mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 17:02:14 +00:00
- adjustments for weapon rendering in GL.
This adds support for the new weapon state code and fixed some lighting calculations. Note that this currently will not allow combination of HUD models with other sprite frames yet.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 113 additions and 64 deletions
@ -1019,10 +1019,10 @@ void gl_RenderModel(GLSprite * spr)
void gl_RenderHUDModel(pspdef_t *psp, float ofsX, float ofsY)
void gl_RenderHUDModel(DPSprite *psp, float ofsX, float ofsY)
AActor * playermo=players[consoleplayer].camera;
FSpriteModelFrame *smf = gl_FindModelFrame(playermo->player->ReadyWeapon->GetClass(), psp->state->sprite, psp->state->GetFrame(), false);
FSpriteModelFrame *smf = gl_FindModelFrame(playermo->player->ReadyWeapon->GetClass(), psp->GetState()->sprite, psp->GetState()->GetFrame(), false);
// [BB] No model found for this sprite, so we can't render anything.
if ( smf == nullptr )
@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ void gl_RenderHUDModel(pspdef_t *psp, float ofsX, float ofsY)
gl_RenderState.mViewMatrix.rotate(-smf->rolloffset, 1, 0, 0);
gl_RenderFrameModels( smf, psp->state, psp->tics, playermo->player->ReadyWeapon->GetClass(), nullptr, 0 );
gl_RenderFrameModels( smf, psp->GetState(), psp->GetTics(), playermo->player->ReadyWeapon->GetClass(), nullptr, 0 );
if (!( playermo->RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Normal] ))
@ -1077,10 +1077,11 @@ void gl_RenderHUDModel(pspdef_t *psp, float ofsX, float ofsY)
bool gl_IsHUDModelForPlayerAvailable (player_t * player)
if ( (player == nullptr) || (player->ReadyWeapon == nullptr) || (player->psprites[0].state == nullptr) )
DPSprite *psp = player->FindPSprite(PSP_WEAPON);
if ( (player == nullptr) || (player->ReadyWeapon == nullptr) || (psp->GetState() == nullptr) )
return false;
FState* state = player->psprites[0].state;
FState* state = psp->GetState();
FSpriteModelFrame *smf = gl_FindModelFrame(player->ReadyWeapon->GetClass(), state->sprite, state->GetFrame(), false);
return ( smf != nullptr );
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ FSpriteModelFrame * gl_FindModelFrame(const PClass * ti, int sprite, int frame,
void gl_RenderModel(GLSprite * spr);
// [BB] HUD weapon model rendering functions.
void gl_RenderHUDModel(pspdef_t *psp, float ofsx, float ofsy);
void gl_RenderHUDModel(DPSprite *psp, float ofsx, float ofsy);
bool gl_IsHUDModelForPlayerAvailable (player_t * player);
@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ class FFlatVertexBuffer;
class FSkyVertexBuffer;
class OpenGLFrameBuffer;
struct FDrawInfo;
struct pspdef_t;
class FShaderManager;
class GLPortal;
class FLightBuffer;
class FSamplerManager;
class DPSprite;
inline float DEG2RAD(float deg)
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public:
void DrawScene(bool toscreen = false);
void DrawBlend(sector_t * viewsector);
void DrawPSprite (player_t * player,pspdef_t *psp,float sx, float sy, bool hudModelStep, int OverrideShader, bool alphatexture);
void DrawPSprite (player_t * player,DPSprite *psp,float sx, float sy, bool hudModelStep, int OverrideShader, bool alphatexture);
void DrawPlayerSprites(sector_t * viewsector, bool hudModelStep);
void DrawTargeterSprites();
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, r_deathcamera)
void FGLRenderer::DrawPSprite (player_t * player,pspdef_t *psp, float sx, float sy, bool hudModelStep, int OverrideShader, bool alphatexture)
void FGLRenderer::DrawPSprite (player_t * player,DPSprite *psp, float sx, float sy, bool hudModelStep, int OverrideShader, bool alphatexture)
float fU1,fV1;
float fU2,fV2;
@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ void FGLRenderer::DrawPSprite (player_t * player,pspdef_t *psp, float sx, float
// [BB] In the HUD model step we just render the model and break out.
if ( hudModelStep )
gl_RenderHUDModel( psp, sx, sy);
gl_RenderHUDModel(psp, sx, sy);
// decide which patch to use
bool mirror;
FTextureID lump = gl_GetSpriteFrame(psp->sprite, psp->frame, 0, 0, &mirror);
FTextureID lump = gl_GetSpriteFrame(psp->GetSprite(), psp->GetFrame(), 0, 0, &mirror);
if (!lump.isValid()) return;
FMaterial * tex = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(lump, true, false);
@ -174,6 +174,29 @@ void FGLRenderer::DrawPSprite (player_t * player,pspdef_t *psp, float sx, float
gl_RenderState.AlphaFunc(GL_GEQUAL, 0.5f);
static bool isBright(DPSprite *psp)
if (psp != nullptr && psp->GetState() != nullptr)
bool disablefullbright = false;
FTextureID lump = gl_GetSpriteFrame(psp->GetSprite(), psp->GetFrame(), 0, 0, NULL);
if (lump.isValid())
FMaterial * tex = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(lump, false, false);
if (tex)
disablefullbright = tex->tex->gl_info.bDisableFullbright;
return psp->GetState()->GetFullbright() && !disablefullbright;
return false;
// R_DrawPlayerSprites
@ -184,11 +207,9 @@ EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, gl_brightfog)
void FGLRenderer::DrawPlayerSprites(sector_t * viewsector, bool hudModelStep)
bool statebright[2] = {false, false};
bool brightflash = false;
unsigned int i;
pspdef_t *psp;
int lightlevel=0;
float ofsx, ofsy;
FColormap cm;
sector_t * fakesec, fs;
AActor * playermo=players[consoleplayer].camera;
@ -202,33 +223,35 @@ void FGLRenderer::DrawPlayerSprites(sector_t * viewsector, bool hudModelStep)
(r_deathcamera && camera->health <= 0))
P_BobWeapon (player, &player->psprites[ps_weapon], &ofsx, &ofsy, r_TicFracF);
float bobx, boby, wx, wy;
DPSprite *weapon;
// check for fullbright
if (player->fixedcolormap==NOFIXEDCOLORMAP)
P_BobWeapon(camera->player, &bobx, &boby, r_TicFracF);
// Interpolate the main weapon layer once so as to be able to add it to other layers.
if ((weapon = camera->player->FindPSprite(PSP_WEAPON)) != nullptr)
for (i = 0, psp = player->psprites; i <= ps_flash; i++, psp++)
if (weapon->firstTic)
if (psp->state != NULL)
bool disablefullbright = false;
FTextureID lump = gl_GetSpriteFrame(psp->sprite, psp->frame, 0, 0, NULL);
if (lump.isValid())
FMaterial * tex=FMaterial::ValidateTexture(lump, false, false);
if (tex)
disablefullbright = tex->tex->gl_info.bDisableFullbright;
statebright[i] = !!psp->state->GetFullbright() && !disablefullbright;
wx = weapon->x;
wy = weapon->y;
wx = weapon->oldx + (weapon->x - weapon->oldx) * r_TicFracF;
wy = weapon->oldy + (weapon->y - weapon->oldy) * r_TicFracF;
wx = 0;
wy = 0;
if (gl_fixedcolormap)
statebright[0] = statebright[1] = true;
fakesec = viewsector;
@ -237,20 +260,6 @@ void FGLRenderer::DrawPlayerSprites(sector_t * viewsector, bool hudModelStep)
// calculate light level for weapon sprites
lightlevel = gl_ClampLight(fakesec->lightlevel);
if (glset.lightmode == 8)
lightlevel = gl_CalcLightLevel(lightlevel, getExtraLight(), true);
// Korshun: the way based on max possible light level for sector like in software renderer.
float min_L = 36.0/31.0 - ((lightlevel/255.0) * (63.0/31.0)); // Lightlevel in range 0-63
if (min_L < 0)
min_L = 0;
else if (min_L > 1.0)
min_L = 1.0;
lightlevel = (1.0 - min_L) * 255;
lightlevel = gl_CheckSpriteGlow(viewsector, lightlevel, playermo->Pos());
// calculate colormap for weapon sprites
if (viewsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size() && !glset.nocoloredspritelighting)
@ -282,8 +291,27 @@ void FGLRenderer::DrawPlayerSprites(sector_t * viewsector, bool hudModelStep)
if (glset.nocoloredspritelighting) cm.ClearColor();
lightlevel = gl_CalcLightLevel(lightlevel, getExtraLight(), true);
if (glset.lightmode == 8)
// Korshun: the way based on max possible light level for sector like in software renderer.
float min_L = 36.0 / 31.0 - ((lightlevel / 255.0) * (63.0 / 31.0)); // Lightlevel in range 0-63
if (min_L < 0)
min_L = 0;
else if (min_L > 1.0)
min_L = 1.0;
lightlevel = (1.0 - min_L) * 255;
lightlevel = (2 * lightlevel + 255) / 3;
lightlevel = gl_CheckSpriteGlow(viewsector, lightlevel, playermo->Pos());
// Korshun: fullbright fog in opengl, render weapon sprites fullbright (but don't cancel out the light color!)
if (glset.brightfog && ((level.flags&LEVEL_HASFADETABLE) || cm.FadeColor != 0))
@ -332,7 +360,6 @@ void FGLRenderer::DrawPlayerSprites(sector_t * viewsector, bool hudModelStep)
vis.RenderStyle.BlendOp = STYLEOP_Shadow;
statebright[0] = statebright[1] = false;
gl_SetRenderStyle(vis.RenderStyle, false, false);
@ -356,24 +383,19 @@ void FGLRenderer::DrawPlayerSprites(sector_t * viewsector, bool hudModelStep)
gl_RenderState.AlphaFunc(GL_GEQUAL, gl_mask_sprite_threshold);
if (statebright[0] || statebright[1])
// brighten the weapon to reduce the difference between
// normal sprite and fullbright flash.
if (glset.lightmode != 8) lightlevel = (2*lightlevel+255)/3;
// hack alert! Rather than changing everything in the underlying lighting code let's just temporarily change
// light mode here to draw the weapon sprite.
int oldlightmode = glset.lightmode;
if (glset.lightmode == 8) glset.lightmode = 2;
for (i=0, psp=player->psprites; i<=ps_flash; i++,psp++)
for(DPSprite *psp = player->psprites; psp != nullptr && psp->GetID() < PSP_TARGETCENTER; psp = psp->GetNext())
if (psp->state)
if (psp->GetState() != nullptr)
FColormap cmc = cm;
if (statebright[i])
int ll = lightlevel;
if (isBright(psp))
if (fakesec == viewsector || in_area != area_below)
@ -388,6 +410,7 @@ void FGLRenderer::DrawPlayerSprites(sector_t * viewsector, bool hudModelStep)
cmc.LightColor.g = (3*cmc.LightColor.g + 0xff)/4;
cmc.LightColor.b = (3*cmc.LightColor.b + 0xff)/4;
ll = 255;
// set the lighting parameters
if (vis.RenderStyle.BlendOp == STYLEOP_Shadow)
@ -400,9 +423,33 @@ void FGLRenderer::DrawPlayerSprites(sector_t * viewsector, bool hudModelStep)
gl_SetDynSpriteLight(playermo, NULL);
gl_SetColor(statebright[i] ? 255 : lightlevel, 0, cmc, trans, true);
gl_SetColor(ll, 0, cmc, trans, true);
DrawPSprite(player, psp, psp->sx + ofsx, psp->sy + ofsy, hudModelStep, OverrideShader, !!(vis.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_RedIsAlpha));
if (psp->firstTic)
{ // Can't interpolate the first tic.
psp->firstTic = false;
psp->oldx = psp->x;
psp->oldy = psp->y;
float sx = psp->oldx + (psp->x - psp->oldx) * r_TicFracF;
float sy = psp->oldy + (psp->y - psp->oldy) * r_TicFracF;
if (psp->Flags & PSPF_ADDBOB)
sx += bobx;
sy += boby;
if (psp->Flags & PSPF_ADDWEAPON && psp->GetID() != PSP_WEAPON)
sx += wx;
sy += wy;
DrawPSprite(player, psp, sx, sy, hudModelStep, OverrideShader, !!(vis.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_RedIsAlpha));
@ -419,8 +466,6 @@ void FGLRenderer::DrawPlayerSprites(sector_t * viewsector, bool hudModelStep)
void FGLRenderer::DrawTargeterSprites()
int i;
pspdef_t *psp;
AActor * playermo=players[consoleplayer].camera;
player_t * player=playermo->player;
@ -435,6 +480,8 @@ void FGLRenderer::DrawTargeterSprites()
// The Targeter's sprites are always drawn normally.
for (i=ps_targetcenter, psp = &player->psprites[ps_targetcenter]; i<NUMPSPRITES; i++,psp++)
if (psp->state) DrawPSprite (player,psp,psp->sx, psp->sy, false, 0, false);
for (DPSprite *psp = player->FindPSprite(PSP_TARGETCENTER); psp != nullptr; psp = psp->GetNext())
if (psp->GetState() != nullptr) DrawPSprite(player, psp, psp->x, psp->y, false, 0, false);
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ public:
int GetID() const { return ID; }
int GetSprite() const { return Sprite; }
int GetFrame() const { return Frame; }
int GetTics() const { return Tics; }
FState* GetState() const { return State; }
DPSprite* GetNext() { return Next; }
AActor* GetCaller() { return Caller; }
Reference in a new issue