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/* Driver template for the LEMON parser generator.
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.
/* First off, code is included which follows the "include" declaration
** in the input file. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#line 1 "xlat-parse.y"
#include "xlat.h"
#include "xlat-parse.h"
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
int yyerror (char *s);
typedef struct _Symbol
struct _Symbol *Next;
int Value;
char Sym[1];
} Symbol;
static bool FindToken (char *tok, int *type);
static void AddSym (char *sym, int val);
static bool FindSym (char *sym, Symbol **val);
static int EnumVal;
struct ListFilter
WORD filter;
BYTE value;
typedef struct _morefilters
struct _morefilters *next;
struct ListFilter filter;
} MoreFilters;
typedef struct _morelines
struct _morelines *next;
BoomArg arg;
} MoreLines;
typedef struct _specialargs
BYTE addflags;
BYTE args[5];
} SpecialArgs;
typedef struct _boomarg
BYTE constant;
WORD mask;
MoreFilters *filters;
} ParseBoomArg;
typedef union YYSTYPE
int val;
char sym[80];
char string[80];
Symbol *symval;
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int yylex (YYSTYPE *yylval)
char token[80];
int toksize;
int c;
while (Source == NULL)
if (!EndFile ())
return 0;
while (isspace (c = fgetc (Source)) && c != EOF)
if (c == '\n')
if (c == EOF)
if (EndFile ())
goto loop;
return 0;
if (isdigit (c))
int buildup = c - '0';
if (c == '0')
c = fgetc (Source);
if (c == 'x' || c == 'X')
for (;;)
c = fgetc (Source);
if (isdigit (c))
buildup = (buildup<<4) + c - '0';
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
buildup = (buildup<<4) + c - 'a' + 10;
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
buildup = (buildup<<4) + c - 'A' + 10;
ungetc (c, Source);
yylval->val = buildup;
return NUM;
ungetc (c, Source);
while (isdigit (c = fgetc (Source)))
buildup = buildup*10 + c - '0';
ungetc (c, Source);
yylval->val = buildup;
return NUM;
if (isalpha (c))
int buildup = 0;
token[0] = c;
toksize = 1;
while (toksize < 79 && (isalnum (c = fgetc (Source)) || c == '_'))
token[toksize++] = c;
token[toksize] = 0;
if (toksize == 79 && isalnum (c))
while (isalnum (c = fgetc (Source)))
ungetc (c, Source);
if (FindToken (token, &buildup))
return buildup;
if (FindSym (token, &yylval->symval))
return SYMNUM;
strcpy (yylval->sym, token);
return SYM;
if (c == '/')
c = fgetc (Source);
if (c == '*')
for (;;)
while ((c = fgetc (Source)) != '*' && c != EOF)
if (c == '\n')
if (c == EOF)
return 0;
if ((c = fgetc (Source)) == '/')
goto loop;
if (c == EOF)
return 0;
ungetc (c, Source);
else if (c == '/')
while ((c = fgetc (Source)) != '\n' && c != EOF)
if (c == '\n')
else if (c == EOF)
return 0;
goto loop;
ungetc (c, Source);
return DIVIDE;
if (c == '"')
int tokensize = 0;
while ((c = fgetc (Source)) != '"' && c != EOF)
yylval->string[tokensize++] = c;
yylval->string[tokensize] = 0;
return STRING;
if (c == '|')
c = fgetc (Source);
if (c == '=')
return OR_EQUAL;
ungetc (c, Source);
return OR;
switch (c)
case '^': return XOR;
case '&': return AND;
case '-': return MINUS;
case '+': return PLUS;
case '*': return MULTIPLY;
case '(': return LPAREN;
case ')': return RPAREN;
case ',': return COMMA;
case '{': return LBRACE;
case '}': return RBRACE;
case '=': return EQUALS;
case ';': return SEMICOLON;
case ':': return COLON;
case '[': return LBRACKET;
case ']': return RBRACKET;
default: return 0;
void *ParseAlloc(void *(*mallocProc)(size_t));
void Parse(void *yyp, int yymajor, YYSTYPE yyminor);
void ParseFree(void *p, void (*freeProc)(void*));
void ParseTrace(FILE *TraceFILE, char *zTracePrompt);
void yyparse (void)
void *pParser = ParseAlloc (malloc);
YYSTYPE token;
int tokentype;
int include_state = 0;
while ((tokentype = yylex(&token)) != 0)
/* Whenever the sequence INCLUDE STRING is encountered in the token
* stream, feed a dummy NOP token to the parser so that it will
* reduce the include_statement before grabbing any more tokens
* from the current file.
if (tokentype == INCLUDE && include_state == 0)
include_state = 1;
else if (tokentype == STRING && include_state == 1)
include_state = 2;
include_state = 0;
Parse (pParser, tokentype, token);
if (include_state == 2)
include_state = 0;
Parse (pParser, NOP, token);
memset (&token, 0, sizeof(token));
Parse (pParser, 0, token);
ParseFree (pParser, free);
static Symbol *FirstSym;
static void AddSym (char *sym, int val)
Symbol *syme = malloc (strlen (sym) + sizeof(Symbol));
syme->Next = FirstSym;
syme->Value = val;
strcpy (syme->Sym, sym);
FirstSym = syme;
static bool FindSym (char *sym, Symbol **val)
Symbol *syme = FirstSym;
while (syme != NULL)
if (strcmp (syme->Sym, sym) == 0)
*val = syme;
return 1;
syme = syme->Next;
return 0;
static bool FindToken (char *tok, int *type)
static const char tokens[][8] =
"endl", "print", "include", "special", "define", "enum",
"arg5", "arg4", "arg3", "arg2", "flags", "lineid", "tag"
static const short types[] =
int i;
for (i = sizeof(tokens)/sizeof(tokens[0])-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (strcmp (tok, tokens[i]) == 0)
*type = types[i];
return 1;
return 0;
int yyerror (char *s)
if (SourceName != NULL)
printf ("%s, line %d: %s\n", SourceName, SourceLine, s);
printf ("%s\n", s);
return 0;
#line 351 "xlat-parse.c"
/* Next is all token values, in a form suitable for use by makeheaders.
** This section will be null unless lemon is run with the -m switch.
** These constants (all generated automatically by the parser generator)
** specify the various kinds of tokens (terminals) that the parser
** understands.
** Each symbol here is a terminal symbol in the grammar.
/* Make sure the INTERFACE macro is defined.
# define INTERFACE 1
/* The next thing included is series of defines which control
** various aspects of the generated parser.
** YYCODETYPE is the data type used for storing terminal
** and nonterminal numbers. "unsigned char" is
** used if there are fewer than 250 terminals
** and nonterminals. "int" is used otherwise.
** YYNOCODE is a number of type YYCODETYPE which corresponds
** to no legal terminal or nonterminal number. This
** number is used to fill in empty slots of the hash
** table.
** YYFALLBACK If defined, this indicates that one or more tokens
** have fall-back values which should be used if the
** original value of the token will not parse.
** YYACTIONTYPE is the data type used for storing terminal
** and nonterminal numbers. "unsigned char" is
** used if there are fewer than 250 rules and
** states combined. "int" is used otherwise.
** ParseTOKENTYPE is the data type used for minor tokens given
** directly to the parser from the tokenizer.
** YYMINORTYPE is the data type used for all minor tokens.
** This is typically a union of many types, one of
** which is ParseTOKENTYPE. The entry in the union
** for base tokens is called "yy0".
** YYSTACKDEPTH is the maximum depth of the parser's stack. If
** zero the stack is dynamically sized using realloc()
** ParseARG_SDECL A static variable declaration for the %extra_argument
** ParseARG_PDECL A parameter declaration for the %extra_argument
** ParseARG_STORE Code to store %extra_argument into yypParser
** ParseARG_FETCH Code to extract %extra_argument from yypParser
** YYNSTATE the combined number of states.
** YYNRULE the number of rules in the grammar
** YYERRORSYMBOL is the code number of the error symbol. If not
** defined, then do no error processing.
#define YYCODETYPE unsigned char
#define YYNOCODE 67
#define YYACTIONTYPE unsigned short int
typedef union {
struct ListFilter yy20;
MoreFilters * yy39;
MoreLines * yy57;
int yy64;
BoomArg yy65;
ParseBoomArg yy87;
SpecialArgs yy123;
#define YYSTACKDEPTH 100
#define ParseARG_SDECL
#define ParseARG_PDECL
#define ParseARG_FETCH
#define ParseARG_STORE
#define YYNSTATE 174
#define YYNRULE 94
/* Next are that tables used to determine what action to take based on the
** current state and lookahead token. These tables are used to implement
** functions that take a state number and lookahead value and return an
** action integer.
** Suppose the action integer is N. Then the action is determined as
** follows
** 0 <= N < YYNSTATE Shift N. That is, push the lookahead
** token onto the stack and goto state N.
** N == YYNSTATE+YYNRULE A syntax error has occurred.
** N == YYNSTATE+YYNRULE+1 The parser accepts its input.
** N == YYNSTATE+YYNRULE+2 No such action. Denotes unused
** slots in the yy_action[] table.
** The action table is constructed as a single large table named yy_action[].
** Given state S and lookahead X, the action is computed as
** yy_action[ yy_shift_ofst[S] + X ]
** If the index value yy_shift_ofst[S]+X is out of range or if the value
** yy_lookahead[yy_shift_ofst[S]+X] is not equal to X or if yy_shift_ofst[S]
** is equal to YY_SHIFT_USE_DFLT, it means that the action is not in the table
** and that yy_default[S] should be used instead.
** The formula above is for computing the action when the lookahead is
** a terminal symbol. If the lookahead is a non-terminal (as occurs after
** a reduce action) then the yy_reduce_ofst[] array is used in place of
** the yy_shift_ofst[] array and YY_REDUCE_USE_DFLT is used in place of
** The following are the tables generated in this section:
** yy_action[] A single table containing all actions.
** yy_lookahead[] A table containing the lookahead for each entry in
** yy_action. Used to detect hash collisions.
** yy_shift_ofst[] For each state, the offset into yy_action for
** shifting terminals.
** yy_reduce_ofst[] For each state, the offset into yy_action for
** shifting non-terminals after a reduce.
** yy_default[] Default action for each state.
static const YYACTIONTYPE yy_action[] = {
/* 0 */ 174, 30, 71, 123, 30, 70, 157, 152, 26, 157,
/* 10 */ 152, 26, 79, 144, 115, 83, 126, 80, 104, 166,
/* 20 */ 109, 64, 120, 128, 127, 6, 71, 102, 53, 154,
/* 30 */ 150, 164, 149, 148, 147, 146, 145, 100, 140, 16,
/* 40 */ 162, 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 39, 34,
/* 50 */ 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 49, 34, 37, 54, 32,
/* 60 */ 55, 41, 51, 11, 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55,
/* 70 */ 41, 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 50, 37,
/* 80 */ 54, 32, 55, 41, 9, 44, 14, 39, 34, 37,
/* 90 */ 54, 32, 55, 41, 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55,
/* 100 */ 41, 45, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 81, 42, 151,
/* 110 */ 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 54, 32, 55,
/* 120 */ 41, 136, 79, 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41,
/* 130 */ 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 39, 34, 37,
/* 140 */ 54, 32, 55, 41, 29, 56, 5, 124, 139, 23,
/* 150 */ 163, 20, 155, 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41,
/* 160 */ 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 39, 34, 37,
/* 170 */ 54, 32, 55, 41, 47, 56, 5, 153, 132, 114,
/* 180 */ 7, 19, 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 39,
/* 190 */ 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 39, 34, 37, 54,
/* 200 */ 32, 55, 41, 167, 86, 24, 30, 82, 112, 114,
/* 210 */ 36, 157, 152, 26, 168, 101, 110, 39, 34, 37,
/* 220 */ 54, 32, 55, 41, 142, 106, 55, 41, 159, 86,
/* 230 */ 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 39, 34, 37,
/* 240 */ 54, 32, 55, 41, 52, 64, 98, 128, 165, 108,
/* 250 */ 106, 21, 117, 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41,
/* 260 */ 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 25, 269, 1,
/* 270 */ 10, 82, 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 4,
/* 280 */ 121, 68, 43, 122, 131, 39, 34, 37, 54, 32,
/* 290 */ 55, 41, 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 18,
/* 300 */ 94, 130, 78, 27, 57, 35, 17, 60, 39, 34,
/* 310 */ 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 39, 34, 37, 54, 32,
/* 320 */ 55, 41, 31, 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41,
/* 330 */ 39, 34, 37, 54, 32, 55, 41, 33, 59, 30,
/* 340 */ 28, 13, 30, 107, 157, 152, 26, 157, 152, 26,
/* 350 */ 30, 141, 138, 30, 116, 157, 152, 26, 157, 152,
/* 360 */ 26, 30, 12, 125, 30, 84, 157, 152, 26, 157,
/* 370 */ 152, 26, 30, 137, 111, 119, 3, 157, 152, 26,
/* 380 */ 66, 15, 129, 133, 85, 103, 40, 62, 22, 61,
/* 390 */ 93, 135, 161, 158, 134, 87, 118, 143, 95, 38,
/* 400 */ 65, 2, 97, 46, 113, 48, 88, 156, 105, 67,
/* 410 */ 270, 96, 8, 69, 99, 91, 160, 270, 270, 72,
/* 420 */ 90, 74, 77, 76, 270, 270, 75, 270, 270, 270,
/* 430 */ 92, 270, 58, 73, 270, 89, 270, 63,
static const YYCODETYPE yy_lookahead[] = {
/* 0 */ 0, 4, 39, 40, 4, 39, 9, 10, 11, 9,
/* 10 */ 10, 11, 39, 13, 14, 39, 19, 39, 18, 43,
/* 20 */ 20, 39, 22, 41, 42, 25, 39, 40, 28, 51,
/* 30 */ 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 64, 65, 61,
/* 40 */ 29, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2,
/* 50 */ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 2, 3, 4, 5,
/* 60 */ 6, 7, 15, 44, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
/* 70 */ 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 3,
/* 80 */ 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 15, 11, 1, 2, 3,
/* 90 */ 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
/* 100 */ 7, 15, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 15, 21,
/* 110 */ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6,
/* 120 */ 7, 12, 39, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
/* 130 */ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3,
/* 140 */ 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 45, 46, 47, 65, 27,
/* 150 */ 39, 15, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
/* 160 */ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3,
/* 170 */ 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 45, 46, 47, 62, 63,
/* 180 */ 28, 15, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1,
/* 190 */ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4,
/* 200 */ 5, 6, 7, 24, 39, 24, 4, 39, 62, 63,
/* 210 */ 15, 9, 10, 11, 35, 27, 48, 1, 2, 3,
/* 220 */ 4, 5, 6, 7, 59, 60, 6, 7, 12, 39,
/* 230 */ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3,
/* 240 */ 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 39, 39, 41, 42, 59,
/* 250 */ 60, 15, 19, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
/* 260 */ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 49, 50,
/* 270 */ 11, 39, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 23,
/* 280 */ 48, 39, 15, 12, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
/* 290 */ 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15,
/* 300 */ 39, 23, 39, 15, 39, 15, 15, 39, 1, 2,
/* 310 */ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
/* 320 */ 6, 7, 15, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
/* 330 */ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 39, 4,
/* 340 */ 24, 11, 4, 29, 9, 10, 11, 9, 10, 11,
/* 350 */ 4, 16, 17, 4, 10, 9, 10, 11, 9, 10,
/* 360 */ 11, 4, 15, 19, 4, 39, 9, 10, 11, 9,
/* 370 */ 10, 11, 4, 26, 36, 37, 11, 9, 10, 11,
/* 380 */ 39, 15, 36, 21, 39, 36, 15, 39, 15, 39,
/* 390 */ 39, 12, 39, 36, 16, 39, 36, 12, 39, 11,
/* 400 */ 39, 15, 39, 11, 36, 15, 39, 12, 19, 39,
/* 410 */ 66, 39, 15, 39, 39, 39, 39, 66, 66, 39,
/* 420 */ 39, 39, 39, 39, 66, 66, 39, 66, 66, 66,
/* 430 */ 39, 66, 39, 39, 66, 39, 66, 39,
#define YY_SHIFT_USE_DFLT (-4)
#define YY_SHIFT_MAX 129
static const short yy_shift_ofst[] = {
/* 0 */ -4, 0, 335, 335, 72, 72, 202, 202, 202, 338,
/* 10 */ 338, 202, 202, 202, 202, 233, 233, 346, 349, 368,
/* 20 */ 357, -3, 360, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202,
/* 30 */ 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202,
/* 40 */ 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202,
/* 50 */ 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 202, 179, 229, 40, 63,
/* 60 */ 70, 86, 93, 109, 122, 129, 136, 322, 314, 307,
/* 70 */ 291, 284, 271, 259, 252, 236, 47, 216, 195, 188,
/* 80 */ 181, 166, 159, 152, 329, 329, 329, 329, 329, 329,
/* 90 */ 329, 329, 329, 329, 329, 54, 76, 113, 220, 220,
/* 100 */ 347, 344, 395, 390, 389, 392, 386, 388, 385, 378,
/* 110 */ 379, 373, 362, 371, 366, 365, 330, 316, 290, 288,
/* 120 */ 278, 272, 256, 140, 88, 75, 73, 11, 397, 267,
#define YY_REDUCE_USE_DFLT (-38)
#define YY_REDUCE_MAX 56
static const short yy_reduce_ofst[] = {
/* 0 */ 219, -22, 165, 190, 100, 130, -27, -18, 206, -37,
/* 10 */ -13, -24, 83, 168, 232, 116, 146, 68, -34, 341,
/* 20 */ 396, 394, 393, 391, 387, 384, 383, 382, 381, 380,
/* 30 */ 377, 376, 375, 374, 372, 370, 367, 363, 361, 359,
/* 40 */ 356, 353, 351, 350, 348, 345, 398, 326, 299, 268,
/* 50 */ 265, 263, 261, 242, 207, 111, 19,
static const YYACTIONTYPE yy_default[] = {
/* 0 */ 186, 268, 197, 197, 223, 223, 268, 268, 268, 238,
/* 10 */ 238, 268, 268, 217, 217, 207, 207, 268, 268, 268,
/* 20 */ 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268,
/* 30 */ 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268,
/* 40 */ 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268,
/* 50 */ 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 260, 240, 259,
/* 60 */ 241, 263, 242, 268, 268, 268, 256, 245, 268, 246,
/* 70 */ 254, 253, 268, 268, 249, 268, 250, 268, 251, 268,
/* 80 */ 268, 255, 218, 233, 219, 264, 201, 266, 252, 257,
/* 90 */ 211, 247, 237, 243, 261, 181, 183, 182, 178, 177,
/* 100 */ 268, 268, 268, 258, 268, 268, 198, 268, 268, 268,
/* 110 */ 268, 239, 268, 265, 208, 268, 268, 210, 244, 248,
/* 120 */ 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 268, 235, 262,
/* 130 */ 206, 215, 209, 205, 204, 216, 203, 212, 202, 214,
/* 140 */ 213, 200, 199, 196, 195, 194, 193, 192, 191, 190,
/* 150 */ 188, 222, 176, 224, 187, 221, 220, 175, 267, 185,
/* 160 */ 184, 180, 234, 179, 189, 236, 225, 231, 232, 226,
/* 170 */ 227, 228, 229, 230,
#define YY_SZ_ACTTAB (int)(sizeof(yy_action)/sizeof(yy_action[0]))
/* The next table maps tokens into fallback tokens. If a construct
** like the following:
** %fallback ID X Y Z.
** appears in the grammer, then ID becomes a fallback token for X, Y,
** and Z. Whenever one of the tokens X, Y, or Z is input to the parser
** but it does not parse, the type of the token is changed to ID and
** the parse is retried before an error is thrown.
static const YYCODETYPE yyFallback[] = {
#endif /* YYFALLBACK */
/* The following structure represents a single element of the
** parser's stack. Information stored includes:
** + The state number for the parser at this level of the stack.
** + The value of the token stored at this level of the stack.
** (In other words, the "major" token.)
** + The semantic value stored at this level of the stack. This is
** the information used by the action routines in the grammar.
** It is sometimes called the "minor" token.
struct yyStackEntry {
int stateno; /* The state-number */
int major; /* The major token value. This is the code
** number for the token at this stack level */
YYMINORTYPE minor; /* The user-supplied minor token value. This
** is the value of the token */
typedef struct yyStackEntry yyStackEntry;
/* The state of the parser is completely contained in an instance of
** the following structure */
struct yyParser {
int yyidx; /* Index of top element in stack */
int yyerrcnt; /* Shifts left before out of the error */
ParseARG_SDECL /* A place to hold %extra_argument */
int yystksz; /* Current side of the stack */
yyStackEntry *yystack; /* The parser's stack */
yyStackEntry yystack[YYSTACKDEPTH]; /* The parser's stack */
typedef struct yyParser yyParser;
#ifndef NDEBUG
#include <stdio.h>
static FILE *yyTraceFILE = 0;
static char *yyTracePrompt = 0;
#endif /* NDEBUG */
#ifndef NDEBUG
** Turn parser tracing on by giving a stream to which to write the trace
** and a prompt to preface each trace message. Tracing is turned off
** by making either argument NULL
** Inputs:
** <ul>
** <li> A FILE* to which trace output should be written.
** If NULL, then tracing is turned off.
** <li> A prefix string written at the beginning of every
** line of trace output. If NULL, then tracing is
** turned off.
** </ul>
** Outputs:
** None.
void ParseTrace(FILE *TraceFILE, char *zTracePrompt){
yyTraceFILE = TraceFILE;
yyTracePrompt = zTracePrompt;
if( yyTraceFILE==0 ) yyTracePrompt = 0;
else if( yyTracePrompt==0 ) yyTraceFILE = 0;
#endif /* NDEBUG */
#ifndef NDEBUG
/* For tracing shifts, the names of all terminals and nonterminals
** are required. The following table supplies these names */
static const char *const yyTokenName[] = {
"$", "OR", "XOR", "AND",
"ARG3", "ARG4", "ARG5", "OR_EQUAL",
"TAG", "LINEID", "error", "exp",
"special_args", "list_val", "arg_list", "boom_args",
"boom_op", "boom_selector", "boom_line", "boom_body",
"maybe_argcount", "main", "translation_unit", "external_declaration",
"define_statement", "include_statement", "print_statement", "enum_statement",
"linetype_declaration", "boom_declaration", "special_declaration", "print_list",
"print_item", "enum_open", "enum_list", "single_enum",
"special_list", "special_def",
#endif /* NDEBUG */
#ifndef NDEBUG
/* For tracing reduce actions, the names of all rules are required.
static const char *const yyRuleName[] = {
/* 0 */ "main ::= translation_unit",
/* 1 */ "exp ::= NUM",
/* 2 */ "exp ::= SYMNUM",
/* 3 */ "exp ::= exp PLUS exp",
/* 4 */ "exp ::= exp MINUS exp",
/* 5 */ "exp ::= exp MULTIPLY exp",
/* 6 */ "exp ::= exp DIVIDE exp",
/* 7 */ "exp ::= exp OR exp",
/* 8 */ "exp ::= exp AND exp",
/* 9 */ "exp ::= exp XOR exp",
/* 10 */ "exp ::= MINUS exp",
/* 11 */ "exp ::= LPAREN exp RPAREN",
/* 12 */ "translation_unit ::=",
/* 13 */ "translation_unit ::= translation_unit external_declaration",
/* 14 */ "external_declaration ::= define_statement",
/* 15 */ "external_declaration ::= include_statement",
/* 16 */ "external_declaration ::= print_statement",
/* 17 */ "external_declaration ::= enum_statement",
/* 18 */ "external_declaration ::= linetype_declaration",
/* 19 */ "external_declaration ::= boom_declaration",
/* 20 */ "external_declaration ::= special_declaration",
/* 21 */ "external_declaration ::= NOP",
/* 22 */ "print_statement ::= PRINT LPAREN print_list RPAREN",
/* 23 */ "print_list ::=",
/* 24 */ "print_list ::= print_item",
/* 25 */ "print_list ::= print_item COMMA print_list",
/* 26 */ "print_item ::= STRING",
/* 27 */ "print_item ::= exp",
/* 28 */ "print_item ::= ENDL",
/* 29 */ "define_statement ::= DEFINE SYM LPAREN exp RPAREN",
/* 30 */ "include_statement ::= INCLUDE STRING",
/* 31 */ "enum_statement ::= enum_open enum_list RBRACE",
/* 32 */ "enum_open ::= ENUM LBRACE",
/* 33 */ "enum_list ::=",
/* 34 */ "enum_list ::= single_enum",
/* 35 */ "enum_list ::= single_enum COMMA enum_list",
/* 36 */ "single_enum ::= SYM",
/* 37 */ "single_enum ::= SYM EQUALS exp",
/* 38 */ "special_declaration ::= SPECIAL special_list SEMICOLON",
/* 39 */ "special_list ::= special_def",
/* 40 */ "special_list ::= special_list COMMA special_def",
/* 41 */ "special_def ::= exp COLON SYM LPAREN maybe_argcount RPAREN",
/* 42 */ "special_def ::= exp COLON SYMNUM LPAREN maybe_argcount RPAREN",
/* 43 */ "maybe_argcount ::=",
/* 44 */ "maybe_argcount ::= exp",
/* 45 */ "maybe_argcount ::= exp COMMA exp",
/* 46 */ "linetype_declaration ::= exp EQUALS exp COMMA exp LPAREN special_args RPAREN",
/* 47 */ "linetype_declaration ::= exp EQUALS exp COMMA SYM LPAREN special_args RPAREN",
/* 48 */ "boom_declaration ::= LBRACKET exp RBRACKET LPAREN exp COMMA exp RPAREN LBRACE boom_body RBRACE",
/* 49 */ "boom_body ::=",
/* 50 */ "boom_body ::= boom_line boom_body",
/* 51 */ "boom_line ::= boom_selector boom_op boom_args",
/* 52 */ "boom_selector ::= FLAGS",
/* 53 */ "boom_selector ::= ARG2",
/* 54 */ "boom_selector ::= ARG3",
/* 55 */ "boom_selector ::= ARG4",
/* 56 */ "boom_selector ::= ARG5",
/* 57 */ "boom_op ::= EQUALS",
/* 58 */ "boom_op ::= OR_EQUAL",
/* 59 */ "boom_args ::= exp",
/* 60 */ "boom_args ::= exp LBRACKET arg_list RBRACKET",
/* 61 */ "arg_list ::= list_val",
/* 62 */ "arg_list ::= list_val COMMA arg_list",
/* 63 */ "list_val ::= exp COLON exp",
/* 64 */ "special_args ::=",
/* 65 */ "special_args ::= TAG",
/* 66 */ "special_args ::= TAG COMMA exp",
/* 67 */ "special_args ::= TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 68 */ "special_args ::= TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 69 */ "special_args ::= TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 70 */ "special_args ::= TAG COMMA TAG",
/* 71 */ "special_args ::= TAG COMMA TAG COMMA exp",
/* 72 */ "special_args ::= TAG COMMA TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 73 */ "special_args ::= TAG COMMA TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 74 */ "special_args ::= LINEID",
/* 75 */ "special_args ::= LINEID COMMA exp",
/* 76 */ "special_args ::= LINEID COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 77 */ "special_args ::= LINEID COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 78 */ "special_args ::= LINEID COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 79 */ "special_args ::= exp",
/* 80 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA exp",
/* 81 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 82 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 83 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 84 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA TAG",
/* 85 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA TAG COMMA exp",
/* 86 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 87 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 88 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA TAG",
/* 89 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA TAG COMMA exp",
/* 90 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp",
/* 91 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA TAG",
/* 92 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA TAG COMMA exp",
/* 93 */ "special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA TAG",
#endif /* NDEBUG */
** Try to increase the size of the parser stack.
static void yyGrowStack(yyParser *p){
int newSize;
yyStackEntry *pNew;
newSize = p->yystksz*2 + 100;
pNew = realloc(p->yystack, newSize*sizeof(pNew[0]));
if( pNew ){
p->yystack = pNew;
p->yystksz = newSize;
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( yyTraceFILE ){
fprintf(yyTraceFILE,"%sStack grows to %d entries!\n",
yyTracePrompt, p->yystksz);
** This function allocates a new parser.
** The only argument is a pointer to a function which works like
** malloc.
** Inputs:
** A pointer to the function used to allocate memory.
** Outputs:
** A pointer to a parser. This pointer is used in subsequent calls
** to Parse and ParseFree.
void *ParseAlloc(void *(*mallocProc)(size_t)){
yyParser *pParser;
pParser = (yyParser*)(*mallocProc)( (size_t)sizeof(yyParser) );
if( pParser ){
pParser->yyidx = -1;
return pParser;
/* The following function deletes the value associated with a
** symbol. The symbol can be either a terminal or nonterminal.
** "yymajor" is the symbol code, and "yypminor" is a pointer to
** the value.
static void yy_destructor(YYCODETYPE yymajor, YYMINORTYPE *yypminor){
switch( yymajor ){
/* Here is inserted the actions which take place when a
** terminal or non-terminal is destroyed. This can happen
** when the symbol is popped from the stack during a
** reduce or during error processing or when a parser is
** being destroyed before it is finished parsing.
** Note: during a reduce, the only symbols destroyed are those
** which appear on the RHS of the rule, but which are not used
** inside the C code.
default: break; /* If no destructor action specified: do nothing */
** Pop the parser's stack once.
** If there is a destructor routine associated with the token which
** is popped from the stack, then call it.
** Return the major token number for the symbol popped.
static int yy_pop_parser_stack(yyParser *pParser){
yyStackEntry *yytos = &pParser->yystack[pParser->yyidx];
if( pParser->yyidx<0 ) return 0;
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( yyTraceFILE && pParser->yyidx>=0 ){
fprintf(yyTraceFILE,"%sPopping %s\n",
yymajor = yytos->major;
yy_destructor( yymajor, &yytos->minor);
return yymajor;
** Deallocate and destroy a parser. Destructors are all called for
** all stack elements before shutting the parser down.
** Inputs:
** <ul>
** <li> A pointer to the parser. This should be a pointer
** obtained from ParseAlloc.
** <li> A pointer to a function used to reclaim memory obtained
** from malloc.
** </ul>
void ParseFree(
void *p, /* The parser to be deleted */
void (*freeProc)(void*) /* Function used to reclaim memory */
yyParser *pParser = (yyParser*)p;
if( pParser==0 ) return;
while( pParser->yyidx>=0 ) yy_pop_parser_stack(pParser);
** Find the appropriate action for a parser given the terminal
** look-ahead token iLookAhead.
** If the look-ahead token is YYNOCODE, then check to see if the action is
** independent of the look-ahead. If it is, return the action, otherwise
** return YY_NO_ACTION.
static int yy_find_shift_action(
yyParser *pParser, /* The parser */
YYCODETYPE iLookAhead /* The look-ahead token */
int i;
int stateno = pParser->yystack[pParser->yyidx].stateno;
if( stateno>YY_SHIFT_MAX || (i = yy_shift_ofst[stateno])==YY_SHIFT_USE_DFLT ){
return yy_default[stateno];
assert( iLookAhead!=YYNOCODE );
i += iLookAhead;
if( i<0 || i>=YY_SZ_ACTTAB || yy_lookahead[i]!=iLookAhead ){
if( iLookAhead>0 ){
int iFallback; /* Fallback token */
if( iLookAhead<sizeof(yyFallback)/sizeof(yyFallback[0])
&& (iFallback = yyFallback[iLookAhead])!=0 ){
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( yyTraceFILE ){
fprintf(yyTraceFILE, "%sFALLBACK %s => %s\n",
yyTracePrompt, yyTokenName[iLookAhead], yyTokenName[iFallback]);
return yy_find_shift_action(pParser, iFallback);
int j = i - iLookAhead + YYWILDCARD;
if( j>=0 && j<YY_SZ_ACTTAB && yy_lookahead[j]==YYWILDCARD ){
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( yyTraceFILE ){
fprintf(yyTraceFILE, "%sWILDCARD %s => %s\n",
yyTracePrompt, yyTokenName[iLookAhead], yyTokenName[YYWILDCARD]);
#endif /* NDEBUG */
return yy_action[j];
#endif /* YYWILDCARD */
return yy_default[stateno];
return yy_action[i];
** Find the appropriate action for a parser given the non-terminal
** look-ahead token iLookAhead.
** If the look-ahead token is YYNOCODE, then check to see if the action is
** independent of the look-ahead. If it is, return the action, otherwise
** return YY_NO_ACTION.
static int yy_find_reduce_action(
int stateno, /* Current state number */
YYCODETYPE iLookAhead /* The look-ahead token */
int i;
if( stateno>YY_REDUCE_MAX ||
(i = yy_reduce_ofst[stateno])==YY_REDUCE_USE_DFLT ){
return yy_default[stateno];
assert( i!=YY_REDUCE_USE_DFLT );
assert( iLookAhead!=YYNOCODE );
i += iLookAhead;
if( i<0 || i>=YY_SZ_ACTTAB || yy_lookahead[i]!=iLookAhead ){
return yy_default[stateno];
return yy_action[i];
return yy_action[i];
** The following routine is called if the stack overflows.
static void yyStackOverflow(yyParser *yypParser, YYMINORTYPE *yypMinor){
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( yyTraceFILE ){
fprintf(yyTraceFILE,"%sStack Overflow!\n",yyTracePrompt);
while( yypParser->yyidx>=0 ) yy_pop_parser_stack(yypParser);
/* Here code is inserted which will execute if the parser
** stack every overflows */
ParseARG_STORE; /* Suppress warning about unused %extra_argument var */
** Perform a shift action.
static void yy_shift(
yyParser *yypParser, /* The parser to be shifted */
int yyNewState, /* The new state to shift in */
int yyMajor, /* The major token to shift in */
YYMINORTYPE *yypMinor /* Pointer ot the minor token to shift in */
yyStackEntry *yytos;
if( yypParser->yyidx>=YYSTACKDEPTH ){
yyStackOverflow(yypParser, yypMinor);
if( yypParser->yyidx>=yypParser->yystksz ){
if( yypParser->yyidx>=yypParser->yystksz ){
yyStackOverflow(yypParser, yypMinor);
yytos = &yypParser->yystack[yypParser->yyidx];
yytos->stateno = yyNewState;
yytos->major = yyMajor;
yytos->minor = *yypMinor;
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( yyTraceFILE && yypParser->yyidx>0 ){
int i;
fprintf(yyTraceFILE,"%sShift %d\n",yyTracePrompt,yyNewState);
for(i=1; i<=yypParser->yyidx; i++)
fprintf(yyTraceFILE," (%d)%s",yypParser->yystack[i].stateno,yyTokenName[yypParser->yystack[i].major]);
/* The following table contains information about every rule that
** is used during the reduce.
static const struct {
YYCODETYPE lhs; /* Symbol on the left-hand side of the rule */
unsigned char nrhs; /* Number of right-hand side symbols in the rule */
} yyRuleInfo[] = {
{ 49, 1 },
{ 39, 1 },
{ 39, 1 },
{ 39, 3 },
{ 39, 3 },
{ 39, 3 },
{ 39, 3 },
{ 39, 3 },
{ 39, 3 },
{ 39, 3 },
{ 39, 2 },
{ 39, 3 },
{ 50, 0 },
{ 50, 2 },
{ 51, 1 },
{ 51, 1 },
{ 51, 1 },
{ 51, 1 },
{ 51, 1 },
{ 51, 1 },
{ 51, 1 },
{ 51, 1 },
{ 54, 4 },
{ 59, 0 },
{ 59, 1 },
{ 59, 3 },
{ 60, 1 },
{ 60, 1 },
{ 60, 1 },
{ 52, 5 },
{ 53, 2 },
{ 55, 3 },
{ 61, 2 },
{ 62, 0 },
{ 62, 1 },
{ 62, 3 },
{ 63, 1 },
{ 63, 3 },
{ 58, 3 },
{ 64, 1 },
{ 64, 3 },
{ 65, 6 },
{ 65, 6 },
{ 48, 0 },
{ 48, 1 },
{ 48, 3 },
{ 56, 8 },
{ 56, 8 },
{ 57, 11 },
{ 47, 0 },
{ 47, 2 },
{ 46, 3 },
{ 45, 1 },
{ 45, 1 },
{ 45, 1 },
{ 45, 1 },
{ 45, 1 },
{ 44, 1 },
{ 44, 1 },
{ 43, 1 },
{ 43, 4 },
{ 42, 1 },
{ 42, 3 },
{ 41, 3 },
{ 40, 0 },
{ 40, 1 },
{ 40, 3 },
{ 40, 5 },
{ 40, 7 },
{ 40, 9 },
{ 40, 3 },
{ 40, 5 },
{ 40, 7 },
{ 40, 9 },
{ 40, 1 },
{ 40, 3 },
{ 40, 5 },
{ 40, 7 },
{ 40, 9 },
{ 40, 1 },
{ 40, 3 },
{ 40, 5 },
{ 40, 7 },
{ 40, 9 },
{ 40, 3 },
{ 40, 5 },
{ 40, 7 },
{ 40, 9 },
{ 40, 5 },
{ 40, 7 },
{ 40, 9 },
{ 40, 7 },
{ 40, 9 },
{ 40, 9 },
static void yy_accept(yyParser*); /* Forward Declaration */
** Perform a reduce action and the shift that must immediately
** follow the reduce.
static void yy_reduce(
yyParser *yypParser, /* The parser */
int yyruleno /* Number of the rule by which to reduce */
int yygoto; /* The next state */
int yyact; /* The next action */
YYMINORTYPE yygotominor; /* The LHS of the rule reduced */
yyStackEntry *yymsp; /* The top of the parser's stack */
int yysize; /* Amount to pop the stack */
yymsp = &yypParser->yystack[yypParser->yyidx];
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( yyTraceFILE && yyruleno>=0
&& yyruleno<(int)(sizeof(yyRuleName)/sizeof(yyRuleName[0])) ){
fprintf(yyTraceFILE, "%sReduce [%s].\n", yyTracePrompt,
#endif /* NDEBUG */
/* Silence complaints from purify about yygotominor being uninitialized
** in some cases when it is copied into the stack after the following
** switch. yygotominor is uninitialized when a rule reduces that does
** not set the value of its left-hand side nonterminal. Leaving the
** value of the nonterminal uninitialized is utterly harmless as long
** as the value is never used. So really the only thing this code
** accomplishes is to quieten purify.
** 2007-01-16: The wireshark project (www.wireshark.org) reports that
** without this code, their parser segfaults. I'm not sure what there
** parser is doing to make this happen. This is the second bug report
** from wireshark this week. Clearly they are stressing Lemon in ways
** that it has not been previously stressed... (SQLite ticket #2172)
memset(&yygotominor, 0, sizeof(yygotominor));
switch( yyruleno ){
/* Beginning here are the reduction cases. A typical example
** follows:
** case 0:
** #line <lineno> <grammarfile>
** { ... } // User supplied code
** #line <lineno> <thisfile>
** break;
case 0: /* main ::= translation_unit */
case 12: /*translation_unit ::= */
case 13: /*translation_unit ::= translation_unit external_declaration */
case 14: /*external_declaration ::= define_statement */
case 15: /*external_declaration ::= include_statement */
case 16: /*external_declaration ::= print_statement */
case 17: /*external_declaration ::= enum_statement */
case 18: /*external_declaration ::= linetype_declaration */
case 19: /*external_declaration ::= boom_declaration */
case 20: /*external_declaration ::= special_declaration */
case 21: /*external_declaration ::= NOP */
case 23: /*print_list ::= */
case 24: /*print_list ::= print_item */
case 25: /*print_list ::= print_item COMMA print_list */
case 31: /*enum_statement ::= enum_open enum_list RBRACE */
case 33: /*enum_list ::= */
case 34: /*enum_list ::= single_enum */
case 35: /*enum_list ::= single_enum COMMA enum_list */
case 38: /*special_declaration ::= SPECIAL special_list SEMICOLON */
case 39: /*special_list ::= special_def */
case 40: /*special_list ::= special_list COMMA special_def */
case 43: /*maybe_argcount ::= */
case 44: /*maybe_argcount ::= exp */
case 45: /*maybe_argcount ::= exp COMMA exp */
#line 365 "xlat-parse.y"
#line 1266 "xlat-parse.c"
case 1: /* exp ::= NUM */
#line 367 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = yymsp[0].minor.yy0.val; }
#line 1271 "xlat-parse.c"
case 2: /* exp ::= SYMNUM */
#line 368 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = yymsp[0].minor.yy0.symval->Value; }
#line 1276 "xlat-parse.c"
case 3: /* exp ::= exp PLUS exp */
#line 369 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64 + yymsp[0].minor.yy64; }
#line 1281 "xlat-parse.c"
case 4: /* exp ::= exp MINUS exp */
#line 370 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64 - yymsp[0].minor.yy64; }
#line 1286 "xlat-parse.c"
case 5: /* exp ::= exp MULTIPLY exp */
#line 371 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64 * yymsp[0].minor.yy64; }
#line 1291 "xlat-parse.c"
case 6: /* exp ::= exp DIVIDE exp */
#line 372 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64 / yymsp[0].minor.yy64; }
#line 1296 "xlat-parse.c"
case 7: /* exp ::= exp OR exp */
#line 373 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64 | yymsp[0].minor.yy64; }
#line 1301 "xlat-parse.c"
case 8: /* exp ::= exp AND exp */
#line 374 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64 & yymsp[0].minor.yy64; }
#line 1306 "xlat-parse.c"
case 9: /* exp ::= exp XOR exp */
#line 375 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64 ^ yymsp[0].minor.yy64; }
#line 1311 "xlat-parse.c"
case 10: /* exp ::= MINUS exp */
#line 376 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = -yymsp[0].minor.yy64; }
#line 1316 "xlat-parse.c"
case 11: /* exp ::= LPAREN exp RPAREN */
#line 377 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = yymsp[-1].minor.yy64; }
#line 1321 "xlat-parse.c"
case 22: /* print_statement ::= PRINT LPAREN print_list RPAREN */
#line 392 "xlat-parse.y"
printf ("\n");
#line 1328 "xlat-parse.c"
case 26: /* print_item ::= STRING */
#line 400 "xlat-parse.y"
{ printf ("%s", yymsp[0].minor.yy0.string); }
#line 1333 "xlat-parse.c"
case 27: /* print_item ::= exp */
#line 401 "xlat-parse.y"
{ printf ("%d", yymsp[0].minor.yy64); }
#line 1338 "xlat-parse.c"
case 28: /* print_item ::= ENDL */
#line 402 "xlat-parse.y"
{ printf ("\n"); }
#line 1343 "xlat-parse.c"
case 29: /* define_statement ::= DEFINE SYM LPAREN exp RPAREN */
#line 405 "xlat-parse.y"
AddSym (yymsp[-3].minor.yy0.sym, yymsp[-1].minor.yy64);
#line 1350 "xlat-parse.c"
case 30: /* include_statement ::= INCLUDE STRING */
#line 410 "xlat-parse.y"
IncludeFile (yymsp[0].minor.yy0.string);
#line 1357 "xlat-parse.c"
case 32: /* enum_open ::= ENUM LBRACE */
#line 417 "xlat-parse.y"
EnumVal = 0;
#line 1364 "xlat-parse.c"
case 36: /* single_enum ::= SYM */
#line 426 "xlat-parse.y"
AddSym (yymsp[0].minor.yy0.sym, EnumVal++);
#line 1371 "xlat-parse.c"
case 37: /* single_enum ::= SYM EQUALS exp */
#line 431 "xlat-parse.y"
AddSym (yymsp[-2].minor.yy0.sym, EnumVal = yymsp[0].minor.yy64);
#line 1378 "xlat-parse.c"
case 41: /* special_def ::= exp COLON SYM LPAREN maybe_argcount RPAREN */
#line 444 "xlat-parse.y"
AddSym (yymsp[-3].minor.yy0.sym, yymsp[-5].minor.yy64);
#line 1385 "xlat-parse.c"
case 42: /* special_def ::= exp COLON SYMNUM LPAREN maybe_argcount RPAREN */
#line 448 "xlat-parse.y"
printf ("%s, line %d: %s is already defined\n", SourceName, SourceLine, yymsp[-3].minor.yy0.symval->Sym);
#line 1392 "xlat-parse.c"
case 46: /* linetype_declaration ::= exp EQUALS exp COMMA exp LPAREN special_args RPAREN */
#line 457 "xlat-parse.y"
Simple[yymsp[-7].minor.yy64].NewSpecial = yymsp[-3].minor.yy64;
Simple[yymsp[-7].minor.yy64].Flags = yymsp[-5].minor.yy64 | yymsp[-1].minor.yy123.addflags;
Simple[yymsp[-7].minor.yy64].Args[0] = yymsp[-1].minor.yy123.args[0];
Simple[yymsp[-7].minor.yy64].Args[1] = yymsp[-1].minor.yy123.args[1];
Simple[yymsp[-7].minor.yy64].Args[2] = yymsp[-1].minor.yy123.args[2];
Simple[yymsp[-7].minor.yy64].Args[3] = yymsp[-1].minor.yy123.args[3];
Simple[yymsp[-7].minor.yy64].Args[4] = yymsp[-1].minor.yy123.args[4];
#line 1405 "xlat-parse.c"
case 47: /* linetype_declaration ::= exp EQUALS exp COMMA SYM LPAREN special_args RPAREN */
#line 467 "xlat-parse.y"
printf ("%s, line %d: %s is undefined\n", SourceName, SourceLine, yymsp[-3].minor.yy0.sym);
#line 1412 "xlat-parse.c"
case 48: /* boom_declaration ::= LBRACKET exp RBRACKET LPAREN exp COMMA exp RPAREN LBRACE boom_body RBRACE */
#line 472 "xlat-parse.y"
if (NumBoomish == MAX_BOOMISH)
MoreLines *probe = yymsp[-1].minor.yy57;
while (probe != NULL)
MoreLines *next = probe->next;
free (probe);
probe = next;
printf ("%s, line %d: Too many BOOM translators\n", SourceName, SourceLine);
int i;
MoreLines *probe;
Boomish[NumBoomish].FirstLinetype = yymsp[-6].minor.yy64;
Boomish[NumBoomish].LastLinetype = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
Boomish[NumBoomish].NewSpecial = yymsp[-9].minor.yy64;
for (i = 0, probe = yymsp[-1].minor.yy57; probe != NULL; i++)
MoreLines *next = probe->next;;
Boomish[NumBoomish].Args[i] = probe->arg;
else if (i == MAX_BOOMISH_EXEC)
printf ("%s, line %d: Too many commands for this BOOM translator\n", SourceName, SourceLine);
free (probe);
probe = next;
Boomish[NumBoomish].Args[i].bDefined = 0;
#line 1459 "xlat-parse.c"
case 49: /* boom_body ::= */
#line 517 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy57 = NULL;
#line 1466 "xlat-parse.c"
case 50: /* boom_body ::= boom_line boom_body */
#line 521 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy57 = malloc (sizeof(MoreLines));
yygotominor.yy57->next = yymsp[0].minor.yy57;
yygotominor.yy57->arg = yymsp[-1].minor.yy65;
#line 1475 "xlat-parse.c"
case 51: /* boom_line ::= boom_selector boom_op boom_args */
#line 528 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy65.bDefined = 1;
yygotominor.yy65.bOrExisting = (yymsp[-1].minor.yy64 == OR_EQUAL);
yygotominor.yy65.bUseConstant = (yymsp[0].minor.yy87.filters == NULL);
yygotominor.yy65.ArgNum = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy65.ConstantValue = yymsp[0].minor.yy87.constant;
yygotominor.yy65.AndValue = yymsp[0].minor.yy87.mask;
if (yymsp[0].minor.yy87.filters != NULL)
int i;
MoreFilters *probe;
for (i = 0, probe = yymsp[0].minor.yy87.filters; probe != NULL; i++)
MoreFilters *next = probe->next;
if (i < 15)
yygotominor.yy65.ResultFilter[i] = probe->filter.filter;
yygotominor.yy65.ResultValue[i] = probe->filter.value;
else if (i == 15)
yyerror ("Lists can only have 15 elements");
free (probe);
probe = next;
yygotominor.yy65.ListSize = i > 15 ? 15 : i;
#line 1510 "xlat-parse.c"
case 52: /* boom_selector ::= FLAGS */
#line 560 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = 4; }
#line 1515 "xlat-parse.c"
case 53: /* boom_selector ::= ARG2 */
#line 561 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = 0; }
#line 1520 "xlat-parse.c"
case 54: /* boom_selector ::= ARG3 */
#line 562 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = 1; }
#line 1525 "xlat-parse.c"
case 55: /* boom_selector ::= ARG4 */
#line 563 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = 2; }
#line 1530 "xlat-parse.c"
case 56: /* boom_selector ::= ARG5 */
#line 564 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = 3; }
#line 1535 "xlat-parse.c"
case 57: /* boom_op ::= EQUALS */
#line 566 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = '='; }
#line 1540 "xlat-parse.c"
case 58: /* boom_op ::= OR_EQUAL */
#line 567 "xlat-parse.y"
{ yygotominor.yy64 = OR_EQUAL; }
#line 1545 "xlat-parse.c"
case 59: /* boom_args ::= exp */
#line 570 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy87.constant = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy87.filters = NULL;
#line 1553 "xlat-parse.c"
case 60: /* boom_args ::= exp LBRACKET arg_list RBRACKET */
#line 575 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy87.mask = yymsp[-3].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy87.filters = yymsp[-1].minor.yy39;
#line 1561 "xlat-parse.c"
case 61: /* arg_list ::= list_val */
#line 581 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy39 = malloc (sizeof(MoreFilters));
yygotominor.yy39->next = NULL;
yygotominor.yy39->filter = yymsp[0].minor.yy20;
#line 1570 "xlat-parse.c"
case 62: /* arg_list ::= list_val COMMA arg_list */
#line 587 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy39 = malloc (sizeof(MoreFilters));
yygotominor.yy39->next = yymsp[0].minor.yy39;
yygotominor.yy39->filter = yymsp[-2].minor.yy20;
#line 1579 "xlat-parse.c"
case 63: /* list_val ::= exp COLON exp */
#line 594 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy20.filter = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy20.value = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
#line 1587 "xlat-parse.c"
case 64: /* special_args ::= */
#line 600 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = 0;
memset (yygotominor.yy123.args, 0, 5);
#line 1595 "xlat-parse.c"
case 65: /* special_args ::= TAG */
#line 605 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT1;
memset (yygotominor.yy123.args, 0, 5);
#line 1603 "xlat-parse.c"
case 66: /* special_args ::= TAG COMMA exp */
#line 610 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT1;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1615 "xlat-parse.c"
case 67: /* special_args ::= TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 619 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT1;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1627 "xlat-parse.c"
case 68: /* special_args ::= TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 628 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT1;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1639 "xlat-parse.c"
case 69: /* special_args ::= TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 637 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT1;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-6].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
#line 1651 "xlat-parse.c"
case 70: /* special_args ::= TAG COMMA TAG */
#line 646 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HAS2TAGS;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1662 "xlat-parse.c"
case 71: /* special_args ::= TAG COMMA TAG COMMA exp */
#line 654 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HAS2TAGS;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1673 "xlat-parse.c"
case 72: /* special_args ::= TAG COMMA TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 662 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HAS2TAGS;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1684 "xlat-parse.c"
case 73: /* special_args ::= TAG COMMA TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 670 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HAS2TAGS;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
#line 1695 "xlat-parse.c"
case 74: /* special_args ::= LINEID */
#line 678 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASLINEID;
memset (yygotominor.yy123.args, 0, 5);
#line 1703 "xlat-parse.c"
case 75: /* special_args ::= LINEID COMMA exp */
#line 683 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASLINEID;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1715 "xlat-parse.c"
case 76: /* special_args ::= LINEID COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 692 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASLINEID;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1727 "xlat-parse.c"
case 77: /* special_args ::= LINEID COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 701 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASLINEID;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1739 "xlat-parse.c"
case 78: /* special_args ::= LINEID COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 710 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASLINEID;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-6].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
#line 1751 "xlat-parse.c"
case 79: /* special_args ::= exp */
#line 719 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1763 "xlat-parse.c"
case 80: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA exp */
#line 728 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1775 "xlat-parse.c"
case 81: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 737 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1787 "xlat-parse.c"
case 82: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 746 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-6].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1799 "xlat-parse.c"
case 83: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 755 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-8].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-6].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
#line 1811 "xlat-parse.c"
case 84: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA TAG */
#line 764 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT2;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1823 "xlat-parse.c"
case 85: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA TAG COMMA exp */
#line 773 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT2;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1835 "xlat-parse.c"
case 86: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 782 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT2;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-6].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1847 "xlat-parse.c"
case 87: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 791 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT2;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-8].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
#line 1859 "xlat-parse.c"
case 88: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA TAG */
#line 800 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT3;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1871 "xlat-parse.c"
case 89: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA TAG COMMA exp */
#line 809 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT3;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-6].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1883 "xlat-parse.c"
case 90: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA TAG COMMA exp COMMA exp */
#line 818 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT3;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-8].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-6].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
#line 1895 "xlat-parse.c"
case 91: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA TAG */
#line 827 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT4;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-6].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1907 "xlat-parse.c"
case 92: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA TAG COMMA exp */
#line 836 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT4;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-8].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-6].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = 0;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = yymsp[0].minor.yy64;
#line 1919 "xlat-parse.c"
case 93: /* special_args ::= exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA exp COMMA TAG */
#line 845 "xlat-parse.y"
yygotominor.yy123.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT5;
yygotominor.yy123.args[0] = yymsp[-8].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[1] = yymsp[-6].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[2] = yymsp[-4].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[3] = yymsp[-2].minor.yy64;
yygotominor.yy123.args[4] = 0;
#line 1931 "xlat-parse.c"
yygoto = yyRuleInfo[yyruleno].lhs;
yysize = yyRuleInfo[yyruleno].nrhs;
yypParser->yyidx -= yysize;
yyact = yy_find_reduce_action(yymsp[-yysize].stateno,yygoto);
if( yyact < YYNSTATE ){
#ifdef NDEBUG
/* If we are not debugging and the reduce action popped at least
** one element off the stack, then we can push the new element back
** onto the stack here, and skip the stack overflow test in yy_shift().
** That gives a significant speed improvement. */
if( yysize ){
yymsp -= yysize-1;
yymsp->stateno = yyact;
yymsp->major = yygoto;
yymsp->minor = yygotominor;
assert( yyact == YYNSTATE + YYNRULE + 1 );
** The following code executes when the parse fails
static void yy_parse_failed(
yyParser *yypParser /* The parser */
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( yyTraceFILE ){
while( yypParser->yyidx>=0 ) yy_pop_parser_stack(yypParser);
/* Here code is inserted which will be executed whenever the
** parser fails */
ParseARG_STORE; /* Suppress warning about unused %extra_argument variable */
** The following code executes when a syntax error first occurs.
static void yy_syntax_error(
yyParser *yypParser, /* The parser */
int yymajor, /* The major type of the error token */
YYMINORTYPE yyminor /* The minor type of the error token */
#define TOKEN (yyminor.yy0)
#line 345 "xlat-parse.y"
yyerror("syntax error");
#line 1991 "xlat-parse.c"
ParseARG_STORE; /* Suppress warning about unused %extra_argument variable */
** The following is executed when the parser accepts
static void yy_accept(
yyParser *yypParser /* The parser */
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( yyTraceFILE ){
while( yypParser->yyidx>=0 ) yy_pop_parser_stack(yypParser);
/* Here code is inserted which will be executed whenever the
** parser accepts */
ParseARG_STORE; /* Suppress warning about unused %extra_argument variable */
/* The main parser program.
** The first argument is a pointer to a structure obtained from
** "ParseAlloc" which describes the current state of the parser.
** The second argument is the major token number. The third is
** the minor token. The fourth optional argument is whatever the
** user wants (and specified in the grammar) and is available for
** use by the action routines.
** Inputs:
** <ul>
** <li> A pointer to the parser (an opaque structure.)
** <li> The major token number.
** <li> The minor token number.
** <li> An option argument of a grammar-specified type.
** </ul>
** Outputs:
** None.
void Parse(
void *yyp, /* The parser */
int yymajor, /* The major token code number */
ParseTOKENTYPE yyminor /* The value for the token */
ParseARG_PDECL /* Optional %extra_argument parameter */
YYMINORTYPE yyminorunion;
int yyact; /* The parser action. */
int yyendofinput; /* True if we are at the end of input */
int yyerrorhit = 0; /* True if yymajor has invoked an error */
yyParser *yypParser; /* The parser */
/* (re)initialize the parser, if necessary */
yypParser = (yyParser*)yyp;
if( yypParser->yyidx<0 ){
if( yypParser->yystksz <=0 ){
memset(&yyminorunion, 0, sizeof(yyminorunion));
yyStackOverflow(yypParser, &yyminorunion);
yypParser->yyidx = 0;
yypParser->yyerrcnt = -1;
yypParser->yystack[0].stateno = 0;
yypParser->yystack[0].major = 0;
yyminorunion.yy0 = yyminor;
yyendofinput = (yymajor==0);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( yyTraceFILE ){
fprintf(yyTraceFILE,"%sInput %s\n",yyTracePrompt,yyTokenName[yymajor]);
yyact = yy_find_shift_action(yypParser,yymajor);
if( yyact<YYNSTATE ){
assert( !yyendofinput ); /* Impossible to shift the $ token */
yymajor = YYNOCODE;
}else if( yyact < YYNSTATE + YYNRULE ){
int yymx;
assert( yyact == YY_ERROR_ACTION );
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( yyTraceFILE ){
fprintf(yyTraceFILE,"%sSyntax Error!\n",yyTracePrompt);
/* A syntax error has occurred.
** The response to an error depends upon whether or not the
** grammar defines an error token "ERROR".
** This is what we do if the grammar does define ERROR:
** * Call the %syntax_error function.
** * Begin popping the stack until we enter a state where
** it is legal to shift the error symbol, then shift
** the error symbol.
** * Set the error count to three.
** * Begin accepting and shifting new tokens. No new error
** processing will occur until three tokens have been
** shifted successfully.
if( yypParser->yyerrcnt<0 ){
yymx = yypParser->yystack[yypParser->yyidx].major;
if( yymx==YYERRORSYMBOL || yyerrorhit ){
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( yyTraceFILE ){
fprintf(yyTraceFILE,"%sDiscard input token %s\n",
yymajor = YYNOCODE;
yypParser->yyidx >= 0 &&
(yyact = yy_find_reduce_action(
if( yypParser->yyidx < 0 || yymajor==0 ){
yymajor = YYNOCODE;
}else if( yymx!=YYERRORSYMBOL ){
yypParser->yyerrcnt = 3;
yyerrorhit = 1;
#else /* YYERRORSYMBOL is not defined */
/* This is what we do if the grammar does not define ERROR:
** * Report an error message, and throw away the input token.
** * If the input token is $, then fail the parse.
** As before, subsequent error messages are suppressed until
** three input tokens have been successfully shifted.
if( yypParser->yyerrcnt<=0 ){
yypParser->yyerrcnt = 3;
if( yyendofinput ){
yymajor = YYNOCODE;
}while( yymajor!=YYNOCODE && yypParser->yyidx>=0 );