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synced 2025-03-11 03:32:43 +00:00
153 lines
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153 lines
4.9 KiB
#include <malloc.h>
#include "dehsupp.h"
%token_type {struct Token}
%syntax_error { yyerror("Syntax error"); }
%token_destructor { if ($$.string) free($$.string); }
%left OR.
%left XOR.
%left AND.
%left NEG.
%left EOI.
main ::= translation_unit.
translation_unit ::= . /* empty */
translation_unit ::= translation_unit external_declaration.
external_declaration ::= print_statement.
external_declaration ::= actions_def.
external_declaration ::= org_heights_def.
external_declaration ::= action_list_def.
external_declaration ::= codep_conv_def.
external_declaration ::= org_spr_names_def.
external_declaration ::= state_map_def.
external_declaration ::= sound_map_def.
external_declaration ::= info_names_def.
external_declaration ::= thing_bits_def.
external_declaration ::= render_styles_def.
print_statement ::= PRINT LPAREN print_list RPAREN.
printf ("\n");
print_list ::= . /* EMPTY */
print_list ::= print_item.
print_list ::= print_item COMMA print_list.
print_item ::= STRING(A). { printf ("%s", A.string); }
print_item ::= exp(A). { printf ("%d", A); }
print_item ::= ENDL. { printf ("\n"); }
%type exp {int}
exp(A) ::= NUM(B). { A = B.val; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) PLUS exp(C). { A = B + C; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) MINUS exp(C). { A = B - C; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) MULTIPLY exp(C). { A = B * C; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) DIVIDE exp(C). { A = B / C; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) OR exp(C). { A = B | C; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) AND exp(C). { A = B & C; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) XOR exp(C). { A = B ^ C; }
exp(A) ::= MINUS exp(B). [NEG] { A = -B; }
exp(A) ::= LPAREN exp(B) RPAREN. { A = B; }
actions_def ::= Actions LBRACE actions_list RBRACE SEMICOLON.
actions_def ::= Actions LBRACE error RBRACE SEMICOLON.
actions_list ::= . /* empty */
actions_list ::= SYM(A). { AddAction (A.string); }
actions_list ::= actions_list COMMA SYM(A). { AddAction (A.string); }
org_heights_def ::= OrgHeights LBRACE org_heights_list RBRACE SEMICOLON.
org_heights_def ::= OrgHeights LBRACE error RBRACE SEMICOLON.
org_heights_list ::= . /* empty */
org_heights_list ::= exp(A). { AddHeight (A); }
org_heights_list ::= org_heights_list COMMA exp(A). { AddHeight (A); }
action_list_def ::= ActionList LBRACE action_list_list RBRACE SEMICOLON.
action_list_def ::= ActionList LBRACE error RBRACE SEMICOLON.
action_list_list ::= . /* empty */
action_list_list ::= SYM(A). { AddActionMap (A.string); }
action_list_list ::= action_list_list COMMA SYM(A). { AddActionMap (A.string); }
codep_conv_def ::= CodePConv LBRACE codep_conv_list RBRACE SEMICOLON.
codep_conv_def ::= CodePConv LBRACE error RBRACE SEMICOLON.
codep_conv_list ::= . /* empty */
codep_conv_list ::= exp(A). { AddCodeP (A); }
codep_conv_list ::= codep_conv_list COMMA exp(A). { AddCodeP (A); }
org_spr_names_def ::= OrgSprNames LBRACE org_spr_names_list RBRACE SEMICOLON.
org_spr_names_def ::= OrgSprNames LBRACE error RBRACE SEMICOLON.
org_spr_names_list ::= . /* empty */
org_spr_names_list ::= SYM(A). { AddSpriteName (A.string); }
org_spr_names_list ::= org_spr_names_list COMMA SYM(A). { AddSpriteName (A.string); }
state_map_def ::= StateMap LBRACE state_map_list RBRACE SEMICOLON.
state_map_def ::= StateMap LBRACE error RBRACE SEMICOLON.
state_map_list ::= . /* empty */
state_map_list ::= state_map_entry.
state_map_list ::= state_map_list COMMA state_map_entry.
state_map_entry ::= SYM(A) COMMA state_type(B) COMMA exp(C). { AddStateMap (A.string, B, C); }
%type state_type {int}
state_type(A) ::= FirstState. { A = 0; }
state_type(A) ::= SpawnState. { A = 1; }
state_type(A) ::= DeathState. { A = 2; }
sound_map_def ::= SoundMap LBRACE sound_map_list RBRACE SEMICOLON.
sound_map_def ::= SoundMap LBRACE error RBRACE SEMICOLON.
sound_map_list ::= . /* empty */
sound_map_list ::= STRING(A). { AddSoundMap (A.string); }
sound_map_list ::= sound_map_list COMMA STRING(A). { AddSoundMap (A.string); }
info_names_def ::= InfoNames LBRACE info_names_list RBRACE SEMICOLON.
info_names_def ::= InfoNames LBRACE error RBRACE SEMICOLON.
info_names_list ::= . /* empty */
info_names_list ::= SYM(A). { AddInfoName (A.string); }
info_names_list ::= info_names_list COMMA SYM(A). { AddInfoName (A.string); }
thing_bits_def ::= ThingBits LBRACE thing_bits_list RBRACE SEMICOLON.
thing_bits_def ::= ThingBits LBRACE error RBRACE SEMICOLON.
thing_bits_list ::= . /* empty */
thing_bits_list ::= thing_bits_entry.
thing_bits_list ::= thing_bits_list COMMA thing_bits_entry.
thing_bits_entry ::= exp(A) COMMA exp(B) COMMA SYM(C). { AddThingBits (C.string, A, B); }
render_styles_def ::= RenderStyles LBRACE render_styles_list RBRACE SEMICOLON.
render_styles_def ::= RenderStyles LBRACE error RBRACE SEMICOLON.
render_styles_list ::= . /* empty */
render_styles_list ::= render_styles_entry.
render_styles_list ::= render_styles_list COMMA render_styles_entry.
render_styles_entry ::= exp(A) COMMA SYM(B). { AddRenderStyle (B.string, A); }