
160 SStalagmiteBig
161 SStalactiteSmall
162 CavePillarBottom
163 SStalagmiteSmall
164 Mug
165 Pot
166 WarehouseKey
167 AlienSpectre4
168 AlienSpectre5
169 Zombie
170 ZombieSpawner
172 Peasant13
173 Peasant14
174 Peasant15
175 Peasant16
176 Peasant17
177 Peasant18
178 Peasant19
179 Peasant20
180 Peasant21
181 Peasant22
182 Computer
183 AmmoSatchel
184 IDBadge
185 Passcard
186 Stalker
187 StrifeBishop
188 Pitcher
189 Stool
190 MetalPot
191 Tub
192 RedCrystalKey
193 BlueCrystalKey
194 Anvil
195 ChapelKey
196 TechLampSilver
197 TechLampBrass
198 EntityPod
199 Oracle
200 Macil2
201 AcolyteToBe
202 BigTree2
203 PottedTree
204 KneelingGuy
205 OfferingChalice
206 Communicator
207 Targeter
208 TargetPractice
209 Tank1
210 Tank2
211 Tank3
212 SacrificedGuy
213 Tank4
214 Tank5
215 StickInWater
216 SigilBanner
217 RebelBoots
218 RebelHelmet
219 RebelShirt
220 PowerCoupling
221 AlienBubbleColumn
222 AlienFloorBubble
223 AlienCeilingBubble
224 AlienAspClimber
225 AlienSpiderLight
226 BrokenPowerCoupling
227 PillarAlienPower
228 AmmoFiller
229 Tank6
230 BaseKey
231 AcolyteBlue
232 AcolyteLGreen
233 MaulerKey
234 FactoryKey
235 MineKey
236 CoreKey
2001 StrifeCrossbow
2002 AssaultGun
2003 MiniMissileLauncher
2004 Mauler
2005 FlameThrower
2006 AssaultGunStanding
2007 ClipOfBullets
2010 MiniMissiles
2011 MedPatch
2012 MedicalKit
2014 WaterBottle
2018 LeatherArmor
2019 MetalArmor
2024 ShadowArmor
2025 EnvironmentalSuit
2026 StrifeMap
2027 Scanner
2028 LightGlobe
2046 CrateOfMissiles
2047 EnergyPod
2048 BoxOfBullets
3001 Reaver
3002 AcolyteTan
3003 Templar
3004 Peasant1
3005 Crusader
3006 Sentinel
Intermission Inter_Strife_Good
Reference in a new issue