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synced 2025-03-06 01:21:34 +00:00
Further work on prediction lerping
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 72 additions and 48 deletions
@ -1635,6 +1635,12 @@ void G_DoReborn (int playernum, bool freshbot)
// Old lerp data needs to go
if (playernum == consoleplayer)
// respawn at the start
// first disassociate the corpse
if (players[playernum].mo)
@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ void P_FallingDamage (AActor *ent);
void P_PlayerThink (player_t *player);
void P_PredictPlayer (player_t *player);
void P_UnPredictPlayer ();
void P_PredictionLerpReset();
@ -64,20 +64,25 @@ static FRandom pr_skullpop ("SkullPop");
CVAR (Bool, cl_noprediction, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
CVAR(Bool, cl_predict_specials, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
#define LERPSCALE 0.05
CUSTOM_CVAR(Float, cl_predict_lerpscale, 0.05, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
CUSTOM_CVAR(Float, cl_predict_lerpthreshold, 2.00, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
if (self < 0.1)
self = 0.1;
struct PredictCheck
struct PredictPos
int gametic;
fixed_t x;
fixed_t y;
fixed_t z;
FVector3 point;
fixed_t pitch;
fixed_t yaw;
bool onground;
} static PredictionResults[BACKUPTICS], PredictionResult_Last;
} static PredictionLerpFrom, PredictionLerpResult, PredictionLast;
static int PredictionLerptics;
static int PredictionMaxLerptics;
static player_t PredictionPlayerBackup;
static BYTE PredictionActorBackup[sizeof(AActor)];
@ -1898,7 +1903,6 @@ void P_MovePlayer (player_t *player)
mo->angle += cmd->ucmd.yaw << 16;
Printf("%d\n", cmd->ucmd.yaw);
player->onground = (mo->z <= mo->floorz) || (mo->flags2 & MF2_ONMOBJ) || (mo->BounceFlags & BOUNCE_MBF) || (player->cheats & CF_NOCLIP2);
@ -2655,6 +2659,21 @@ void P_PlayerThink (player_t *player)
void P_PredictionLerpReset()
PredictionLerptics = PredictionLast.gametic = PredictionLerpFrom.gametic = PredictionLerpResult.gametic = 0;
bool P_LerpCalculate(FVector3 from, FVector3 to, FVector3 &result, float scale)
result = to - from;
result *= scale;
result = result + from;
FVector3 delta = result - to;
return (delta.LengthSquared() > cl_predict_lerpthreshold);
void P_PredictPlayer (player_t *player)
int maxtic;
@ -2740,7 +2759,7 @@ void P_PredictPlayer (player_t *player)
act->BlockNode = NULL;
bool NoInterpolateOld = R_GetViewInterpolationStatus();
bool CanLerp = (cl_predict_lerpscale > 0), DoLerp = false, NoInterpolateOld = R_GetViewInterpolationStatus();
for (int i = gametic; i < maxtic; ++i)
if (!NoInterpolateOld)
@ -2750,48 +2769,44 @@ void P_PredictPlayer (player_t *player)
P_PlayerThink (player);
player->mo->Tick ();
if (PredictionResults[i % BACKUPTICS].gametic && i == PredictionResults[i % BACKUPTICS].gametic && !NoInterpolateOld && PredictionLerptics >= PredictionMaxLerptics)
if (CanLerp && PredictionLast.gametic > 0 && i == PredictionLast.gametic && !NoInterpolateOld)
if (PredictionResults[i % BACKUPTICS].x != player->mo->x ||
PredictionResults[i % BACKUPTICS].y != player->mo->y ||
(PredictionResults[i % BACKUPTICS].z != player->mo->z && PredictionResults[i % BACKUPTICS].onground && player->onground))
// If the player was always on the ground, they might be on a lift, and lerping would be disruptive on z height changes alone
PredictionLerptics = 0;
PredictionMaxLerptics = (maxtic - gametic);
// Z is not compared as lifts will alter this with no apparent change
DoLerp = (PredictionLast.point.X != FIXED2FLOAT(player->mo->x) ||
PredictionLast.point.Y != FIXED2FLOAT(player->mo->y));
if (CanLerp)
if (DoLerp)
// If lerping is already in effect, use the previous camera postion so the view doesn't suddenly snap
PredictionLerpFrom = (PredictionLerptics == 0) ? PredictionLast : PredictionLerpResult;
PredictionLerptics = 1;
PredictionResults[i % BACKUPTICS].gametic = i;
PredictionResults[i % BACKUPTICS].x = player->mo->x;
PredictionResults[i % BACKUPTICS].y = player->mo->y;
PredictionResults[i % BACKUPTICS].z = player->mo->z;
PredictionResults[i % BACKUPTICS].onground = player->onground;
PredictionLast.gametic = maxtic - 1;
PredictionLast.point.X = FIXED2FLOAT(player->mo->x);
PredictionLast.point.Y = FIXED2FLOAT(player->mo->y);
PredictionLast.point.Z = FIXED2FLOAT(player->mo->z);
if (PredictionLerptics > 0)
if (PredictionLerpFrom.gametic > 0 &&
P_LerpCalculate(PredictionLerpFrom.point, PredictionLast.point, PredictionLerpResult.point, (float)PredictionLerptics * cl_predict_lerpscale))
player->mo->x = FLOAT2FIXED(PredictionLerpResult.point.X);
player->mo->y = FLOAT2FIXED(PredictionLerpResult.point.Y);
player->mo->z = FLOAT2FIXED(PredictionLerpResult.point.Z);
PredictionLerptics = 0;
if (PredictionLerptics < PredictionMaxLerptics)
FVector3 pointold, pointnew, step, difference, result;
pointold.X = FIXED2FLOAT(PredictionResult_Last.x); // Old player pos
pointold.Y = FIXED2FLOAT(PredictionResult_Last.y);
pointold.Z = FIXED2FLOAT(PredictionResult_Last.z);
pointnew.X = FIXED2FLOAT(player->mo->x); // New player pos
pointnew.Y = FIXED2FLOAT(player->mo->y);
pointnew.Z = FIXED2FLOAT(player->mo->z);
difference = pointnew - pointold;
step = difference / PredictionMaxLerptics;
result = step * PredictionLerptics;
result += pointold;
player->mo->x = FLOAT2FIXED(result.X);
player->mo->y = FLOAT2FIXED(result.Y);
player->mo->z = FLOAT2FIXED(result.Z);
Printf("Lerped! x%f y%f z%f\n", result.X, result.Y, result.Z);
if (PredictionLerptics >= PredictionMaxLerptics)
PredictionResult_Last = PredictionResults[(maxtic - 1) % BACKUPTICS];
extern msecnode_t *P_AddSecnode (sector_t *s, AActor *thing, msecnode_t *nextnode);
@ -1612,6 +1612,8 @@ OptionMenu NetworkOptions
StaticText "Local options", 1
Option "Movement prediction", "cl_noprediction", "OffOn"
Option "Predict line actions", "cl_predict_specials", "OnOff"
Option "Prediction Lerp Scale", "cl_predict_lerpscale", 0.0, 0.5, 0.01
Option "Lerp Threshold", "cl_predict_lerpthreshold", 0.1, 16.0, 0.1
StaticText " "
StaticText "Host options", 1
Option "Extra Tics", "net_extratic", "ExtraTicMode"
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