mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 02:41:57 +00:00
- implemented usage restrictions for action functions.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 189 additions and 58 deletions
@ -2489,7 +2489,7 @@ size_t PFunction::PropagateMark()
unsigned PFunction::AddVariant(PPrototype *proto, TArray<DWORD> &argflags, TArray<FName> &argnames, VMFunction *impl, int flags)
unsigned PFunction::AddVariant(PPrototype *proto, TArray<DWORD> &argflags, TArray<FName> &argnames, VMFunction *impl, int flags, int useflags)
Variant variant;
@ -2497,6 +2497,7 @@ unsigned PFunction::AddVariant(PPrototype *proto, TArray<DWORD> &argflags, TArra
assert(Variants.Size() == 0);
variant.Flags = flags;
variant.UseFlags = useflags;
variant.Proto = proto;
variant.ArgFlags = std::move(argflags);
variant.ArgNames = std::move(argnames);
@ -724,13 +724,14 @@ public:
VMFunction *Implementation;
TArray<DWORD> ArgFlags; // Should be the same length as Proto->ArgumentTypes
TArray<FName> ArgNames; // we need the names to access them later when the function gets compiled.
DWORD Flags;
uint32_t Flags;
int UseFlags;
PClass *SelfClass;
TArray<Variant> Variants;
PClass *OwningClass = nullptr;
unsigned AddVariant(PPrototype *proto, TArray<DWORD> &argflags, TArray<FName> &argnames, VMFunction *impl, int flags);
unsigned AddVariant(PPrototype *proto, TArray<DWORD> &argflags, TArray<FName> &argnames, VMFunction *impl, int flags, int useflags);
int GetImplicitArgs()
if (Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Action) return 3;
@ -5931,6 +5931,42 @@ ExpEmit FxArrayElement::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
return dest;
// Checks if a function may be called from the current context.
static bool CheckFunctionCompatiblity(FScriptPosition &ScriptPosition, PFunction *caller, PFunction *callee)
if (callee->Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Method)
// The called function must support all usage modes of the current function. It may support more, but must not support less.
if ((callee->Variants[0].UseFlags & caller->Variants[0].UseFlags) != caller->Variants[0].UseFlags)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Function %s incompatible with current context\n", callee->SymbolName.GetChars());
return false;
if (!(caller->Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Method))
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Call to non-static function %s from a static context", callee->SymbolName.GetChars());
return false;
auto callingself = caller->Variants[0].SelfClass;
auto calledself = callee->Variants[0].SelfClass;
if (!callingself->IsDescendantOf(calledself))
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Call to member function %s with incompatible self pointer.", callee->SymbolName.GetChars());
return false;
return true;
@ -6008,39 +6044,15 @@ FxExpression *FxFunctionCall::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
PFunction *afd = FindClassMemberFunction(ctx.Class, ctx.Class, MethodName, ScriptPosition, &error);
// Action functions in state providers need special treatment because self is of type Actor here.
if (afd != nullptr && ctx.Class->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AStateProvider)) && (ctx.Function->Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Action))
// Only accept static and action functions from the current class. Calling a member function will require explicit use of 'invoker'.
if ((afd->Variants[0].Flags & (VARF_Method|VARF_Action)) == VARF_Method)
// Everything else that may be used here must pass the selfclass check, i.e. it must be reachable from Actor.
// Note that FuncClass is still the current item because for symbol privacy checks this is relevant.
afd = FindClassMemberFunction(ctx.Function->Variants[0].SelfClass, ctx.Class, MethodName, ScriptPosition, &error);
if (afd == nullptr)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Unable to call non-action function %s from here. Please use 'invoker.%s' to call it.", MethodName.GetChars(), MethodName.GetChars());
delete this;
return nullptr;
if (error)
delete this;
return nullptr;
if (afd != nullptr)
if (ctx.Function->Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Static && !(afd->Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Static))
if (!CheckFunctionCompatiblity(ScriptPosition, ctx.Function, afd))
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Call to non-static function %s from a static context", MethodName.GetChars());
delete this;
return nullptr;
auto self = !(afd->Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Static)? new FxSelf(ScriptPosition) : nullptr;
auto self = (afd->Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Method)? new FxSelf(ScriptPosition) : nullptr;
auto x = new FxVMFunctionCall(self, afd, ArgList, ScriptPosition, false);
delete this;
return x->Resolve(ctx);
@ -6338,6 +6350,7 @@ isresolved:
delete this;
return nullptr;
if (staticonly && (afd->Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Method))
if (!ctx.Class->IsDescendantOf(cls))
@ -6355,6 +6368,28 @@ isresolved:
if (afd->Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Method)
if (Self->ExprType == EFX_Self)
if (!CheckFunctionCompatiblity(ScriptPosition, ctx.Function, afd))
delete this;
return nullptr;
// Functions with no Actor usage may not be called through a pointer because they will lose their context.
if (!(afd->Variants[0].UseFlags & SUF_ACTOR))
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Function %s cannot be used with a non-self object\n", afd->SymbolName.GetChars());
delete this;
return nullptr;
// do not pass the self pointer to static functions.
auto self = (afd->Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Method) ? Self : nullptr;
auto x = new FxVMFunctionCall(self, afd, ArgList, ScriptPosition, staticonly|novirtual);
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ PFunction *CreateAnonymousFunction(PClass *containingclass, PType *returntype, i
SetImplicitArgs(&args, &argflags, &argnames, containingclass, fflags, flags);
PFunction *sym = new PFunction(containingclass, NAME_None); // anonymous functions do not have names.
sym->AddVariant(NewPrototype(rets, args), argflags, argnames, nullptr, fflags);
sym->AddVariant(NewPrototype(rets, args), argflags, argnames, nullptr, fflags, flags);
return sym;
@ -820,6 +820,7 @@ static void PrintFuncDeclarator(FLispString &out, ZCC_TreeNode *node)
PrintNodes(out, dnode->UseFlags);
PrintNodes(out, dnode->Type);
PrintNodes(out, dnode->Params);
@ -827,6 +828,16 @@ static void PrintFuncDeclarator(FLispString &out, ZCC_TreeNode *node)
static void PrintDeclFlags(FLispString &out, ZCC_TreeNode *node)
auto dnode = (ZCC_DeclFlags *)node;
PrintNodes(out, dnode->Id);
static void PrintFlagStmt(FLispString &out, ZCC_TreeNode *node)
auto dnode = (ZCC_FlagStmt *)node;
@ -901,6 +912,7 @@ void (* const TreeNodePrinter[NUM_AST_NODE_TYPES])(FLispString &, ZCC_TreeNode *
FString ZCC_PrintAST(ZCC_TreeNode *root)
@ -814,20 +814,21 @@ declarator(X) ::= decl_flags(A) type_list_or_void(B) variables_or_function(C).
else if (C.FuncName != NAME_None)
{ // A function
NEW_AST_NODE(FuncDeclarator, decl, A.SourceLoc);
NEW_AST_NODE(FuncDeclarator, decl, A == nullptr? C.SourceLoc : A->SourceLoc);
decl->Type = B;
decl->Params = C.FuncParams;
decl->Name = C.FuncName;
decl->Flags = A.Int | C.FuncFlags;
decl->UseFlags = A == nullptr? nullptr : A->Id;
decl->Flags = (A == nullptr? 0 : A->Flags) | C.FuncFlags;
decl->Body = C.FuncBody;
X = decl;
else if (B != NULL && B->SiblingNext == B)
{ // A variable
NEW_AST_NODE(VarDeclarator, decl, A.SourceLoc);
NEW_AST_NODE(VarDeclarator, decl, A == nullptr? B->SourceLoc : A->SourceLoc);
decl->Type = B;
decl->Names = C.VarNames;
decl->Flags = A.Int;
decl->Flags = (A == nullptr? 0 : A->Flags);
X = decl;
@ -845,10 +846,10 @@ declarator(X) ::= decl_flags(A) type_list_or_void(B) variables_or_function(C).
declarator_no_fun(X) ::= decl_flags(A) type(B) variable_list(C) SEMICOLON.
NEW_AST_NODE(VarDeclarator, decl, A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : B->SourceLoc);
NEW_AST_NODE(VarDeclarator, decl, A != nullptr? A->SourceLoc : B->SourceLoc);
decl->Type = B;
decl->Names = C;
decl->Flags = A.Int;
decl->Flags = A == nullptr? 0 : A->Flags;
X = decl;
@ -916,19 +917,52 @@ variable_list(X) ::= variable_list(A) COMMA variable_name(B).
X = A; /*X-overwrites-A*/
decl_flags(X) ::= . { X.Int = 0; X.SourceLoc = 0; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) NATIVE(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Native; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) STATIC(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Static; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) PRIVATE(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Private; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) PROTECTED(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Protected; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) LATENT(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Latent; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) FINAL(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Final; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) META(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Meta; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) ACTION(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Action; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) READONLY(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_ReadOnly; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) DEPRECATED(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Deprecated; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) VIRTUAL(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Virtual; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) OVERRIDE(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Override; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
%type decl_flags { ZCC_DeclFlags * }
decl_flags(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(F) decl_flag(A).
if (F == nullptr)
X = nil_f;
X->Id = nullptr;
X->Flags = A.Int;
X = F;
X->Flags |= A.Int;
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(F) ACTION(B) states_opts(A).
if (F == nullptr)
X = nil_f;
X->Flags = ZCC_Action;
X = F;
X->Flags |= ZCC_Action;
X->Id = A;
decl_flag(X) ::= NATIVE(T). { X.Int = ZCC_Native; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flag(X) ::= STATIC(T). { X.Int = ZCC_Static; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flag(X) ::= PRIVATE(T). { X.Int = ZCC_Private; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flag(X) ::= PROTECTED(T). { X.Int = ZCC_Protected; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flag(X) ::= LATENT(T). { X.Int = ZCC_Latent; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flag(X) ::= FINAL(T). { X.Int = ZCC_Final; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flag(X) ::= META(T). { X.Int = ZCC_Meta; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flag(X) ::= READONLY(T). { X.Int = ZCC_ReadOnly; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flag(X) ::= DEPRECATED(T). { X.Int = ZCC_Deprecated; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flag(X) ::= VIRTUAL(T). { X.Int = ZCC_Virtual; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flag(X) ::= OVERRIDE(T). { X.Int = ZCC_Override; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
func_const(X) ::= . { X.Int = 0; X.SourceLoc = stat->sc->GetMessageLine(); }
func_const(X) ::= CONST(T). { X.Int = ZCC_FuncConst; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
@ -979,9 +1013,9 @@ func_param(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) type(B) IDENTIFIER(C) EQ expr(D).
func_param_flags(X) ::= . { X.Int = 0; X.SourceLoc = 0; }
func_param_flags(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) IN(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_In; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
func_param_flags(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) OUT(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Out; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
func_param_flags(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) OPTIONAL(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Optional; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
func_param_flags(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) IN(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_In; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
func_param_flags(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) OUT(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Out; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
func_param_flags(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) OPTIONAL(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Optional; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
/************ Expressions ************/
@ -2051,6 +2051,35 @@ void ZCCCompiler::InitFunctions()
uint32_t varflags = VARF_Method;
int implicitargs = 1;
AFuncDesc *afd = nullptr;
if (f->UseFlags != nullptr)
useflags = 0;
auto p = f->UseFlags;
switch (p->Id)
case NAME_Actor:
useflags |= SUF_ACTOR;
case NAME_Overlay:
useflags |= SUF_OVERLAY;
case NAME_Weapon:
useflags |= SUF_WEAPON;
case NAME_Item:
useflags |= SUF_ITEM;
Error(p, "Unknown Action qualifier %s", FName(p->Id).GetChars());
p = static_cast<decltype(p)>(p->SiblingNext);
} while (p != f->UseFlags);
// map to implementation flags.
if (f->Flags & ZCC_Private) varflags |= VARF_Private;
@ -2058,9 +2087,22 @@ void ZCCCompiler::InitFunctions()
if (f->Flags & ZCC_Deprecated) varflags |= VARF_Deprecated;
if (f->Flags & ZCC_Virtual) varflags |= VARF_Virtual;
if (f->Flags & ZCC_Override) varflags |= VARF_Override;
if (f->Flags & ZCC_Action) varflags |= VARF_Action|VARF_Final, implicitargs = 3; // Action implies Final.
if (f->Flags & ZCC_Action)
varflags |= VARF_Final; // Action implies Final.
if (useflags & (SUF_OVERLAY | SUF_WEAPON | SUF_ITEM))
varflags |= VARF_Action;
implicitargs = 3;
implicitargs = 1;
if (f->Flags & ZCC_Static) varflags = (varflags & ~VARF_Method) | VARF_Final, implicitargs = 0; // Static implies Final.
if (varflags & VARF_Override) varflags &= ~VARF_Virtual; // allow 'virtual override'.
// Only one of these flags may be used.
static int exclude[] = { ZCC_Virtual, ZCC_Override, ZCC_Action, ZCC_Static };
@ -2096,9 +2138,7 @@ void ZCCCompiler::InitFunctions()
(*afd->VMPointer)->ImplicitArgs = BYTE(implicitargs);
// Todo: parse these values from the definition
int tempuseflags = (varflags & VARF_Action) ? SUF_WEAPON | SUF_ITEM | SUF_OVERLAY | SUF_ACTOR : SUF_ACTOR;
SetImplicitArgs(&args, &argflags, &argnames, c->Type(), varflags, tempuseflags);
SetImplicitArgs(&args, &argflags, &argnames, c->Type(), varflags, useflags);
auto p = f->Params;
bool hasoptionals = false;
@ -2225,7 +2265,7 @@ void ZCCCompiler::InitFunctions()
PFunction *sym = new PFunction(c->Type(), f->Name);
sym->AddVariant(NewPrototype(rets, args), argflags, argnames, afd == nullptr? nullptr : *(afd->VMPointer), varflags);
sym->AddVariant(NewPrototype(rets, args), argflags, argnames, afd == nullptr? nullptr : *(afd->VMPointer), varflags, useflags);
if (!(f->Flags & ZCC_Native))
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ enum EZCCTreeNodeType
@ -473,6 +474,12 @@ struct ZCC_FuncParamDecl : ZCC_TreeNode
int Flags;
struct ZCC_DeclFlags : ZCC_TreeNode
ZCC_Identifier *Id;
int Flags;
struct ZCC_ConstantDef : ZCC_NamedNode
ZCC_Expression *Value;
@ -498,6 +505,7 @@ struct ZCC_FuncDeclarator : ZCC_Declarator
ZCC_FuncParamDecl *Params;
ENamedName Name;
ZCC_Statement *Body;
ZCC_Identifier *UseFlags;
struct ZCC_Default : ZCC_CompoundStmt
Reference in a new issue