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// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// Map Objects, MObj, definition and handling.
#ifndef __P_MOBJ_H__
#define __P_MOBJ_H__
// Basics.
#include "tables.h"
// We need the thinker_t stuff.
#include "dthinker.h"
// States are tied to finite states are tied to animation frames.
#include "info.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "textures/textures.h"
#include "r_data/renderstyle.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "memarena.h"
#include "g_level.h"
struct subsector_t;
// NOTES: AActor
// Actors are used to tell the refresh where to draw an image,
// tell the world simulation when objects are contacted,
// and tell the sound driver how to position a sound.
// The refresh uses the next and prev links to follow
// lists of things in sectors as they are being drawn.
// The sprite, frame, and angle elements determine which patch_t
// is used to draw the sprite if it is visible.
// The sprite and frame values are almost always set
// from state_t structures.
// The statescr.exe utility generates the states.h and states.c
// files that contain the sprite/frame numbers from the
// statescr.txt source file.
// The xyz origin point represents a point at the bottom middle
// of the sprite (between the feet of a biped).
// This is the default origin position for patch_ts grabbed
// with lumpy.exe.
// A walking creature will have its z equal to the floor
// it is standing on.
// The sound code uses the x,y, and sometimes z fields
// to do stereo positioning of any sound emitted by the actor.
// The play simulation uses the blocklinks, x,y,z, radius, height
// to determine when AActors are touching each other,
// touching lines in the map, or hit by trace lines (gunshots,
// lines of sight, etc).
// The AActor->flags element has various bit flags
// used by the simulation.
// Every actor is linked into a single sector
// based on its origin coordinates.
// The subsector_t is found with R_PointInSubsector(x,y),
// and the sector_t can be found with subsector->sector.
// The sector links are only used by the rendering code,
// the play simulation does not care about them at all.
// Any actor that needs to be acted upon by something else
// in the play world (block movement, be shot, etc) will also
// need to be linked into the blockmap.
// If the thing has the MF_NOBLOCK flag set, it will not use
// the block links. It can still interact with other things,
// but only as the instigator (missiles will run into other
// things, but nothing can run into a missile).
// Each block in the grid is 128*128 units, and knows about
// every line_t that it contains a piece of, and every
// interactable actor that has its origin contained.
// A valid actor is an actor that has the proper subsector_t
// filled in for its xy coordinates and is linked into the
// sector from which the subsector was made, or has the
// MF_NOSECTOR flag set (the subsector_t needs to be valid
// even if MF_NOSECTOR is set), and is linked into a blockmap
// block or has the MF_NOBLOCKMAP flag set.
// Links should only be modified by the P_[Un]SetThingPosition()
// functions.
// Do not change the MF_NO* flags while a thing is valid.
// Any questions?
// --- mobj.flags ---
MF_SPECIAL = 0x00000001, // call P_SpecialThing when touched
MF_SOLID = 0x00000002,
MF_SHOOTABLE = 0x00000004,
MF_NOSECTOR = 0x00000008, // don't use the sector links
// (invisible but touchable)
MF_NOBLOCKMAP = 0x00000010, // don't use the blocklinks
// (inert but displayable)
MF_AMBUSH = 0x00000020, // not activated by sound; deaf monster
MF_JUSTHIT = 0x00000040, // try to attack right back
MF_JUSTATTACKED = 0x00000080, // take at least one step before attacking
MF_SPAWNCEILING = 0x00000100, // hang from ceiling instead of floor
MF_NOGRAVITY = 0x00000200, // don't apply gravity every tic
// movement flags
MF_DROPOFF = 0x00000400, // allow jumps from high places
MF_PICKUP = 0x00000800, // for players to pick up items
MF_NOCLIP = 0x00001000, // player cheat
MF_INCHASE = 0x00002000, // [RH] used by A_Chase and A_Look to avoid recursion
MF_FLOAT = 0x00004000, // allow moves to any height, no gravity
MF_TELEPORT = 0x00008000, // don't cross lines or look at heights
MF_MISSILE = 0x00010000, // don't hit same species, explode on block
MF_DROPPED = 0x00020000, // dropped by a demon, not level spawned
MF_SHADOW = 0x00040000, // actor is hard for monsters to see
MF_NOBLOOD = 0x00080000, // don't bleed when shot (use puff)
MF_CORPSE = 0x00100000, // don't stop moving halfway off a step
MF_INFLOAT = 0x00200000, // floating to a height for a move, don't
// auto float to target's height
MF_INBOUNCE = 0x00200000, // used by Heretic bouncing missiles
MF_COUNTKILL = 0x00400000, // count towards intermission kill total
MF_COUNTITEM = 0x00800000, // count towards intermission item total
MF_SKULLFLY = 0x01000000, // skull in flight
MF_NOTDMATCH = 0x02000000, // don't spawn in death match (key cards)
MF_SPAWNSOUNDSOURCE = 0x04000000, // Plays missile's see sound at spawning object.
MF_FRIENDLY = 0x08000000, // [RH] Friendly monsters for Strife (and MBF)
MF_UNMORPHED = 0x10000000, // [RH] Actor is the unmorphed version of something else
MF_NOLIFTDROP = 0x20000000, // [RH] Used with MF_NOGRAVITY to avoid dropping with lifts
MF_STEALTH = 0x40000000, // [RH] Andy Baker's stealth monsters
MF_ICECORPSE = 0x80000000, // a frozen corpse (for blasting) [RH] was 0x800000
// --- mobj.flags2 ---
MF2_DONTREFLECT = 0x00000001, // this projectile cannot be reflected
MF2_WINDTHRUST = 0x00000002, // gets pushed around by the wind specials
MF2_DONTSEEKINVISIBLE=0x00000004, // For seeker missiles: Don't home in on invisible/shadow targets
MF2_BLASTED = 0x00000008, // actor will temporarily take damage from impact
MF2_FLY = 0x00000010, // fly mode is active
MF2_FLOORCLIP = 0x00000020, // if feet are allowed to be clipped
MF2_SPAWNFLOAT = 0x00000040, // spawn random float z
MF2_NOTELEPORT = 0x00000080, // does not teleport
MF2_RIP = 0x00000100, // missile rips through solid targets
MF2_PUSHABLE = 0x00000200, // can be pushed by other moving actors
MF2_SLIDE = 0x00000400, // slides against walls
MF2_ONMOBJ = 0x00000800, // actor is resting on top of another actor
MF2_PASSMOBJ = 0x00001000, // Enable z block checking. If on,
// this flag will allow the actor to
// pass over/under other actors.
MF2_CANNOTPUSH = 0x00002000, // cannot push other pushable mobjs
MF2_THRUGHOST = 0x00004000, // missile will pass through ghosts [RH] was 8
MF2_BOSS = 0x00008000, // mobj is a major boss
MF2_DONTTRANSLATE = 0x00010000, // Don't apply palette translations
MF2_NODMGTHRUST = 0x00020000, // does not thrust target when damaging
MF2_TELESTOMP = 0x00040000, // mobj can stomp another
MF2_FLOATBOB = 0x00080000, // use float bobbing z movement
MF2_THRUACTORS = 0x00100000, // performs no actor<->actor collision checks
MF2_IMPACT = 0x00200000, // an MF_MISSILE mobj can activate SPAC_IMPACT
MF2_PUSHWALL = 0x00400000, // mobj can push walls
MF2_MCROSS = 0x00800000, // can activate monster cross lines
MF2_PCROSS = 0x01000000, // can activate projectile cross lines
MF2_CANTLEAVEFLOORPIC=0x02000000, // stay within a certain floor type
MF2_NONSHOOTABLE = 0x04000000, // mobj is totally non-shootable,
// but still considered solid
MF2_INVULNERABLE = 0x08000000, // mobj is invulnerable
MF2_DORMANT = 0x10000000, // thing is dormant
MF2_ARGSDEFINED = 0x20000000, // Internal flag used by DECORATE to signal that the
// args should not be taken from the mapthing definition
MF2_SEEKERMISSILE = 0x40000000, // is a seeker (for reflection)
MF2_REFLECTIVE = 0x80000000, // reflects missiles
// --- mobj.flags3 ---
MF3_FLOORHUGGER = 0x00000001, // Missile stays on floor
MF3_CEILINGHUGGER = 0x00000002, // Missile stays on ceiling
MF3_NORADIUSDMG = 0x00000004, // Actor does not take radius damage
MF3_GHOST = 0x00000008, // Actor is a ghost
MF3_ALWAYSPUFF = 0x00000010, // Puff always appears, even when hit nothing
MF3_SPECIALFLOORCLIP= 0x00000020, // Actor uses floorclip for special effect (e.g. Wraith)
MF3_DONTSPLASH = 0x00000040, // Thing doesn't make a splash
MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK = 0x00000080, // Go after first acceptable target without checking sight
MF3_DONTOVERLAP = 0x00000100, // Don't pass over/under other things with this bit set
MF3_DONTMORPH = 0x00000200, // Immune to arti_egg
MF3_DONTSQUASH = 0x00000400, // Death ball can't squash this actor
MF3_EXPLOCOUNT = 0x00000800, // Don't explode until special2 counts to special1
MF3_FULLVOLACTIVE = 0x00001000, // Active sound is played at full volume
MF3_ISMONSTER = 0x00002000, // Actor is a monster
MF3_SKYEXPLODE = 0x00004000, // Explode missile when hitting sky
MF3_STAYMORPHED = 0x00008000, // Monster cannot unmorph
MF3_DONTBLAST = 0x00010000, // Actor cannot be pushed by blasting
MF3_CANBLAST = 0x00020000, // Actor is not a monster but can be blasted
MF3_NOTARGET = 0x00040000, // This actor not targetted when it hurts something else
MF3_DONTGIB = 0x00080000, // Don't gib this corpse
MF3_NOBLOCKMONST = 0x00100000, // Can cross ML_BLOCKMONSTERS lines
MF3_CRASHED = 0x00200000, // Actor entered its crash state
MF3_FULLVOLDEATH = 0x00400000, // DeathSound is played full volume (for missiles)
MF3_AVOIDMELEE = 0x00800000, // Avoids melee attacks (same as MBF's monster_backing but must be explicitly set)
MF3_SCREENSEEKER = 0x01000000, // Fails the IsOkayToAttack test if potential target is outside player FOV
MF3_FOILINVUL = 0x02000000, // Actor can hurt MF2_INVULNERABLE things
MF3_NOTELEOTHER = 0x04000000, // Monster is unaffected by teleport other artifact
MF3_BLOODLESSIMPACT = 0x08000000, // Projectile does not leave blood
MF3_NOEXPLODEFLOOR = 0x10000000, // Missile stops at floor instead of exploding
MF3_WARNBOT = 0x20000000, // Missile warns bot
MF3_PUFFONACTORS = 0x40000000, // Puff appears even when hit bleeding actors
MF3_HUNTPLAYERS = 0x80000000, // Used with TIDtoHate, means to hate players too
// --- mobj.flags4 ---
MF4_NOHATEPLAYERS = 0x00000001, // Ignore player attacks
MF4_QUICKTORETALIATE= 0x00000002, // Always switch targets when hurt
MF4_NOICEDEATH = 0x00000004, // Actor never enters an ice death, not even the generic one
MF4_BOSSDEATH = 0x00000008, // A_FreezeDeathChunks calls A_BossDeath
MF4_RANDOMIZE = 0x00000010, // Missile has random initial tic count
MF4_NOSKIN = 0x00000020, // Player cannot use skins
MF4_FIXMAPTHINGPOS = 0x00000040, // Fix this actor's position when spawned as a map thing
MF4_ACTLIKEBRIDGE = 0x00000080, // Pickups can "stand" on this actor / cannot be moved by any sector action.
MF4_STRIFEDAMAGE = 0x00000100, // Strife projectiles only do up to 4x damage, not 8x
MF4_CANUSEWALLS = 0x00000200, // Can activate 'use' specials
MF4_MISSILEMORE = 0x00000400, // increases the chance of a missile attack
MF4_MISSILEEVENMORE = 0x00000800, // significantly increases the chance of a missile attack
MF4_FORCERADIUSDMG = 0x00001000, // if put on an object it will override MF3_NORADIUSDMG
MF4_DONTFALL = 0x00002000, // Doesn't have NOGRAVITY disabled when dying.
MF4_SEESDAGGERS = 0x00004000, // This actor can see you striking with a dagger
MF4_INCOMBAT = 0x00008000, // Don't alert others when attacked by a dagger
MF4_LOOKALLAROUND = 0x00010000, // Monster has eyes in the back of its head
MF4_STANDSTILL = 0x00020000, // Monster should not chase targets unless attacked?
MF4_SPECTRAL = 0x00040000,
MF4_SCROLLMOVE = 0x00080000, // velocity has been applied by a scroller
MF4_NOSPLASHALERT = 0x00100000, // Splashes don't alert this monster
MF4_SYNCHRONIZED = 0x00200000, // For actors spawned at load-time only: Do not randomize tics
MF4_NOTARGETSWITCH = 0x00400000, // monster never switches target until current one is dead
MF4_VFRICTION = 0x00800000, // Internal flag used by A_PainAttack to push a monster down
MF4_DONTHARMCLASS = 0x01000000, // Don't hurt one's own kind with explosions (hitscans, too?)
MF4_SHIELDREFLECT = 0x02000000,
MF4_DEFLECT = 0x04000000, // different projectile reflection styles
MF4_ALLOWPARTICLES = 0x08000000, // this puff type can be replaced by particles
MF4_NOEXTREMEDEATH = 0x10000000, // this projectile or weapon never gibs its victim
MF4_EXTREMEDEATH = 0x20000000, // this projectile or weapon always gibs its victim
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
MF4_FRIGHTENED = 0x40000000, // Monster runs away from player
MF4_BOSSSPAWNED = 0x80000000, // Spawned by a boss spawn cube
2006-04-16 13:29:50 +00:00
// --- mobj.flags5 ---
MF5_DONTDRAIN = 0x00000001, // cannot be drained health from.
/* = 0x00000002, reserved for use by scripting branch */
2006-04-17 16:04:27 +00:00
MF5_NODROPOFF = 0x00000004, // cannot drop off under any circumstances.
MF5_NOFORWARDFALL = 0x00000008, // Does not make any actor fall forward by being damaged by this
MF5_COUNTSECRET = 0x00000010, // From Doom 64: actor acts like a secret
MF5_AVOIDINGDROPOFF = 0x00000020, // Used to move monsters away from dropoffs
May 6, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Converted a_zombie.cpp and most of a_strifestuff.cpp to DECORATE. - Converted a_strifekeys.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Removed the WIF_HITS_GHOSTS weapon flag and replaced it with MF2_THRUGHOST. There is no need to keep two flags around with virtually the same meaning. - Changed the ShadowArmor to use the VISIBILITYPULSE flag to change its translucency. It looks much better now than the cheap code pointer based blinking it used before. - Converted most of a_strifeitems.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Converted a_strifearmor.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Moved the messages for killing spectres to the string table. - Converted the quest items to DECORATE. Also changed A_GiveQuestItem to get the messages it prints from the string table instead of the quest item's tag string. May 5, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Removed the hopelessly outdated thingdef_doc.txt file from the repository. - Converted a_peasant.cpp and a_ratbuddy.cpp to DECORATE. - Fixed: C_DoKey didn't treat an empty string as 'no binding' when checking for valid double bindings. - Converted a_merchants.cpp to DECORATE. - Added MF5_NODAMAGE flag to generalize the behavior of Strife's merchants which can be shot but take no damage from getting hurt. - Converted a_beggars.cpp to DECORATE. - Added an Inventory.GiveQuest property. This makes it possible to define all of Strife's original items that also give a quest item in DECORATE but it is also useful to define items like the ones in Day of the Acolyte without ugly workarounds. - Added a Tag property and Strife teaser conversation IDs to DECORATE so now it is possible to define many of Strife's items. - Added a FastSpeed property to DECORATE so that projectiles can finally be assigned a higher speed for fast mode. - Added a ACS_LockedExecuteDoor special. It is basically the same as the existing ACS_LockedExecute but it uses the 'door' message instead of 'remote'. This cannot be integrated into ACS_LockedExecute because all its arguments are already in use. - Added a fully customizable A_CustomMeleeAttack function for DECORATE. SVN r83 (trunk)
2006-05-07 00:27:22 +00:00
MF5_NODAMAGE = 0x00000040, // Actor can be shot and reacts to being shot but takes no damage
MF5_CHASEGOAL = 0x00000080, // Walks to goal instead of target if a valid goal is set.
MF5_BLOODSPLATTER = 0x00000100, // Blood splatter like in Raven's games.
MF5_OLDRADIUSDMG = 0x00000200, // Use old radius damage code (for barrels and boss brain)
MF5_DEHEXPLOSION = 0x00000400, // Use the DEHACKED explosion options when this projectile explodes
MF5_PIERCEARMOR = 0x00000800, // Armor doesn't protect against damage from this actor
MF5_NOBLOODDECALS = 0x00001000, // Actor bleeds but doesn't spawn blood decals
MF5_USESPECIAL = 0x00002000, // Actor executes its special when being 'used'.
MF5_NOPAIN = 0x00004000, // If set the pain state won't be entered
MF5_ALWAYSFAST = 0x00008000, // always uses 'fast' attacking logic
MF5_NEVERFAST = 0x00010000, // never uses 'fast' attacking logic
MF5_ALWAYSRESPAWN = 0x00020000, // always respawns, regardless of skill setting
MF5_NEVERRESPAWN = 0x00040000, // never respawns, regardless of skill setting
MF5_DONTRIP = 0x00080000, // Ripping projectiles explode when hitting this actor
MF5_NOINFIGHTING = 0x00100000, // This actor doesn't switch target when it's hurt
MF5_NOINTERACTION = 0x00200000, // Thing is completely excluded from any gameplay related checks
MF5_NOTIMEFREEZE = 0x00400000, // Actor is not affected by time freezer
MF5_PUFFGETSOWNER = 0x00800000, // [BB] Sets the owner of the puff to the player who fired it
MF5_SPECIALFIREDAMAGE=0x01000000, // Special treatment of PhoenixFX1 turned into a flag to remove
// dependence of main engine code of specific actor types.
MF5_SUMMONEDMONSTER = 0x02000000, // To mark the friendly Minotaur. Hopefully to be generalized later.
MF5_NOVERTICALMELEERANGE=0x04000000,// Does not check vertical distance for melee range
MF5_BRIGHT = 0x08000000, // Actor is always rendered fullbright
MF5_CANTSEEK = 0x10000000, // seeker missiles cannot home in on this actor
MF5_INCONVERSATION = 0x20000000, // Actor is having a conversation
MF5_PAINLESS = 0x40000000, // Actor always inflicts painless damage.
MF5_MOVEWITHSECTOR = 0x80000000, // P_ChangeSector() will still process this actor if it has MF_NOBLOCKMAP
// --- mobj.flags6 ---
MF6_NOBOSSRIP = 0x00000001, // For rippermissiles: Don't rip through bosses.
MF6_THRUSPECIES = 0x00000002, // Actors passes through other of the same species.
MF6_MTHRUSPECIES = 0x00000004, // Missile passes through actors of its shooter's species.
MF6_FORCEPAIN = 0x00000008, // forces target into painstate (unless it has the NOPAIN flag)
MF6_NOFEAR = 0x00000010, // Not scared of frightening players
MF6_BUMPSPECIAL = 0x00000020, // Actor executes its special when being collided (as the ST flag)
MF6_DONTHARMSPECIES = 0x00000040, // Don't hurt one's own species with explosions (hitscans, too?)
MF6_STEPMISSILE = 0x00000080, // Missile can "walk" up steps
MF6_NOTELEFRAG = 0x00000100, // [HW] Actor can't be telefragged
MF6_TOUCHY = 0x00000200, // From MBF: killough 11/98: dies when solids touch it
MF6_CANJUMP = 0x00000400, // From MBF: a dedicated flag instead of the BOUNCES+FLOAT+sentient combo
MF6_JUMPDOWN = 0x00000800, // From MBF: generalization of dog behavior wrt. dropoffs.
MF6_VULNERABLE = 0x00001000, // Actor can be damaged (even if not shootable).
MF6_ARMED = 0x00002000, // From MBF: Object is armed (for MF6_TOUCHY objects)
MF6_FALLING = 0x00004000, // From MBF: Object is falling (for pseudotorque simulation)
MF6_LINEDONE = 0x00008000, // From MBF: Object has already run a line effect
MF6_NOTRIGGER = 0x00010000, // actor cannot trigger any line actions
MF6_SHATTERING = 0x00020000, // marks an ice corpse for forced shattering
MF6_KILLED = 0x00040000, // Something that was killed (but not necessarily a corpse)
MF6_BLOCKEDBYSOLIDACTORS = 0x00080000, // Blocked by solid actors, even if not solid itself
MF6_NOMENU = 0x00400000, // Player class should not appear in the class selection menu.
MF6_BOSSCUBE = 0x00800000, // Actor spawned by A_BrainSpit, flagged for timefreeze reasons.
MF6_SEEINVISIBLE = 0x01000000, // Monsters can see invisible player.
MF6_DONTCORPSE = 0x02000000, // [RC] Don't autoset MF_CORPSE upon death and don't force Crash state change.
MF6_POISONALWAYS = 0x04000000, // Always apply poison, even when target can't take the damage.
MF6_DOHARMSPECIES = 0x08000000, // Do hurt one's own species with projectiles.
MF6_INTRYMOVE = 0x10000000, // Executing P_TryMove
MF6_NOTAUTOAIMED = 0x20000000, // Do not subject actor to player autoaim.
MF6_NOTONAUTOMAP = 0x40000000, // will not be shown on automap with the 'scanner' powerup.
2013-08-10 07:32:55 +00:00
MF6_RELATIVETOFLOOR = 0x80000000, // [RC] Make flying actors be affected by lifts.
// --- mobj.flags7 ---
MF7_NEVERTARGET = 0x00000001, // can not be targetted at all, even if monster friendliness is considered.
MF7_NOTELESTOMP = 0x00000002, // cannot telefrag under any circumstances (even when set by MAPINFO)
MF7_ALWAYSTELEFRAG = 0x00000004, // will unconditionally be telefragged when in the way. Overrides all other settings.
MF7_HANDLENODELAY = 0x00000008, // respect NoDelay state flag
MF7_WEAPONSPAWN = 0x00000010, // subject to DF_NO_COOP_WEAPON_SPAWN dmflag
2014-10-24 22:30:36 +00:00
MF7_HARMFRIENDS = 0x00000020, // is allowed to harm friendly monsters.
MF7_BUDDHA = 0x00000040, // Behaves just like the buddha cheat.
MF7_FOILBUDDHA = 0x00000080, // Similar to FOILINVUL, foils buddha mode.
2014-10-28 07:40:34 +00:00
MF7_DONTTHRUST = 0x00000100, // Thrusting functions do not take, and do not give thrust (damage) to actors with this flag.
MF7_ALLOWPAIN = 0x00000200, // Invulnerable or immune (via damagefactors) actors can still react to taking damage even if they don't.
MF7_CAUSEPAIN = 0x00000400, // Damage sources with this flag can cause similar effects like ALLOWPAIN.
MF7_THRUREFLECT = 0x00000800, // Actors who are reflective cause the missiles to not slow down or change angles.
MF7_MIRRORREFLECT = 0x00001000, // Actor is turned directly 180 degrees around when reflected.
MF7_AIMREFLECT = 0x00002000, // Actor is directly reflected straight back at the one who fired the projectile.
MF7_HITTARGET = 0x00004000, // The actor the projectile dies on is set to target, provided it's targetable anyway.
MF7_HITMASTER = 0x00008000, // Same as HITTARGET, except it's master instead of target.
MF7_HITTRACER = 0x00010000, // Same as HITTARGET, but for tracer.
MF7_FLYCHEAT = 0x00020000, // must be part of the actor so that it can be tracked properly
// --- mobj.renderflags ---
RF_XFLIP = 0x0001, // Flip sprite horizontally
RF_YFLIP = 0x0002, // Flip sprite vertically
RF_ONESIDED = 0x0004, // Wall/floor sprite is visible from front only
RF_FULLBRIGHT = 0x0010, // Sprite is drawn at full brightness
RF_RELMASK = 0x0300, // ---Relative z-coord for bound actors (these obey texture pegging)
RF_RELABSOLUTE = 0x0000, // Actor z is absolute
RF_RELUPPER = 0x0100, // Actor z is relative to upper part of wall
RF_RELLOWER = 0x0200, // Actor z is relative to lower part of wall
RF_RELMID = 0x0300, // Actor z is relative to middle part of wall
RF_CLIPMASK = 0x0c00, // ---Clipping for bound actors
RF_CLIPFULL = 0x0000, // Clip sprite to full height of wall
RF_CLIPUPPER = 0x0400, // Clip sprite to upper part of wall
RF_CLIPMID = 0x0800, // Clip sprite to mid part of wall
RF_CLIPLOWER = 0x0c00, // Clip sprite to lower part of wall
RF_SPRITETYPEMASK = 0x7000, // ---Different sprite types, not all implemented
RF_FACESPRITE = 0x0000, // Face sprite
RF_WALLSPRITE = 0x1000, // Wall sprite
RF_FLOORSPRITE = 0x2000, // Floor sprite
RF_VOXELSPRITE = 0x3000, // Voxel object
RF_INVISIBLE = 0x8000, // Don't bother drawing this actor
RF_FORCEYBILLBOARD = 0x10000, // [BB] OpenGL only: draw with y axis billboard, i.e. anchored to the floor (overrides gl_billboard_mode setting)
RF_FORCEXYBILLBOARD = 0x20000, // [BB] OpenGL only: draw with xy axis billboard, i.e. unanchored (overrides gl_billboard_mode setting)
// --- dummies for unknown/unimplemented Strife flags ---
MF_STRIFEx8000000 = 0, // seems related to MF_SHADOW
#define TRANSLUC66 ((FRACUNIT*2)/3)
#define TRANSLUC75 ((FRACUNIT*3)/4)
// <wingdi.h> also #defines OPAQUE
#ifndef OPAQUE
// This translucency value produces the closest match to Heretic's TINTTAB.
// ~40% of the value of the overlaid image shows through.
#define HR_SHADOW (0x6800)
// Hexen's TINTTAB is the same as Heretic's, just reversed.
#define HX_SHADOW (0x9800)
#define HX_ALTSHADOW (0x6800)
2006-07-16 09:10:45 +00:00
// This could easily be a bool but then it'd be much harder to find later. ;)
enum replace_t
enum EBounceFlags
BOUNCE_Walls = 1<<0, // bounces off of walls
BOUNCE_Floors = 1<<1, // bounces off of floors
BOUNCE_Ceilings = 1<<2, // bounces off of ceilings
BOUNCE_Actors = 1<<3, // bounces off of some actors
BOUNCE_AllActors = 1<<4, // bounces off of all actors (requires BOUNCE_Actors to be set, too)
BOUNCE_AutoOff = 1<<5, // when bouncing off a sector plane, if the new Z velocity is below 3.0, disable further bouncing
BOUNCE_HereticType = 1<<6, // goes into Death state when bouncing on floors or ceilings
BOUNCE_UseSeeSound = 1<<7, // compatibility fallback. This will only be set by
// the compatibility handlers for the old bounce flags.
BOUNCE_NoWallSound = 1<<8, // don't make noise when bouncing off a wall
BOUNCE_Quiet = 1<<9, // Strife's grenades don't make a bouncing sound
BOUNCE_ExplodeOnWater = 1<<10, // explodes when hitting a water surface
BOUNCE_CanBounceWater = 1<<11, // can bounce on water
// MBF bouncing is a bit different from other modes as Killough coded many special behavioral cases
// for them that are not present in ZDoom, so it is necessary to identify it properly.
BOUNCE_MBF = 1<<12, // This in itself is not a valid mode, but replaces MBF's MF_BOUNCE flag.
BOUNCE_AutoOffFloorOnly = 1<<13, // like BOUNCE_AutoOff, but only on floors
BOUNCE_UseBounceState = 1<<14, // Use Bounce[.*] states
BOUNCE_TypeMask = BOUNCE_Walls | BOUNCE_Floors | BOUNCE_Ceilings | BOUNCE_Actors | BOUNCE_AutoOff | BOUNCE_HereticType | BOUNCE_MBF,
// The three "standard" types of bounciness are:
// HERETIC - Missile will only bounce off the floor once and then enter
// its death state. It does not bounce off walls at all.
// HEXEN - Missile bounces off of walls and floors indefinitely.
// DOOM - Like Hexen, but the bounce turns off if its vertical velocity
// is too low.
BOUNCE_None = 0,
BOUNCE_Heretic = BOUNCE_Floors | BOUNCE_Ceilings | BOUNCE_HereticType,
BOUNCE_Doom = BOUNCE_Walls | BOUNCE_Floors | BOUNCE_Ceilings | BOUNCE_Actors | BOUNCE_AutoOff,
BOUNCE_Hexen = BOUNCE_Walls | BOUNCE_Floors | BOUNCE_Ceilings | BOUNCE_Actors,
BOUNCE_Grenade = BOUNCE_MBF | BOUNCE_Doom, // Bounces on walls and flats like ZDoom bounce.
BOUNCE_Classic = BOUNCE_MBF | BOUNCE_Floors | BOUNCE_Ceilings, // Bounces on flats only, but
// does not die when bouncing.
// combined types
BOUNCE_DoomCompat = BOUNCE_Doom | BOUNCE_UseSeeSound,
BOUNCE_HereticCompat = BOUNCE_Heretic | BOUNCE_UseSeeSound,
BOUNCE_HexenCompat = BOUNCE_Hexen | BOUNCE_UseSeeSound
// The distinction between BOUNCE_Actors and BOUNCE_AllActors: A missile with
// BOUNCE_Actors set will bounce off of reflective and "non-sentient" actors.
// A missile that also has BOUNCE_AllActors set will bounce off of any actor.
// For compatibility reasons when BOUNCE_Actors was implied by the bounce type
// being "Doom" or "Hexen" and BOUNCE_AllActors was the separate
// MF5_BOUNCEONACTORS, you must set BOUNCE_Actors for BOUNCE_AllActors to have
// an effect.
// Used to affect the logic for thing activation through death, USESPECIAL and BUMPSPECIAL
// "thing" refers to what has the flag and the special, "trigger" refers to what used or bumped it
enum EThingSpecialActivationType
THINGSPEC_Default = 0, // Normal behavior: a player must be the trigger, and is the activator
THINGSPEC_ThingActs = 1, // The thing itself is the activator of the special
THINGSPEC_ThingTargets = 1<<1, // The thing changes its target to the trigger
THINGSPEC_TriggerTargets = 1<<2, // The trigger changes its target to the thing
THINGSPEC_MonsterTrigger = 1<<3, // The thing can be triggered by a monster
THINGSPEC_MissileTrigger = 1<<4, // The thing can be triggered by a projectile
THINGSPEC_ClearSpecial = 1<<5, // Clears special after successful activation
THINGSPEC_NoDeathSpecial = 1<<6, // Don't activate special on death
THINGSPEC_TriggerActs = 1<<7, // The trigger is the activator of the special
// (overrides LEVEL_ACTOWNSPECIAL Hexen hack)
THINGSPEC_Activate = 1<<8, // The thing is activated when triggered
THINGSPEC_Deactivate = 1<<9, // The thing is deactivated when triggered
THINGSPEC_Switch = 1<<10, // The thing is alternatively activated and deactivated when triggered
// [RH] Like msecnode_t, but for the blockmap
struct FBlockNode
AActor *Me; // actor this node references
int BlockIndex; // index into blocklinks for the block this node is in
FBlockNode **PrevActor; // previous actor in this block
FBlockNode *NextActor; // next actor in this block
FBlockNode **PrevBlock; // previous block this actor is in
FBlockNode *NextBlock; // next block this actor is in
static FBlockNode *Create (AActor *who, int x, int y);
void Release ();
static FBlockNode *FreeBlocks;
class FDecalBase;
class AInventory;
inline AActor *GetDefaultByName (const char *name)
return (AActor *)(PClass::FindClass(name)->Defaults);
inline AActor *GetDefaultByType (const PClass *type)
return (AActor *)(type->Defaults);
template<class T>
inline T *GetDefault ()
return (T *)(RUNTIME_CLASS(T)->Defaults);
struct line_t;
struct secplane_t;
struct FStrifeDialogueNode;
AMETA_BASE = 0x12000,
AMETA_Obituary, // string (player was killed by this actor)
AMETA_HitObituary, // string (player was killed by this actor in melee)
AMETA_DeathHeight, // fixed (height on normal death)
AMETA_BurnHeight, // fixed (height on burning death)
AMETA_StrifeName, // string (for named Strife objects)
AMETA_BloodColor, // colorized blood
AMETA_GibHealth, // negative health below which this monster dies an extreme death
AMETA_WoundHealth, // health needed to enter wound state
May 6, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Converted a_zombie.cpp and most of a_strifestuff.cpp to DECORATE. - Converted a_strifekeys.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Removed the WIF_HITS_GHOSTS weapon flag and replaced it with MF2_THRUGHOST. There is no need to keep two flags around with virtually the same meaning. - Changed the ShadowArmor to use the VISIBILITYPULSE flag to change its translucency. It looks much better now than the cheap code pointer based blinking it used before. - Converted most of a_strifeitems.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Converted a_strifearmor.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Moved the messages for killing spectres to the string table. - Converted the quest items to DECORATE. Also changed A_GiveQuestItem to get the messages it prints from the string table instead of the quest item's tag string. May 5, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Removed the hopelessly outdated thingdef_doc.txt file from the repository. - Converted a_peasant.cpp and a_ratbuddy.cpp to DECORATE. - Fixed: C_DoKey didn't treat an empty string as 'no binding' when checking for valid double bindings. - Converted a_merchants.cpp to DECORATE. - Added MF5_NODAMAGE flag to generalize the behavior of Strife's merchants which can be shot but take no damage from getting hurt. - Converted a_beggars.cpp to DECORATE. - Added an Inventory.GiveQuest property. This makes it possible to define all of Strife's original items that also give a quest item in DECORATE but it is also useful to define items like the ones in Day of the Acolyte without ugly workarounds. - Added a Tag property and Strife teaser conversation IDs to DECORATE so now it is possible to define many of Strife's items. - Added a FastSpeed property to DECORATE so that projectiles can finally be assigned a higher speed for fast mode. - Added a ACS_LockedExecuteDoor special. It is basically the same as the existing ACS_LockedExecute but it uses the 'door' message instead of 'remote'. This cannot be integrated into ACS_LockedExecute because all its arguments are already in use. - Added a fully customizable A_CustomMeleeAttack function for DECORATE. SVN r83 (trunk)
2006-05-07 00:27:22 +00:00
AMETA_FastSpeed, // Speed in fast mode
AMETA_RDFactor, // Radius damage factor
AMETA_CameraHeight, // Height of camera when used as such
AMETA_HowlSound, // Sound being played when electrocuted or poisoned
AMETA_BloodType, // Blood replacement type
AMETA_BloodType2, // Bloodsplatter replacement type
AMETA_BloodType3, // AxeBlood replacement type
struct FDropItem
FName Name;
int probability;
int amount;
FDropItem * Next;
class FDropItemPtrArray : public TArray<FDropItem *>
void Clear();
extern FDropItemPtrArray DropItemList;
void FreeDropItemChain(FDropItem *chain);
int StoreDropItemChain(FDropItem *chain);
// Map Object definition.
class AActor : public DThinker
DECLARE_CLASS (AActor, DThinker)
AActor () throw();
AActor (const AActor &other) throw();
AActor &operator= (const AActor &other);
void Destroy ();
~AActor ();
void Serialize (FArchive &arc);
static AActor *StaticSpawn (const PClass *type, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, replace_t allowreplacement, bool SpawningMapThing = false);
inline AActor *GetDefault () const
return (AActor *)(RUNTIME_TYPE(this)->Defaults);
FDropItem *GetDropItems();
// Return true if the monster should use a missile attack, false for melee
bool SuggestMissileAttack (fixed_t dist);
// Adjusts the angle for deflection/reflection of incoming missiles
// Returns true if the missile should be allowed to explode anyway
bool AdjustReflectionAngle (AActor *thing, angle_t &angle);
// Returns true if this actor is within melee range of its target
bool CheckMeleeRange();
virtual void BeginPlay(); // Called immediately after the actor is created
virtual void PostBeginPlay(); // Called immediately before the actor's first tick
virtual void LevelSpawned(); // Called after BeginPlay if this actor was spawned by the world
virtual void HandleSpawnFlags(); // Translates SpawnFlags into in-game flags.
virtual void MarkPrecacheSounds() const; // Marks sounds used by this actor for precaching.
virtual void Activate (AActor *activator);
virtual void Deactivate (AActor *activator);
virtual void Tick ();
// Called when actor dies
virtual void Die (AActor *source, AActor *inflictor, int dmgflags = 0);
// Perform some special damage action. Returns the amount of damage to do.
// Returning -1 signals the damage routine to exit immediately
virtual int DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage, FName damagetype);
// Like DoSpecialDamage, but called on the actor receiving the damage.
virtual int TakeSpecialDamage (AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int damage, FName damagetype);
// Centaurs and ettins squeal when electrocuted, poisoned, or "holy"-ed
// Made a metadata property so no longer virtual
void Howl ();
// Actor just hit the floor
virtual void HitFloor ();
// plays bouncing sound
void PlayBounceSound(bool onfloor);
// Called when an actor with MF_MISSILE and MF2_FLOORBOUNCE hits the floor
virtual bool FloorBounceMissile (secplane_t &plane);
// Called when an actor is to be reflected by a disc of repulsion.
// Returns true to continue normal blast processing.
virtual bool SpecialBlastHandling (AActor *source, fixed_t strength);
// Called by RoughBlockCheck
bool IsOkayToAttack (AActor *target);
// Plays the actor's ActiveSound if its voice isn't already making noise.
void PlayActiveSound ();
// Actor had MF_SKULLFLY set and rammed into something
// Returns false to stop moving and true to keep moving
virtual bool Slam (AActor *victim);
// Called by PIT_CheckThing() and needed for some Hexen things.
// Returns -1 for normal behavior, 0 to return false, and 1 to return true.
// I'm not sure I like it this way, but it will do for now.
virtual int SpecialMissileHit (AActor *victim);
// Returns true if it's okay to switch target to "other" after being attacked by it.
virtual bool OkayToSwitchTarget (AActor *other);
// Something just touched this actor.
virtual void Touch (AActor *toucher);
// Adds the item to this actor's inventory and sets its Owner.
virtual void AddInventory (AInventory *item);
// Removes the item from the inventory list.
virtual void RemoveInventory (AInventory *item);
// Uses an item and removes it from the inventory.
virtual bool UseInventory (AInventory *item);
// Tosses an item out of the inventory.
virtual AInventory *DropInventory (AInventory *item);
// Removes all items from the inventory.
void ClearInventory();
// Returns true if this view is considered "local" for the player.
bool CheckLocalView (int playernum) const;
// Finds the first item of a particular type.
AInventory *FindInventory (const PClass *type, bool subclass = false);
AInventory *FindInventory (FName type);
template<class T> T *FindInventory ()
return static_cast<T *> (FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(T)));
// Adds one item of a particular type. Returns NULL if it could not be added.
AInventory *GiveInventoryType (const PClass *type);
// Returns the first item held with IF_INVBAR set.
AInventory *FirstInv ();
// Tries to give the actor some ammo.
bool GiveAmmo (const PClass *type, int amount);
// Destroys all the inventory the actor is holding.
void DestroyAllInventory ();
// Set the alphacolor field properly
void SetShade (DWORD rgb);
void SetShade (int r, int g, int b);
// Plays a conversation animation
void ConversationAnimation (int animnum);
// Make this actor hate the same things as another actor
void CopyFriendliness (AActor *other, bool changeTarget, bool resetHealth=true);
// Moves the other actor's inventory to this one
void ObtainInventory (AActor *other);
// Die. Now.
virtual bool Massacre ();
// Transforms the actor into a finely-ground paste
virtual bool Grind(bool items);
// Get this actor's team
int GetTeam();
// Is the other actor on my team?
bool IsTeammate (AActor *other);
// Is the other actor my friend?
bool IsFriend (AActor *other);
// Do I hate the other actor?
bool IsHostile (AActor *other);
inline bool IsNoClip2() const;
// What species am I?
virtual FName GetSpecies();
fixed_t GetBobOffset(fixed_t ticfrac=0) const
if (!(flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB))
return 0;
return finesine[MulScale22(((FloatBobPhase + level.maptime) << FRACBITS) + ticfrac, FINEANGLES) & FINEMASK] * 8;
// Enter the crash state
void Crash();
// Return starting health adjusted by skill level
int SpawnHealth();
int GibHealth();
inline bool isMissile(bool precise=true)
return (flags&MF_MISSILE) || (precise && GetDefault()->flags&MF_MISSILE);
2006-04-16 13:29:50 +00:00
// Check for monsters that count as kill but excludes all friendlies.
bool CountsAsKill() const
return (flags & MF_COUNTKILL) && !(flags & MF_FRIENDLY);
bool intersects(AActor *other) const
fixed_t blockdist = radius + other->radius;
return ( abs(x - other->x) < blockdist && abs(y - other->y) < blockdist);
PalEntry GetBloodColor() const
return (PalEntry)GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt(AMETA_BloodColor);
// These also set CF_INTERPVIEW for players.
void SetPitch(int p, bool interpolate);
void SetAngle(angle_t ang, bool interpolate);
void SetRoll(angle_t roll, bool interpolate);
const PClass *GetBloodType(int type = 0) const
const PClass *bloodcls;
if (type == 0)
bloodcls = PClass::FindClass((ENamedName)GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt(AMETA_BloodType, NAME_Blood));
else if (type == 1)
bloodcls = PClass::FindClass((ENamedName)GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt(AMETA_BloodType2, NAME_BloodSplatter));
else if (type == 2)
bloodcls = PClass::FindClass((ENamedName)GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt(AMETA_BloodType3, NAME_AxeBlood));
else return NULL;
if (bloodcls != NULL)
bloodcls = bloodcls->GetReplacement();
return bloodcls;
inline void SetFriendPlayer(player_t *player);
bool IsVisibleToPlayer() const;
// Calculate amount of missile damage
virtual int GetMissileDamage(int mask, int add);
bool CanSeek(AActor *target) const;
fixed_t GetGravity() const;
bool IsSentient() const;
const char *GetTag(const char *def = NULL) const;
void SetTag(const char *def);
// Triggers SECSPAC_Exit/SECSPAC_Enter and related events if oldsec != current sector
void CheckSectorTransition(sector_t *oldsec);
// info for drawing
// NOTE: The first member variable *must* be x.
fixed_t x,y,z;
AActor *snext, **sprev; // links in sector (if needed)
angle_t angle;
WORD sprite; // used to find patch_t and flip value
BYTE frame; // sprite frame to draw
fixed_t scaleX, scaleY; // Scaling values; FRACUNIT is normal size
- Updated lempar.c to v1.31. - Added .txt files to the list of types (wad, zip, and pk3) that can be loaded without listing them after -file. - Fonts that are created by the ACS setfont command to wrap a texture now support animated textures. - FON2 fonts can now use their full palette for CR_UNTRANSLATED when drawn with the hardware 2D path instead of being restricted to the game palette. - Fixed: Toggling vid_vsync would reset the displayed fullscreen gamma to 1 on a Radeon 9000. - Added back the off-by-one palette handling, but in a much more limited scope than before. The skipped entry is assumed to always be at 248, and it is assumed that all Shader Model 1.4 cards suffer from this. That's because all SM1.4 cards are based on variants of the ATI R200 core, and the RV250 in a Radeon 9000 craps up like this. I see no reason to assume that other flavors of the R200 are any different. (Interesting note: With the Radeon 9000, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP is an invalid address mode when using the debug Direct3D 9 runtime, but it works perfectly fine with the retail Direct3D 9 runtime.) (Insight: The R200 probably uses bytes for all its math inside pixel shaders. That would explain perfectly why I can't use constants greater than 1 with PS1.4 and why it can't do an exact mapping to every entry in the color palette. - Fixed: The software shaded drawer did not work for 2D, because its selected "color"map was replaced with the identitymap before being used. - Fixed: I cannot use Printf to output messages before the framebuffer was completely setup, meaning that Shader Model 1.4 cards could not change resolution. - I have decided to let remap palettes specify variable alpha values for their colors. D3DFB no longer forces them to 255. - Updated re2c to version 0.12.3. - Fixed: A_Wander used threshold as a timer, when it should have used reactiontime. - Fixed: A_CustomRailgun would not fire at all for actors without a target when the aim parameter was disabled. - Made the warp command work in multiplayer, again courtesy of Karate Chris. - Fixed: Trying to spawn a bot while not in a game made for a crashing time. (Patch courtesy of Karate Chris.) - Removed some floating point math from hu_scores.cpp that somebody's GCC gave warnings for (not mine, though). - Fixed: The SBarInfo drawbar command crashed if the sprite image was unavailable. - Fixed: FString::operator=(const char *) did not release its old buffer when being assigned to the null string. - The scanner no longer has an upper limit on the length of strings it accepts, though short strings will be faster than long ones. - Moved all the text scanning functions into a class. Mainly, this means that multiple script scanner states can be stored without being forced to do so recursively. I think I might be taking advantage of that in the near future. Possibly. Maybe. - Removed some potential buffer overflows from the decal parser. - Applied Blzut3's SBARINFO update #9: * Fixed: When using even length values in drawnumber it would cap to a 98 value instead of a 99 as intended. * The SBarInfo parser can now accept negatives for coordinates. This doesn't allow much right now, but later I plan to add better fullscreen hud support in which the negatives will be more useful. This also cleans up the source a bit since all calls for (x, y) coordinates are with the function getCoordinates(). - Added support for stencilling actors. - Added support for non-black colors specified with DTA_ColorOverlay to the software renderer. - Fixed: The inverse, gold, red, and green fixed colormaps each allocated space for 32 different colormaps, even though each only used the first one. - Added two new blending flags to make reverse subtract blending more useful: STYLEF_InvertSource and STYLEF_InvertOverlay. These invert the color that gets blended with the background, since that seems like a good idea for reverse subtraction. They also work with the other two blending operations. - Added subtract and reverse subtract blending operations to the renderer. Since the ERenderStyle enumeration was getting rather unwieldy, I converted it into a new FRenderStyle structure that lets each parameter of the blending equation be set separately. This simplified the set up for the blend quite a bit, and it means a number of new combinations are available by setting the parameters properly. SVN r710 (trunk)
2008-01-25 23:57:44 +00:00
FRenderStyle RenderStyle; // Style to draw this actor with
May 3, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Removed doom.x, heretic.x and strife.x from the SVN repository. These are generated files. - Fixed: A_PainDie has to check whether a valid target exists before calling IsFriend. - Fixed: FDecalLib::FindAnimator needs a signed counter to work properly. May 1, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Added support for game specific pickup messages, if only to be able to define Raven's invulnerability item in DECORATE. - Removed A_TreeDeath because it is no longer used. - Fixed: When picking up a PowerupGiver for an active powerup the blend color and the duration were transferred to a temorary item and never took effect. They have to be trnasferred to the newly created powerup item before trying to give it to the player, not afterward. - Made the colormap of the InvulnerabilitySphere item specific. The base power class still needs to have its color adjusted per game though and since Raven's invulnerability item is used in both Hexen and Heretic it can't define its own colormap/blend. - Separated the invulnerability colormaps from the game being played and made them item specific. They can also be specified as regular blend colors in DECORATE now. - Converted a_hereticarmor.cpp and most of a_doomartifacts.cpp, a_hereticartifacts.cpp and a_heretickeys.cpp to DECORATE. - Changed the Soulsphere to be a real health item with the Dehacked modifications made in d_dehacked.cpp as for most other items which need to be adjusted. - Added IF_BIGPOWERUP flag to AInventory to expose the RESPAWN_SUPER dmflag to DECORATE. Also removed the now obsolete ShouldRespawn methods from AInvulnerabilitySphere and ABlurSphere. - Converted a_splashes.cpp to DECORATE. - Converted most of a_debris.cpp to DECORATE. SVN r73 (trunk)
2006-05-03 14:54:48 +00:00
DWORD renderflags; // Different rendering flags
FTextureID picnum; // Draw this instead of sprite if valid
DWORD effects; // [RH] see p_effect.h
fixed_t alpha;
- Updated lempar.c to v1.31. - Added .txt files to the list of types (wad, zip, and pk3) that can be loaded without listing them after -file. - Fonts that are created by the ACS setfont command to wrap a texture now support animated textures. - FON2 fonts can now use their full palette for CR_UNTRANSLATED when drawn with the hardware 2D path instead of being restricted to the game palette. - Fixed: Toggling vid_vsync would reset the displayed fullscreen gamma to 1 on a Radeon 9000. - Added back the off-by-one palette handling, but in a much more limited scope than before. The skipped entry is assumed to always be at 248, and it is assumed that all Shader Model 1.4 cards suffer from this. That's because all SM1.4 cards are based on variants of the ATI R200 core, and the RV250 in a Radeon 9000 craps up like this. I see no reason to assume that other flavors of the R200 are any different. (Interesting note: With the Radeon 9000, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP is an invalid address mode when using the debug Direct3D 9 runtime, but it works perfectly fine with the retail Direct3D 9 runtime.) (Insight: The R200 probably uses bytes for all its math inside pixel shaders. That would explain perfectly why I can't use constants greater than 1 with PS1.4 and why it can't do an exact mapping to every entry in the color palette. - Fixed: The software shaded drawer did not work for 2D, because its selected "color"map was replaced with the identitymap before being used. - Fixed: I cannot use Printf to output messages before the framebuffer was completely setup, meaning that Shader Model 1.4 cards could not change resolution. - I have decided to let remap palettes specify variable alpha values for their colors. D3DFB no longer forces them to 255. - Updated re2c to version 0.12.3. - Fixed: A_Wander used threshold as a timer, when it should have used reactiontime. - Fixed: A_CustomRailgun would not fire at all for actors without a target when the aim parameter was disabled. - Made the warp command work in multiplayer, again courtesy of Karate Chris. - Fixed: Trying to spawn a bot while not in a game made for a crashing time. (Patch courtesy of Karate Chris.) - Removed some floating point math from hu_scores.cpp that somebody's GCC gave warnings for (not mine, though). - Fixed: The SBarInfo drawbar command crashed if the sprite image was unavailable. - Fixed: FString::operator=(const char *) did not release its old buffer when being assigned to the null string. - The scanner no longer has an upper limit on the length of strings it accepts, though short strings will be faster than long ones. - Moved all the text scanning functions into a class. Mainly, this means that multiple script scanner states can be stored without being forced to do so recursively. I think I might be taking advantage of that in the near future. Possibly. Maybe. - Removed some potential buffer overflows from the decal parser. - Applied Blzut3's SBARINFO update #9: * Fixed: When using even length values in drawnumber it would cap to a 98 value instead of a 99 as intended. * The SBarInfo parser can now accept negatives for coordinates. This doesn't allow much right now, but later I plan to add better fullscreen hud support in which the negatives will be more useful. This also cleans up the source a bit since all calls for (x, y) coordinates are with the function getCoordinates(). - Added support for stencilling actors. - Added support for non-black colors specified with DTA_ColorOverlay to the software renderer. - Fixed: The inverse, gold, red, and green fixed colormaps each allocated space for 32 different colormaps, even though each only used the first one. - Added two new blending flags to make reverse subtract blending more useful: STYLEF_InvertSource and STYLEF_InvertOverlay. These invert the color that gets blended with the background, since that seems like a good idea for reverse subtraction. They also work with the other two blending operations. - Added subtract and reverse subtract blending operations to the renderer. Since the ERenderStyle enumeration was getting rather unwieldy, I converted it into a new FRenderStyle structure that lets each parameter of the blending equation be set separately. This simplified the set up for the blend quite a bit, and it means a number of new combinations are available by setting the parameters properly. SVN r710 (trunk)
2008-01-25 23:57:44 +00:00
DWORD fillcolor; // Color to draw when STYLE_Shaded
// interaction info
2015-03-08 22:21:15 +00:00
fixed_t pitch;
angle_t roll; // This was fixed_t before, which is probably wrong
FBlockNode *BlockNode; // links in blocks (if needed)
struct sector_t *Sector;
subsector_t * subsector;
fixed_t floorz, ceilingz; // closest together of contacted secs
fixed_t dropoffz; // killough 11/98: the lowest floor over all contacted Sectors.
struct sector_t *floorsector;
FTextureID floorpic; // contacted sec floorpic
2006-04-17 13:53:34 +00:00
struct sector_t *ceilingsector;
FTextureID ceilingpic; // contacted sec ceilingpic
fixed_t radius, height; // for movement checking
fixed_t projectilepassheight; // height for clipping projectile movement against this actor
fixed_t velx, vely, velz; // velocity
SDWORD tics; // state tic counter
FState *state;
SDWORD Damage; // For missiles and monster railgun
int projectileKickback;
DWORD flags;
DWORD flags2; // Heretic flags
DWORD flags3; // [RH] Hexen/Heretic actor-dependant behavior made flaggable
DWORD flags4; // [RH] Even more flags!
2006-04-16 13:29:50 +00:00
DWORD flags5; // OMG! We need another one.
DWORD flags6; // Shit! Where did all the flags go?
DWORD flags7; // WHO WANTS TO BET ON 8!?
// [BB] If 0, everybody can see the actor, if > 0, only members of team (VisibleToTeam-1) can see it.
DWORD VisibleToTeam;
int special1; // Special info
int special2; // Special info
int weaponspecial; // Special info for weapons.
int health;
BYTE movedir; // 0-7
SBYTE visdir;
SWORD movecount; // when 0, select a new dir
SWORD strafecount; // for MF3_AVOIDMELEE
TObjPtr<AActor> target; // thing being chased/attacked (or NULL)
// also the originator for missiles
TObjPtr<AActor> lastenemy; // Last known enemy -- killough 2/15/98
TObjPtr<AActor> LastHeard; // [RH] Last actor this one heard
SDWORD reactiontime; // if non 0, don't attack yet; used by
// player to freeze a bit after teleporting
SDWORD threshold; // if > 0, the target will be chased
// no matter what (even if shot)
player_t *player; // only valid if type of APlayerPawn
TObjPtr<AActor> LastLookActor; // Actor last looked for (if TIDtoHate != 0)
fixed_t SpawnPoint[3]; // For nightmare respawn
WORD SpawnAngle;
2014-04-10 22:58:59 +00:00
int StartHealth;
BYTE WeaveIndexXY; // Separated from special2 because it's used by globally accessible functions.
BYTE WeaveIndexZ;
int skillrespawncount;
int TIDtoHate; // TID of things to hate (0 if none)
FNameNoInit Species; // For monster families
TObjPtr<AActor> tracer; // Thing being chased/attacked for tracers
TObjPtr<AActor> master; // Thing which spawned this one (prevents mutual attacks)
fixed_t floorclip; // value to use for floor clipping
int tid; // thing identifier
int special; // special
2006-04-16 13:29:50 +00:00
int args[5]; // special arguments
int accuracy, stamina; // [RH] Strife stats -- [XA] moved here for DECORATE/ACS access.
AActor *inext, **iprev;// Links to other mobjs in same bucket
TObjPtr<AActor> goal; // Monster's goal if not chasing anything
int waterlevel; // 0=none, 1=feet, 2=waist, 3=eyes
BYTE boomwaterlevel; // splash information for non-swimmable water sectors
BYTE MinMissileChance;// [RH] If a random # is > than this, then missile attack.
SBYTE LastLookPlayerNumber;// Player number last looked for (if TIDtoHate == 0)
WORD BounceFlags; // which bouncing type?
DWORD SpawnFlags; // Increased to DWORD because of Doom 64
fixed_t meleerange; // specifies how far a melee attack reaches.
fixed_t meleethreshold; // Distance below which a monster doesn't try to shoot missiles anynore
// but instead tries to come closer for a melee attack.
// This is not the same as meleerange
fixed_t maxtargetrange; // any target farther away cannot be attacked
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
fixed_t bouncefactor; // Strife's grenades use 50%, Hexen's Flechettes 70.
fixed_t wallbouncefactor; // The bounce factor for walls can be different.
2006-04-18 22:15:05 +00:00
int bouncecount; // Strife's grenades only bounce twice before exploding
fixed_t gravity; // [GRB] Gravity factor
fixed_t Friction;
int FastChaseStrafeCount;
fixed_t pushfactor;
int lastpush;
int activationtype; // How the thing behaves when activated with USESPECIAL or BUMPSPECIAL
int lastbump; // Last time the actor was bumped, used to control BUMPSPECIAL
int Score; // manipulated by score items, ACS or DECORATE. The engine doesn't use this itself for anything.
FString * Tag; // Strife's tag name.
int DesignatedTeam; // Allow for friendly fire cacluations to be done on non-players.
AActor *BlockingMobj; // Actor that blocked the last move
line_t *BlockingLine; // Line that blocked the last move
int PoisonDamage; // Damage received per tic from poison.
FNameNoInit PoisonDamageType; // Damage type dealt by poison.
int PoisonDuration; // Duration left for receiving poison damage.
int PoisonPeriod; // How often poison damage is applied. (Every X tics.)
int PoisonDamageReceived; // Damage received per tic from poison.
FNameNoInit PoisonDamageTypeReceived; // Damage type received by poison.
int PoisonDurationReceived; // Duration left for receiving poison damage.
int PoisonPeriodReceived; // How often poison damage is applied. (Every X tics.)
TObjPtr<AActor> Poisoner; // Last source of received poison damage.
// a linked list of sectors where this object appears
struct msecnode_t *touching_sectorlist; // phares 3/14/98
TObjPtr<AInventory> Inventory; // [RH] This actor's inventory
DWORD InventoryID; // A unique ID to keep track of inventory items
BYTE smokecounter;
BYTE FloatBobPhase;
BYTE FriendPlayer; // [RH] Player # + 1 this friendly monster works for (so 0 is no player, 1 is player 0, etc)
DWORD Translation;
// [RH] Stuff that used to be part of an Actor Info
FSoundIDNoInit SeeSound;
FSoundIDNoInit AttackSound;
FSoundIDNoInit PainSound;
FSoundIDNoInit DeathSound;
FSoundIDNoInit ActiveSound;
FSoundIDNoInit UseSound; // [RH] Sound to play when an actor is used.
FSoundIDNoInit BounceSound;
FSoundIDNoInit WallBounceSound;
FSoundIDNoInit CrushPainSound;
fixed_t Speed;
2006-05-14 14:30:13 +00:00
fixed_t FloatSpeed;
fixed_t MaxDropOffHeight, MaxStepHeight;
SWORD PainChance;
int PainThreshold;
FNameNoInit DamageType;
FNameNoInit DamageTypeReceived;
fixed_t DamageFactor;
fixed_t DamageMultiply;
FNameNoInit PainType;
FNameNoInit DeathType;
const PClass *TeleFogSourceType;
const PClass *TeleFogDestType;
int RipperLevel;
int RipLevelMin;
int RipLevelMax;
FState *SpawnState;
FState *SeeState;
FState *MeleeState;
FState *MissileState;
int ConversationRoot; // THe root of the current dialogue
FStrifeDialogueNode *Conversation; // [RH] The dialogue to show when this actor is "used."
// [RH] Decal(s) this weapon/projectile generates on impact.
FDecalBase *DecalGenerator;
// [RH] Used to interpolate the view to get >35 FPS
fixed_t PrevX, PrevY, PrevZ;
angle_t PrevAngle;
// ThingIDs
static void ClearTIDHashes ();
void AddToHash ();
void RemoveFromHash ();
static AActor *TIDHash[128];
static inline int TIDHASH (int key) { return key & 127; }
static FSharedStringArena mStringPropertyData;
friend class FActorIterator;
friend bool P_IsTIDUsed(int tid);
sector_t *LinkToWorldForMapThing ();
void LinkToWorld (bool buggy=false);
void LinkToWorld (sector_t *sector);
void UnlinkFromWorld ();
void AdjustFloorClip ();
void SetOrigin (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z);
2006-04-16 13:29:50 +00:00
bool InStateSequence(FState * newstate, FState * basestate);
int GetTics(FState * newstate);
bool SetState (FState *newstate, bool nofunction=false);
virtual bool UpdateWaterLevel (fixed_t oldz, bool splash=true);
bool isFast();
bool isSlow();
void SetIdle(bool nofunction=false);
void ClearCounters();
FState *GetRaiseState();
void Revive();
FState *FindState (FName label) const
return GetClass()->ActorInfo->FindState(1, &label);
FState *FindState (FName label, FName sublabel, bool exact = false) const
FName names[] = { label, sublabel };
return GetClass()->ActorInfo->FindState(2, names, exact);
FState *FindState(int numnames, FName *names, bool exact = false) const
return GetClass()->ActorInfo->FindState(numnames, names, exact);
bool HasSpecialDeathStates () const;
class FActorIterator
FActorIterator (int i) : base (NULL), id (i)
FActorIterator (int i, AActor *start) : base (start), id (i)
AActor *Next ()
if (id == 0)
return NULL;
if (!base)
base = AActor::TIDHash[id & 127];
base = base->inext;
while (base && base->tid != id)
base = base->inext;
return base;
AActor *base;
int id;
template<class T>
class TActorIterator : public FActorIterator
TActorIterator (int id) : FActorIterator (id) {}
T *Next ()
AActor *actor;
actor = FActorIterator::Next ();
} while (actor && !actor->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(T)));
return static_cast<T *>(actor);
class NActorIterator : public FActorIterator
const PClass *type;
NActorIterator (const PClass *cls, int id) : FActorIterator (id) { type = cls; }
NActorIterator (FName cls, int id) : FActorIterator (id) { type = PClass::FindClass(cls); }
NActorIterator (const char *cls, int id) : FActorIterator (id) { type = PClass::FindClass(cls); }
AActor *Next ()
AActor *actor;
if (type == NULL) return NULL;
actor = FActorIterator::Next ();
} while (actor && !actor->IsKindOf (type));
return actor;
bool P_IsTIDUsed(int tid);
int P_FindUniqueTID(int start_tid, int limit);
2006-07-16 09:10:45 +00:00
inline AActor *Spawn (const PClass *type, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, replace_t allowreplacement)
2006-07-16 09:10:45 +00:00
return AActor::StaticSpawn (type, x, y, z, allowreplacement);
AActor *Spawn (const char *type, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, replace_t allowreplacement);
AActor *Spawn (FName classname, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, replace_t allowreplacement);
template<class T>
2006-07-16 09:10:45 +00:00
inline T *Spawn (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, replace_t allowreplacement)
2006-07-16 09:10:45 +00:00
return static_cast<T *>(AActor::StaticSpawn (RUNTIME_CLASS(T), x, y, z, allowreplacement));
void PrintMiscActorInfo(AActor * query);
#endif // __P_MOBJ_H__