mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 01:41:27 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
53 changed files with 673 additions and 720 deletions
@ -265,6 +265,6 @@ DEFINE_SPECIAL(Ceiling_Stop, 276, 1, 1, 1)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Sector_SetFloorGlow, 277, 5, 5, 5)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Sector_SetCeilingGlow, 278, 5, 5, 5)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Floor_MoveToValueAndCrush, 279, 4, 5, 5)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Ceiling_MoveToValueAndCrush, 290, 4, 5, 5)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Ceiling_MoveToValueAndCrush, 280, 4, 5, 5)
@ -790,6 +790,7 @@ static double mapystart=0; // y-value for the start of the map bitmap...used in
static double mapxstart=0; //x-value for the bitmap.
static bool stopped = true;
static int viewbottom;
static void AM_calcMinMaxMtoF();
@ -1062,7 +1063,7 @@ static void AM_findMinMaxBoundaries ()
static void AM_calcMinMaxMtoF()
double a = SCREENWIDTH / max_w;
double b = gST_Y / max_h;
double b = viewbottom / max_h;
min_scale_mtof = a < b ? a : b;
max_scale_mtof = SCREENHEIGHT / (2*PLAYERRADIUS);
@ -1420,7 +1421,7 @@ void AM_NewResolution()
else if (scale_mtof > max_scale_mtof)
f_w = screen->GetWidth();
f_h = gST_Y;
f_h = viewbottom;
@ -3160,7 +3161,7 @@ void AM_drawCrosshair (const AMColor &color)
void AM_Drawer ()
void AM_Drawer (int bottom)
if (!automapactive)
@ -3168,6 +3169,7 @@ void AM_Drawer ()
bool allmap = (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLMAP) != 0;
bool allthings = allmap && players[consoleplayer].mo->FindInventory(NAME_PowerScanner, true) != nullptr;
viewbottom = bottom;
if (am_portaloverlay)
sector_t *sec;
@ -3184,7 +3186,7 @@ void AM_Drawer ()
// and view size adjustments.
f_x = f_y = 0;
f_w = screen->GetWidth ();
f_h = gST_Y;
f_h = viewbottom;
f_p = screen->GetPitch ();
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ void AM_Ticker (void);
// Called by main loop,
// called instead of view drawer if automap active.
void AM_Drawer (void);
void AM_Drawer (int bottom);
// Called to force the automap to quit
// if the level is completed while it is up.
@ -146,10 +146,9 @@ static int worklen = 0;
CVAR(Float, con_notifytime, 3.f, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
CVAR(Bool, con_centernotify, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, con_scaletext, 1, CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Scale notify text at high resolutions?
CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, con_scaletext, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Scale notify text at high resolutions?
if (self < 0) self = 0;
if (self > 3) self = 3;
CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, con_scale, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
@ -157,36 +156,6 @@ CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, con_scale, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
if (self < 0) self = 0;
int active_con_scale()
int scale = con_scale;
if (scale <= 0)
scale = uiscale;
if (scale == 0)
scale = CleanXfac - 1;
if (scale <= 0)
scale = 1;
return scale;
int active_con_scaletext()
switch (con_scaletext)
case 0: return 1;
case 1: return uiscale;
case 2: return 2;
case 3: return 4;
CUSTOM_CVAR(Float, con_alpha, 0.75f, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
if (self < 0.f) self = 0.f;
@ -811,14 +780,7 @@ void FNotifyBuffer::AddString(int printlevel, FString source)
if (active_con_scaletext() == 0)
width = DisplayWidth / CleanXfac;
width = DisplayWidth / active_con_scaletext();
width = DisplayWidth / active_con_scaletext();
if (AddType == APPENDLINE && Text.Size() > 0 && Text[Text.Size() - 1].PrintLevel == printlevel)
@ -1061,10 +1023,6 @@ void FNotifyBuffer::Draw()
canskip = true;
lineadv = SmallFont->GetHeight ();
if (active_con_scaletext() == 0)
lineadv *= CleanYfac;
BorderTopRefresh = screen->GetPageCount ();
@ -1088,45 +1046,21 @@ void FNotifyBuffer::Draw()
color = PrintColors[notify.PrintLevel];
if (active_con_scaletext() == 0)
if (!center)
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, color, 0, line, notify.Text,
DTA_CleanNoMove, true, DTA_Alpha, alpha, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, color, (SCREENWIDTH -
SmallFont->StringWidth (notify.Text)*CleanXfac)/2,
line, notify.Text, DTA_CleanNoMove, true,
DTA_Alpha, alpha, TAG_DONE);
else if (active_con_scaletext() == 1)
if (!center)
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, color, 0, line, notify.Text,
DTA_Alpha, alpha, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, color, (SCREENWIDTH -
SmallFont->StringWidth (notify.Text))/2,
line, notify.Text,
DTA_Alpha, alpha, TAG_DONE);
int scale = active_con_scaletext();
if (!center)
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, color, 0, line, notify.Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, screen->GetWidth() / scale,
DTA_VirtualHeight, screen->GetHeight() / scale,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_Alpha, alpha, TAG_DONE);
if (!center)
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, color, 0, line, notify.Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, screen->GetWidth() / active_con_scaletext(),
DTA_VirtualHeight, screen->GetHeight() / active_con_scaletext(),
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_Alpha, alpha, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, color, (screen->GetWidth() -
SmallFont->StringWidth (notify.Text) * active_con_scaletext()) / 2 / active_con_scaletext(),
line, notify.Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, screen->GetWidth() / active_con_scaletext(),
DTA_VirtualHeight, screen->GetHeight() / active_con_scaletext(),
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_Alpha, alpha, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, color, (screen->GetWidth() -
SmallFont->StringWidth (notify.Text) * scale) / 2 / scale,
line, notify.Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, screen->GetWidth() / scale,
DTA_VirtualHeight, screen->GetHeight() / scale,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_Alpha, alpha, TAG_DONE);
line += lineadv;
canskip = false;
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ int strbin (char *str)
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
c = 0;
c = *p - '0';
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ FString strbin1 (const char *start)
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
c = 0;
c = *p - '0';
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "templates.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "d_event.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#define QUEUESIZE 128
#define MESSAGESIZE 128
@ -226,29 +227,12 @@ void CT_Drawer (void)
int i, x, scalex, y, promptwidth;
y = (viewactive || gamestate != GS_LEVEL) ? -10 : -30;
if (active_con_scaletext() == 0)
scalex = CleanXfac;
y *= CleanYfac;
scalex = 1;
int screen_width, screen_height, st_y;
if (active_con_scaletext() == 0)
screen_width = SCREENWIDTH;
screen_height = SCREENHEIGHT;
st_y = gST_Y;
screen_width = SCREENWIDTH / active_con_scaletext();
screen_height = SCREENHEIGHT / active_con_scaletext();
st_y = gST_Y / active_con_scaletext();
scalex = 1;
int scale = active_con_scaletext();
int screen_width = SCREENWIDTH / scale;
int screen_height= SCREENHEIGHT / scale;
int st_y = StatusBar->GetTopOfStatusbar() / scale;
y += ((SCREENHEIGHT == viewheight && viewactive) || gamestate != GS_LEVEL) ? screen_height : st_y;
@ -274,18 +258,10 @@ void CT_Drawer (void)
// draw the prompt, text, and cursor
ChatQueue[len] = SmallFont->GetCursor();
ChatQueue[len+1] = '\0';
if (active_con_scaletext() < 2)
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GREEN, 0, y, prompt, DTA_CleanNoMove, active_con_scaletext() == 0, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GREY, promptwidth, y, (char *)(ChatQueue + i), DTA_CleanNoMove, active_con_scaletext() == 0, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GREEN, 0, y, prompt,
DTA_VirtualWidth, screen_width, DTA_VirtualHeight, screen_height, DTA_KeepRatio, true, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GREY, promptwidth, y, (char *)(ChatQueue + i),
DTA_VirtualWidth, screen_width, DTA_VirtualHeight, screen_height, DTA_KeepRatio, true, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GREEN, 0, y, prompt,
DTA_VirtualWidth, screen_width, DTA_VirtualHeight, screen_height, DTA_KeepRatio, true, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GREY, promptwidth, y, (char *)(ChatQueue + i),
DTA_VirtualWidth, screen_width, DTA_VirtualHeight, screen_height, DTA_KeepRatio, true, TAG_DONE);
ChatQueue[len] = '\0';
BorderTopRefresh = screen->GetPageCount ();
@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, sv_unlimited_pickup)
extern int testingmode;
extern bool setmodeneeded;
extern int NewWidth, NewHeight, NewBits, DisplayBits;
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, st_scale)
extern bool gameisdead;
extern bool demorecording;
extern bool M_DemoNoPlay; // [RH] if true, then skip any demos in the loop
@ -790,13 +789,7 @@ void D_Display ()
if (automapactive)
int saved_ST_Y = gST_Y;
if (hud_althud && viewheight == SCREENHEIGHT)
gST_Y = viewheight;
AM_Drawer ();
gST_Y = saved_ST_Y;
AM_Drawer (hud_althud? viewheight : StatusBar->GetTopOfStatusbar());
if (!automapactive || viewactive)
@ -907,7 +900,6 @@ void D_Display ()
NetUpdate (); // send out any new accumulation
// normal update
// draw ZScript UI stuff
C_DrawConsole (hw2d); // draw console
M_Drawer (); // menu is drawn even on top of everything
FStat::PrintStat ();
@ -448,6 +448,12 @@ void E_Console(int player, FString name, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, bool manu
handler->ConsoleProcess(player, name, arg1, arg2, arg3, manual);
void E_RenderOverlay(EHudState state)
for (DStaticEventHandler* handler = E_FirstEventHandler; handler; handler = handler->next)
bool E_CheckUiProcessors()
for (DStaticEventHandler* handler = E_FirstEventHandler; handler; handler = handler->next)
@ -468,7 +474,6 @@ bool E_CheckRequireMouse()
// normal event loopers (non-special, argument-less)
@ -798,7 +803,7 @@ void DStaticEventHandler::RenderFrame()
void DStaticEventHandler::RenderOverlay()
void DStaticEventHandler::RenderOverlay(EHudState state)
IFVIRTUAL(DStaticEventHandler, RenderOverlay)
@ -806,6 +811,7 @@ void DStaticEventHandler::RenderOverlay()
if (func == DStaticEventHandler_RenderOverlay_VMPtr)
FRenderEvent e = E_SetupRenderEvent();
e.HudState = int(state);
VMValue params[2] = { (DStaticEventHandler*)this, &e };
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, 2, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include "serializer.h"
#include "d_event.h"
#include "d_gui.h"
#include "sbar.h"
class DStaticEventHandler;
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ void E_UiTick();
// called on each render frame once.
void E_RenderFrame();
// called after everything's been rendered, but before console/menus
void E_RenderOverlay();
void E_RenderOverlay(EHudState state);
// this executes when a player enters the level (once). PlayerEnter+inhub = RETURN
void E_PlayerEntered(int num, bool fromhub);
// this executes when a player respawns. includes resurrect cheat.
@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ public:
void RenderFrame();
void RenderOverlay();
void RenderOverlay(EHudState state);
void PlayerEntered(int num, bool fromhub);
@ -175,6 +176,7 @@ struct FRenderEvent
DAngle ViewRoll;
double FracTic = 0; // 0..1 value that describes where we are inside the current gametic, render-wise.
AActor* Camera = nullptr;
int HudState;
struct FWorldEvent
@ -490,7 +490,6 @@ bool wipe_ScreenWipe (int ticks)
return true;
// do a piece of wipe-in
rc = (*wipes[(CurrentWipeType-1)*3+1])(ticks);
return rc;
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
#include "serializer.h"
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, con_scaletext)
int active_con_scaletext();
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DHUDMessage, false, true)
@ -269,11 +268,7 @@ void DHUDMessage::ResetText (const char *text)
switch (active_con_scaletext())
case 0: width = SCREENWIDTH / CleanXfac; break;
default: width = SCREENWIDTH / active_con_scaletext(); break;
width = SCREENWIDTH / active_con_scaletext();
if (Lines != NULL)
@ -338,21 +333,13 @@ void DHUDMessage::Draw (int bottom, int visibility)
int screen_width = SCREENWIDTH;
int screen_height = SCREENHEIGHT;
if (HUDWidth == 0 && active_con_scaletext() == 0)
xscale = yscale = 1;
if (HUDWidth == 0)
clean = true;
xscale = CleanXfac;
yscale = CleanYfac;
xscale = yscale = 1;
if (HUDWidth == 0)
screen_width /= active_con_scaletext();
screen_height /= active_con_scaletext();
bottom /= active_con_scaletext();
int scale = active_con_scaletext();
screen_width /= scale;
screen_height /= scale;
bottom /= scale;
if (HUDWidth == 0)
@ -453,24 +440,14 @@ void DHUDMessage::DoDraw (int linenum, int x, int y, bool clean, int hudheight)
if (hudheight == 0)
if (active_con_scaletext() <= 1)
screen->DrawText (Font, TextColor, x, y, Lines[linenum].Text,
DTA_CleanNoMove, clean,
DTA_Alpha, Alpha,
DTA_RenderStyle, Style,
screen->DrawText (Font, TextColor, x, y, Lines[linenum].Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, SCREENWIDTH / active_con_scaletext(),
DTA_VirtualHeight, SCREENHEIGHT / active_con_scaletext(),
DTA_Alpha, Alpha,
DTA_RenderStyle, Style,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
int scale = active_con_scaletext();
screen->DrawText (Font, TextColor, x, y, Lines[linenum].Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, SCREENWIDTH / scale,
DTA_VirtualHeight, SCREENHEIGHT / scale,
DTA_Alpha, Alpha,
DTA_RenderStyle, Style,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
@ -556,24 +533,14 @@ void DHUDMessageFadeOut::DoDraw (int linenum, int x, int y, bool clean, int hudh
float trans = float(Alpha * -(Tics - FadeOutTics) / FadeOutTics);
if (hudheight == 0)
if (active_con_scaletext() <= 1)
screen->DrawText (Font, TextColor, x, y, Lines[linenum].Text,
DTA_CleanNoMove, clean,
DTA_Alpha, trans,
DTA_RenderStyle, Style,
screen->DrawText (Font, TextColor, x, y, Lines[linenum].Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, SCREENWIDTH / active_con_scaletext(),
DTA_VirtualHeight, SCREENHEIGHT / active_con_scaletext(),
DTA_Alpha, trans,
DTA_RenderStyle, Style,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
int scale = active_con_scaletext();
screen->DrawText (Font, TextColor, x, y, Lines[linenum].Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, SCREENWIDTH / scale,
DTA_VirtualHeight, SCREENHEIGHT / scale,
DTA_Alpha, trans,
DTA_RenderStyle, Style,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
@ -656,24 +623,14 @@ void DHUDMessageFadeInOut::DoDraw (int linenum, int x, int y, bool clean, int hu
float trans = float(Alpha * Tics / FadeInTics);
if (hudheight == 0)
if (active_con_scaletext() <= 1)
screen->DrawText (Font, TextColor, x, y, Lines[linenum].Text,
DTA_CleanNoMove, clean,
DTA_Alpha, trans,
DTA_RenderStyle, Style,
screen->DrawText (Font, TextColor, x, y, Lines[linenum].Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, SCREENWIDTH / active_con_scaletext(),
DTA_VirtualHeight, SCREENHEIGHT / active_con_scaletext(),
DTA_Alpha, trans,
DTA_RenderStyle, Style,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
int scale = active_con_scaletext();
screen->DrawText (Font, TextColor, x, y, Lines[linenum].Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, SCREENWIDTH / scale,
DTA_VirtualHeight, SCREENHEIGHT / scale,
DTA_Alpha, trans,
DTA_RenderStyle, Style,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
@ -837,26 +794,15 @@ void DHUDMessageTypeOnFadeOut::DoDraw (int linenum, int x, int y, bool clean, in
if (hudheight == 0)
if (active_con_scaletext() <= 1)
screen->DrawText (Font, TextColor, x, y, Lines[linenum].Text,
DTA_CleanNoMove, clean,
DTA_TextLen, LineVisible,
DTA_Alpha, Alpha,
DTA_RenderStyle, Style,
screen->DrawText (Font, TextColor, x, y, Lines[linenum].Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, SCREENWIDTH / active_con_scaletext(),
DTA_VirtualHeight, SCREENHEIGHT / active_con_scaletext(),
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_TextLen, LineVisible,
DTA_Alpha, Alpha,
DTA_RenderStyle, Style,
int scale = active_con_scaletext();
screen->DrawText (Font, TextColor, x, y, Lines[linenum].Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, SCREENWIDTH / scale,
DTA_VirtualHeight, SCREENHEIGHT / scale,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_TextLen, LineVisible,
DTA_Alpha, Alpha,
DTA_RenderStyle, Style,
@ -65,11 +65,12 @@ EXTERN_CVAR(Bool,am_follow)
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, con_scaletext)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, idmypos)
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, screenblocks)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, hud_aspectscale)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, am_showtime)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, am_showtotaltime)
CVAR(Int,hud_althudscale, 4, CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Scale the hud to 640x400?
CVAR(Int,hud_althudscale, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Scale the hud to 640x400?
CVAR(Bool,hud_althud, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Enable/Disable the alternate HUD
// These are intentionally not the same as in the automap!
@ -121,7 +122,6 @@ static int hudwidth, hudheight; // current width/height for HUD display
static int statspace;
DVector2 AM_GetPosition();
int active_con_scaletext();
@ -897,43 +897,31 @@ static void DrawCoordinates(player_t * CPlayer)
pos = DVector3(apos, z);
int vwidth, vheight;
if (active_con_scaletext() == 0)
vwidth = SCREENWIDTH / 2;
vheight = SCREENHEIGHT / 2;
vwidth = SCREENWIDTH / active_con_scaletext();
vheight = SCREENHEIGHT / active_con_scaletext();
int xpos = vwidth - SmallFont->StringWidth("X: -00000")-6;
int xpos = hudwidth - SmallFont->StringWidth("X: -00000")-6;
int ypos = 18;
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, hudcolor_titl, vwidth - 6 - SmallFont->StringWidth(level.MapName), ypos, level.MapName,
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, hudcolor_titl, hudwidth - 6 - SmallFont->StringWidth(level.MapName), ypos, level.MapName,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_VirtualWidth, vwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, vheight, TAG_DONE);
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, hudcolor_titl, vwidth - 6 - SmallFont->StringWidth(level.LevelName), ypos + h, level.LevelName,
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, hudcolor_titl, hudwidth - 6 - SmallFont->StringWidth(level.LevelName), ypos + h, level.LevelName,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_VirtualWidth, vwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, vheight, TAG_DONE);
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, TAG_DONE);
mysnprintf(coordstr, countof(coordstr), "X: %d", int(pos.X));
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, hudcolor_xyco, xpos, ypos+2*h, coordstr,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_VirtualWidth, vwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, vheight, TAG_DONE);
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, TAG_DONE);
mysnprintf(coordstr, countof(coordstr), "Y: %d", int(pos.Y));
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, hudcolor_xyco, xpos, ypos+3*h, coordstr,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_VirtualWidth, vwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, vheight, TAG_DONE);
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, TAG_DONE);
mysnprintf(coordstr, countof(coordstr), "Z: %d", int(pos.Z));
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, hudcolor_xyco, xpos, ypos+4*h, coordstr,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_VirtualWidth, vwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, vheight, TAG_DONE);
DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, TAG_DONE);
@ -1134,49 +1122,9 @@ void DrawHUD()
player_t * CPlayer = StatusBar->CPlayer;
players[consoleplayer].inventorytics = 0;
if (hud_althudscale && SCREENWIDTH>640)
if (hud_althudscale == 4)
if (uiscale == 0)
hudwidth = CleanWidth;
hudheight = CleanHeight;
hudwidth = SCREENWIDTH / uiscale;
hudheight = SCREENHEIGHT / uiscale;
else if (hud_althudscale == 3)
hudwidth = SCREENWIDTH / 4;
hudheight = SCREENHEIGHT / 4;
else if (hud_althudscale == 2)
// Optionally just double the pixels to reduce scaling artifacts.
if (AspectTallerThanWide(r_viewwindow.WidescreenRatio))
hudheight = hudwidth * 30 / AspectMultiplier(r_viewwindow.WidescreenRatio); // BaseRatioSizes is inverted for this mode
hudheight = hudwidth * 30 / (48*48/AspectMultiplier(r_viewwindow.WidescreenRatio));
int scale = GetUIScale(hud_althudscale);
hudwidth = SCREENWIDTH / scale;
hudheight = hud_aspectscale ? int(SCREENHEIGHT / (scale*1.2)) : SCREENHEIGHT / scale;
if (!automapactive)
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ public:
DBaseStatusBar ();
void SetSize(int reltop = 32, int hres = 320, int vres = 200);
void SetSize(int reltop = 32, int hres = 320, int vres = 200, int hhres = -1, int hvres = -1);
void OnDestroy() override;
void AttachMessage (DHUDMessage *msg, uint32_t id=0, int layer=HUDMSGLayer_Default);
@ -373,8 +373,7 @@ public:
// do not make this a DObject Serialize function because it's not used like one!
void SerializeMessages(FSerializer &arc);
virtual void SetScaled(bool scale, bool force = false);
void CallSetScaled(bool scale, bool force = false);
void SetScale();
virtual void Tick ();
void CallTick();
virtual void Draw (EHudState state);
@ -399,10 +398,14 @@ public:
void DrawString(FFont *font, const FString &cstring, double x, double y, int flags, double Alpha, int translation, int spacing, bool monospaced, int shadowX, int shadowY);
void Fill(PalEntry color, double x, double y, double w, double h, int flags = 0);
void BeginStatusBar(int resW, int resH, int relTop, bool completeborder = false, bool forceScaled = false);
void BeginStatusBar(int resW, int resH, int relTop, bool forceScaled);
void BeginHUD(int resW, int resH, double Alpha, bool forceScaled = false);
void ForceHUDScale(bool on) { ForcedScale = on; } // This is for SBARINFO which should not use BeginStatusBar or BeginHUD.
bool ForceHUDScale(bool on) { std::swap(ForcedScale, on); return on; } // This is for SBARINFO which should not use BeginStatusBar or BeginHUD.
void StatusbarToRealCoords(double &x, double &y, double &w, double &h) const;
int GetTopOfStatusbar() const
return SBarTop;
void DrawPowerups ();
@ -416,7 +419,10 @@ public:
void DrawCrosshair ();
// Sizing info for ths status bar.
int ST_X, ST_Y;
int ST_X;
int ST_Y;
int SBarTop;
DVector2 SBarScale;
int RelTop;
int HorizontalResolution, VerticalResolution;
bool Scaled; // This needs to go away.
@ -445,8 +451,16 @@ private:
void DrawMessages (int layer, int bottom);
void DrawConsistancy () const;
void DrawWaiting () const;
void SetDrawSize(int reltop, int hres, int vres);
TObjPtr<DHUDMessage*> Messages[NUM_HUDMSGLAYERS];
int BaseRelTop;
int BaseSBarHorizontalResolution;
int BaseSBarVerticalResolution;
int BaseHUDHorizontalResolution;
int BaseHUDVerticalResolution;
extern DBaseStatusBar *StatusBar;
@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ public:
DSBarInfo (DBaseStatusBar *wrapper, SBarInfo *script=NULL) :
ammo1(NULL), ammo2(NULL), ammocount1(0), ammocount2(0), armor(NULL),
pendingPopup(DBaseStatusBar::POP_None), currentPopup(DBaseStatusBar::POP_None), lastHud(-1),
scalingWasForced(false), lastInventoryBar(NULL), lastPopup(NULL)
lastInventoryBar(NULL), lastPopup(NULL)
this->script = script;
this->wrapper = wrapper;
@ -1030,17 +1030,7 @@ public:
if(script->huds[hud]->ForceScaled()) //scale the statusbar
else if(!wrapper->Scaled)
scalingWasForced = true;
wrapper->SetScaled(true, true);
setsizeneeded = true;
if (CPlayer->ReadyWeapon != NULL)
@ -1067,15 +1057,9 @@ public:
if(hud != lastHud)
script->huds[hud]->Tick(NULL, this, true);
// Restore scaling if need be.
scalingWasForced = false;
setsizeneeded = true;
if(currentPopup != DBaseStatusBar::POP_None && !script->huds[hud]->FullScreenOffsets())
script->huds[hud]->Draw(NULL, this, script->popups[currentPopup-1].getXDisplacement(), script->popups[currentPopup-1].getYDisplacement(), 1.);
@ -1096,6 +1080,8 @@ public:
inventoryBar->DrawAux(NULL, this, 0, 0, 1.);
// Reset hud scale
// Handle popups
@ -1119,8 +1105,6 @@ public:
lastPopup = NULL;
// Reset hud scale
void _NewGame ()
@ -1478,7 +1462,6 @@ private:
int pendingPopup;
int currentPopup;
int lastHud;
bool scalingWasForced;
SBarInfoMainBlock *lastInventoryBar;
SBarInfoMainBlock *lastPopup;
@ -1487,30 +1470,9 @@ private:
void SBarInfoMainBlock::DrawAux(const SBarInfoMainBlock *block, DSBarInfo *statusBar, int xOffset, int yOffset, double alpha)
// Popups can also be forced to scale
bool rescale = false;
rescale = true;
else if(!statusBar->wrapper->Scaled)
rescale = true;
statusBar->wrapper->SetScaled(true, true);
bool old = statusBar->wrapper->ForceHUDScale(ForceScaled());
Draw(block, statusBar, xOffset, yOffset, alpha);
#include "sbarinfo_commands.cpp"
@ -1586,7 +1548,6 @@ DBaseStatusBar *CreateCustomStatusBar(int scriptno)
auto core = new DSBarInfo(sbar, script);
sbar->PointerVar<DSBarInfo>("core") = core;
sbar->SetSize(script->height, script->_resW, script->_resH);
sbar->CompleteBorder = script->completeBorder;
return sbar;
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
#include "p_acs.h"
#include "r_data/r_translate.h"
#include "sbarinfo.h"
#include "events.h"
#include "../version.h"
@ -86,14 +87,11 @@ EXTERN_CVAR (Int, con_scaletext)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, vid_fps)
CVAR(Int, hud_scale, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE);
int active_con_scaletext();
DBaseStatusBar *StatusBar;
extern int setblocks;
int gST_Y;
FTexture *CrosshairImage;
static int CrosshairNum;
@ -108,11 +106,24 @@ CVAR (Flag, pf_ice, paletteflash, PF_ICE)
CVAR (Flag, pf_hazard, paletteflash, PF_HAZARD)
// Stretch status bar to full screen width?
CUSTOM_CVAR (Bool, st_scale, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
CUSTOM_CVAR (Int, st_scale, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
if (self < -1)
self = -1;
if (StatusBar)
setsizeneeded = true;
CUSTOM_CVAR(Bool, hud_aspectscale, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
if (StatusBar)
StatusBar->CallSetScaled (self);
setsizeneeded = true;
@ -149,6 +160,16 @@ void ST_FormatMapName(FString &mapname, const char *mapnamecolor)
mapname << mapnamecolor << level.LevelName;
char mapnamecolor[3] = { '\34', char(cr + 'A'), 0 };
FString rets;
ST_FormatMapName(rets, mapnamecolor);
// Load crosshair definitions
@ -329,7 +350,17 @@ DBaseStatusBar::DBaseStatusBar ()
defaultScale = { (double)CleanXfac, (double)CleanYfac };
void DBaseStatusBar::SetSize(int reltop, int hres, int vres)
void DBaseStatusBar::SetSize(int reltop, int hres, int vres, int hhres, int hvres)
BaseRelTop = reltop;
BaseSBarHorizontalResolution = hres;
BaseSBarVerticalResolution = vres;
BaseHUDHorizontalResolution = hhres < 0? hres : hhres;
BaseHUDVerticalResolution = hvres < 0? vres : hvres;
SetDrawSize(reltop, hres, vres);
void DBaseStatusBar::SetDrawSize(int reltop, int hres, int vres)
RelTop = reltop;
HorizontalResolution = hres;
@ -338,16 +369,19 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::SetSize(int reltop, int hres, int vres)
V_CalcCleanFacs(hres, vres, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT, &x, &y);
defaultScale = { (double)x, (double)y };
SetScale(); // recalculate positioning info.
self->SetSize(rt, vw, vh);
self->SetSize(rt, vw, vh, hvw, hvh);
return 0;
@ -380,62 +414,57 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::OnDestroy ()
//[BL] Added force argument to have forcescaled mean forcescaled.
// - Also, if the VerticalResolution is something other than the default (200)
// We should always obey the value of scale.
void DBaseStatusBar::SetScaled (bool scale, bool force)
void DBaseStatusBar::SetScale ()
Scaled = (RelTop != 0 || force) && ((SCREENWIDTH != 320 || HorizontalResolution != 320) && scale);
if (!Scaled)
if (st_scale < 0 || ForcedScale)
ST_X = (SCREENWIDTH - HorizontalResolution) / 2;
gST_Y = ST_Y;
// This is the classic fullscreen scale with aspect ratio compensation.
int sby = VerticalResolution - RelTop;
float aspect = ActiveRatio(w, h);
if (!AspectTallerThanWide(aspect))
// Wider or equal than 4:3
SBarTop = Scale(sby, h, VerticalResolution);
double width4_3 = w * 1.333 / aspect;
ST_X = int((w - width4_3) / 2);
{ // 5:4 resolution
ST_X = 0;
// this was far more obtuse before...
double height4_3 = h * aspect / 1.333;
SBarTop = int(h - height4_3 + sby * height4_3 / VerticalResolution);
Displacement = 0;
SBarScale.X = -1;
ST_Y = 0;
// Since status bars and HUDs can be designed for non 320x200 screens this needs to be factored in here.
// The global scaling factors are for resources at 320x200, so if the actual ones are higher resolution
// the resulting scaling factor needs to be reduced accordingly.
int realscale = clamp((320 * GetUIScale(st_scale)) / HorizontalResolution, 1, w / HorizontalResolution);
double realscaley = realscale * (hud_aspectscale ? 1.2 : 1.);
ST_X = (w - HorizontalResolution * realscale) / 2;
SBarTop = int(h - RelTop * realscaley);
if (RelTop > 0)
Displacement = double((ST_Y * VerticalResolution / SCREENHEIGHT) - (VerticalResolution - RelTop))/RelTop;
Displacement = double((SBarTop * VerticalResolution / h) - (VerticalResolution - RelTop))/RelTop/realscaley;
Displacement = 0;
SBarScale.X = realscale;
SBarScale.Y = realscaley;
ST_Y = int(h - VerticalResolution * realscaley);
ST_X = 0;
ST_Y = VerticalResolution - RelTop;
float aspect = ActiveRatio(SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT);
if (!AspectTallerThanWide(aspect))
{ // Normal resolution
gST_Y = Scale (ST_Y, SCREENHEIGHT, VerticalResolution);
{ // 5:4 resolution
gST_Y = Scale(ST_Y - VerticalResolution/2, SCREENHEIGHT*3, Scale(VerticalResolution, AspectBaseHeight(aspect), 200)) + SCREENHEIGHT/2
+ (SCREENHEIGHT - SCREENHEIGHT * AspectMultiplier(aspect) / 48) / 2;
Displacement = 0;
self->SetScaled(scale, force);
return 0;
void DBaseStatusBar::CallSetScaled(bool scale, bool force)
IFVIRTUAL(DBaseStatusBar, SetScaled)
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this, scale, force };
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
else SetScaled(scale, force);
@ -451,24 +480,13 @@ DVector2 DBaseStatusBar::GetHUDScale() const
return defaultScale;
if (hud_scale > 0) // use the scale as an absolute value, but also factor in the specified resolution of the HUD
scale = hud_scale;
else if (uiscale == 0)
return defaultScale;
scale = MAX<int>(1, uiscale);
scale = GetUIScale(hud_scale);
// Since status bars and HUDs can be designed for non 320x200 screens this needs to be factored in here.
// The global scaling factors are for resources at 320x200, so if the actual ones are higher resolution
// the resulting scaling factor needs to be reduced accordingly.
int realscale = MAX<int>(1, (320 * scale) / HorizontalResolution);
return{ double(realscale), double(realscale) };
return{ double(realscale), double(realscale * (hud_aspectscale ? 1.2 : 1.)) };
@ -483,23 +501,21 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DBaseStatusBar, GetHUDScale)
void DBaseStatusBar::BeginStatusBar(int resW, int resH, int relTop, bool completeborder, bool forceScaled)
void DBaseStatusBar::BeginStatusBar(int resW, int resH, int relTop, bool forceScaled)
SetSize(relTop, resW, resH);
SetScaled(st_scale, forceScaled);
CompleteBorder = completeborder;
SetDrawSize(relTop < 0? BaseRelTop : relTop, resW < 0? BaseSBarHorizontalResolution : resW, resH < 0? BaseSBarVerticalResolution : resH);
ForcedScale = forceScaled;
fullscreenOffsets = false;
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DBaseStatusBar, BeginStatusBar)
self->BeginStatusBar(w, h, r, cb, fs);
self->BeginStatusBar(w, h, r, fs);
return 0;
@ -510,7 +526,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DBaseStatusBar, BeginStatusBar)
void DBaseStatusBar::BeginHUD(int resW, int resH, double Alpha, bool forcescaled)
SetSize(RelTop, resW, resH);
SetDrawSize(RelTop, resW < 0? BaseHUDHorizontalResolution : resW, resH < 0? BaseHUDVerticalResolution : resH);
this->Alpha = Alpha;
ForcedScale = forcescaled;
CompleteBorder = false;
@ -520,10 +536,10 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::BeginHUD(int resW, int resH, double Alpha, bool forcescaled
self->BeginHUD(w, h, a, fs);
return 0;
@ -765,8 +781,8 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::RefreshBackground () const
int x, x2, y;
float ratio = ActiveRatio (SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT);
x = (ratio < 1.5f || !Scaled) ? ST_X : SCREENWIDTH*(48-AspectMultiplier(ratio))/(48*2);
y = x == ST_X && x > 0 ? ST_Y : gST_Y;
x = ST_X;
y = SBarTop;
@ -785,8 +801,7 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::RefreshBackground () const
x2 = ratio < 1.5f || !Scaled ? ST_X+HorizontalResolution :
SCREENWIDTH - (SCREENWIDTH*(48-AspectMultiplier(ratio))+48*2-1)/(48*2);
@ -808,13 +823,6 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::RefreshBackground () const
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DBaseStatusBar, RefreshBackground)
return 0;
// DrawCrosshair
@ -949,66 +957,20 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::Draw (EHudState state)
if (state == HUD_AltHud)
char line[64+10];
if (state == HUD_StatusBar)
RefreshBackground ();
if (idmypos)
{ // Draw current coordinates
int height = SmallFont->GetHeight();
char labels[3] = { 'X', 'Y', 'Z' };
int i;
int vwidth;
int vheight;
int xpos;
int y;
if (active_con_scaletext() == 1)
// Draw current coordinates
IFVIRTUAL(DBaseStatusBar, DrawMyPos)
xpos = vwidth - 80;
y = gST_Y - height;
else if (active_con_scaletext() > 1)
vwidth = SCREENWIDTH / active_con_scaletext();
vheight = SCREENHEIGHT / active_con_scaletext();
xpos = vwidth - SmallFont->StringWidth("X: -00000")-6;
y = gST_Y/4 - height;
vwidth = SCREENWIDTH/2;
vheight = SCREENHEIGHT/2;
xpos = vwidth - SmallFont->StringWidth("X: -00000")-6;
y = gST_Y/2 - height;
if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife)
if (active_con_scaletext() == 1)
y -= height * 4;
else if (active_con_scaletext() > 3)
y -= height;
y -= height * 2;
DVector3 pos = CPlayer->mo->Pos();
for (i = 2; i >= 0; y -= height, --i)
mysnprintf (line, countof(line), "%c: %d", labels[i], int(pos[i]));
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GREEN, xpos, y, line,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_VirtualWidth, vwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, vheight,
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this };
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
if (viewactive)
@ -1020,101 +982,10 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::Draw (EHudState state)
else if (automapactive)
int y, time = Tics2Seconds(level.time), height;
int totaltime = Tics2Seconds(level.totaltime);
EColorRange highlight = (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomChex) ?
height = SmallFont->GetHeight () * CleanYfac;
// Draw timer
y = 8;
if (am_showtime)
IFVIRTUAL(DBaseStatusBar, DrawAutomapHUD)
mysnprintf (line, countof(line), "%02d:%02d:%02d", time/3600, (time%3600)/60, time%60); // Time
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GREY, SCREENWIDTH - 80*CleanXfac, y, line, DTA_CleanNoMove, true, TAG_DONE);
if (am_showtotaltime)
mysnprintf (line, countof(line), "%02d:%02d:%02d", totaltime/3600, (totaltime%3600)/60, totaltime%60); // Total time
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GREY, SCREENWIDTH - 80*CleanXfac, y, line, DTA_CleanNoMove, true, TAG_DONE);
// Draw map name
y = gST_Y - height;
if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic && SCREENWIDTH > 320 && !Scaled)
y -= 8;
else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen)
if (Scaled)
y -= Scale (11, SCREENHEIGHT, 200);
if (SCREENWIDTH < 640)
y -= 12;
{ // Get past the tops of the gargoyles' wings
y -= 28;
else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife)
if (Scaled)
y -= Scale (8, SCREENHEIGHT, 200);
y -= 8;
FString mapname;
ST_FormatMapName(mapname, TEXTCOLOR_GREY);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, highlight,
(SCREENWIDTH - SmallFont->StringWidth (mapname)*CleanXfac)/2, y, mapname,
DTA_CleanNoMove, true, TAG_DONE);
if (!deathmatch)
int y = 8;
// Draw monster count
if (am_showmonsters)
mysnprintf (line, countof(line), "%s" TEXTCOLOR_GREY " %d/%d",
GStrings("AM_MONSTERS"), level.killed_monsters, level.total_monsters);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, highlight, 8, y, line,
DTA_CleanNoMove, true, TAG_DONE);
y += height;
// Draw secret count
if (am_showsecrets)
mysnprintf (line, countof(line), "%s" TEXTCOLOR_GREY " %d/%d",
GStrings("AM_SECRETS"), level.found_secrets, level.total_secrets);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, highlight, 8, y, line,
DTA_CleanNoMove, true, TAG_DONE);
y += height;
// Draw item count
if (am_showitems)
mysnprintf (line, countof(line), "%s" TEXTCOLOR_GREY " %d/%d",
GStrings("AM_ITEMS"), level.found_items, level.total_items);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, highlight, 8, y, line,
DTA_CleanNoMove, true, TAG_DONE);
VMValue params[] = { (DObject*)this, r_viewpoint.TicFrac };
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), nullptr, 0);
@ -1136,6 +1007,7 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::CallDraw(EHudState state)
else Draw(state);
screen->ClearClipRect(); // make sure the scripts don't leave a valid clipping rect behind.
BeginStatusBar(BaseSBarHorizontalResolution, BaseSBarVerticalResolution, BaseRelTop, false);
@ -1147,16 +1019,9 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::DrawLog ()
if (CPlayer->LogText.IsNotEmpty())
// This uses the same scaling as regular HUD messages
if (active_con_scaletext() == 0)
hudwidth = SCREENWIDTH / CleanXfac;
hudheight = SCREENHEIGHT / CleanYfac;
hudwidth = SCREENWIDTH / active_con_scaletext();
hudheight = SCREENHEIGHT / active_con_scaletext();
auto scale = active_con_scaletext();
hudwidth = SCREENWIDTH / scale;
hudheight = SCREENHEIGHT / scale;
int linelen = hudwidth<640? Scale(hudwidth,9,10)-40 : 560;
FBrokenLines *lines = V_BreakLines (SmallFont, linelen, CPlayer->LogText);
@ -1237,7 +1102,7 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::SetMugShotState(const char *stateName, bool waitTillDone, b
void DBaseStatusBar::DrawBottomStuff (EHudState state)
DrawMessages (HUDMSGLayer_UnderHUD, (state == HUD_StatusBar) ? gST_Y : SCREENHEIGHT);
DrawMessages (HUDMSGLayer_UnderHUD, (state == HUD_StatusBar) ? GetTopOfStatusbar() : SCREENHEIGHT);
@ -1250,7 +1115,7 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::DrawTopStuff (EHudState state)
if (demoplayback && demover != DEMOGAMEVERSION)
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_TAN, 0, ST_Y - 40 * CleanYfac,
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_TAN, 0, GetTopOfStatusbar() - 40 * CleanYfac,
"Demo was recorded with a different version\n"
"of " GAMENAME ". Expect it to go out of sync.",
DTA_CleanNoMove, true, TAG_DONE);
@ -1270,9 +1135,11 @@ void DBaseStatusBar::DrawTopStuff (EHudState state)
if (automapactive && !viewactive)
DrawMessages (HUDMSGLayer_OverMap, (state == HUD_StatusBar) ? gST_Y : SCREENHEIGHT);
DrawMessages (HUDMSGLayer_OverMap, (state == HUD_StatusBar) ? GetTopOfStatusbar() : SCREENHEIGHT);
DrawMessages (HUDMSGLayer_OverHUD, (state == HUD_StatusBar) ? gST_Y : SCREENHEIGHT);
DrawMessages (HUDMSGLayer_OverHUD, (state == HUD_StatusBar) ? GetTopOfStatusbar() : SCREENHEIGHT);
DrawConsistancy ();
DrawWaiting ();
if (ShowLog && MustDrawLog(state)) DrawLog ();
@ -1566,17 +1433,41 @@ uint32_t DBaseStatusBar::GetTranslation() const
void DBaseStatusBar::StatusbarToRealCoords(double &x, double &y, double &w, double &h) const
if (Scaled)
if (SBarScale.X == -1 || ForcedScale)
screen->VirtualToRealCoords(x, y, w, h, HorizontalResolution, VerticalResolution, true, true);
x += ST_X;
y += screen->GetHeight() - VerticalResolution;
x = ST_X + x * SBarScale.X;
y = ST_Y + y * SBarScale.Y;
w *= SBarScale.X;
h *= SBarScale.Y;
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DBaseStatusBar, StatusbarToRealCoords)
self->StatusbarToRealCoords(x, y, w, h);
if (numret > 0) ret[0].SetFloat(x);
if (numret > 1) ret[1].SetFloat(y);
if (numret > 2) ret[2].SetFloat(w);
if (numret > 3) ret[3].SetFloat(h);
return MIN(4, numret);
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DBaseStatusBar, GetTopOfStatusbar)
// draw stuff
@ -2048,12 +1939,9 @@ CCMD (showpop)
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, RelTop);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, HorizontalResolution);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, VerticalResolution);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, Scaled);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, Centering);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, FixedOrigin);
DEFINE_FIELD(DBaseStatusBar, CompleteBorder);
@ -356,12 +356,7 @@ void FGameConfigFile::DoGlobalSetup ()
if (last < 213)
FBaseCVar *var = FindCVar("hud_scale", NULL);
if (var != NULL)
var = FindCVar("snd_channels", NULL);
auto var = FindCVar("snd_channels", NULL);
if (var != NULL)
// old settings were default 32, minimum 8, new settings are default 128, minimum 64.
@ -369,6 +364,21 @@ void FGameConfigFile::DoGlobalSetup ()
if (v.Int < 64) var->ResetToDefault();
if (last < 214)
FBaseCVar *var = FindCVar("hud_scale", NULL);
if (var != NULL) var->ResetToDefault();
var = FindCVar("st_scale", NULL);
if (var != NULL) var->ResetToDefault();
var = FindCVar("hud_althudscale", NULL);
if (var != NULL) var->ResetToDefault();
var = FindCVar("con_scale", NULL);
if (var != NULL) var->ResetToDefault();
var = FindCVar("con_scaletext", NULL);
if (var != NULL) var->ResetToDefault();
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ CUSTOM_CVAR(Bool, gl_notexturefill, false, 0)
void gl_CreateSections();
void AddAutoBrightmaps();
@ -364,6 +365,7 @@ void gl_RecalcVertexHeights(vertex_t * v)
void gl_InitData()
@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ void F2DDrawer::AddTexture(FTexture *img, DrawParms &parms)
color = PalEntry(light, light, light);
color.a = (uint8_t)(parms.Alpha * 255);
color = PalEntry((color.a * parms.color.a) / 255, (color.r * parms.color.r) / 255, (color.g * parms.color.g) / 255, (color.b * parms.color.b) / 255);
// scissor test doesn't use the current viewport for the coordinates, so use real screen coordinates
dg.mScissor[0] = GLRenderer->ScreenToWindowX(parms.lclip);
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, r_drawplayersprites)
EXTERN_CVAR(Float, transsouls)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, st_scale)
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, gl_fuzztype)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, r_deathcamera)
@ -121,7 +120,7 @@ void GLSceneDrawer::DrawPSprite (player_t * player,DPSprite *psp, float sx, floa
ftexturemid -= fYAd;
else if (!st_scale)
ftexturemid -= StatusBar->GetDisplacement () * fYAd;
@ -2773,6 +2773,12 @@ void OpenGLSWFrameBuffer::DrawTextureParms(FTexture *img, DrawParms &parms)
vert = &VertexData[VertexPos];
PalEntry color = color1;
color = PalEntry((color.a * parms.color.a) / 255, (color.r * parms.color.r) / 255, (color.g * parms.color.g) / 255, (color.b * parms.color.b) / 255);
color1 = color;
// Fill the vertex buffer.
vert[0].x = float(x0);
vert[0].y = float(y0);
@ -665,11 +665,13 @@ void gl_ParseBrightmap(FScanner &sc, int deflump)
if (bmtex != NULL)
/* I do not think this is needed any longer
if (tex->bWarped != 0)
Printf("Cannot combine warping with brightmap on texture '%s'\n", tex->Name.GetChars());
bmtex->bMasked = false;
tex->gl_info.Brightmap = bmtex;
@ -677,6 +679,33 @@ void gl_ParseBrightmap(FScanner &sc, int deflump)
tex->gl_info.bDisableFullbright = disable_fullbright;
void AddAutoBrightmaps()
int num = Wads.GetNumLumps();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; i++)
const char *name = Wads.GetLumpFullName(i);
if (strstr(name, "brightmaps/auto/") == name)
TArray<FTextureID> list;
FString texname = ExtractFileBase(name, false);
TexMan.ListTextures(texname, list);
auto bmtex = TexMan.FindTexture(name, FTexture::TEX_Any, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_TryAny);
for (auto texid : list)
bmtex->bMasked = false;
TexMan[texid]->gl_info.Brightmap = bmtex;
// Parses a GLBoom+ detail texture definition
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include "d_net.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "g_levellocals.h"
#include "sbar.h"
// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ static void HU_DoDrawScores (player_t *player, player_t *sortedplayers[MAXPLAYER
lineheight = MAX(height, maxiconheight * CleanYfac);
ypadding = (lineheight - height + 1) / 2;
bottom = gST_Y;
bottom = StatusBar->GetTopOfStatusbar();
y = MAX(48*CleanYfac, (bottom - MAXPLAYERS * (height + CleanYfac + 1)) / 2);
HU_DrawTimeRemaining (bottom - height);
@ -244,6 +244,12 @@ void DMenu::Close ()
if (CurrentMenu != nullptr)
IFVIRTUALPTR(CurrentMenu, DMenu, OnReturn)
VMValue params[] = { CurrentMenu };
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, 1, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DPlayerMenu, PlayerNameChanged)
const char *pp = s;
FString command("name \"");
if (self == CurrentMenu)
if (self == CurrentMenu || self == CurrentMenu->mParentMenu)
// Escape any backslashes or quotation marks before sending the name to the console.
for (auto p = pp; *p != '\0'; ++p)
@ -1415,9 +1415,19 @@ static int DamageMobj (AActor *target, AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int da
if ( P_GiveBody( source, int(draindamage * damage)))
if (draindamage > 0)
S_Sound(source, CHAN_ITEM, "*drainhealth", 1, ATTN_NORM );
int draindmg = int(draindamage * damage);
IFVIRTUALPTR(source, AActor, OnDrain)
VMValue params[] = { source, target, draindmg, mod.GetIndex() };
VMReturn ret(&draindmg);
GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, countof(params), &ret, 1);
if (P_GiveBody(source, draindmg))
S_Sound(source, CHAN_ITEM, "*drainhealth", 1, ATTN_NORM);
@ -759,6 +759,7 @@ bool player_t::Resurrect()
E_PlayerRespawned(int(this - players));
FBehavior::StaticStartTypedScripts(SCRIPT_Respawn, mo, true);
return true;
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(_PlayerInfo, Resurrect)
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_drawplayersprites)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_deathcamera)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, st_scale)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_shadercolormaps)
@ -275,7 +274,7 @@ void RenderPolyPlayerSprites::RenderSprite(DPSprite *pspr, AActor *owner, float
if (viewpoint.camera->player && (renderTarget != screen ||
viewheight == renderTarget->GetHeight() ||
(renderTarget->GetWidth() > (BASEXCENTER * 2) && !st_scale)))
(renderTarget->GetWidth() > (BASEXCENTER * 2))))
{ // Adjust PSprite for fullscreen views
AWeapon *weapon = dyn_cast<AWeapon>(pspr->GetCaller());
if (weapon != nullptr && weapon->YAdjust != 0)
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
#include "p_local.h"
#include "g_levellocals.h"
#include "p_maputl.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "math/cmath.h"
@ -262,13 +263,13 @@ void R_ExecuteSetViewSize (FRenderViewpoint &viewpoint, FViewWindow &viewwindow)
setsizeneeded = false;
R_SetWindow (viewpoint, viewwindow, setblocks, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT, gST_Y);
R_SetWindow (viewpoint, viewwindow, setblocks, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT, StatusBar->GetTopOfStatusbar());
// Handle resize, e.g. smaller view windows with border and/or status bar.
viewwindowx = (screen->GetWidth() - viewwidth) >> 1;
// Same with base row offset.
viewwindowy = (viewwidth == screen->GetWidth()) ? 0 : (gST_Y - viewheight) >> 1;
viewwindowy = (viewwidth == screen->GetWidth()) ? 0 : (StatusBar->GetTopOfStatusbar() - viewheight) >> 1;
@ -1859,6 +1859,7 @@ for_init(X) ::= for_bump(A). { X = A /*X-overwrites-A*/; }
%type for_bump{ZCC_Statement *}
for_bump(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
for_bump(X) ::= expression_statement(A). { X = A; /*X-overwrites-A*/ }
for_bump(X) ::= for_bump(A) COMMA expression_statement(B). { X = A; /*X-overwrites-A*/ AppendTreeNodeSibling(X, B); }
/*----- If Statements -----*/
@ -3482,7 +3482,15 @@ FxExpression *ZCCCompiler::ConvertNode(ZCC_TreeNode *ast)
else if (iter->LoopBumper != nullptr)
return new FxForLoop(nullptr, ConvertNode(iter->LoopCondition), ConvertNode(iter->LoopBumper), ConvertNode(iter->LoopStatement), *ast);
FArgumentList bumper;
ConvertNodeList(bumper, iter->LoopBumper);
FxCompoundStatement *bumps = new FxCompoundStatement(*ast);
for (auto &ex : bumper)
ex = nullptr;
return new FxForLoop(nullptr, ConvertNode(iter->LoopCondition), bumps, ConvertNode(iter->LoopStatement), *ast);
@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
struct event_t;
extern int gST_Y;
bool ST_Responder(event_t* ev);
// [RH] Base blending values (for e.g. underwater)
@ -58,7 +58,6 @@
#include "swrenderer/r_renderthread.h"
#include "g_levellocals.h"
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, st_scale)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_drawplayersprites)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_deathcamera)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_shadercolormaps)
@ -275,7 +274,7 @@ namespace swrenderer
if (Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.camera->player && (viewport->RenderTarget != screen ||
viewheight == viewport->RenderTarget->GetHeight() ||
(viewport->RenderTarget->GetWidth() > (BASEXCENTER * 2) && !st_scale)))
(viewport->RenderTarget->GetWidth() > (BASEXCENTER * 2))))
{ // Adjust PSprite for fullscreen views
AWeapon *weapon = dyn_cast<AWeapon>(pspr->GetCaller());
if (weapon != nullptr && weapon->YAdjust != 0)
@ -65,12 +65,37 @@
if (self < 0)
self = 0;
if (StatusBar != NULL)
int GetUIScale(int altval)
int scaleval;
if (altval > 0) scaleval = altval;
else if (uiscale == 0)
// Default should try to scale to 640x480
int vscale = screen->GetHeight() / 640;
int hscale = screen->GetWidth() / 480;
scaleval = clamp(vscale, 1, hscale);
else scaleval = uiscale;
// block scales that result in something larger than the current screen.
int vmax = screen->GetHeight() / 200;
int hmax = screen->GetWidth() / 320;
int max = MAX(vmax, hmax);
return MIN(scaleval, max);
// [RH] Stretch values to make a 320x200 image best fit the screen
// without using fractional steppings
int CleanXfac, CleanYfac;
@ -361,6 +386,7 @@ bool DCanvas::ParseDrawTextureTags(FTexture *img, double x, double y, uint32_t t
parms->colorOverlay = 0;
parms->alphaChannel = false;
parms->flipX = false;
parms->color = 0xffffffff;
//parms->shadowAlpha = 0;
parms->shadowColor = 0;
parms->virtWidth = this->GetWidth();
@ -537,6 +563,10 @@ bool DCanvas::ParseDrawTextureTags(FTexture *img, double x, double y, uint32_t t
parms->colorOverlay = ListGetInt(tags);
case DTA_Color:
parms->color = ListGetInt(tags);
case DTA_FlipX:
parms->flipX = ListGetInt(tags);
@ -1257,10 +1287,9 @@ static void V_DrawViewBorder (void)
V_DrawBorder (0, 0, SCREENWIDTH, viewwindowy);
V_DrawBorder (0, viewwindowy, viewwindowx, viewheight + viewwindowy);
V_DrawBorder (viewwindowx + viewwidth, viewwindowy, SCREENWIDTH, viewheight + viewwindowy);
V_DrawBorder (0, viewwindowy + viewheight, SCREENWIDTH, gST_Y);
V_DrawBorder (0, viewwindowy + viewheight, SCREENWIDTH, StatusBar->GetTopOfStatusbar());
V_DrawFrame (viewwindowx, viewwindowy, viewwidth, viewheight);
V_MarkRect (0, 0, SCREENWIDTH, gST_Y);
@ -756,9 +756,18 @@ void FFont::BuildTranslations (const double *luminosity, const uint8_t *identity
FRemapTable *FFont::GetColorTranslation (EColorRange range) const
FRemapTable *FFont::GetColorTranslation (EColorRange range, PalEntry *color) const
if (ActiveColors == 0 || noTranslate)
if (noTranslate)
PalEntry retcolor = PalEntry(255, 255, 255, 255);
if (range >= 0 && range < NumTextColors && range != CR_UNTRANSLATED)
retcolor = TranslationColors[range];
if (color != nullptr) *color = retcolor;
if (ActiveColors == 0)
return NULL;
else if (range >= NumTextColors)
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public:
virtual FTexture *GetChar (int code, int *const width) const;
virtual int GetCharWidth (int code) const;
FRemapTable *GetColorTranslation (EColorRange range) const;
FRemapTable *GetColorTranslation (EColorRange range, PalEntry *color = nullptr) const;
int GetLump() const { return Lump; }
int GetSpaceWidth () const { return SpaceWidth; }
int GetHeight () const { return FontHeight; }
@ -80,7 +80,9 @@ void DCanvas::DrawChar (FFont *font, int normalcolor, double x, double y, int ch
parms.remap = font->GetColorTranslation((EColorRange)normalcolor);
PalEntry color = 0xffffffff;
parms.remap = font->GetColorTranslation((EColorRange)normalcolor, &color);
parms.color = PalEntry((color.a * parms.color.a) / 255, (color.r * parms.color.r) / 255, (color.g * parms.color.g) / 255, (color.b * parms.color.b) / 255);
DrawTextureParms(pic, parms);
@ -102,7 +104,9 @@ void DCanvas::DrawChar(FFont *font, int normalcolor, double x, double y, int cha
uint32_t tag = ListGetInt(args);
bool res = ParseDrawTextureTags(pic, x, y, tag, args, &parms, false);
if (!res) return;
parms.remap = font->GetColorTranslation((EColorRange)normalcolor);
PalEntry color = 0xffffffff;
parms.remap = font->GetColorTranslation((EColorRange)normalcolor, &color);
parms.color = PalEntry((color.a * parms.color.a) / 255, (color.r * parms.color.r) / 255, (color.g * parms.color.g) / 255, (color.b * parms.color.b) / 255);
DrawTextureParms(pic, parms);
@ -151,7 +155,10 @@ void DCanvas::DrawTextCommon(FFont *font, int normalcolor, double x, double y, c
normalcolor = CR_UNTRANSLATED;
boldcolor = normalcolor ? normalcolor - 1 : NumTextColors - 1;
range = font->GetColorTranslation((EColorRange)normalcolor);
PalEntry colorparm = parms.color;
PalEntry color = 0xffffffff;
range = font->GetColorTranslation((EColorRange)normalcolor, &color);
parms.color = PalEntry(colorparm.a, (color.r * colorparm.r) / 255, (color.g * colorparm.g) / 255, (color.b * colorparm.b) / 255);
kerning = font->GetDefaultKerning();
@ -171,7 +178,8 @@ void DCanvas::DrawTextCommon(FFont *font, int normalcolor, double x, double y, c
EColorRange newcolor = V_ParseFontColor(ch, normalcolor, boldcolor);
if (newcolor != CR_UNDEFINED)
range = font->GetColorTranslation(newcolor);
range = font->GetColorTranslation(newcolor, &color);
parms.color = PalEntry(colorparm.a, (color.r * colorparm.r) / 255, (color.g * colorparm.g) / 255, (color.b * colorparm.b) / 255);
@ -197,13 +197,6 @@ bool setmodeneeded = false;
int NewWidth, NewHeight, NewBits;
// V_MarkRect
void V_MarkRect (int x, int y, int width, int height)
// DCanvas Constructor
@ -877,13 +870,10 @@ void DFrameBuffer::DrawRateStuff ()
chars = mysnprintf (fpsbuff, countof(fpsbuff), "%2u ms (%3u fps)", howlong, LastCount);
rate_x = Width / textScale - ConFont->StringWidth(&fpsbuff[0]);
Clear (rate_x * textScale, 0, Width, ConFont->GetHeight() * textScale, GPalette.BlackIndex, 0);
if (textScale == 1)
DrawText (ConFont, CR_WHITE, rate_x, 0, (char *)&fpsbuff[0], TAG_DONE);
DrawText (ConFont, CR_WHITE, rate_x, 0, (char *)&fpsbuff[0],
DTA_VirtualWidth, screen->GetWidth() / textScale,
DTA_VirtualHeight, screen->GetHeight() / textScale,
DTA_KeepRatio, true, TAG_DONE);
DrawText (ConFont, CR_WHITE, rate_x, 0, (char *)&fpsbuff[0],
DTA_VirtualWidth, screen->GetWidth() / textScale,
DTA_VirtualHeight, screen->GetHeight() / textScale,
DTA_KeepRatio, true, TAG_DONE);
uint32_t thisSec = ms/1000;
if (LastSec < thisSec)
@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ enum
DTA_TextLen, // stop after this many characters, even if \0 not hit
DTA_CellX, // horizontal size of character cell
DTA_CellY, // vertical size of character cell
// New additions.
@ -161,6 +164,7 @@ struct DrawParms
uint32_t fillcolor;
FRemapTable *remap;
uint32_t colorOverlay;
PalEntry color;
INTBOOL alphaChannel;
//float shadowAlpha;
@ -528,8 +532,6 @@ void V_Init2 ();
void V_Shutdown ();
void V_MarkRect (int x, int y, int width, int height);
class FScanner;
// Returns the closest color to the one desired. String
// should be of the form "rr gg bb".
@ -561,7 +563,21 @@ int AspectBaseHeight(float aspect);
double AspectPspriteOffset(float aspect);
int AspectMultiplier(float aspect);
bool AspectTallerThanWide(float aspect);
int GetUIScale(int altval);
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, uiscale);
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, con_scaletext);
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, con_scale);
inline int active_con_scaletext()
return GetUIScale(con_scaletext);
inline int active_con_scale()
return GetUIScale(con_scale);
#endif // __V_VIDEO_H__
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ const char *GetVersionString();
// Version stored in the ini's [LastRun] section.
// Bump it if you made some configuration change that you want to
// be able to migrate in FGameConfigFile::DoGlobalSetup().
#define LASTRUNVERSION "213"
#define LASTRUNVERSION "214"
// Protocol version used in demos.
// Bump it if you change existing DEM_ commands or add new ones.
@ -2942,6 +2942,12 @@ void D3DFB::DrawTextureParms (FTexture *img, DrawParms &parms)
vert = &VertexData[VertexPos];
PalEntry color = color1;
color = PalEntry((color.a * parms.color.a) / 255, (color.r * parms.color.r) / 255, (color.g * parms.color.g) / 255, (color.b * parms.color.b) / 255);
color1 = color;
// Fill the vertex buffer.
vert[0].x = float(x0);
vert[0].y = float(y0);
@ -1847,7 +1847,6 @@ HUDMNU_CROSSHAIRHEALTH = "Crosshair shows health";
HUDMNU_CROSSHAIRSCALE = "Scale crosshair";
HUDMNU_NAMETAGS = "Display nametags";
HUDMNU_NAMETAGCOLOR = "Nametag color";
HUDMNU_SCALESTATBAR = "Stretch status bar";
HUDMNU_OLDOUCH = "Use old ouch mug shot formula";
HUDMNU_HEXENFLASHES = "Hexen weapon flashes";
@ -1855,10 +1854,19 @@ HUDMNU_POISONFLASHES = "Poison damage flashes";
HUDMNU_ICEFLASHES = "Ice death flashes";
HUDMNU_HAZARDFLASHES = "Poison Buildup flashes";
// Scaling options
SCALEMNU_TITLE = "Scaling Options";
SCALEMNU_OVERRIDE = "Overrides for above setting";
SCALEMNU_STATBAR = "Status bar";
SCALEMNU_HUD = "Fullscreen HUD";
SCALEMNU_ALTHUD = "Alternative HUD";
SCALEMNU_HUDASPECT = "HUD preserves aspect ratio";
// AltHUD Options
ALTHUDMNU_TITLE = "Alternative HUD";
ALTHUDMNU_ENABLE = "Enable alternative HUD";
ALTHUDMNU_SCALEHUD = "Stretch alternative HUD";
ALTHUDMNU_SHOWSECRETS = "Show secret count";
ALTHUDMNU_SHOWMONSTERS = "Show monster count";
ALTHUDMNU_SHOWITEMS = "Show item count";
@ -1977,8 +1985,6 @@ MSGMNU_TITLE = "MESSAGES";
MSGMNU_SHOWMESSAGES = "Show messages";
MSGMNU_SHOWOBITUARIES = "Show obituaries";
MSGMNU_SHOWSECRETS = "Show secret notifications";
MSGMNU_SCALETEXT = "Scale text in high res";
MSGMNU_SCALECONSOLE = "Scale console";
MSGMNU_MESSAGELEVEL = "Minimum message level";
MSGMNU_CENTERMESSAGES = "Center messages";
@ -828,11 +828,10 @@ OptionValue ZDoomStrife
OptionMenu "HUDOptions"
Submenu "$HUDMNU_SCALEOPT", "ScalingOptions"
Submenu "$HUDMNU_ALTHUD", "AltHudOptions"
Submenu "$HUDMNU_MESSAGE", "MessageOptions"
StaticText " "
Slider "$HUDMNU_UISCALE", "uiscale", 0.0, 8.0, 1.0, 0
StaticText " "
Option "$HUDMNU_CROSSHAIR", "crosshair", "Crosshairs"
Option "$HUDMNU_FORCECROSSHAIR", "crosshairforce", "OnOff"
Option "$HUDMNU_GROWCROSSHAIR", "crosshairgrow", "OnOff"
@ -842,7 +841,6 @@ OptionMenu "HUDOptions"
StaticText " "
Option "$HUDMNU_NAMETAGS", "displaynametags", "DisplayTagsTypes"
Option "$HUDMNU_NAMETAGCOLOR", "nametagcolor", "TextColors", "displaynametags"
Option "$HUDMNU_SCALESTATBAR", "st_scale", "OnOff"
Option "$HUDMNU_OLDOUCH", "st_oldouch", "OnOff"
StaticText " "
Option "$HUDMNU_HEXENFLASHES", "pf_hexenweaps", "ZDoomHexen"
@ -850,7 +848,22 @@ OptionMenu "HUDOptions"
Option "$HUDMNU_ICEFLASHES", "pf_ice", "ZDoomHexen"
Option "$HUDMNU_HAZARDFLASHES", "pf_hazard", "ZDoomStrife"
OptionMenu "ScalingOptions"
Slider "$HUDMNU_UISCALE", "uiscale", 0.0, 8.0, 1.0, 0
StaticText " "
// These will need a new control type.
Option "$SCALEMNU_MESSAGES", "con_scaletext", "OnOff"
Option "$SCALEMNU_CONSOLE", "con_scale", "OnOff"
Option "$SCALEMNU_STATBAR", "st_scale", "OnOff"
Option "$SCALEMNU_HUD", "hud_scale", "OnOff"
Option "$SCALEMNU_ALTHUD", "hud_althudscale", "OnOff"
StaticText " "
Option "$SCALEMNU_HUDASPECT", "hud_aspectscale", "OnOff"
// Alternative HUD
@ -863,15 +876,6 @@ OptionValue "AMCoordinates"
OptionValue "AltHUDScale"
OptionValue "AltHUDAmmo"
@ -911,7 +915,6 @@ OptionMenu "AltHUDOptions"
//Indent 220
Option "$ALTHUDMNU_ENABLE", "hud_althud", "OnOff"
Option "$ALTHUDMNU_SCALEHUD", "hud_althudscale", "AltHUDScale"
Option "$ALTHUDMNU_SHOWSECRETS", "hud_showsecrets", "OnOff"
Option "$ALTHUDMNU_SHOWMONSTERS", "hud_showmonsters", "OnOff"
Option "$ALTHUDMNU_SHOWITEMS", "hud_showitems", "OnOff"
@ -1189,23 +1192,6 @@ OptionMenu ColorPickerMenu
OptionValue ScaleValues
OptionValue ConsoleScaleValues
OptionValue MessageLevels
@ -1228,8 +1214,6 @@ OptionMenu MessageOptions
Option "$MSGMNU_SHOWMESSAGES", "show_messages", "OnOff"
Option "$MSGMNU_SHOWOBITUARIES", "show_obituaries", "OnOff"
Option "$MSGMNU_SHOWSECRETS", "cl_showsecretmessage", "OnOff"
Option "$MSGMNU_SCALETEXT", "con_scaletext", "ScaleValues"
Option "$MSGMNU_SCALECONSOLE", "con_scale", "ConsoleScaleValues"
Option "$MSGMNU_MESSAGELEVEL", "msg", "MessageLevels"
Option "$MSGMNU_DEVELOPER", "developer", "DevMessageLevels"
Option "$MSGMNU_CENTERMESSAGES", "con_centernotify", "OnOff"
@ -489,6 +489,11 @@ class Actor : Thinker native
return Obituary;
virtual int OnDrain(Actor victim, int damage, Name dmgtype)
return damage;
native virtual bool OkayToSwitchTarget(Actor other);
native static class<Actor> GetReplacement(class<Actor> cls);
native static class<Actor> GetReplacee(class<Actor> cls);
@ -521,10 +521,11 @@ struct LevelLocals native
native static void WorldDone();
native static void RemoveAllBots(bool fromlist);
native void SetInterMusic(String nextmap);
native String FormatMapName(int mapnamecolor);
String TimeFormatted()
String TimeFormatted(bool totals = false)
int sec = Thinker.Tics2Seconds(time);
int sec = Thinker.Tics2Seconds(totals? totaltime : time);
return String.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", sec / 3600, (sec % 3600) / 60, sec % 60);
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ class StaticEventHandler : Object native play version("2.4")
//virtual native ui void RenderFrame(RenderEvent e);
//virtual native ui void RenderOverlay(RenderEvent e);
virtual native ui void RenderOverlay(RenderEvent e);
virtual native void PlayerEntered(PlayerEvent e);
@ -274,6 +274,7 @@ class CFlameMissile : FastProjectile
void A_CFlamePuff()
bInvisible = false;
bMissile = false;
Vel = (0,0,0);
A_PlaySound ("ClericFlameExplode", CHAN_BODY);
@ -271,6 +271,7 @@ class Menu : Object native ui version("2.4")
virtual void ResetColor() {}
virtual bool MouseEvent(int type, int mx, int my) { return true; }
virtual void Ticker() {}
virtual void OnReturn() {}
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class FastProjectile : Actor
ExplodeMissile (NULL, NULL);
if (!(frac.xy ~== (0, 0)) && ripcount <= 0)
if (changexy && ripcount <= 0)
ripcount = count >> 3;
@ -20,18 +20,24 @@ class DoomStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
diparms = InventoryBarState.Create();
override void DrawAutomapHUD(double ticFrac)
// This uses the normal automap HUD but just changes the highlight color.
override void Draw (int state, double TicFrac)
Super.Draw (state, TicFrac);
if (state == HUD_StatusBar)
BeginStatusBar(320, 200, 32);
DrawMainBar (TicFrac);
else if (state == HUD_Fullscreen)
BeginHUD(320, 200, 1., false);
DrawFullScreenStuff ();
@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ class HereticStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
mHealthInterpolator = DynamicValueInterpolator.Create(0, 0.25, 1, 8);
override int GetProtrusion(double scaleratio) const
return scaleratio > 0.7? 8 : 0;
override void NewGame ()
@ -43,12 +48,12 @@ class HereticStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
if (state == HUD_StatusBar)
BeginStatusBar(320, 200, 42);
DrawMainBar (TicFrac);
else if (state == HUD_Fullscreen)
BeginHUD(320, 200, 1., false);
DrawFullScreenStuff ();
@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ class HexenStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
mHealthInterpolator2.Reset (0);
override int GetProtrusion(double scaleratio) const
return scaleratio > 0.85? 28 : 12; // need to get past the gargoyle's wings
override void Tick()
@ -47,12 +52,12 @@ class HexenStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
if (state == HUD_StatusBar)
BeginStatusBar(320, 200, 38);
DrawMainBar (TicFrac);
else if (state == HUD_Fullscreen)
BeginHUD(320, 200, 1., false);
DrawFullScreenStuff ();
@ -270,10 +270,8 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
native int ST_X, ST_Y;
native int RelTop;
native int HorizontalResolution, VerticalResolution;
native bool Scaled;
native bool Centering;
native bool FixedOrigin;
native bool CompleteBorder;
@ -291,15 +289,19 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
native double drawClip[4]; // defines a clipping rectangle (not used yet)
native bool fullscreenOffsets; // current screen is displayed with fullscreen behavior.
private HUDFont mSmallFont;
native void SetSize(int height, int vwidth, int vheight);
native void SetSize(int height, int vwidth, int vheight, int hwidth = -1, int hheight = -1);
native Vector2 GetHUDScale();
native void BeginStatusBar(int resW, int resH, int relTop, bool completeborder = false, bool forceScaled = false);
native void BeginHUD(int resW, int resH, double Alpha, bool forcescaled = false);
native void BeginStatusBar(bool forceScaled = false, int resW = -1, int resH = -1, int rel = -1);
native void BeginHUD(double Alpha = 1., bool forcescaled = false, int resW = -1, int resH = -1);
virtual void Init() {}
virtual void Init()
mSmallFont = HUDFont.Create("SmallFont");
native virtual void SetScaled(bool scale, bool force = false);
native virtual void Tick ();
native virtual void Draw (int state, double TicFrac);
native virtual void ScreenSizeChanged ();
@ -313,7 +315,6 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
virtual void ShowPop (int popnum) { ShowLog = (popnum == POP_Log && !ShowLog); }
virtual bool MustDrawLog(int state) { return true; }
native void RefreshBackground () const;
native TextureID GetMugshot(int accuracy, int stateflags=MugShot.STANDARD, String default_face = "STF");
// These functions are kept native solely for performance reasons. They get called repeatedly and can drag down performance easily if they get too slow.
@ -324,7 +325,8 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
native void DrawString(HUDFont font, String string, Vector2 pos, int flags = 0, int translation = Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, double Alpha = 1., int wrapwidth = -1, int linespacing = 4);
native void Fill(Color col, double x, double y, double w, double h, int flags = 0);
native static String FormatNumber(int number, int minsize = 0, int maxsize = 0, int format = 0, String prefix = "");
native double, double, double, double StatusbarToRealCoords(double x, double y=0, double w=0, double h=0);
native int GetTopOfStatusBar();
@ -381,6 +383,20 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
return icon, scale;
// Returns how much the status bar's graphics extend into the view
// Used for automap text positioning
// The parameter specifies how much of the status bar area will be covered
// by the element requesting this information.
virtual int GetProtrusion(double scaleratio) const
return 0;
// Convenience functions to retrieve item tags
@ -410,10 +426,10 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
// These cannot be done in ZScript.
native String GetGlobalACSString(int index);
native String GetGlobalACSArrayString(int arrayno, int index);
native int GetGlobalACSValue(int index);
native int GetGlobalACSArrayValue(int arrayno, int index);
native static String GetGlobalACSString(int index);
native static String GetGlobalACSArrayString(int arrayno, int index);
native static int GetGlobalACSValue(int index);
native static int GetGlobalACSArrayValue(int arrayno, int index);
@ -658,6 +674,125 @@ class BaseStatusBar native ui
return it != null && it.Amount >= amount;
// mypos cheat
virtual void DrawMyPos()
int height = SmallFont.GetHeight();
int i;
int vwidth;
int vheight;
int xpos;
int y;
let scalevec = GetHUDScale();
int scale = int(scalevec.X);
vwidth = screen.GetWidth() / scale;
vheight = screen.GetHeight() / scale;
xpos = vwidth - SmallFont.StringWidth("X: -00000")-6;
y = GetTopOfStatusBar() / (3*scale) - height;
Vector3 pos = CPlayer.mo.Pos;
for (i = 0; i < 3; y += height, ++i)
double v = i == 0? pos.X : i == 1? pos.Y : pos.Z;
String line = String.Format("%c: %d", int("X") + i, v);
screen.DrawText (SmallFont, Font.CR_GREEN, xpos, y, line, DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_VirtualWidth, vwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, vheight);
// automap HUD common drawer
// This is not called directly to give a status bar the opportunity to
// change the text colors. If you want to do something different,
// override DrawAutomap directly.
protected void DoDrawAutomapHUD(int crdefault, int highlight)
let scale = GetHUDScale();
double textdist = 8. / scale.Y;
int height = SmallFont.GetHeight();
String printtext;
int SCREENWIDTH = screen.GetWidth();
// Draw timer
let y = textdist;
let width = SmallFont.StringWidth("00:00:00");
if (am_showtime)
printtext = level.TimeFormatted();
DrawString(mSmallFont, level.TimeFormatted(), (-textdist-width, y), 0, crdefault);
y += height;
if (am_showtotaltime)
DrawString(mSmallFont, level.TimeFormatted(true), (-textdist-width, y), 0, crdefault);
if (!deathmatch)
y = textdist;
// Draw monster count
if (am_showmonsters)
DrawString(mSmallFont, String.Format("%s\34%c %d/%d", Stringtable.Localize("$AM_MONSTERS"), crdefault+65, level.killed_monsters, level.total_monsters), (textdist, y), 0, highlight);
y += height;
// Draw secret count
if (am_showsecrets)
DrawString(mSmallFont, String.Format("%s\34%c %d/%d", Stringtable.Localize("$AM_SECRETS"), crdefault+65, level.found_secrets, level.total_secrets), (textdist, y), 0, highlight);
y += height;
// Draw item count
if (am_showitems)
DrawString(mSmallFont, String.Format("%s\34%c %d/%d", Stringtable.Localize("$AM_ITEMS"), crdefault+65, level.found_items, level.total_items), (1, y), 0, highlight);
String mapname = level.FormatMapName(crdefault);
BrokenLines lines = SmallFont.BreakLines(mapname, SCREENWIDTH / scale.X);
int numlines = lines.Count();
int finalwidth = SmallFont.StringWidth(lines.StringAt(numlines-1)) * scale.X;
// calculate the top of the statusbar including any protrusion and transform it from status bar to screen space.
double tmp, hres;
[tmp, tmp, hres] = StatusbarToRealCoords(0, 0, HorizontalResolution);
int protrusion = GetProtrusion(finalwidth / hres);
[tmp, tmp, tmp, hres] = StatusbarToRealCoords(0, 0, 0, protrusion);
// transform the top of the status bar position from screen to HUD space (a direct transformation from status bar to HUD space does not exist.)
y = (GetTopOfStatusBar() - hres) / scale.Y - height * numlines;
// Draw the texts centered above the status bar.
for(int i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
DrawString(mSmallFont, lines.StringAt(i), (0, y), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER|DI_SCREEN_HCENTER|DI_SCREEN_TOP, highlight);
y += height;
virtual void DrawAutomapHUD(double ticFrac)
DoDrawAutomapHUD(Font.CR_GREY, Font.CR_YELLOW);
@ -74,20 +74,25 @@ class StrifeStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
Reset ();
override int GetProtrusion(double scaleratio) const
return 10;
override void Draw (int state, double TicFrac)
Super.Draw (state, TicFrac);
if (state == HUD_StatusBar)
BeginStatusBar(320, 200, 32);
DrawMainBar (TicFrac);
if (state == HUD_Fullscreen)
BeginHUD(320, 200, 1., false);
DrawFullScreenStuff ();
@ -95,7 +100,7 @@ class StrifeStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
if (CurrentPop != POP_None && PopHeight < 0)
// This uses direct low level draw commands and would otherwise require calling
// BeginStatusBar(320, 200, false, true);
// BeginStatusBar(true);
DrawPopScreen (screen.GetHeight(), TicFrac);
@ -259,7 +264,9 @@ class StrifeStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
// Pop screen (log, keys, and status)
if (CurrentPop != POP_None && PopHeight < 0)
DrawPopScreen (Scaled ? (ST_Y - 8) * screen.GetHeight() / 200 : ST_Y - 8, TicFrac);
double tmp, h;
[tmp, tmp, h] = StatusbarToRealCoords(0, 0, 8);
DrawPopScreen (GetTopOfStatusBar() - h, TicFrac);
DrawImage("INVBACK", (0, 168), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
Reference in a new issue