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synced 2025-03-14 06:42:09 +00:00
Merged https://github.com/coelckers/gzdoom/pull/1217 (ThruActorLevel<Min/Max>)
(cherry picked from commit 6f2c4e09441fa7e3a701db95157dfb64e87c3477)
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 134 additions and 15 deletions
@ -416,6 +416,7 @@ enum ActorFlag8
MF8_FALLDAMAGE = 0x00000800, // Monster will take fall damage regardless of map settings.
MF8_VIEWPOSNOANGLES = 0x00001000, // [MC] View position takes no angles into account
MF8_ABSVIEWPOS = 0x00002000, // [MC] Absolute position, so the actor must update it manually.
MF8_THRUACTORLEVEL = 0x00004000, // Actors with the same ThruActorLevel can pass through each other.
// --- mobj.renderflags ---
@ -1176,6 +1177,9 @@ public:
int RipperLevel;
int RipLevelMin;
int RipLevelMax;
int16_t ThruActorLevel;
int16_t ThruActorLevelMin;
int16_t ThruActorLevelMax;
int ConversationRoot; // THe root of the current dialogue
FStrifeDialogueNode* Conversation; // [RH] The dialogue to show when this actor is "used."
@ -428,6 +428,8 @@ CCMD(ffcf)
static bool CheckThruActorLevel(AActor *first, AActor *second);
bool P_TeleportMove(AActor* thing, const DVector3 &pos, bool telefrag, bool modifyactor)
FCheckPosition tmf;
@ -479,11 +481,11 @@ bool P_TeleportMove(AActor* thing, const DVector3 &pos, bool telefrag, bool modi
if (th == thing)
double blockdist = th->radius + tmf.thing->radius;
if (fabs(th->X() - cres2.Position.X) >= blockdist || fabs(th->Y() - cres2.Position.Y) >= blockdist)
if (CheckThruActorLevel(th, tmf.thing))
if ((th->flags2 | tmf.thing->flags2) & MF2_THRUACTORS)
double blockdist = th->radius + tmf.thing->radius;
if (fabs(th->X() - cres2.Position.X) >= blockdist || fabs(th->Y() - cres2.Position.Y) >= blockdist)
if (tmf.thing->flags6 & MF6_THRUSPECIES && tmf.thing->GetSpecies() == th->GetSpecies())
@ -1195,6 +1197,66 @@ static bool CheckRipLevel(AActor *victim, AActor *projectile)
return true;
// ThruActorLevel
// [MC] Actors with a TA level inside the min/max range of another actor, or
// have +THRUACTORLEVEL flag and have the same TA level as another can pass
// through each other.
// Based similarly off of ripper levels.
struct ThruActLev
bool TAFlag; // +THRUACTORLEVEL flag
int16_t TALevel, TAMin, TAMax;
ThruActLev(AActor *mo) :
TAFlag(false), TALevel(0), TAMin(1), TAMax(32767)
if (mo)
TAFlag = !!(mo->flags8 & MF8_THRUACTORLEVEL);
TALevel = mo->ThruActorLevel;
TAMin = mo->ThruActorLevelMin;
TAMax = mo->ThruActorLevelMax;
ThruActLev () = default;
// This version is for those that don't have any actors or just one actor to check.
// Needed for information collecting in LineAttack and RailAttack.
static bool CheckThruActorLev(ThruActLev *l1, ThruActLev *l2)
if (!l1 || !l2)
return false;
// Actor has the +THRUACTORLEVEL flag, can pass through the other if they share the same level.
if (l1->TAFlag || l2->TAFlag)
if (l1->TALevel == l2->TALevel)
return true;
// If one actor meets the min/max of the other, they can pass through.
if (l1->TALevel >= l2->TAMin && l1->TALevel <= l2->TAMax) return true;
if (l2->TALevel >= l1->TAMin && l2->TALevel <= l1->TAMax) return true;
return false;
static bool CheckThruActorLevel(AActor *first, AActor *second)
if ((first->flags2 | second->flags2) & MF2_THRUACTORS)
return true;
ThruActLev l1 = {first}, l2 = {second};
return CheckThruActorLev(&l1, &l2);
@ -1337,7 +1399,7 @@ bool PIT_CheckThing(FMultiBlockThingsIterator &it, FMultiBlockThingsIterator::Ch
if (thing == tm.thing)
return true;
if ((thing->flags2 | tm.thing->flags2) & MF2_THRUACTORS)
if (CheckThruActorLevel(thing, tm.thing))
return true;
if (!((thing->flags & (MF_SOLID | MF_SPECIAL | MF_SHOOTABLE)) || thing->flags6 & MF6_TOUCHY))
@ -2024,21 +2086,21 @@ int P_TestMobjZ(AActor *actor, bool quick, AActor **pOnmobj)
AActor *thing = cres.thing;
double blockdist = thing->radius + actor->radius;
if (fabs(thing->X() - cres.Position.X) >= blockdist || fabs(thing->Y() - cres.Position.Y) >= blockdist)
if (CheckThruActorLevel(actor, thing))
if ((actor->flags2 | thing->flags2) & MF2_THRUACTORS)
if (!(thing->flags & MF_SOLID))
{ // Can't hit thing
if ((actor->flags6 & MF6_THRUSPECIES) && (thing->GetSpecies() == actor->GetSpecies()))
if (!(thing->flags & MF_SOLID))
{ // Can't hit thing
double blockdist = thing->radius + actor->radius;
if (fabs(thing->X() - cres.Position.X) >= blockdist || fabs(thing->Y() - cres.Position.Y) >= blockdist)
if (thing->flags & (MF_SPECIAL | MF_NOCLIP))
@ -4421,6 +4483,8 @@ struct Origin
bool MThruSpecies;
bool ThruSpecies;
bool ThruActors;
bool ThruActorLevelCheck;
ThruActLev ThruActorInfo;
static ETraceStatus CheckForActor(FTraceResults &res, void *userdata)
@ -4446,6 +4510,13 @@ static ETraceStatus CheckForActor(FTraceResults &res, void *userdata)
return TRACE_Skip;
if (data->ThruActorLevelCheck)
ThruActLev l2 = {res.Actor};
if (CheckThruActorLev(&data->ThruActorInfo, &l2))
return TRACE_Skip;
return TRACE_Stop;
@ -4516,7 +4587,7 @@ AActor *P_LineAttack(AActor *t1, DAngle angle, double distance,
// [MC] To prevent possible mod breakage, this flag is pretty much necessary.
// Somewhere, someone is relying on these to spawn on actors and move through them.
TData.ThruActorLevelCheck = false;
if ((puffDefaults->flags7 & MF7_ALLOWTHRUFLAGS))
TData.ThruSpecies = (puffDefaults && (puffDefaults->flags6 & MF6_THRUSPECIES));
@ -4532,6 +4603,12 @@ AActor *P_LineAttack(AActor *t1, DAngle angle, double distance,
if (tempuff != NULL)
TData.PuffSpecies = tempuff->GetSpecies();
if (!TData.ThruActors)
TData.ThruActorInfo = { tempuff };
TData.ThruActorLevelCheck = true;
@ -5134,7 +5211,9 @@ struct RailData
AActor *Caller;
TArray<SRailHit> RailHits;
TArray<SPortalHit> PortalHits;
ThruActLev ThruActorInfo;
FName PuffSpecies;
bool ThruActorLevelCheck;
bool StopAtOne;
bool StopAtInvul;
bool ThruGhosts;
@ -5177,6 +5256,13 @@ static ETraceStatus ProcessRailHit(FTraceResults &res, void *userdata)
return TRACE_Skip;
if (data->ThruActorLevelCheck)
ThruActLev l2 = {res.Actor};
if (CheckThruActorLev(&data->ThruActorInfo, &l2))
return TRACE_Skip;
// Invulnerable things completely block the shot
if (data->StopAtInvul && res.Actor->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE)
@ -5267,18 +5353,28 @@ void P_RailAttack(FRailParams *p)
rail_data.ThruGhosts = !!(puffDefaults->flags2 & MF2_THRUGHOST);
rail_data.ThruSpecies = !!(puffDefaults->flags6 & MF6_THRUSPECIES);
rail_data.ThruActors = !!(puffDefaults->flags2 & MF2_THRUACTORS);
rail_data.ThruActorLevelCheck = true;
rail_data.ThruGhosts = false;
rail_data.MThruSpecies = false;
rail_data.ThruActors = false;
rail_data.ThruActorLevelCheck = false;
// used as damage inflictor
AActor *thepuff = NULL;
if (puffclass != NULL) thepuff = Spawn(source->Level, puffclass, source->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
rail_data.PuffSpecies = (thepuff != NULL) ? thepuff->GetSpecies() : NAME_None;
AActor *thepuff = nullptr;
rail_data.PuffSpecies = NAME_None;
if (puffclass != nullptr)
thepuff = Spawn(source->Level, puffclass, source->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (thepuff)
rail_data.PuffSpecies = thepuff->GetSpecies();
if (!rail_data.ThruActors && rail_data.ThruActorLevelCheck)
rail_data.ThruActorInfo = { thepuff };
Trace(start, source->Sector, vec, p->distance, MF_SHOOTABLE, ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING, source, trace, flags, ProcessRailHit, &rail_data);
@ -6373,6 +6469,8 @@ int P_PushUp(AActor *thing, FChangePosition *cpos)
// Should there be MF2_THRUGHOST / MF3_GHOST checks there too for consistency?
// Or would that risk breaking established behavior? THRUGHOST, like MTHRUSPECIES,
// is normally for projectiles which would have exploded by now anyway...
if (CheckThruActorLevel(thing, intersect))
if (thing->flags6 & MF6_THRUSPECIES && thing->GetSpecies() == intersect->GetSpecies())
if ((thing->flags & MF_MISSILE) && (intersect->flags2 & MF2_REFLECTIVE) && (intersect->flags7 & MF7_THRUREFLECT))
@ -345,6 +345,9 @@ void AActor::Serialize(FSerializer &arc)
A("ripperlevel", RipperLevel)
A("riplevelmin", RipLevelMin)
A("riplevelmax", RipLevelMax)
A("thruactorlevel", ThruActorLevel)
A("thruactorlevelmin", ThruActorLevelMin)
A("thruactorlevelmax", ThruActorLevelMax)
A("devthreshold", DefThreshold)
A("spriteangle", SpriteAngle)
A("spriterotation", SpriteRotation)
@ -329,6 +329,7 @@ static FFlagDef ActorFlagDefs[]=
// Effect flags
@ -1869,6 +1869,9 @@ DEFINE_FIELD(AActor, FloatBobStrength)
DEFINE_FIELD(AActor, RipperLevel)
DEFINE_FIELD(AActor, RipLevelMin)
DEFINE_FIELD(AActor, RipLevelMax)
DEFINE_FIELD(AActor, ThruActorLevel)
DEFINE_FIELD(AActor, ThruActorLevelMin)
DEFINE_FIELD(AActor, ThruActorLevelMax)
DEFINE_FIELD(AActor, Species)
DEFINE_FIELD(AActor, alternative)
DEFINE_FIELD(AActor, goal)
@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ class Actor : Thinker native
native int RipperLevel;
native int RipLevelMin;
native int RipLevelMax;
native int16 ThruActorLevel, ThruActorLevelMin, ThruActorLevelMax;
native name Species;
native Actor Alternative;
native Actor goal;
@ -335,6 +336,9 @@ class Actor : Thinker native
property Ripperlevel: RipperLevel;
property RipLevelMin: RipLevelMin;
property RipLevelMax: RipLevelMax;
property ThruActorLevel: ThruActorLevel;
property ThruActorLevelMin: ThruActorLevelMin;
property ThruActorLevelMax: ThruActorLevelMax;
property RenderHidden: RenderHidden;
property RenderRequired: RenderRequired;
property FriendlySeeBlocks: FriendlySeeBlocks;
@ -397,6 +401,9 @@ class Actor : Thinker native
RipperLevel 0;
RipLevelMin 0;
RipLevelMax 0;
ThruActorLevel 0;
ThruActorLevelMin 1; // int16, so [-32767, 32767] is the range.
ThruActorLevelMax 32767; // int16 too
DefThreshold 100;
BloodType "Blood", "BloodSplatter", "AxeBlood";
ExplosionDamage 128;
@ -863,6 +870,9 @@ class Actor : Thinker native
void A_SetRipperLevel(int level) { RipperLevel = level; }
void A_SetRipMin(int minimum) { RipLevelMin = minimum; }
void A_SetRipMax(int maximum) { RipLevelMax = maximum; }
void A_SetThruActorLevel(int level) { ThruActorLevel = level; }
void A_SetThruActorLevelMin(int minimum) { ThruActorLevelMin = minimum; }
void A_SetThruActorLevelMax(int maximum) { ThruActorLevelMax = maximum; }
void A_ScreamAndUnblock() { A_Scream(); A_NoBlocking(); }
void A_ActiveAndUnblock() { A_ActiveSound(); A_NoBlocking(); }
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