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// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// All the global variables that store the internal state.
// Theoretically speaking, the internal state of the engine
// should be found by looking at the variables collected
// here, and every relevant module will have to include
// this header file.
// In practice, things are a bit messy.
#ifndef __D_STATE__
#define __D_STATE__
// We need globally shared data structures,
// for defining the global state variables.
// We need the player data structure as well.
//#include "d_player.h"
#include "doomdata.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "g_level.h"
// We also need the definition of a cvar
#include "c_cvars.h"
// -----------------------
// Game speed.
enum EGameSpeed
extern EGameSpeed GameSpeed;
// ------------------------
// Command line parameters.
extern bool devparm; // DEBUG: launched with -devparm
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Game Mode - identify IWAD as shareware, retail etc.
extern GameMode_t gamemode;
extern GameMission_t gamemission;
// -------------------------------------------
// Selected skill type, map etc.
About a week's worth of changes here. As a heads-up, I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't build in Linux right now. The CMakeLists.txt were checked with MinGW and NMake, but how they fair under Linux is an unknown to me at this time. - Converted most sprintf (and all wsprintf) calls to either mysnprintf or FStrings, depending on the situation. - Changed the strings in the wbstartstruct to be FStrings. - Changed myvsnprintf() to output nothing if count is greater than INT_MAX. This is so that I can use a series of mysnprintf() calls and advance the pointer for each one. Once the pointer goes beyond the end of the buffer, the count will go negative, but since it's an unsigned type it will be seen as excessively huge instead. This should not be a problem, as there's no reason for ZDoom to be using text buffers larger than 2 GB anywhere. - Ripped out the disabled bit from FGameConfigFile::MigrateOldConfig(). - Changed CalcMapName() to return an FString instead of a pointer to a static buffer. - Changed startmap in d_main.cpp into an FString. - Changed CheckWarpTransMap() to take an FString& as the first argument. - Changed d_mapname in g_level.cpp into an FString. - Changed DoSubstitution() in ct_chat.cpp to place the substitutions in an FString. - Fixed: The MAPINFO parser wrote into the string buffer to construct a map name when given a Hexen map number. This was fine with the old scanner code, but only a happy coincidence prevents it from crashing with the new code - Added the 'B' conversion specifier to StringFormat::VWorker() for printing binary numbers. - Added CMake support for building with MinGW, MSYS, and NMake. Linux support is probably broken until I get around to booting into Linux again. Niceties provided over the existing Makefiles they're replacing: * All command-line builds can use the same build system, rather than having a separate one for MinGW and another for Linux. * Microsoft's NMake tool is supported as a target. * Progress meters. * Parallel makes work from a fresh checkout without needing to be primed first with a single-threaded make. * Porting to other architectures should be simplified, whenever that day comes. - Replaced the makewad tool with zipdir. This handles the dependency tracking itself instead of generating an external makefile to do it, since I couldn't figure out how to generate a makefile with an external tool and include it with a CMake-generated makefile. Where makewad used a master list of files to generate the package file, zipdir just zips the entire contents of one or more directories. - Added the gdtoa package from netlib's fp library so that ZDoom's printf-style formatting can be entirely independant of the CRT. SVN r1082 (trunk)
2008-07-23 04:57:26 +00:00
extern FString startmap; // [RH] Actual map name now
extern bool autostart;
// Selected by user.
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, gameskill);
extern int NextSkill; // [RH] Skill to use at next level load
// Netgame? Only true if >1 player.
extern bool netgame;
// Bot game? Like netgame, but doesn't involve network communication.
extern bool multiplayer;
// Flag: true only if started as net deathmatch.
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, deathmatch)
// [RH] Pretend as deathmatch for purposes of dmflags
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, alwaysapplydmflags)
// [RH] Teamplay mode
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, teamplay)
// [RH] Friendly fire amount
EXTERN_CVAR (Float, teamdamage)
// [RH] The class the player will spawn as in single player,
// in case using a random class with Hexen.
extern int SinglePlayerClass[MAXPLAYERS];
// -------------------------
// Internal parameters for sound rendering.
EXTERN_CVAR (Float, snd_sfxvolume) // maximum volume for sound
EXTERN_CVAR (Float, snd_musicvolume) // maximum volume for music
// -------------------------
// Status flags for refresh.
enum EMenuState
MENU_Off, // Menu is closed
MENU_On, // Menu is opened
MENU_WaitKey, // Menu is opened and waiting for a key in the controls menu
MENU_OnNoPause, // Menu is opened but does not pause the game
extern bool automapactive; // In AutoMap mode?
extern EMenuState menuactive; // Menu overlayed?
extern int paused; // Game Pause?
extern bool viewactive;
extern bool nodrawers;
extern bool noblit;
extern int viewwindowx;
extern int viewwindowy;
extern "C" int viewheight;
extern "C" int viewwidth;
extern "C" int halfviewwidth; // [RH] Half view width, for plane drawing
// This one is related to the 3-screen display mode.
// ANG90 = left side, ANG270 = right
extern int viewangleoffset;
// Player taking events. i.e. The local player.
extern int consoleplayer;
// --------------------------------------
// DEMO playback/recording related stuff.
// No demo, there is a human player in charge?
// Disable save/end game?
extern bool usergame;
extern bool demoplayback;
extern bool demorecording;
extern int demover;
// Quit after playing a demo from cmdline.
extern bool singledemo;
extern gamestate_t gamestate;
extern int SaveVersion;
// Internal parameters, fixed.
// These are set by the engine, and not changed
// according to user inputs. Partly load from
// WAD, partly set at startup time.
extern int gametic;
// Alive? Disconnected?
extern bool playeringame[MAXPLAYERS];
// Player spawn spots for deathmatch.
extern TArray<FMapThing> deathmatchstarts;
// Player spawn spots.
extern FMapThing playerstarts[MAXPLAYERS];
// Intermission stats.
// Parameters for world map / intermission.
extern struct wbstartstruct_s wminfo;
// Internal parameters, used for engine.
// File handling stuff.
extern FILE* debugfile;
// if true, load all graphics at level load
extern bool precache;
// wipegamestate can be set to -1
// to force a wipe on the next draw
extern gamestate_t wipegamestate;
extern bool setsizeneeded;
extern bool setmodeneeded;
extern int BorderNeedRefresh;
extern int BorderTopRefresh;
EXTERN_CVAR (Float, mouse_sensitivity)
// debug flag to cancel adaptiveness
extern bool singletics;
extern int bodyqueslot;
// Needed to store the number of the dummy sky flat.
// Used for rendering,
// as well as tracking projectiles etc.
// Netgame stuff (buffers and pointers, i.e. indices).
// This is the interface to the packet driver, a separate program
// in DOS, but just an abstraction here.
- Yay! We now seem to be free of memory leaks! The next step will be to merge a lot of these static destructor-only structs into regular functions added to the exit chain with atterm so that they can be called in a deterministic order and not whatever order the linker decides to put them in. (Interestingly, the amount of memory used when repeatedly executing the same map command at the console varies up and down, but it now stays relatively stable rather than increasing unbounded.) - Fixed: The list of resolutions in the video modes menu was not freed at exit. - Fixed: mus_playing.name was not freed at exit. - Fixed: SN_StopAllSequences() should be called at the start of P_FreeLevelData(), not just before the call to P_SetupLevel() in G_DoLoadLevel(), so it can run even at exit. And C_FullConsole() can call P_FreeLevelData() to free more memory too. - Fixed: StatusBar was not freed at exit. - Fixed: spritesorter was not freed at exit. - Fixed: Bad things happened if FString's data pool was destroyed before all C_RemoveTabCommand() calls were made. - Added an overload for FArchive << FString. - Fixed: The players' log text was not freed at exit. - Fixed: Bot information was not freed at exit. - Fixed: doomcom was not freed at exit. But since it's always created, there's no reason why it needs to be allocated from the heap. My guess is that in the DOS days, the external packet driver was responsible for allocating doomcom and passed its location with the -net parameter. - Fixed: FBlockNodes were not freed at exit. - Fixed: Openings were not freed at exit. - Fixed: Drawsegs were not freed at exit. - Fixed: Vissprites were not freed at exit. - Fixed: Console command history was not freed at exit. - Fixed: Visplanes were not freed at exit. - Fixed: Call P_FreeLevelData() at exit. - Fixed: Channel, SoundCurve, and PlayList in s_sound.cpp were not freed at exit. - Fixed: Sound sequences were not freed at exit. - Fixed: DSeqNode::Serialize() did not resize the m_SequenceChoices array when loading. SVN r106 (trunk)
2006-05-11 04:00:58 +00:00
extern doomcom_t doomcom;
extern struct ticcmd_t localcmds[LOCALCMDTICS];
extern int maketic;
extern int nettics[MAXNETNODES];
extern ticcmd_t netcmds[MAXPLAYERS][BACKUPTICS];
extern int ticdup;
// ---- [RH] ----
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, developer)
extern bool ToggleFullscreen;
extern float JoyAxes[6];
extern int Net_Arbitrator;
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, var_friction)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, var_pushers)
// [RH] Miscellaneous info for DeHackEd support
struct DehInfo
int StartHealth;
int StartBullets;
int MaxHealth;
int MaxArmor;
int GreenAC;
int BlueAC;
int MaxSoulsphere;
int SoulsphereHealth;
int MegasphereHealth;
int GodHealth;
int FAArmor;
int FAAC;
int KFAArmor;
int KFAAC;
char PlayerSprite[5];
BYTE ExplosionStyle;
fixed_t ExplosionAlpha;
int NoAutofreeze;
extern DehInfo deh;
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, infighting)
// [RH] Deathmatch flags
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, dmflags);
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, dmflags2); // [BC]
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, compatflags);
extern int i_compatflags;