mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 19:02:16 +00:00
- implemented local vector variables. Currently only the definition plus initial assignment works.
- removed all vector4 handling that had already been added, now that this type can no longer be defined.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 278 additions and 44 deletions
@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ FxLocalVariableDeclaration *FCompileContext::FindLocalVariable(FName name)
ExpEmit::ExpEmit(VMFunctionBuilder *build, int type)
: RegNum(build->Registers[type].Get(1)), RegType(type), Konst(false), Fixed(false), Final(false), Target(false)
ExpEmit::ExpEmit(VMFunctionBuilder *build, int type, int count)
: RegNum(build->Registers[type].Get(count)), RegType(type), RegCount(count), Konst(false), Fixed(false), Final(false), Target(false)
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ void ExpEmit::Free(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
if (!Fixed && !Konst && RegType <= REGT_TYPE)
build->Registers[RegType].Return(RegNum, 1);
build->Registers[RegType].Return(RegNum, RegCount);
@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ void ExpEmit::Reuse(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
if (!Fixed && !Konst)
assert(RegCount == 1);
bool success = build->Registers[RegType].Reuse(RegNum);
assert(success && "Attempt to reuse a register that is already in use");
@ -434,6 +435,200 @@ ExpEmit FxConstant::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
FxVectorInitializer::FxVectorInitializer(FxExpression *x, FxExpression *y, FxExpression *z, const FScriptPosition &sc)
:FxExpression(EFX_VectorInitializer, sc)
xyz[0] = x;
xyz[1] = y;
xyz[2] = z;
isConst = false;
ValueType = TypeVoid; // we do not know yet
for (auto &a : xyz)
FxExpression *FxVectorInitializer::Resolve(FCompileContext&ctx)
bool fails = false;
for (auto &a : xyz)
if (a != nullptr)
a = a->Resolve(ctx);
if (a == nullptr) fails = true;
if (a->ValueType != TypeVector2) // a vec3 may be initialized with (vec2, z)
a = new FxFloatCast(a);
a = a->Resolve(ctx);
fails |= (a == nullptr);
if (fails)
delete this;
return nullptr;
// at this point there are three legal cases:
// * two floats = vector2
// * three floats = vector3
// * vector2 + float = vector3
if (xyz[0]->ValueType == TypeVector2)
if (xyz[1]->ValueType != TypeFloat64 || xyz[2] != nullptr)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Not a valid vector");
delete this;
return nullptr;
ValueType = TypeVector3;
if (xyz[0]->ExprType == EFX_VectorInitializer)
// If two vector initializers are nested, unnest them now.
auto vi = static_cast<FxVectorInitializer*>(xyz[0]);
xyz[2] = xyz[1];
xyz[1] = vi->xyz[1];
xyz[0] = vi->xyz[0];
delete vi;
else if (xyz[0]->ValueType == TypeFloat64 && xyz[1]->ValueType == TypeFloat64)
ValueType = xyz[2] == nullptr ? TypeVector2 : TypeVector3;
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Not a valid vector");
delete this;
return nullptr;
// check if all elements are constant. If so this can be emitted as a constant vector.
isConst = true;
for (auto &a : xyz)
if (a != nullptr && !a->isConstant()) isConst = false;
return this;
static ExpEmit EmitKonst(VMFunctionBuilder *build, ExpEmit &emit)
if (emit.Konst)
ExpEmit out(build, REGT_FLOAT);
build->Emit(OP_LKF, out.RegNum, emit.RegNum);
return out;
return emit;
ExpEmit FxVectorInitializer::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
// no const handling here. Ultimstely it's too rarely used (i.e. the only fully constant vector ever allocated in ZDoom is the 0-vector in a very few places)
// and the negatives (excessive allocation of float constants) outweigh the positives (saved a few instructions)
assert(xyz[0] != nullptr);
assert(xyz[1] != nullptr);
if (ValueType == TypeVector2)
ExpEmit xval = EmitKonst(build, xyz[0]->Emit(build));
ExpEmit yval = EmitKonst(build, xyz[1]->Emit(build));
assert(xval.RegType == REGT_FLOAT && yval.RegType == REGT_FLOAT);
if (yval.RegNum == xval.RegNum + 1)
// The results are already in two continuous registers so just return them as-is.
return xval;
// The values are not in continuous registers so they need to be copied together now.
ExpEmit out(build, REGT_FLOAT, 2);
build->Emit(OP_MOVEF, out.RegNum, xval.RegNum);
build->Emit(OP_MOVEF, out.RegNum + 1, yval.RegNum);
return out;
else if (xyz[0]->ValueType == TypeVector2) // vec2+float
ExpEmit xyval = xyz[0]->Emit(build);
ExpEmit zval = EmitKonst(build, xyz[1]->Emit(build));
assert(xyval.RegType == REGT_FLOAT && xyval.RegCount == 2 && zval.RegType == REGT_FLOAT);
if (zval.RegNum == xyval.RegNum + 2)
// The results are already in three continuous registers so just return them as-is.
return xyval;
// The values are not in continuous registers so they need to be copied together now.
ExpEmit out(build, REGT_FLOAT, 3);
build->Emit(OP_MOVEV2, out.RegNum, xyval.RegNum);
build->Emit(OP_MOVEF, out.RegNum + 2, zval.RegNum);
return out;
else // 3*float
assert(xyz[2] != nullptr);
ExpEmit xval = EmitKonst(build, xyz[0]->Emit(build));
ExpEmit yval = EmitKonst(build, xyz[1]->Emit(build));
ExpEmit zval = EmitKonst(build, xyz[2]->Emit(build));
assert(xval.RegType == REGT_FLOAT && yval.RegType == REGT_FLOAT && zval.RegType == REGT_FLOAT);
if (yval.RegNum == xval.RegNum + 1 && zval.RegNum == xval.RegNum + 2)
// The results are already in three continuous registers so just return them as-is.
xval.RegCount += 2;
return xval;
// The values are not in continuous registers so they need to be copied together now.
ExpEmit out(build, REGT_FLOAT, 3);
//Try to optimize a bit...
if (yval.RegNum == xval.RegNum + 1)
build->Emit(OP_MOVEV2, out.RegNum, xval.RegNum);
build->Emit(OP_MOVEF, out.RegNum + 2, zval.RegNum);
else if (zval.RegNum == yval.RegNum + 1)
build->Emit(OP_MOVEF, out.RegNum, xval.RegNum);
build->Emit(OP_MOVEV2, out.RegNum+1, yval.RegNum);
build->Emit(OP_MOVEF, out.RegNum, xval.RegNum);
build->Emit(OP_MOVEF, out.RegNum + 1, yval.RegNum);
build->Emit(OP_MOVEF, out.RegNum + 2, zval.RegNum);
return out;
FxBoolCast::FxBoolCast(FxExpression *x, bool needvalue)
: FxExpression(EFX_BoolCast, x->ScriptPosition)
@ -4613,7 +4808,7 @@ ExpEmit FxStructMember::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
int offsetreg = build->GetConstantInt((int)membervar->Offset);
ExpEmit loc(build, membervar->Type->GetRegType());
ExpEmit loc(build, membervar->Type->GetRegType(), membervar->Type->GetRegCount());
if (membervar->BitValue == -1)
@ -7118,6 +7313,7 @@ FxLocalVariableDeclaration::FxLocalVariableDeclaration(PType *type, FName name,
ValueType = type;
VarFlags = varflags;
Name = name;
RegCount = type == TypeVector2 ? 2 : type == TypeVector3 ? 3 : 1;
Init = initval == nullptr? nullptr : new FxTypeCast(initval, type, false);
@ -7139,7 +7335,7 @@ ExpEmit FxLocalVariableDeclaration::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
if (Init == nullptr)
RegNum = build->Registers[ValueType->GetRegType()].Get(1);
RegNum = build->Registers[ValueType->GetRegType()].Get(RegCount);
@ -7188,5 +7384,5 @@ void FxLocalVariableDeclaration::Release(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
// Release the register after the containing block gets closed
assert(RegNum != -1);
build->Registers[ValueType->GetRegType()].Return(RegNum, 1);
build->Registers[ValueType->GetRegType()].Return(RegNum, RegCount);
@ -193,13 +193,13 @@ struct ExpVal
struct ExpEmit
ExpEmit() : RegNum(0), RegType(REGT_NIL), Konst(false), Fixed(false), Final(false), Target(false) {}
ExpEmit(int reg, int type, bool konst = false, bool fixed = false) : RegNum(reg), RegType(type), Konst(konst), Fixed(fixed), Final(false), Target(false) {}
ExpEmit(VMFunctionBuilder *build, int type);
ExpEmit() : RegNum(0), RegType(REGT_NIL), RegCount(1), Konst(false), Fixed(false), Final(false), Target(false) {}
ExpEmit(int reg, int type, bool konst = false, bool fixed = false) : RegNum(reg), RegType(type), RegCount(1), Konst(konst), Fixed(fixed), Final(false), Target(false) {}
ExpEmit(VMFunctionBuilder *build, int type, int count = 1);
void Free(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
void Reuse(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
BYTE RegNum, RegType, Konst:1, Fixed:1, Final:1, Target:1;
BYTE RegNum, RegType, RegCount, Konst:1, Fixed:1, Final:1, Target:1;
enum EFxType
@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ enum EFxType
@ -449,6 +450,25 @@ public:
ExpEmit Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
class FxVectorInitializer : public FxExpression
FxExpression *xyz[3];
bool isConst; // gets set to true if all element are const
FxVectorInitializer(FxExpression *x, FxExpression *y, FxExpression *z, const FScriptPosition &sc);
FxExpression *Resolve(FCompileContext&);
ExpEmit Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build);
@ -1561,6 +1581,7 @@ class FxLocalVariableDeclaration : public FxExpression
FName Name;
FxExpression *Init;
int VarFlags;
int RegCount;
int RegNum = -1;
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ enum
REGT_MULTIREG = 8, // (e.g. a vector)
REGT_ADDROF = 32, // used with PARAM: pass address of this register
REGT_NIL = 255 // parameter was omitted
REGT_NIL = 128 // parameter was omitted
#define RET_FINAL (0x80) // Used with RET and RETI in the destination slot: this is the final return value
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ static const char *BuiltInTypeNames[] =
@ -622,6 +621,16 @@ static void PrintExprTrinary(FLispString &out, ZCC_TreeNode *node)
static void PrintVectorInitializer(FLispString &out, ZCC_TreeNode *node)
ZCC_VectorInitializer *enode = (ZCC_VectorInitializer *)node;
OpenExprType(out, enode->Operation);
PrintNodes(out, enode->X);
PrintNodes(out, enode->Y);
PrintNodes(out, enode->Z);
static void PrintFuncParam(FLispString &out, ZCC_TreeNode *node)
ZCC_FuncParm *pnode = (ZCC_FuncParm *)node;
@ -889,7 +898,8 @@ void (* const TreeNodePrinter[NUM_AST_NODE_TYPES])(FLispString &, ZCC_TreeNode *
FString ZCC_PrintAST(ZCC_TreeNode *root)
@ -945,6 +945,7 @@ func_param_flags(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) OPTIONAL(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_O
%type expr{ZCC_Expression *}
%type primary{ZCC_Expression *}
%type vectorinit{ZCC_VectorInitializer*}
%type unary_expr{ZCC_Expression *}
%type constant{ZCC_ExprConstant *}
@ -966,29 +967,7 @@ primary(X) ::= SUPER(T).
X = expr;
primary(X) ::= constant(A). { X = A; /*X-overwrites-A*/ }
primary(XX) ::= LPAREN expr(A) COMMA expr(B) COMMA expr(C) RPAREN.
NEW_AST_NODE(VectorInitializer, expr, A);
expr->Operation = PEX_Vector;
expr->Type = TypeVector3;
expr->X = A;
expr->Y = B;
expr->Z = C;
XX = expr;
primary(XX) ::= LPAREN expr(A) COMMA expr(B) RPAREN.
NEW_AST_NODE(VectorInitializer, expr, A);
expr->Operation = PEX_Vector;
expr->Type = TypeVector2;
expr->X = A;
expr->Y = B;
expr->Z = nullptr;
XX = expr;
primary(X) ::= vectorinit(A). { X = A; /*X-overwrites-A*/ }
primary(X) ::= LPAREN expr(A) RPAREN.
@ -1039,6 +1018,30 @@ primary(X) ::= SCOPE primary(B).
X = expr2;
vectorinit(XX) ::= LPAREN expr(A) COMMA expr(B) COMMA expr(C) RPAREN. [DOT]
NEW_AST_NODE(VectorInitializer, expr, A);
expr->Operation = PEX_Vector;
expr->Type = TypeVector3;
expr->X = A;
expr->Y = B;
expr->Z = C;
XX = expr;
vectorinit(XX) ::= LPAREN expr(A) COMMA expr(B) RPAREN. [DOT]
NEW_AST_NODE(VectorInitializer, expr, A);
expr->Operation = PEX_Vector;
expr->Type = TypeVector2;
expr->X = A;
expr->Y = B;
expr->Z = nullptr;
XX = expr;
/*----- Unary Expressions -----*/
unary_expr(X) ::= primary(X).
@ -1387,11 +1387,6 @@ PType *ZCCCompiler::DetermineType(PType *outertype, ZCC_TreeNode *field, FName n
retval = TypeVector3;
case ZCC_Vector4:
// This has almost no use, so we really shouldn't bother.
Error(field, "vector<4> not implemented for %s", name.GetChars());
return TypeError;
case ZCC_State:
retval = TypeState;
@ -2710,6 +2705,15 @@ FxExpression *ZCCCompiler::ConvertNode(ZCC_TreeNode *ast)
return new FxConditional(condition, left, right);
case AST_VectorInitializer:
auto vecini = static_cast<ZCC_VectorInitializer *>(ast);
auto xx = ConvertNode(vecini->X);
auto yy = ConvertNode(vecini->Y);
auto zz = ConvertNode(vecini->Z);
return new FxVectorInitializer(xx, yy, zz, *ast);
case AST_LocalVarStmt:
auto loc = static_cast<ZCC_LocalVarStmt *>(ast);
@ -301,7 +301,8 @@ static void DoParse(int lumpnum)
parser = ZCCParseAlloc(malloc);
ZCCParseState state;
#if 0 // this costs a lot of time and should only be activated when it's really needed.
//#define TRACE
#ifdef TRACE // this costs a lot of time and should only be activated when it's really needed.
FILE *f = fopen("trace.txt", "w");
char prompt = '\0';
ZCCParseTrace(f, &prompt);
@ -335,7 +336,7 @@ static void DoParse(int lumpnum)
I_Error("%d errors while parsing %s", FScriptPosition::ErrorCounter, Wads.GetLumpFullPath(lumpnum).GetChars());
#if 0
#ifdef TRACE
if (f != NULL)
@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ enum EZCCBuiltinType
ZCC_Color, // special types for ZDoom.
Reference in a new issue