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synced 2025-03-22 02:41:57 +00:00
Remove some multiplications and branching from the triangle drawer
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 90 additions and 61 deletions
@ -134,12 +134,20 @@ void DrawTriangleCodegen::Setup()
v3.y = SSAFloat(Y3) * 0.0625f;
gradWX = gradx(v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y, v3.x, v3.y, v1.w, v2.w, v3.w);
gradWY = grady(v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y, v3.x, v3.y, v1.w, v2.w, v3.w);
startW = v1.w + gradWX * (SSAFloat(minx) - v1.x) + gradWY * (SSAFloat(miny) - v1.y);
stack_posy_w.store(v1.w + gradWX * (SSAFloat(minx) - v1.x) + gradWY * (SSAFloat(miny) - v1.y));
for (int i = 0; i < TriVertex::NumVarying; i++)
gradVaryingX[i] = gradx(v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y, v3.x, v3.y, v1.varying[i] * v1.w, v2.varying[i] * v2.w, v3.varying[i] * v3.w);
gradVaryingY[i] = grady(v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y, v3.x, v3.y, v1.varying[i] * v1.w, v2.varying[i] * v2.w, v3.varying[i] * v3.w);
startVarying[i] = v1.varying[i] * v1.w + gradVaryingX[i] * (SSAFloat(minx) - v1.x) + gradVaryingY[i] * (SSAFloat(miny) - v1.y);
stack_posy_varying[i].store(v1.varying[i] * v1.w + gradVaryingX[i] * (SSAFloat(minx) - v1.x) + gradVaryingY[i] * (SSAFloat(miny) - v1.y));
gradWX = gradWX * (float)q;
gradWY = gradWY * (float)q;
for (int i = 0; i < TriVertex::NumVarying; i++)
gradVaryingX[i] = gradVaryingX[i] * (float)q;
gradVaryingY[i] = gradVaryingY[i] * (float)q;
@ -161,26 +169,32 @@ void DrawTriangleCodegen::LoopBlockY()
int pixelsize = truecolor ? 4 : 1;
SSAInt blocks_skipped = skipped_by_thread(miny / q, thread);
stack_y.store(miny + blocks_skipped * q);
stack_dest.store(dest[blocks_skipped * q * pitch * pixelsize]);
stack_subsectorGBuffer.store(subsectorGBuffer[blocks_skipped * q * pitch]);
stack_posy_w.store(stack_posy_w.load() + gradWY * blocks_skipped);
for (int i = 0; i < TriVertex::NumVarying; i++)
stack_posy_varying[i].store(stack_posy_varying[i].load() + gradVaryingY[i] * blocks_skipped);
SSAForBlock loop;
y = stack_y.load();
dest = stack_dest.load();
subsectorGBuffer = stack_subsectorGBuffer.load();
posy_w = stack_posy_w.load();
for (int i = 0; i < TriVertex::NumVarying; i++)
posy_varying[i] = stack_posy_varying[i].load();
loop.loop_block(y < maxy, 0);
SSAIfBlock branch;
branch.if_block((y / q) % thread.num_cores == thread.core);
stack_dest.store(dest[q * pitch * pixelsize]);
stack_subsectorGBuffer.store(subsectorGBuffer[q * pitch]);
stack_y.store(y + q);
stack_posy_w.store(posy_w + gradWY * thread.num_cores);
for (int i = 0; i < TriVertex::NumVarying; i++)
stack_posy_varying[i].store(posy_varying[i] + gradVaryingY[i] * thread.num_cores);
stack_dest.store(dest[q * pitch * pixelsize * thread.num_cores]);
stack_subsectorGBuffer.store(subsectorGBuffer[q * pitch * thread.num_cores]);
stack_y.store(y + thread.num_cores * q);
@ -188,9 +202,15 @@ void DrawTriangleCodegen::LoopBlockY()
void DrawTriangleCodegen::LoopBlockX()
for (int i = 0; i < TriVertex::NumVarying; i++)
SSAForBlock loop;
x = stack_x.load();
posx_w = stack_posx_w.load();
for (int i = 0; i < TriVertex::NumVarying; i++)
posx_varying[i] = stack_posx_varying[i].load();
loop.loop_block(x < maxx, 0);
// Corners of block
@ -226,51 +246,7 @@ void DrawTriangleCodegen::LoopBlockX()
// Check if block needs clipping
SSABool clipneeded = x < clipleft || (x + q) > clipright || y < cliptop || (y + q) > clipbottom;
// Calculate varying variables for affine block
SSAFloat offx0 = SSAFloat(x - minx);
SSAFloat offy0 = SSAFloat(y - miny);
SSAFloat offx1 = offx0 + SSAFloat(q);
SSAFloat offy1 = offy0 + SSAFloat(q);
SSAFloat rcpWTL = 1.0f / (startW + offx0 * gradWX + offy0 * gradWY);
SSAFloat rcpWTR = 1.0f / (startW + offx1 * gradWX + offy0 * gradWY);
SSAFloat rcpWBL = 1.0f / (startW + offx0 * gradWX + offy1 * gradWY);
SSAFloat rcpWBR = 1.0f / (startW + offx1 * gradWX + offy1 * gradWY);
for (int i = 0; i < TriVertex::NumVarying; i++)
SSAFloat varyingTL = (startVarying[i] + offx0 * gradVaryingX[i] + offy0 * gradVaryingY[i]) * rcpWTL;
SSAFloat varyingTR = (startVarying[i] + offx1 * gradVaryingX[i] + offy0 * gradVaryingY[i]) * rcpWTR;
SSAFloat varyingBL = (startVarying[i] + offx0 * gradVaryingX[i] + offy1 * gradVaryingY[i]) * rcpWBL;
SSAFloat varyingBR = (startVarying[i] + offx1 * gradVaryingX[i] + offy1 * gradVaryingY[i]) * rcpWBR;
SSAFloat startStepX = (varyingTR - varyingTL) * (1.0f / q);
SSAFloat endStepX = (varyingBR - varyingBL) * (1.0f / q);
SSAFloat incrStepX = (endStepX - startStepX) * (1.0f / q);
SSAFloat stepY = (varyingBL - varyingTL) * (1.0f / q);
varyingPos[i] = SSAInt(varyingTL * SSAFloat((float)0x01000000), false) << 8;
varyingStepY[i] = SSAInt(stepY * SSAFloat((float)0x01000000), false) << 8;
varyingStartStepX[i] = SSAInt(startStepX * SSAFloat((float)0x01000000), false) << 8;
varyingIncrStepX[i] = SSAInt(incrStepX * SSAFloat((float)0x01000000), false) << 8;
SSAFloat globVis = SSAFloat(1706.0f);
SSAFloat vis = globVis / rcpWTL;
SSAFloat shade = 64.0f - (SSAFloat(light * 255 / 256) + 12.0f) * 32.0f / 128.0f;
SSAFloat lightscale = SSAFloat::clamp((shade - SSAFloat::MIN(SSAFloat(24.0f), vis)) / 32.0f, SSAFloat(0.0f), SSAFloat(31.0f / 32.0f));
SSAInt diminishedlight = SSAInt(SSAFloat::clamp((1.0f - lightscale) * 256.0f + 0.5f, SSAFloat(0.0f), SSAFloat(256.0f)), false);
if (!truecolor)
SSAInt diminishedindex = SSAInt(lightscale * 32.0f, false);
SSAInt lightindex = SSAInt::MIN((256 - light) * 32 / 256, SSAInt(31));
SSAInt colormapindex = is_fixed_light.select(lightindex, diminishedindex);
currentcolormap = Colormaps[colormapindex << 8];
currentlight = is_fixed_light.select(light, diminishedlight);
SetStencilBlock(x / 8 + y / 8 * stencilPitch);
SSABool covered = a == SSAInt(0xF) && b == SSAInt(0xF) && c == SSAInt(0xF) && !clipneeded && StencilIsSingleValue();
@ -289,11 +265,55 @@ void DrawTriangleCodegen::LoopBlockX()
stack_posx_w.store(posx_w + gradWX);
for (int i = 0; i < TriVertex::NumVarying; i++)
stack_posx_varying[i].store(posx_varying[i] + gradVaryingX[i]);
stack_x.store(x + q);
void DrawTriangleCodegen::SetupAffineBlock()
// Calculate varying variables for affine block
SSAVec4f rcpW = SSAVec4f::rcp(SSAVec4f(posx_w, posx_w + gradWX, posx_w + gradWY, posx_w + gradWX + gradWY));
for (int i = 0; i < TriVertex::NumVarying; i++)
// Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right:
SSAVec4f varying = SSAVec4f(posx_varying[i], posx_varying[i] + gradVaryingX[i], posx_varying[i] + gradVaryingY[i], posx_varying[i] + gradVaryingX[i] + gradVaryingY[i]) * rcpW;
SSAFloat startStepX = (varying[1] - varying[0]) * (1.0f / q);
SSAFloat endStepX = (varying[3] - varying[2]) * (1.0f / q);
SSAFloat incrStepX = (endStepX - startStepX) * (1.0f / q);
SSAFloat stepY = (varying[2] - varying[0]) * (1.0f / q);
SSAVec4i ints = SSAVec4i(SSAVec4f(varying[0], stepY, startStepX, incrStepX) * (float)0x01000000) << 8;
varyingPos[i] = ints[0];
varyingStepY[i] = ints[1];
varyingStartStepX[i] = ints[2];
varyingIncrStepX[i] = ints[3];
SSAFloat globVis = SSAFloat(1706.0f);
SSAFloat vis = globVis / rcpW[0];
SSAFloat shade = 64.0f - (SSAFloat(light * 255 / 256) + 12.0f) * 32.0f / 128.0f;
SSAFloat lightscale = SSAFloat::clamp((shade - SSAFloat::MIN(SSAFloat(24.0f), vis)) / 32.0f, SSAFloat(0.0f), SSAFloat(31.0f / 32.0f));
SSAInt diminishedlight = SSAInt(SSAFloat::clamp((1.0f - lightscale) * 256.0f + 0.5f, SSAFloat(0.0f), SSAFloat(256.0f)), false);
if (!truecolor)
SSAInt diminishedindex = SSAInt(lightscale * 32.0f, false);
SSAInt lightindex = SSAInt::MIN((256 - light) * 32 / 256, SSAInt(31));
SSAInt colormapindex = is_fixed_light.select(lightindex, diminishedindex);
currentcolormap = Colormaps[colormapindex << 8];
currentlight = is_fixed_light.select(light, diminishedlight);
void DrawTriangleCodegen::LoopFullBlock()
SSAIfBlock branch_stenciltest;
@ -835,6 +855,8 @@ void DrawTriangleCodegen::LoadArgs(SSAValue args, SSAValue thread_data)
thread.core = thread_data[0][0].load(true);
thread.num_cores = thread_data[0][1].load(true);
thread.pass_start_y = SSAInt(0);
thread.pass_end_y = SSAInt(32000);
SSATriVertex DrawTriangleCodegen::LoadTriVertex(SSAValue ptr)
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ private:
void LoopBlockX();
void LoopFullBlock();
void LoopPartialBlock();
void SetupAffineBlock();
SSAVec4i ProcessPixel32(SSAVec4i bg, SSAInt *varying);
SSAInt ProcessPixel8(SSAInt bg, SSAInt *varying);
@ -85,6 +86,9 @@ private:
SSAStack<SSAInt> stack_CY1, stack_CY2, stack_CY3;
SSAStack<SSAInt> stack_CX1, stack_CX2, stack_CX3;
SSAStack<SSAFloat> stack_posy_w, stack_posy_varying[TriVertex::NumVarying];
SSAStack<SSAFloat> stack_posx_w, stack_posx_varying[TriVertex::NumVarying];
SSAUBytePtr dest;
SSAInt pitch;
SSATriVertex v1;
@ -131,8 +135,8 @@ private:
SSAInt FDY12, FDY23, FDY31;
SSAInt minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
SSAInt C1, C2, C3;
SSAFloat gradWX, gradWY, startW;
SSAFloat gradVaryingX[TriVertex::NumVarying], gradVaryingY[TriVertex::NumVarying], startVarying[TriVertex::NumVarying];
SSAFloat gradWX, gradWY;
SSAFloat gradVaryingX[TriVertex::NumVarying], gradVaryingY[TriVertex::NumVarying];
SSAInt x, y;
SSAInt x0, x1, y0, y1;
@ -143,6 +147,9 @@ private:
SSAInt varyingStartStepX[TriVertex::NumVarying];
SSAInt varyingIncrStepX[TriVertex::NumVarying];
SSAFloat posy_w, posy_varying[TriVertex::NumVarying];
SSAFloat posx_w, posx_varying[TriVertex::NumVarying];
SSAUBytePtr StencilBlock;
SSAIntPtr StencilBlockMask;
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