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synced 2025-03-20 18:01:43 +00:00
- added conditionals to LANGUAGE parser so that the special messages for Chex Quest can be handled in the definition lumps instead of the code.
SVN r2930 (trunk)
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 63 additions and 86 deletions
@ -83,20 +83,10 @@ void cht_DoCheat (player_t *player, int cheat)
// fall through to CHT_GOD
case CHT_GOD:
player->cheats ^= CF_GODMODE;
if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Chex)
if (player->cheats & CF_GODMODE)
msg = GStrings("STSTR_DQDON");
msg = GStrings("STSTR_DQDOFF");
if (player->cheats & CF_GODMODE)
msg = GStrings("STSTR_DQDON");
if (player->cheats & CF_GODMODE)
msg = GStrings("STSTR_CDQDON");
msg = GStrings("STSTR_CDQDOFF");
msg = GStrings("STSTR_DQDOFF");
SB_state = screen->GetPageCount ();
@ -180,10 +170,7 @@ void cht_DoCheat (player_t *player, int cheat)
player->mo->GiveInventoryType (type);
if(gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Chex)
msg = GStrings("STSTR_CHOPPERS");
msg = GStrings("STSTR_CCHOPPERS");
msg = GStrings("STSTR_CHOPPERS");
// [RH] The original cheat also set powers[pw_invulnerability] to true.
// Since this is a timer and not a boolean, it effectively turned off
@ -214,10 +201,7 @@ void cht_DoCheat (player_t *player, int cheat)
cht_Give (player, "ammo");
cht_Give (player, "keys");
cht_Give (player, "armor");
if(gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Chex)
msg = GStrings("STSTR_KFAADDED");
msg = GStrings("STSTR_CKFAADDED");
msg = GStrings("STSTR_KFAADDED");
case CHT_IDFA:
@ -225,10 +209,7 @@ void cht_DoCheat (player_t *player, int cheat)
cht_Give (player, "weapons");
cht_Give (player, "ammo");
cht_Give (player, "armor");
if(gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Chex)
msg = GStrings("STSTR_FAADDED");
msg = GStrings("STSTR_CFAADDED");
msg = GStrings("STSTR_FAADDED");
@ -471,17 +471,11 @@ DEndGameMenu::DEndGameMenu(bool playsound)
if (netgame)
if(gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Chex)
EndString = GStrings("CNETEND");
EndString = GStrings("NETEND");
EndString = GStrings("NETEND");
if(gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Chex)
EndString = GStrings("CENDGAME");
EndString = GStrings("ENDGAME");
EndString = GStrings("ENDGAME");
Init(NULL, EndString, 0, playsound);
@ -561,11 +555,7 @@ DQuickSaveMenu::DQuickSaveMenu(bool playsound)
FString tempstring;
if(gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Chex)
tempstring.Format(GStrings("CQSPROMPT"), quickSaveSlot->Title);
tempstring.Format(GStrings("QSPROMPT"), quickSaveSlot->Title);
tempstring.Format(GStrings("QSPROMPT"), quickSaveSlot->Title);
Init(NULL, tempstring, 0, playsound);
@ -652,11 +642,7 @@ DQuickLoadMenu::DQuickLoadMenu(bool playsound)
FString tempstring;
if(gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Chex)
tempstring.Format(GStrings("CQLPROMPT"), quickSaveSlot->Title);
tempstring.Format(GStrings("QLPROMPT"), quickSaveSlot->Title);
tempstring.Format(GStrings("QLPROMPT"), quickSaveSlot->Title);
Init(NULL, tempstring, 0, playsound);
@ -693,10 +679,7 @@ CCMD (quickload)
if (netgame)
if(gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Chex)
M_StartMessage (GStrings("CQLOADNET"), NULL);
M_StartMessage (GStrings("QLOADNET"), NULL);
M_StartMessage (GStrings("QLOADNET"), NULL);
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include "sc_man.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "v_text.h"
#include "gi.h"
// PassNum identifies which language pass this string is from.
// PassNum 0 is for DeHacked.
@ -224,6 +225,18 @@ void FStringTable::LoadLanguage (int lumpnum, DWORD code, bool exactMatch, int p
sc.ScriptError ("Found a string without a language specified.");
bool savedskip = skip;
if (sc.Compare("$"))
skip |= !sc.Compare(GameNames[gameinfo.gametype]);
if (skip)
{ // We're not interested in this language, so skip the string.
sc.MustGetStringName ("=");
@ -231,7 +244,9 @@ void FStringTable::LoadLanguage (int lumpnum, DWORD code, bool exactMatch, int p
sc.MustGetString ();
} while (!sc.Compare (";"));
while (!sc.Compare (";"));
skip = savedskip;
@ -1628,17 +1628,17 @@ CE3TEXT = "Wonderful Job!";
CE4TEXT = "Fantastic";
CLOADNET = "you can't do load while in a net quest!\n\npress a key.";
CQSPROMPT = "quicksave over your quest named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n.";
CQLOADNET = "you can't quickload during a netquest!\n\npress a key.";
CQLPROMPT = "do you want to quickload the quest named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n.";
$ifgame(chex) QSPROMPT = "quicksave over your quest named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n.";
$ifgame(chex) QLOADNET = "you can't quickload during a netquest!\n\npress a key.";
$ifgame(chex) QLPROMPT = "do you want to quickload the quest named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n.";
CNEWGAME = "you can't start a new quest\nwhile in a network quest.\n\npress a key.";
CNIGHTMARE = "Careful, this will be tough.\nDo you wish to continue?\n\npress y or n.";
CSWSTRING = "this is Chex(R) Quest. look for\n\nfuture levels at www.chexquest.com.\n\npress a key.";
CNETEND = "you can't end a netquest!\n\npress a key.";
CENDGAME = "are you sure you want to end the quest?\n\npress y or n.";
$ifgame(chex) NETEND = "you can't end a netquest!\n\npress a key.";
$ifgame(chex) ENDGAME = "are you sure you want to end the quest?\n\npress y or n.";
GOTCHEXARMOR = "Picked up the Chex(R) Armor.";
GOTSUPERCHEXARMOR = "Picked up the Super Chex(R) Armor!";
@ -1673,11 +1673,11 @@ GOTLARGEZORCHER = "You got the Large Zorcher!";
GOTSUPERLARGEZORCHER = "You got the Mega Zorcher!";
GOTMINIZORCHER = "Picked up a Mini Zorcher.";
STSTR_CDQDON = "Invincible Mode ON";
STSTR_CDQDOFF = "Invincible Mode OFF";
STSTR_CFAADDED = "Zorch Added";
STSTR_CKFAADDED = "Super Zorch Added";
STSTR_CCHOPPERS = "... Eat Chex(R)!";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_DQDON = "Invincible Mode ON";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_DQDOFF = "Invincible Mode OFF";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_FAADDED = "Zorch Added";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_KFAADDED = "Super Zorch Added";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_CHOPPERS = "... Eat Chex(R)!";
OB_COMMONUS = "%o was slimed by a flemoid.";
OB_BIPEDICUS = "%o was slimed by a bipedicus.";
CLOADNET = "vous ne pouvez pas charger lors d'une quete reseau!\n\npressez un bouton.";
CQSPROMPT = "sauvergarde rapide par dessus la denome quete\n\n'%s'?\n\npressez y or n.";
CQLOADNET = "vous ne pouvez pas charger rapidement lors d'une quete reseau!!\n\npressez un bouton.";
CQLPROMPT = "voulez charger rapidement la denome quete\n\n'%s'?\n\npressez y or n.";
$ifgame(chex) QSPROMPT = "sauvergarde rapide par dessus la denome quete\n\n'%s'?\n\npressez y or n.";
$ifgame(chex) QLOADNET = "vous ne pouvez pas charger rapidement lors d'une quete reseau!!\n\npressez un bouton.";
$ifgame(chex) QLPROMPT = "voulez charger rapidement la denome quete\n\n'%s'?\n\npressez y or n.";
CNEWGAME = "vous ne pouvez pas commencer une nouvelle quete\nlors d'une quete reseau.\n\pressez un bouton.";
CNIGHTMARE = "Atention, ca va etre dur.\nVoulez vous continuer?\n\npressez y or n.";
CSWSTRING = "Ceci est la quete de Chex(R). a la recherche de\n\nfutures niveau at www.chexquest.com.\n\npressez un bouton.";
CNETEND = "vous ne pouvez pas interompre une quete internet!\n\npressez un bouton.";
CENDGAME = "etes vous sure de vouloir interompre la quete?\n\npressez y or n.";
$ifgame(chex) NETEND = "vous ne pouvez pas interompre une quete internet!\n\npressez un bouton.";
$ifgame(chex) ENDGAME = "etes vous sure de vouloir interompre la quete?\n\npressez y or n.";
GOTCHEXARMOR = "Vous avez pris l'armure Chex(R).";
GOTSUPERCHEXARMOR = "Vous avez pris la super armure Chex(R)!";
@ -1497,18 +1497,18 @@ GOTLARGEZORCHERRECHARGE = "Vous avez pris une grande recharge zorcheur.";
GOTLARGEZORCHERPACK = "Vous avez pris un grand paquet zorcheur.";
GOTZORCHPACK = "Vous avez pris un zorchpak!";
GOTLAZDEVICE = "You avez pris l'ustensil LAZ! woot!";
GOTRAPIDZORCHER = "You avez pris le Zorcheur Rapide!";
GOTSUPERBOOTSPORK = "You avez pris le Super Bootspork!";
GOTZORCHPROPULSOR = "You avez pris le Propulseur Zorch!";
GOTPHASINGZORCHER = "You avez pris le Zorcheur phasant!";
GOTSUPERLARGEZORCHER = "You avez pris le mega Zorcheur!";
GOTLAZDEVICE = "Vous avez pris l'ustensil LAZ! woot!";
GOTRAPIDZORCHER = "Vous avez pris le Zorcheur Rapide!";
GOTSUPERBOOTSPORK = "Vous avez pris le Super Bootspork!";
GOTZORCHPROPULSOR = "Vous avez pris le Propulseur Zorch!";
GOTPHASINGZORCHER = "Vous avez pris le Zorcheur phasant!";
GOTSUPERLARGEZORCHER = "Vous avez pris le mega Zorcheur!";
STSTR_CDQDON = "Mode invincible ALLUME";
STSTR_CDQDOFF = "Mode invincible ETEINT";
STSTR_CFAADDED = "Zorch Ajoute";
STSTR_CKFAADDED = "Super Zorch Ajoute";
STSTR_CCHOPPERS = "... Mangez du Chex(R)!";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_DQDON = "Mode invincible ALLUME";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_DQDOFF = "Mode invincible ETEINT";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_FAADDED = "Zorch Ajoute";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_KFAADDED = "Super Zorch Ajoute";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_CHOPPERS = "... Mangez du Chex(R)!";
OB_COMMONUS = "%o a ete gelifie par un flemoid.";
OB_BIPEDICUS = "%o a ete gelifie par un bipedicus.";
@ -1070,17 +1070,15 @@ CE3TEXT = "Meraviglioso!";
CE4TEXT = "Fantastico";
CLOADNET = "non puoi caricare una quest durante una net quest!\n\npress a key.";
CQSPROMPT = "sovrascrivere il salvataggio\n\n'%s'?\n\npremi y oppure n.";
CQLOADNET = "non puoi fare un quickload durante una netquest!\n\npremi un tasto.";
CQLPROMPT = "vuoi fare un quickload della quest\n\n'%s'?\n\npremi y oppure n.";
$ifgame(chex) QSPROMPT = "sovrascrivere il salvataggio\n\n'%s'?\n\npremi y oppure n.";
$ifgame(chex) QLOADNET = "non puoi fare un quickload durante una netquest!\n\npremi un tasto.";
$ifgame(chex) QLPROMPT = "vuoi fare un quickload della quest\n\n'%s'?\n\npremi y oppure n.";
CNEWGAME = "non puoi iniziare una nuova quest\ndurante una quest in rete.\n\npremi un tasto.";
CNIGHTMARE = "Attento, sara' dura.\nVuoi continuare?\n\npremi y oppure n.";
CSWSTRING = "questa e' Chex(R) Quest. cerca\n\nfuturi livelli su www.chexquest.com.\n\npremi un tasto.";
CNETEND = "non puoi terminare una netquest!\n\npremi un tasto";
CENDGAME = "sei sicuro di voler terminare la quest?\n\npremi y oppure n.";
$ifgame(chex) NETEND = "non puoi terminare una netquest!\n\npremi un tasto";
$ifgame(chex) ENDGAME = "sei sicuro di voler terminare la quest?\n\npremi y oppure n.";
GOTCHEXARMOR = "Raccolta un'Armatura Chex(R).";
GOTSUPERCHEXARMOR = "Raccolta la Super Armatura Chex(R)!";
@ -1115,11 +1113,11 @@ GOTLARGEZORCHER = "Hai trovato il zorcher grande!";
GOTSUPERLARGEZORCHER = "Hai trovato il mega zorcher!";
GOTMINIZORCHER = "Raccolto un mini zorcher.";
STSTR_CDQDON = "Modalita' invincibile attivata";
STSTR_CDQDOFF = "Modalita' invincibile disattivata";
STSTR_CFAADDED = "Zorch aggiunto";
STSTR_CKFAADDED = "Super Zorch aggiunto";
STSTR_CCHOPPERS = "... Mangia Chex(R)!";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_DQDON = "Modalita' invincibile attivata";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_DQDOFF = "Modalita' invincibile disattivata";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_FAADDED = "Zorch aggiunto";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_KFAADDED = "Super Zorch aggiunto";
$ifgame(chex) STSTR_CHOPPERS = "... Mangia Chex(R)!";
OB_COMMONUS = "%o e' stato coperto di slime da un flemoid.";
OB_BIPEDICUS = "%o e' stato coperto di slime da un bipedicus.";
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