diff --git a/src/r_segs.cpp b/src/r_segs.cpp
index 369722242..1defd253b 100644
--- a/src/r_segs.cpp
+++ b/src/r_segs.cpp
@@ -2508,232 +2508,124 @@ void R_StoreWallRange (int start, int stop)
-int OWallMost (short *mostbuf, double z, const FWallCoords *wallc)
+int WallMostAny(short *mostbuf, double z1, double z2, const FWallCoords *wallc)
-	int bad, ix1, ix2;
-	double y, iy1, iy2;
-	double s1, s2, s3, s4;
+	float y1 = (float)(CenterY - z1 * InvZtoScale / wallc->sz1);
+	float y2 = (float)(CenterY - z2 * InvZtoScale / wallc->sz2);
-	z = -z;
-	s1 = globaluclip * wallc->sz1; s2 = globaluclip * wallc->sz2;
-	s3 = globaldclip * wallc->sz1; s4 = globaldclip * wallc->sz2;
-	bad = (z<s1)+((z<s2)<<1)+((z>s3)<<2)+((z>s4)<<3);
-	if ((bad&3) == 3)
-	{ // entire line is above the screen
-		memset (&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], 0, (wallc->sx2 - wallc->sx1)*sizeof(mostbuf[0]));
-		return bad;
-	}
-	if ((bad&12) == 12)
-	{ // entire line is below the screen
-		clearbufshort (&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], wallc->sx2 - wallc->sx1, viewheight);
-		return bad;
-	}
-	ix1 = wallc->sx1; iy1 = wallc->sz1;
-	ix2 = wallc->sx2; iy2 = wallc->sz2;
-	if (bad & 3)
-	{ // the line intersects the top of the screen
-		double t = (z-s1) / (s2-s1);
-		double inty = wallc->sz1 + t * (wallc->sz2 - wallc->sz1);
-		int xcross = xs_RoundToInt(wallc->sx1 + (t * wallc->sz2 * (wallc->sx2 - wallc->sx1)) / inty);
-		if ((bad & 3) == 2)
-		{ // the right side is above the screen
-			if (wallc->sx1 <= xcross) { iy2 = inty; ix2 = xcross; }
-			if (wallc->sx2 > xcross) memset (&mostbuf[xcross], 0, (wallc->sx2-xcross)*sizeof(mostbuf[0]));
-		}
-		else
-		{ // the left side is above the screen
-			if (xcross <= wallc->sx2) { iy1 = inty; ix1 = xcross; }
-			if (xcross > wallc->sx1) memset (&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], 0, (xcross-wallc->sx1)*sizeof(mostbuf[0]));
-		}
-	}
-	if (bad & 12)
-	{ // the line intersects the bottom of the screen
-		double t = (z-s3) / (s4-s3);
-		double inty = wallc->sz1 + t * (wallc->sz2 - wallc->sz1);
-		int xcross = xs_RoundToInt(wallc->sx1 + (t * wallc->sz2 * (wallc->sx2 - wallc->sx1)) / inty);
-		if ((bad & 12) == 8)
-		{ // the right side is below the screen
-			if (wallc->sx1 <= xcross) { iy2 = inty; ix2 = xcross; }
-			if (wallc->sx2 > xcross) clearbufshort (&mostbuf[xcross], wallc->sx2 - xcross, viewheight);
-		}
-		else
-		{ // the left side is below the screen
-			if (xcross <= wallc->sx2) { iy1 = inty; ix1 = xcross; }
-			if (xcross > wallc->sx1) clearbufshort (&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], xcross - wallc->sx1, viewheight);
-		}
-	}
-	y = z * InvZtoScale / iy1;
-	if (ix2 == ix1)
+	if (y1 < 0 && y2 < 0) // entire line is above screen
-		mostbuf[ix1] = (short)xs_RoundToInt(y + CenterY);
+		memset(&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], 0, (wallc->sx2 - wallc->sx1) * sizeof(mostbuf[0]));
+		return 3;
+	}
+	else if (y1 > viewheight && y2 > viewheight) // entire line is below screen
+	{
+		clearbufshort(&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], wallc->sx2 - wallc->sx1, viewheight);
+		return 12;
+	}
+	if (wallc->sx2 <= wallc->sx1)
+		return 0;
+	float rcp_delta = 1.0f / (wallc->sx2 - wallc->sx1);
+	if (y1 >= 0.0f && y2 >= 0.0f && xs_RoundToInt(y1) <= viewheight && xs_RoundToInt(y2) <= viewheight)
+	{
+		for (int x = wallc->sx1; x < wallc->sx2; x++)
+		{
+			float t = (x - wallc->sx1) * rcp_delta;
+			float y = y1 * (1.0f - t) + y2 * t;
+			mostbuf[x] = (short)xs_RoundToInt(y);
+		}
-		fixed_t yinc = FLOAT2FIXED(((z * InvZtoScale / iy2) - y) / (ix2 - ix1));
-		qinterpolatedown16short (&mostbuf[ix1], ix2-ix1, FLOAT2FIXED(y + CenterY) + FRACUNIT/2, yinc);
+		for (int x = wallc->sx1; x < wallc->sx2; x++)
+		{
+			float t = (x - wallc->sx1) * rcp_delta;
+			float y = y1 * (1.0f - t) + y2 * t;
+			mostbuf[x] = (short)clamp(xs_RoundToInt(y), 0, viewheight);
+		}
-	return bad;
+	return 0;
-int WallMost (short *mostbuf, const secplane_t &plane, const FWallCoords *wallc)
+int OWallMost(short *mostbuf, double z, const FWallCoords *wallc)
+	return WallMostAny(mostbuf, z, z, wallc);
+int WallMost(short *mostbuf, const secplane_t &plane, const FWallCoords *wallc)
 	if (!plane.isSlope())
 		return OWallMost(mostbuf, plane.Zat0() - ViewPos.Z, wallc);
-	double x, y, den, z1, z2, oz1, oz2;
-	double s1, s2, s3, s4;
-	int bad, ix1, ix2;
-	double iy1, iy2;
-	// Get Z coordinates at both ends of the line
-	if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
-	{
-		x = curline->v2->fX();
-		y = curline->v2->fY();
-		if (wallc->sx1 == 0 && 0 != (den = wallc->tleft.X - wallc->tright.X + wallc->tleft.Y - wallc->tright.Y))
-		{
-			double frac = (wallc->tleft.Y + wallc->tleft.X) / den;
-			x -= frac * (x - curline->v1->fX());
-			y -= frac * (y - curline->v1->fY());
-		}
-		z1 = ViewPos.Z - plane.ZatPoint(x, y);
-		if (wallc->sx2 > wallc->sx1 + 1)
-		{
-			x = curline->v1->fX();
-			y = curline->v1->fY();
-			if (wallc->sx2 == viewwidth && 0 != (den = wallc->tleft.X - wallc->tright.X - wallc->tleft.Y + wallc->tright.Y))
-			{
-				double frac = (wallc->tright.Y - wallc->tright.X) / den;
-				x += frac * (curline->v2->fX() - x);
-				y += frac * (curline->v2->fY() - y);
-			}
-			z2 = ViewPos.Z - plane.ZatPoint(x, y);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			z2 = z1;
-		}
-	}
-		x = curline->v1->fX();
-		y = curline->v1->fY();
-		if (wallc->sx1 == 0 && 0 != (den = wallc->tleft.X - wallc->tright.X + wallc->tleft.Y - wallc->tright.Y))
-		{
-			double frac = (wallc->tleft.Y + wallc->tleft.X) / den;
-			x += frac * (curline->v2->fX() - x);
-			y += frac * (curline->v2->fY() - y);
-		}
-		z1 = ViewPos.Z - plane.ZatPoint(x, y);
-		if (wallc->sx2 > wallc->sx1 + 1)
+		// Get Z coordinates at both ends of the line
+		double x, y, den, z1, z2;
+		if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
 			x = curline->v2->fX();
 			y = curline->v2->fY();
-			if (wallc->sx2 == viewwidth && 0 != (den = wallc->tleft.X - wallc->tright.X - wallc->tleft.Y + wallc->tright.Y))
+			if (wallc->sx1 == 0 && 0 != (den = wallc->tleft.X - wallc->tright.X + wallc->tleft.Y - wallc->tright.Y))
-				double frac = (wallc->tright.Y - wallc->tright.X) / den;
+				double frac = (wallc->tleft.Y + wallc->tleft.X) / den;
 				x -= frac * (x - curline->v1->fX());
 				y -= frac * (y - curline->v1->fY());
-			z2 = ViewPos.Z - plane.ZatPoint(x, y);
+			z1 = plane.ZatPoint(x, y) - ViewPos.Z;
+			if (wallc->sx2 > wallc->sx1 + 1)
+			{
+				x = curline->v1->fX();
+				y = curline->v1->fY();
+				if (wallc->sx2 == viewwidth && 0 != (den = wallc->tleft.X - wallc->tright.X - wallc->tleft.Y + wallc->tright.Y))
+				{
+					double frac = (wallc->tright.Y - wallc->tright.X) / den;
+					x += frac * (curline->v2->fX() - x);
+					y += frac * (curline->v2->fY() - y);
+				}
+				z2 = plane.ZatPoint(x, y) - ViewPos.Z;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				z2 = z1;
+			}
-			z2 = z1;
+			x = curline->v1->fX();
+			y = curline->v1->fY();
+			if (wallc->sx1 == 0 && 0 != (den = wallc->tleft.X - wallc->tright.X + wallc->tleft.Y - wallc->tright.Y))
+			{
+				double frac = (wallc->tleft.Y + wallc->tleft.X) / den;
+				x += frac * (curline->v2->fX() - x);
+				y += frac * (curline->v2->fY() - y);
+			}
+			z1 = plane.ZatPoint(x, y) - ViewPos.Z;
+			if (wallc->sx2 > wallc->sx1 + 1)
+			{
+				x = curline->v2->fX();
+				y = curline->v2->fY();
+				if (wallc->sx2 == viewwidth && 0 != (den = wallc->tleft.X - wallc->tright.X - wallc->tleft.Y + wallc->tright.Y))
+				{
+					double frac = (wallc->tright.Y - wallc->tright.X) / den;
+					x -= frac * (x - curline->v1->fX());
+					y -= frac * (y - curline->v1->fY());
+				}
+				z2 = plane.ZatPoint(x, y) - ViewPos.Z;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				z2 = z1;
+			}
+		return WallMostAny(mostbuf, z1, z2, wallc);
-	s1 = globaluclip * wallc->sz1; s2 = globaluclip * wallc->sz2;
-	s3 = globaldclip * wallc->sz1; s4 = globaldclip * wallc->sz2;
-	bad = (z1<s1)+((z2<s2)<<1)+((z1>s3)<<2)+((z2>s4)<<3);
-	ix1 = wallc->sx1; ix2 = wallc->sx2;
-	iy1 = wallc->sz1; iy2 = wallc->sz2;
-	oz1 = z1; oz2 = z2;
-	if ((bad&3) == 3)
-	{ // The entire line is above the screen
-		memset (&mostbuf[ix1], 0, (ix2-ix1)*sizeof(mostbuf[0]));
-		return bad;
-	}
-	if ((bad&12) == 12)
-	{ // The entire line is below the screen
-		clearbufshort (&mostbuf[ix1], ix2-ix1, viewheight);
-		return bad;
-	}
-	if (bad&3)
-	{ // The line intersects the top of the screen
-			//inty = intz / (globaluclip>>16)
-		double t = (oz1-s1) / (s2-s1+oz1-oz2);
-		double inty = wallc->sz1 + t * (wallc->sz2-wallc->sz1);
-		double intz = oz1 + t * (oz2-oz1);
-		int xcross = wallc->sx1 + xs_RoundToInt((t * wallc->sz2 * (wallc->sx2-wallc->sx1)) / inty);
-		//t = divscale30((x1<<4)-xcross*yb1[w],xcross*(yb2[w]-yb1[w])-((x2-x1)<<4));
-		//inty = yb1[w] + mulscale30(yb2[w]-yb1[w],t);
-		//intz = z1 + mulscale30(z2-z1,t);
-		if ((bad&3) == 2)
-		{ // The right side of the line is above the screen
-			if (wallc->sx1 <= xcross) { z2 = intz; iy2 = inty; ix2 = xcross; }
-			memset (&mostbuf[xcross], 0, (wallc->sx2-xcross)*sizeof(mostbuf[0]));
-		}
-		else
-		{ // The left side of the line is above the screen
-			if (xcross <= wallc->sx2) { z1 = intz; iy1 = inty; ix1 = xcross; }
-			memset (&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], 0, (xcross-wallc->sx1)*sizeof(mostbuf[0]));
-		}
-	}
-	if (bad&12)
-	{ // The line intersects the bottom of the screen
-			//inty = intz / (globaldclip>>16)
-		double t = (oz1-s3) / (s4-s3+oz1-oz2);
-		double inty = wallc->sz1 + t * (wallc->sz2-wallc->sz1);
-		double intz = oz1 + t * (oz2-oz1);
-		int xcross = wallc->sx1 + xs_RoundToInt((t * wallc->sz2 * (wallc->sx2-wallc->sx1)) / inty);
-		//t = divscale30((x1<<4)-xcross*yb1[w],xcross*(yb2[w]-yb1[w])-((x2-x1)<<4));
-		//inty = yb1[w] + mulscale30(yb2[w]-yb1[w],t);
-		//intz = z1 + mulscale30(z2-z1,t);
-		if ((bad&12) == 8)
-		{ // The right side of the line is below the screen
-			if (wallc->sx1 <= xcross) { z2 = intz; iy2 = inty; ix2 = xcross; }
-			if (wallc->sx2 > xcross) clearbufshort (&mostbuf[xcross], wallc->sx2-xcross, viewheight);
-		}
-		else
-		{ // The left side of the line is below the screen
-			if (xcross <= wallc->sx2) { z1 = intz; iy1 = inty; ix1 = xcross; }
-			if (xcross > wallc->sx1) clearbufshort (&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], xcross-wallc->sx1, viewheight);
-		}
-	}
-	y = z1 * InvZtoScale / iy1;
-	if (ix2 == ix1)
-	{
-		mostbuf[ix1] = (short)xs_RoundToInt(y + CenterY);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		fixed_t yinc = FLOAT2FIXED(((z2 * InvZtoScale / iy2) - y) / (ix2-ix1));
-		qinterpolatedown16short (&mostbuf[ix1], ix2-ix1, FLOAT2FIXED(y + CenterY) + FRACUNIT/2, yinc);
-	}
-	return bad;
 static void PrepWallRoundFix(fixed_t *lwall, fixed_t walxrepeat, int x1, int x2)