
1260 lines
34 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* This is the SNDINFO for zdoom.wad. Unlike Hexen, SNDINFO lumps in pwads
* are additive, so your SNDINFO only needs to contain the sounds listed
* here that you want to change or new sounds you are defining. You do not
* need to edit a copy of this file. In fact, if you try to put a copy of
* this file in a pwad, you will get an error when ZDoom tries to load the
* SNDINFO in your pwad.
// Generic player sounds
// Use *pain in a script to play any of the pain sounds
$random *pain { *pain100 *pain75 *pain50 *pain25 }
// Compatibility aliases (because older ZDooms did not have them the same)
// Trying to use a locked door
$alias misc/keytry *usefail
// Pickup sounds that were not unique before
$alias misc/health_pkup misc/i_pkup // Pickup health
$alias misc/armor_pkup misc/i_pkup // Pickup armor
$alias misc/ammo_pkup misc/i_pkup // Pickup ammo
/* */
/* */
world/spark1 spark1
world/spark2 spark2
world/spark3 spark3
$random world/spark { world/spark1 world/spark2 world/spark3 }
// These gets redefined below for Hexen
world/quake dsquake
misc/freeze icedth1
misc/icebreak icebrk1a
/* */
/* */
// BOOM has pitch shifting equivalent to a range of 4. I never got to hear
// Doom when it used pitch shifting, so I don't know if this is correct or not.
$pitchshiftrange 4
// This sound is never actually used. It's just defined here for
// compatibility with DeHackEd patches that reference dsskldth.
misc/unused dsskldth // Sounds just like dsoof
// Doom-specific player sounds
$playersound player male *death dspldeth
$playersound player male *xdeath dspdiehi
$playersound player male *gibbed dsslop
$playersound player male *pain100 dsplpain
$playersounddup player male *pain75 *pain100
$playersounddup player male *pain50 *pain100
$playersounddup player male *pain25 *pain100
$playersound player male *grunt dsoof
$playersounddup player male *land *grunt
$playersound player male *jump dsjump
$playersound player male *fist dspunch
$playersound player male *usefail dsnoway
$playersound player female *death dsfldeth
$playersound player female *xdeath dsfdiehi
$playersound player female *gibbed dsslop
$playersound player female *pain100 dsflpain
$playersounddup player female *pain75 *pain100
$playersounddup player female *pain50 *pain100
$playersounddup player female *pain25 *pain100
$playersound player female *grunt dsfoof
$playersounddup player female *land *grunt
$playersound player female *jump dsfjump
$playersound player female *fist dspunch
$playersound player female *usefail dsfnoway
$playersound player other *death dscldeth
$playersound player other *xdeath dscdiehi
$playersound player other *gibbed dsslop
$playersound player other *pain100 dsclpain
$playersounddup player other *pain75 *pain100
$playersounddup player other *pain50 *pain100
$playersounddup player other *pain25 *pain100
$playersound player other *grunt dscoof
$playersounddup player other *land *grunt
$playersound player other *jump dscjump
$playersound player other *fist dspunch
$playersound player other *usefail dscnoway
// Alternate names for some player sounds needed for ZDoom <= 1.22 compatibility
// If any sounds with these names are defined later, they will redefine
// the corresponding player sounds instead. Likewise, if they are played,
// they will play the corresponding player sound instead.
$playercompat player male *death player/male/death1
$playercompat player male *death player/male/death2
$playercompat player male *death player/male/death3
$playercompat player male *death player/male/death4
$playercompat player male *xdeath player/male/xdeath1
$playercompat player male *pain100 player/male/pain100_1
$playercompat player male *pain100 player/male/pain100_2
$playercompat player male *pain75 player/male/pain75_1
$playercompat player male *pain75 player/male/pain75_2
$playercompat player male *pain50 player/male/pain50_1
$playercompat player male *pain50 player/male/pain50_2
$playercompat player male *pain25 player/male/pain25_1
$playercompat player male *pain25 player/male/pain25_2
$playercompat player male *grunt player/male/grunt1
$playercompat player male *land player/male/land1
$playercompat player male *jump player/male/jump1
$playercompat player male *gibbed player/male/gibbed
$playercompat player male *fist player/male/fist
$playercompat player female *death player/female/death1
$playercompat player female *death player/female/death2
$playercompat player female *death player/female/death3
$playercompat player female *death player/female/death4
$playercompat player female *xdeath player/female/xdeath1
$playercompat player female *pain100 player/female/pain100_1
$playercompat player female *pain100 player/female/pain100_2
$playercompat player female *pain75 player/female/pain75_1
$playercompat player female *pain75 player/female/pain75_2
$playercompat player female *pain50 player/female/pain50_1
$playercompat player female *pain50 player/female/pain50_2
$playercompat player female *pain25 player/female/pain25_1
$playercompat player female *pain25 player/female/pain25_2
$playercompat player female *grunt player/female/grunt1
$playercompat player female *land player/female/land1
$playercompat player female *jump player/female/jump1
$playercompat player female *gibbed player/female/gibbed
$playercompat player female *fist player/female/fist
$playercompat player other *death player/cyborg/death1
$playercompat player other *death player/cyborg/death2
$playercompat player other *death player/cyborg/death3
$playercompat player other *death player/cyborg/death4
$playercompat player other *xdeath player/cyborg/xdeath1
$playercompat player other *pain100 player/cyborg/pain100_1
$playercompat player other *pain100 player/cyborg/pain100_2
$playercompat player other *pain75 player/cyborg/pain75_1
$playercompat player other *pain75 player/cyborg/pain75_2
$playercompat player other *pain50 player/cyborg/pain50_1
$playercompat player other *pain50 player/cyborg/pain50_2
$playercompat player other *pain25 player/cyborg/pain25_1
$playercompat player other *pain25 player/cyborg/pain25_2
$playercompat player other *grunt player/cyborg/grunt1
$playercompat player other *land player/cyborg/land1
$playercompat player other *jump player/cyborg/jump1
$playercompat player other *gibbed player/cyborg/gibbed
$playercompat player other *fist player/cyborg/fist
// Weapons
$pitchshiftrange 3
weapons/sawup dssawup
weapons/sawidle dssawidl
weapons/sawfull dssawful
weapons/sawhit dssawhit
$pitchshiftrange 4
weapons/pistol dspistol
weapons/shotgf dsshotgn
weapons/shotgr dssgcock
weapons/sshotf dsdshtgn
weapons/sshoto dsdbopn
weapons/sshotc dsdbcls
weapons/sshotl dsdbload
weapons/chngun dspistol
weapons/rocklx dsbarexp
weapons/rocklf dsrlaunc
weapons/plasmaf dsplasma
weapons/plasmax dsfirxpl
weapons/bfgf dsbfg
weapons/bfgx dsrxplod
weapons/railgf railgf1
$limit weapons/plasmaf 0
$limit weapons/chngun 0
$limit weapons/rocklf 0 // because normal running is almost as fast as a rocket
$limit weapons/rocklx 0 // and the cyberdemon shoots 3 at once
misc/gibbed dsslop
// Zombie man
$random grunt/sight { grunt/sight1 grunt/sight2 grunt/sight3 }
$random grunt/death { grunt/death1 grunt/death2 grunt/death3 }
grunt/sight1 dsposit1
grunt/sight2 dsposit2
grunt/sight3 dsposit3
grunt/active dsposact
grunt/pain dspopain
grunt/death1 dspodth1
grunt/death2 dspodth2
grunt/death3 dspodth3
grunt/attack dspistol
// Shotgun guy
$random shotguy/sight { shotguy/sight1 shotguy/sight2 shotguy/sight3 }
$random shotguy/death { shotguy/death1 shotguy/death2 shotguy/death3 }
shotguy/sight1 dsposit1
shotguy/sight2 dsposit2
shotguy/sight3 dsposit3
shotguy/active dsposact
shotguy/pain dspopain
shotguy/death1 dspodth1
shotguy/death2 dspodth2
shotguy/death3 dspodth3
shotguy/attack dsshotgn
// Archvile
vile/sight dsvilsit
vile/active dsvilact
vile/pain dsvipain
vile/death dsvildth
vile/raise dsslop
vile/start dsvilatk
vile/stop dsbarexp
vile/firestrt dsflamst
vile/firecrkl dsflame
// Revenant
skeleton/sight dsskesit
skeleton/active dsskeact
skeleton/pain dspopain
skeleton/melee dsskepch
skeleton/swing dsskeswg
skeleton/death dsskedth
skeleton/attack dsskeatk
skeleton/tracex dsbarexp
// Fatso
fatso/sight dsmansit
fatso/active dsposact
fatso/pain dsmnpain
fatso/raiseguns dsmanatk
fatso/death dsmandth
fatso/attack dsfirsht
fatso/shotx dsfirxpl
// Chainguy
$random chainguy/sight { chainguy/sight1 chainguy/sight2 chainguy/sight3 }
$random chainguy/death { chainguy/death1 chainguy/death2 chainguy/death3 }
chainguy/sight1 dsposit1
chainguy/sight2 dsposit2
chainguy/sight3 dsposit3
chainguy/active dsposact
chainguy/pain dspopain
chainguy/death1 dspodth1
chainguy/death2 dspodth2
chainguy/death3 dspodth3
chainguy/attack dsshotgn
$limit chainguy/attack 0
// Imp
$random imp/sight { imp/sight1 imp/sight2 }
$random imp/death { imp/death1 imp/death2 }
imp/sight1 dsbgsit1
imp/sight2 dsbgsit2
imp/active dsbgact
imp/pain dspopain
imp/melee dsclaw
imp/death1 dsbgdth1
imp/death2 dsbgdth2
imp/attack dsfirsht
imp/shotx dsfirxpl
// Demon
demon/sight dssgtsit
demon/active dsdmact
demon/pain dsdmpain
demon/melee dssgtatk
demon/death dssgtdth
// Spectre
spectre/sight dssgtsit
spectre/active dsdmact
spectre/pain dsdmpain
spectre/melee dssgtatk
spectre/death dssgtdth
// Cacodemon
caco/sight dscacsit
caco/active dsdmact
caco/pain dsdmpain
caco/death dscacdth
caco/attack dsfirsht
caco/shotx dsfirxpl
// Baron of Hell
baron/sight dsbrssit
baron/active dsdmact
baron/pain dsdmpain
baron/melee dsclaw
baron/death dsbrsdth
baron/attack dsfirsht
baron/shotx dsfirxpl
// Hell Knight
knight/sight dskntsit
knight/active dsdmact
knight/pain dsdmpain
knight/death dskntdth
// Lost Soul
skull/active dsdmact
skull/pain dsdmpain
skull/melee dssklatk
skull/death dsfirxpl
// Spider Mastermind
spider/sight dsspisit
spider/active dsdmact
spider/pain dsdmpain
spider/attack dsshotgn
spider/death dsspidth
spider/walk dsmetal
// Arachnotron
baby/sight dsbspsit
baby/active dsbspact
baby/pain dsdmpain
baby/death dsbspdth
baby/walk dsbspwlk
baby/attack dsplasma
baby/shotx dsfirxpl
$limit baby/attack 0
// Cyber Demon
cyber/sight dscybsit
cyber/active dsdmact
cyber/pain dsdmpain
cyber/death dscybdth
cyber/hoof dshoof
// Pain Elemental
pain/sight dspesit
pain/active dsdmact
pain/pain dspepain
pain/death dspedth
// Wolfenstein SS
wolfss/sight dssssit
wolfss/active dsposact
wolfss/pain dspopain
wolfss/death dsssdth
wolfss/attack dsshotgn
// Commander Keen
keen/pain dskeenpn
keen/death dskeendt
// Boss Brain
brain/sight dsbossit
brain/pain dsbospn
brain/death dsbosdth
brain/spit dsbospit
brain/cube dsboscub
brain/cubeboom dsfirxpl
$alias brain/spawn misc/teleport
world/barrelx dsbarexp
world/drip dsempty
world/watersplash dsempty
world/sludgegloop dsempty
world/lavasizzle dsempty
// Platform Sounds
plats/pt1_strt dspstart
plats/pt1_stop dspstop
plats/pt1_mid dsstnmov
// Door Sounds
doors/dr1_open dsdoropn
doors/dr1_clos dsdorcls
doors/dr2_open dsbdopn
doors/dr2_clos dsbdcls
misc/secret dssecret
misc/w_pkup dswpnup // Pickup weapon
misc/p_pkup dsgetpow // Pickup powerup
misc/i_pkup dsitemup // Pickup item
misc/k_pkup dsitemup // Pickup key
misc/spawn dsitmbk // Item respawn
misc/chat dsradio // Doom 2 chat sound
misc/chat2 dstink // Chat sound for everything else
$limit misc/i_pkup 1
$limit misc/k_pkup 1
$limit misc/w_pkup 1
$limit misc/p_pkup 1
$pitchshift misc/i_pkup 0
$pitchshift misc/k_pkup 0
$pitchshift misc/chat2 0
switches/normbutn dsswtchn
switches/exitbutn dsswtchx
misc/teleport dstelept
menu/activate dsswtchn // Activate a new menu
menu/backup dsswtchn // Backup to previous menu
menu/prompt dsswtchn // Activate a prompt "menu"
menu/cursor dspstop // Move cursor up/down
menu/change dsstnmov // Select new value for option
menu/invalid dsoof // Menu not available
menu/dismiss dsswtchx // Dismiss a prompt message
menu/choose dspistol // Choose a menu item
menu/clear dsswtchx // Close top menu
$random menu/quit1 { player/male/death1 demon/pain grunt/pain misc/gibbed misc/teleport grunt/sight1 grunt/sight3 demon/melee }
$random menu/quit2 { vile/active misc/p_pkup brain/cube misc/gibbed skeleton/swing knight/death baby/active demon/melee }
$endif // ifdoom
/* */
/* */
$pitchshiftrange 2
$playersound player male *wimpydeath plrwdth
$playersound player male *death plrdth
$playersound player male *crazydeath plrcdth
$playersound player male *gibbed gibdth
$playersound player male *pain100 plrpai
$playersounddup player male *pain75 *pain100
$playersounddup player male *pain50 *pain100
$playersounddup player male *pain25 *pain100
$playersound player male *weaponlaugh wpnup
$playersounddup player male *evillaugh *weaponlaugh
$playersound player male *grunt plroof
$playersounddup player male *usefail *grunt
$playersounddup player male *land *grunt
$playersound player male *jump plrjmp
$playersound player male *burndeath hedat1
$playeralias chicken male *usefail chicken/peck
chicken/sight chicpai
chicken/pain chicpai
chicken/death chicdth
chicken/attack chicatk
misc/burn hedat1
weapons/staffhit stfhit
weapons/staffpowerhit stfpow
weapons/staffcrackle stfcrk
weapons/wandhit gldhit
weapons/bowshoot bowsht
weapons/bowhit hrnhit
weapons/gauntletsactivate gntact
weapons/gauntletsuse gntuse
weapons/gauntletson gntful
weapons/gauntletshit gnthit
weapons/gauntletspowhit gntpow
weapons/maceshoot lobsht
weapons/macebounce bounce
weapons/macehit lobhit
weapons/macestop pstop
weapons/maceexplode phohit
weapons/blasterhit blshit
weapons/blasterpowhit hrnhit
weapons/blastershoot blssht
weapons/hornrodshoot hrnsht
weapons/hornrodhit hrnhit
weapons/hornrodpowshoot hrnpow
weapons/hornrodpowhit ramphit
weapons/phoenixshoot phosht
weapons/phoenixhit phohit
weapons/phoenixpowshoot phopow
$limit weapons/gauntletson 0
$limit weapons/gauntletshit 0
$limit weapons/gauntletspowhit 0
$limit weapons/gauntletsactivate 0
$limit weapons/gauntletsuse 0
$limit weapons/maceexplode 0
$limit weapons/phoenixhit 0
$limit weapons/phoenixpowshoot 1
// [RH] Heretic didn't have these limitless, but they can sound bad if they're not
2006-04-13 22:40:43 +00:00
$limit weapons/bowhit 0
$limit weapons/hornrodshoot 0
$limit weapons/hornrodhit 0
$limit weapons/maceshoot 0
himp/sight impsit
himp/attack impat1
himp/pain imppai
himp/death impdth
himp/active impsit
himp/leaderattack impat2
misc/invuse artiuse
$limit misc/invuse 1
world/podexplode podexp
world/podgrow newpod
world/wind wind
world/waterfall waterfl
$limit world/podexplode 0
$limit world/podgrow 0
$limit world/wind 1
misc/i_pkup itemup
misc/k_pkup keyup
misc/p_pkup artiup
$alias misc/w_pkup *weaponlaugh
misc/rain ramrain
misc/spawn respawn
$limit misc/spawn 1
// Minotaur sounds
minotaur/sight minsit
minotaur/melee stfhit
minotaur/attack1 minat1
minotaur/attack2 minat2
minotaur/attack3 minat3
minotaur/pain minpai
minotaur/death mindth
minotaur/active minact
minotaur/fx2hit phohit
minotaur/fx3hit phohit
// Wizard sounds
wizard/sight wizsit
wizard/attack wizatk
wizard/death wizdth
wizard/pain wizpai
wizard/active1 wizact
$random wizard/active { wizard/sight wizard/active1 }
// Switch sounds
switches/normbutn switch
$alias switches/exitbutn switches/normbutn // Heretic has no special exit button sound
// Platform Sounds
plats/pt1_strt pstart
plats/pt1_stop pstop
plats/pt1_mid dormov
// Door Sounds
doors/dr1_open doropn
doors/dr1_clos dorcls
doors/dr2_open doropn
doors/dr2_clos dorcls
// Ambient sounds
world/amb1 amb1
world/amb2 amb2
world/amb3 amb3
world/amb4 amb4
world/amb5 amb5
world/amb6 amb6
world/amb7 amb7
world/amb8 amb8
world/amb9 amb9
world/amb10 amb10
world/amb11 amb11
world/amb12 bstsit
$limit world/amb1 1
$limit world/amb2 1
$limit world/amb3 1
$limit world/amb4 1
$limit world/amb5 1
$limit world/amb6 1
$limit world/amb7 1
$limit world/amb8 1
$limit world/amb9 1
$limit world/amb10 1
$limit world/amb11 0
misc/chat chat
misc/teleport telept
misc/ripslop ripslop
$limit misc/chat 1
world/drip gloop
world/watersplash gloop
world/lavasizzle burn
world/sludgegloop dsempty
mummy/sight mumsit
mummy/attack1 mumat1
mummy/attack2 mumat2
mummy/pain mumpai
mummy/death mumdth
mummy/active mumsit
mummy/head mumhed
beast/sight bstsit
beast/attack bstatk
beast/pain bstpai
beast/death bstdth
beast/active bstact
snake/attack snkatk
snake/sight snksit
snake/pain snkpai
snake/death snkdth
snake/active snkact
clink/sight clksit
clink/attack clkatk
clink/pain clkpai
clink/death clkdth
clink/active clkact
hknight/sight kgtsit
hknight/attack kgtatk
hknight/melee kgtat2
hknight/pain kgtpai
hknight/death kgtdth
hknight/active kgtsit
hknight/hit hrnhit
hknight/axewhoosh kgtatk
misc/timebomb phohit
world/volcano/blast lobhit
world/volcano/shoot bstatk
ironlich/sight hedsit
ironlich/attack1 hedat1
ironlich/attack2 hedat2
ironlich/attack3 hedat3
ironlich/pain hedpai
ironlich/death heddth
ironlich/active hedact
dsparilserpent/sight bstsit
dsparilserpent/attack bstatk
dsparilserpent/pain sbtpai
dsparilserpent/death sbtdth
dsparilserpent/active sbtact
dsparil/sight sorsit
dsparil/attack soratk
dsparil/pain sorpai
dsparil/active soract
dsparil/rise sorrise
dsparil/zap sorzap
dsparil/scream sordsph
dsparil/explode sordexp
dsparil/bones sordbon
chicken/active chicact
chicken/attack chicatk
chicken/pain chicpai
chicken/death chicdth
chicken/peck1 chicpk1
chicken/peck2 chicpk2
chicken/peck3 chicpk3
$random chicken/peck { chicken/peck1 chicken/peck2 chicken/peck3 }
menu/activate dorcls
menu/backup switch
menu/prompt chat
menu/choose dorcls
menu/cursor switch
menu/change keyup
menu/invalid plroof
menu/dismiss dorcls
menu/clear dorcls
misc/secret dssecret
$endif // ifheretic
/* */
/* */
$pitchshiftrange 3
$random PlayerFighterExtremeDeathPicker { PlayerFighterExtreme1Death
PlayerFighterExtreme3Death }
$playeralias fighter male *death PlayerFighterNormalDeath
$playeralias fighter male *crazydeath PlayerFighterCrazyDeath
$playeralias fighter male *burndeath PlayerFighterBurnDeath
$playeralias fighter male *xdeath PlayerFighterExtremeDeathPicker
$playeralias fighter male *pain100 PlayerFighterPain
$playersounddup fighter male *pain75 *pain100
$playersounddup fighter male *pain50 *pain100
$playersounddup fighter male *pain25 *pain100
$playeralias fighter male *grunt PlayerFighterGrunt
$playeralias fighter male *land PlayerLand
$playeralias fighter male *poison PlayerPoisonCough
$playeralias fighter male *falling PlayerFighterFallingScream
$playeralias fighter male *splat PlayerFallingSplat
$playeralias fighter male *usefail PlayerFighterFailedUse
$playeralias fighter male *puzzfail PuzzleFailFighter
$playersound fighter male *jump fgtjump
$playeralias fighter male *fistgrunt FighterGrunt
$random PlayerClericExtremeDeathPicker { PlayerClericExtreme1Death
PlayerClericExtreme3Death }
$playeralias cleric male *death PlayerClericNormalDeath
$playeralias cleric male *crazydeath PlayerClericCrazyDeath
$playeralias cleric male *burndeath PlayerClericBurnDeath
$playeralias cleric male *xdeath PlayerClericExtremeDeathPicker
$playeralias cleric male *pain100 PlayerClericPain
$playersounddup cleric male *pain75 *pain100
$playersounddup cleric male *pain50 *pain100
$playersounddup cleric male *pain25 *pain100
$playeralias cleric male *grunt PlayerClericGrunt
$playeralias cleric male *land PlayerLand
$playeralias cleric male *poison PlayerPoisonCough
$playeralias cleric male *falling PlayerClericFallingScream
$playeralias cleric male *splat PlayerFallingSplat
$playeralias cleric male *usefail PlayerClericFailedUse
$playeralias cleric male *puzzfail PuzzleFailCleric
$playersound cleric male *jump plrjump
$random PlayerMageExtremeDeathPicker { PlayerMageExtreme1Death
PlayerMageExtreme3Death }
$playeralias mage male *death PlayerMageNormalDeath
$playeralias mage male *crazydeath PlayerMageCrazyDeath
$playeralias mage male *burndeath PlayerMageBurnDeath
$playeralias mage male *xdeath PlayerMageExtremeDeathPicker
$playeralias mage male *pain100 PlayerMagePain
$playersounddup mage male *pain75 *pain100
$playersounddup mage male *pain50 *pain100
$playersounddup mage male *pain25 *pain100
$playeralias mage male *grunt PlayerMageGrunt
$playeralias mage male *land PlayerLand
$playeralias mage male *poison PlayerPoisonCough
$playeralias mage male *falling PlayerMageFallingScream
$playeralias mage male *splat PlayerFallingSplat
$playeralias mage male *usefail PlayerMageFailedUse
$playeralias mage male *puzzfail PuzzleFailMage
$playersound mage male *jump mgjump
$playeralias pig male *usefail PigActive1
$alias world/drip Ambient10
$alias world/watersplash WaterSplash
$alias world/lavasizzle LavaSizzle
$alias world/sludgegloop SludgeGloop
$alias world/wind Wind
$alias world/quake Earthquake
$alias world/thunder ThunderCrash
$alias misc/w_pkup PickupWeapon
$alias misc/p_pkup PickupArtifact
$alias misc/k_pkup PickupKey
$alias misc/i_pkup PickupItem
$alias misc/spawn Respawn
$alias misc/teleport Teleport
$alias misc/keytry DoorLocked
$alias misc/invuse UseArtifact
$alias misc/freeze FreezeDeath
$alias misc/icebreak FreezeShatter
$alias misc/chat Chat
$alias misc/chat2 Chat
$alias misc/fallingsplat PlayerFallingSplat
$alias minotaur/sight MaulatorSight
$alias minotaur/pain MaulatorPain
$alias minotaur/death MaulatorDeath
$alias minotaur/active MaulatorActive
$alias minotaur/attack1 MaulatorHamHit
$alias minotaur/attack2 MaulatorHamSwing
$random BishopActiveSounds { BishopActive BishopSight }
$random PigActive { PigActive1 PigActive2 }
$limit PlayerFighterFailedUse 1
$limit PlayerClericFailedUse 1
$limit PlayerMageFailedUse 1
$limit SorcererBallWoosh 4
$limit SorcererBallBounce 3
$limit SorcererBallExplode 3
$limit SorcererBallPop 3
$limit SorcererBigBallExplode 3
$limit Ambient1 1
$limit Ambient2 1
$limit Ambient3 1
$limit Ambient4 1
$limit Ambient5 1
$limit Ambient6 1
$limit Ambient7 1
$limit Ambient8 1
$limit Ambient9 1
$limit Ambient10 1
$limit Ambient11 1
$limit Ambient12 1
$limit Ambient13 1
$limit Ambient14 1
$limit Ambient15 1
$limit MysticIncant 4
$pitchshift PlayerMageNormalDeath 0
$pitchshift PlayerMageCrazyDeath 0
$pitchshift PlayerMageExtreme1Death 0
$pitchshift PlayerMageExtreme2Death 0
$pitchshift PlayerMageExtreme3Death 0
$pitchshift PlayerMageBurnDeath 0
$pitchshift PlayerMagePain 0
$pitchshift PlayerMageGrunt 0
$pitchshift PlayerMageFallingScream 0
$pitchshift PlayerMageFailedUse 0
$pitchshift PickupWeapon 0
$pitchshift PickupPiece 0
$pitchshift WeaponBuild 0
$pitchshift BellRing 0
$alias menu/activate DoorCloseLight
$alias menu/backup PickupKey
$alias menu/prompt Chat
$alias menu/cursor FighterHammerHitWall
$alias menu/change PickupKey
$alias menu/invalid DoorCloseMetal // Hexen does not use this, but I do
$alias menu/dismiss PlatformStop
$alias menu/choose DoorCloseLight
$alias menu/clear PlatformStop
// Hexen does not have ripslop sound like Heretic
misc/ripslop dsempty
2006-04-16 13:29:50 +00:00
$limit DoorCloseLight 4
- Unlimited the monster pain sounds in Hexen after playing as the Cleric a while and killing centaurs with the flechette. - Fixed: Moving to an old level in a hub caused the old player's inventory to spawn owned by the current player (but still hanging off the old player), so the game would hang when trying to delete it. - Modified re2c so that it doesn't add a date to the file it generates. Thus, if it regenerates a file during a full rebuild, SVN won't see it as a change. Also updated it to 0.10.5. - Fixed: SC_GetString() did not properly terminate sc_String when the last token in the file had no white space after it. Since I could not actually find the problem (it works fine in debug mode and I saw no logic errors), I decided to take this opportunity to reimplement it using an re2c-generated scanner. Now it's 1.6x faster than before and correctness is easier to verify. - Fixed: FMODSoundRenderer::Shutdown() also needs to reset NumChannels. - Added back the Manifest to zdoom.rc for non-VC8 Windows compilers. - Fixed MinGW compilation again. Now it uses the same method as Makefile.linux to find all the source files so that it doesn't need to be manually updated each time source files are added or removed. - Added the SVN revision number to the version string. A new tool is used to obtain this information from the svnversion command and write it into a header file. If you don't have the svn command line tools installed or didn't check it out from the repository, you can still build. I added some rules for this to Makefile.linux, and I assume they work because they do for Makefile.mingw. - Fixed: MIDISong2 did not delete MusHeader in its destructor. SVN r200 (trunk)
2006-06-20 20:30:39 +00:00
$limit PuppyBeat 0
$limit CeantaurPain 0
$limit BishopPain 0
$limit SerpentPain 0
$limit DemonPain 0
$limit WraithPain 0
$limit MaulatorPain 0
$limit EttinPain 0
$limit FireDemonPain 0
$limit SorcererPain 0
$limit DragonPain 0
$endif // ifhexen
// Strife
$playersound player male *death dspldeth
$playersound player male *xdeath dspdiehi
$playersound player male *gibbed dsslop
$playersound player male *pain100 dsplpain
$playersounddup player male *pain75 *pain100
$playersounddup player male *pain50 *pain100
$playersounddup player male *pain25 *pain100
$playersound player male *grunt dsoof
$playersounddup player male *land *grunt
$playersound player male *jump dsjump
$playersound player male *fist dspunch
$playersound player male *usefail dsnoway
$playersound player female *death dsfldeth
$playersound player female *xdeath dsfdiehi
$playersound player female *gibbed dsslop
$playersound player female *pain100 dsflpain
$playersounddup player female *pain75 *pain100
$playersounddup player female *pain50 *pain100
$playersounddup player female *pain25 *pain100
$playersound player female *grunt dsfoof
$playersounddup player female *land *grunt
$playersound player female *jump dsfjump
$playersound player female *fist dspunch
$playersound player female *usefail dsfnoway
$playersound player other *death dscldeth
$playersound player other *xdeath dscdiehi
$playersound player other *gibbed dsslop
$playersound player other *pain100 dsclpain
$playersounddup player other *pain75 *pain100
$playersounddup player other *pain50 *pain100
$playersounddup player other *pain25 *pain100
$playersound player other *grunt dscoof
$playersounddup player other *land *grunt
$playersound player other *jump dscjump
$playersound player other *fist dspunch
$playersound player other *usefail dscnoway
weapons/xbowshoot dsxbow
weapons/xbowhit dsfirxpl
weapons/assaultgun dsrifle
weapons/minimissile dsrlaunc
weapons/minimissilehit dsmislht
weapons/flamethrower dsflburn
weapons/flameidle dsflidl
weapons/mauler1 dspgrdat
weapons/mauler2charge dsproton
weapons/mauler2fire dsprotfl
weapons/mauler2hit dsexplod
weapons/hegrenadeshoot dsphoot
weapons/hegrenadebang dsexplod
weapons/phgrenadeshoot dsphoot
weapons/phgrenadebang dsexplod
weapons/sigil dssigil
weapons/sigilhit dssglhit
2006-04-17 13:53:34 +00:00
weapons/sigilcharge dssiglup
monsters/rifle dsrifle
switches/normbutn dsswtchn
$alias switches/exitbutn switches/normbutn
switches/chain dspulchn
switches/knob dsswknob
switches/keycard dskeycrd
switches/stone dsswston
switches/bolt dsswbolt
switches/scanner dsswscan
switches/fool dsdifool
switches/valve dsvalve
switches/sizzle dsfirxpl
world/glassbreak dsbglass
world/barrelx dsbarexp
world/smallfire dssmfire
world/largefire dslgfire
world/river dswriver
world/waterfall dswfall
world/waterdrip dswdrip
world/watersplash dswsplsh
$limit world/river 1
$limit world/waterfall 1
$limit world/waterdrip 1
world/drip dsempty // These four satisfy the Heretic/Hexen terrain definitions
world/sludgegloop dsempty
world/lavasizzle dsempty
world/lavasizzle dsempty
menu/activate dsswtchn // Activate a new menu
menu/backup dsswtchn // Backup to previous menu
menu/prompt dsswtchn // Activate a prompt "menu"
menu/cursor dspstop // Move cursor up/down
menu/change dsstnmov // Select new value for option
menu/invalid dsoof // Menu not available
menu/dismiss dsswish // Dismiss a prompt message
menu/choose dsrifl // Choose a menu item
menu/clear dsmtalht // Close top menu
misc/teleport dstelept
misc/swish dsswish
misc/meathit dsmeatht
misc/metalhit dsmtalht
misc/gibbed dsslop
misc/explosion dsexplod
misc/reactor dsreactr
misc/missileinflight dsrflite
misc/static dsstatic
misc/chant dschant
misc/alarm dsalarm
misc/disruptordeath dsdsrptr
$singular misc/alarm
misc/secret dsyeah
misc/w_pkup dswpnup
misc/p_pkup dsyeah
misc/i_pkup dsitemup
misc/k_pkup dsitemup
misc/spawn dsitmbk
misc/chat dsradio
misc/invuse dsitemup
misc/mask dsmask
plats/pt1_strt dspstart
plats/pt1_stop dspstop
plats/pt1_mid dsstnmov
doors/dr2_open dsbdopn
doors/dr2_clos dsbdcls
doors/stone_open dsdrston
doors/stone_close dsdrston
doors/large_metal_open dsdrlmto
doors/large_metal_close dsdrlmtc
doors/small_metal_open dsdrsmto
doors/small_metal_close dsdrsmtc
doors/large_wood_open dsdrlwud
doors/large_wood_close dsdrlwud
doors/small_wood_open dsdrswud
doors/small_wood_close dsdrswud
doors/airlock_open dsairlck
doors/airlock_close dsairlck
doors/chain_open dsdrchno
doors/chain_close dsdrchnc
woodenbarrel/death dswbrldt
human/imonfire dsburnme
ambient/alien1 dsamaln1
ambient/alien2 dsamaln2
ambient/alien3 dsamaln3
ambient/alien4 dsamaln4
ambient/alien5 dsamaln5
ambient/alien6 dsamaln6
reaver/sight dsrevsee
reaver/pain dsreavpn
reaver/death dsrevdth
reaver/active dsrevact
reaver/attack dsreavat
reaver/blade dsrevbld
crusader/sight dsrb2see
crusader/pain dsrb2pn
crusader/death dsrb2dth
crusader/active dsrb2act
crusader/misl dsrlaunc
crusader/mislx dsmislht
bishop/sight dsrb2see
bishop/pain dsrb2pn
bishop/death dspgrdth
bishop/active dsrb2act
bishop/misl dsrlaunc
bishop/mislx dsmislht
sentinel/sight dssntsee
sentinel/death dssntdth
sentinel/active dssntact
sentinel/plasma dsplasma
$random peasant/pain { peasant/pain1 peasant/pain2 peasant/pain3 peasant/pain4 }
peasant/pain1 dspespna
peasant/pain2 dspespnb
peasant/pain3 dspespnc
peasant/pain4 dspespnd
//$random peasant/death { peasant/death1 peasant/death2 peasant/death3 }
$alias peasant/death peasant/death1
peasant/death1 dspsdtha
peasant/death2 dspsdthb
peasant/death3 dspsdthc
peasant/sight dsrebact
peasant/attack dsmeatht
peasant/active dsrebact
beggar/attack dsmeatht
$alias beggar/pain peasant/pain
$alias beggar/death peasant/death
rebel/sight dswpnup
$alias rebel/pain peasant/pain
rebel/death dsrebdth
rebel/active dsrebact
barkeep/pain dsambbar
barkeep/active dsambppl
$singular barkeep/pain
$singular barkeep/active
$alias smith/pain peasant/pain
$alias armorer/pain peasant/pain
$alias medic/pain peasant/pain
$alias zombie/death peasant/death
$alias becoming/death peasant/death
zombie/spawner dstelept
acolyte/sight dsagrsee
acolyte/pain dsagrdpn
acolyte/death dsagrdth
acolyte/rifle dsrifle
$random acolyte/active { acolyte/active1 acolyte/active2 acolyte/active3 acolyte/active4 }
acolyte/active1 dsagrac1
acolyte/active2 dsagrac2
acolyte/active3 dsagrac3
acolyte/active4 dsagrac4
macil/sight dsagrsee
$alias macil/pain peasant/pain
macil/active dsrebact
macil/slop dsslop
alienspectre/sight dsalnsee
alienspectre/blade dsrevbld
alienspectre/pain dsalnpn
alienspectre/death dsalndth
alienspectre/active dsalnact
turret/death dsmislht
ore/explode dsexplod
rat/sight dsratact
rat/death dsratact
rat/active dsratact
$singular rat/sight
loremaster/chain dschain
loremaster/swish dsswish
loremaster/sight dslorsee
loremaster/attack dsrevbld
loremaster/pain dslorpn
loremaster/death dsslop
loremaster/active dstend
stalker/sight dsspisit
stalker/attack dsspdatk
stalker/pain dsspdatk
stalker/death dsspidth
stalker/active dsspisit
stalker/walk dsspdwlk
templar/sight dspgrsee
templar/pain dspgrdpn
templar/death dspgrdth
templar/active dspgract
templar/shoot dspgrdat
inquisitor/sight dsinqsee
inquisitor/death dsinqdth
inquisitor/active dsinqact
inquisitor/walk dsinqact
inquisitor/jump dsinqjmp
inquisitor/attack dsphoot
inquisitor/atkexplode dsexplod
programmer/clank dsmtalht
programmer/attack dsrevbld // Unused?
programmer/pain dsprgpn
programmer/death dsrb2dth
programmer/active dsprogac
entity/sight dsmnalse
entity/melee dsrevbld
entity/pain dsalnpn
entity/death dsmnaldt
entity/active dsalnact