mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 08:21:28 +00:00
Merge branch 'asmjit' of https://github.com/coelckers/gzdoom
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 286 additions and 203 deletions
@ -2976,17 +2976,17 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Chase)
if (numparam > 1)
if (melee != nullptr || missile != nullptr || flags != 0x40000000)
if ((flags & CHF_RESURRECT) && P_CheckForResurrection(self, false))
return 0;
A_DoChase(self, !!(flags&CHF_FASTCHASE), melee, missile, !(flags&CHF_NOPLAYACTIVE),
!!(flags&CHF_NIGHTMAREFAST), !!(flags&CHF_DONTMOVE), flags);
!!(flags&CHF_NIGHTMAREFAST), !!(flags&CHF_DONTMOVE), flags & 0x3fffffff);
else // this is the old default A_Chase
A_DoChase(self, false, self->MeleeState, self->MissileState, true, gameinfo.nightmarefast, false, flags);
A_DoChase(self, false, self->MeleeState, self->MissileState, true, gameinfo.nightmarefast, false, 0);
return 0;
@ -7436,7 +7436,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, SpawnPlayerMissile)
AActor *missileactor;
if (numparam == 2) angle = self->Angles.Yaw;
if (angle == 1e37) angle = self->Angles.Yaw;
AActor *misl = P_SpawnPlayerMissile(self, x, y, z, type, angle, lt, &missileactor, nofreeaim, noautoaim, aimflags);
if (numret > 0) ret[0].SetObject(misl);
if (numret > 1) ret[1].SetObject(missileactor), numret = 2;
@ -8296,20 +8296,22 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, GetDefaultByType)
if (numparam == 1)
if (speed == 1e37)
if (numparam == 2)
if (angle == 1e37)
self->VelFromAngle(speed, angle);
@ -8331,20 +8333,21 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, Vel3DFromAngle)
if (numparam == 1)
if (speed == 1e37)
if (numparam == 2)
if (angle == 1e37)
self->Thrust(angle, speed);
@ -2603,7 +2603,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(_Secplane, HeightDiff)
if (numparam == 2)
if (newd != 1e37)
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ struct BoundingRect
void setEmpty()
left = top = 1e38;
bottom = right = -1e38;
left = top = FLT_MAX;
bottom = right = FLT_MIN;
bool contains(const BoundingRect & other) const
@ -814,6 +814,7 @@ VMFunction *FFunctionBuildList::AddFunction(PNamespace *gnspc, const VersionInfo
if (it.Func->SymbolName != NAME_None)
it.Function->Proto = it.Func->Variants[0].Proto;
it.Function->ArgFlags = it.Func->Variants[0].ArgFlags;
@ -885,6 +886,7 @@ void FFunctionBuildList::Build()
if (sfunc->Proto == nullptr)
sfunc->Proto = NewPrototype(item.Proto->ReturnTypes, item.Func->Variants[0].Proto->ArgumentTypes);
sfunc->ArgFlags = item.Func->Variants[0].ArgFlags;
// Emit code
@ -471,6 +471,245 @@ void JitCompiler::Setup()
konsts = sfunc->KonstS;
konsta = sfunc->KonstA;
void JitCompiler::SetupFrame()
// the VM version reads this from the stack, but it is constant data
offsetParams = ((int)sizeof(VMFrame) + 15) & ~15;
offsetF = offsetParams + (int)(sfunc->MaxParam * sizeof(VMValue));
offsetS = offsetF + (int)(sfunc->NumRegF * sizeof(double));
offsetA = offsetS + (int)(sfunc->NumRegS * sizeof(FString));
offsetD = offsetA + (int)(sfunc->NumRegA * sizeof(void*));
offsetExtra = (offsetD + (int)(sfunc->NumRegD * sizeof(int32_t)) + 15) & ~15;
vmframe = cc.newIntPtr("vmframe");
if (sfunc->SpecialInits.Size() == 0 && sfunc->NumRegS == 0)
// This is a simple frame with no constructors or destructors. Allocate it on the stack ourselves.
auto vmstack = cc.newStack(sfunc->StackSize, 16, "vmstack");
cc.lea(vmframe, vmstack);
auto slowinit = cc.newLabel();
auto endinit = cc.newLabel();
cc.cmp(numargs, sfunc->NumArgs);
SetupSimpleFrameMissingArgs(); // Does this ever happen?
void JitCompiler::SetupSimpleFrame()
using namespace asmjit;
int argsPos = 0;
int regd = 0, regf = 0, rega = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sfunc->Proto->ArgumentTypes.Size(); i++)
const PType *type = sfunc->Proto->ArgumentTypes[i];
if (sfunc->ArgFlags[i] & (VARF_Out | VARF_Ref))
cc.mov(regA[rega++], x86::ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, a)));
else if (type == TypeVector2)
cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f)));
cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f)));
else if (type == TypeVector3)
cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f)));
cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f)));
cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f)));
else if (type == TypeFloat64)
cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f)));
else if (type == TypeString)
I_FatalError("JIT: Strings are not supported yet for simple frames");
else if (type->isIntCompatible())
cc.mov(regD[regd++], x86::dword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, i)));
cc.mov(regA[rega++], x86::ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, a)));
if (sfunc->NumArgs != argsPos || regd > sfunc->NumRegD || regf > sfunc->NumRegF || rega > sfunc->NumRegA)
I_FatalError("JIT: sfunc->NumArgs != argsPos || regd > sfunc->NumRegD || regf > sfunc->NumRegF || rega > sfunc->NumRegA");
for (int i = regd; i < sfunc->NumRegD; i++)
cc.xor_(regD[i], regD[i]);
for (int i = regf; i < sfunc->NumRegF; i++)
cc.xorpd(regF[i], regF[i]);
for (int i = rega; i < sfunc->NumRegA; i++)
cc.xor_(regA[i], regA[i]);
void JitCompiler::SetupSimpleFrameMissingArgs()
using namespace asmjit;
auto sfuncptr = newTempIntPtr();
cc.mov(sfuncptr, imm_ptr(sfunc));
if (cc.is64Bit())
cc.mov(x86::qword_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, Func)), sfuncptr);
cc.mov(x86::dword_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, Func)), sfuncptr);
cc.mov(x86::byte_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, NumRegD)), sfunc->NumRegD);
cc.mov(x86::byte_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, NumRegF)), sfunc->NumRegF);
cc.mov(x86::byte_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, NumRegS)), sfunc->NumRegS);
cc.mov(x86::byte_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, NumRegA)), sfunc->NumRegA);
cc.mov(x86::word_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, MaxParam)), sfunc->MaxParam);
cc.mov(x86::word_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, NumParam)), 0);
// Zero initialize the variables (retardedly stupid to do here - should be done by the compiler backend!!)
unsigned int clearbegin = (unsigned int)offsetof(VMFrame, NumParam) + 2;
unsigned int clearend = sfunc->StackSize;
unsigned int sseend = clearbegin + (clearend - clearbegin) / 16 * 16;
if (clearbegin < sseend)
auto zerosse = newTempXmmPd();
cc.xorpd(zerosse, zerosse);
for (unsigned int i = clearbegin; i < sseend; i += 16)
cc.movupd(x86::ptr(vmframe, i), zerosse);
if (sseend < clearend)
auto zero32 = newTempInt32();
cc.xor_(zero32, zero32);
unsigned int dwordend = sseend + (clearend - sseend) / 4 * 4;
for (unsigned int i = sseend; i < dwordend; i += 4)
cc.mov(asmjit::x86::dword_ptr(vmframe, i), zero32);
for (unsigned int i = dwordend; i < clearend; i++)
cc.mov(asmjit::x86::byte_ptr(vmframe, i), zero32.r8Lo());
auto fillParams = CreateCall<void, VMFrame *, VMValue *, int>([](VMFrame *newf, VMValue *args, int numargs) {
VMFillParams(args, newf, numargs);
catch (...)
fillParams->setArg(0, vmframe);
fillParams->setArg(1, args);
fillParams->setArg(2, numargs);
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegD; i++)
cc.mov(regD[i], x86::dword_ptr(vmframe, offsetD + i * sizeof(int32_t)));
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegF; i++)
cc.movsd(regF[i], x86::qword_ptr(vmframe, offsetF + i * sizeof(double)));
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegS; i++)
cc.lea(regS[i], x86::ptr(vmframe, offsetS + i * sizeof(FString)));
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegA; i++)
cc.mov(regA[i], x86::ptr(vmframe, offsetA + i * sizeof(void*)));
void JitCompiler::SetupFullVMFrame()
using namespace asmjit;
stack = cc.newIntPtr("stack");
auto allocFrame = CreateCall<VMFrameStack *, VMScriptFunction *, VMValue *, int>([](VMScriptFunction *func, VMValue *args, int numargs) -> VMFrameStack* {
VMFrameStack *stack = &GlobalVMStack;
VMFrame *newf = stack->AllocFrame(func);
VMFillParams(args, newf, numargs);
return stack;
catch (...)
return nullptr;
allocFrame->setRet(0, stack);
allocFrame->setArg(0, imm_ptr(sfunc));
allocFrame->setArg(1, args);
allocFrame->setArg(2, numargs);
cc.mov(vmframe, x86::ptr(stack)); // stack->Blocks
cc.mov(vmframe, x86::ptr(vmframe, VMFrameStack::OffsetLastFrame())); // Blocks->LastFrame
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegD; i++)
cc.mov(regD[i], x86::dword_ptr(vmframe, offsetD + i * sizeof(int32_t)));
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegF; i++)
cc.movsd(regF[i], x86::qword_ptr(vmframe, offsetF + i * sizeof(double)));
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegS; i++)
cc.lea(regS[i], x86::ptr(vmframe, offsetS + i * sizeof(FString)));
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegA; i++)
cc.mov(regA[i], x86::ptr(vmframe, offsetA + i * sizeof(void*)));
void JitCompiler::EmitPopFrame()
if (sfunc->SpecialInits.Size() != 0 || sfunc->NumRegS != 0)
auto popFrame = CreateCall<void, VMFrameStack *>([](VMFrameStack *stack) {
catch (...)
popFrame->setArg(0, stack);
void JitCompiler::IncrementVMCalls()
// VMCalls[0]++
auto vmcallsptr = newTempIntPtr();
auto vmcalls = newTempInt32();
cc.mov(vmcallsptr, asmjit::imm_ptr(VMCalls));
cc.mov(vmcalls, asmjit::x86::dword_ptr(vmcallsptr));
cc.add(vmcalls, (int)1);
cc.mov(asmjit::x86::dword_ptr(vmcallsptr), vmcalls);
void JitCompiler::CreateRegisters()
@ -499,181 +738,6 @@ void JitCompiler::Setup()
regname.Format("regA%d", i);
regA[i] = cc.newIntPtr(regname.GetChars());
// VMCalls[0]++
auto vmcallsptr = newTempIntPtr();
auto vmcalls = newTempInt32();
cc.mov(vmcallsptr, imm_ptr(VMCalls));
cc.mov(vmcalls, x86::dword_ptr(vmcallsptr));
cc.add(vmcalls, (int)1);
cc.mov(x86::dword_ptr(vmcallsptr), vmcalls);
// the VM version reads this from the stack, but it is constant data
offsetParams = ((int)sizeof(VMFrame) + 15) & ~15;
offsetF = offsetParams + (int)(sfunc->MaxParam * sizeof(VMValue));
offsetS = offsetF + (int)(sfunc->NumRegF * sizeof(double));
offsetA = offsetS + (int)(sfunc->NumRegS * sizeof(FString));
offsetD = offsetA + (int)(sfunc->NumRegA * sizeof(void*));
offsetExtra = (offsetD + (int)(sfunc->NumRegD * sizeof(int32_t)) + 15) & ~15;
vmframe = cc.newIntPtr("vmframe");
if (sfunc->SpecialInits.Size() == 0 && sfunc->NumRegS == 0)
// This is a simple frame with no constructors or destructors. Allocate it on the stack ourselves.
auto vmstack = cc.newStack(sfunc->StackSize, 16, "vmstack");
cc.lea(vmframe, vmstack);
auto slowinit = cc.newLabel();
auto endinit = cc.newLabel();
#if 0 // this crashes sometimes
cc.cmp(numargs, sfunc->NumArgs);
// Is there a better way to know the type than this?
int argsPos = 0;
int regd = 0, regf = 0, rega = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sfunc->Proto->ArgumentTypes.Size(); i++)
const PType *type = sfunc->Proto->ArgumentTypes[i];
if (type->isPointer())
cc.mov(regA[rega++], x86::ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, a)));
else if (type->isIntCompatible())
cc.mov(regD[regd++], x86::dword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, i)));
else if (type == TypeVector2)
cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f)));
cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f)));
else if (type == TypeVector3)
cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f)));
cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f)));
cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f)));
else if (type->isFloat())
cc.movsd(regF[regf++], x86::qword_ptr(args, argsPos++ * sizeof(VMValue) + offsetof(VMValue, f)));
else if (type == TypeString)
I_FatalError("JIT: Strings are not supported yet for simple frames");
if (sfunc->NumArgs != argsPos || regd > sfunc->NumRegD || regf > sfunc->NumRegF || rega > sfunc->NumRegA)
I_FatalError("JIT: sfunc->NumArgs != argsPos || regd > sfunc->NumRegD || regf > sfunc->NumRegF || rega > sfunc->NumRegA");
auto sfuncptr = newTempIntPtr();
cc.mov(sfuncptr, imm_ptr(sfunc));
if (cc.is64Bit())
cc.mov(x86::qword_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, Func)), sfuncptr);
cc.mov(x86::dword_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, Func)), sfuncptr);
cc.mov(x86::byte_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, NumRegD)), sfunc->NumRegD);
cc.mov(x86::byte_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, NumRegF)), sfunc->NumRegF);
cc.mov(x86::byte_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, NumRegS)), sfunc->NumRegS);
cc.mov(x86::byte_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, NumRegA)), sfunc->NumRegA);
cc.mov(x86::word_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, MaxParam)), sfunc->MaxParam);
cc.mov(x86::word_ptr(vmframe, offsetof(VMFrame, NumParam)), 0);
auto fillParams = CreateCall<void, VMFrame *, VMValue *, int>([](VMFrame *newf, VMValue *args, int numargs) {
VMFillParams(args, newf, numargs);
catch (...)
fillParams->setArg(0, vmframe);
fillParams->setArg(1, args);
fillParams->setArg(2, numargs);
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegD; i++)
cc.mov(regD[i], x86::dword_ptr(vmframe, offsetD + i * sizeof(int32_t)));
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegF; i++)
cc.movsd(regF[i], x86::qword_ptr(vmframe, offsetF + i * sizeof(double)));
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegS; i++)
cc.lea(regS[i], x86::ptr(vmframe, offsetS + i * sizeof(FString)));
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegA; i++)
cc.mov(regA[i], x86::ptr(vmframe, offsetA + i * sizeof(void*)));
stack = cc.newIntPtr("stack");
auto allocFrame = CreateCall<VMFrameStack *, VMScriptFunction *, VMValue *, int>([](VMScriptFunction *func, VMValue *args, int numargs) -> VMFrameStack* {
VMFrameStack *stack = &GlobalVMStack;
VMFrame *newf = stack->AllocFrame(func);
VMFillParams(args, newf, numargs);
return stack;
catch (...)
return nullptr;
allocFrame->setRet(0, stack);
allocFrame->setArg(0, imm_ptr(sfunc));
allocFrame->setArg(1, args);
allocFrame->setArg(2, numargs);
cc.mov(vmframe, x86::ptr(stack)); // stack->Blocks
cc.mov(vmframe, x86::ptr(vmframe, VMFrameStack::OffsetLastFrame())); // Blocks->LastFrame
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegD; i++)
cc.mov(regD[i], x86::dword_ptr(vmframe, offsetD + i * sizeof(int32_t)));
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegF; i++)
cc.movsd(regF[i], x86::qword_ptr(vmframe, offsetF + i * sizeof(double)));
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegS; i++)
cc.lea(regS[i], x86::ptr(vmframe, offsetS + i * sizeof(FString)));
for (int i = 0; i < sfunc->NumRegA; i++)
cc.mov(regA[i], x86::ptr(vmframe, offsetA + i * sizeof(void*)));
void JitCompiler::EmitPopFrame()
if (sfunc->SpecialInits.Size() != 0 || sfunc->NumRegS != 0)
auto popFrame = CreateCall<void, VMFrameStack *>([](VMFrameStack *stack) {
catch (...)
popFrame->setArg(0, stack);
void JitCompiler::EmitNullPointerThrow(int index, EVMAbortException reason)
@ -255,8 +255,7 @@ void JitCompiler::EmitLV2()
EmitNullPointerThrow(B, X_READ_NIL);
auto tmp = newTempIntPtr();
cc.mov(tmp, regA[B]);
cc.add(tmp, konstd[C]);
cc.lea(tmp, asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(regA[B], konstd[C]));
cc.movsd(regF[A], asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(tmp));
cc.movsd(regF[A + 1], asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(tmp, 8));
@ -265,8 +264,7 @@ void JitCompiler::EmitLV2_R()
EmitNullPointerThrow(B, X_READ_NIL);
auto tmp = newTempIntPtr();
cc.mov(tmp, regA[B]);
cc.add(tmp, regD[C]);
cc.lea(tmp, asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(regA[B], regD[C]));
cc.movsd(regF[A], asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(tmp));
cc.movsd(regF[A + 1], asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(tmp, 8));
@ -275,8 +273,7 @@ void JitCompiler::EmitLV3()
EmitNullPointerThrow(B, X_READ_NIL);
auto tmp = newTempIntPtr();
cc.mov(tmp, regA[B]);
cc.add(tmp, konstd[C]);
cc.lea(tmp, asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(regA[B], konstd[C]));
cc.movsd(regF[A], asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(tmp));
cc.movsd(regF[A + 1], asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(tmp, 8));
cc.movsd(regF[A + 2], asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(tmp, 16));
@ -286,8 +283,7 @@ void JitCompiler::EmitLV3_R()
EmitNullPointerThrow(B, X_READ_NIL);
auto tmp = newTempIntPtr();
cc.mov(tmp, regA[B]);
cc.add(tmp, regD[C]);
cc.lea(tmp, asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(regA[B], regD[C]));
cc.movsd(regF[A], asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(tmp));
cc.movsd(regF[A + 1], asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(tmp, 8));
cc.movsd(regF[A + 2], asmjit::x86::qword_ptr(tmp, 16));
@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ private:
#undef xx
void Setup();
void CreateRegisters();
void IncrementVMCalls();
void SetupFrame();
void SetupSimpleFrame();
void SetupSimpleFrameMissingArgs();
void SetupFullVMFrame();
void BindLabels();
void EmitOpcode();
void EmitPopFrame();
@ -329,6 +329,7 @@ public:
FString PrintableName; // so that the VM can print meaningful info if something in this function goes wrong.
class PPrototype *Proto;
TArray<uint32_t> ArgFlags; // Should be the same length as Proto->ArgumentTypes
int(*ScriptCall)(VMFunction *func, VMValue *params, int numparams, VMReturn *ret, int numret) = nullptr;
@ -44,11 +44,17 @@
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "version.h"
#if (defined(_M_X64 ) || defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(__amd64 ) || defined(__amd64__ ))
#define ARCH_X64
#ifdef ARCH_X64
Printf("You must restart " GAMENAME " for this change to take effect.\n");
Printf("This cvar is currently not saved. You must specify it on the command line.");
cycle_t VMCycles[10];
int VMCalls[10];
@ -217,6 +223,7 @@ int VMScriptFunction::PCToLine(const VMOP *pc)
int VMScriptFunction::FirstScriptCall(VMFunction *func, VMValue *params, int numparams, VMReturn *ret, int numret)
#ifdef ARCH_X64
if (vm_jit)
func->ScriptCall = JitCompile(static_cast<VMScriptFunction*>(func));
@ -227,6 +234,9 @@ int VMScriptFunction::FirstScriptCall(VMFunction *func, VMValue *params, int num
func->ScriptCall = VMExec;
func->ScriptCall = VMExec;
return func->ScriptCall(func, params, numparams, ret, numret);
@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ class Actor : Thinker native
native Actor SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (double z, class<Actor> type, double angle, double vz, double speed, Actor owner = null, bool checkspawn = true);
native Actor SpawnMissileZAimed (double z, Actor dest, Class<Actor> type);
native Actor SpawnSubMissile(Class<Actor> type, Actor target);
native Actor, Actor SpawnPlayerMissile(class<Actor> type, double angle = 0, double x = 0, double y = 0, double z = 0, out FTranslatedLineTarget pLineTarget = null, bool nofreeaim = false, bool noautoaim = false, int aimflags = 0);
native Actor, Actor SpawnPlayerMissile(class<Actor> type, double angle = 1e37, double x = 0, double y = 0, double z = 0, out FTranslatedLineTarget pLineTarget = null, bool nofreeaim = false, bool noautoaim = false, int aimflags = 0);
native void SpawnTeleportFog(Vector3 pos, bool beforeTele, bool setTarget);
native Actor RoughMonsterSearch(int distance, bool onlyseekable = false, bool frontonly = false);
native int ApplyDamageFactor(Name damagetype, int damage);
@ -696,9 +696,9 @@ class Actor : Thinker native
native clearscope vector2 Vec2Offset(double x, double y, bool absolute = false) const;
native clearscope vector3 Vec2OffsetZ(double x, double y, double atz, bool absolute = false) const;
native void VelIntercept(Actor targ, double speed = -1, bool aimpitch = true, bool oldvel = false);
native void VelFromAngle(double speed = 0, double angle = 0);
native void VelFromAngle(double speed = 1e37, double angle = 1e37);
native void Vel3DFromAngle(double speed, double angle, double pitch);
native void Thrust(double speed = 0, double angle = 0);
native void Thrust(double speed = 1e37, double angle = 1e37);
native clearscope bool isFriend(Actor other) const;
native clearscope bool isHostile(Actor other) const;
native void AdjustFloorClip();
@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ class Actor : Thinker native
void A_Fall() { A_NoBlocking(); }
native void A_XScream();
native void A_Look();
native void A_Chase(statelabel melee = null, statelabel missile = null, int flags = 0);
native void A_Chase(statelabel melee = null, statelabel missile = null, int flags = 0x40000000);
native void A_Scream();
native void A_VileChase();
native bool A_CheckForResurrection();
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ struct SecPlane native play
native bool isEqual(Secplane other) const;
native void ChangeHeight(double hdiff);
native double GetChangedHeight(double hdiff) const;
native double HeightDiff(double oldd, double newd = 0.0) const;
native double HeightDiff(double oldd, double newd = 1e37) const;
native double PointToDist(Vector2 xy, double z) const;
Reference in a new issue