mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 11:21:54 +00:00
Move wallsprite handling to r_wallsprite
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 253 additions and 191 deletions
@ -829,6 +829,7 @@ set( FASTMATH_PCH_SOURCES
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include "r_walldraw.h"
#include "r_draw_segment.h"
#include "r_portal.h"
#include "r_wallsprite.h"
#include "swrenderer/r_memory.h"
@ -138,7 +139,6 @@ FTexture *rw_pic;
static fixed_t *maskedtexturecol;
static void R_RenderDecal (side_t *wall, DBaseDecal *first, drawseg_t *clipper, int pass);
static void WallSpriteColumn (void (*drawfunc)(const BYTE *column, const FTexture::Span *spans));
inline bool IsFogBoundary (sector_t *front, sector_t *back)
@ -2246,10 +2246,10 @@ static void R_RenderDecal (side_t *wall, DBaseDecal *decal, drawseg_t *clipper,
sprflipvert = false;
MaskedScaleY = float(1 / yscale);
float maskedScaleY = float(1 / yscale);
dc_x = x1;
int x = x1;
bool visible = R_SetPatchStyle (decal->RenderStyle, (float)decal->Alpha, decal->Translation, decal->AlphaColor);
@ -2261,14 +2261,14 @@ static void R_RenderDecal (side_t *wall, DBaseDecal *decal, drawseg_t *clipper,
if (visible)
while (dc_x < x2)
while (x < x2)
if (calclighting)
{ // calculate lighting
R_SetColorMapLight(usecolormap, rw_light, wallshade);
R_WallSpriteColumn ();
R_WallSpriteColumn(x, maskedScaleY);
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
#include "r_portal.h"
#include "r_particle.h"
#include "r_playersprite.h"
#include "r_wallsprite.h"
#include "swrenderer/r_memory.h"
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, r_drawfuzz)
@ -109,7 +110,6 @@ struct FCoverageBuffer
extern double globaluclip, globaldclip;
extern float MaskedScaleY;
// Sprite rotation 0 is facing the viewer,
@ -151,7 +151,6 @@ static vissprite_t **spritesorter;
static int spritesortersize = 0;
static int vsprcount;
static void R_ProjectWallSprite(AActor *thing, const DVector3 &pos, FTextureID picnum, const DVector2 &scale, INTBOOL flip);
@ -530,114 +529,6 @@ void R_DrawVisSprite (vissprite_t *vis)
NetUpdate ();
void R_DrawWallSprite(vissprite_t *spr)
int x1, x2;
double iyscale;
x1 = MAX<int>(spr->x1, spr->wallc.sx1);
x2 = MIN<int>(spr->x2, spr->wallc.sx2);
if (x1 >= x2)
PrepWall(swall, lwall, spr->pic->GetWidth() << FRACBITS, x1, x2);
iyscale = 1 / spr->yscale;
dc_texturemid = (spr->gzt - ViewPos.Z) * iyscale;
if (spr->renderflags & RF_XFLIP)
int right = (spr->pic->GetWidth() << FRACBITS) - 1;
for (int i = x1; i < x2; i++)
lwall[i] = right - lwall[i];
// Prepare lighting
bool calclighting = false;
FDynamicColormap *usecolormap = basecolormap;
bool rereadcolormap = true;
// Decals that are added to the scene must fade to black.
if (spr->Style.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Add] && usecolormap->Fade != 0)
usecolormap = GetSpecialLights(usecolormap->Color, 0, usecolormap->Desaturate);
rereadcolormap = false;
int shade = LIGHT2SHADE(spr->sector->lightlevel + r_actualextralight);
GlobVis = r_WallVisibility;
rw_lightleft = float (GlobVis / spr->wallc.sz1);
rw_lightstep = float((GlobVis / spr->wallc.sz2 - rw_lightleft) / (spr->wallc.sx2 - spr->wallc.sx1));
rw_light = rw_lightleft + (x1 - spr->wallc.sx1) * rw_lightstep;
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
R_SetColorMapLight(usecolormap, 0, FIXEDLIGHT2SHADE(fixedlightlev));
else if (fixedcolormap != NULL)
R_SetColorMapLight(fixedcolormap, 0, 0);
else if (!foggy && (spr->renderflags & RF_FULLBRIGHT))
R_SetColorMapLight((r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor) ? &FullNormalLight : usecolormap, 0, 0);
calclighting = true;
// Draw it
WallSpriteTile = spr->pic;
if (spr->renderflags & RF_YFLIP)
sprflipvert = true;
iyscale = -iyscale;
dc_texturemid -= spr->pic->GetHeight();
sprflipvert = false;
MaskedScaleY = (float)iyscale;
dc_x = x1;
bool visible = R_SetPatchStyle (spr->Style.RenderStyle, spr->Style.Alpha, spr->Translation, spr->FillColor);
// R_SetPatchStyle can modify basecolormap.
if (rereadcolormap)
usecolormap = basecolormap;
if (!visible)
while (dc_x < x2)
if (calclighting)
{ // calculate lighting
R_SetColorMapLight(usecolormap, rw_light, shade);
if (!R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(spr))
void R_WallSpriteColumn ()
float iscale = swall[dc_x] * MaskedScaleY;
dc_iscale = FLOAT2FIXED(iscale);
spryscale = 1 / iscale;
if (sprflipvert)
sprtopscreen = CenterY + dc_texturemid * spryscale;
sprtopscreen = CenterY - dc_texturemid * spryscale;
dc_texturefrac = 0;
R_DrawMaskedColumn(WallSpriteTile, lwall[dc_x]);
rw_light += rw_lightstep;
#if 0
void R_DrawVisVoxel(vissprite_t *spr, int minslabz, int maxslabz, short *cliptop, short *clipbot)
@ -1142,80 +1033,6 @@ void R_ProjectSprite (AActor *thing, int fakeside, F3DFloor *fakefloor, F3DFloor
static void R_ProjectWallSprite(AActor *thing, const DVector3 &pos, FTextureID picnum, const DVector2 &scale, int renderflags)
FWallCoords wallc;
double x1, x2;
DVector2 left, right;
double gzb, gzt, tz;
FTexture *pic = TexMan(picnum, true);
DAngle ang = thing->Angles.Yaw + 90;
double angcos = ang.Cos();
double angsin = ang.Sin();
vissprite_t *vis;
// Determine left and right edges of sprite. The sprite's angle is its normal,
// so the edges are 90 degrees each side of it.
x2 = pic->GetScaledWidth();
x1 = pic->GetScaledLeftOffset();
x1 *= scale.X;
x2 *= scale.X;
left.X = pos.X - x1 * angcos - ViewPos.X;
left.Y = pos.Y - x1 * angsin - ViewPos.Y;
right.X = left.X + x2 * angcos;
right.Y = right.Y + x2 * angsin;
// Is it off-screen?
if (wallc.Init(left, right, TOO_CLOSE_Z))
if (wallc.sx1 >= WindowRight || wallc.sx2 <= WindowLeft)
// Sprite sorting should probably treat these as walls, not sprites,
// but right now, I just want to get them drawing.
tz = (pos.X - ViewPos.X) * ViewTanCos + (pos.Y - ViewPos.Y) * ViewTanSin;
int scaled_to = pic->GetScaledTopOffset();
int scaled_bo = scaled_to - pic->GetScaledHeight();
gzt = pos.Z + scale.Y * scaled_to;
gzb = pos.Z + scale.Y * scaled_bo;
vis = R_NewVisSprite();
vis->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
vis->x1 = wallc.sx1 < WindowLeft ? WindowLeft : wallc.sx1;
vis->x2 = wallc.sx2 >= WindowRight ? WindowRight : wallc.sx2;
vis->yscale = (float)scale.Y;
vis->idepth = float(1 / tz);
vis->depth = (float)tz;
vis->sector = thing->Sector;
vis->heightsec = NULL;
vis->gpos = { (float)pos.X, (float)pos.Y, (float)pos.Z };
vis->gzb = (float)gzb;
vis->gzt = (float)gzt;
vis->deltax = float(pos.X - ViewPos.X);
vis->deltay = float(pos.Y - ViewPos.Y);
vis->renderflags = renderflags;
if(thing->flags5 & MF5_BRIGHT) vis->renderflags |= RF_FULLBRIGHT; // kg3D
vis->Style.RenderStyle = thing->RenderStyle;
vis->FillColor = thing->fillcolor;
vis->Translation = thing->Translation;
vis->FakeFlatStat = 0;
vis->Style.Alpha = float(thing->Alpha);
vis->fakefloor = NULL;
vis->fakeceiling = NULL;
vis->bInMirror = MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP;
vis->pic = pic;
vis->bIsVoxel = false;
vis->bWallSprite = true;
vis->Style.ColormapNum = GETPALOOKUP(
r_SpriteVisibility / MAX(tz, MINZ), spriteshade);
vis->Style.BaseColormap = basecolormap;
vis->wallc = wallc;
// R_AddSprites
// During BSP traversal, this adds sprites by sector.
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ extern int spriteshade;
bool R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(vissprite_t* spr);
void R_DrawMaskedColumn (FTexture *texture, fixed_t column, bool unmasked = false);
void R_WallSpriteColumn ();
void R_CacheSprite (spritedef_t *sprite);
void R_SortVisSprites (int (*compare)(const void *, const void *), size_t first);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "m_swap.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "swrenderer/r_main.h"
#include "swrenderer/scene/r_things.h"
#include "swrenderer/scene/r_wallsprite.h"
#include "c_console.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "sc_man.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "colormatcher.h"
#include "d_netinf.h"
#include "p_effect.h"
#include "r_bsp.h"
#include "r_plane.h"
#include "r_segs.h"
#include "r_3dfloors.h"
#include "swrenderer/drawers/r_draw_rgba.h"
#include "swrenderer/drawers/r_draw_pal.h"
#include "v_palette.h"
#include "r_data/r_translate.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "r_data/voxels.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "p_maputl.h"
#include "r_voxel.h"
#include "r_draw_segment.h"
#include "r_portal.h"
#include "swrenderer/r_memory.h"
namespace swrenderer
void R_ProjectWallSprite(AActor *thing, const DVector3 &pos, FTextureID picnum, const DVector2 &scale, int renderflags)
FWallCoords wallc;
double x1, x2;
DVector2 left, right;
double gzb, gzt, tz;
FTexture *pic = TexMan(picnum, true);
DAngle ang = thing->Angles.Yaw + 90;
double angcos = ang.Cos();
double angsin = ang.Sin();
vissprite_t *vis;
// Determine left and right edges of sprite. The sprite's angle is its normal,
// so the edges are 90 degrees each side of it.
x2 = pic->GetScaledWidth();
x1 = pic->GetScaledLeftOffset();
x1 *= scale.X;
x2 *= scale.X;
left.X = pos.X - x1 * angcos - ViewPos.X;
left.Y = pos.Y - x1 * angsin - ViewPos.Y;
right.X = left.X + x2 * angcos;
right.Y = right.Y + x2 * angsin;
// Is it off-screen?
if (wallc.Init(left, right, TOO_CLOSE_Z))
if (wallc.sx1 >= WindowRight || wallc.sx2 <= WindowLeft)
// Sprite sorting should probably treat these as walls, not sprites,
// but right now, I just want to get them drawing.
tz = (pos.X - ViewPos.X) * ViewTanCos + (pos.Y - ViewPos.Y) * ViewTanSin;
int scaled_to = pic->GetScaledTopOffset();
int scaled_bo = scaled_to - pic->GetScaledHeight();
gzt = pos.Z + scale.Y * scaled_to;
gzb = pos.Z + scale.Y * scaled_bo;
vis = R_NewVisSprite();
vis->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
vis->x1 = wallc.sx1 < WindowLeft ? WindowLeft : wallc.sx1;
vis->x2 = wallc.sx2 >= WindowRight ? WindowRight : wallc.sx2;
vis->yscale = (float)scale.Y;
vis->idepth = float(1 / tz);
vis->depth = (float)tz;
vis->sector = thing->Sector;
vis->heightsec = NULL;
vis->gpos = { (float)pos.X, (float)pos.Y, (float)pos.Z };
vis->gzb = (float)gzb;
vis->gzt = (float)gzt;
vis->deltax = float(pos.X - ViewPos.X);
vis->deltay = float(pos.Y - ViewPos.Y);
vis->renderflags = renderflags;
if (thing->flags5 & MF5_BRIGHT) vis->renderflags |= RF_FULLBRIGHT; // kg3D
vis->Style.RenderStyle = thing->RenderStyle;
vis->FillColor = thing->fillcolor;
vis->Translation = thing->Translation;
vis->FakeFlatStat = 0;
vis->Style.Alpha = float(thing->Alpha);
vis->fakefloor = NULL;
vis->fakeceiling = NULL;
vis->bInMirror = MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP;
vis->pic = pic;
vis->bIsVoxel = false;
vis->bWallSprite = true;
vis->Style.ColormapNum = GETPALOOKUP(
r_SpriteVisibility / MAX(tz, MINZ), spriteshade);
vis->Style.BaseColormap = basecolormap;
vis->wallc = wallc;
void R_DrawWallSprite(vissprite_t *spr)
int x1, x2;
double iyscale;
x1 = MAX<int>(spr->x1, spr->wallc.sx1);
x2 = MIN<int>(spr->x2, spr->wallc.sx2);
if (x1 >= x2)
PrepWall(swall, lwall, spr->pic->GetWidth() << FRACBITS, x1, x2);
iyscale = 1 / spr->yscale;
dc_texturemid = (spr->gzt - ViewPos.Z) * iyscale;
if (spr->renderflags & RF_XFLIP)
int right = (spr->pic->GetWidth() << FRACBITS) - 1;
for (int i = x1; i < x2; i++)
lwall[i] = right - lwall[i];
// Prepare lighting
bool calclighting = false;
FDynamicColormap *usecolormap = basecolormap;
bool rereadcolormap = true;
// Decals that are added to the scene must fade to black.
if (spr->Style.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Add] && usecolormap->Fade != 0)
usecolormap = GetSpecialLights(usecolormap->Color, 0, usecolormap->Desaturate);
rereadcolormap = false;
int shade = LIGHT2SHADE(spr->sector->lightlevel + r_actualextralight);
GlobVis = r_WallVisibility;
rw_lightleft = float(GlobVis / spr->wallc.sz1);
rw_lightstep = float((GlobVis / spr->wallc.sz2 - rw_lightleft) / (spr->wallc.sx2 - spr->wallc.sx1));
rw_light = rw_lightleft + (x1 - spr->wallc.sx1) * rw_lightstep;
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
R_SetColorMapLight(usecolormap, 0, FIXEDLIGHT2SHADE(fixedlightlev));
else if (fixedcolormap != NULL)
R_SetColorMapLight(fixedcolormap, 0, 0);
else if (!foggy && (spr->renderflags & RF_FULLBRIGHT))
R_SetColorMapLight((r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor) ? &FullNormalLight : usecolormap, 0, 0);
calclighting = true;
// Draw it
WallSpriteTile = spr->pic;
if (spr->renderflags & RF_YFLIP)
sprflipvert = true;
iyscale = -iyscale;
dc_texturemid -= spr->pic->GetHeight();
sprflipvert = false;
float maskedScaleY = (float)iyscale;
int x = x1;
bool visible = R_SetPatchStyle(spr->Style.RenderStyle, spr->Style.Alpha, spr->Translation, spr->FillColor);
// R_SetPatchStyle can modify basecolormap.
if (rereadcolormap)
usecolormap = basecolormap;
if (!visible)
while (x < x2)
if (calclighting)
{ // calculate lighting
R_SetColorMapLight(usecolormap, rw_light, shade);
if (!R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(spr))
R_WallSpriteColumn(x, maskedScaleY);
void R_WallSpriteColumn(int x, float maskedScaleY)
using namespace drawerargs;
dc_x = x;
float iscale = swall[dc_x] * maskedScaleY;
dc_iscale = FLOAT2FIXED(iscale);
spryscale = 1 / iscale;
if (sprflipvert)
sprtopscreen = CenterY + dc_texturemid * spryscale;
sprtopscreen = CenterY - dc_texturemid * spryscale;
dc_texturefrac = 0;
R_DrawMaskedColumn(WallSpriteTile, lwall[dc_x]);
rw_light += rw_lightstep;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#pragma once
#include "r_visible_sprite.h"
namespace swrenderer
void R_ProjectWallSprite(AActor *thing, const DVector3 &pos, FTextureID picnum, const DVector2 &scale, int renderflags);
void R_DrawWallSprite(vissprite_t *spr);
void R_WallSpriteColumn(int x, float maskedScaleY);
Reference in a new issue