mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 01:41:27 +00:00
- ported the Hexen status bar to zscript.
Note that DrawBar with a background texture does not work yet because the clipping rectangle is not done yet.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 430 additions and 12 deletions
@ -734,6 +734,8 @@ static int grid = 0;
bool automapactive = false;
// location of window on screen
static int f_x;
static int f_y;
@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ public:
void DrawGraphic(FTextureID texture, double x, double y, int flags, double Alpha, double boxwidth, double boxheight, double scaleX, double scaleY);
void DrawString(FFont *font, const FString &cstring, double x, double y, int flags, double Alpha, int translation, int spacing, bool monospaced, int shadowX, int shadowY);
void Fill(PalEntry color, double x, double y, double w, double h, int flags = 0);
void BeginStatusBar(int resW, int resH, int relTop, bool completeborder = false, bool forceScaled = false);
void BeginHUD(int resW, int resH, double Alpha, bool forceScaled = false);
@ -1935,6 +1935,86 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DBaseStatusBar, DrawString)
// draw stuff
void DBaseStatusBar::Fill(PalEntry color, double x, double y, double w, double h, int flags)
// resolve auto-alignment before making any adjustments to the position values.
if (!(flags & DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN))
if (x < 0) flags |= DI_SCREEN_RIGHT;
else flags |= DI_SCREEN_LEFT;
if (y < 0) flags |= DI_SCREEN_BOTTOM;
else flags |= DI_SCREEN_TOP;
double Alpha = color.a * this->Alpha / 255;
if (Alpha <= 0) return;
x += drawOffset.X;
y += drawOffset.Y;
if (!fullscreenOffsets)
x += ST_X;
//y += ST_Y;
// Todo: Allow other scaling values, too.
if (Scaled)
screen->VirtualToRealCoords(x, y, w, h, HorizontalResolution, VerticalResolution, true, true);
double orgx, orgy;
switch (flags & DI_SCREEN_HMASK)
default: orgx = 0; break;
case DI_SCREEN_HCENTER: orgx = screen->GetWidth() / 2; break;
case DI_SCREEN_RIGHT: orgx = screen->GetWidth(); break;
switch (flags & DI_SCREEN_VMASK)
default: orgy = 0; break;
case DI_SCREEN_VCENTER: orgy = screen->GetHeight() / 2; break;
case DI_SCREEN_BOTTOM: orgy = screen->GetHeight(); break;
// move stuff in the top right corner a bit down if the fps counter is on.
if ((flags & (DI_SCREEN_HMASK | DI_SCREEN_VMASK)) == DI_SCREEN_RIGHT_TOP && vid_fps) y += 10;
DVector2 Scale = GetHUDScale();
x *= Scale.X;
y *= Scale.Y;
w *= Scale.X;
h *= Scale.Y;
x += orgx;
y += orgy;
screen->Dim(color, float(Alpha), int(x), int(y), int(w), int(h));
self->Fill(color, x, y, w, h);
return 0;
// CCMD showpop
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ gameinfo
defaultbloodcolor = "68 00 00"
defaultbloodparticlecolor = "ff 00 00"
backpacktype = "BagOfHolding" // Hexen doesn't have a backpack so use Heretic's.
statusbar = "sbarinfo/hexen.txt"
//statusbar = "sbarinfo/hexen.txt"
statusbarclass = "HexenStatusBar"
intermissionmusic = "hub"
intermissioncounter = false
weaponslot = 1, "FWeapFist", "CWeapMace", "MWeapWand"
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ version "2.5"
#include "zscript/statusbar/statusbar.txt"
#include "zscript/statusbar/doom_sbar.txt"
#include "zscript/statusbar/heretic_sbar.txt"
#include "zscript/statusbar/hexen_sbar.txt"
#include "zscript/statusbar/strife_sbar.txt"
#include "zscript/statusbar/sbarinfowrapper.txt"
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ struct _ native // These are the global variables, the struct is only here to av
native play @PlayerInfo players[MAXPLAYERS];
native readonly bool playeringame[MAXPLAYERS];
native readonly bool automapactive;
native play uint gameaction;
native readonly int gamestate;
native readonly TextureID skyflatnum;
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class DoomStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
DrawTexture(GetMugShot(5), (143, 168), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (CPlayer.inventorytics != 0 && !level.NoInventoryBar)
if (isInventoryBarVisible())
DrawInventoryBar(diparms, (48, 169), 7, DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class DoomStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(ammotype2.Amount, 3), (-30, invY), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
invY -= 20;
if (CPlayer.inventorytics == 0 && CPlayer.mo.InvSel != null && !level.NoInventoryBar)
if (!isInventoryBarVisible() && !level.NoInventoryBar)
DrawInventoryIcon(CPlayer.mo.InvSel, (-14, invY + 17));
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.mo.InvSel.Amount, 3), (-30, invY), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ class DoomStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
if (CPlayer.inventorytics != 0 && !level.NoInventoryBar)
if (isInventoryBarVisible())
DrawInventoryBar(diparms, (0, 0), 7, DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM, HX_SHADOW);
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class HereticStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
override void Init()
SetSize(48, 320, 200);
SetSize(42, 320, 200);
// Create the font used for the fullscreen HUD
Font fnt = "HUDFONT_RAVEN";
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class HereticStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
DrawShader(SHADER_HORZ, (19, 190), (16, 10));
DrawShader(SHADER_HORZ|SHADER_REVERSE, (278, 190), (16, 10));
if (CPlayer.inventorytics == 0 || level.NoInventoryBar)
if (!isInventoryBarVisible())
if (!deathmatch)
@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ class HereticStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
protected void DrawFullScreenStuff ()
DrawImage("PTN1A0", (51, -3));
DrawString(mBigFont, FormatNumber(mHealthInterpolator.GetValue()), (41, -21), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ class HereticStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
y -= 40;
if (CPlayer.inventorytics == 0 && CPlayer.mo.InvSel != null && !level.NoInventoryBar)
if (!isInventoryBarVisible() && !level.NoInventoryBar)
// This code was changed to always fit the item into the box, regardless of alignment or sprite size.
// Heretic's ARTIBOX is 30x30 pixels.
@ -201,7 +200,7 @@ class HereticStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
DrawString(mIndexFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.mo.InvSel.Amount, 3), (-32, -2 - mIndexFont.mFont.GetHeight()), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
if (CPlayer.inventorytics != 0 && !level.NoInventoryBar)
if (isInventoryBarVisible())
DrawInventoryBar(diparms, (0, 0), 7, DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM, HX_SHADOW);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
class HexenStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
DynamicValueInterpolator mHealthInterpolator;
DynamicValueInterpolator mHealthInterpolator2;
HUDFont mHUDFont;
HUDFont mIndexFont;
HUDFont mBigFont;
InventoryBarState diparms;
InventoryBarState diparms_sbar;
override void Init()
SetSize(38, 320, 200);
// Create the font used for the fullscreen HUD
Font fnt = "HUDFONT_RAVEN";
mHUDFont = HUDFont.Create(fnt, fnt.GetCharWidth("0") + 1, true, 1, 1);
mIndexFont = HUDFont.Create(fnt, fnt.GetCharWidth("0"), true);
fnt = "BIGFONT";
mBigFont = HUDFont.Create(fnt, fnt.GetCharWidth("0"), true, 2, 2);
diparms = InventoryBarState.Create(mIndexFont);
diparms_sbar = InventoryBarState.CreateNoBox(mIndexFont, boxsize:(31, 31), arrowoffs:(0,-10));
mHealthInterpolator = DynamicValueInterpolator.Create(0, 0.25, 1, 8);
mHealthInterpolator2 = DynamicValueInterpolator.Create(0, 0.25, 1, 6); // the chain uses a maximum of 6, not 8.
override void NewGame ()
mHealthInterpolator.Reset (0);
mHealthInterpolator2.Reset (0);
override void Tick()
override void Draw (int state, double TicFrac)
Super.Draw (state, TicFrac);
if (state == HUD_StatusBar)
BeginStatusBar(320, 200, 38);
DrawMainBar (TicFrac);
else if (state == HUD_Fullscreen)
BeginHUD(320, 200, 1., false);
DrawFullScreenStuff ();
protected void DrawFullScreenStuff ()
DrawImage("PTN1A0", (51, -3));
DrawString(mBigFont, FormatNumber(mHealthInterpolator.GetValue()), (41, -21), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
if (deathmatch)
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.FragCount, 3), (70, -16));
if (!isInventoryBarVisible() && !level.NoInventoryBar)
// This code was changed to always fit the item into the box, regardless of alignment or sprite size.
// Heretic's ARTIBOX is 30x30 pixels.
DrawImage("ARTIBOX", (-66, -1), 0, HX_SHADOW);
DrawInventoryIcon(CPlayer.mo.InvSel, (-66, -15), DI_ARTIFLASH|DI_ITEM_CENTER, boxsize:(28, 28));
if (CPlayer.mo.InvSel.Amount > 1)
DrawString(mIndexFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.mo.InvSel.Amount, 3), (-52, -2 - mIndexFont.mFont.GetHeight()), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
Ammo ammo1, ammo2;
[ammo1, ammo2] = GetCurrentAmmo();
if ((ammo1 is "Mana1") || (ammo2 is "Mana1")) DrawImage("MANABRT1", (-17, -30), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
else DrawImage("MANADIM1", (-17, -30), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if ((ammo1 is "Mana2") || (ammo2 is "Mana2")) DrawImage("MANABRT2", (-17, -15), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
else DrawImage("MANADIM2", (-17, -15), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(GetAmount("Mana1"), 3), (-21, -30), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(GetAmount("Mana2"), 3), (-21, -15), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
if (isInventoryBarVisible())
DrawInventoryBar(diparms, (0, 0), 7, DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM, HX_SHADOW);
protected void DrawMainBar (double TicFrac)
DrawImage("H2BAR", (0, 134), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (!automapactive)
if (isInventoryBarVisible())
DrawImage("INVBAR", (38, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawInventoryBar(diparms_sbar, (52, 163), 7, DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, HX_SHADOW);
DrawImage("STATBAR", (38, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
//inventory box
if (CPlayer.mo.InvSel != null)
DrawInventoryIcon(CPlayer.mo.InvSel, (159.5, 177), DI_ARTIFLASH|DI_ITEM_CENTER, boxsize:(28, 28));
if (CPlayer.mo.InvSel.Amount > 1)
DrawString(mIndexFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.mo.InvSel.Amount, 3), (174, 184), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
if (deathmatch || teamplay)
DrawImage("KILLS", (38, 163), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.FragCount, 3), (66, 176), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
DrawImage("ARMCLS", (41, 178), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
// Note that this has been changed to use red only if the REAL health is below 25, not when an interpolated value is below 25!
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(mHealthInterpolator.GetValue(), 3), (66, 176), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, CPlayer.Health < 25? Font.CR_RED : Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED);
DrawImage("ARMCLS", (255, 178), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(GetArmorSavePercent() / 5, 2), (276, 176), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
Ammo ammo1, ammo2;
[ammo1, ammo2] = GetCurrentAmmo();
if (ammo1 != null && !(ammo1 is "Mana1") && !(ammo1 is "Mana2"))
DrawImage("HAMOBACK", (77, 164), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (ammo2 != null)
DrawTexture(ammo1.icon, (89, 172), DI_ITEM_CENTER);
DrawTexture(ammo2.icon, (113, 172), DI_ITEM_CENTER);
DrawString(mIndexFont, FormatNumber(ammo1.amount, 3), ( 98, 182), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
DrawString(mIndexFont, FormatNumber(ammo2.amount, 3), (122, 182), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
DrawTexture(ammo1.icon, (100, 172), DI_ITEM_CENTER);
DrawString(mIndexFont, FormatNumber(ammo1.amount, 3), (109, 182), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
int amt1, maxamt1, amt2, maxamt2;
[amt1, maxamt1] = GetAmount("Mana1");
[amt2, maxamt2] = GetAmount("Mana2");
if ((ammo1 is "Mana1") || (ammo2 is "Mana1"))
DrawImage("MANABRT1", (77, 164), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawBar("MANAVL1", "", amt1, maxamt1, (94, 164), 1, SHADER_VERT, DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawImage("MANADIM1", (77, 164), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawBar("MANAVL1D", "", amt1, maxamt1, (94, 164), 1, SHADER_VERT, DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if ((ammo1 is "Mana2") || (ammo2 is "Mana2"))
DrawImage("MANABRT2", (110, 164), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawBar("MANAVL2", "", amt2, maxamt2, (102, 164), 1, SHADER_VERT, DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawImage("MANADIM2", (110, 164), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawBar("MANAVL2D", "", amt2, maxamt2, (102, 164), 1, SHADER_VERT, DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawString(mIndexFont, FormatNumber(amt1, 3), ( 92, 181), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
DrawString(mIndexFont, FormatNumber(amt2, 3), (124, 181), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
if (CPlayer.mo is "ClericPlayer")
DrawImage("WPSLOT1", (190, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (CheckInventory("CWeapWraithverge")) DrawImage("WPFULL1", (190, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
int pieces = GetWeaponPieceMask("CWeapWraithverge");
if (pieces & 1) DrawImage("WPIECEC1", (190, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (pieces & 2) DrawImage("WPIECEC2", (212, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (pieces & 4) DrawImage("WPIECEC3", (225, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
else if (CPlayer.mo is "MagePlayer")
DrawImage("WPSLOT2", (190, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (CheckInventory("MWeapBloodscourge")) DrawImage("WPFULL2", (190, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
int pieces = GetWeaponPieceMask("MWeapBloodscourge");
if (pieces & 1) DrawImage("WPIECEM1", (190, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (pieces & 2) DrawImage("WPIECEM2", (205, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (pieces & 4) DrawImage("WPIECEM3", (224, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawImage("WPSLOT0", (190, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (CheckInventory("FWeapQuietus")) DrawImage("WPFULL0", (190, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
int pieces = GetWeaponPieceMask("FWeapQuietus");
if (pieces & 1) DrawImage("WPIECEF1", (190, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (pieces & 2) DrawImage("WPIECEF2", (225, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (pieces & 4) DrawImage("WPIECEF3", (234, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
else // automap
DrawImage("H2BAR", (0, 134), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawImage("KEYBAR", (38, 162), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
int cnt = 0;
Vector2 keypos = (46, 164);
for(let i = CPlayer.mo.Inv; i != null; i = i.Inv)
if (i is "Key" && i.Icon.IsValid())
DrawTexture(i.Icon, keypos, DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
keypos.X += 20;
if (++cnt >= 5) break;
String Gem;
if (CPlayer.mo is "ClericPlayer") Gem = "LIFEGMC2";
else if (CPlayer.mo is "MagePlayer") Gem = "LIFEGMM2";
else Gem = "LIFEGMF2";
int inthealth = mHealthInterpolator2.GetValue();
DrawGem("CHAIN", "LIFEGMF2", inthealth, CPlayer.mo.GetMaxHealth(true), (30, 193), -23, 49, 15, (multiplayer? DI_TRANSLATABLE : 0) | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
DrawImage("LFEDGE", (0, 193), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawImage("RTEDGE", (277, 193), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class InventoryBarState ui
TextureID selector;
Vector2 boxsize;
Vector2 boxofs;
Vector2 selectofs;
Vector2 innersize;
TextureID left;
@ -52,6 +53,11 @@ class InventoryBarState ui
me.innersize = innersize;
me.boxofs = (me.boxsize - me.innersize) / 2;
if (me.selector.IsValid())
Vector2 sel = TexMan.GetScaledSize(me.selector);
me.selectofs = (me.boxsize - sel) / 2;
me.left = TexMan.CheckForTexture(leftgfx, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch);
me.right = TexMan.CheckForTexture(rightgfx, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch);
me.arrowoffset = arrowoffs;
@ -316,6 +322,7 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
native void DrawTexture(TextureID texture, Vector2 pos, int flags = 0, double Alpha = 1., Vector2 box = (-1, -1), Vector2 scale = (1, 1));
native void DrawImage(String texture, Vector2 pos, int flags = 0, double Alpha = 1., Vector2 box = (-1, -1), Vector2 scale = (1, 1));
native void DrawString(HUDFont font, String string, Vector2 pos, int flags = 0, int translation = Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, double Alpha = 1., int wrapwidth = -1, int linespacing = 4);
native void Fill(Color col, double x, double y, double w, double h, int flags = 0);
native static String FormatNumber(int number, int minsize = 0, int maxsize = 0, int format = 0, String prefix = "");
@ -513,7 +520,7 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
bool isInventoryBarVisible()
if (CPlayer == null) return false;
return (CPlayer.inventorytics <= 0 || level.NoInventoryBar);
return (CPlayer.inventorytics > 0 && !level.NoInventoryBar);
@ -563,7 +570,7 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
bool CheckWeaponPiece(class<Weapon> weap, int piecenum)
int CheckWeaponPiece(class<Weapon> weap, int piecenum)
if (CPlayer == null) return false;
for(let inv = CPlayer.mo.Inv; inv != NULL; inv = inv.Inv)
@ -583,6 +590,26 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
int GetWeaponPieceMask(class<Weapon> weap)
if (CPlayer == null) return false;
for(let inv = CPlayer.mo.Inv; inv != NULL; inv = inv.Inv)
let wh = WeaponHolder(inv);
if (wh != null && wh.PieceWeapon == weap)
return wh.PieceMask;
return 0;
// checks if player has the given weapon piece
bool WeaponUsesAmmoType(class<Ammo> ammotype)
if (CPlayer == null) return false;
@ -794,6 +821,54 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
DrawImage(gem, pos + (offset + leftPadding, 0), flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
// DrawBar
void DrawBar(String ongfx, String offgfx, double curval, double maxval, Vector2 position, int border, int vertical, int flags = 0, double alpha = 1.)
let ontex = TexMan.CheckForTexture(ongfx, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch);
if (!ontex.IsValid()) return;
let offtex = TexMan.CheckForTexture(offgfx, TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch);
Vector2 texsize = TexMan.GetScaledSize(ontex);
[position, flags] = AdjustPosition(position, flags, texsize.X, texsize.Y);
double value = clamp(curval / maxval, 0, 1);
if(border != 0) value = 1. - value; //invert since the new drawing method requires drawing the bg on the fg.
// {cx, cb, cr, cy}
double Clip[4];
Clip[0] = Clip[1] = Clip[2] = Clip[3] = 0;
bool horizontal = !(vertical & SHADER_VERT);
bool reverse = !!(vertical & SHADER_REVERSE);
double sizeOfImage = (horizontal ? texsize.X - border*2 : texsize.Y - border*2);
Clip[(!horizontal) | ((!reverse)<<1)] = sizeOfImage - sizeOfImage *value;
if(border != 0)
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) Clip[i] += border;
//Draw the whole foreground
DrawTexture(ontex, position, flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
// SetClip
if (offtex.IsValid() && TexMan.GetScaledSize(offtex) == texsize) DrawTexture(offtex, position, flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
else Fill(color(255,0,0,0), position.X + Clip[0], position.Y + Clip[1], texsize.X - Clip[0] - Clip[2], texsize.Y - Clip[1] - Clip[3]);
if (border == 0)
// SetClip
DrawTexture(ontex, position, flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
// UnsetClip
// DrawInventoryBar
@ -837,7 +912,7 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
double flashAlpha = bgalpha;
if (flags & DI_ARTIFLASH) flashAlpha *= itemflashFade;
DrawTexture(parms.selector, position + (boxsize.X * i, 0), flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, flashAlpha);
DrawTexture(parms.selector, position + parms.selectofs + (boxsize.X * i, 0), flags | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, flashAlpha);
Reference in a new issue