mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 01:41:27 +00:00
- changed line_t's sidenum into sidedef pointers.
SVN r1801 (trunk)
This commit is contained in:
28 changed files with 211 additions and 202 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
September 6, 2009 (Changes by Graf Zahl)
- changed line_t's sidenum into sidedef pointers.
- changed side_t's linenum into a linedef pointer.
- Added PinkSilver's SetActorVelocity code submission (with optimizations.)
@ -2188,7 +2188,7 @@ void Net_DoCommand (int type, BYTE **stream, int player)
DImpactDecal::StaticCreate (s,
trace.X, trace.Y, trace.Z,
sides + trace.Line->sidenum[trace.Side], NULL);
trace.Line->sidedef[trace.Side], NULL);
@ -175,10 +175,9 @@ void DBaseDecal::SerializeChain (FArchive &arc, DBaseDecal **first)
void DBaseDecal::GetXY (side_t *wall, fixed_t &ox, fixed_t &oy) const
line_t *line = wall->linedef;
DWORD wallnum = DWORD(wall - sides);
vertex_t *v1, *v2;
if (line->sidenum[0] == wallnum)
if (line->sidedef[0] == wall)
v1 = line->v1;
v2 = line->v2;
@ -235,7 +234,7 @@ FTextureID DBaseDecal::StickToWall (side_t *wall, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, F3DFloor
FTextureID tex;
line = wall->linedef;
if (line->sidenum[0] == DWORD(wall - sides))
if (line->sidedef[0] == wall)
front = line->frontsector;
back = line->backsector;
@ -307,7 +306,7 @@ fixed_t DBaseDecal::GetRealZ (const side_t *wall) const
const line_t *line = wall->linedef;
const sector_t *front, *back;
if (line->sidenum[0] == DWORD(wall - sides))
if (line->sidedef[0] == wall)
front = line->frontsector;
back = line->backsector;
@ -359,10 +358,9 @@ fixed_t DBaseDecal::GetRealZ (const side_t *wall) const
void DBaseDecal::CalcFracPos (side_t *wall, fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
line_t *line = line = wall->linedef;
DWORD wallnum = DWORD(wall - sides);
vertex_t *v1, *v2;
if (line->sidenum[0] == wallnum)
if (line->sidedef[0] == wall)
v1 = line->v1;
v2 = line->v2;
@ -393,7 +391,7 @@ void DBaseDecal::CalcFracPos (side_t *wall, fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
static void GetWallStuff (side_t *wall, vertex_t *&v1, fixed_t &ldx, fixed_t &ldy)
line_t *line = line = wall->linedef;
if (line->sidenum[0] == DWORD(wall - sides))
if (line->sidedef[0] == wall)
v1 = line->v1;
ldx = line->dx;
@ -415,18 +413,17 @@ static fixed_t Length (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy)
static side_t *NextWall (const side_t *wall)
line_t *line = line = wall->linedef;;
DWORD wallnum = DWORD(wall - sides);
if (line->sidenum[0] == wallnum)
if (line->sidedef[0] == wall)
if (line->sidenum[1] != NO_SIDE)
if (line->sidedef[1] != NULL)
return sides + line->sidenum[1];
return line->sidedef[1];
else if (line->sidenum[1] == wallnum)
else if (line->sidedef[1] == wall)
return sides + line->sidenum[0];
return line->sidedef[0];
return NULL;
@ -775,7 +772,7 @@ void ADecal::BeginPlay ()
if (trace.HitType == TRACE_HitWall)
decal = new DBaseDecal (this);
wall = sides + trace.Line->sidenum[trace.Side];
wall = trace.Line->sidedef[trace.Side];
decal->StickToWall (wall, trace.X, trace.Y, trace.ffloor);
tpl->ApplyToDecal (decal, wall);
// Spread decal to nearby walls if it does not all fit on this one
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_RemoveForceField)
line->special = 0;
sides[line->sidenum[0]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, FNullTextureID());
sides[line->sidenum[1]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, FNullTextureID());
line->sidedef[0]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, FNullTextureID());
line->sidedef[1]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, FNullTextureID());
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ void FNodeBuilder::MakeSegsFromSides ()
for (i = 0; i < Level.NumLines; ++i)
if (Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0] != NO_SIDE)
if (Level.Lines[i].sidedef[0] != NULL)
CreateSeg (i, 0);
@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ void FNodeBuilder::MakeSegsFromSides ()
Printf ("Linedef %d does not have a front side.\n", i);
if (Level.Lines[i].sidenum[1] != NO_SIDE)
if (Level.Lines[i].sidedef[1] != NULL)
j = CreateSeg (i, 1);
if (Level.Lines[i].sidenum[0] != NO_SIDE)
if (Level.Lines[i].sidedef[0] != NULL)
Segs[j-1].partner = j;
Segs[j].partner = j-1;
@ -169,7 +169,8 @@ int FNodeBuilder::CreateSeg (int linenum, int sidenum)
seg.v1 = (int)(size_t)Level.Lines[linenum].v2;
seg.linedef = linenum;
seg.sidedef = Level.Lines[linenum].sidenum[sidenum];
side_t *sd = Level.Lines[linenum].sidedef[sidenum];
seg.sidedef = sd != NULL? int(sd - sides) : int(NO_SIDE);
seg.nextforvert = Vertices[seg.v1].segs;
seg.nextforvert2 = Vertices[seg.v2].segs2;
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ bool P_Scroll3dMidtex(sector_t *sector, int crush, fixed_t move, bool ceiling)
line_t *l = scrollplane.AttachedLines[i];
sides[l->sidenum[0]].AddTextureYOffset(side_t::mid, move);
sides[l->sidenum[1]].AddTextureYOffset(side_t::mid, move);
l->sidedef[0]->AddTextureYOffset(side_t::mid, move);
l->sidedef[1]->AddTextureYOffset(side_t::mid, move);
// Second step: Check all sectors whether the move is ok.
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ void P_Start3dMidtexInterpolations(TArray<DInterpolation *> &list, sector_t *sec
line_t *l = scrollplane.AttachedLines[i];
@ -215,11 +215,10 @@ void P_Attach3dMidtexLinesToSector(sector_t *sector, int lineid, int tag, bool c
bool P_GetMidTexturePosition(const line_t *line, int sideno, fixed_t *ptextop, fixed_t *ptexbot)
side_t *side = &sides[line->sidenum[sideno]];
FTextureID texnum = side->GetTexture(side_t::mid);
if (line->sidenum[0]==NO_SIDE || line->sidenum[1]==NO_SIDE || !texnum.isValid()) return false;
if (line->sidedef[0]==NULL || line->sidedef[1]==NULL) return false;
side_t *side = line->sidedef[sideno];
FTextureID texnum = side->GetTexture(side_t::mid);
FTexture * tex= TexMan(texnum);
if (!tex) return false;
@ -2163,9 +2163,9 @@ void DLevelScript::SetLineTexture (int lineid, int side, int position, int name)
side_t *sidedef;
if (lines[linenum].sidenum[side] == NO_SIDE)
sidedef = lines[linenum].sidedef[side];
if (sidedef == NULL)
sidedef = sides + lines[linenum].sidenum[side];
switch (position)
@ -2883,15 +2883,15 @@ int DLevelScript::SideFromID(int id, int side)
if (id == 0)
if (activationline == NULL) return -1;
if (activationline->sidenum[side] == NO_SIDE) return -1;
return sides[activationline->sidenum[side]].Index;
if (activationline->sidedef[side] == NULL) return -1;
return activationline->sidedef[side]->Index;
int line = P_FindLineFromID(id, -1);
if (line == -1) return -1;
if (lines[line].sidenum[side] == NO_SIDE) return -1;
return sides[lines[line].sidenum[side]].Index;
if (lines[line].sidedef[side] == NULL) return -1;
return lines[line].sidedef[side]->Index;
@ -5416,7 +5416,7 @@ int DLevelScript::RunScript ()
if (activationline)
PushToStack (sides[activationline->sidenum[0]].GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid) >> FRACBITS);
PushToStack (activationline->sidedef[0]->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid) >> FRACBITS);
@ -539,8 +539,8 @@ static void LoadWalls (walltype *walls, int numwalls, sectortype *bsec)
j = int(intptr_t(sides[i].linedef));
lines[j].sidenum[0] = i;
lines[j].sidenum[1] = walls[i].nextwall;
lines[j].sidedef[0] = (side_t*)(intptr_t)i;
lines[j].sidedef[1] = (side_t*)(intptr_t)walls[i].nextwall;
lines[j].v1 = FindVertex (walls[i].x, walls[i].y);
lines[j].v2 = FindVertex (walls[walls[i].point2].x, walls[walls[i].point2].y);
lines[j].frontsector = sides[i].sector;
@ -621,19 +621,25 @@ static void LoadWalls (walltype *walls, int numwalls, sectortype *bsec)
CalcPlane (slope, sectors[i].ceilingplane);
int linenum = int(intptr_t(sides[bsec->wallptr].linedef));
int sidenum = int(intptr_t(lines[linenum].sidedef[1]));
if (bsec->floorstat & 64)
{ // floor is aligned to first wall
R_AlignFlat (linenum, lines[linenum].sidenum[1] == (DWORD)bsec->wallptr, 0);
R_AlignFlat (linenum, sidenum == (DWORD)bsec->wallptr, 0);
if (bsec->ceilingstat & 64)
{ // ceiling is aligned to first wall
R_AlignFlat (linenum, lines[linenum].sidenum[1] == (DWORD)bsec->wallptr, 0);
R_AlignFlat (linenum, sidenum == (DWORD)bsec->wallptr, 0);
for(i = 0; i < numsides; i++)
sides[i].linedef = &lines[intptr_t(sides[i].linedef)];
for(i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
lines[i].sidedef[0] = &sides[intptr_t(lines[i].sidedef[0])];
lines[i].sidedef[1] = &sides[intptr_t(lines[i].sidedef[1])];
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ void DDoor::DoorSound (bool raise) const
if (line->backsector == NULL)
FTexture *tex = TexMan[sides[line->sidenum[0]].GetTexture(side_t::top)];
FTexture *tex = TexMan[line->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::top)];
texname = tex? tex->Name : NULL;
if (texname != NULL && texname[0] == 'D' && texname[1] == 'O' && texname[2] == 'R')
@ -383,14 +383,14 @@ bool EV_DoDoor (DDoor::EVlDoor type, line_t *line, AActor *thing,
return false;
// if the wrong side of door is pushed, give oof sound
if (line->sidenum[1] == NO_SIDE) // killough
if (line->sidedef[1] == NULL) // killough
S_Sound (thing, CHAN_VOICE, "*usefail", 1, ATTN_NORM);
return false;
// get the sector on the second side of activating linedef
sec = sides[line->sidenum[1]].sector;
sec = line->sidedef[1]->sector;
secnum = int(sec-sectors);
// if door already has a thinker, use it
@ -596,10 +596,10 @@ void DAnimatedDoor::Tick ()
m_Timer = m_Speed;
sides[m_Line1->sidenum[0]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
sides[m_Line1->sidenum[1]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
sides[m_Line2->sidenum[0]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
sides[m_Line2->sidenum[1]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
m_Line1->sidedef[0]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
m_Line1->sidedef[1]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
m_Line2->sidedef[0]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
m_Line2->sidedef[1]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
@ -631,10 +631,10 @@ void DAnimatedDoor::Tick ()
m_Timer = m_Speed;
sides[m_Line1->sidenum[0]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
sides[m_Line1->sidenum[1]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
sides[m_Line2->sidenum[0]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
sides[m_Line2->sidenum[1]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
m_Line1->sidedef[0]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
m_Line1->sidedef[1]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
m_Line2->sidedef[0]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
m_Line2->sidedef[1]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, ani.TextureFrames[m_Frame]);
@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ DAnimatedDoor::DAnimatedDoor (sector_t *sec, line_t *line, int speed, int delay)
// The DMovingCeiling constructor automatically sets up an interpolation for us.
// Stop it, since the ceiling is moving instantly here.
m_WhichDoorIndex = P_FindSlidingDoorType (sides[line->sidenum[0]].GetTexture(side_t::top));
m_WhichDoorIndex = P_FindSlidingDoorType (line->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::top));
if (m_WhichDoorIndex < 0)
Printf ("EV_SlidingDoor: Textures are not defined for sliding door!");
@ -702,16 +702,17 @@ DAnimatedDoor::DAnimatedDoor (sector_t *sec, line_t *line, int speed, int delay)
if (sec->lines[i] == line)
if (sides[sec->lines[i]->sidenum[0]].GetTexture(side_t::top) == sides[line->sidenum[0]].GetTexture(side_t::top))
if (sec->lines[i]->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::top) == line->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::top))
m_Line2 = sec->lines[i];
picnum = sides[m_Line1->sidenum[0]].GetTexture(side_t::top);
sides[m_Line1->sidenum[0]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, picnum);
sides[m_Line2->sidenum[0]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, picnum);
picnum = m_Line1->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::top);
m_Line1->sidedef[0]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, picnum);
m_Line2->sidedef[0]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, picnum);
// don't forget texture scaling here!
FTexture *tex = TexMan[picnum];
@ -770,7 +771,7 @@ bool EV_SlidingDoor (line_t *line, AActor *actor, int tag, int speed, int delay)
return false;
if (P_FindSlidingDoorType (sides[line->sidenum[0]].GetTexture(side_t::top)) >= 0)
if (P_FindSlidingDoorType (line->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::top)) >= 0)
new DAnimatedDoor (sec, line, speed, delay);
return true;
@ -793,7 +794,7 @@ bool EV_SlidingDoor (line_t *line, AActor *actor, int tag, int speed, int delay)
if (P_FindSlidingDoorType (sides[line->sidenum[0]].GetTexture(side_t::top)) >= 0)
if (P_FindSlidingDoorType (line->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::top)) >= 0)
rtn = true;
new DAnimatedDoor (sec, line, speed, delay);
@ -141,19 +141,19 @@ void P_RecursiveSound (sector_t *sec, AActor *soundtarget, bool splash, int soun
for (i = 0; i < sec->linecount; i++)
check = sec->lines[i];
if (check->sidenum[1] == NO_SIDE ||
if (check->sidedef[1] == NULL ||
!(check->flags & ML_TWOSIDED))
// Early out for intra-sector lines
if (sides[check->sidenum[0]].sector==sides[check->sidenum[1]].sector) continue;
if (check->sidedef[0]->sector == check->sidedef[1]->sector) continue;
if ( sides[ check->sidenum[0] ].sector == sec)
other = sides[ check->sidenum[1] ].sector;
if ( check->sidedef[0]->sector == sec)
other = check->sidedef[1]->sector;
other = sides[ check->sidenum[0] ].sector;
other = check->sidedef[0]->sector;
// check for closed door
if ((sec->floorplane.ZatPoint (check->v1->x, check->v1->y) >=
@ -1868,7 +1868,7 @@ static void SetWallScroller (int id, int sidechoice, fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, int
int wallnum = scroller->GetWallNum ();
if (wallnum >= 0 && sides[wallnum].linedef->id == id &&
sides[wallnum].linedef->sidenum[sidechoice] == (DWORD)wallnum &&
int(sides[wallnum].linedef->sidedef[sidechoice] - sides) == wallnum &&
Where == scroller->GetScrollParts())
scroller->Destroy ();
@ -1887,7 +1887,7 @@ static void SetWallScroller (int id, int sidechoice, fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, int
if ((collect.RefNum = ((DScroller *)collect.Obj)->GetWallNum ()) != -1 &&
sides[collect.RefNum].linedef->id == id &&
sides[collect.RefNum].linedef->sidenum[sidechoice] == (DWORD)collect.RefNum &&
int(sides[collect.RefNum].linedef->sidedef[sidechoice] - sides) == collect.RefNum &&
Where == ((DScroller *)collect.Obj)->GetScrollParts())
((DScroller *)collect.Obj)->SetRate (dx, dy);
@ -1902,17 +1902,18 @@ static void SetWallScroller (int id, int sidechoice, fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, int
// Now create scrollers for any walls that don't already have them.
while ((linenum = P_FindLineFromID (id, linenum)) >= 0)
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < numcollected; i++)
if (lines[linenum].sidedef[sidechoice] != NULL)
if ((DWORD)Collection[i].RefNum == lines[linenum].sidenum[sidechoice])
if (i == numcollected)
if (lines[linenum].sidenum[sidechoice] != NO_SIDE)
int sidenum = int(lines[linenum].sidedef[sidechoice] - sides);
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < numcollected; i++)
new DScroller (DScroller::sc_side, dx, dy, -1, lines[linenum].sidenum[sidechoice], 0, Where);
if (Collection[i].RefNum == sidenum)
if (i == numcollected)
new DScroller (DScroller::sc_side, dx, dy, -1, sidenum, 0, Where);
@ -2262,9 +2263,9 @@ FUNC(LS_Line_SetTextureOffset)
for(int line = -1; (line = P_FindLineFromID (arg0, line)) >= 0; )
if (lines[line].sidenum[arg3] != NO_SIDE)
side_t *side = lines[line].sidedef[arg3];
if (side != NULL)
side_t *side = &sides[lines[line].sidenum[arg3]];
if ((arg4&8)==0)
@ -2313,10 +2314,9 @@ FUNC(LS_Line_SetTextureScale)
for(int line = -1; (line = P_FindLineFromID (arg0, line)) >= 0; )
if (lines[line].sidenum[arg3] != NO_SIDE)
side_t *side = lines[line].sidedef[arg3];
if (side != NULL)
side_t *side = &sides[lines[line].sidenum[arg3]];
if ((arg4&8)==0)
// set
@ -2796,8 +2796,8 @@ FUNC(LS_ClearForceField)
line->special = 0;
sides[line->sidenum[0]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, FNullTextureID());
sides[line->sidenum[1]].SetTexture(side_t::mid, FNullTextureID());
line->sidedef[0]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, FNullTextureID());
line->sidedef[1]->SetTexture(side_t::mid, FNullTextureID());
@ -2811,11 +2811,11 @@ FUNC(LS_GlassBreak)
bool quest1, quest2;
switched = P_ChangeSwitchTexture (&sides[ln->sidenum[0]], false, 0, &quest1);
switched = P_ChangeSwitchTexture (ln->sidedef[0], false, 0, &quest1);
ln->special = 0;
if (ln->sidenum[1] != NO_SIDE)
if (ln->sidedef[1] != NULL)
switched |= P_ChangeSwitchTexture (&sides[ln->sidenum[1]], false, 0, &quest2);
switched |= P_ChangeSwitchTexture (ln->sidedef[1], false, 0, &quest2);
@ -3400,7 +3400,7 @@ void P_TraceBleed (int damage, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, AActor *actor, a
DImpactDecal::StaticCreate (bloodType,
bleedtrace.X, bleedtrace.Y, bleedtrace.Z,
sides + bleedtrace.Line->sidenum[bleedtrace.Side],
@ -5025,7 +5025,7 @@ void SpawnShootDecal (AActor *t1, const FTraceResults &trace)
if (decalbase != NULL)
DImpactDecal::StaticCreate (decalbase->GetDecal (),
trace.X, trace.Y, trace.Z, sides + trace.Line->sidenum[trace.Side], trace.ffloor);
trace.X, trace.Y, trace.Z, trace.Line->sidedef[trace.Side], trace.ffloor);
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ void P_LineOpening (FLineOpening &open, AActor *actor, const line_t *linedef,
sector_t *front, *back;
fixed_t fc, ff, bc, bf;
if (linedef->sidenum[1] == NO_SIDE)
if (linedef->sidedef[1] == NULL)
// single sided line
open.range = 0;
@ -1176,9 +1176,9 @@ void P_ExplodeMissile (AActor *mo, line_t *line, AActor *target)
if (line != NULL && cl_missiledecals)
int side = P_PointOnLineSide (mo->x, mo->y, line);
if (line->sidenum[side] == NO_SIDE)
if (line->sidedef[side] == NULL)
side ^= 1;
if (line->sidenum[side] != NO_SIDE)
if (line->sidedef[side] != NULL)
FDecalBase *base = mo->DecalGenerator;
if (base != NULL)
@ -1212,9 +1212,9 @@ void P_ExplodeMissile (AActor *mo, line_t *line, AActor *target)
F3DFloor * ffloor=NULL;
#ifdef _3DFLOORS
if (line->sidenum[side^1]!=NO_SIDE)
if (line->sidedef[side^1] != NULL)
sector_t * backsector=sides[line->sidenum[side^1]].sector;
sector_t * backsector = line->sidedef[side^1]->sector;
extsector_t::xfloor &xf = backsector->e->XFloor;
// find a 3D-floor to stick to
for(unsigned int i=0;i<xf.ffloors.Size();i++)
@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ void P_ExplodeMissile (AActor *mo, line_t *line, AActor *target)
DImpactDecal::StaticCreate (base->GetDecal (),
x, y, z, sides + line->sidenum[side], ffloor);
x, y, z, line->sidedef[side], ffloor);
@ -1729,7 +1729,7 @@ fixed_t P_XYMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t scrollx, fixed_t scrolly)
if (mo->BlockingLine != NULL &&
mo->player && mo->waterlevel && mo->waterlevel < 3 &&
(mo->player->cmd.ucmd.forwardmove | mo->player->cmd.ucmd.sidemove) &&
mo->BlockingLine->sidenum[1] != NO_SIDE)
mo->BlockingLine->sidedef[1] != NULL)
mo->velz = WATER_JUMP_SPEED;
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ manual_plat:
if (change)
if (line)
sec->SetTexture(sector_t::floor, sides[line->sidenum[0]].sector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor));
sec->SetTexture(sector_t::floor, line->sidedef[0]->sector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor));
if (change == 1)
sec->special &= SECRET_MASK; // Stop damage and other stuff, if any
@ -371,10 +371,10 @@ void P_SerializeWorld (FArchive &arc)
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
if (li->sidenum[j] == NO_SIDE)
if (li->sidedef[j] == NULL)
side_t *si = &sides[li->sidenum[j]];
side_t *si = li->sidedef[j];
arc << si->textures[side_t::top]
<< si->textures[side_t::mid]
<< si->textures[side_t::bottom]
@ -476,8 +476,8 @@ fixed_t sector_t::FindShortestTextureAround () const
if (lines[i]->flags & ML_TWOSIDED)
CheckShortestTex (sides[lines[i]->sidenum[0]].GetTexture(side_t::bottom), minsize);
CheckShortestTex (sides[lines[i]->sidenum[1]].GetTexture(side_t::bottom), minsize);
CheckShortestTex (lines[i]->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::bottom), minsize);
CheckShortestTex (lines[i]->sidedef[1]->GetTexture(side_t::bottom), minsize);
return minsize < FIXED_MAX ? minsize : TexMan[0]->GetHeight() * FRACUNIT;
@ -502,8 +502,8 @@ fixed_t sector_t::FindShortestUpperAround () const
if (lines[i]->flags & ML_TWOSIDED)
CheckShortestTex (sides[lines[i]->sidenum[0]].GetTexture(side_t::top), minsize);
CheckShortestTex (sides[lines[i]->sidenum[1]].GetTexture(side_t::top), minsize);
CheckShortestTex (lines[i]->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::top), minsize);
CheckShortestTex (lines[i]->sidedef[1]->GetTexture(side_t::top), minsize);
return minsize < FIXED_MAX ? minsize : TexMan[0]->GetHeight() * FRACUNIT;
@ -188,9 +188,6 @@ TArray<FMapThing> deathmatchstarts (16);
FMapThing playerstarts[MAXPLAYERS];
static void P_AllocateSideDefs (int count);
static void P_SetSideNum (DWORD *sidenum_p, WORD sidenum);
@ -583,7 +580,7 @@ static void SetTexture (side_t *side, int position, const char *name8)
for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
if (lines[i].sidenum[j] == (DWORD)(side - sides))
if (lines[i].sidedef[j] == side)
Printf("Unknown %s texture '%s' on %s side of linedef %d\n",
positionnames[position], name, sidenames[j], i);
@ -703,7 +700,7 @@ void P_FloodZone (sector_t *sec, int zonenum)
line_t *check = sec->lines[i];
sector_t *other;
if (check->sidenum[1] == NO_SIDE || (check->flags & ML_ZONEBOUNDARY))
if (check->sidedef[1] == NULL || (check->flags & ML_ZONEBOUNDARY))
if (check->frontsector == sec)
@ -790,12 +787,12 @@ void P_LoadZSegs (FileReaderZ &data)
segs[i].v1 = &vertexes[v1];
segs[i].v2 = &vertexes[v2];
segs[i].linedef = ldef = &lines[line];
segs[i].sidedef = &sides[ldef->sidenum[side]];
segs[i].sidedef = ldef->sidedef[side];
segs[i].PartnerSeg = NULL;
segs[i].frontsector = sides[ldef->sidenum[side]].sector;
if (ldef->flags & ML_TWOSIDED && ldef->sidenum[side^1] != NO_SIDE)
segs[i].frontsector = ldef->sidedef[side]->sector;
if (ldef->flags & ML_TWOSIDED && ldef->sidedef[side^1] != NULL)
segs[i].backsector = sides[ldef->sidenum[side^1]].sector;
segs[i].backsector = ldef->sidedef[side^1]->sector;
@ -860,11 +857,11 @@ void P_LoadGLZSegs (FileReaderZ &data, DWORD id)
line_t *ldef;
seg->linedef = ldef = &lines[line];
seg->sidedef = &sides[ldef->sidenum[side]];
seg->frontsector = sides[ldef->sidenum[side]].sector;
if (ldef->flags & ML_TWOSIDED && ldef->sidenum[side^1] != NO_SIDE)
seg->sidedef = ldef->sidedef[side];
seg->frontsector = ldef->sidedef[side]->sector;
if (ldef->flags & ML_TWOSIDED && ldef->sidedef[side^1] != NULL)
seg->backsector = sides[ldef->sidenum[side^1]].sector;
seg->backsector = ldef->sidedef[side^1]->sector;
@ -1152,17 +1149,17 @@ void P_LoadSegs (MapData * map)
ldef = &lines[linedef];
li->linedef = ldef;
side = LittleShort(ml->side);
if ((unsigned)ldef->sidenum[side] >= (unsigned)numsides)
if ((unsigned)(ldef->sidedef[side] - sides) >= (unsigned)numsides)
throw i * 4 + 2;
li->sidedef = &sides[ldef->sidenum[side]];
li->frontsector = sides[ldef->sidenum[side]].sector;
li->sidedef = ldef->sidedef[side];
li->frontsector = ldef->sidedef[side]->sector;
// killough 5/3/98: ignore 2s flag if second sidedef missing:
if (ldef->flags & ML_TWOSIDED && ldef->sidenum[side^1] != NO_SIDE)
if (ldef->flags & ML_TWOSIDED && ldef->sidedef[side^1] != NULL)
li->backsector = sides[ldef->sidenum[side^1]].sector;
li->backsector = ldef->sidedef[side^1]->sector;
@ -1718,20 +1715,20 @@ void P_SetLineID (line_t *ld)
void P_SaveLineSpecial (line_t *ld)
if (*ld->sidenum == NO_SIDE)
if (ld->sidedef[0] == NULL)
DWORD sidenum = DWORD(ld->sidedef[0]-sides);
// killough 4/4/98: support special sidedef interpretation below
if ((ld->sidenum[0] != NO_SIDE) &&
// [RH] Save Static_Init only if it's interested in the textures
(ld->special != Static_Init || ld->args[1] == Init_Color))
// [RH] Save Static_Init only if it's interested in the textures
if (ld->special != Static_Init || ld->args[1] == Init_Color)
sidetemp[*ld->sidenum].a.special = ld->special;
sidetemp[*ld->sidenum].a.tag = ld->args[0];
sidetemp[sidenum].a.special = ld->special;
sidetemp[sidenum].a.tag = ld->args[0];
sidetemp[*ld->sidenum].a.special = 0;
sidetemp[sidenum].a.special = 0;
@ -1739,8 +1736,8 @@ void P_FinishLoadingLineDef(line_t *ld, int alpha)
bool additive = false;
ld->frontsector = ld->sidenum[0]!=NO_SIDE ? sides[ld->sidenum[0]].sector : 0;
ld->backsector = ld->sidenum[1]!=NO_SIDE ? sides[ld->sidenum[1]].sector : 0;
ld->frontsector = ld->sidedef[0] != NULL ? ld->sidedef[0]->sector : NULL;
ld->backsector = ld->sidedef[1] != NULL ? ld->sidedef[1]->sector : NULL;
float dx = FIXED2FLOAT(ld->v2->x - ld->v1->x);
float dy = FIXED2FLOAT(ld->v2->y - ld->v1->y);
int linenum = int(ld-lines);
@ -1753,16 +1750,16 @@ void P_FinishLoadingLineDef(line_t *ld, int alpha)
// [RH] Set some new sidedef properties
int len = (int)(sqrtf (dx*dx + dy*dy) + 0.5f);
if (ld->sidenum[0] != NO_SIDE)
if (ld->sidedef[0] != NULL)
sides[ld->sidenum[0]].linedef = ld;
sides[ld->sidenum[0]].TexelLength = len;
ld->sidedef[0]->linedef = ld;
ld->sidedef[0]->TexelLength = len;
if (ld->sidenum[1] != NO_SIDE)
if (ld->sidedef[1] != NULL)
sides[ld->sidenum[1]].linedef = ld;
sides[ld->sidenum[1]].TexelLength = len;
ld->sidedef[1]->linedef = ld;
ld->sidedef[1]->TexelLength = len;
switch (ld->special)
@ -1814,7 +1811,24 @@ void P_FinishLoadingLineDefs ()
for (int i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
P_FinishLoadingLineDef(&lines[i], sidetemp[lines[i].sidenum[0]].a.alpha);
P_FinishLoadingLineDef(&lines[i], sidetemp[lines[i].sidedef[0]-sides].a.alpha);
static void P_SetSideNum (side_t **sidenum_p, WORD sidenum)
if (sidenum == NO_INDEX)
*sidenum_p = NULL;
else if (sidecount < numsides)
sidetemp[sidecount].a.map = sidenum;
*sidenum_p = &sides[sidecount++];
I_Error ("%d sidedefs is not enough\n", sidecount);
@ -1886,8 +1900,8 @@ void P_LoadLineDefs (MapData * map)
ld->v2 = &vertexes[LittleShort(mld->v2)];
//ld->id = -1; ID has been assigned in P_TranslateLineDef
P_SetSideNum (&ld->sidenum[0], LittleShort(mld->sidenum[0]));
P_SetSideNum (&ld->sidenum[1], LittleShort(mld->sidenum[1]));
P_SetSideNum (&ld->sidedef[0], LittleShort(mld->sidenum[0]));
P_SetSideNum (&ld->sidedef[1], LittleShort(mld->sidenum[1]));
P_AdjustLine (ld);
P_SaveLineSpecial (ld);
@ -1963,8 +1977,8 @@ void P_LoadLineDefs2 (MapData * map)
ld->Alpha = FRACUNIT; // [RH] Opaque by default
ld->id = -1;
P_SetSideNum (&ld->sidenum[0], LittleShort(mld->sidenum[0]));
P_SetSideNum (&ld->sidenum[1], LittleShort(mld->sidenum[1]));
P_SetSideNum (&ld->sidedef[0], LittleShort(mld->sidenum[0]));
P_SetSideNum (&ld->sidedef[1], LittleShort(mld->sidenum[1]));
P_AdjustLine (ld);
@ -2013,22 +2027,6 @@ static void P_AllocateSideDefs (int count)
sidecount = 0;
static void P_SetSideNum (DWORD *sidenum_p, WORD sidenum)
if (sidenum == NO_INDEX)
*sidenum_p = NO_SIDE;
else if (sidecount < numsides)
sidetemp[sidecount].a.map = sidenum;
*sidenum_p = sidecount++;
I_Error ("%d sidedefs is not enough\n", sidecount);
// [RH] Group sidedefs into loops so that we can easily determine
// what walls any particular wall neighbors.
@ -2057,7 +2055,7 @@ static void P_LoopSidedefs ()
// For each vertex, build a list of sidedefs that use that vertex
// as their left edge.
line_t *line = sides[i].linedef;
int lineside = (line->sidenum[0] != (DWORD)i);
int lineside = (line->sidedef[0] != &sides[i]);
int vert = int((lineside ? line->v2 : line->v1) - vertexes);
sidetemp[i].b.lineside = lineside;
@ -2082,7 +2080,7 @@ static void P_LoopSidedefs ()
// instead of as part of another loop
if (line->frontsector == line->backsector)
right = line->sidenum[!sidetemp[i].b.lineside];
right = DWORD(line->sidedef[!sidetemp[i].b.lineside] - sides);
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ bool P_ActivateLine (line_t *line, AActor *mo, int side, int activationType)
if (activationType == SPAC_Use || activationType == SPAC_Impact)
P_ChangeSwitchTexture (&sides[line->sidenum[0]], repeat, special);
P_ChangeSwitchTexture (line->sidedef[0], repeat, special);
// some old WADs use this method to create walls that change the texture when shot.
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ bool P_ActivateLine (line_t *line, AActor *mo, int side, int activationType)
line->args[0] && // only if there's a tag (which is stored in the first arg)
P_FindSectorFromTag (line->args[0], -1) == -1) // only if no sector is tagged to this linedef
P_ChangeSwitchTexture (&sides[line->sidenum[0]], repeat, special);
P_ChangeSwitchTexture (line->sidedef[0], repeat, special);
line->special = 0;
// end of changed code
@ -778,14 +778,14 @@ DWallLightTransfer::DWallLightTransfer (sector_t *srcSec, int target, BYTE flags
for (linenum = -1; (linenum = P_FindLineFromID (target, linenum)) >= 0; )
if (flags & WLF_SIDE1 && lines[linenum].sidenum[0]!=NO_SIDE)
if (flags & WLF_SIDE1 && lines[linenum].sidedef[0] != NULL)
sides[lines[linenum].sidenum[0]].Flags |= wallflags;
lines[linenum].sidedef[0]->Flags |= wallflags;
if (flags & WLF_SIDE2 && lines[linenum].sidenum[1]!=NO_SIDE)
if (flags & WLF_SIDE2 && lines[linenum].sidedef[1] != NULL)
sides[lines[linenum].sidenum[1]].Flags |= wallflags;
lines[linenum].sidedef[1]->Flags |= wallflags;
@ -810,14 +810,14 @@ void DWallLightTransfer::DoTransfer (BYTE lightlevel, int target, BYTE flags)
line_t * line = &lines[linenum];
if (flags & WLF_SIDE1 && line->sidenum[0]!=NO_SIDE)
if (flags & WLF_SIDE1 && line->sidedef[0] != NULL)
if (flags & WLF_SIDE2 && line->sidenum[1]!=NO_SIDE)
if (flags & WLF_SIDE2 && line->sidedef[1] != NULL)
@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ void P_SpawnSpecials (void)
// killough 3/7/98:
// support for drawn heights coming from different sector
case Transfer_Heights:
sec = sides[lines[i].sidenum[0]].sector;
sec = lines[i].frontsector;
if (lines[i].args[1] & 2)
@ -1017,19 +1017,19 @@ void P_SpawnSpecials (void)
// killough 3/16/98: Add support for setting
// floor lighting independently (e.g. lava)
case Transfer_FloorLight:
new DLightTransfer (sides[*lines[i].sidenum].sector, lines[i].args[0], true);
new DLightTransfer (lines[i].frontsector, lines[i].args[0], true);
// killough 4/11/98: Add support for setting
// ceiling lighting independently
case Transfer_CeilingLight:
new DLightTransfer (sides[*lines[i].sidenum].sector, lines[i].args[0], false);
new DLightTransfer (lines[i].frontsector, lines[i].args[0], false);
// [Graf Zahl] Add support for setting lighting
// per wall independently
case Transfer_WallLight:
new DWallLightTransfer (sides[*lines[i].sidenum].sector, lines[i].args[0], lines[i].args[1]);
new DWallLightTransfer (lines[i].frontsector, lines[i].args[0], lines[i].args[1]);
case Sector_Attach3dMidtex:
@ -1290,7 +1290,7 @@ DScroller::DScroller (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, const line_t *l,
m_Parts = scrollpos;
if ((m_Control = control) != -1)
m_LastHeight = sectors[control].CenterFloor() + sectors[control].CenterCeiling();
m_Affectee = *l->sidenum;
m_Affectee = int(l->sidedef[0] - sides);
sides[m_Affectee].Flags |= WALLF_NOAUTODECALS;
m_Interpolations[0] = m_Interpolations[1] = m_Interpolations[2] = NULL;
@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ static void P_SpawnScrollers(void)
// if 1, then displacement
// if 2, then accelerative (also if 3)
control = int(sides[*l->sidenum].sector - sectors);
control = int(l->sidedef[0]->sector - sectors);
if (l->args[1] & 2)
accel = 1;
@ -1400,36 +1400,41 @@ static void P_SpawnScrollers(void)
case Scroll_Texture_Offsets:
// killough 3/2/98: scroll according to sidedef offsets
s = lines[i].sidenum[0];
s = int(lines[i].sidedef[0] - sides);
new DScroller (DScroller::sc_side, -sides[s].GetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid),
sides[s].GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid), -1, s, accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[0]));
case Scroll_Texture_Left:
s = int(lines[i].sidedef[0] - sides);
new DScroller (DScroller::sc_side, l->args[0] * (FRACUNIT/64), 0,
-1, lines[i].sidenum[0], accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[1]));
-1, s, accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[1]));
case Scroll_Texture_Right:
s = int(lines[i].sidedef[0] - sides);
new DScroller (DScroller::sc_side, l->args[0] * (-FRACUNIT/64), 0,
-1, lines[i].sidenum[0], accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[1]));
-1, s, accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[1]));
case Scroll_Texture_Up:
s = int(lines[i].sidedef[0] - sides);
new DScroller (DScroller::sc_side, 0, l->args[0] * (FRACUNIT/64),
-1, lines[i].sidenum[0], accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[1]));
-1, s, accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[1]));
case Scroll_Texture_Down:
s = int(lines[i].sidedef[0] - sides);
new DScroller (DScroller::sc_side, 0, l->args[0] * (-FRACUNIT/64),
-1, lines[i].sidenum[0], accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[1]));
-1, s, accel, SCROLLTYPE(l->args[1]));
case Scroll_Texture_Both:
s = int(lines[i].sidedef[0] - sides);
if (l->args[0] == 0) {
dx = (l->args[1] - l->args[2]) * (FRACUNIT/64);
dy = (l->args[4] - l->args[3]) * (FRACUNIT/64);
new DScroller (DScroller::sc_side, dx, dy, -1, lines[i].sidenum[0], accel);
new DScroller (DScroller::sc_side, dx, dy, -1, s, accel);
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ void P_SetSectorFriction (int tag, int amount, bool alterFlag);
inline side_t *getSide (int currentSector, int line, int side)
return &sides[ (sectors[currentSector].lines[line])->sidenum[side] ];
return (sectors[currentSector].lines[line])->sidedef[side];
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ inline side_t *getSide (int currentSector, int line, int side)
inline sector_t *getSector (int currentSector, int line, int side)
return sides[ (sectors[currentSector].lines[line])->sidenum[side] ].sector;
return (sectors[currentSector].lines[line])->sidedef[side]->sector;
@ -465,12 +465,12 @@ static int TryFindSwitch (side_t *side, int Where)
bool P_CheckSwitchRange(AActor *user, line_t *line, int sideno)
// Activated from an empty side -> always succeed
if (line->sidenum[sideno] == NO_SIDE) return true;
side_t *side = line->sidedef[sideno];
if (side == NULL) return true;
fixed_t checktop;
fixed_t checkbot;
side_t *side = &sides[line->sidenum[sideno]];
sector_t *front = sides[line->sidenum[sideno]].sector;
sector_t *front = side->sector;
FLineOpening open;
// 3DMIDTEX forces CHECKSWITCHRANGE because otherwise it might cause problems.
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ bool P_CheckSwitchRange(AActor *user, line_t *line, int sideno)
checky = dll.y + FixedMul(dll.dy, inter);
// one sided line
if (line->sidenum[1] == NO_SIDE)
if (line->sidedef[1] == NULL)
fixed_t sectorc = front->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(checkx, checky);
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ bool EV_SilentLineTeleport (line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int id, INTBO
int i;
line_t *l;
if (side || thing->flags2 & MF2_NOTELEPORT || !line || line->sidenum[1] == NO_SIDE)
if (side || thing->flags2 & MF2_NOTELEPORT || !line || line->sidedef[1] == NULL)
return false;
for (i = -1; (i = P_FindLineFromID (id, i)) >= 0; )
@ -476,8 +476,8 @@ bool EV_SilentLineTeleport (line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int id, INTBO
// Height of thing above ground
fixed_t z;
z = thing->z - sides[line->sidenum[1]].sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (thing->x, thing->y)
+ sides[l->sidenum[0]].sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y);
z = thing->z - line->backsector->floorplane.ZatPoint (thing->x, thing->y)
+ l->frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y);
// Attempt to teleport, aborting if blocked
// Adjust z position to be same height above ground as before.
@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ struct UDMFParser
memset(ld, 0, sizeof(*ld));
ld->Alpha = FRACUNIT;
ld->id = -1;
ld->sidenum[0] = ld->sidenum[1] = NO_SIDE;
ld->sidedef[0] = ld->sidedef[1] = NULL;
if (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_CLIPMIDTEX) ld->flags |= ML_CLIP_MIDTEX;
if (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_WRAPMIDTEX) ld->flags |= ML_WRAP_MIDTEX;
@ -635,11 +635,11 @@ struct UDMFParser
case NAME_Sidefront:
ld->sidenum[0] = CheckInt(key);
ld->sidedef[0] = (side_t*)(intptr_t)(1 + CheckInt(key));
case NAME_Sideback:
ld->sidenum[1] = CheckInt(key);
ld->sidedef[1] = (side_t*)(intptr_t)(1 + CheckInt(key));
case NAME_Arg0:
@ -1281,9 +1281,9 @@ struct UDMFParser
ParsedLines[i].v1 = &vertexes[v1i];
ParsedLines[i].v2 = &vertexes[v2i];
if (ParsedLines[i].sidenum[0] != NO_SIDE)
if (ParsedLines[i].sidedef[0] != NULL)
if (ParsedLines[i].sidenum[1] != NO_SIDE)
if (ParsedLines[i].sidedef[1] != NULL)
@ -1302,13 +1302,13 @@ struct UDMFParser
for(int sd = 0; sd < 2; sd++)
if (lines[line].sidenum[sd] != NO_SIDE)
if (lines[line].sidedef[sd] != NULL)
int mapside = lines[line].sidenum[sd];
int mapside = int(intptr_t(lines[line].sidedef[sd]))-1;
sides[side] = ParsedSides[mapside];
sides[side].linedef = &lines[line];
sides[side].sector = §ors[intptr_t(sides[side].sector)];
lines[line].sidenum[sd] = side;
lines[line].sidedef[sd] = &sides[side];
P_ProcessSideTextures(!isExtended, &sides[side], sides[side].sector, &ParsedSideTextures[mapside],
lines[line].special, lines[line].args[0], &tempalpha[sd]);
@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ static int WriteLINEDEFS (FILE *file)
mld.args[j] = (BYTE)lines[i].args[j];
mld.sidenum[0] = LittleShort(WORD(lines[i].sidenum[0]));
mld.sidenum[1] = LittleShort(WORD(lines[i].sidenum[1]));
mld.sidenum[0] = LittleShort(WORD(lines[i].sidedef[0] - sides));
mld.sidenum[1] = LittleShort(WORD(lines[i].sidedef[1] - sides));
fwrite (&mld, sizeof(mld), 1, file);
return numlines * sizeof(mld);
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ static int WriteSEGS (FILE *file)
ms.v1 = LittleShort(short(segs[i].v1 - vertexes));
ms.v2 = LittleShort(short(segs[i].v2 - vertexes));
ms.linedef = LittleShort(short(segs[i].linedef - lines));
ms.side = DWORD(segs[i].sidedef - sides) == segs[i].linedef->sidenum[0] ? 0 : LittleShort((short)1);
ms.side = segs[i].sidedef == segs[i].linedef->sidedef[0] ? 0 : LittleShort((short)1);
ms.angle = LittleShort(short(R_PointToAngle2 (segs[i].v1->x, segs[i].v1->y, segs[i].v2->x, segs[i].v2->y)>>16));
fwrite (&ms, sizeof(ms), 1, file);
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ void R_AddLine (seg_t *line)
{ // The seg is only part of the wall.
if (line->linedef->sidenum[0] != DWORD(line->sidedef - sides))
if (line->linedef->sidedef[0] != line->sidedef)
swap (v1, v2);
@ -872,7 +872,8 @@ struct line_t
int id; // <--- same as tag or set with Line_SetIdentification
int args[5]; // <--- hexen-style arguments (expanded to ZDoom's full width)
int firstid, nextid;
DWORD sidenum[2]; // sidenum[1] will be NO_SIDE if one sided
side_t *sidedef[2];
//DWORD sidenum[2]; // sidenum[1] will be NO_SIDE if one sided
fixed_t bbox[4]; // bounding box, for the extent of the LineDef.
slopetype_t slopetype; // To aid move clipping.
sector_t *frontsector, *backsector;
@ -1290,7 +1290,7 @@ void R_DrawSkyPlane (visplane_t *pl)
const line_t *l = &lines[(pl->sky & ~PL_SKYFLAT)-1];
// Sky transferred from first sidedef
const side_t *s = *l->sidenum + sides;
const side_t *s = l->sidedef[0];
int pos;
// Texture comes from upper texture of reference sidedef
@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ void RP_AddLine (seg_t *line)
{ // The seg is only part of the wall.
if (line->linedef->sidenum[0] != DWORD(line->sidedef - sides))
if (line->linedef->sidedef[0] != line->sidedef)
swap (v1, v2);
Reference in a new issue