
720 lines
16 KiB
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//** sc_man.c : Heretic 2 : Raven Software, Corp.
//** $RCSfile: sc_man.c,v $
//** $Revision: 1.3 $
//** $Date: 96/01/06 03:23:43 $
//** $Author: bgokey $
// HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "sc_man.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "m_misc.h"
// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------
#define MAX_STRING_SIZE 4096
#define ASCII_COMMENT (';')
#define CPP_COMMENT ('/')
#define C_COMMENT ('*')
#define ASCII_QUOTE ('"')
#define LUMP_SCRIPT 1
#define NORMAL_STOPCHARS "{}|="
#define CMODE_STOPCHARS "`~!@#$%^&*(){}[]/=\?+|;:<>,."
#define CMODE_STOPCHARS_NODECIMAL "`~!@#$%^&*(){}[]/=\?+|;:<>,"
// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
// EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------
// PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------------------------------------
// PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------
static void SC_PrepareScript (void);
static void CheckOpen (void);
// EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------
// PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------
char *sc_String;
int sc_StringLen;
int sc_Number;
float sc_Float;
int sc_Line;
BOOL sc_End;
BOOL sc_Crossed;
BOOL sc_FileScripts = false;
char *sc_ScriptsDir = "";
// PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------
static char ScriptName[128];
static char *ScriptBuffer;
static char *ScriptPtr;
static char *ScriptEndPtr;
static char StringBuffer[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
static bool ScriptOpen = false;
static int ScriptSize;
static bool AlreadyGot = false;
static bool FreeScript = false;
static char *SavedScriptPtr;
static int SavedScriptLine;
static bool CMode;
// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------
// SC_Open
void SC_Open (const char *name)
SC_OpenLumpNum (Wads.GetNumForName (name), name);
// SC_OpenFile
// Loads a script (from a file). Uses the new/delete memory allocator for
// memory allocation and de-allocation.
void SC_OpenFile (const char *name)
SC_Close ();
ScriptSize = M_ReadFile (name, (byte **)&ScriptBuffer);
ExtractFileBase (name, ScriptName);
FreeScript = true;
SC_PrepareScript ();
// SC_OpenMem
// Prepares a script that is already in memory for parsing. The caller is
// responsible for freeing it, if needed.
void SC_OpenMem (const char *name, char *buffer, int size)
SC_Close ();
ScriptSize = size;
ScriptBuffer = buffer;
strcpy (ScriptName, name);
FreeScript = false;
SC_PrepareScript ();
// SC_OpenLumpNum
// Loads a script (from the WAD files).
void SC_OpenLumpNum (int lump, const char *name)
SC_Close ();
ScriptSize = Wads.LumpLength (lump);
ScriptBuffer = new char[ScriptSize];
Wads.ReadLump (lump, ScriptBuffer);
strcpy (ScriptName, name);
FreeScript = true;
SC_PrepareScript ();
// SC_PrepareScript
// Prepares a script for parsing.
static void SC_PrepareScript (void)
ScriptPtr = ScriptBuffer;
ScriptEndPtr = ScriptPtr + ScriptSize;
sc_Line = 1;
sc_End = false;
ScriptOpen = true;
sc_String = StringBuffer;
AlreadyGot = false;
SavedScriptPtr = NULL;
CMode = false;
// SC_Close
void SC_Close (void)
if (ScriptOpen)
if (ScriptBuffer)
if (FreeScript)
delete[] ScriptBuffer;
ScriptBuffer = NULL;
ScriptOpen = false;
// SC_SavePos
// Saves the current script location for restoration later
void SC_SavePos (void)
CheckOpen ();
if (sc_End)
SavedScriptPtr = NULL;
SavedScriptPtr = ScriptPtr;
SavedScriptLine = sc_Line;
// SC_RestorePos
// Restores the previously saved script location
void SC_RestorePos (void)
if (SavedScriptPtr)
ScriptPtr = SavedScriptPtr;
sc_Line = SavedScriptLine;
sc_End = false;
AlreadyGot = false;
// SC_SetCMode
// Enables/disables C mode. In C mode, more characters are considered to
// be whole words than in non-C mode.
void SC_SetCMode (bool cmode)
CMode = cmode;
// SC_GetString
BOOL SC_GetString (void)
char *text;
BOOL foundToken;
if (AlreadyGot)
AlreadyGot = false;
return true;
foundToken = false;
sc_Crossed = false;
if (ScriptPtr >= ScriptEndPtr)
sc_End = true;
return false;
while (foundToken == false)
while (ScriptPtr < ScriptEndPtr && *ScriptPtr <= ' ')
if (*ScriptPtr++ == '\n')
sc_Crossed = true;
if (ScriptPtr >= ScriptEndPtr)
sc_End = true;
return false;
if ((CMode || *ScriptPtr != ASCII_COMMENT) &&
!(ScriptPtr[0] == CPP_COMMENT && ScriptPtr < ScriptEndPtr - 1 &&
(ScriptPtr[1] == CPP_COMMENT || ScriptPtr[1] == C_COMMENT)))
{ // Found a token
foundToken = true;
{ // Skip comment
if (ScriptPtr[0] == CPP_COMMENT && ScriptPtr[1] == C_COMMENT)
{ // C comment
while (ScriptPtr[0] != C_COMMENT || ScriptPtr[1] != CPP_COMMENT)
if (ScriptPtr[0] == '\n')
sc_Crossed = true;
if (ScriptPtr >= ScriptEndPtr - 1)
sc_End = true;
return false;
ScriptPtr += 2;
{ // C++ comment
while (*ScriptPtr++ != '\n')
if (ScriptPtr >= ScriptEndPtr)
sc_End = true;
return false;
sc_Crossed = true;
text = sc_String;
if (*ScriptPtr == ASCII_QUOTE)
{ // Quoted string
while (*ScriptPtr != ASCII_QUOTE || *(ScriptPtr - 1) == '\\')
*text++ = *ScriptPtr++;
if (ScriptPtr == ScriptEndPtr
|| text == &sc_String[MAX_STRING_SIZE-1])
{ // Normal string
static const char *stopchars;
if (CMode)
stopchars = CMODE_STOPCHARS;
// '-' can be its own token, or it can be part of a negative number
if (*ScriptPtr == '-')
*text++ = '-';
if (ScriptPtr < ScriptEndPtr && *ScriptPtr >= '0' && *ScriptPtr <= '9')
goto grabtoken;
goto gottoken;
else if (*ScriptPtr >= '0' && *ScriptPtr <= '9')
else if (*ScriptPtr == '.' && ScriptPtr[1] >= '0' && ScriptPtr[1] <= '9')
if (strchr (stopchars, *ScriptPtr))
*text++ = *ScriptPtr++;
while ((*ScriptPtr > ' ') && (strchr (stopchars, *ScriptPtr) == NULL)
&& (CMode || *ScriptPtr != ASCII_COMMENT)
&& !(ScriptPtr[0] == CPP_COMMENT && (ScriptPtr < ScriptEndPtr - 1) &&
(ScriptPtr[1] == CPP_COMMENT || ScriptPtr[1] == C_COMMENT)))
*text++ = *ScriptPtr++;
if (ScriptPtr == ScriptEndPtr
|| text == &sc_String[MAX_STRING_SIZE-1])
*text = 0;
sc_StringLen = text - sc_String;
return true;
// SC_MustGetString
void SC_MustGetString (void)
if (SC_GetString () == false)
SC_ScriptError ("Missing string (unexpected end of file).");
// SC_MustGetStringName
void SC_MustGetStringName (const char *name)
SC_MustGetString ();
if (SC_Compare (name) == false)
SC_ScriptError ("Expected '%s', got '%s'.", name, sc_String);
// SC_CheckString
// Checks if the next token matches the specified string. Returns true if
// it does. If it doesn't, it ungets it and returns false.
bool SC_CheckString (const char *name)
if (SC_GetString ())
if (SC_Compare (name))
return true;
SC_UnGet ();
return false;
// SC_GetNumber
BOOL SC_GetNumber (void)
char *stopper;
CheckOpen ();
if (SC_GetString())
if (strcmp (sc_String, "MAXINT") == 0)
sc_Number = INT_MAX;
sc_Number = strtol (sc_String, &stopper, 0);
if (*stopper != 0)
SC_ScriptError ("SC_GetNumber: Bad numeric constant \"%s\".", sc_String);
sc_Float = (float)sc_Number;
return true;
return false;
// SC_MustGetNumber
void SC_MustGetNumber (void)
if (SC_GetNumber() == false)
SC_ScriptError ("Missing integer (unexpected end of file).");
// SC_CheckNumber
// similar to SC_GetNumber but ungets the token if it isn't a number
// and does not print an error
BOOL SC_CheckNumber (void)
char *stopper;
//CheckOpen ();
if (SC_GetString())
if (strcmp (sc_String, "MAXINT") == 0)
sc_Number = INT_MAX;
sc_Number = strtol (sc_String, &stopper, 0);
if (*stopper != 0)
return false;
sc_Float = (float)sc_Number;
return true;
return false;
// SC_GetFloat
BOOL SC_GetFloat (void)
char *stopper;
CheckOpen ();
if (SC_GetString())
sc_Float = (float)strtod (sc_String, &stopper);
if (*stopper != 0)
I_Error ("SC_GetFloat: Bad numeric constant \"%s\".\n"
"Script %s, Line %d\n", sc_String, ScriptName, sc_Line);
sc_Number = (int)sc_Float;
return true;
return false;
// SC_MustGetFloat
void SC_MustGetFloat (void)
if (SC_GetFloat() == false)
SC_ScriptError ("Missing floating-point number (unexpected end of file).");
// SC_UnGet
// Assumes there is a valid string in sc_String.
void SC_UnGet (void)
AlreadyGot = true;
// SC_Check
// Returns true if another token is on the current line.
BOOL SC_Check(void)
char *text;
text = ScriptPtr;
if(text >= ScriptEndPtr)
return false;
while(*text <= 32)
if(*text == '\n')
return false;
if(text == ScriptEndPtr)
return false;
if(*text == ASCII_COMMENT)
return false;
return true;
// SC_MatchString
// Returns the index of the first match to sc_String from the passed
// array of strings, or -1 if not found.
int SC_MatchString (const char **strings)
int i;
for (i = 0; *strings != NULL; i++)
if (SC_Compare (*strings++))
return i;
return -1;
// SC_MustMatchString
int SC_MustMatchString (const char **strings)
int i;
i = SC_MatchString (strings);
if (i == -1)
SC_ScriptError (NULL);
return i;
// SC_Compare
BOOL SC_Compare (const char *text)
return (stricmp (text, sc_String) == 0);
// SC_ScriptError
void STACK_ARGS SC_ScriptError (const char *message, ...)
string composed;
if (message == NULL)
composed = "Bad syntax.";
va_list arglist;
va_start (arglist, message);
composed.VFormat (message, arglist);
va_end (arglist);
I_Error ("Script error, \"%s\" line %d:\n%s\n", ScriptName,
sc_Line, composed.GetChars());
// CheckOpen
static void CheckOpen(void)
if (ScriptOpen == false)
I_FatalError ("SC_ call before SC_Open().");