mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 18:31:39 +00:00
-ported a large part of compatibility.txt
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 487 additions and 357 deletions
@ -772,6 +772,78 @@ void SetCompatibilityParams(FName checksum)
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DLevelCompatibility, OffsetSectorPlane)
sector_t *sec = &level.sectors[sector];
secplane_t& plane = sector_t::floor == planeval? sec->floorplane : sec->ceilingplane;
sec->ChangePlaneTexZ(planeval, delta);
return 0;
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DLevelCompatibility, ClearSectorTags)
return 0;
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DLevelCompatibility, AddSectorTag)
tagManager.AddSectorTag(sector, tag);
return 0;
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DLevelCompatibility, SetThingSkills)
if ((unsigned)thing < MapThingsConverted.Size())
MapThingsConverted[thing].SkillFilter = skillmask;
return 0;
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DLevelCompatibility, SetThingZ)
if ((unsigned)thing < MapThingsConverted.Size())
MapThingsConverted[thing].pos.Z = z;
return 0;
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DLevelCompatibility, SetThingFlags)
if ((unsigned)thing < MapThingsConverted.Size())
MapThingsConverted[thing].flags = flags;
return 0;
// CCMD mapchecksum
@ -245,366 +245,9 @@ DC96228097DD004C40CCB1DB14A91EAA // unloved.pk3:unlovedmaps.wad map05
E2B5D1400279335811C1C1C0B437D9C8 // Deathknights of the Dark Citadel, map54
// This map has two gear boxes which are flagged for player cross
// activation instead of the proper player uses activation.
setactivation 963 2
setactivation 943 2
3F249EDD62A3A08F53A6C53CB4C7ABE5 // Artica 3 map01
clearlinespecial 66
// Community Chest 3
F481922F4881F74760F3C0437FD5EDD0 // map03
// I have no idea how this conveyor belt setup manages to work under Boom.
// Set the sector the voodoo doll ends up standing on when sectors tagged
// 1 are raised so that the voodoo doll will be carried.
setlinespecial 3559 Sector_CopyScroller 17 6 0 0 0
5B862477519B21B30059A466F2FF6460 // Khorus, map08
// This map uses a voodoo conveyor with slanted walls to shunt the
// voodoo doll into side areas. For some reason, this voodoo doll
// is unable to slide on them, because the slide calculation gets
// them slightly inside the walls and thinks they are stuck. I could
// not reproduce this with the real player, which is what has me
// stumped. So, help them out be attaching some ThrustThing specials
// to the walls.
setlinespecial 443 ThrustThing 96 4 0 0 0
setlineflags 443 0x200 // repeatable
setactivation 443 16 // SPAC_Push
setlinespecial 455 ThrustThing 96 4 0 0 0
setlineflags 455 0x200 // repeatable
setactivation 455 16 // SPAC_Push
3D1E36E50F5A8D289E15433941605224 // Master Levels, catwalk.wad
// make it impossible to open door to 1-way bridge before getting red key
setsectortag 35 0 // existing tag must be cleared before new one can be set
setsectortag 35 15
setactivation 605 1 // SPAC_PCross
setactivation 606 1
setactivation 607 1
setactivation 608 1
setlinespecial 605 Door_Open 15 64 0 0 0 // fast, stay open
setlinespecial 606 Door_Open 15 64 0 0 0
setlinespecial 607 Door_Open 15 64 0 0 0
setlinespecial 608 Door_Open 15 64 0 0 0
3B9CAA02952F405269353FAAD8F8EC33 // Master Levels, nessus.wad
// move secret sector from too-thin doorframe to BFG closet
setsectorspecial 211 0
setsectorspecial 212 1024
// lower floor a bit so secret sector can be entered fully
setsectoroffset 212 floor -16
// make secret door stay open so you can't get locked in closet
setlinespecial 1008 Door_Open 0 64 0 0 0
7ED9800213C00D6E7FB98652AB48B3DE // Ultimate Simplicity, map04
// Add missing map spots on easy and medium skills
// Demons will teleport into starting room making 100% kills possible
setthingskills 31 31
setthingskills 32 31
1891E029994B023910CFE0B3209C3CDB // Ultimate Simplicity, map07
// It is possible to get stuck on skill 0 or 1 when no shots have been fired
// after sector 17 became accessible and before entering famous mancubus room.
// Monsters from the mentioned sector won't be alerted and so
// they won't teleport into the battle. ACS will wait forever for their deaths.
setlinespecial 397 NoiseAlert 0 0 0 0 0
setlinespecial 411 NoiseAlert 0 0 0 0 0
F0E6F30F57B0425F17E43600AA813E80 // Ultimate Simplicity, map11
// If door (sector #309) is closed it cannot be open again
// from one side potentially blocking level progression
clearlinespecial 2445
952CC8D03572E17BA550B01B366EFBB9 // Cheogsh map01
// make the blue key spawn above the 3D floor
setthingz 918 296
D62DCA9EC226DE49108D5DD9271F7631 // Cheogsh 2 map04
// Stuff in megasphere cage is positioned too low
setthingz 1640 528
setthingz 1641 528
setthingz 1642 528
setthingz 1643 528
setthingz 1644 528
setthingz 1645 528
setthingz 1646 528
setthingz 1647 528
setthingz 1648 528
setthingz 1649 528
DFC18B92BF3E8142B8684ECD8BD2EF06 // TNT: Evilution map15
// raise up sector with its counterpart so 100% kills becomes possible
setsectortag 330 11
2C4A3356C5EB3526D2C72A4AA4B18A36 // TNT: Evilution map29
// remove mancubus who always gets stuck in teleport tunnel, preventing
// 100% kills on HMP
setthingflags 405 0
A53AE580A4AF2B5D0B0893F86914781E // TNT: Evilution map31
setthingflags 470 2016
D99AD22FF21A41B4EECDB3A7C803D75E // TNT: Evilution map32
// door can close permanently; make switch that opens it repeatable
setlineflags 872 0x200
// switch should only open way to red key, don't lower bars yet,
// instead make line just before red key open bars
setsectortag 197 0
setsectortag 197 8
setlinespecial 1279 Floor_LowerToLowest 8 32 0 0 0
setactivation 1240 1 // SPAC_PCross
setlinespecial 1240 Floor_LowerToLowest 38 32 0 0 0
279BB50468FE9F5B36C6D821E4902369 // Plutonia Experiment map30
// flag items in deathmatch-only area correctly so that 100% items
// are possible in solo
setthingflags 250 17
setthingflags 251 17
setthingflags 252 17
setthingflags 253 17
setthingflags 254 17
setthingflags 206 17
4CB7AAC5C43CF32BDF05FD36481C1D9F // Plutonia: Revisited map27
setlinespecial 1214 Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip 20 64 150 0 0
setlinespecial 1215 Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip 20 64 150 0 0
setlinespecial 1216 Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip 20 64 150 0 0
setlinespecial 1217 Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip 20 64 150 0 0
setlinespecial 1227 Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip 20 64 150 0 0
5B26545FF21B051CA06D389CE535684C // doom.wad e1m4
// missing textures
setwalltexture 693 back top BROWN1
// fix HOM errors with sectors too low
setsectoroffset 9 floor 8
setsectoroffset 105 floor 8
setsectoroffset 132 floor 8
setsectoroffset 137 floor 8
A24FE135D5B6FD427FE27BEF89717A65 // doom.wad e2m2
// missing textures
setwalltexture 947 back top BROWN1
setwalltexture 1596 back top WOOD1
1BC04D646B32D3A3E411DAF3C1A38FF8 // doom.wad e2m4
// missing textures
setwalltexture 551 back top PIPE4
setwalltexture 865 back bot STEP5
setwalltexture 1062 front top GSTVINE1
setwalltexture 1071 front top MARBLE1
99C580AD8FABE923CAB485CB7F3C5E5D // doom.wad e2m5
// missing textures
setwalltexture 590 back top GRAYBIG
setwalltexture 590 front bot BROWN1
3838AB29292587A7EE3CA71E7040868D // doom.wad e2m6
// missing texture
setwalltexture 1091 back top compspan
8590F489879870C098CD7029C3187159 // doom.wad e2m7
// missing texture
setwalltexture 1286 front bot SHAWN2
8A6399FAAA2E68649D4E4B16642074BE // doom.wad e2m9
// missing textures
setwalltexture 121 back top SW1LION
setwalltexture 123 back top GSTONE1
setwalltexture 140 back top GSTONE1
2B65CB046EA40D2E44576949381769CA // Commercial Doom e3m4
// This line is erroneously specified as Door_Raise that monsters
// can operate. If they do, they block you off from half the map. Change
// this into a one-shot Door_Open so that it won't close.
setlinespecial 1069 Door_Open 0 16 0 0 0
clearlineflags 1069 0x200
5AC51CA9F1B57D4538049422A5E37291 // doom.wad e3m7
// missing texture
setwalltexture 971 back top SP_HOT1
DA0C8281AC70EEC31127C228BCD7FE2C // doom.wad e4m1
// missing texture
setwalltexture 470 front top GSTONE1
F6EE16F770AD309D608EA0B1F1E249FC // Ultimate Doom, e4m3
// Remove unreachable secrets
setsectorspecial 124 0
setsectorspecial 125 0
// clear staircase to secret area
setsectorspecial 127 0
setsectorspecial 128 0
setsectorspecial 129 0
setsectorspecial 130 0
setsectorspecial 131 0
setsectorspecial 132 0
setsectorspecial 133 0
setsectorspecial 134 0
setsectorspecial 136 0
setsectorspecial 137 0
setsectorspecial 138 0
setsectorspecial 147 0
setsectorspecial 148 0
setsectorspecial 149 0
setsectorspecial 150 0
setsectorspecial 151 0
setsectorspecial 152 0
setsectorspecial 155 0
AAECADD4D97970AFF702D86FAFAC7D17 // doom.wad e4m4
// missing textures
setwalltexture 427 back top BROWNHUG
setwalltexture 558 back top BROWNHUG
setwalltexture 567 front top BROWNHUG
setwalltexture 572 front top BROWNHUG
94D4C869A0C02EF4F7375022B36AAE45 // Ultimate Doom, e4m7
// Remove unreachable secrets
setsectorspecial 263 0
setsectorspecial 264 0
CEC791136A83EEC4B91D39718BDF9D82 // doom2.wad map04
// missing textures
setwalltexture 456 back top SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 108 front top STONE
setwalltexture 109 front top STONE
setwalltexture 110 front top STONE
setwalltexture 111 front top STONE
setwalltexture 127 front top STONE
setwalltexture 128 front top STONE
// remove erroneous blue keycard pickup ambush sector tags (nearby viewing windows, and the lights)
setsectortag 19 0
setsectortag 20 0
setsectortag 23 0
setsectortag 28 0
setsectortag 33 0
setsectortag 34 0
setsectortag 83 0
setsectortag 85 0
9E061AD7FBCD7FAD968C976CB4AA3B9D // doom2.wad map05
// fix bug with opening westmost door in door hallway - incorrect sector tagging - see doomwiki.org for more info
setsectortag 4 0
setsectortag 153 0
5BDA34DA60C0530794CC1EA2DA017976 // doom2.wad map14
// missing textures
setwalltexture 1259 back top BSTONE2
setwalltexture 1305 back top BSTONE2
1A540BA717BF9EC85F8522594C352F2A // Doom II, map15
setsectorspecial 147 0
0D491365C1B88B7D1B603890100DD03E // doom2.wad map18
// missing textures
setwalltexture 451 front mid metal
setwalltexture 459 front mid metal
B5506B1E8F2FC272AD0C77B9E0DF5491 // doom2.wad map19
// missing textures
setwalltexture 355 back top STONE2
setwalltexture 736 front top SLADWALL
EBDAC00E9D25D884B2C8F4B1F0390539 // doom2.wad map21
// push ceiling down in glitchy sectors above the stair switches
setsectoroffset 50 ceil -56
setsectoroffset 54 ceil -56
110F84DE041052B59307FAF0293E6BC0 // Doom II, map27
setsectorspecial 93 0
setwalltexture 582 back top ZIMMER3
20251EDA21B2F2ECF6FF5B8BBC00B26C // Doom II, MAP29
// Missing textures on teleporters
setwalltexture 405 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 406 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 407 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 408 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 516 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 517 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 518 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 519 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 524 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 525 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 526 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 527 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 1146 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 1147 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 1148 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 1149 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 1138 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 1139 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 1140 back bot SUPPORT3
setwalltexture 1141 back bot SUPPORT3
ABC4EB5A1535ECCD0061AD14F3547908 // Plutonia Experiment, map26
setsectorspecial 156 0
FF635FB9A2F076566299910F8C78F707 // nerve.wad, level04
setsectorspecial 868 0
B68EB7CFB4CC481796E2919B9C16DFBD // Moc11.wad e1m6
@ -23,9 +23,399 @@ class LevelCompatibility play
SetWallTexture(101, Line.back, Side.top, "BRICK7");
case 'E2B5D1400279335811C1C1C0B437D9C8': // Deathknights of the Dark Citadel, map54
// This map has two gear boxes which are flagged for player cross
// activation instead of the proper player uses activation.
SetLineActivation(943, SPAC_Use);
SetLineActivation(963, SPAC_Use);
case '3F249EDD62A3A08F53A6C53CB4C7ABE5': // Artica 3 map01
case 'F481922F4881F74760F3C0437FD5EDD0': // // Community Chest 3 map03
// I have no idea how this conveyor belt setup manages to work under Boom.
// Set the sector the voodoo doll ends up standing on when sectors tagged
// 1 are raised so that the voodoo doll will be carried.
SetLineSpecial(3559, Sector_CopyScroller, 17, 6);
case '5B862477519B21B30059A466F2FF6460': // Khorus, map08
// This map uses a voodoo conveyor with slanted walls to shunt the
// voodoo doll into side areas. For some reason, this voodoo doll
// is unable to slide on them, because the slide calculation gets
// them slightly inside the walls and thinks they are stuck. I could
// not reproduce this with the real player, which is what has me
// stumped. So, help them out be attaching some ThrustThing specials
// to the walls.
SetLineSpecial(443, ThrustThing, 96, 4);
SetLineFlags(443, Line.ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL);
SetLineActivation(443, SPAC_Push);
SetLineSpecial(455, ThrustThing, 96, 4);
SetLineFlags(455, Line.ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL);
SetLineActivation(455, SPAC_Push);
case '3D1E36E50F5A8D289E15433941605224': // Master Levels, catwalk.wad
// make it impossible to open door to 1-way bridge before getting red key
AddSectorTag(35, 15);
for(int i=605; i<609;i++)
SetLineActivation(i, SPAC_PCross);
SetLineSpecial(i, Door_Open, 15, 64);
case '3B9CAA02952F405269353FAAD8F8EC33': // Master Levels, nessus.wad
// move secret sector from too-thin doorframe to BFG closet
SetSectorSpecial(211, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(212, 1024);
// lower floor a bit so secret sector can be entered fully
OffsetSectorPlane(212, Sector.floor, -16);
// make secret door stay open so you can't get locked in closet
SetLineSpecial(1008, Door_Open, 0, 64);
case '7ED9800213C00D6E7FB98652AB48B3DE': // Ultimate Simplicity, map04
// Add missing map spots on easy and medium skills
// Demons will teleport into starting room making 100% kills possible
SetThingSkills(31, 31);
SetThingSkills(32, 31);
case '1891E029994B023910CFE0B3209C3CDB': // Ultimate Simplicity, map07
// It is possible to get stuck on skill 0 or 1 when no shots have been fired
// after sector 17 became accessible and before entering famous mancubus room.
// Monsters from the mentioned sector won't be alerted and so
// they won't teleport into the battle. ACS will wait forever for their deaths.
SetLineSpecial(397, NoiseAlert);
SetLineSpecial(411, NoiseAlert);
case 'F0E6F30F57B0425F17E43600AA813E80': // Ultimate Simplicity, map11
// If door (sector #309) is closed it cannot be open again
// from one side potentially blocking level progression
case '952CC8D03572E17BA550B01B366EFBB9': // Cheogsh map01
// make the blue key spawn above the 3D floor
SetThingZ(918, 296);
case 'D62DCA9EC226DE49108D5DD9271F7631': // Cheogsh 2 map04
// Stuff in megasphere cage is positioned too low
for(int i=1640; i<=1649; i++)
SetThingZ(i, 528);
case 'DFC18B92BF3E8142B8684ECD8BD2EF06': // TNT: Evilution map15
// raise up sector with its counterpart so 100% kills becomes possible
AddSectorTag(330, 11);
case '2C4A3356C5EB3526D2C72A4AA4B18A36': // TNT: Evilution map29
// remove mancubus who always gets stuck in teleport tunnel, preventing
// 100% kills on HMP
SetThingFlags(405, 0);
case 'A53AE580A4AF2B5D0B0893F86914781E': // TNT: Evilution map31
// The famous missing yellow key...
SetThingFlags(470, 2016);
case 'D99AD22FF21A41B4EECDB3A7C803D75E': // TNT: Evilution map32
// door can close permanently; make switch that opens it repeatable
SetLineFlags(872, Line.ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL);
// switch should only open way to red key, don't lower bars yet,
// instead make line just before red key open bars
AddSectorTag(197, 8);
SetLineSpecial(1279, Floor_LowerToLowest, 8, 32);
SetLineActivation(1240, SPAC_PCross);
SetLineSpecial(1240, Floor_LowerToLowest, 38, 32);
case '279BB50468FE9F5B36C6D821E4902369': // Plutonia Experiment map30
// flag items in deathmatch-only area correctly so that 100% items
// are possible in solo
SetThingFlags(250, 17);
SetThingFlags(251, 17);
SetThingFlags(252, 17);
SetThingFlags(253, 17);
SetThingFlags(254, 17);
SetThingFlags(206, 17);
case '4CB7AAC5C43CF32BDF05FD36481C1D9F': // Plutonia: Revisited map27
SetLineSpecial(1214, Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip, 20, 64, 150);
SetLineSpecial(1215, Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip, 20, 64, 150);
SetLineSpecial(1216, Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip, 20, 64, 150);
SetLineSpecial(1217, Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip, 20, 64, 150);
SetLineSpecial(1227, Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip, 20, 64, 150);
case '5B26545FF21B051CA06D389CE535684C': // doom.wad e1m4
// missing textures
SetWallTexture(693, Line.back, Side.top, "BROWN1");
// fix HOM errors with sectors too low
OffsetSectorPlane(9, Sector.floor, 8);
OffsetSectorPlane(105, Sector.floor, 8);
OffsetSectorPlane(132, Sector.floor, 8);
OffsetSectorPlane(137, Sector.floor, 8);
case 'A24FE135D5B6FD427FE27BEF89717A65': // doom.wad e2m2
// missing textures
SetWallTexture(947, Line.back, Side.top, "BROWN1");
SetWallTexture(1596, Line.back, Side.top, "WOOD1");
case '1BC04D646B32D3A3E411DAF3C1A38FF8': // doom.wad e2m4
// missing textures
SetWallTexture(551, Line.back, Side.top, "PIPE4");
SetWallTexture(865, Line.back, Side.bottom, "STEP5");
SetWallTexture(1062, Line.front, Side.top, "GSTVINE1");
SetWallTexture(1071, Line.front, Side.top, "MARBLE1");
case '99C580AD8FABE923CAB485CB7F3C5E5D': // doom.wad e2m5
// missing textures
SetWallTexture(590, Line.back, Side.top, "GRAYBIG");
SetWallTexture(590, Line.front, Side.bottom, "BROWN1");
case '3838AB29292587A7EE3CA71E7040868D': // doom.wad e2m6
// missing texture
SetWallTexture(1091, Line.back, Side.top, "compspan");
case '8590F489879870C098CD7029C3187159': // doom.wad e2m7
// missing texture
SetWallTexture(1286, Line.front, Side.bottom, "SHAWN2");
case '8A6399FAAA2E68649D4E4B16642074BE': // doom.wad e2m9
// missing textures
SetWallTexture(121, Line.back, Side.top, "SW1LION");
SetWallTexture(123, Line.back, Side.top, "GSTONE1");
SetWallTexture(140, Line.back, Side.top, "GSTONE1");
case '2B65CB046EA40D2E44576949381769CA': // Commercial Doom e3m4
// This line is erroneously specified as Door_Raise that monsters
// can operate. If they do, they block you off from half the map. Change
// this into a one-shot Door_Open so that it won't close.
SetLineSpecial(1069, Door_Open, 0, 16);
SetLineFlags(1069, 0, Line.ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL);
case '5AC51CA9F1B57D4538049422A5E37291': // doom.wad e3m7
// missing texture
SetWallTexture(971, Line.back, Side.top, "SP_HOT1");
case 'DA0C8281AC70EEC31127C228BCD7FE2C': // doom.wad e4m1
// missing texture
SetWallTexture(470, Line.front, Side.top, "GSTONE1");
case 'F6EE16F770AD309D608EA0B1F1E249FC': // Ultimate Doom, e4m3
// Remove unreachable secrets
SetSectorSpecial(124, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(125, 0);
// clear staircase to secret area
SetSectorSpecial(127, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(128, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(129, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(130, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(131, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(132, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(133, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(134, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(136, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(137, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(138, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(147, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(148, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(149, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(150, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(151, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(152, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(155, 0);
case 'AAECADD4D97970AFF702D86FAFAC7D17': // doom.wad e4m4
// missing textures
TextureID brownhug = TexMan.CheckForTexture("BROWNHUG", TexMan.Type_Wall);
SetWallTextureID(427, Line.back, Side.top, BROWNHUG);
SetWallTextureID(558, Line.back, Side.top, BROWNHUG);
SetWallTextureID(567, Line.front, Side.top, BROWNHUG);
SetWallTextureID(572, Line.front, Side.top, BROWNHUG);
case '94D4C869A0C02EF4F7375022B36AAE45': // Ultimate Doom, e4m7
// Remove unreachable secrets
SetSectorSpecial(263, 0);
SetSectorSpecial(264, 0);
case 'CEC791136A83EEC4B91D39718BDF9D82': // doom2.wad map04
// missing textures
SetWallTexture(456, Line.back, Side.top, "SUPPORT3");
TextureID stone = TexMan.CheckForTexture("STONE", TexMan.Type_Wall);
SetWallTextureID(108, Line.front, Side.top, STONE);
SetWallTextureID(109, Line.front, Side.top, STONE);
SetWallTextureID(110, Line.front, Side.top, STONE);
SetWallTextureID(111, Line.front, Side.top, STONE);
SetWallTextureID(127, Line.front, Side.top, STONE);
SetWallTextureID(128, Line.front, Side.top, STONE);
// remove erroneous blue keycard pickup ambush sector tags (nearby viewing windows, and the lights)
case '9E061AD7FBCD7FAD968C976CB4AA3B9D': // doom2.wad map05
// fix bug with opening westmost door in door hallway - incorrect sector tagging - see doomwiki.org for more info
case '5BDA34DA60C0530794CC1EA2DA017976': // doom2.wad map14
// missing textures
SetWallTexture(1259, Line.back, Side.top, "BSTONE2");
SetWallTexture(1305, Line.back, Side.top, "BSTONE2");
case '1A540BA717BF9EC85F8522594C352F2A': // Doom II, map15
SetSectorSpecial(147, 0);
case '0D491365C1B88B7D1B603890100DD03E': // doom2.wad map18
// missing textures
SetWallTexture(451, Line.front, Side.mid, "metal");
SetWallTexture(459, Line.front, Side.mid, "metal");
case 'B5506B1E8F2FC272AD0C77B9E0DF5491': // doom2.wad map19
// missing textures
SetWallTexture(355, Line.back, Side.top, "STONE2");
SetWallTexture(736, Line.front, Side.top, "SLADWALL");
case 'EBDAC00E9D25D884B2C8F4B1F0390539': // doom2.wad map21
// push ceiling down in glitchy sectors above the stair switches
OffsetSectorPlane(50, Sector.ceiling, -56);
OffsetSectorPlane(54, Sector.ceiling, -56);
case '110F84DE041052B59307FAF0293E6BC0': // Doom II, map27
SetSectorSpecial(93, 0);
SetWallTexture(582, Line.back, Side.top, "ZIMMER3");
case '20251EDA21B2F2ECF6FF5B8BBC00B26C': // Doom II, MAP29
// Missing textures on teleporters
TextureID support3 = TexMan.CheckForTexture("SUPPORT3", TexMan.Type_Wall);
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
SetWallTextureID(405+i, Line.back, Side.bottom, SUPPORT3);
SetWallTextureID(516+i, Line.back, Side.bottom, SUPPORT3);
SetWallTextureID(524+1, Line.back, Side.bottom, SUPPORT3);
SetWallTextureID(1146+i, Line.back, Side.bottom, SUPPORT3);
SetWallTextureID(1138+i, Line.back, Side.bottom, SUPPORT3);
case 'ABC4EB5A1535ECCD0061AD14F3547908': // Plutonia Experiment, map26
SetSectorSpecial(156, 0);
case 'FF635FB9A2F076566299910F8C78F707': // nerve.wad, level04
SetSectorSpecial(868, 0);
private static native void ClearSectorTags(int sector);
private static native void AddSectorTag(int sector, int tag);
private static native void OffsetSectorPlane(int sector, int plane, double offset);
private static native void SetThingSkills(int thing, int skills);
private static native void SetThingZ(int thing, double z);
private static native void SetThingFlags(int thing, int flags);
private static void SetWallTexture(int line, int side, int texpart, String texture)
SetWallTextureID(line, side, texpart, TexMan.CheckForTexture(texture, TexMan.Type_Wall));
@ -36,6 +426,31 @@ class LevelCompatibility play
level.Lines[line].sidedef[side].SetTexture(texpart, texture);
private static void SetLineFlags(int line, int setflags, int clearflags = 0)
level.Lines[line].flags = (level.Lines[line].flags & ~clearflags) | setflags;
private static void SetLineActivation(int line, int acttype)
level.Lines[line].activation = acttype;
private static void ClearLineSpecial(int line)
level.Lines[line].special = 0;
private static void SetLineSpecial(int line, int special, int arg1 = 0, int arg2 = 0, int arg3 = 0, int arg4 = 0, int arg5 = 0)
level.Lines[line].special = special;
level.Lines[line].args[0] = arg1;
level.Lines[line].args[1] = arg2;
level.Lines[line].args[2] = arg3;
level.Lines[line].args[3] = arg4;
level.Lines[line].args[4] = arg5;
private static void SetSectorSpecial(int sectornum, int special)
level.sectors[sectornum].special = special;
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