mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 18:31:39 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/zdoom/master'
# Conflicts: # src/win32/i_system.cpp # tools/re2c/re2c.vcproj
This commit is contained in:
244 changed files with 26078 additions and 17357 deletions
@ -229,12 +229,21 @@ include_directories( ${OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR} )
find_package( OpenAL )
mark_as_advanced(CLEAR OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR)
if( NOT WIN32 )
mark_as_advanced(CLEAR OPENAL_LIBRARY)
include_directories( ${OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR} )
if( NOT WIN32 )
if ( NOT WIN32 )
include_directories( ${OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR} )
@ -1372,11 +1381,14 @@ endif()
if( MSVC )
option( ZDOOM_GENERATE_MAPFILE "Generate .map file for debugging." OFF )
set( LINKERSTUFF "/MANIFEST:NO /DELAYLOAD:\"fmodex${X64}.dll\"" )
set_target_properties(zdoom PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "/MANIFEST:NO /DELAYLOAD:\"fmodex${X64}.dll\" /DELAYLOAD:\"openal32.dll\" /DELAYLOAD:\"libmpg123-0.dll\" /DELAYLOAD:\"libsndfile-1.dll\" /MAP")
set_target_properties(zdoom PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "/MANIFEST:NO /DELAYLOAD:\"fmodex${X64}.dll\" /DELAYLOAD:\"openal32.dll\" /DELAYLOAD:\"libmpg123-0.dll\" /DELAYLOAD:\"libsndfile-1.dll\"")
set( LINKERSTUFF "${LINKERSTUFF} /DELAYLOAD:\"libmpg123-0.dll\" /DELAYLOAD:\"libsndfile-1.dll\"" )
set_target_properties(zdoom PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS ${LINKERSTUFF})
add_custom_command(TARGET zdoom POST_BUILD
COMMAND "mt.exe" -manifest \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\\win32\\zdoom.exe.manifest\" -outputresource:\"$<TARGET_FILE:zdoom>\"\;\#1
@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ DEFINE_SPECIAL(Scroll_Texture_Down, 103, -1, -1, 2)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseSilentDist, 104, 3, 5, 5)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Door_WaitRaise, 105, 4, 5, 5)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Door_WaitClose, 106, 4, 5, 5)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Line_SetPortalTarget, 107, 2, 2, 2)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Light_ForceLightning, 109, 1, 1, 1)
DEFINE_SPECIAL(Light_RaiseByValue, 110, 2, 2, 2)
@ -1041,6 +1041,7 @@ public:
SDWORD reactiontime; // if non 0, don't attack yet; used by
// player to freeze a bit after teleporting
SDWORD threshold; // if > 0, the target will be chased
SDWORD DefThreshold; // [MC] Default threshold which the actor will reset its threshold to after switching targets
// no matter what (even if shot)
player_t *player; // only valid if type of APlayerPawn
TObjPtr<AActor> LastLookActor; // Actor last looked for (if TIDtoHate != 0)
@ -1236,3 +1236,16 @@ CCMD(secret)
Printf("Testing degrees to angle conversion:\n");
for (double ang = -5 * 180.; ang < 5 * 180.; ang += 45.)
angle_t ang1 = FLOAT2ANGLE(ang);
angle_t ang2 = (angle_t)(ang * (ANGLE_90 / 90.));
angle_t ang3 = (angle_t)(int)(ang * (ANGLE_90 / 90.));
Printf("Angle = %.5f: xs_RoundToInt = %08x, unsigned cast = %08x, signed cast = %08x\n",
ang, ang1, ang2, ang3);
@ -2111,7 +2111,7 @@ static int PatchCodePtrs (int dummy)
TArray<DWORD> &args = sym->Variants[0].ArgFlags;
if (args.Size() != 0 && !(args[0] & VARF_Optional))
if ((sym->Flags & (VARF_Method | VARF_Action)) != (VARF_Method | VARF_Action) || (args.Size() > 3 && !(args[3] & VARF_Optional)))
Printf("Frame %d: Incompatible code pointer '%s'\n", frame, Line2);
sym = NULL;
@ -2723,9 +2723,9 @@ static bool LoadDehSupp ()
TArray<DWORD> &args = sym->Variants[0].ArgFlags;
if (args.Size() > 3 && !(args[3] & VARF_Optional))
if ((sym->Flags & (VARF_Method|VARF_Action)) != (VARF_Method | VARF_Action) || (args.Size() > 3 && !(args[3] & VARF_Optional)))
sc.ScriptMessage("Incompatible code pointer '%s' %d, %d", sc.String, args.Size(), args.Size() > 3? args[3] : 0);
sc.ScriptMessage("Incompatible code pointer '%s'", sc.String);
@ -1476,7 +1476,7 @@ void ParseCVarInfo()
bool D_AddFile (TArray<FString> &wadfiles, const char *file, bool check, int position)
if (file == NULL)
if (file == NULL || *file == '\0')
return false;
@ -1507,6 +1507,10 @@ bool D_AddFile (TArray<FString> &wadfiles, const char *file, bool check, int pos
void D_AddWildFile (TArray<FString> &wadfiles, const char *value)
if (value == NULL || *value == '\0')
const char *wadfile = BaseFileSearch (value, ".wad");
if (wadfile != NULL)
@ -1648,6 +1652,10 @@ static const char *BaseFileSearch (const char *file, const char *ext, bool lookf
static char wad[PATH_MAX];
if (file == NULL || *file == '\0')
return NULL;
if (lookfirstinprogdir)
mysnprintf (wad, countof(wad), "%s%s%s", progdir.GetChars(), progdir[progdir.Len() - 1] != '/' ? "/" : "", file);
@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ void ReadCompatibleUserInfo(FArchive &arc, userinfo_t &info)
*static_cast<FStringCVar *>(info[NAME_Name]) = netname;
*static_cast<FIntCVar *>(info[NAME_Team]) = team;
*static_cast<FFloatCVar *>(info[NAME_Autoaim]) = (float)aimdist / ANGLE_1;
*static_cast<FFloatCVar *>(info[NAME_Autoaim]) = ANGLE2FLOAT(aimdist);
*static_cast<FIntCVar *>(info[NAME_Skin]) = skin;
*static_cast<FIntCVar *>(info[NAME_Gender]) = gender;
*static_cast<FBoolCVar *>(info[NAME_NeverSwitchOnPickup]) = neverswitch;
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ static void parseSector(FScanner &sc)
sec.planexform[sector_t::floor].angle = angle_t(sc.Float * ANGLE_90 / 90.);
sec.planexform[sector_t::floor].angle = FLOAT2ANGLE(sc.Float);
else if (sc.Compare("flooroffsetx"))
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ static void parseSector(FScanner &sc)
sec.planexform[sector_t::ceiling].angle = angle_t(sc.Float * ANGLE_90 / 90.);
sec.planexform[sector_t::ceiling].angle = FLOAT2ANGLE(sc.Float);
else if (sc.Compare("ceilingoffsetx"))
@ -1473,9 +1473,9 @@ void FParser::SF_SetCamera(void)
fixed_t pitch = fixedvalue(t_argv[3]);
if(pitch < -50*FRACUNIT) pitch = -50*FRACUNIT;
if(pitch > 50*FRACUNIT) pitch = 50*FRACUNIT;
if (pitch < -50 * FRACUNIT) pitch = -50 * FRACUNIT;
if (pitch > 50 * FRACUNIT) pitch = 50 * FRACUNIT;
newcamera->pitch = xs_CRoundToUInt((pitch / 65536.0f)*(ANGLE_45 / 45.0f)*(20.0f / 32.0f));
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_VileAttack)
if (fire != NULL)
// move the fire between the vile and the player
fixedvec3 pos = target->Vec3Angle(-24 * FRACUNIT, self->angle, target->Z());
fixedvec3 pos = target->Vec3Angle(-24 * FRACUNIT, self->angle, 0);
fire->SetOrigin (pos, true);
P_RadiusAttack (fire, self, blastdmg, blastrad, dmgtype, 0);
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_Saw)
PARAM_CLASS_OPT (pufftype, AActor) { pufftype = NULL; }
PARAM_INT_OPT (flags) { flags = 0; }
PARAM_FIXED_OPT (range) { range = 0; }
PARAM_ANGLE_OPT (spread_xy) { spread_xy = angle_t(2.8125 * (ANGLE_90 / 90.0)); }
PARAM_ANGLE_OPT(spread_xy) { spread_xy = 33554432; /*angle_t(2.8125 * (ANGLE_90 / 90.0));*/ } // The floating point expression does not get optimized away.
PARAM_ANGLE_OPT (spread_z) { spread_z = 0; }
PARAM_FIXED_OPT (lifesteal) { lifesteal = 0; }
PARAM_INT_OPT (lifestealmax) { lifestealmax = 0; }
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ bool AArtiTimeBomb::Use (bool pickup)
angle_t angle = Owner->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
AActor *mo = Spawn("ActivatedTimeBomb",
Vec3Angle(24*FRACUNIT, Owner->angle, - Owner->floorclip), ALLOW_REPLACE);
Owner->Vec3Angle(24*FRACUNIT, Owner->angle, - Owner->floorclip), ALLOW_REPLACE);
mo->target = Owner;
return true;
@ -131,8 +131,6 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_LichAttack)
mo->AddZ(-32*FRACUNIT, false);
mo->tracer = target;
mo->special1 = 60;
mo->special2 = 50; // Timer for active sound
mo->health = 20*TICRATE; // Duration
S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "ironlich/attack3", 1, ATTN_NORM);
@ -158,9 +156,9 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_WhirlwindSeek)
self->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE;
return 0;
if ((self->special2 -= 3) < 0)
if ((self->threshold -= 3) < 0)
self->special2 = 58 + (pr_seek() & 31);
self->threshold = 58 + (pr_seek() & 31);
S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "ironlich/attack3", 1, ATTN_NORM);
if (self->tracer && self->tracer->flags&MF_SHADOW)
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ void ASecurityCamera::PostBeginPlay ()
pitch = -ANGLE_90 + ANGLE_1;
else if (pitch >= ANGLE_90)
pitch = ANGLE_90 - ANGLE_1;
Range = (angle_t)((float)args[1] * 536870912.f / 45.f);
Range = FLOAT2ANGLE(args[1]);
void ASecurityCamera::Tick ()
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ void AAimingCamera::PostBeginPlay ()
args[2] = 0;
Super::PostBeginPlay ();
MaxPitchChange = (int)((float)changepitch * 536870912.f / 45.f / (float)TICRATE);
MaxPitchChange = FLOAT2ANGLE(changepitch * TICRATE);
Range /= TICRATE;
TActorIterator<AActor> iterator (args[3]);
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ void AAimingCamera::Tick ()
double dz = Z() - tracer->Z() - tracer->height/2;
double dist = vect.Length();
double ang = dist != 0.f ? atan2 (dz, dist) : 0;
int desiredpitch = (angle_t)(ang * 2147483648.f / PI);
int desiredpitch = (int)RAD2ANGLE(ang);
if (abs (desiredpitch - pitch) < MaxPitchChange)
pitch = desiredpitch;
@ -430,12 +430,12 @@ bool APathFollower::Interpolate ()
if (args[2] & 4)
{ // adjust pitch; use floats for precision
float fdx = FIXED2FLOAT(dx);
float fdy = FIXED2FLOAT(dy);
float fdz = FIXED2FLOAT(-dz);
float dist = (float)sqrt (fdx*fdx + fdy*fdy);
float ang = dist != 0.f ? (float)atan2 (fdz, dist) : 0;
pitch = (angle_t)(ang * 2147483648.f / PI);
double fdx = FIXED2DBL(dx);
double fdy = FIXED2DBL(dy);
double fdz = FIXED2DBL(-dz);
double dist = sqrt (fdx*fdx + fdy*fdy);
double ang = dist != 0.f ? atan2 (fdz, dist) : 0;
pitch = (fixed_t)RAD2ANGLE(ang);
@ -449,11 +449,11 @@ bool APathFollower::Interpolate ()
float lerped = Lerp (angle1, angle2 + 4294967296.f);
if (lerped >= 4294967296.f)
angle = (angle_t)(lerped - 4294967296.f);
angle = xs_CRoundToUInt(lerped - 4294967296.f);
angle = (angle_t)lerped;
angle = xs_CRoundToUInt(lerped);
else if (angle2 - angle1 >= 2147483648.f)
@ -461,16 +461,16 @@ bool APathFollower::Interpolate ()
float lerped = Lerp (angle1, angle2 - 4294967296.f);
if (lerped < 0.f)
angle = (angle_t)(lerped + 4294967296.f);
angle = xs_CRoundToUInt(lerped + 4294967296.f);
angle = (angle_t)lerped;
angle = xs_CRoundToUInt(lerped);
angle = (angle_t)Lerp (angle1, angle2);
angle = xs_CRoundToUInt(Lerp (angle1, angle2));
if (args[2] & 1)
@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ bool AMovingCamera::Interpolate ()
double dz = FIXED2DBL(Z() - tracer->Z() - tracer->height/2);
double dist = sqrt (dx*dx + dy*dy);
double ang = dist != 0.f ? atan2 (dz, dist) : 0;
pitch = (angle_t)(ang * 2147483648.f / PI);
pitch = RAD2ANGLE(ang);
return true;
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_Beacon)
self->flags &= ~MF_SPECIAL;
static_cast<AInventory *>(self)->DropTime = 0;
// Set up the new rebel.
rebel->threshold = BASETHRESHOLD;
rebel->threshold = rebel->DefThreshold;
rebel->target = NULL;
rebel->flags4 |= MF4_INCOMBAT;
rebel->LastHeard = owner; // Make sure the rebels look for targets
@ -141,4 +141,12 @@ inline SDWORD ModDiv (SDWORD num, SDWORD den, SDWORD *dmval)
#define FIXED2FLOAT(f) ((f) / float(65536))
#define FIXED2DBL(f) ((f) / double(65536))
#define ANGLE2DBL(f) ((f) * (90./ANGLE_90))
#define ANGLE2FLOAT(f) (float((f) * (90./ANGLE_90)))
#define FLOAT2ANGLE(f) ((angle_t)xs_CRoundToInt((f) * (ANGLE_90/90.)))
#define ANGLE2RAD(f) ((f) * (M_PI/ANGLE_180))
#define ANGLE2RADF(f) ((f) * float(M_PI/ANGLE_180))
#define RAD2ANGLE(f) ((angle_t)xs_CRoundToInt((f) * (ANGLE_180/M_PI)))
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public:
void SetSelection(int Selection)
float f = fabs(SELECTED_JOYSTICK->GetAxisScale(mAxis));
float f = fabsf(SELECTED_JOYSTICK->GetAxisScale(mAxis));
if (Selection) f*=-1;
SELECTED_JOYSTICK->SetAxisScale(mAxis, f);
@ -324,7 +324,12 @@ void FValueTextItem::Drawer(bool selected)
screen->DrawText(mFont, selected? OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection : mFontColor, mXpos, mYpos, text, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
int x = mXpos + mFont->StringWidth(text) + 8;
if (mSelections.Size() > 0) screen->DrawText(mFont, mFontColor2, x, mYpos, mSelections[mSelection], DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
if (mSelections.Size() > 0)
const char *mOptValue = mSelections[mSelection];
if (*mOptValue == '$') mOptValue = GStrings(mOptValue + 1);
screen->DrawText(mFont, mFontColor2, x, mYpos, mOptValue, DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
@ -300,6 +300,8 @@ xx(Z)
@ -4561,7 +4561,7 @@ bool GetVarAddrType(AActor *self, FName varname, int index, void *&addr, PType *
PField *var = dyn_cast<PField>(self->GetClass()->Symbols.FindSymbol(varname, true));
PArray *arraytype;
BYTE *baddr = reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(self);
BYTE *baddr = reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(self) + var->Offset;
if (var == NULL || (var->Flags & VARF_Native))
@ -1859,7 +1859,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_LookEx)
AActor *targ = NULL; // Shuts up gcc
fixed_t dist;
angle_t fov = (fov_f == 0) ? ANGLE_180 : angle_t(fov_f * ANGLE_90 / 90);
angle_t fov = (fov_f == 0) ? ANGLE_180 : FLOAT2ANGLE(fov_f);
FLookExParams params = { fov, minseedist, maxseedist, maxheardist, flags, seestate };
if (self->flags5 & MF5_INCONVERSATION)
@ -2827,7 +2827,7 @@ void A_Face (AActor *self, AActor *other, angle_t max_turn, angle_t max_pitch, a
double dist_z = target_z - source_z;
double ddist = sqrt(dist.X*dist.X + dist.Y*dist.Y + dist_z*dist_z);
int other_pitch = (int)rad2bam(asin(dist_z / ddist));
int other_pitch = (int)RAD2ANGLE(asin(dist_z / ddist));
if (max_pitch != 0)
@ -2846,8 +2846,7 @@ void A_Face (AActor *self, AActor *other, angle_t max_turn, angle_t max_pitch, a
self->pitch = other_pitch;
self->pitch += pitch_offset;
self->pitch += pitch_offset;
@ -1511,7 +1511,7 @@ dopain:
if (source == target->target)
target->threshold = BASETHRESHOLD;
target->threshold = target->DefThreshold;
if (target->state == target->SpawnState && target->SeeState != NULL)
target->SetState (target->SeeState);
@ -1532,7 +1532,7 @@ dopain:
target->lastenemy = target->target; // remember last enemy - killough
target->target = source;
target->threshold = BASETHRESHOLD;
target->threshold = target->DefThreshold;
if (target->state == target->SpawnState && target->SeeState != NULL)
target->SetState (target->SeeState);
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
#include "d_net.h"
#include "d_event.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "portal.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "fragglescript/t_fs.h"
@ -3387,6 +3388,11 @@ FUNC(LS_Thing_SetConversation)
return true;
// Line_SetPortalTarget(thisid, destid)
return P_ChangePortal(ln, arg0, arg1);
static lnSpecFunc LineSpecials[] =
@ -3497,7 +3503,7 @@ static lnSpecFunc LineSpecials[] =
/* 104 */ LS_Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseSilentDist,
/* 105 */ LS_Door_WaitRaise,
/* 106 */ LS_Door_WaitClose,
/* 107 */ LS_NOP,
/* 107 */ LS_Line_SetPortalTarget,
/* 108 */ LS_NOP,
/* 109 */ LS_Light_ForceLightning,
/* 110 */ LS_Light_RaiseByValue,
@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ inline int GetSafeBlockY(long long blocky)
// follow a player exlusively for 3 seconds
// No longer used.
// #define BASETHRESHOLD 100
@ -433,6 +433,10 @@ void AActor::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
<< RipLevelMin
<< RipLevelMax;
if (SaveVersion >= 4533)
arc << DefThreshold;
FString tagstr;
@ -1349,7 +1353,7 @@ void P_ExplodeMissile (AActor *mo, line_t *line, AActor *target)
if (mo->flags3 & MF3_EXPLOCOUNT)
if (++mo->special2 < mo->special1)
if (++mo->threshold < mo->DefThreshold)
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ fixed_t UDMFParserBase::CheckFixed(const char *key)
angle_t UDMFParserBase::CheckAngle(const char *key)
return angle_t(CheckFloat(key) * ANGLE_90 / 90.);
return FLOAT2ANGLE(CheckFloat(key));
bool UDMFParserBase::CheckBool(const char *key)
@ -2305,7 +2305,7 @@ void P_PlayerThink (player_t *player)
// A negative scale is used to prevent G_AddViewAngle/G_AddViewPitch
// from scaling with the FOV scale.
desired *= fabs(player->ReadyWeapon->FOVScale);
desired *= fabsf(player->ReadyWeapon->FOVScale);
if (player->FOV != desired)
@ -29,6 +29,24 @@ FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, FLinePortal &port)
static line_t *FindDestination(line_t *src, int tag)
if (tag)
int lineno = -1;
FLineIdIterator it(tag);
while ((lineno = it.Next()) >= 0)
if (&lines[lineno] != src)
return &lines[lineno];
return NULL;
void P_SpawnLinePortal(line_t* line)
// portal destination is special argument #0
@ -36,21 +54,7 @@ void P_SpawnLinePortal(line_t* line)
if (line->args[2] >= PORTT_VISUAL && line->args[2] <= PORTT_LINKED)
if (line->args[0] > 0)
int linenum = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
if (&lines[i] == line)
if (tagManager.LineHasID(&lines[i], line->args[0]))
dst = &lines[i];
dst = FindDestination(line, line->args[0]);
line->portalindex = linePortals.Reserve(1);
FLinePortal *port = &linePortals.Last();
@ -156,6 +160,50 @@ void P_FinalizePortals()
static bool ChangePortalLine(line_t *line, int destid)
if (line->portalindex >= linePortals.Size()) return false;
FLinePortal *port = &linePortals[line->portalindex];
if (port->mType == PORTT_LINKED) return false; // linked portals cannot be changed.
if (destid == 0) port->mDestination = NULL;
port->mDestination = FindDestination(line, destid);
if (port->mDestination == NULL)
port->mFlags = 0;
else if (port->mType == PORTT_INTERACTIVE)
FLinePortal *portd = &linePortals[port->mDestination->portalindex];
if (portd != NULL && portd->mType == PORTT_INTERACTIVE && portd->mDestination == line)
// this is a 2-way interactive portal
port->mFlags = port->mDefFlags | PORTF_INTERACTIVE;
portd->mFlags = portd->mDefFlags | PORTF_INTERACTIVE;
port->mFlags = port->mDefFlags;
portd->mFlags = portd->mDefFlags;
return true;
bool P_ChangePortal(line_t *ln, int thisid, int destid)
int lineno;
if (thisid == 0) return ChangePortalLine(ln, destid);
FLineIdIterator it(thisid);
bool res = false;
while ((lineno = it.Next()) >= 0)
res |= ChangePortalLine(&lines[lineno], destid);
return res;
// [ZZ] lots of floats here to avoid overflowing a lot
bool P_IntersectLines(fixed_t o1x, fixed_t o1y, fixed_t p1x, fixed_t p1y,
fixed_t o2x, fixed_t o2y, fixed_t p2x, fixed_t p2y,
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ extern TArray<FLinePortal> linePortals;
void P_SpawnLinePortal(line_t* line);
void P_FinalizePortals();
bool P_ChangePortal(line_t *ln, int thisid, int destid);
/* code ported from prototype */
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ static void VOX_ReadOptions(FScanner &sc, VoxelOptions &opts)
opts.AngleOffset = ANGLE_90 + angle_t(sc.Float * ANGLE_180 / 180.0);
opts.AngleOffset = ANGLE_90 + FLOAT2ANGLE(sc.Float);
else if (sc.Compare("overridepalette"))
@ -1531,7 +1531,7 @@ void R_DrawNormalPlane (visplane_t *pl, fixed_t alpha, bool additive, bool maske
yscale = pl->yscale << (16 - ds_ybits);
if (planeang != 0)
double rad = bam2rad(planeang);
double rad = ANGLE2RAD(planeang);
double cosine = cos(rad), sine = sin(rad);
pviewx = xs_RoundToInt(pl->xoffs + viewx * cosine - viewy * sine);
@ -1668,13 +1668,13 @@ void R_DrawTiltedPlane (visplane_t *pl, fixed_t alpha, bool additive, bool maske
// p is the texture origin in view space
// Don't add in the offsets at this stage, because doing so can result in
// errors if the flat is rotated.
ang = bam2rad(ANG270 - viewangle);
ang = ANGLE2RAD(ANG270 - viewangle);
p[0] = vx * cos(ang) - vy * sin(ang);
p[2] = vx * sin(ang) + vy * cos(ang);
p[1] = pl->height.ZatPoint(0.0, 0.0) - vz;
// m is the v direction vector in view space
ang = bam2rad(ANG180 - viewangle - pl->angle);
ang = ANGLE2RAD(ANG180 - viewangle - pl->angle);
m[0] = yscale * cos(ang);
m[2] = yscale * sin(ang);
// m[1] = FIXED2FLOAT(pl->height.ZatPoint (0, iyscale) - pl->height.ZatPoint (0,0));
@ -1690,7 +1690,7 @@ void R_DrawTiltedPlane (visplane_t *pl, fixed_t alpha, bool additive, bool maske
// This code keeps the texture coordinates constant across the x,y plane no matter
// how much you slope the surface. Use the commented-out code above instead to keep
// the textures a constant size across the surface's plane instead.
ang = bam2rad(pl->angle);
ang = ANGLE2RAD(pl->angle);
m[1] = pl->height.ZatPoint(vx + yscale * sin(ang), vy + yscale * cos(ang)) - zeroheight;
ang += PI/2;
n[1] = pl->height.ZatPoint(vx + xscale * sin(ang), vy + xscale * cos(ang)) - zeroheight;
@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ void R_ProjectSprite (AActor *thing, int fakeside, F3DFloor *fakefloor, F3DFloor
if (voxelspin != 0)
double ang = double(I_FPSTime()) * voxelspin / 1000;
vis->angle -= angle_t(ang * (4294967296.f / 360));
vis->angle -= FLOAT2ANGLE(ang);
vis->vx = viewx;
@ -1953,7 +1953,7 @@ static void S_SetListener(SoundListener &listener, AActor *listenactor)
if (listenactor != NULL)
listener.angle = (float)(listenactor->angle) * ((float)PI / 2147483648.f);
listener.angle = ANGLE2RADF(listenactor->angle);
listener.velocity.X = listenactor->velx * (TICRATE/65536.f);
listener.velocity.Y = listenactor->velz * (TICRATE/65536.f);
@ -698,8 +698,8 @@ bool FMODSoundRenderer::Init()
const char *wrongver = NULL;
#if FMOD_VERSION >= 0x43800
if (version < 0x43800)
#if FMOD_VERSION >= 0x43600
if (version < 0x43600)
if (version < 0x42000)
@ -2311,9 +2311,9 @@ void FMODSoundRenderer::UpdateListener(SoundListener *listener)
pos.z = listener->position.Z;
float angle = listener->angle;
forward.x = cos(angle);
forward.x = cosf(angle);
forward.y = 0;
forward.z = sin(angle);
forward.z = sinf(angle);
up.x = 0;
up.y = 1;
@ -3135,7 +3135,7 @@ void FMODSoundRenderer::InitCreateSoundExInfo(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO *exinfo) co
FMOD_RESULT FMODSoundRenderer::SetSystemReverbProperties(const REVERB_PROPERTIES *props)
#if FMOD_VERSION < 0x43800
#if FMOD_VERSION < 0x43600
return Sys->setReverbProperties((const FMOD_REVERB_PROPERTIES *)props);
// The reverb format changed when hardware mixing support was dropped, because
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ int WinMIDIDevice::GetTechnology() const
int WinMIDIDevice::SetTempo(int tempo)
MIDIPROPTEMPO data = { sizeof(MIDIPROPTEMPO), tempo };
return midiStreamProperty(MidiOut, (LPBYTE)&data, MIDIPROP_SET | MIDIPROP_TEMPO);
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ int WinMIDIDevice::SetTempo(int tempo)
int WinMIDIDevice::SetTimeDiv(int timediv)
MIDIPROPTIMEDIV data = { sizeof(MIDIPROPTIMEDIV), timediv };
return midiStreamProperty(MidiOut, (LPBYTE)&data, MIDIPROP_SET | MIDIPROP_TIMEDIV);
@ -108,13 +108,4 @@ inline angle_t absangle(angle_t a)
// without additional checking.
extern angle_t tantoangle[SLOPERANGE+1];
inline double bam2rad(angle_t ang)
return double(ang >> 1) * (PI / ANGLE_90);
inline angle_t rad2bam(double ang)
return angle_t(ang * (double(1<<30) / PI)) << 1;
#endif // __TABLES_H__
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
* T is the enum type of individual flags,
* TT is the underlying integer type used (defaults to DWORD)
template<typename T, typename TT = DWORD>
template<typename T, typename TT = uint32>
class TFlags
struct ZeroDummy {};
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#include "decallib.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "thingdef.h"
#include "thingdef_exp.h"
#include "r_data/r_translate.h"
// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -495,7 +496,8 @@ static void ParseInsideDecoration (Baggage &bag, AActor *defaults,
else if (def == DEF_Projectile && sc.Compare ("Damage"))
sc.MustGetNumber ();
defaults->Damage = CreateDamageFunction(sc.Number);
FxDamageValue *x = new FxDamageValue(new FxConstant(sc.Number, sc), false);
defaults->Damage = (VMFunction *)(uintptr_t)(ActorDamageFuncs.Push(x) + 1);
else if (def == DEF_Projectile && sc.Compare ("DamageType"))
@ -217,6 +217,39 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, IsPointerEqual)
return 0;
// CountInv
// NON-ACTION function to return the inventory count of an item.
if (numret > 0)
assert(ret != NULL);
PARAM_OBJECT(self, AActor);
PARAM_CLASS(itemtype, AInventory);
PARAM_INT_OPT(pick_pointer) { pick_pointer = AAPTR_DEFAULT; }
self = COPY_AAPTR(self, pick_pointer);
if (self == NULL || itemtype == NULL)
AInventory *item = self->FindInventory(itemtype);
ret->SetInt(item ? item->Amount : 0);
return 1;
return 0;
// A_RearrangePointers
@ -5553,7 +5586,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_DropItem)
AActor *ref = COPY_AAPTR(self, ptr);
@ -5573,7 +5606,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_SetSpeed)
AActor *ref = COPY_AAPTR(self, ptr);
@ -6360,6 +6393,35 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_SetRipMax)
return 0;
// A_SetChaseThreshold(int threshold, bool def, int ptr)
// Sets the current chase threshold of the actor (pointer). If def is true,
// changes the default threshold which the actor resets to once it switches
// targets and doesn't have the +QUICKTORETALIATE flag.
PARAM_BOOL_OPT(def) { def = false; }
AActor *mobj = COPY_AAPTR(self, ptr);
if (!mobj)
return 0;
if (def)
mobj->DefThreshold = (threshold >= 0) ? threshold : 0;
mobj->threshold = (threshold >= 0) ? threshold : 0;
return 0;
// A_CheckProximity(jump, classname, distance, count, flags, ptr)
@ -6390,8 +6452,8 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_CheckProximity)
PARAM_CLASS(classname, AActor);
PARAM_INT_OPT(count) { count = 1; }
PARAM_INT(flags) { flags = 0; }
PARAM_INT_OPT(flags) { flags = 0; }
ACTION_SET_RESULT(false); //No inventory chain results please.
@ -6426,7 +6488,7 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_CheckProximity)
//Check inheritance for the classname. Taken partly from CheckClass DECORATE function.
if (flags & CPXF_ANCESTOR)
if (!(mo->GetClass()->IsAncestorOf(classname)))
if (!(mo->IsKindOf(classname)))
//Otherwise, just check for the regular class name.
@ -6687,4 +6749,4 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(AActor, A_FaceMovementDirection)
return numret;
@ -651,4 +651,6 @@ void InitThingdef()
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_ReactionTime,TypeSInt32, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,reactiontime)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_MeleeRange, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,meleerange)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Speed, TypeFixed, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,Speed)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_Threshold, TypeSInt32, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,threshold)));
symt.AddSymbol(new PField(NAME_DefThreshold,TypeSInt32, VARF_Native, myoffsetof(AActor,DefThreshold)));
@ -143,11 +143,13 @@ FxExpression *FxExpression::Resolve(FCompileContext &ctx)
FxExpression *FxExpression::ResolveAsBoolean(FCompileContext &ctx)
///FIXME: Use an actual boolean type
FxExpression *x = Resolve(ctx);
if (x != NULL)
switch (x->ValueType.Type)
case VAL_Int:
case VAL_Sound:
case VAL_Color:
case VAL_Name:
@ -155,6 +157,9 @@ FxExpression *FxExpression::ResolveAsBoolean(FCompileContext &ctx)
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Not an integral type");
delete this;
return NULL;
@ -1681,7 +1686,7 @@ ExpEmit FxBinaryLogical::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
ExpEmit to(build, REGT_INT);
build->Emit(OP_EQ_K, 0, op2.RegNum, zero);
build->Emit(OP_EQ_K, 1, op2.RegNum, zero);
build->Emit(OP_JMP, 2);
build->Emit(OP_LI, to.RegNum, 1);
build->Emit(OP_JMP, 1);
@ -1702,7 +1707,7 @@ ExpEmit FxBinaryLogical::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
ExpEmit to(build, REGT_INT);
build->Emit(OP_EQ_K, 1, op2.RegNum, zero);
build->Emit(OP_EQ_K, 0, op2.RegNum, zero);
build->Emit(OP_JMP, 2);
build->Emit(OP_LI, to.RegNum, 0);
build->Emit(OP_JMP, 1);
@ -2140,7 +2145,6 @@ FxExpression *FxRandomPick::Resolve(FCompileContext &ctx)
ExpEmit FxRandomPick::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
#pragma message("FxRandomPick::Emit: Floating point part needs reviewing!")
unsigned i;
assert(choices.Size() > 0);
@ -2166,6 +2170,14 @@ ExpEmit FxRandomPick::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
// automatically pick it as the destination register for each case.
// For floating point results, we need to get a new register, since we can't
// reuse the integer one used to store the random result.
if (ValueType == VAL_Float)
resultreg = ExpEmit(build, REGT_FLOAT);
// Allocate space for the jump table.
size_t jumptable = build->Emit(OP_JMP, 0);
for (i = 1; i < choices.Size(); ++i)
@ -2188,8 +2200,7 @@ ExpEmit FxRandomPick::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
double val = static_cast<FxConstant *>(choices[i])->GetValue().GetFloat();
build->Emit(OP_PARAM, 0, REGT_FLOAT | REGT_KONST, build->GetConstantFloat(val));
build->ParamChange(-1); // all params should use the same register here.
build->Emit(OP_LKF, resultreg.RegNum, build->GetConstantFloat(val));
@ -2200,14 +2211,7 @@ ExpEmit FxRandomPick::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
// was expected. Copy it to the one we wanted.
resultreg.Reuse(build); // This is really just for the assert in Reuse()
if (ValueType == VAL_Int)
build->Emit(OP_MOVE, resultreg.RegNum, casereg.RegNum, 0);
build->Emit(OP_MOVEF, resultreg.RegNum, casereg.RegNum, 0);
build->Emit(ValueType == VAL_Int ? OP_MOVE : OP_MOVEF, resultreg.RegNum, casereg.RegNum, 0);
// Free this register so the remaining cases can use it.
@ -544,6 +544,28 @@ DEFINE_PROPERTY(painthreshold, I, Actor)
defaults->PainThreshold = id;
DEFINE_PROPERTY(defthreshold, I, Actor)
if (id < 0)
I_Error("DefThreshold cannot be negative.");
defaults->DefThreshold = id;
DEFINE_PROPERTY(threshold, I, Actor)
if (id < 0)
I_Error("Threshold cannot be negative.");
defaults->threshold = id;
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ void SF2Envelope::Release(Voice *v)
if (stage == SF2_ATTACK)
// The attack stage does not use an attenuation in cB like all the rest.
volume = log10(volume) * -200;
volume = float(log10(volume) * -200);
stage = SF2_RELEASE;
bUpdating = true;
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void Renderer::recompute_freq(int v)
if (ch->pitchfactor == 0)
/* Damn. Somebody bent the pitch. */
ch->pitchfactor = pow(2.f, ((abs(pb) * ch->pitchsens) / (8191.f * 1200.f)));
ch->pitchfactor = float(pow(2.f, ((abs(pb) * ch->pitchsens) / (8191.f * 1200.f))));
if (pb < 0)
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ const char *GetVersionString();
// Use 4500 as the base git save version, since it's higher than the
// SVN revision ever got.
#define SAVEVER 4532
#define SAVEVER 4533
@ -1487,10 +1487,10 @@ void D3DFB::DoOffByOneCheck ()
float texbot = 1.f / float(FBHeight);
FBVERTEX verts[4] =
{ -0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f, 0, ~0, 0.f, 0.f },
{ 255.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f, 0, ~0, texright, 0.f },
{ 255.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f, 0, ~0, texright, texbot },
{ -0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f, 0, ~0, 0.f, texbot }
{ -0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f, D3DCOLOR_RGBA(0,0,0,0), D3DCOLOR_RGBA(255,255,255,255), 0.f, 0.f },
{ 255.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f, D3DCOLOR_RGBA(0,0,0,0), D3DCOLOR_RGBA(255,255,255,255), texright, 0.f },
{ 255.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f, D3DCOLOR_RGBA(0,0,0,0), D3DCOLOR_RGBA(255,255,255,255), texright, texbot },
{ -0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f, D3DCOLOR_RGBA(0,0,0,0), D3DCOLOR_RGBA(255,255,255,255), 0.f, texbot }
int i, c;
@ -1424,8 +1424,8 @@ static HCURSOR CreateBitmapCursor(int xhot, int yhot, HBITMAP and_mask, HBITMAP
ICONINFO iconinfo =
FALSE, // fIcon
xhot, // xHotspot
yhot, // yHotspot
(DWORD)xhot, // xHotspot
(DWORD)yhot, // yHotspot
and_mask, // hbmMask
color_mask // hbmColor
@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ void VMDisasm(FILE *out, const VMOP *code, int codesize, const VMScriptFunction
#define PARAM_COLOR_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_INT); PalEntry x; x.d = param[p].i;
#define PARAM_FLOAT_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_FLOAT); double x = param[p].f;
#define PARAM_FIXED_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_FLOAT); fixed_t x = FLOAT2FIXED(param[p].f);
#define PARAM_ANGLE_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_FLOAT); angle_t x = angle_t(param[p].f * (ANGLE_90 / 90.0));
#define PARAM_ANGLE_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_FLOAT); angle_t x = FLOAT2ANGLE(param[p].f);
#define PARAM_STRING_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_STRING); FString x = param[p].s();
#define PARAM_STATE_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_POINTER && (param[p].atag == ATAG_STATE || param[p].a == NULL)); FState *x = (FState *)param[p].a;
#define PARAM_POINTER_AT(p,x,type) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_POINTER); type *x = (type *)param[p].a;
@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ void VMDisasm(FILE *out, const VMOP *code, int codesize, const VMScriptFunction
#define PARAM_COLOR_OPT_AT(p,x) PalEntry x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_INT); x.d = param[p].i; } else
#define PARAM_FLOAT_OPT_AT(p,x) double x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_FLOAT); x = param[p].f; } else
#define PARAM_FIXED_OPT_AT(p,x) fixed_t x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_FLOAT); x = FLOAT2FIXED(param[p].f); } else
#define PARAM_ANGLE_OPT_AT(p,x) angle_t x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_FLOAT); x = angle_t(param[p].f * (ANGLE_90 / 90.0)); } else
#define PARAM_ANGLE_OPT_AT(p,x) angle_t x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_FLOAT); x = FLOAT2ANGLE(param[p].f); } else
#define PARAM_STRING_OPT_AT(p,x) FString x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_STRING); x = param[p].s(); } else
#define PARAM_STATE_OPT_AT(p,x) FState *x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_POINTER && (param[p].atag == ATAG_STATE || param[p].a == NULL)); x = (FState *)param[p].a; } else
#define PARAM_POINTER_OPT_AT(p,x,type) type *x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_POINTER); x = (type *)param[p].a; } else
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include <math.h>
#include "vm.h"
#include "xs_Float.h"
@ -339,14 +339,13 @@ begin:
*(VM_UWORD *)ptr = (VM_UWORD)(reg.f[B] * ((1<<30) / 180.0)) << 1; // deg -> BAM
*(VM_UWORD *)ptr = (VM_UWORD)(xs_CRoundToInt((reg.f[B]) * (0x40000000/90.))); // deg -> BAM
*(VM_UWORD *)ptr = (VM_UWORD)(reg.f[B] * ((1<<30) / 180.0)) << 1;
*(VM_UWORD *)ptr = (VM_UWORD)(xs_CRoundToInt((reg.f[B]) * (0x40000000/90.)));
@ -1,3 +1,202 @@
Version 0.16 (2016-01-21)
- Fixed bug #127 "code generation error with wide chars and bitmaps (omitted 'goto' statement)"
- Added DFA minimization and option '--dfa-minimization <table | moore>'
- Fixed bug #128 "very slow DFA construction (resulting in a very large DFA)"
- Fixed bug #132 "test failure on big endian archs with 0.15.3"
Version 0.15.3 (2015-12-02)
- Fixed bugs and applied patches:
#122 "clang does not compile re2c 0.15.x" (reported and fixed by Oleksii Taran).
#124 "Get rid of UINT32_MAX and friends" (patch by Sergei Trofimovich, fixes FreeBSD builds).
#125 "[OS X] git reports changes not staged for commit in newly cloned repository" (by Oleksii Taran, this fix also applies to Windows).
- Added option --no-version that allows to omit version information.
- Reduced memory and time consumed with -Wundefined-control-flow.
- Improved coverage of input data generated with -S --skeleton.
Version 0.15.2 (2015-11-23)
- Fixed build system: lexer depends on bison-generated parser
(Gentoo bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=566620)
Version 0.15.1 (2015-11-22)
- Fixed test failures caused by locale-sensitive 'sort'.
Version 0.15 (2015-11-22)
- Updated website http://re2c.org:
added examples
updated docs
added news
added web feed (Atom 1.0)
- Added options:
-S, --skeleton
--empty-class <match-empty | match-none | error>
- Added warnings:
- Added individual warnings:
- Fixed options:
-- (interpret remaining arguments as non-options)
- Deprecated options:
-1 --single-pass (single pass is by default now)
- Reduced size of the generated .dot files.
- Fixed bugs:
#27 re2c crashes reading files containing %{ %} (patch by Rui)
#51 default rule doesn't work in reuse mode
#52 eliminate multiple passes
#59 bogus yyaccept in -c mode
#60 redundant use of YYMARKER
#61 empty character class [] matches empty string
#115 flex-style named definitions cause ambiguity in re2c grammar
#119 -f with -b/-g generates incorrect dispatch on fill labels
#116 empty string with non-empty trailing context consumes code units
- Added test options:
-j, -j <N> (run tests in N threads, defaults to the number of CPUs)
--wine (test windows builds using wine)
--skeleton (generate skeleton programs, compile and execute them)
--keep-tmp-files (don't delete intermediate files for successful tests)
- Updated build system:
support out of source builds
support `make distcheck`
added `make bootstrap` (rebuild re2c after building with precomplied .re files)
added `make tests` (run tests with -j)
added `make vtests` (run tests with --valgrind -j)
added `make wtests` (run tests with --wine -j 1)
added Autoconf tests for CXXFLAGS. By default try the following options:
-W -Wall -Wextra -Weffc++ -pedantic -Wformat=2 -Wredundant-decls
-Wsuggest-attribute=format -Wconversion -Wsign-conversion -O2 -Weverything),
respect user-defined CXXFLAGS
support Mingw builds: `configure -host i686-w64-mingw32`
structured source files
removed old MSVC files
- Moved development to github (https://github.com/skvadrik/re2c), keep a mirror on sourceforge.
Version 0.14.3 (2015-05-20)
- applied patch '#27 re2c crashes reading files containing %{ %}' by Rui
- dropped distfiles for MSVC (they are broken anyway)
Version 0.14.2 (2015-03-25)
- fixed #57 Wrong result only if another rule is present
Version 0.14.1 (2015-02-27)
- fixed #55 re2c-0.14: re2c -V outputs null byte
Version 0.14 (2015-02-23)
- Added generic input API 21 (#21 Support to configure how re2c code interfaced with the symbol buffer?)
- fixed #46 re2c generates an infinite loop, depends on existence of previous parser
- fixed #47 Dot output label escaped characters
Version (2014-08-22)
- Fixed Gentoo bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=518904 (PHP lexer)
Version (2014-07-29)
- Enabled 'make docs' only if configured with '--enable-docs'
- Disallowed to use yacc/byacc instead of bison to build parser
- Removed non-portable sed feature in script that runs tests
Version (2014-07-28)
- Fixed CXX warning
- Got rid of asciidoc build-time dependency
Version (2014-07-27)
- Included man page into dist, respect users CXXFLAGS.
Version (2014-07-26)
- Added missing files to tarball
Version 0.13.7 (2014-07-25)
- Added UTF-8 support
- Added UTF-16 support
- Added default rule
- Added option to control ill-formed Unicode
Version 0.13.6 (2013-07-04)
- Fixed #2535084 uint problem with Sun C 5.8
- #3308400: allow Yacc-style %{code brackets}%
- #2506253: allow C++ // comments
- Fixed inplace configuration in -e mode.
- Applied #2482572 Typos in error messages.
- Applied #2482561 Error in manual section on -r mode.
- Fixed #2478216 Wrong start_label in -c mode.
- Fixed #2186718 Unescaped backslash in file name of #line directive.
- Fixed #2102138 Duplicate case labels on EBCDIC.
- Fixed #2088583 Compile problem on AIX.
- Fixed #2038610 Ebcdic problem.
- improve dot support: make char intervals (e.g. [A-Z]) instead of one edge per char
Version 0.13.5 (2008-05-25)
- Fixed #1952896 Segfault in re2c::Scanner::scan.
- Fixed #1952842 Regression.
Version 0.13.4 (2008-04-05)
- Added transparent handling of #line directives in input files.
- Added re2c:yyfill:check inplace configuration.
- Added re2c:define:YYSETSTATE:naked inplace configuration.
- Added re2c:flags:w and re2c:flags:u inplace configurations.
- Added the ability to add rules in 'use:re2c' blocks.
- Changed -r flag to accept only 'rules:re2c' and 'use:re2c' blocks.
Version 0.13.3 (2008-03-14)
- Added -r flag to allow reuse of scanner definitions.
- Added -F flag to support flex syntax in rules.
- Fixed SEGV in scanner that occurs with very large blocks.
- Fixed issue with unused yybm.
- Partial support for flex syntax.
- Changed to allow /* comments with -c switch.
- Added flag -D/--emit-dot.
Version 0.13.2 (2008-02-14)
- Added flag --case-inverted.
- Added flag --case-insensitive.
- Added support for '<!...>' to enable rule setup.
- Added support for '=>' style rules.
- Added support for ':=' style rules.
- Added support for ':=>' style rules.
- Added re2c:cond:divider and re2c:con:goto inplace configuration.
- Fixed code generation to emit space after 'if'.
Version 0.13.1 (2007-08-24)
- Added custom build rules for Visual Studio 2005 (re2c.rules). (William Swanson)
- Fixed issue with some compilers.
- Fixed #1776177 Build on AIX.
- Fixed #1743180 fwrite with 0 length crashes on OS X.
Version 0.13.0 (2007-06-24)
- Added -c and -t to generate scanners with (f)lex-like condition support.
- Fixed issue with short form of switches and parameter if not first switch.
- Fixed #1708378 segfault in actions.cc.
Version 0.12.3 (2007-08-24)
- Fixed issue with some compilers.
@ -5,34 +5,99 @@ if( NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING )
include( CheckFunctionExists )
include( CheckTypeSize )
if( MSVC )
# Runtime type information is required
set( PACKAGE_NAME re2c )
set( PACKAGE_VERSION 0.12.3 )
set( PACKAGE_STRING "re2c 0.12.3" )
set( PACKAGE_STRING "re2c 0.16" )
set( PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "re2c-general@lists.sourceforge.net" )
configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h )
include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} )
add_definitions( -DHAVE_CONFIG_H )
src/util/*.h )
add_executable( re2c
translate.cc )
src/util/range.cc )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
re2c is distributed with no warranty whatever. The author and any other
contributors take no responsibility for the consequences of its use.
@ -1,188 +1,159 @@
re2c Version 0.12.3
Originally written by Peter Bumbulis (peter@csg.uwaterloo.ca)
Currently maintained by:
Dan Nuffer <nuffer at users.sourceforge.net>
Marcus Boerger <helly at users.sourceforge.net>
Hartmut Kaiser <hkaiser at users.sourceforge.net>
re2c is a tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular expressions.
re2c-based scanners are efficient: for programming languages, given similar
specifications, a re2c-based scanner is typically almost twice as fast as a
flex-based scanner with little or no increase in size (possibly a decrease
on cisc architectures). Indeed, re2c-based scanners are quite competitive with
hand-crafted ones.
Unlike flex, re2c does not generate complete scanners: the user must supply some
interface code. While this code is not bulky (about 50-100 lines for a
flex-like scanner; see the man page and examples in the distribution) careful
coding is required for efficiency (and correctness). One advantage of this
arrangement is that the generated code is not tied to any particular input
The re2c distribution can be found at:
Download the latest tarball:
re2c has been developed and tested with the following compilers on various
platforms in 32 bit and 64 bit mode:
- GCC 3.3 ... 4.1
- Microsoft VC 7, 7.1, 8
- Intel 9.0
- Sun C++ 5.8 (CXXFLAGS='-library=stlport4')
- MIPSpro Compilers: Version 7.4.4m
Clone git repo:
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/re2c/code-git
GCC 2.x and Microsoft VC 6 are not capable of compiling re2c.
Building re2c on unix like platforms requires autoconf 2.57 and bison (tested
with 1.875 and later). Under windows you don't need autoconf or bison
and can use the pregenerated files.
1. simple build
2. bootstrap
3. out-of-source build
4. testing
5. rebuild documentation
6. build for windows with mingw
7. build from git
You can build this software by simply typing the following commands:
1. Simplest possible build:
$ ./configure [--prefix=<prefix>]
$ make
$ make install
This will build re2c and install it (binary and man page) to <prefix> (defaults
to /usr/local).
The above version will be based on the pregenerated scanner.cc file.
If you want to build that file yourself (recommended when installing
re2c) you need the following steps:
rm -f scanner.cc
make install
2. Bootstrap and rebuild:
$ ./configure [--prefix=<prefix>]
$ make bootstrap
$ make install
Usual bootstrap procedure: re2c uses re2c to compile its lexer.
1. build lexer (if make finds re2c binary in build directory, it will build lexer
from source, otherwize it will use prebuilt lexer)
2. build re2c
3. build lexer from source using re2c binary in build directory
4. rebuild re2c
Or you can create a rpm package and install it by the following commands:
make rpm
rpm -Uhv <packagedir>/re2c-0.12.3-1.rpm
3. Out-of-source build:
$ mkdir <build-directory>
$ cd <build-directory>
$ <path-to-configure>/configure [--prefix=<prefix>]
$ make
$ make install
If you want to build from CVS then the first thing you should do is
regenerating all build files using the following command:
and then continue with one of the above described build methods. Or if you
need to generate RPM packages for cvs builds use these commands:
./makerpm <release>
rpm -Uhv <packagedir>/re2c-0.12.3-<release>.rpm
4. Testing:
$ make check
This will redirect test script output to file. If you want to see progress:
$ make tests
Testing under valgrind (takes a long time):
$ make vtests
Here <realease> should be a number like 1. And <packagedir> must equal
the directory where the makerpm step has written the generated rpm to.
5. Rebuild documentation (requires rst2man.py):
$ ./configure --enable-docs [--prefix=<prefix>]
$ make docs
$ make install
If you are on a debian system you can use the tool 'alien' to convert rpms
to debian packages.
6. Build for windows using mingw:
$ ../configure --host i686-w64-mingw32 [--prefix=<prefix>]
$ make
This will result into an executable re2c.exe, which can be tested with wine:
$ make wtests
When building with native SUN compilers you need to set the following compiler
flags: CXXFLAGS='-g -compat5 -library=stlport4'.
7. If you want to build from git, you'll first need to generate autotools files:
$ ./autogen.sh
If you want to build re2c on a windows system you can either use cygwin and one
of the methods described above or use Microsoft Visual C .NET 2002 or later
with the solution files provided (re2c.sln for 2002/2003 and re2c-2005.sln for
version 2005). re2c cannot be built with Microsoft Visual C 6.0 or earlier.
re2c is a great tool for writing fast and flexible lexers. It has
served many people well for many years. re2c is on the order of 2-3
times faster than a flex based scanner, and its input model is much
more flexible.
$ man re2c
For an introduction to re2c refer to the lessons sub directory.
re2c home page:
Peter's original version 0.5 ANNOUNCE and README follows.
re2c manual:
Ulya Trofimovich's blog on re2c:
re2c is a tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular
expressions. re2c-based scanners are efficient: for programming
languages, given similar specifications, an re2c-based scanner is
typically almost twice as fast as a flex-based scanner with little or no
increase in size (possibly a decrease on cisc architectures). Indeed,
re2c-based scanners are quite competitive with hand-crafted ones.
Original paper on re2c: "RE2C: a More Versatile Parser Generator" (1994, Peter
Bumbulis and Donald D. Cowan).
Unlike flex, re2c does not generate complete scanners: the user must
supply some interface code. While this code is not bulky (about 50-100
lines for a flex-like scanner; see the man page and examples in the
distribution) careful coding is required for efficiency (and
correctness). One advantage of this arrangement is that the generated
code is not tied to any particular input model. For example, re2c
generated code can be used to scan data from a null-byte terminated
buffer as illustrated below.
Examples can be found in 'examples' directory.
Given the following source
#define NULL ((char*) 0)
char *scan(char *p)
#define YYCTYPE char
#define YYCURSOR p
#define YYLIMIT p
#define YYFILL(n)
[0-9]+ {return YYCURSOR;}
[\000-\377] {return NULL;}
re2c will generate
You are welcome to ask for help or share your thoughts and ideas about re2c :)
/* Generated by re2c on Sat Apr 16 11:40:58 1994 */
#line 1 "simple.re"
#define NULL ((char*) 0)
char *scan(char *p)
#define YYCTYPE char
#define YYCURSOR p
#define YYLIMIT p
#define YYFILL(n)
unsigned int yyaccept;
yych = *YYCURSOR;
if(yych <= '/') goto yy4;
if(yych >= ':') goto yy4;
yy2: yych = *++YYCURSOR;
goto yy7;
#line 9
{return YYCURSOR;}
yy4: yych = *++YYCURSOR;
#line 10
{return NULL;}
yy6: ++YYCURSOR;
yych = *YYCURSOR;
yy7: if(yych <= '/') goto yy3;
if(yych <= '9') goto yy6;
goto yy3;
#line 11
Please report any bugs and send feature requests to:
Note that most compilers will perform dead-code elimination to remove
all YYCURSOR, YYLIMIT comparisions.
Originally written by Peter Bumbulis (peter@csg.uwaterloo.ca)
Currently maintained by:
Ulya Trofimovich <skvadrik@gmail.com>
Dan Nuffer <nuffer@users.sourceforge.net>
Marcus Boerger <helly@users.sourceforge.net>
Hartmut Kaiser <hkaiser@users.sourceforge.net>
re2c was developed for a particular project (constructing a fast REXX
scanner of all things!) and so while it has some rough edges, it should
be quite usable. More information about re2c can be found in the
(admittedly skimpy) man page; the algorithms and heuristics used are
described in an upcoming LOPLAS article (included in the distribution).
Probably the best way to find out more about re2c is to try the supplied
examples. re2c is written in C++, and is currently being developed
under Linux using gcc 2.5.8.
re2c is distributed with no warranty whatever. The code is certain to contain
errors. Neither the author nor any contributor takes responsibility for any
consequences of its use.
re2c is distributed with no warranty whatever. The code is certain to
contain errors. Neither the author nor any contributor takes
responsibility for any consequences of its use.
re2c is in the public domain. The data structures and algorithms used
in re2c are all either taken from documents available to the general
public or are inventions of the author. Programs generated by re2c may
be distributed freely. re2c itself may be distributed freely, in source
or binary, unchanged or modified. Distributors may charge whatever fees
they can obtain for re2c.
re2c is in the public domain. The data structures and algorithms used in re2c
are all either taken from documents available to the general public or are
inventions of the authors. Programs generated by re2c may be distributed freely.
re2c itself may be distributed freely, in source or binary, unchanged or
modified. Distributors may charge whatever fees they can obtain for re2c.
If you do make use of re2c, or incorporate it into a larger project an
acknowledgement somewhere (documentation, research report, etc.) would
be appreciated.
Please send bug reports and feedback (including suggestions for
improving the distribution) to
Include a small example and the banner from parser.y with bug reports.
acknowledgement somewhere (documentation, research report, etc.) would be
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: basics.h 520 2006-05-25 13:31:06Z helly $ */
#ifndef _basics_h
#define _basics_h
#include "config.h"
#elif defined(_WIN32)
#include "config_w32.h"
namespace re2c
#if SIZEOF_CHAR == 1
typedef unsigned char byte;
#elif SIZEOF_SHORT == 1
typedef unsigned short byte;
#elif SIZEOF_INT == 1
typedef unsigned int byte;
#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 1
typedef unsigned long byte;
typedef unsigned char byte;
#if SIZEOF_CHAR == 2
typedef unsigned char word;
#elif SIZEOF_SHORT == 2
typedef unsigned short word;
#elif SIZEOF_INT == 2
typedef unsigned int word;
#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 2
typedef unsigned long word;
typedef unsigned short word;
#if SIZEOF_CHAR == 4
typedef unsigned char dword;
#elif SIZEOF_SHORT == 4
typedef unsigned short dword;
#elif SIZEOF_INT == 4
typedef unsigned int dword;
#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 4
typedef unsigned long dword;
typedef unsigned long dword;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
} // end namespace re2c
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: code.h 525 2006-05-25 13:32:49Z helly $ */
#ifndef _code_h
#define _code_h
#include "re.h"
#include "dfa.h"
namespace re2c
class BitMap
static BitMap *first;
const Go *go;
const State *on;
const BitMap *next;
uint i;
uint m;
static const BitMap *find(const Go*, const State*);
static const BitMap *find(const State*);
static void gen(std::ostream&, uint ind, uint, uint);
static void stats();
BitMap(const Go*, const State*);
BitMap(const BitMap& oth)
: go(oth.go)
, on(oth.on)
, next(oth.next)
, i(oth.i)
, m(oth.m)
BitMap& operator = (const BitMap& oth)
new(this) BitMap(oth);
return *this;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning(disable: 4355) /* 'this' : used in base member initializer list */
} // end namespace re2c
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: token.h 547 2006-05-25 13:40:35Z helly $ */
#ifndef _code_names_h
#define _code_names_h
#include <string>
#include <map>
namespace re2c
class CodeNames: public std::map<std::string, std::string>
std::string& operator [] (const char * what);
inline std::string& CodeNames::operator [] (const char * what)
CodeNames::iterator it = find(std::string(what));
if (it != end())
return it->second;
return insert(std::make_pair(std::string(what), std::string(what))).first->second;
} // end namespace re2c
@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.in by autoheader. */
/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.ac by autoheader. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `strdup' function. */
#cmakedefine HAVE_STRDUP
/* Define to 1 if you have the `strndup' function. */
#cmakedefine HAVE_STRNDUP
/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
/* Name of package */
#cmakedefine PACKAGE "@PACKAGE_NAME@"
@ -21,21 +18,41 @@
/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
/* Define to the home page for this package. */
#cmakedefine PACKAGE_URL "@PACKAGE_URL@"
/* Define to the version of this package. */
/* The size of `0i8', as computed by sizeof. */
#cmakedefine SIZEOF_0I8 @SIZEOF_0I8@
/* The size of `0l', as computed by sizeof. */
#cmakedefine SIZEOF_0L @SIZEOF_0L@
/* The size of `0ll', as computed by sizeof. */
#cmakedefine SIZEOF_0LL @SIZEOF_0LL@
/* The size of `char', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `int', as computed by sizeof. */
#cmakedefine SIZEOF_INT @SIZEOF_INT@
/* The size of `long', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `long long', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `short', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `void *', as computed by sizeof. */
/* The size of `__int64', as computed by sizeof. */
#cmakedefine SIZEOF___INT64 @SIZEOF___INT64@
/* Version number of package */
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
/* config.h. Generated by configure. */
/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.in by autoheader. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `getpagesize' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the `memset' function. */
#define HAVE_MEMSET 1
/* Define to 1 if you have a working `mmap' system call. */
/* #undef HAVE_MMAP */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `munmap' function. */
#define HAVE_MUNMAP 1
/* Define to 1 if stdbool.h conforms to C99. */
#define HAVE_STDBOOL_H 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the `strdup' function. */
#define HAVE_STRDUP 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
#define HAVE_STRING_H 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1
/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `_Bool'. */
#define HAVE__BOOL 1
/* Name of package */
#define PACKAGE "re2c"
/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "re2c-general@lists.sourceforge.net"
/* Define to the full name of this package. */
#define PACKAGE_NAME "re2c"
/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
#define PACKAGE_STRING "re2c 0.12.3"
/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
#define PACKAGE_TARNAME "re2c"
/* Define to the version of this package. */
#define PACKAGE_VERSION "0.12.3"
/* The size of a `char', as computed by sizeof. */
#define SIZEOF_CHAR 1
/* The size of a `int', as computed by sizeof. */
#define SIZEOF_INT 4
/* The size of a `long', as computed by sizeof. */
#define SIZEOF_LONG 4
/* The size of a `short', as computed by sizeof. */
#define SIZEOF_SHORT 2
/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
#define STDC_HEADERS 1
/* Version number of package */
#define VERSION "0.12.3"
/* Define to empty if `const' does not conform to ANSI C. */
/* #undef const */
/* Define to `__inline__' or `__inline' if that's what the C compiler
calls it, or to nothing if 'inline' is not supported under any name. */
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* #undef inline */
/* Define to `unsigned' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
/* #undef size_t */
/* Define to empty if the keyword `volatile' does not work. Warning: valid
code using `volatile' can become incorrect without. Disable with care. */
/* #undef volatile */
@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "globals.h"
#include "substr.h"
#include "dfa.h"
namespace re2c
void prtChOrHex(std::ostream& o, uint c, bool useTalx)
int oc = (int)(re2c::wFlag || !useTalx ? c : re2c::talx[c]);
if ((oc < 256) && isprint(oc))
o << '\'';
prtCh(o, c);
o << '\'';
prtHex(o, c);
void prtHex(std::ostream& o, uint c, bool useTalx)
int oc = (int)(re2c::wFlag || !useTalx ? c : re2c::talx[c]);
if (re2c::uFlag)
o << "0x"
<< hexCh(oc >> 28)
<< hexCh(oc >> 24)
<< hexCh(oc >> 20)
<< hexCh(oc >> 16)
<< hexCh(oc >> 12)
<< hexCh(oc >> 8)
<< hexCh(oc >> 4)
<< hexCh(oc);
else if (re2c::wFlag)
o << "0x"
<< hexCh(oc >> 12)
<< hexCh(oc >> 8)
<< hexCh(oc >> 4)
<< hexCh(oc);
o << "0x"
<< hexCh(oc >> 4)
<< hexCh(oc);
void prtCh(std::ostream& o, uint c, bool useTalx)
int oc = (int)(re2c::wFlag || !useTalx ? c : re2c::talx[c]);
switch (oc)
case '\'':
o << "\\'";
case '\n':
o << "\\n";
case '\t':
o << "\\t";
case '\v':
o << "\\v";
case '\b':
o << "\\b";
case '\r':
o << "\\r";
case '\f':
o << "\\f";
case '\a':
o << "\\a";
case '\\':
o << "\\\\";
if ((oc < 256) && isprint(oc))
o << (char) oc;
else if (re2c::uFlag)
o << "0x"
<< hexCh(oc >> 20)
<< hexCh(oc >> 16)
<< hexCh(oc >> 12)
<< hexCh(oc >> 8)
<< hexCh(oc >> 4)
<< hexCh(oc);
else if (re2c::wFlag)
o << "0x"
<< hexCh(oc >> 12)
<< hexCh(oc >> 8)
<< hexCh(oc >> 4)
<< hexCh(oc);
o << '\\' << octCh(oc / 64) << octCh(oc / 8) << octCh(oc);
void printSpan(std::ostream& o, uint lb, uint ub)
if (lb > ub)
o << "*";
o << "[";
if ((ub - lb) == 1)
prtCh(o, lb);
prtCh(o, lb);
o << "-";
prtCh(o, ub - 1);
o << "]";
uint Span::show(std::ostream &o, uint lb) const
if (to)
printSpan(o, lb, ub);
o << " " << to->label << "; ";
return ub;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const State &s)
o << "state " << s.label;
if (s.rule)
o << " accepts " << s.rule->accept;
o << "\n";
uint lb = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < s.go.nSpans; ++i)
lb = s.go.span[i].show(o, lb);
return o;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const DFA &dfa)
for (State *s = dfa.head; s; s = s->next)
o << s << "\n\n";
return o;
: label(0)
, rule(NULL)
, next(0)
, link(NULL)
, depth(0)
, kCount(0)
, kernel(NULL)
, isPreCtxt(false)
, isBase(false)
, go()
, action(NULL)
delete action;
delete [] kernel;
delete [] go.span;
static Ins **closure(Ins **cP, Ins *i)
while (!isMarked(i))
*(cP++) = i;
if (i->i.tag == FORK)
cP = closure(cP, i + 1);
i = (Ins*) i->i.link;
else if (i->i.tag == GOTO || i->i.tag == CTXT)
i = (Ins*) i->i.link;
return cP;
struct GoTo
Char ch;
void *to;
DFA::DFA(Ins *ins, uint ni, uint lb, uint ub, Char *rep)
: lbChar(lb)
, ubChar(ub)
, nStates(0)
, head(NULL)
, tail(&head)
, toDo(NULL)
Ins **work = new Ins * [ni + 1];
uint nc = ub - lb;
GoTo *goTo = new GoTo[nc];
Span *span = new Span[nc];
memset((char*) goTo, 0, nc*sizeof(GoTo));
findState(work, closure(work, &ins[0]) - work);
while (toDo)
State *s = toDo;
toDo = s->link;
Ins **cP, **iP, *i;
uint nGoTos = 0;
uint j;
s->rule = NULL;
for (iP = s->kernel; (i = *iP); ++iP)
if (i->i.tag == CHAR)
for (Ins *j = i + 1; j < (Ins*) i->i.link; ++j)
if (!(j->c.link = goTo[j->c.value - lb].to))
goTo[nGoTos++].ch = j->c.value;
goTo[j->c.value - lb].to = j;
else if (i->i.tag == TERM)
if (!s->rule || ((RuleOp*) i->i.link)->accept < s->rule->accept)
s->rule = (RuleOp*) i->i.link;
else if (i->i.tag == CTXT)
s->isPreCtxt = true;
for (j = 0; j < nGoTos; ++j)
GoTo *go = &goTo[goTo[j].ch - lb];
i = (Ins*) go->to;
for (cP = work; i; i = (Ins*) i->c.link)
cP = closure(cP, i + i->c.bump);
go->to = findState(work, cP - work);
s->go.nSpans = 0;
for (j = 0; j < nc;)
State *to = (State*) goTo[rep[j]].to;
while (++j < nc && goTo[rep[j]].to == to) ;
span[s->go.nSpans].ub = lb + j;
span[s->go.nSpans].to = to;
for (j = nGoTos; j-- > 0;)
goTo[goTo[j].ch - lb].to = NULL;
s->go.span = new Span[s->go.nSpans];
memcpy((char*) s->go.span, (char*) span, s->go.nSpans*sizeof(Span));
(void) new Match(s);
delete [] work;
delete [] goTo;
delete [] span;
State *s;
while ((s = head))
head = s->next;
delete s;
void DFA::addState(State **a, State *s)
s->label = nStates++;
s->next = *a;
*a = s;
if (a == tail)
tail = &s->next;
State *DFA::findState(Ins **kernel, uint kCount)
Ins **cP, **iP, *i;
State *s;
kernel[kCount] = NULL;
cP = kernel;
for (iP = kernel; (i = *iP); ++iP)
if (i->i.tag == CHAR || i->i.tag == TERM || i->i.tag == CTXT)
*cP++ = i;
kCount = cP - kernel;
kernel[kCount] = NULL;
for (s = head; s; s = s->next)
if (s->kCount == kCount)
for (iP = s->kernel; (i = *iP); ++iP)
if (!isMarked(i))
goto nextState;
goto unmarkAll;
s = new State;
addState(tail, s);
s->kCount = kCount;
s->kernel = new Ins * [kCount + 1];
memcpy(s->kernel, kernel, (kCount + 1)*sizeof(Ins*));
s->link = toDo;
toDo = s;
for (iP = kernel; (i = *iP); ++iP)
return s;
} // end namespace re2c
@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: dfa.h 569 2006-06-05 22:14:00Z helly $ */
#ifndef _dfa_h
#define _dfa_h
#include <iosfwd>
#include <map>
#include "re.h"
namespace re2c
extern void prtCh(std::ostream&, uint, bool useTalx = true);
extern void prtHex(std::ostream&, uint, bool useTalx = true);
extern void prtChOrHex(std::ostream&, uint, bool useTalx = true);
extern void printSpan(std::ostream&, uint, uint);
class DFA;
class State;
class Action
State *state;
virtual ~Action();
virtual void emit(std::ostream&, uint, bool&) const = 0;
virtual bool isRule() const;
virtual bool isMatch() const;
virtual bool isInitial() const;
virtual bool readAhead() const;
Action(const Action& oth)
: state(oth.state)
Action& operator = (const Action& oth)
state = oth.state;
return *this;
class Match: public Action
void emit(std::ostream&, uint, bool&) const;
bool isMatch() const;
class Enter: public Action
uint label;
Enter(State*, uint);
void emit(std::ostream&, uint, bool&) const;
class Initial: public Enter
bool setMarker;
Initial(State*, uint, bool);
void emit(std::ostream&, uint, bool&) const;
bool isInitial() const;
class Save: public Match
uint selector;
Save(State*, uint);
void emit(std::ostream&, uint, bool&) const;
bool isMatch() const;
class Move: public Action
void emit(std::ostream&, uint, bool&) const;
class Accept: public Action
typedef std::map<uint, State*> RuleMap;
uint nRules;
uint *saves;
State **rules;
RuleMap mapRules;
Accept(State*, uint, uint*, State**);
void emit(std::ostream&, uint, bool&) const;
void emitBinary(std::ostream &o, uint ind, uint l, uint r, bool &readCh) const;
void genRuleMap();
Accept(const Accept& oth)
: Action(oth)
, nRules(oth.nRules)
, saves(oth.saves)
, rules(oth.rules)
Accept& operator=(const Accept& oth)
new(this) Accept(oth);
return *this;
class Rule: public Action
RuleOp *rule;
Rule(State*, RuleOp*);
void emit(std::ostream&, uint, bool&) const;
bool isRule() const;
Rule (const Rule& oth)
: Action(oth)
, rule(oth.rule)
Rule& operator=(const Rule& oth)
new(this) Rule(oth);
return *this;
class Span
uint ub;
State *to;
uint show(std::ostream&, uint) const;
class Go
: nSpans(0)
, wSpans(~0u)
, lSpans(~0u)
, dSpans(~0u)
, lTargets(~0u)
, span(NULL)
uint nSpans; // number of spans
uint wSpans; // number of spans in wide mode
uint lSpans; // number of low (non wide) spans
uint dSpans; // number of decision spans (decide between g and b mode)
uint lTargets;
Span *span;
void genGoto( std::ostream&, uint ind, const State *from, const State *next, bool &readCh);
void genBase( std::ostream&, uint ind, const State *from, const State *next, bool &readCh, uint mask) const;
void genLinear(std::ostream&, uint ind, const State *from, const State *next, bool &readCh, uint mask) const;
void genBinary(std::ostream&, uint ind, const State *from, const State *next, bool &readCh, uint mask) const;
void genSwitch(std::ostream&, uint ind, const State *from, const State *next, bool &readCh, uint mask) const;
void genCpGoto(std::ostream&, uint ind, const State *from, const State *next, bool &readCh) const;
void compact();
void unmap(Go*, const State*);
class State
uint label;
RuleOp *rule;
State *next;
State *link;
uint depth; // for finding SCCs
uint kCount;
Ins **kernel;
bool isPreCtxt;
bool isBase;
Go go;
Action *action;
void emit(std::ostream&, uint, bool&) const;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const State&);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const State*);
State(const State& oth)
: label(oth.label)
, rule(oth.rule)
, next(oth.next)
, link(oth.link)
, depth(oth.depth)
, kCount(oth.kCount)
, kernel(oth.kernel)
, isBase(oth.isBase)
, go(oth.go)
, action(oth.action)
State& operator = (const State& oth)
new(this) State(oth);
return *this;
class DFA
uint lbChar;
uint ubChar;
uint nStates;
State *head, **tail;
State *toDo;
DFA(Ins*, uint, uint, uint, Char*);
void addState(State**, State*);
State *findState(Ins**, uint);
void split(State*);
void findSCCs();
void findBaseState();
void emit(std::ostream&, uint);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const DFA&);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const DFA*);
DFA(const DFA& oth)
: lbChar(oth.lbChar)
, ubChar(oth.ubChar)
, nStates(oth.nStates)
, head(oth.head)
, tail(oth.tail)
, toDo(oth.toDo)
DFA& operator = (const DFA& oth)
new(this) DFA(oth);
return *this;
inline Action::Action(State *s) : state(s)
delete s->action;
s->action = this;
inline Action::~Action()
inline bool Action::isRule() const
return false;
inline bool Action::isMatch() const
return false;
inline bool Action::isInitial() const
return false;
inline bool Action::readAhead() const
return !isMatch() || (state && state->next && state->next->action && !state->next->action->isRule());
inline Match::Match(State *s) : Action(s)
{ }
inline bool Match::isMatch() const
return true;
inline Enter::Enter(State *s, uint l) : Action(s), label(l)
{ }
inline Initial::Initial(State *s, uint l, bool b) : Enter(s, l), setMarker(b)
{ }
inline bool Initial::isInitial() const
return true;
inline Save::Save(State *s, uint i) : Match(s), selector(i)
{ }
inline bool Save::isMatch() const
return false;
inline bool Rule::isRule() const
return true;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const State *s)
return o << *s;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const DFA *dfa)
return o << *dfa;
} // end namespace re2c
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
author = {Peter Bumbulis and Donald D. Cowan},
title = {RE2C -- A More Versatile Scanner Generator},
journal = "ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems",
volume = 2,
number = "1--4",
year = 1994,
abstract = {
It is usually claimed that lexical analysis routines are still coded by
hand, despite the widespread availability of scanner generators, for
efficiency reasons. While efficiency is a consideration, there exist
freely available scanner generators such as GLA \cite{Gray88} that can
generate scanners that are faster than most hand-coded ones. However,
most generated scanners are tailored for a particular environment, and
retargetting these scanners to other environments, if possible, is
usually complex enough to make a hand-coded scanner more appealing. In
this paper we describe RE2C, a scanner generator that not only generates
scanners which are faster (and usually smaller) than those produced by
any other scanner generator known to the authors, including GLA, but
also adapt easily to any environment.
author = {Robert W. Gray},
title = {{$\gamma$-GLA} - {A} Generator for Lexical Analyzers That
Programmers Can Use},
journal = {USENIX Conference Proceedings},
year = {1988},
month = {June},
pages = {147-160},
abstract = {Writing an efficient lexical analyzer for even a simple
language is not a trivial task, and should not be done by hand. We
describe GLA, a tool that generates very efficient scanners. These
scanners do not use the conventional transition matrix, but instead
use a few 128 element vectors. Scanning time is only slightly
greater than the absolute minimum --- the time it takes to look at
each character in a file. The GLA language allows simple, concise
specification of scanners. Augmenting regular expressions with
auxiliary scanners easily handles nasty problems such as C comments
and C literal constants. We formalize the connection between token
scanning and token processing by associating a processor with
appropriate patterns. A library of canned descriptions simplifies the
specification of commonly used language pieces --- such as,
tuned lexical analysis support modules are provided for error
handling, input buffering, storing identifiers in hash tables and
manipulating denotations.}
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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
re2c lesson 001_upn_calculator, (c) M. Boerger 2006
This lesson gets you started with re2c. In the end you will have an easy RPN
(reverse polish notation) calculator for use at command line.
You will learn about the basic interface of re2c when scanning input strings.
How to detect the end of the input and use that to stop scanning in order to
avoid problems.
Once you have successfully installed re2c you can use it to generate *.c files
from the *.re files presented in this lesson. Actually the expected *.c files
are already present. So you should name them *.cc or something alike or just
give them a different name like test.c. To do so you simply change into the
directory and execute the following command:
re2c calc_001.re > test.c
Then use your compiler to compile that code and run it. If you are using gcc
you simply do the following:
gcc -o test.o test.c
./test.o <input_file_name>
If you are using windows you might want to read till the end of this lesson.
When you want to debug the code it helps to make re2c generate working #line
information. To do so you simply specify the output file using the -o switch
followed by the output filename:
re2c -o test.c calc_001.re
The input files *.re each contain basic step by comments that explain what is
going on and what you can see in the examples.
In order to optimize the generated code we will use the -s command line switch
of re2c. This tells re2c to generate code that uses if statements rather
then endless switch/case expressions where appropriate. Note that the file name
extension is actually '.s.re' to tell the test system to use the -s switch. To
invoke re2 you do the following:
re2c -s -o test.c calc_006.s.re
Finally we use the -b switch to have the code use a decision table. The -b
switch also contains the -s behavior.
re2c -b -o test.c calc_007.b.re
For windows users Lynn Allan provided some additional stuff to get you started
in the Microsoft world. This addon resides in the windows subdirectory and
gives you something to expereiment with. The code in that directory is based
on the first step and has the following changes:
* vc6 .dsp/.dsw and vc7/vc8 .sln/.vcproj project files that have "Custom Build
Steps" that can tell when main.re changes, and know how to generate main.c
from main.re. They assume that you unpacked the zip package and have re2c
itself build or installed in Release and Release-2005 directory respectively.
If re2c cannot be found you need to modify the custom build step and correct
the path to re2c.
* BuildAndRun.bat to do command line rec2 and then cl and then run the
executable (discontinues with message if errors).
* built-in cppunit-like test to confirm it worked as expected.
* array of test strings "fed" to scan rather than file contents to facilitate
testing and also reduce the newbie learning curve.
* HiResTimer output for 10,000 loops and 100,000 loops. While this might be
excessive for this lesson, it illustrates how to do it for subsequent lessons
and your own stuff using windows. Also it shows that Release build is as fast
as strncmp for this test and can probably be made significantly faster.
* If you want to build the other steps of this lesson using windows tools
simply copy the *.re files into the windows directory as main.re and rebuild.
Sidenote: UPN is the german translation of RPN, somehow hardcoded into the
authors brain :-)
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
/* re2c lesson 001_upn_calculator, calc_001, (c) M. Boerger 2006 - 2007 */
- basic interface for string reading
. YYCTYPE is the type re2c operates on or in other words the type that
it generates code for. While it is not a big difference when we were
using 'unsigned char' here we would need to run re2c with option -w
to fully support types with sieof() > 1.
. YYCURSOR is used internally and holds the current scanner position. In
expression handlers, the code blocks after re2c expressions, this can be
used to identify the end of the token.
. YYMARKER is not always being used so we set an initial value to avoid
a compiler warning. Here we could also omit it compleley.
. YYLIMIT stores the end of the input. Unfortunatley we have to use strlen()
in this lesson. In the next example we see one way to get rid of it.
. We use a 'for(;;)'-loop around the scanner block. We could have used a
'while(1)'-loop instead but some compilers generate a warning for it.
. To make the output more readable we use 're2c:indent:top' scanner
configuration that configures re2c to prepend a single tab (the default)
to the beginning of each output line.
. The following lines are expressions and for each expression we output the
token name and continue the scanner loop.
. The second last token detects the end of our input, the terminating zero in
our input string. In other scanners detecting the end of input may vary.
For example binary code may contain \0 as valid input.
. The last expression accepts any input character. It tells re2c to accept
the opposit of the empty range. This includes numbers and our tokens but
as re2c goes from top to botton when evaluating the expressions this is no
. The first three rules show that re2c actually prioritizes the expressions
from top to bottom. Octal number require a starting "0" and the actual
number. Normal numbers start with a digit greater 0. And zero is finally a
special case. A single "0" is detected by the last rule of this set. And
valid ocal number is already being detected by the first rule. This even
includes multi "0" sequences that in octal notation also means zero.
Another way would be to only use two rules:
"0" [0-9]+
"0" | ( [1-9] [0-9]* )
A full description of re2c rule syntax can be found in the manual.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int scan(char *s, int l)
char *p = s;
char *q = 0;
#define YYCTYPE char
#define YYCURSOR p
#define YYLIMIT (s+l)
#define YYMARKER q
#define YYFILL(n)
re2c:indent:top = 2;
"0"[0-9]+ { printf("Oct\n"); continue; }
[1-9][0-9]* { printf("Num\n"); continue; }
"0" { printf("Num\n"); continue; }
"+" { printf("+\n"); continue; }
"-" { printf("-\n"); continue; }
"\000" { printf("EOF\n"); return 0; }
[^] { printf("ERR\n"); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
return scan(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
fprintf(stderr, "%s <expr>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* re2c lesson 001_upn_calculator, calc_002, (c) M. Boerger 2006 - 2007 */
- making use of YYFILL
. Here we modified the scanner to not require strlen() on the call. Instead
we compute limit on the fly. That is whenever more input is needed we
search for the terminating \0 in the next n chars the scanner needs.
. If there is not enough input we quit the scanner.
. Note that in lesson_001 YYLIMIT was a character pointer computed only once.
Here is of course also of type YYCTYPE but a variable that gets reevaluated
by YYFILL().
. To make the code smaller we take advantage of the fact that our loop has no
break so far. This allows us to use break here and have the code that is
used for YYFILL() not contain the printf in every occurence. That way the
generated code gets smaller.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int fill(char *p, int n, char **l)
while (*++p && n--) ;
* l = p;
return n <= 0;
int scan(char *s)
char *p = s;
char *l = s;
char *q = 0;
#define YYCTYPE char
#define YYCURSOR p
#define YYLIMIT l
#define YYMARKER q
#define YYFILL(n) { if (!fill(p, n, &l)) break; }
re2c:indent:top = 2;
"0"[0-9]+ { printf("Oct\n"); continue; }
[1-9][0-9]* { printf("Num\n"); continue; }
"0" { printf("Num\n"); continue; }
"+" { printf("+\n"); continue; }
"-" { printf("+\n"); continue; }
"\000" { printf("EOF\n"); return 0; }
[^] { printf("ERR\n"); return 1; }
printf("OOD\n"); return 2;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
return scan(argv[1]);
fprintf(stderr, "%s <expr>\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
/* re2c lesson 001_upn_calculator, calc_003, (c) M. Boerger 2006 - 2007 */
- making use of YYFILL
. Again provide the length of the input to generate the limit only once. Now
we can use YYFILL() to detect the end and simply return since YYFILL() is
only being used if the next scanner run might use more chars then YYLIMIT
. Note that we now use (s+l+2) instead of (s+l) as we did in lesson_001. In
the first lesson we did not quit from YYFILL() and used a special rule to
detect the end of input. Here we use the fact that we know the exact end
of input and that this length does not include the terminating zero. Since
YYLIMIT points to the first character behind the used buffer we use "+ 2".
If we would use "+1" we could drop the "\000" rule but could no longer
distinguish between end of input and out of data.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int scan(char *s, int l)
char *p = s;
char *q = 0;
#define YYCTYPE char
#define YYCURSOR p
#define YYLIMIT (s+l+2)
#define YYMARKER q
#define YYFILL(n) { printf("OOD\n"); return 2; }
re2c:indent:top = 2;
"0"[0-9]+ { printf("Oct\n"); continue; }
[1-9][0-9]* { printf("Num\n"); continue; }
"0" { printf("Num\n"); continue; }
"+" { printf("+\n"); continue; }
"-" { printf("+\n"); continue; }
"\000" { printf("EOF\n"); return 0; }
[^] { printf("ERR\n"); return 1; }
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
return scan(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
fprintf(stderr, "%s <expr>\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/* re2c lesson 001_upn_calculator, calc_004, (c) M. Boerger 2006 - 2007 */
- making use of definitions
. We provide complex rules as definitions. We can even have definitions made
up from other definitions. And we could also use definitions as part of
rules and not only as full rules as shown in this lesson.
- showing the tokens
. re2c does not store the beginning of a token on its own but we can easily
do this by providing variable, in our case t, that is set to YYCURSOR on
every loop. If we were not using a loop here the token, we could have used
s instead of a new variable instead.
. As we use the token for an output function that requires a terminating zero
we copy the token. Alternatively we could store the end of the token, then
replace it with a zero character and replace it after the token has been
used. However that approach is not always acceptable.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char * tokendup(const char *t, const char *l)
size_t n = l -t + 1;
char *r = (char*)malloc(n);
memmove(r, t, n-1);
r[n] = '\0';
return r;
int scan(char *s, int l)
char *p = s;
char *q = 0;
char *t;
#define YYCTYPE char
#define YYCURSOR p
#define YYLIMIT (s+l+2)
#define YYMARKER q
#define YYFILL(n) { printf("OOD\n"); return 2; }
t = p;
re2c:indent:top = 2;
DIGIT = [0-9] ;
OCT = "0" DIGIT+ ;
INT = "0" | ( [1-9] DIGIT* ) ;
OCT { t = tokendup(t, p); printf("Oct: %s\n", t); free(t); continue; }
INT { t = tokendup(t, p); printf("Num: %s\n", t); free(t); continue; }
"+" { printf("+\n"); continue; }
"-" { printf("+\n"); continue; }
"\000" { printf("EOF\n"); return 0; }
[^] { printf("ERR\n"); return 1; }
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
return scan(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
fprintf(stderr, "%s <expr>\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
/* re2c lesson 001_upn_calculator, calc_005, (c) M. Boerger 2006 - 2007 */
- turning this lesson into an easy calculator
. We are going to write an UPN calculator so we need an additional rule to
ignore white space.
. Then we need to store the scanned input somewhere and do our math on it.
. Also we need to scan all arguments since the main c code gets the input
split up into chunks.
. In contrast to what we did before we now add a variable res that holds the
scanner state. We initialize that variable to 0 and quit the loop when it
is non zero. This will also be our return value so that we can use it in
function main to generate error information.
. To support operating systems where ' and " get passed in program arguments
we check for them being first and last input character. If so we correct
input pointer and input length. Since now our scanner might not see a
terminating zero we change YYLIMIT again and drop the special zero rule.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DEBUG(stmt) stmt
int stack[4];
int depth = 0;
int push_num(const char *t, const char *l, int radix)
int num = 0;
if (depth >= sizeof(stack))
return 3;
while(++t < l)
num = num * radix + (*t - '0');
DEBUG(printf("Num: %d\n", num));
stack[depth++] = num;
return 0;
int stack_add()
if (depth < 2) return 4;
stack[depth-1] = stack[depth-1] + stack[depth];
return 0;
int stack_sub()
if (depth < 2) return 4;
stack[depth-1] = stack[depth-1] - stack[depth];
return 0;
int scan(char *s, int l)
char *p = s;
char *q = 0;
char *t;
int res = 0;
#define YYCTYPE char
#define YYCURSOR p
#define YYLIMIT (s+l+1)
#define YYMARKER q
#define YYFILL(n) { return depth == 1 ? 0 : 2; }
t = p;
re2c:indent:top = 2;
DIGIT = [0-9] ;
OCT = "0" DIGIT+ ;
INT = "0" | ( [1-9] DIGIT* ) ;
WS = [ \t]+ ;
WS { continue; }
OCT { res = push_num(t, p, 8); continue; }
INT { res = push_num(t, p, 10); continue; }
"+" { res = stack_add(); continue; }
"-" { res = stack_sub(); continue; }
[^] { res = 1; continue; }
return res;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
char *inp;
int res = 0, argp = 0, len;
while(!res && ++argp < argc)
inp = argv[argp];
len = strlen(inp);
if (inp[0] == '\"' && inp[len-1] == '\"')
len -=2;
res = scan(inp, len);
case 0:
printf("Result: %d\n", stack[0]);
return 0;
case 1:
fprintf(stderr, "Illegal character in input.\n");
return 1;
case 2:
fprintf(stderr, "Premature end of input.\n");
return 2;
case 3:
fprintf(stderr, "Stack overflow.\n");
return 3;
case 4:
fprintf(stderr, "Stack underflow.\n");
return 4;
fprintf(stderr, "%s <expr>\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
/* re2c lesson 001_upn_calculator, calc_006, (c) M. Boerger 2006 - 2007 */
- avoiding YYFILL()
. We use the inplace configuration re2c:yyfill to suppress generation of
YYFILL() blocks. This of course means we no longer have to provide the
. We also drop the YYMARKER stuff since we know that re2c does not generate
it for this example.
. Since re2c does no longer check for out of data situations we must do this.
For that reason we first reintroduce our zero rule and second we need to
ensure that the scanner does not take more than one bytes in one go.
In the example suppose "0" is passed. The scanner reads the first "0" and
then is in an undecided state. The scanner can earliest decide on the next
char what the token is. In case of a zero the input ends and it was a
number, 0 to be precise. In case of a digit it is an octal number and the
next character needs to be read. In case of any other character the scanner
will detect an error with the any rule [^].
Now the above shows that the scanner may read two characters directly. But
only if the first is a "0". So we could easily check that if the first char
is "0" and the next char is a digit then yet another charcter is present.
But we require our inut to be zero terminated. And that means we do not
have to check anything for this scanner.
However with other rule sets re2c might read more then one character in a
row. In those cases it is normally hard to impossible to avoid YYFILL.
- optimizing the generated code by using -s command line switch of re2c
. This tells re2c to generate code that uses if statements rather
then endless switch/case expressions where appropriate. Note that the
generated code now requires the input to be unsigned char rather than char
due to the way comparisons are generated.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DEBUG(stmt) stmt
int stack[4];
int depth = 0;
int push_num(const unsigned char *t, const unsigned char *l, int radix)
int num = 0;
if (depth >= sizeof(stack))
return 3;
while(++t < l)
num = num * radix + (*t - (unsigned char)'0');
DEBUG(printf("Num: %d\n", num));
stack[depth++] = num;
return 0;
int stack_add()
if (depth < 2) return 4;
stack[depth-1] = stack[depth-1] + stack[depth];
return 0;
int stack_sub()
if (depth < 2) return 4;
stack[depth-1] = stack[depth-1] - stack[depth];
return 0;
int scan(char *s)
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*)s;
unsigned char *t;
int res = 0;
#define YYCTYPE unsigned char
#define YYCURSOR p
t = p;
re2c:indent:top = 2;
re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
DIGIT = [0-9] ;
OCT = "0" DIGIT+ ;
INT = "0" | ( [1-9] DIGIT* ) ;
WS = [ \t]+ ;
WS { continue; }
OCT { res = push_num(t, p, 8); continue; }
INT { res = push_num(t, p, 10); continue; }
"+" { res = stack_add(); continue; }
"-" { res = stack_sub(); continue; }
"\000" { res = depth == 1 ? 0 : 2; break; }
[^] { res = 1; continue; }
return res;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
char *inp;
int res = 0, argp = 0, len;
while(!res && ++argp < argc)
inp = strdup(argv[argp]);
len = strlen(inp);
if (inp[0] == '\"' && inp[len-1] == '\"')
inp[len - 1] = '\0';
res = scan(inp);
case 0:
printf("Result: %d\n", stack[0]);
return 0;
case 1:
fprintf(stderr, "Illegal character in input.\n");
return 1;
case 2:
fprintf(stderr, "Premature end of input.\n");
return 2;
case 3:
fprintf(stderr, "Stack overflow.\n");
return 3;
case 4:
fprintf(stderr, "Stack underflow.\n");
return 4;
fprintf(stderr, "%s <expr>\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
/* re2c lesson 001_upn_calculator, calc_007, (c) M. Boerger 2006 - 2007 */
- optimizing the generated code by using -b command line switch of re2c
. This tells re2c to generate code that uses a decision table. The -b switch
also contains the -s behavior. And -b also requires the input to be
unsigned chars.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DEBUG(stmt) stmt
int stack[4];
int depth = 0;
int push_num(const unsigned char *t, const unsigned char *l, int radix)
int num = 0;
if (depth >= sizeof(stack))
return 3;
while(++t < l)
num = num * radix + (*t - (unsigned char)'0');
DEBUG(printf("Num: %d\n", num));
stack[depth++] = num;
return 0;
int stack_add()
if (depth < 2) return 4;
stack[depth-1] = stack[depth-1] + stack[depth];
return 0;
int stack_sub()
if (depth < 2) return 4;
stack[depth-1] = stack[depth-1] - stack[depth];
return 0;
int scan(char *s)
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*)s;
unsigned char *t;
int res = 0;
#define YYCTYPE unsigned char
#define YYCURSOR p
t = p;
re2c:indent:top = 2;
re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
DIGIT = [0-9] ;
OCT = "0" DIGIT+ ;
INT = "0" | ( [1-9] DIGIT* ) ;
WS = [ \t]+ ;
WS { continue; }
OCT { res = push_num(t, p, 8); continue; }
INT { res = push_num(t, p, 10); continue; }
"+" { res = stack_add(); continue; }
"-" { res = stack_sub(); continue; }
"\000" { res = depth == 1 ? 0 : 2; break; }
[^] { res = 1; continue; }
return res;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
char *inp;
int res = 0, argp = 0, len;
while(!res && ++argp < argc)
inp = strdup(argv[argp]);
len = strlen(inp);
if (inp[0] == '\"' && inp[len-1] == '\"')
inp[len - 1] = '\0';
res = scan(inp);
case 0:
printf("Result: %d\n", stack[0]);
return 0;
case 1:
fprintf(stderr, "Illegal character in input.\n");
return 1;
case 2:
fprintf(stderr, "Premature end of input.\n");
return 2;
case 3:
fprintf(stderr, "Stack overflow.\n");
return 3;
case 4:
fprintf(stderr, "Stack underflow.\n");
return 4;
fprintf(stderr, "%s <expr>\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
/* re2c lesson 001_upn_calculator, calc_008, (c) M. Boerger 2006 - 2007 */
- using -b with signed character input
. Since the code is being generated with -b switch re2c requires the internal
character variable yych to use an unsigned character type. For that reason
the previous lessons had a conversion at the beginning of their scan()
function. Other re2c generated code often have the scanners work completely
on unsigned input. Thus requesting a conversion.
To avoid the conversion on input, re2c allows to do the conversion when
reading the internal yych variable. To enable that conversion you need to
use the implace configuration 're2c:yych:conversion' and set it to 1. This
will change the generated code to insert conversions to YYCTYPE whenever
yych is being read.
- More inplace configurations for better/nicer code
. re2c allows to overwrite the generation of any define, label or variable
used in the generated code. For example we overwrite the 'yych' variable
name to 'curr' using inplace configuration 're2c:variable:yych = curr;'.
. We further more use inplace configurations instead of defines. This allows
to use correct conversions to 'unsigned char' instead of having to convert
to 'YYCTYPE' when placing 're2c:define:YYCTYPE = "unsigned char";' infront
of 're2c:yych:conversion'. Note that we have to use apostrophies for the
first setting as it contains a space.
. Last but not least we use 're2c:labelprefix = scan' to change the prefix
of generated labels.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DEBUG(stmt) stmt
int stack[4];
int depth = 0;
int push_num(const char *t, const char *l, int radix)
int num = 0;
if (depth >= sizeof(stack))
return 3;
while(++t < l)
num = num * radix + (*t - '0');
DEBUG(printf("Num: %d\n", num));
stack[depth++] = num;
return 0;
int stack_add()
if (depth < 2) return 4;
stack[depth-1] = stack[depth-1] + stack[depth];
return 0;
int stack_sub()
if (depth < 2) return 4;
stack[depth-1] = stack[depth-1] - stack[depth];
return 0;
int scan(char *p)
char *t;
int res = 0;
t = p;
re2c:define:YYCTYPE = "unsigned char";
re2c:define:YYCURSOR = p;
re2c:variable:yych = curr;
re2c:indent:top = 2;
re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
re2c:yych:conversion = 1;
re2c:labelprefix = scan;
DIGIT = [0-9] ;
OCT = "0" DIGIT+ ;
INT = "0" | ( [1-9] DIGIT* ) ;
WS = [ \t]+ ;
WS { continue; }
OCT { res = push_num(t, p, 8); continue; }
INT { res = push_num(t, p, 10); continue; }
"+" { res = stack_add(); continue; }
"-" { res = stack_sub(); continue; }
"\000" { res = depth == 1 ? 0 : 2; break; }
[^] { res = 1; continue; }
return res;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
char *inp;
int res = 0, argp = 0, len;
while(!res && ++argp < argc)
inp = strdup(argv[argp]);
len = strlen(inp);
if (inp[0] == '\"' && inp[len-1] == '\"')
inp[len - 1] = '\0';
res = scan(inp);
case 0:
printf("Result: %d\n", stack[0]);
return 0;
case 1:
fprintf(stderr, "Illegal character in input.\n");
return 1;
case 2:
fprintf(stderr, "Premature end of input.\n");
return 2;
case 3:
fprintf(stderr, "Stack overflow.\n");
return 3;
case 4:
fprintf(stderr, "Stack underflow.\n");
return 4;
fprintf(stderr, "%s <expr>\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
* @file HiResTimer.h
* @brief
* @note
#ifndef _HI_RES_TIMER_H_
#define _HI_RES_TIMER_H_
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h> // probably already done in stdafx.h
static LARGE_INTEGER start;
static LARGE_INTEGER stop;
static LARGE_INTEGER freq;
static _int64 elapsedCounts;
static double elapsedMillis;
static double elapsedMicros;
static HANDLE processHandle;
static DWORD prevPriorityClass;
void HrtInit()
processHandle = GetCurrentProcess();
prevPriorityClass = GetPriorityClass(processHandle);
void HrtStart()
void HrtSetPriority(DWORD priority)
int flag;
prevPriorityClass = GetPriorityClass(processHandle);
flag = SetPriorityClass(processHandle, priority);
void HrtResetPriority(void)
int flag = SetPriorityClass(processHandle, prevPriorityClass);
double HrtElapsedMillis()
elapsedCounts = (stop.QuadPart - start.QuadPart);
elapsedMillis = ((elapsedCounts * 1000.0) / freq.QuadPart);
return elapsedMillis;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
/* re2c lesson 001_upn_calculator, main.b.re, (c) M. Boerger, L. Allan 2006 */
- basic interface for string reading
. YYCTYPE is the type re2c operates on or in other words the type that
it generates code for. While it is not a big difference when we were
using 'unsigned char' here we would need to run re2c with option -w
to fully support types with sieof() > 1.
. YYCURSOR is used internally and holds the current scanner position. In
expression handlers, the code blocks after re2c expressions, this can be
used to identify the end of the token.
. YYMARKER is not always being used so we set an initial value to avoid
a compiler warning.
. YYLIMIT stores the end of the input. Unfortunatley we have to use strlen()
in this lesson. In the next example we see one way to get rid of it.
. We use a 'for(;;)'-loop around the scanner block. We could have used a
'while(1)'-loop instead but some compilers generate a warning for it.
. To make the output more readable we use 're2c:indent:top' scanner
configuration that configures re2c to prepend a single tab (the default)
to the beginning of each output line.
. The following lines are expressions and for each expression we output the
token name and continue the scanner loop.
. The second last token detects the end of our input, the terminating zero in
our input string. In other scanners detecting the end of input may vary.
For example binary code may contain \0 as valid input.
. The last expression accepts any input character. It tells re2c to accept
the opposit of the empty range. This includes numbers and our tokens but
as re2c goes from top to botton when evaluating the expressions this is no
. The first three rules show that re2c actually prioritizes the expressions
from top to bottom. Octal number require a starting "0" and the actual
number. Normal numbers start with a digit greater 0. And zero is finally a
special case. A single "0" is detected by the last rule of this set. And
valid ocal number is already being detected by the first rule. This even
includes multi "0" sequences that in octal notation also means zero.
Another way would be to only use two rules:
"0" [0-9]+
"0" | ( [1-9] [0-9]* )
A full description of re2c rule syntax can be found in the manual.
#define VC_EXTRALEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
#if _MSC_VER > 1200
#define WINVER 0x0400 // Change this to the appropriate value to target Windows 98 and Windows 2000 or later.
#endif // Prevents warning from vc7.1 complaining about redefinition
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "HiResTimer.h"
static char gTestBuf[1000] = "";
* @brief Setup HiResolution timer and confirm it is working ok
void InitHiResTimerAndVerifyWorking(void)
double elapsed;
elapsed = HrtElapsedMillis();
if ((elapsed < 90) || (elapsed > 110)) {
printf("HiResTimer misbehaving: %f\n", elapsed);
* @brief Scan for numbers in different formats
int ScanFullSpeed(char *pzStrToScan, size_t lenStrToScan)
unsigned char *pzCurScanPos = (unsigned char*)pzStrToScan;
unsigned char *pzBacktrackInfo = 0;
#define YYCTYPE unsigned char
#define YYCURSOR pzCurScanPos
#define YYLIMIT (pzStrToScan+lenStrToScan)
#define YYMARKER pzBacktrackInfo
#define YYFILL(n)
re2c:indent:top = 2;
[1-9][0-9]* { continue; }
[0][0-9]+ { continue; }
"+" { continue; }
"-" { continue; }
"\000" { return 0; }
[^] { return 1; }
* @brief Scan for numbers in different formats
int scan(char *pzStrToScan, size_t lenStrToScan)
unsigned char *pzCurScanPos = (unsigned char*)pzStrToScan;
unsigned char *pzBacktrackInfo = 0;
#define YYCTYPE unsigned char
#define YYCURSOR pzCurScanPos
#define YYLIMIT (pzStrToScan+lenStrToScan)
#define YYMARKER pzBacktrackInfo
#define YYFILL(n)
re2c:indent:top = 2;
[1-9][0-9]* { printf("Num\n"); strcat(gTestBuf, "Num "); continue; }
[0][0-9]+ { printf("Oct\n"); strcat(gTestBuf, "Oct "); continue; }
"+" { printf("+\n"); strcat(gTestBuf, "+ "); continue; }
"-" { printf("-\n"); strcat(gTestBuf, "- "); continue; }
"\000" { printf("EOF\n"); return 0; }
[^] { printf("ERR\n"); strcat(gTestBuf, "ERR "); return 1; }
* @brief Show high resolution elapsed time for 10,000 and 100,000 loops
void DoTimingsOfStrnCmp(void)
char testStr[] = "Hello, world";
int totLoops = 10000;
int totFoundCount = 0;
int foundCount = 0;
int loop;
int rc;
const int progressAnd = 0xFFFFF000;
double elapsed;
printf("\n\n%d loops with * every %d loops to confirm\n", totLoops, ((~progressAnd) + 1));
for (loop = 0; loop < totLoops; ++loop) {
foundCount = 0;
rc = strncmp(testStr, "Hello", 5);
if (rc == 0) {
if ((totFoundCount & progressAnd) == totFoundCount) {
elapsed = HrtElapsedMillis();
printf("\nstrncmp Elapsed for %7d loops milliseconds: %7.3f\n", totLoops, elapsed);
printf("FoundCount each loop: %d\n", foundCount);
printf("TotalFoundCount for all loops: %d\n", totFoundCount);
totLoops = 100000;
for (loop = 0; loop < totLoops; ++loop) {
foundCount = 0;
rc = strncmp(testStr, "Hello", 5);
if (rc == 0) {
if ((totFoundCount & progressAnd) == totFoundCount) {
elapsed = HrtElapsedMillis();
printf("\nstrncmp Elapsed for %7d loops milliseconds: %7.3f\n", totLoops, elapsed);
printf("FoundCount each loop: %d\n", foundCount);
printf("TotalFoundCount for all loops: %d\n", totFoundCount);
* @brief Show high resolution elapsed time for 10,000 and 100,000 loops
void DoTimingsOfRe2c(void)
char* testStrings[] = { "123", "1234", "+123", "01234", "-04321", "abc", "123abc" };
const int testCount = sizeof(testStrings) / sizeof(testStrings[0]);
int i;
int totLoops = 10000 / testCount; // Doing more than one per loop
int totFoundCount = 0;
int foundCount = 0;
int loop;
int rc;
const int progressAnd = 0xFFFFF000;
double elapsed;
printf("\n\n%d loops with * every %d loops to confirm\n", totLoops, ((~progressAnd) + 1));
for (loop = 0; loop < totLoops; ++loop) {
foundCount = 0;
strcpy(gTestBuf, "");
for (i = 0; i < testCount; ++i) {
char* pzCurStr = testStrings[i];
size_t len = strlen(pzCurStr); // Calc of strlen slows things down ... std::string?
rc = ScanFullSpeed(pzCurStr, len);
if (rc == 0) {
if ((totFoundCount & progressAnd) == totFoundCount) {
elapsed = HrtElapsedMillis();
printf("\nRe2c Elapsed for %7d loops milliseconds: %7.3f\n", totLoops, elapsed);
printf("FoundCount each loop: %d\n", foundCount);
printf("TotalFoundCount for all loops: %d\n", totFoundCount);
totLoops = 100000 / testCount;
printf("\n\n%d loops with * every %d loops to confirm\n", totLoops, ((~progressAnd) + 1));
for (loop = 0; loop < totLoops; ++loop) {
foundCount = 0;
strcpy(gTestBuf, "");
for (i = 0; i < testCount; ++i) {
char* pzCurStr = testStrings[i];
size_t len = strlen(pzCurStr); // Calc of strlen slows things down ... std::string?
rc = ScanFullSpeed(pzCurStr, len);
if (rc == 0) {
if ((totFoundCount & progressAnd) == totFoundCount) {
elapsed = HrtElapsedMillis();
printf("\nRe2c Elapsed for %7d loops milliseconds: %7.3f\n", totLoops, elapsed);
printf("FoundCount each loop: %d\n", foundCount);
printf("TotalFoundCount for all loops: %d\n", totFoundCount);
* @brief Entry point for console app
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char testStr_A[] = "123";
char* testStr_B = "456";
char* testStrings[] = { "123", "1234", "+123", "01234", "-04321", "abc", "123abc" };
const int testCount = sizeof(testStrings) / sizeof(testStrings[0]);
int i;
int rc = scan(testStr_A, 3);
printf("rc: %d\n", rc);
rc = scan(testStr_B, 3);
printf("rc: %d\n", rc);
rc = scan("789", 3);
printf("rc: %d\n", rc);
strcpy(gTestBuf, "");
for (i = 0; i < testCount; ++i) {
char* pzCurStr = testStrings[i];
size_t len = strlen(pzCurStr);
scan(pzCurStr, len);
printf("%s\n", gTestBuf);
rc = strcmp(gTestBuf, "Num Num + Num Oct - Oct ERR Num ERR ");
if (rc == 0) {
else {
assert(0 == rc); // Doesn't work with Release build
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
re2c lesson 002_strip_comments, (c) M. Boerger 2006
In this lesson you will learn how to use multiple scanner blocks and how to
read the input from a file instead of a zero terminated string. In the end you
will have a scanner that filters comments out of c source files but keeps re2c
The first scanner can be generated with:
re2c -s -o t.c strip_001.s.re
In the second step we will learn about YYMARKER that stores backtracking
re2c -s -0 t.c strip_002.b.re
The third step brings trailing contexts that are stored in YYCTXMARKER. We also
change to use -b instead of -s option since the scanner gets more and more
re2c -b -0 t.c strip_002.b.re
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
/* re2c lesson 002_strip_comments, strip_001.s, (c) M. Boerger 2006 - 2007 */
- basic interface for file reading
. This scanner will read chunks of input from a file. The easiest way would
be to read the whole file into a memory buffer and use that a zero
terminated string.
. Instead we want to read input chunks of a reasonable size as they are neede
by the scanner. Thus we basically need YYFILL(n) to call fread(n).
. Before we provide a buffer that we constantly reallocate we instead use
one buffer that we get from the stack or global memory just once. When we
reach the end of the buffer we simply move the beginning of our input
that is somewhere in our buffer to the beginning of our buffer and then
append the next chunk of input to the correct end inside our buffer.
. As re2c scanners might read more than one character we need to ensure our
buffer is long enough. We can use re2c to inform about the maximum size
by placing a "!max:re2c" comment somewhere. This gets translated to a
"#define YYMAXFILL <n>" line where <n> is the maximum length value. This
define can be used as precompiler condition.
- multiple scanner blocks
. We use a main scanner block that outputs every input character unless the
input is two /s or a / followed by a *. In the latter two cases we switch
to a special c++ comment and a comment block respectively.
. Both special blocks simply detect their end ignore any other character.
. The c++ block is a bit special. Since the terminating new line needs to
be output and that can either be a new line or a carridge return followed
by a new line.
. In order to ensure that we do not read behind our buffer we reset the token
pointer to the cursor on every scanner run.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/*!max:re2c */
#define BSIZE 128
# error BSIZE must be greater YYMAXFILL
#define YYCTYPE unsigned char
#define YYCURSOR s.cur
#define YYLIMIT s.lim
#define YYFILL(n) { if ((res = fill(&s, n)) >= 0) break; }
typedef struct Scanner
FILE *fp;
unsigned char *cur, *tok, *lim, *eof;
unsigned char buffer[BSIZE];
} Scanner;
int fill(Scanner *s, int len)
if (!len)
s->cur = s->tok = s->lim = s->buffer;
s->eof = 0;
if (!s->eof)
int got, cnt = s->tok - s->buffer;
if (cnt > 0)
memcpy(s->buffer, s->tok, s->lim - s->tok);
s->tok -= cnt;
s->cur -= cnt;
s->lim -= cnt;
cnt = BSIZE - cnt;
if ((got = fread(s->lim, 1, cnt, s->fp)) != cnt)
s->eof = &s->lim[got];
s->lim += got;
else if (s->cur + len > s->eof)
return 0; /* not enough input data */
return -1;
int scan(FILE *fp)
int res = 0;
Scanner s;
if (!fp)
return 1; /* no file was opened */
s.fp = fp;
fill(&s, 0);
s.tok = s.cur;
re2c:indent:top = 2;
NL = "\r"? "\n" ;
ANY = [^] ;
"/" "/" { goto cppcomment; }
"/" "*" { goto comment; }
ANY { fputc(*s.tok, stdout); continue; }
s.tok = s.cur;
"*" "/" { continue; }
ANY { goto comment; }
s.tok = s.cur;
NL { fwrite(s.tok, 1, s.cur - s.tok, stdout); continue; }
ANY { goto cppcomment; }
if (fp != stdin)
fclose(fp); /* close only if not stdin */
return res; /* return result */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
return scan(!strcmp(argv[1], "-") ? stdin : fopen(argv[1], "r"));
fprintf(stderr, "%s <expr>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
/* re2c lesson 002_strip_comments, strip_002.s, (c) M. Boerger 2006 - 2007 */
- complexity
. When a comment is preceeded by a new line and followed by whitespace and a
new line then we can drop the trailing whitespace and new line.
. Additional to what we strip out already what about two consequtive comment
blocks? When two comments are only separated by whitespace we want to drop
both. In other words when detecting the end of a comment block we need to
check whether it is followed by only whitespace and the a new comment in
which case we continure ignoring the input. If it is followed only by white
space and a new line we strip out the new white space and new line. In any
other case we start outputting all that follows.
But we cannot simply use the following two rules:
"*" "/" WS* "/" "*" { continue; }
"*" "/" WS* NL { continue; }
The main problem is that WS* can get bigger then our buffer, so we need a
new scanner.
. Meanwhile our scanner gets a bit more complex and we have to add two more
things. First the scanner code now uses a YYMARKER to store backtracking
- backtracking information
. When the scanner has two rules that can have the same beginning but a
different ending then it needs to store the position that identifies the
common part. This is called backtracking. As mentioned above re2c expects
you to provide compiler define YYMARKER and a pointer variable.
. When shifting buffer contents as done in our fill function the marker needs
to be corrected, too.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/*!max:re2c */
#define BSIZE 128
# error BSIZE must be greater YYMAXFILL
#define YYCTYPE unsigned char
#define YYCURSOR s.cur
#define YYLIMIT s.lim
#define YYMARKER s.mrk
#define YYFILL(n) { if ((res = fill(&s, n)) >= 0) break; }
typedef struct Scanner
FILE *fp;
unsigned char *cur, *tok, *lim, *eof, *mrk;
unsigned char buffer[BSIZE];
} Scanner;
int fill(Scanner *s, int len)
if (!len)
s->cur = s->tok = s->lim = s->mrk = s->buffer;
s->eof = 0;
if (!s->eof)
int got, cnt = s->tok - s->buffer;
if (cnt > 0)
memcpy(s->buffer, s->tok, s->lim - s->tok);
s->tok -= cnt;
s->cur -= cnt;
s->lim -= cnt;
s->mrk -= cnt;
cnt = BSIZE - cnt;
if ((got = fread(s->lim, 1, cnt, s->fp)) != cnt)
s->eof = &s->lim[got];
s->lim += got;
else if (s->cur + len > s->eof)
return 0; /* not enough input data */
return -1;
void echo(Scanner *s)
fwrite(s->tok, 1, s->cur - s->tok, stdout);
int scan(FILE *fp)
int res = 0;
Scanner s;
if (!fp)
return 1; /* no file was opened */
s.fp = fp;
fill(&s, 0);
s.tok = s.cur;
re2c:indent:top = 2;
NL = "\r"? "\n" ;
WS = [\r\n\t ] ;
ANY = [^] ;
"/" "/" { goto cppcomment; }
"/" "*" { goto comment; }
ANY { fputc(*s.tok, stdout); continue; }
s.tok = s.cur;
"*" "/" { goto commentws; }
ANY { goto comment; }
s.tok = s.cur;
NL { echo(&s); continue; }
WS { goto commentws; }
ANY { echo(&s); continue; }
s.tok = s.cur;
NL { echo(&s); continue; }
ANY { goto cppcomment; }
if (fp != stdin)
fclose(fp); /* close only if not stdin */
return res; /* return result */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
return scan(!strcmp(argv[1], "-") ? stdin : fopen(argv[1], "r"));
fprintf(stderr, "%s <expr>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
/* re2c lesson 002_strip_comments, strip_003.b, (c) M. Boerger 2006 - 2007 */
- more complexity
. Right now we strip out trailing white space and new lines after a comment
block. This can be a problem when the comment block was not preceeded by
a new line.
. The solution is to use trailing contexts.
- trailing contexts
. Re2c allows to check for a portion of input and only recognize it when it
is followed by another portion. This is called a trailing context.
. The trailing context is not part of the identified input. That means that
it follows exactly at the cursor. A consequence is that the scanner has
already read more input and on the next run you need to restore begining
of input, in our case s.tok, from the cursor, here s.cur, rather then
restoring to the beginning of the buffer. This way the scanner can reuse
the portion it has already read.
. The position of the trailing context is stored in YYCTXMARKER for which
a pointer variable needs to be provided.
. As with YYMARKER the corrsponding variable needs to be corrected if we
shift in some buffer.
. Still this is not all we need to solve the problem. What is left is that
the information whether we detected a trailing context was detected has to
be stored somewhere. This is done by the new variable nlcomment.
- formatting
. Until now we only used single line expression code and we always had the
opening { on the same line as the rule itself. If we have multiline rule
code and care for formatting we can no longer rely on re2c. Now we have
to indent the rule code ourself. Also we need to take care of the opening
{. If we keep it on the same line as the rule then re2c will indent it
correctly and the emitted #line informations will be correct. If we place
it on the next line then the #line directive will also point to that line
and not to the rule.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/*!max:re2c */
#define BSIZE 128
# error BSIZE must be greater YYMAXFILL
#define YYCTYPE unsigned char
#define YYCURSOR s.cur
#define YYLIMIT s.lim
#define YYMARKER s.mrk
#define YYCTXMARKER s.ctx
#define YYFILL(n) { if ((res = fill(&s, n)) >= 0) break; }
typedef struct Scanner
FILE *fp;
unsigned char *cur, *tok, *lim, *eof, *ctx, *mrk;
unsigned char buffer[BSIZE];
} Scanner;
int fill(Scanner *s, int len)
if (!len)
s->cur = s->tok = s->lim = s->mrk = s->buffer;
s->eof = 0;
if (!s->eof)
int got, cnt = s->tok - s->buffer;
if (cnt > 0)
memcpy(s->buffer, s->tok, s->lim - s->tok);
s->tok -= cnt;
s->cur -= cnt;
s->lim -= cnt;
s->mrk -= cnt;
s->ctx -= cnt;
cnt = BSIZE - cnt;
if ((got = fread(s->lim, 1, cnt, s->fp)) != cnt)
s->eof = &s->lim[got];
s->lim += got;
else if (s->cur + len > s->eof)
return 0; /* not enough input data */
return -1;
void echo(Scanner *s)
fwrite(s->tok, 1, s->cur - s->tok, stdout);
int scan(FILE *fp)
int res = 0;
int nlcomment = 0;
Scanner s;
if (!fp)
return 1; /* no file was opened */
s.fp = fp;
fill(&s, 0);
s.tok = s.cur;
re2c:indent:top = 2;
NL = "\r"? "\n" ;
WS = [\r\n\t ] ;
ANY = [^] ;
"/" "/" { goto cppcomment; }
NL / "/""*" { echo(&s); nlcomment = 1; continue; }
"/" "*" { goto comment; }
ANY { fputc(*s.tok, stdout); continue; }
s.tok = s.cur;
"*" "/" { goto commentws; }
ANY { goto comment; }
s.tok = s.cur;
NL? "/" "*" { goto comment; }
NL {
if (!nlcomment)
nlcomment = 0;
WS { goto commentws; }
ANY { echo(&s); nlcomment = 0; continue; }
s.tok = s.cur;
NL { echo(&s); continue; }
ANY { goto cppcomment; }
if (fp != stdin)
fclose(fp); /* close only if not stdin */
return res; /* return result */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc > 1)
return scan(!strcmp(argv[1], "-") ? stdin : fopen(argv[1], "r"));
fprintf(stderr, "%s <expr>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <string.h>
volatile char ch;
struct stat statbuf;
uchar *buf;
fstat(0, &statbuf);
buf = mmap(NULL, statbuf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED|MAP_NORESERVE,
0, 0);
if(buf != (uchar*)(-1)){
uchar *cur, *lim = &buf[statbuf.st_size];
for(cur = buf; buf != lim; ++cur){
ch = *cur;
munmap(buf, statbuf.st_size);
@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ADDEQ 257
#define ANDAND 258
#define ANDEQ 259
#define ARRAY 260
#define ASM 261
#define AUTO 262
#define BREAK 263
#define CASE 264
#define CHAR 265
#define CONST 266
#define CONTINUE 267
#define DECR 268
#define DEFAULT 269
#define DEREF 270
#define DIVEQ 271
#define DO 272
#define DOUBLE 273
#define ELLIPSIS 274
#define ELSE 275
#define ENUM 276
#define EQL 277
#define EXTERN 278
#define FCON 279
#define FLOAT 280
#define FOR 281
#define FUNCTION 282
#define GEQ 283
#define GOTO 284
#define ICON 285
#define ID 286
#define IF 287
#define INCR 288
#define INT 289
#define LEQ 290
#define LONG 291
#define LSHIFT 292
#define LSHIFTEQ 293
#define MODEQ 294
#define MULEQ 295
#define NEQ 296
#define OREQ 297
#define OROR 298
#define POINTER 299
#define REGISTER 300
#define RETURN 301
#define RSHIFT 302
#define RSHIFTEQ 303
#define SCON 304
#define SHORT 305
#define SIGNED 306
#define SIZEOF 307
#define STATIC 308
#define STRUCT 309
#define SUBEQ 310
#define SWITCH 311
#define TYPEDEF 312
#define UNION 313
#define UNSIGNED 314
#define VOID 315
#define VOLATILE 316
#define WHILE 317
#define XOREQ 318
#define EOI 319
typedef unsigned int unint;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
#define YYCTYPE uchar
#define YYCURSOR cursor
#define YYLIMIT s->lim
#define YYMARKER s->ptr
#define YYFILL(n) {cursor = fill(s, cursor);}
#define RET(i) {s->cur = cursor; return i;}
typedef struct Scanner {
uchar *tok, *ptr, *cur, *pos, *lim, *eof;
unint line;
} Scanner;
uchar *fill(Scanner *s, uchar *cursor){
unint cnt = s->lim - s->tok;
uchar *buf = malloc((cnt + 1)*sizeof(uchar));
memcpy(buf, s->tok, cnt);
cursor = &buf[cursor - s->tok];
s->pos = &buf[s->pos - s->tok];
s->ptr = &buf[s->ptr - s->tok];
s->lim = &buf[cnt];
s->eof = s->lim; *(s->eof)++ = '\n';
s->tok = buf;
return cursor;
int scan(Scanner *s){
uchar *cursor = s->cur;
s->tok = cursor;
any = [\000-\377];
O = [0-7];
D = [0-9];
L = [a-zA-Z_];
H = [a-fA-F0-9];
E = [Ee] [+-]? D+;
FS = [fFlL];
IS = [uUlL]*;
ESC = [\\] ([abfnrtv?'"\\] | "x" H+ | O+);
"/*" { goto comment; }
"auto" { RET(AUTO); }
"break" { RET(BREAK); }
"case" { RET(CASE); }
"char" { RET(CHAR); }
"const" { RET(CONST); }
"continue" { RET(CONTINUE); }
"default" { RET(DEFAULT); }
"do" { RET(DO); }
"double" { RET(DOUBLE); }
"else" { RET(ELSE); }
"enum" { RET(ENUM); }
"extern" { RET(EXTERN); }
"float" { RET(FLOAT); }
"for" { RET(FOR); }
"goto" { RET(GOTO); }
"if" { RET(IF); }
"int" { RET(INT); }
"long" { RET(LONG); }
"register" { RET(REGISTER); }
"return" { RET(RETURN); }
"short" { RET(SHORT); }
"signed" { RET(SIGNED); }
"sizeof" { RET(SIZEOF); }
"static" { RET(STATIC); }
"struct" { RET(STRUCT); }
"switch" { RET(SWITCH); }
"typedef" { RET(TYPEDEF); }
"union" { RET(UNION); }
"unsigned" { RET(UNSIGNED); }
"void" { RET(VOID); }
"volatile" { RET(VOLATILE); }
"while" { RET(WHILE); }
L (L|D)* { RET(ID); }
("0" [xX] H+ IS?) | ("0" D+ IS?) | (D+ IS?) |
(['] (ESC|any\[\n\\'])* ['])
{ RET(ICON); }
(D+ E FS?) | (D* "." D+ E? FS?) | (D+ "." D* E? FS?)
{ RET(FCON); }
(["] (ESC|any\[\n\\"])* ["])
{ RET(SCON); }
"..." { RET(ELLIPSIS); }
">>=" { RET(RSHIFTEQ); }
"<<=" { RET(LSHIFTEQ); }
"+=" { RET(ADDEQ); }
"-=" { RET(SUBEQ); }
"*=" { RET(MULEQ); }
"/=" { RET(DIVEQ); }
"%=" { RET(MODEQ); }
"&=" { RET(ANDEQ); }
"^=" { RET(XOREQ); }
"|=" { RET(OREQ); }
">>" { RET(RSHIFT); }
"<<" { RET(LSHIFT); }
"++" { RET(INCR); }
"--" { RET(DECR); }
"->" { RET(DEREF); }
"&&" { RET(ANDAND); }
"||" { RET(OROR); }
"<=" { RET(LEQ); }
">=" { RET(GEQ); }
"==" { RET(EQL); }
"!=" { RET(NEQ); }
";" { RET(';'); }
"{" { RET('{'); }
"}" { RET('}'); }
"," { RET(','); }
":" { RET(':'); }
"=" { RET('='); }
"(" { RET('('); }
")" { RET(')'); }
"[" { RET('['); }
"]" { RET(']'); }
"." { RET('.'); }
"&" { RET('&'); }
"!" { RET('!'); }
"~" { RET('~'); }
"-" { RET('-'); }
"+" { RET('+'); }
"*" { RET('*'); }
"/" { RET('/'); }
"%" { RET('%'); }
"<" { RET('<'); }
">" { RET('>'); }
"^" { RET('^'); }
"|" { RET('|'); }
"?" { RET('?'); }
[ \t\v\f]+ { goto std; }
if(cursor == s->eof) RET(EOI);
s->pos = cursor; s->line++;
goto std;
printf("unexpected character: %c\n", *s->tok);
goto std;
"*/" { goto std; }
if(cursor == s->eof) RET(EOI);
s->tok = s->pos = cursor; s->line++;
goto comment;
any { goto comment; }
Scanner in;
struct stat statbuf;
uchar *buf;
fstat(0, &statbuf);
buf = mmap(NULL, statbuf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED|MAP_NORESERVE,
0, 0);
if(buf != (uchar*)(-1)){
int t;
in.lim = &(in.cur = buf)[statbuf.st_size];
in.pos = NULL;
in.eof = NULL;
while((t = scan(&in)) != EOI){
printf("%d\t%.*s\n", t, in.cur - in.tok, in.tok);
printf("%d\n", t);
munmap(buf, statbuf.st_size);
@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ADDEQ 257
#define ANDAND 258
#define ANDEQ 259
#define ARRAY 260
#define ASM 261
#define AUTO 262
#define BREAK 263
#define CASE 264
#define CHAR 265
#define CONST 266
#define CONTINUE 267
#define DECR 268
#define DEFAULT 269
#define DEREF 270
#define DIVEQ 271
#define DO 272
#define DOUBLE 273
#define ELLIPSIS 274
#define ELSE 275
#define ENUM 276
#define EQL 277
#define EXTERN 278
#define FCON 279
#define FLOAT 280
#define FOR 281
#define FUNCTION 282
#define GEQ 283
#define GOTO 284
#define ICON 285
#define ID 286
#define IF 287
#define INCR 288
#define INT 289
#define LEQ 290
#define LONG 291
#define LSHIFT 292
#define LSHIFTEQ 293
#define MODEQ 294
#define MULEQ 295
#define NEQ 296
#define OREQ 297
#define OROR 298
#define POINTER 299
#define REGISTER 300
#define RETURN 301
#define RSHIFT 302
#define RSHIFTEQ 303
#define SCON 304
#define SHORT 305
#define SIGNED 306
#define SIZEOF 307
#define STATIC 308
#define STRUCT 309
#define SUBEQ 310
#define SWITCH 311
#define TYPEDEF 312
#define UNION 313
#define UNSIGNED 314
#define VOID 315
#define VOLATILE 316
#define WHILE 317
#define XOREQ 318
#define EOI 319
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
#define BSIZE 8192
#define YYCTYPE uchar
#define YYCURSOR cursor
#define YYLIMIT s->lim
#define YYMARKER s->ptr
#define YYFILL(n) {cursor = fill(s, cursor);}
#define RET(i) {s->cur = cursor; return i;}
typedef struct Scanner {
int fd;
uchar *bot, *tok, *ptr, *cur, *pos, *lim, *top, *eof;
uint line;
} Scanner;
uchar *fill(Scanner *s, uchar *cursor){
uint cnt = s->tok - s->bot;
memcpy(s->bot, s->tok, s->lim - s->tok);
s->tok = s->bot;
s->ptr -= cnt;
cursor -= cnt;
s->pos -= cnt;
s->lim -= cnt;
if((s->top - s->lim) < BSIZE){
uchar *buf = (uchar*) malloc(((s->lim - s->bot) + BSIZE)*sizeof(uchar));
memcpy(buf, s->tok, s->lim - s->tok);
s->tok = buf;
s->ptr = &buf[s->ptr - s->bot];
cursor = &buf[cursor - s->bot];
s->pos = &buf[s->pos - s->bot];
s->lim = &buf[s->lim - s->bot];
s->top = &s->lim[BSIZE];
s->bot = buf;
if((cnt = read(s->fd, (char*) s->lim, BSIZE)) != BSIZE){
s->eof = &s->lim[cnt]; *(s->eof)++ = '\n';
s->lim += cnt;
return cursor;
int scan(Scanner *s){
uchar *cursor = s->cur;
s->tok = cursor;
any = [\000-\377];
O = [0-7];
D = [0-9];
L = [a-zA-Z_];
H = [a-fA-F0-9];
E = [Ee] [+-]? D+;
FS = [fFlL];
IS = [uUlL]*;
ESC = [\\] ([abfnrtv?'"\\] | "x" H+ | O+);
"/*" { goto comment; }
L (L|D)* { RET(ID); }
("0" [xX] H+ IS?) | ("0" D+ IS?) | (D+ IS?) |
(['] (ESC|any\[\n\\'])* ['])
{ RET(ICON); }
(D+ E FS?) | (D* "." D+ E? FS?) | (D+ "." D* E? FS?)
{ RET(FCON); }
(["] (ESC|any\[\n\\"])* ["])
{ RET(SCON); }
"..." { RET(ELLIPSIS); }
">>=" { RET(RSHIFTEQ); }
"<<=" { RET(LSHIFTEQ); }
"+=" { RET(ADDEQ); }
"-=" { RET(SUBEQ); }
"*=" { RET(MULEQ); }
"/=" { RET(DIVEQ); }
"%=" { RET(MODEQ); }
"&=" { RET(ANDEQ); }
"^=" { RET(XOREQ); }
"|=" { RET(OREQ); }
">>" { RET(RSHIFT); }
"<<" { RET(LSHIFT); }
"++" { RET(INCR); }
"--" { RET(DECR); }
"->" { RET(DEREF); }
"&&" { RET(ANDAND); }
"||" { RET(OROR); }
"<=" { RET(LEQ); }
">=" { RET(GEQ); }
"==" { RET(EQL); }
"!=" { RET(NEQ); }
";" { RET(';'); }
"{" { RET('{'); }
"}" { RET('}'); }
"," { RET(','); }
":" { RET(':'); }
"=" { RET('='); }
"(" { RET('('); }
")" { RET(')'); }
"[" { RET('['); }
"]" { RET(']'); }
"." { RET('.'); }
"&" { RET('&'); }
"!" { RET('!'); }
"~" { RET('~'); }
"-" { RET('-'); }
"+" { RET('+'); }
"*" { RET('*'); }
"/" { RET('/'); }
"%" { RET('%'); }
"<" { RET('<'); }
">" { RET('>'); }
"^" { RET('^'); }
"|" { RET('|'); }
"?" { RET('?'); }
[ \t\v\f]+ { goto std; }
if(cursor == s->eof) RET(EOI);
s->pos = cursor; s->line++;
goto std;
printf("unexpected character: %c\n", *s->tok);
goto std;
"*/" { goto std; }
if(cursor == s->eof) RET(EOI);
s->tok = s->pos = cursor; s->line++;
goto comment;
any { goto comment; }
Scanner in;
int t;
memset((char*) &in, 0, sizeof(in));
in.fd = 0;
while((t = scan(&in)) != EOI){
printf("%d\t%.*s\n", t, in.cur - in.tok, in.tok);
printf("%d\n", t);
@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ADDEQ 257
#define ANDAND 258
#define ANDEQ 259
#define ARRAY 260
#define ASM 261
#define AUTO 262
#define BREAK 263
#define CASE 264
#define CHAR 265
#define CONST 266
#define CONTINUE 267
#define DECR 268
#define DEFAULT 269
#define DEREF 270
#define DIVEQ 271
#define DO 272
#define DOUBLE 273
#define ELLIPSIS 274
#define ELSE 275
#define ENUM 276
#define EQL 277
#define EXTERN 278
#define FCON 279
#define FLOAT 280
#define FOR 281
#define FUNCTION 282
#define GEQ 283
#define GOTO 284
#define ICON 285
#define ID 286
#define IF 287
#define INCR 288
#define INT 289
#define LEQ 290
#define LONG 291
#define LSHIFT 292
#define LSHIFTEQ 293
#define MODEQ 294
#define MULEQ 295
#define NEQ 296
#define OREQ 297
#define OROR 298
#define POINTER 299
#define REGISTER 300
#define RETURN 301
#define RSHIFT 302
#define RSHIFTEQ 303
#define SCON 304
#define SHORT 305
#define SIGNED 306
#define SIZEOF 307
#define STATIC 308
#define STRUCT 309
#define SUBEQ 310
#define SWITCH 311
#define TYPEDEF 312
#define UNION 313
#define UNSIGNED 314
#define VOID 315
#define VOLATILE 316
#define WHILE 317
#define XOREQ 318
#define EOI 319
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
#define BSIZE 8192
#define YYCTYPE uchar
#define YYCURSOR cursor
#define YYLIMIT s->lim
#define YYMARKER s->ptr
#define YYFILL(n) {cursor = fill(s, cursor);}
#define RET(i) {s->cur = cursor; return i;}
typedef struct Scanner {
int fd;
uchar *bot, *tok, *ptr, *cur, *pos, *lim, *top, *eof;
uint line;
} Scanner;
uchar *fill(Scanner *s, uchar *cursor){
uint cnt = s->tok - s->bot;
memcpy(s->bot, s->tok, s->lim - s->tok);
s->tok = s->bot;
s->ptr -= cnt;
cursor -= cnt;
s->pos -= cnt;
s->lim -= cnt;
if((s->top - s->lim) < BSIZE){
uchar *buf = (uchar*) malloc(((s->lim - s->bot) + BSIZE)*sizeof(uchar));
memcpy(buf, s->tok, s->lim - s->tok);
s->tok = buf;
s->ptr = &buf[s->ptr - s->bot];
cursor = &buf[cursor - s->bot];
s->pos = &buf[s->pos - s->bot];
s->lim = &buf[s->lim - s->bot];
s->top = &s->lim[BSIZE];
s->bot = buf;
if((cnt = read(s->fd, (char*) s->lim, BSIZE)) != BSIZE){
s->eof = &s->lim[cnt]; *(s->eof)++ = '\n';
s->lim += cnt;
return cursor;
int scan(Scanner *s){
uchar *cursor = s->cur;
s->tok = cursor;
any = [\000-\377];
O = [0-7];
D = [0-9];
L = [a-zA-Z_];
I = L|D;
H = [a-fA-F0-9];
E = [Ee] [+-]? D+;
FS = [fFlL];
IS = [uUlL]*;
ESC = [\\] ([abfnrtv?'"\\] | "x" H+ | O+);
X = any\[*/];
"/*" { goto comment; }
L { RET(ID); }
L I { RET(ID); }
L I I { RET(ID); }
L I I I { RET(ID); }
L I I I I { RET(ID); }
L I I I I I { RET(ID); }
L I I I I I I { RET(ID); }
L I I I I I I I { RET(ID); }
L I* { RET(ID); }
("0" [xX] H+ IS?) | ("0" D+ IS?) | (D+ IS?) |
(['] (ESC|any\[\n\\'])* ['])
{ RET(ICON); }
(D+ E FS?) | (D* "." D+ E? FS?) | (D+ "." D* E? FS?)
{ RET(FCON); }
(["] (ESC|any\[\n\\"])* ["])
{ RET(SCON); }
"..." { RET(ELLIPSIS); }
">>=" { RET(RSHIFTEQ); }
"<<=" { RET(LSHIFTEQ); }
"+=" { RET(ADDEQ); }
"-=" { RET(SUBEQ); }
"*=" { RET(MULEQ); }
"/=" { RET(DIVEQ); }
"%=" { RET(MODEQ); }
"&=" { RET(ANDEQ); }
"^=" { RET(XOREQ); }
"|=" { RET(OREQ); }
">>" { RET(RSHIFT); }
"<<" { RET(LSHIFT); }
"++" { RET(INCR); }
"--" { RET(DECR); }
"->" { RET(DEREF); }
"&&" { RET(ANDAND); }
"||" { RET(OROR); }
"<=" { RET(LEQ); }
">=" { RET(GEQ); }
"==" { RET(EQL); }
"!=" { RET(NEQ); }
";" { RET(';'); }
"{" { RET('{'); }
"}" { RET('}'); }
"," { RET(','); }
":" { RET(':'); }
"=" { RET('='); }
"(" { RET('('); }
")" { RET(')'); }
"[" { RET('['); }
"]" { RET(']'); }
"." { RET('.'); }
"&" { RET('&'); }
"!" { RET('!'); }
"~" { RET('~'); }
"-" { RET('-'); }
"+" { RET('+'); }
"*" { RET('*'); }
"/" { RET('/'); }
"%" { RET('%'); }
"<" { RET('<'); }
">" { RET('>'); }
"^" { RET('^'); }
"|" { RET('|'); }
"?" { RET('?'); }
[ \t\v\f]+ { goto std; }
if(cursor == s->eof) RET(EOI);
s->pos = cursor; s->line++;
goto std;
printf("unexpected character: %c\n", *s->tok);
goto std;
"*/" { goto std; }
if(cursor == s->eof) RET(EOI);
s->tok = s->pos = cursor; s->line++;
goto comment;
X { goto comment; }
X X { goto comment; }
X X X { goto comment; }
X X X X { goto comment; }
X X X X X { goto comment; }
X X X X X X { goto comment; }
X X X X X X X { goto comment; }
X X X X X X X X { goto comment; }
any { goto comment; }
Scanner in;
int t;
memset((char*) &in, 0, sizeof(in));
in.fd = 0;
while((t = scan(&in)) != EOI){
printf("%d\t%.*s\n", t, in.cur - in.tok, in.tok);
printf("%d\n", t);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// Build with "--input custom" re2c switch.
// This is an example of handling fixed-length buffer with "--input custom":
// on each YYPEEK we check for the end of input, thus YYFILL generation
// can be safely suppressed.
// Note that YYLIMIT points not to terminating NULL, but to the previous
// character: we emulate the case when input has no terminating NULL.
// For a real-life example see https://github.com/sopyer/mjson
// or mjson.re from re2c test collection.
bool lex (const char * cursor, const char * const limit)
const char * marker;
const char * ctxmarker;
# define YYCTYPE char
# define YYPEEK() (cursor >= limit ? 0 : *cursor)
# define YYSKIP() ++cursor
# define YYBACKUP() marker = cursor
# define YYBACKUPCTX() ctxmarker = cursor
# define YYRESTORE() cursor = marker
# define YYRESTORECTX() cursor = ctxmarker
re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
"int buffer " / "[" [0-9]+ "]" { return true; }
* { return false; }
int main ()
char buffer [] = "int buffer [1024]";
return !lex (buffer, buffer + sizeof (buffer) - 1);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Build with "--input custom" re2c switch.
These are three examples of "--input custom" usage:
- input_custom_default.re:
implements default re2c input model (pointers to plain buffer)
- input_custom_fgetc:
implements C-style file input (using <stdio.h>)
- input_custom_fgetc:
implements std::istringstream input
Note that these examples are very simple and don't need
to implement YYFILL; the only reason they don't use
"re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;" is to keep YYLESSTHAN and YYLIMIT
(for the sake of example).
In real-life programs one will need to care for correct
end-of-input handling.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
bool lex (const char * cursor, const char * const limit)
const char * marker;
const char * ctxmarker;
# define YYCTYPE char
# define YYPEEK() *cursor
# define YYSKIP() ++cursor
# define YYBACKUP() marker = cursor
# define YYBACKUPCTX() ctxmarker = cursor
# define YYRESTORE() cursor = marker
# define YYRESTORECTX() cursor = ctxmarker
# define YYLESSTHAN(n) limit - cursor < n
# define YYFILL(n) {}
"int buffer " / "[" [0-9]+ "]" { return true; }
* { return false; }
int main ()
char buffer [] = "int buffer [1024]";
return !lex (buffer, buffer + sizeof (buffer));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#include <stdio.h>
char peek (FILE * f)
char c = fgetc (f);
ungetc (c, f);
return c;
bool lex (FILE * f, const long limit)
long marker;
long ctxmarker;
# define YYCTYPE char
# define YYPEEK() peek (f)
# define YYSKIP() fgetc (f)
# define YYBACKUP() marker = ftell (f)
# define YYBACKUPCTX() ctxmarker = ftell (f)
# define YYRESTORE() fseek (f, marker, SEEK_SET)
# define YYRESTORECTX() fseek (f, ctxmarker, SEEK_SET)
# define YYLESSTHAN(n) limit - ftell (f) < n
# define YYFILL(n) {}
"int buffer " / "[" [0-9]+ "]" { return true; }
* { return false; }
int main ()
const char buffer [] = "int buffer [1024]";
const char fn [] = "input.txt";
FILE * f = fopen (fn, "w");
fwrite (buffer, 1, sizeof (buffer), f);
fclose (f);
f = fopen (fn, "rb");
int result = !lex (f, sizeof (buffer));
fclose (f);
return result;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#include <sstream>
bool lex (std::istringstream & is, const std::streampos limit)
std::streampos marker;
std::streampos ctxmarker;
# define YYCTYPE char
# define YYPEEK() is.peek ()
# define YYSKIP() is.ignore ()
# define YYBACKUP() marker = is.tellg ()
# define YYBACKUPCTX() ctxmarker = is.tellg ()
# define YYRESTORE() is.seekg (marker)
# define YYRESTORECTX() is.seekg (ctxmarker)
# define YYLESSTHAN(n) limit - is.tellg () < n
# define YYFILL(n) {}
"int buffer " / "[" [0-9]+ "]" { return true; }
* { return false; }
int main ()
const char buffer [] = "int buffer [1024]";
std::istringstream is (buffer);
return !lex (is, sizeof (buffer));
@ -11,13 +11,14 @@ typedef unsigned char uchar;
#define YYCURSOR cursor
#define YYLIMIT s->lim
#define YYMARKER s->ptr
#define YYCTXMARKER s->ctx
#define YYFILL {cursor = fill(s, cursor);}
#define RETURN(i) {s->cur = cursor; return i;}
typedef struct Scanner {
int fd;
uchar *bot, *tok, *ptr, *cur, *pos, *lim, *top, *eof;
uchar *bot, *tok, *ptr, *ctx, *cur, *pos, *lim, *top, *eof;
uint line;
} Scanner;
@ -226,14 +226,14 @@ public:
re2c:startlabel = 1;
eol = "\n";
eof = "\000";
digit = [0-9];
integer = digit+;
alpha = [A-Za-z_];
any = [\000-\0377];
any = [\000-\377];
space = [ \h\t\v\f\r];
"if" { SEND(kIf); }
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define RET(n) printf("%d\n", n); return n
int scan(char *s, int l){
char *p = s;
char *q;
#define YYCTYPE char
#define YYCURSOR p
#define YYLIMIT (s+l)
#define YYMARKER q
#define YYFILL(n)
'a'{1}"\n" {RET(1);}
'a'{2,3}"\n" {RET(2);}
'a'{6}"\n" {RET(4);}
'a'{4,}"\n" {RET(3);}
[^aq]|"\n" {RET(0);}
#define do_scan(str) scan(str, strlen(str))
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Replacement modules for an existing REXX interpreter. Not standalone.
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
uchar *ScanFill(uchar *cursor){
unsigned cnt = s->tok - s->bot;
s->pos += cursor - s->mrk;
unsigned len = s->eot - s->tok;
memcpy(s->bot, s->tok, len);
s->eot = &s->bot[len];
if((len = s->lim - cursor) != 0)
memcpy(s->eot, cursor, len);
cursor = s->eot;
s->lim = &cursor[len];
} else {
memcpy(s->bot, s->tok, s->lim - s->tok);
cursor -= cnt;
s->lim -= cnt;
s->tok = s->bot;
s->ptr -= cnt;
if((s->top - s->lim) < 512){
uchar *buf = (uchar*) malloc(((s->lim - s->bot) + 512)*sizeof(uchar));
memcpy(buf, s->bot, s->lim - s->bot);
s->tok = buf;
s->ptr = &buf[s->ptr - s->bot];
s->eot = &buf[s->eot - s->bot];
cursor = &buf[cursor - s->bot];
s->lim = &buf[s->lim - s->bot];
s->top = &s->lim[512];
s->bot = buf;
s->mrk = cursor;
if((cnt = read(ScanCBIO.u.f.fd, (char*) s->lim, 512)) != 512)
memset(&s->lim[cnt], 0, 512 - cnt);
s->lim += 512;
return cursor;
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
"print" {return PRINT;}
[a-z]+ {return ID;}
[0-9]+ {return DEC;}
"0x" [0-9a-f]+ {return HEX;}
[\000-\377] {return ERR;}
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
#define NULL ((char*) 0)
char *scan(char *p){
char *q;
#define YYCTYPE char
#define YYCURSOR p
#define YYLIMIT p
#define YYMARKER q
#define YYFILL(n)
[0-9]+ {return YYCURSOR;}
[\000-\377] {return NULL;}
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
/* $Id: globals.h 713 2007-04-29 15:33:47Z helly $ */
#ifndef _globals_h
#define _globals_h
#include "basics.h"
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include "stream_lc.h"
#include "code_names.h"
namespace re2c
extern file_info sourceFileInfo;
extern file_info outputFileInfo;
extern bool bFlag;
extern bool dFlag;
extern bool eFlag;
extern bool fFlag;
extern bool gFlag;
extern bool iFlag;
extern bool sFlag;
extern bool uFlag;
extern bool wFlag;
extern bool bNoGenerationDate;
extern bool bSinglePass;
extern bool bFirstPass;
extern bool bLastPass;
extern bool bUsedYYAccept;
extern bool bUsedYYMaxFill;
extern bool bUsedYYMarker;
extern bool bUseStartLabel;
extern std::string startLabelName;
extern std::string labelPrefix;
extern std::string yychConversion;
extern uint maxFill;
extern uint next_label;
extern uint cGotoThreshold;
/* configurations */
extern uint topIndent;
extern std::string indString;
extern bool yybmHexTable;
extern bool bUseStateAbort;
extern bool bUseStateNext;
extern bool bWroteGetState;
extern bool bUseYYFill;
extern bool bUseYYFillParam;
extern uint asc2ebc[256];
extern uint ebc2asc[256];
extern uint *xlat, *talx;
extern uint next_fill_index;
extern uint last_fill_index;
extern std::set<uint> vUsedLabels;
extern re2c::CodeNames mapCodeName;
extern uint nRealChars;
extern char octCh(uint c);
extern char hexCh(uint c);
} // end namespace re2c
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