- added a few exports for game strings which the SBARINFO string drawer can access and which should also be available by ZScript.

- merged BaseStatusBar and CustomStatusBar back together.

Since the low level draw functions are better done in native code for both performance and debuggability the split has become pointless.
This commit is contained in:
Christoph Oelckers 2017-03-24 02:12:03 +01:00
parent c21037fb03
commit 617934e1c2
6 changed files with 175 additions and 123 deletions

View file

@ -488,6 +488,11 @@ const char * G_SkillName()
return name;

View file

@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ public:
void DBaseStatusBar::DrawGraphic(FTextureID texture, bool animate, double x, double y, double Alpha = 1., bool translatable = false, bool dim = false,
int imgAlign = TOP | LEFT, int screenalign = TOP | LEFT, bool alphamap = false, double width = -1, double height = -1, double scaleX = 1, double scaleY = 1, bool fullscreenoffsets = false);
int imgAlign = TOP | LEFT, int screenalign = TOP | LEFT, bool alphamap = false, double width = -1, double height = -1);
void GetCoords(int &x, int &y)
@ -428,6 +428,12 @@ public:
player_t *CPlayer;
double Alpha = 1.;
DVector2 drawOffset = { 0,0 }; // can be set by subclasses to offset drawing operations
double drawClip[4] = { 0,0,0,0 }; // defines a clipping rectangle (not used yet)
bool fullscreenOffsets = false; // current screen is displayed with fullscreen behavior.
DVector2 cleanScale; // factor for scaled fullscreen display.
bool RepositionCoords (int &x, int &y, int xo, int yo, const int w, const int h) const;
void DrawMessages (int layer, int bottom);

View file

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "g_levellocals.h"
#include "virtual.h"
#include "p_acs.h"
#include "r_data/r_translate.h"
#include "../version.h"
@ -80,6 +81,8 @@ EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, am_showtime)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, am_showtotaltime)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, noisedebug)
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, con_scaletext)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, hud_scale)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, vid_fps)
int active_con_scaletext();
@ -235,6 +238,8 @@ DBaseStatusBar::DBaseStatusBar ()
Displacement = 0;
CPlayer = NULL;
ShowLog = false;
cleanScale = { (double)CleanXfac, (double)CleanYfac };
void DBaseStatusBar::SetSize(int reltop, int hres, int vres)
@ -1242,6 +1247,10 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::ScreenSizeChanged ()
st_scale.Callback ();
int x, y;
V_CalcCleanFacs(HorizontalResolution, VerticalResolution, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT, &x, &y);
cleanScale = { (double)x, (double)y };
for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(Messages); ++i)
DHUDMessage *message = Messages[i];
@ -1381,15 +1390,18 @@ uint32_t DBaseStatusBar::GetTranslation() const
// draw stuff
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, hud_scale)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, vid_fps)
void DBaseStatusBar::DrawGraphic(FTextureID texture, bool animate, double x, double y, double Alpha, bool translatable, bool dim,
int imgAlign, int screenalign, bool alphamap, double width, double height, double scaleX, double scaleY, bool fullscreenoffsets)
int imgAlign, int screenalign, bool alphamap, double width, double height)
if (!texture.isValid())
Alpha *= this->Alpha;
if (Alpha <= 0) return;
x += drawOffset.X;
y += drawOffset.Y;
FTexture *tex = animate ? TexMan(texture) : TexMan[texture];
switch (imgAlign & HMASK)
@ -1406,7 +1418,7 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::DrawGraphic(FTextureID texture, bool animate, double x, dou
case VOFFSET: y -= tex->GetScaledTopOffsetDouble() * height / tex->GetScaledHeightDouble(); break;
if (!fullscreenoffsets)
if (!fullscreenOffsets)
x += ST_X;
y += ST_Y;
@ -1440,10 +1452,10 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::DrawGraphic(FTextureID texture, bool animate, double x, dou
if (hud_scale)
x *= scaleX;
y *= scaleY;
width *= scaleX;
height *= scaleY;
x *= cleanScale.X;
y *= cleanScale.Y;
width *= cleanScale.X;
height *= cleanScale.Y;
x += orgx;
y += orgy;
@ -1476,10 +1488,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DBaseStatusBar, DrawGraphic)
self->DrawGraphic(FSetTextureID(texid), animate, x, y, alpha, translatable, dim, ialign, salign, alphamap, w, h, sx, sy, fso);
self->DrawGraphic(FSetTextureID(texid), animate, x, y, alpha, translatable, dim, ialign, salign, alphamap, w, h);
return 0;
@ -1521,6 +1530,11 @@ DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, CrosshairSize);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, Displacement);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, CPlayer);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, ShowLog);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, Alpha);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, drawOffset);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, drawClip);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, fullscreenOffsets);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, cleanScale);
@ -1544,3 +1558,18 @@ static DObject *InitObject(PClass *type, int paramnum, VM_ARGS)
return obj;
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DBaseStatusBar, GetGlobalACSArrayString)

View file

@ -316,6 +316,7 @@ class Object native
native bool bDestroyed;
// These really should be global functions...
native static String G_SkillName();
native static int G_SkillPropertyInt(int p);
native static double G_SkillPropertyFloat(int p);
native static vector3, int G_PickDeathmatchStart();
@ -514,6 +515,12 @@ struct LevelLocals native
native static void WorldDone();
native static void RemoveAllBots(bool fromlist);
native void SetInterMusic(String nextmap);
String TimeFormatted()
int sec = Thinker.Tics2Seconds(time);
return String.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", sec / 3600, (sec % 3600) / 60, sec % 60);
struct StringTable native

View file

@ -38,95 +38,6 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
HUD_AltHud // Used for passing through popups to the alt hud
enum EHudDraw
const XHAIRSHRINKSIZE =(1./18);
native int ST_X, ST_Y;
native int RelTop;
native int HorizontalResolution, VerticalResolution;
native bool Scaled;
native bool Centering;
native bool FixedOrigin;
native bool CompleteBorder;
native double CrosshairSize;
native double Displacement;
native PlayerInfo CPlayer;
native bool ShowLog;
native void SetSize(int height, int vwidth, int vheight);
virtual void Init() {}
native virtual void SetScaled(bool scale, bool force = false);
native virtual void Tick ();
native virtual void Draw (int state, double TicFrac);
native virtual void ScreenSizeChanged ();
virtual void FlashItem (class<Inventory> itemtype) {}
virtual void AttachToPlayer (PlayerInfo player) { CPlayer = player; }
virtual void FlashCrosshair () { CrosshairSize = XHAIRPICKUPSIZE; }
virtual void NewGame () {}
virtual void ShowPop (int popnum) { ShowLog = (popnum == POP_Log && !ShowLog); }
virtual clearscope void ReceivedWeapon (Weapon weapn) {}
virtual bool MustDrawLog(int state) { return true; }
virtual void SetMugShotState (String state_name, bool wait_till_done=false, bool reset=false) {}
native void RefreshBackground () const;
native Inventory ValidateInvFirst (int numVisible) const;
native static TextureID, bool GetInventoryIcon(Inventory item, int flags);
native void DrawGraphic(TextureID texture, bool animate, Vector2 pos, double Alpha, bool translatable, bool dim,
int imgAlign, int screenalign, bool alphamap, Vector2 box, Vector2 scale, bool fso);
// DBaseStatusBar :: GetCurrentAmmo
// Returns the types and amounts of ammo used by the current weapon. If the
// weapon only uses one type of ammo, it is always returned as ammo1.
Inventory, Inventory, int, int GetCurrentAmmo () const
Ammo ammo1, ammo2;
if (CPlayer.ReadyWeapon != NULL)
ammo1 = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon.Ammo1;
ammo2 = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon.Ammo2;
if (ammo1 == NULL)
ammo1 = ammo2;
ammo2 = NULL;
ammo1 = ammo2 = NULL;
let ammocount1 = ammo1 != NULL ? ammo1.Amount : 0;
let ammocount2 = ammo2 != NULL ? ammo2.Amount : 0;
return ammo1, ammo2, ammocount1, ammocount2;
// This is only needed to shadow the native base class because a native class
// cannot have scripted variables added.
class CustomStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
enum DI_Flags
@ -188,28 +99,91 @@ class CustomStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
double Alpha;
Vector2 drawOffset; // can be set by subclasses to offset drawing operations
double drawClip[4]; // defines a clipping rectangle (not used yet)
bool fullscreenOffsets; // current screen is displayed with fullscreen behavior.
Vector2 cleanScale; // factor for scaled fullscreen display.
override void Init()
enum EHudDraw
Alpha = 1;
DrawOffset = (0, 0);
drawClip[0] = 0;
drawClip[1] = 0;
drawClip[2] = 0;
drawClip[3] = 0;
cleanScale = (CleanXfac, CleanYfac);
fullscreenOffsets = false;
const XHAIRSHRINKSIZE =(1./18);
native int ST_X, ST_Y;
native int RelTop;
native int HorizontalResolution, VerticalResolution;
native bool Scaled;
native bool Centering;
native bool FixedOrigin;
native bool CompleteBorder;
native double CrosshairSize;
native double Displacement;
native PlayerInfo CPlayer;
native bool ShowLog;
// These are block properties for the drawers. A child class can set them to have a block of items use the same settings.
native double Alpha;
native Vector2 drawOffset; // can be set by subclasses to offset drawing operations
native double drawClip[4]; // defines a clipping rectangle (not used yet)
native bool fullscreenOffsets; // current screen is displayed with fullscreen behavior.
native Vector2 cleanScale; // factor for scaled fullscreen display.
native void SetSize(int height, int vwidth, int vheight);
virtual void Init() {}
native virtual void SetScaled(bool scale, bool force = false);
native virtual void Tick ();
native virtual void Draw (int state, double TicFrac);
native virtual void ScreenSizeChanged ();
virtual void FlashItem (class<Inventory> itemtype) {}
virtual void AttachToPlayer (PlayerInfo player) { CPlayer = player; }
virtual void FlashCrosshair () { CrosshairSize = XHAIRPICKUPSIZE; }
virtual void NewGame () {}
virtual void ShowPop (int popnum) { ShowLog = (popnum == POP_Log && !ShowLog); }
virtual clearscope void ReceivedWeapon (Weapon weapn) {}
virtual bool MustDrawLog(int state) { return true; }
virtual void SetMugShotState (String state_name, bool wait_till_done=false, bool reset=false) {}
native void RefreshBackground () const;
native Inventory ValidateInvFirst (int numVisible) const;
native static TextureID, bool GetInventoryIcon(Inventory item, int flags);
native void DrawGraphic(TextureID texture, bool animate, Vector2 pos, double Alpha, bool translatable, bool dim, int imgAlign, int screenalign, bool alphamap, Vector2 box);
// DBaseStatusBar :: GetCurrentAmmo
// Returns the types and amounts of ammo used by the current weapon. If the
// weapon only uses one type of ammo, it is always returned as ammo1.
Inventory, Inventory, int, int GetCurrentAmmo () const
Ammo ammo1, ammo2;
if (CPlayer.ReadyWeapon != NULL)
ammo1 = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon.Ammo1;
ammo2 = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon.Ammo2;
if (ammo1 == NULL)
ammo1 = ammo2;
ammo2 = NULL;
ammo1 = ammo2 = NULL;
let ammocount1 = ammo1 != NULL ? ammo1.Amount : 0;
let ammocount2 = ammo2 != NULL ? ammo2.Amount : 0;
return ammo1, ammo2, ammocount1, ammocount2;
// Get an icon
@ -234,6 +208,37 @@ class CustomStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
return icon;
// Convenience functions to retrieve item tags
String GetAmmoTag(bool secondary = false)
let w = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon;
if (w == null) return "";
let ammo = secondary? w.ammo2 : w.ammo1;
return ammo.GetTag();
String GetWeaponTag()
let w = CPlayer.ReadyWeapon;
if (w == null) return "";
return w.GetTag();
String GetSelectedInventoryTag()
let w = CPlayer.mo.InvSel;
if (w == null) return "";
return w.GetTag();
// These cannot be done in ZScript.
native String GetGlobalACSString(int index);
native String GetGlobalACSArrayString(int arrayno, int index);
// various checker functions, based on SBARINFOs condition nodes.
@ -460,7 +465,7 @@ class CustomStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
boxsize = texsize;
DrawGraphic(texture, animated, pos + drawOffset, Alpha * self.Alpha, !!(flags & DI_TRANSLATABLE), false, itemAlign, screenAlign, false, boxsize, cleanscale, fullscreenoffsets);
DrawGraphic(texture, animated, pos, Alpha, !!(flags & DI_TRANSLATABLE), false, itemAlign, screenAlign, false, boxsize);

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
class StrifeStatusBar : CustomStatusBar
class StrifeStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
// Number of tics to move the popscreen up and down.