mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 18:31:39 +00:00
- made the general entry point to the wall drawer a single function instead of requiring the caller to check for NPOT textures.
- renamed all functions in r_walldraw.cpp to give them names more in line with Doom's naming conventions. Since this is not Build code anymore it also shouldn't use Build names to avoid giving a false impression.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 82 additions and 89 deletions
@ -103,8 +103,7 @@ namespace swrenderer
bool R_GetTransMaskDrawers(fixed_t(**tmvline1)(), void(**tmvline4)());
const uint8_t *R_GetColumn(FTexture *tex, int col);
void wallscan(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const uint8_t *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int col) = R_GetColumn);
void rt_initcols(uint8_t *buffer = nullptr);
void rt_span_coverage(int x, int start, int stop);
void rt_draw4cols(int sx);
@ -1053,8 +1053,8 @@ CCMD (clearwallcycles)
bestwallcycles = HUGE_VAL;
#if 1
// To use these, also uncomment the clock/unclock in wallscan
#if 0
// The replacement code for Build's wallscan doesn't have any timing calls so this does not work anymore.
static double bestscancycles = HUGE_VAL;
ADD_STAT (scancycles)
@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ static double xstepscale, ystepscale;
static double basexfrac, baseyfrac;
void R_DrawSinglePlane (visplane_t *, fixed_t alpha, bool additive, bool masked);
void R_DrawSkySegment(visplane_t *vis, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const uint8_t *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int col));
@ -624,7 +625,7 @@ extern FTexture *rw_pic;
// Allow for layer skies up to 512 pixels tall. This is overkill,
// since the most anyone can ever see of the sky is 500 pixels.
// We need 4 skybufs because wallscan can draw up to 4 columns at a time.
// We need 4 skybufs because R_DrawSkySegment can draw up to 4 columns at a time.
static BYTE skybuf[4][512];
static DWORD lastskycol[4];
static int skycolplace;
@ -891,7 +892,7 @@ static void R_DrawSky (visplane_t *pl)
lastskycol[x] = 0xffffffff;
wallscan (pl->left, pl->right, (short *)pl->top, (short *)pl->bottom, swall, lwall,
R_DrawSkySegment (pl, (short *)pl->top, (short *)pl->bottom, swall, lwall,
frontyScale, backskytex == NULL ? R_GetOneSkyColumn : R_GetTwoSkyColumns);
@ -928,7 +929,7 @@ static void R_DrawSkyStriped (visplane_t *pl)
lastskycol[x] = 0xffffffff;
wallscan (pl->left, pl->right, top, bot, swall, lwall, rw_pic->Scale.Y,
R_DrawSkySegment (pl, top, bot, swall, lwall, rw_pic->Scale.Y,
backskytex == NULL ? R_GetOneSkyColumn : R_GetTwoSkyColumns);
yl = yh;
yh += drawheight;
@ -64,9 +64,8 @@ namespace swrenderer
using namespace drawerargs;
void call_wallscan(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, bool mask);
void wallscan_np2(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, double top, double bot, bool mask);
void wallscan_np2_ds(drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat);
void R_DrawWallSegment(FTexture *rw_pic, int x1, int x2, short *walltop, short *wallbottom, float *swall, fixed_t *lwall, double yscale, double top, double bottom, bool mask);
void R_DrawDrawSeg(drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat);
#define HEIGHTBITS 12
@ -517,7 +516,7 @@ void R_RenderMaskedSegRange (drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2)
rw_offset = 0;
rw_pic = tex;
wallscan_np2_ds(ds, x1, x2, mceilingclip, mfloorclip, MaskedSWall, maskedtexturecol, ds->yscale);
R_DrawDrawSeg(ds, x1, x2, mceilingclip, mfloorclip, MaskedSWall, maskedtexturecol, ds->yscale);
@ -645,7 +644,7 @@ void R_RenderFakeWall(drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2, F3DFloor *rover)
PrepLWall (lwall, curline->sidedef->TexelLength*xscale, ds->sx1, ds->sx2);
wallscan_np2_ds(ds, x1, x2, wallupper, walllower, MaskedSWall, lwall, yscale);
R_DrawDrawSeg(ds, x1, x2, wallupper, walllower, MaskedSWall, lwall, yscale);
@ -1057,9 +1056,6 @@ void R_RenderFakeWallRange (drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2)
// Can draw or mark the starting pixel of floor and ceiling textures.
// [RH] Rewrote this to use Build's wallscan, so it's quite far
// removed from the original Doom routine.
void R_RenderSegLoop ()
@ -1175,14 +1171,7 @@ void R_RenderSegLoop ()
rw_offset = -rw_offset;
if (rw_pic->GetHeight() != 1 << rw_pic->HeightBits)
wallscan_np2(x1, x2, walltop, wallbottom, swall, lwall, yscale, MAX(rw_frontcz1, rw_frontcz2), MIN(rw_frontfz1, rw_frontfz2), false);
call_wallscan(x1, x2, walltop, wallbottom, swall, lwall, yscale, false);
R_DrawWallSegment(rw_pic, x1, x2, walltop, wallbottom, swall, lwall, yscale, MAX(rw_frontcz1, rw_frontcz2), MIN(rw_frontfz1, rw_frontfz2), false);
fillshort (ceilingclip+x1, x2-x1, viewheight);
fillshort (floorclip+x1, x2-x1, 0xffff);
@ -1218,14 +1207,7 @@ void R_RenderSegLoop ()
rw_offset = -rw_offset;
if (rw_pic->GetHeight() != 1 << rw_pic->HeightBits)
wallscan_np2(x1, x2, walltop, wallupper, swall, lwall, yscale, MAX(rw_frontcz1, rw_frontcz2), MIN(rw_backcz1, rw_backcz2), false);
call_wallscan(x1, x2, walltop, wallupper, swall, lwall, yscale, false);
R_DrawWallSegment(rw_pic, x1, x2, walltop, wallupper, swall, lwall, yscale, MAX(rw_frontcz1, rw_frontcz2), MIN(rw_backcz1, rw_backcz2), false);
memcpy (ceilingclip+x1, wallupper+x1, (x2-x1)*sizeof(short));
@ -1264,14 +1246,7 @@ void R_RenderSegLoop ()
rw_offset = -rw_offset;
if (rw_pic->GetHeight() != 1 << rw_pic->HeightBits)
wallscan_np2(x1, x2, walllower, wallbottom, swall, lwall, yscale, MAX(rw_backfz1, rw_backfz2), MIN(rw_frontfz1, rw_frontfz2), false);
call_wallscan(x1, x2, walllower, wallbottom, swall, lwall, yscale, false);
R_DrawWallSegment(rw_pic, x1, x2, walllower, wallbottom, swall, lwall, yscale, MAX(rw_backfz1, rw_backfz2), MIN(rw_frontfz1, rw_frontfz2), false);
memcpy (floorclip+x1, walllower+x1, (x2-x1)*sizeof(short));
@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ namespace swrenderer
extern FTexture *rw_pic;
extern int wallshade;
struct WallscanSampler
struct WallSampler
WallscanSampler() { }
WallscanSampler(int y1, float swal, double yrepeat, fixed_t xoffset, FTexture *texture, const BYTE*(*getcol)(FTexture *texture, int x));
WallSampler() { }
WallSampler(int y1, float swal, double yrepeat, fixed_t xoffset, FTexture *texture, const BYTE*(*getcol)(FTexture *texture, int x));
uint32_t uv_pos;
uint32_t uv_step;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ struct WallscanSampler
uint32_t height;
WallscanSampler::WallscanSampler(int y1, float swal, double yrepeat, fixed_t xoffset, FTexture *texture, const BYTE*(*getcol)(FTexture *texture, int x))
WallSampler::WallSampler(int y1, float swal, double yrepeat, fixed_t xoffset, FTexture *texture, const BYTE*(*getcol)(FTexture *texture, int x))
height = texture->GetHeight();
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ WallscanSampler::WallscanSampler(int y1, float swal, double yrepeat, fixed_t xof
// Draw a column with support for non-power-of-two ranges
void wallscan_drawcol1(int x, int y1, int y2, WallscanSampler &sampler, DWORD(*draw1column)())
static void Draw1Column(int x, int y1, int y2, WallSampler &sampler, DWORD(*draw1column)())
if (sampler.uv_max == 0 || sampler.uv_step == 0) // power of two
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ void wallscan_drawcol1(int x, int y1, int y2, WallscanSampler &sampler, DWORD(*d
// Draw four columns with support for non-power-of-two ranges
void wallscan_drawcol4(int x, int y1, int y2, WallscanSampler *sampler, void(*draw4columns)())
static void Draw4Columns(int x, int y1, int y2, WallSampler *sampler, void(*draw4columns)())
if (sampler[0].uv_max == 0 || sampler[0].uv_step == 0) // power of two, no wrap handling needed
@ -210,17 +210,16 @@ void wallscan_drawcol4(int x, int y1, int y2, WallscanSampler *sampler, void(*dr
typedef DWORD(*Draw1ColumnFuncPtr)();
typedef void(*Draw4ColumnsFuncPtr)();
void wallscan_any(
static void ProcessWallWorker(
int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat,
const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int x),
void(setupwallscan(int bits, Draw1ColumnFuncPtr &draw1, Draw4ColumnsFuncPtr &draw2)))
void(setupProcessNormalWall(int bits, Draw1ColumnFuncPtr &draw1, Draw4ColumnsFuncPtr &draw2)))
if (rw_pic->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null)
fixed_t xoffset = rw_offset;
rw_pic->GetHeight(); // To ensure that rw_pic->HeightBits has been set
int fracbits = 32 - rw_pic->HeightBits;
if (fracbits == 32)
{ // Hack for one pixel tall textures
@ -231,7 +230,7 @@ void wallscan_any(
setupwallscan(fracbits, draw1column, draw4columns);
setupProcessNormalWall(fracbits, draw1column, draw4columns);
bool fixed = (fixedcolormap != NULL || fixedlightlev >= 0);
if (fixed)
@ -264,8 +263,8 @@ void wallscan_any(
if (!fixed)
dc_colormap = basecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP(light, wallshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT);
WallscanSampler sampler(y1, swal[x], yrepeat, lwal[x] + xoffset, rw_pic, getcol);
wallscan_drawcol1(x, y1, y2, sampler, draw1column);
WallSampler sampler(y1, swal[x], yrepeat, lwal[x] + xoffset, rw_pic, getcol);
Draw1Column(x, y1, y2, sampler, draw1column);
// The aligned columns
@ -282,9 +281,9 @@ void wallscan_any(
light += rw_lightstep;
WallscanSampler sampler[4];
WallSampler sampler[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
sampler[i] = WallscanSampler(y1[i], swal[x + i], yrepeat, lwal[x + i] + xoffset, rw_pic, getcol);
sampler[i] = WallSampler(y1[i], swal[x + i], yrepeat, lwal[x + i] + xoffset, rw_pic, getcol);
// Figure out where we vertically can start and stop drawing 4 columns in one go
int middle_y1 = y1[0];
@ -312,7 +311,7 @@ void wallscan_any(
if (!fixed)
dc_colormap = basecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP(lights[i], wallshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT);
wallscan_drawcol1(x + i, y1[i], y2[i], sampler[i], draw1column);
Draw1Column(x + i, y1[i], y2[i], sampler[i], draw1column);
@ -324,7 +323,7 @@ void wallscan_any(
dc_colormap = basecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP(lights[i], wallshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT);
if (y1[i] < middle_y1)
wallscan_drawcol1(x + i, y1[i], middle_y1, sampler[i], draw1column);
Draw1Column(x + i, y1[i], middle_y1, sampler[i], draw1column);
// Draw the area where all 4 columns are active
@ -335,7 +334,7 @@ void wallscan_any(
palookupoffse[i] = basecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP(lights[i], wallshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT);
wallscan_drawcol4(x, middle_y1, middle_y2, sampler, draw4columns);
Draw4Columns(x, middle_y1, middle_y2, sampler, draw4columns);
// Draw the last rows where not all 4 columns are active
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
@ -344,7 +343,7 @@ void wallscan_any(
dc_colormap = basecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP(lights[i], wallshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT);
if (middle_y2 < y2[i])
wallscan_drawcol1(x + i, middle_y2, y2[i], sampler[i], draw1column);
Draw1Column(x + i, middle_y2, y2[i], sampler[i], draw1column);
@ -359,16 +358,16 @@ void wallscan_any(
if (!fixed)
dc_colormap = basecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP(light, wallshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT);
WallscanSampler sampler(y1, swal[x], yrepeat, lwal[x] + xoffset, rw_pic, getcol);
wallscan_drawcol1(x, y1, y2, sampler, draw1column);
WallSampler sampler(y1, swal[x], yrepeat, lwal[x] + xoffset, rw_pic, getcol);
Draw1Column(x, y1, y2, sampler, draw1column);
void wallscan(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int x))
static void ProcessNormalWall(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int x) = R_GetColumn)
wallscan_any(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, getcol, [](int bits, Draw1ColumnFuncPtr &line1, Draw4ColumnsFuncPtr &line4)
ProcessWallWorker(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, getcol, [](int bits, Draw1ColumnFuncPtr &line1, Draw4ColumnsFuncPtr &line4)
line1 = dovline1;
@ -376,15 +375,15 @@ void wallscan(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lw
void maskwallscan(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int x) = R_GetColumn)
static void ProcessMaskedWall(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int x) = R_GetColumn)
if (!rw_pic->bMasked) // Textures that aren't masked can use the faster wallscan.
if (!rw_pic->bMasked) // Textures that aren't masked can use the faster ProcessNormalWall.
wallscan(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, getcol);
ProcessNormalWall(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, getcol);
wallscan_any(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, getcol, [](int bits, Draw1ColumnFuncPtr &line1, Draw4ColumnsFuncPtr &line4)
ProcessWallWorker(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, getcol, [](int bits, Draw1ColumnFuncPtr &line1, Draw4ColumnsFuncPtr &line4)
line1 = domvline1;
@ -393,18 +392,18 @@ void maskwallscan(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t
void transmaskwallscan(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int x) = R_GetColumn)
static void ProcessTranslucentWall(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int x) = R_GetColumn)
static fixed_t(*tmvline1)();
static void(*tmvline4)();
if (!R_GetTransMaskDrawers(&tmvline1, &tmvline4))
// The current translucency is unsupported, so draw with regular maskwallscan instead.
maskwallscan(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, getcol);
// The current translucency is unsupported, so draw with regular ProcessMaskedWall instead.
ProcessMaskedWall(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, getcol);
wallscan_any(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, getcol, [](int bits, Draw1ColumnFuncPtr &line1, Draw4ColumnsFuncPtr &line4)
ProcessWallWorker(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, getcol, [](int bits, Draw1ColumnFuncPtr &line1, Draw4ColumnsFuncPtr &line4)
line1 = reinterpret_cast<DWORD(*)()>(tmvline1);
@ -413,7 +412,7 @@ void transmaskwallscan(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fi
void wallscan_striped (int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat)
static void ProcessStripedWall(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat)
FDynamicColormap *startcolormap = basecolormap;
int startshade = wallshade;
@ -438,7 +437,7 @@ void wallscan_striped (int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fi
down[j] = clamp (most3[j], up[j], dwal[j]);
wallscan (x1, x2, up, down, swal, lwal, yrepeat);
ProcessNormalWall (x1, x2, up, down, swal, lwal, yrepeat);
up = down;
down = (down == most1) ? most2 : most1;
@ -449,49 +448,49 @@ void wallscan_striped (int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fi
*lit->p_lightlevel, lit->lightsource != NULL) + r_actualextralight);
wallscan (x1, x2, up, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat);
ProcessNormalWall (x1, x2, up, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat);
basecolormap = startcolormap;
wallshade = startshade;
void call_wallscan(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, bool mask)
static void ProcessWall(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, bool mask)
if (mask)
if (colfunc == basecolfunc)
maskwallscan(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat);
ProcessMaskedWall(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat);
transmaskwallscan(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat);
ProcessTranslucentWall(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat);
if (fixedcolormap != NULL || fixedlightlev >= 0 || !(frontsector->e && frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size()))
wallscan(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat);
ProcessNormalWall(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat);
wallscan_striped(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat);
ProcessStripedWall(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat);
// wallscan_np2
// ProcessWallNP2
// This is a wrapper around wallscan that helps it tile textures whose heights
// This is a wrapper around ProcessWall that helps it tile textures whose heights
// are not powers of 2. It divides the wall into texture-sized strips and calls
// wallscan for each of those. Since only one repetition of the texture fits
// in each strip, wallscan will not tile.
// ProcessNormalWall for each of those. Since only one repetition of the texture fits
// in each strip, ProcessWall will not tile.
void wallscan_np2(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, double top, double bot, bool mask)
static void ProcessWallNP2(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, double top, double bot, bool mask)
short most1[MAXWIDTH], most2[MAXWIDTH], most3[MAXWIDTH];
short *up, *down;
@ -518,14 +517,14 @@ void wallscan_np2(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t
down[j] = clamp(most3[j], up[j], dwal[j]);
call_wallscan(x1, x2, up, down, swal, lwal, yrepeat, mask);
ProcessWall(x1, x2, up, down, swal, lwal, yrepeat, mask);
up = down;
down = (down == most1) ? most2 : most1;
partition -= scaledtexheight;
dc_texturemid -= texheight;
call_wallscan(x1, x2, up, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, mask);
ProcessWall(x1, x2, up, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, mask);
{ // upside down: draw strips from bottom to top
@ -542,18 +541,18 @@ void wallscan_np2(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t
up[j] = clamp(most3[j], uwal[j], down[j]);
call_wallscan(x1, x2, up, down, swal, lwal, yrepeat, mask);
ProcessWall(x1, x2, up, down, swal, lwal, yrepeat, mask);
down = up;
up = (up == most1) ? most2 : most1;
partition -= scaledtexheight;
dc_texturemid -= texheight;
call_wallscan(x1, x2, uwal, down, swal, lwal, yrepeat, mask);
ProcessWall(x1, x2, uwal, down, swal, lwal, yrepeat, mask);
void wallscan_np2_ds(drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat)
void R_DrawDrawSeg(drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat)
if (rw_pic->GetHeight() != 1 << rw_pic->HeightBits)
@ -571,13 +570,32 @@ void wallscan_np2_ds(drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, fl
bot = MAX(bot, sclipBottom);
wallscan_np2(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, top, bot, true);
ProcessWallNP2(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, top, bot, true);
call_wallscan(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, true);
ProcessWall(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, true);
void R_DrawWallSegment(FTexture *rw_pic, int x1, int x2, short *walltop, short *wallbottom, float *swall, fixed_t *lwall, double yscale, double top, double bottom, bool mask)
if (rw_pic->GetHeight() != 1 << rw_pic->HeightBits)
ProcessWallNP2(x1, x2, walltop, wallbottom, swall, lwall, yscale, top, bottom, false);
ProcessWall(x1, x2, walltop, wallbottom, swall, lwall, yscale, false);
void R_DrawSkySegment(visplane_t *pl, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int x))
ProcessNormalWall(pl->left, pl->right, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, getcol);
Reference in a new issue