mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 18:01:43 +00:00
- added readonly pointers. They need to be defined with 'readonly<classtype>'. These are significantly different from declaring a field readonly in that they do not disallow modification of the variable itself but what it points to. For the actor defaults this is necessary to prevent accidental modification. A readonly pointer is actually a different type than a regular pointer.
- fixed code generation for dynamic cast. It was missing the jump instruction after the compare.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 47 additions and 20 deletions
@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@ END_POINTERS
: PBasicType(sizeof(void *), __alignof(void *)), PointedType(NULL)
: PBasicType(sizeof(void *), __alignof(void *)), PointedType(NULL), IsConst(false)
mDescriptiveName = "NullPointer";
@ -1479,10 +1479,10 @@ PPointer::PPointer()
PPointer::PPointer(PType *pointsat)
: PBasicType(sizeof(void *), __alignof(void *)), PointedType(pointsat)
PPointer::PPointer(PType *pointsat, bool isconst)
: PBasicType(sizeof(void *), __alignof(void *)), PointedType(pointsat), IsConst(isconst)
mDescriptiveName.Format("Pointer<%s>", pointsat->DescriptiveName());
mDescriptiveName.Format("Pointer<%s%s>", pointsat->DescriptiveName(), isconst? "readonly " : "");
@ -1570,14 +1570,14 @@ bool PPointer::ReadValue(FSerializer &ar, const char *key, void *addr) const
PPointer *NewPointer(PType *type)
PPointer *NewPointer(PType *type, bool isconst)
size_t bucket;
PType *ptype = TypeTable.FindType(RUNTIME_CLASS(PPointer), (intptr_t)type, 0, &bucket);
PType *ptype = TypeTable.FindType(RUNTIME_CLASS(PPointer), (intptr_t)type, isconst ? 1 : 0, &bucket);
if (ptype == NULL)
ptype = new PPointer(type);
TypeTable.AddType(ptype, RUNTIME_CLASS(PPointer), (intptr_t)type, 0, bucket);
TypeTable.AddType(ptype, RUNTIME_CLASS(PPointer), (intptr_t)type, isconst ? 1 : 0, bucket);
return static_cast<PPointer *>(ptype);
@ -535,9 +535,10 @@ class PPointer : public PBasicType
PPointer(PType *pointsat);
PPointer(PType *pointsat, bool isconst = false);
PType *PointedType;
bool IsConst;
virtual bool IsMatch(intptr_t id1, intptr_t id2) const;
virtual void GetTypeIDs(intptr_t &id1, intptr_t &id2) const;
@ -877,7 +878,7 @@ PVector *NewVector(unsigned int size);
PMap *NewMap(PType *keytype, PType *valuetype);
PArray *NewArray(PType *type, unsigned int count);
PDynArray *NewDynArray(PType *type);
PPointer *NewPointer(PType *type);
PPointer *NewPointer(PType *type, bool isconst = false);
PClassPointer *NewClassPointer(PClass *restrict);
PEnum *NewEnum(FName name, PTypeBase *outer);
PStruct *NewStruct(FName name, PTypeBase *outer);
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ static bool AreCompatiblePointerTypes(PType *dest, PType *source)
auto fromtype = static_cast<PPointer *>(source);
auto totype = static_cast<PPointer *>(dest);
if (fromtype == nullptr) return true;
if (totype->IsConst && !fromtype->IsConst) return false;
if (fromtype == totype) return true;
if (fromtype->PointedType->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PClass)) && totype->PointedType->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PClass)))
@ -3852,8 +3853,7 @@ ExpEmit FxTypeCheck::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
FxDynamicCast::FxDynamicCast(PClass * cls, FxExpression *r)
: FxExpression(EFX_DynamicCast, r->ScriptPosition)
expr = new FxTypeCast(r, NewPointer(RUNTIME_CLASS(DObject)), true, true);
ValueType = NewPointer(cls);
expr = r;
CastType = cls;
@ -3878,6 +3878,15 @@ FxExpression *FxDynamicCast::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
SAFE_RESOLVE(expr, ctx);
bool constflag = expr->ValueType->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PPointer)) && static_cast<PPointer *>(expr->ValueType)->IsConst;
expr = new FxTypeCast(expr, NewPointer(RUNTIME_CLASS(DObject), constflag), true, true);
expr = expr->Resolve(ctx);
if (expr == nullptr)
delete this;
return nullptr;
ValueType = NewPointer(CastType, constflag);
return this;
@ -3903,7 +3912,8 @@ ExpEmit FxDynamicCast::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
build->Emit(OP_CALL_K, build->GetConstantAddress(callfunc, ATAG_OBJECT), 2, 1);
build->Emit(OP_RESULT, 0, REGT_INT, check.RegNum);
auto patch = build->Emit(OP_EQ_K, 0, check.RegNum, build->GetConstantInt(0));
build->Emit(OP_EQ_K, 0, check.RegNum, build->GetConstantInt(0));
auto patch = build->Emit(OP_JMP, 0);
build->Emit(OP_LKP, out.RegNum, build->GetConstantAddress(nullptr, ATAG_OBJECT));
return out;
@ -5439,7 +5449,8 @@ FxStructMember::~FxStructMember()
bool FxStructMember::RequestAddress(bool *writable)
AddressRequested = true;
if (writable != nullptr) *writable = AddressWritable && !(membervar->Flags & VARF_ReadOnly);
if (writable != nullptr) *writable = (AddressWritable && !(membervar->Flags & VARF_ReadOnly) &&
(!classx->ValueType->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PPointer)) || !static_cast<PPointer*>(classx->ValueType)->IsConst));
return true;
@ -668,6 +668,7 @@ type_name(X) ::= type_name1(A).
NEW_AST_NODE(BasicType, type, A);
type->Type = (EZCCBuiltinType)A.Int;
type->UserType = NULL;
type->isconst = false;
X = type;
type_name(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A). /* User-defined type (struct, enum, or class) */
@ -676,14 +677,27 @@ type_name(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A). /* User-defined type (struct, enum, or class)
NEW_AST_NODE(Identifier, id, A);
type->Type = ZCC_UserType;
type->UserType = id;
type->isconst = false;
id->Id = A.Name();
X = type;
NEW_AST_NODE(BasicType, type, A);
NEW_AST_NODE(Identifier, id, A);
type->Type = ZCC_UserType;
type->UserType = id;
type->isconst = true;
id->Id = A.Name();
X = type;
type_name(X) ::= DOT dottable_id(A).
NEW_AST_NODE(BasicType, type, A);
type->Type = ZCC_UserType;
type->UserType = A;
type->isconst = false;
X = type;
@ -698,7 +712,7 @@ type_name(X) ::= DOT dottable_id(A).
%type type_list {ZCC_Type *}
%type type_list_or_void {ZCC_Type *}
%type type_or_array {ZCC_Type *}
%type class_restrictor {ZCC_Identifier *}
%type class_restrictor {ZCC_Identifier *}
%type array_size{ZCC_Expression *}
%type array_size_expr{ZCC_Expression *}
@ -1481,16 +1481,16 @@ PType *ZCCCompiler::ResolveUserType(ZCC_BasicType *type, PSymbolTable *symt)
if (sym == nullptr && symt != &GlobalSymbols) sym = GlobalSymbols.FindSymbolInTable(type->UserType->Id, table);
if (sym != nullptr && sym->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PSymbolType)))
auto type = static_cast<PSymbolType *>(sym)->Type;
if (type->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PEnum)))
auto ptype = static_cast<PSymbolType *>(sym)->Type;
if (ptype->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PEnum)))
return TypeSInt32; // hack this to an integer until we can resolve the enum mess.
if (type->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PClass)))
if (ptype->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PClass)))
return NewPointer(type);
return NewPointer(ptype, type->isconst);
return type;
return ptype;
Error(type, "Unable to resolve %s as type.", FName(type->UserType->Id).GetChars());
return TypeError;
@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ struct ZCC_BasicType : ZCC_Type
EZCCBuiltinType Type;
ZCC_Identifier *UserType;
bool isconst;
struct ZCC_MapType : ZCC_Type
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class Actor : Thinker native
return GetPointer(ptr_select1) == GetPointer(ptr_select2);
native static /*readonly*/ Actor GetDefaultByType(class<Actor> cls);
native static readonly<Actor> GetDefaultByType(class<Actor> cls);
native void SetDamage(int dmg);
native static bool isDehState(state st);
native void SetOrigin(vector3 newpos, bool moving);
Reference in a new issue