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synced 2025-03-01 23:31:16 +00:00
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219 lines
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#ifndef _RE2C_CONF_OPT_
#define _RE2C_CONF_OPT_
#include "src/util/c99_stdint.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include "src/codegen/input_api.h"
#include "src/ir/dfa/dfa.h"
#include "src/ir/regexp/empty_class_policy.h"
#include "src/ir/regexp/encoding/enc.h"
#include "src/util/forbid_copy.h"
namespace re2c
#define RE2C_OPTS \
/* target */ \
OPT1 (opt_t::target_t, target, CODE) \
/* fingerprint */ \
OPT (bool, bNoGenerationDate, false) \
OPT (bool, version, true) \
/* regular expressions */ \
OPT (Enc, encoding, Enc ()) \
OPT (bool, bCaseInsensitive, false) \
OPT (bool, bCaseInverted, false) \
OPT (empty_class_policy_t, empty_class_policy, EMPTY_CLASS_MATCH_EMPTY) \
/* conditions */ \
OPT (bool, cFlag, false) \
OPT (bool, tFlag, false) \
OPT (const char *, header_file, NULL) \
OPT (std::string, yycondtype, "YYCONDTYPE") \
OPT (std::string, cond_get, "YYGETCONDITION") \
OPT (bool, cond_get_naked, false) \
OPT (std::string, cond_set, "YYSETCONDITION" ) \
OPT (std::string, cond_set_arg, "@@" ) \
OPT (bool, cond_set_naked, false ) \
OPT (std::string, yyctable, "yyctable") \
OPT (std::string, condPrefix, "yyc_") \
OPT (std::string, condEnumPrefix, "yyc") \
OPT (std::string, condDivider, "/* *********************************** */") \
OPT (std::string, condDividerParam, "@@") \
OPT (std::string, condGoto, "goto @@;") \
OPT (std::string, condGotoParam, "@@") \
/* states */ \
OPT (bool, fFlag, false) \
OPT (std::string, state_get, "YYGETSTATE") \
OPT (bool, state_get_naked, false) \
OPT (std::string, state_set, "YYSETSTATE") \
OPT (std::string, state_set_arg, "@@") \
OPT (bool, state_set_naked, false) \
OPT (std::string, yyfilllabel, "yyFillLabel") \
OPT (std::string, yynext, "yyNext") \
OPT (std::string, yyaccept, "yyaccept") \
OPT (bool, bUseStateAbort, false) \
OPT (bool, bUseStateNext, false) \
/* reuse */ \
OPT (bool, rFlag, false) \
/* partial flex syntax support */ \
OPT (bool, FFlag, false) \
/* code generation */ \
OPT (bool, sFlag, false) \
OPT (bool, bFlag, false) \
OPT (std::string, yybm, "yybm") \
OPT (bool, yybmHexTable, false) \
OPT (bool, gFlag, false) \
OPT (std::string, yytarget, "yytarget") \
OPT (uint32_t, cGotoThreshold, 9) \
/* formatting */ \
OPT (uint32_t, topIndent, 0) \
OPT (std::string, indString, "\t") \
/* input API */ \
OPT (InputAPI, input_api, InputAPI ()) \
OPT (std::string, yycursor, "YYCURSOR") \
OPT (std::string, yymarker, "YYMARKER") \
OPT (std::string, yyctxmarker, "YYCTXMARKER") \
OPT (std::string, yylimit, "YYLIMIT") \
OPT (std::string, yypeek, "YYPEEK") \
OPT (std::string, yyskip, "YYSKIP") \
OPT (std::string, yybackup, "YYBACKUP") \
OPT (std::string, yybackupctx, "YYBACKUPCTX") \
OPT (std::string, yyrestore, "YYRESTORE") \
OPT (std::string, yyrestorectx, "YYRESTORECTX") \
OPT (std::string, yylessthan, "YYLESSTHAN") \
/* #line directives */ \
OPT (bool, iFlag, false) \
/* debug */ \
OPT (bool, dFlag, false) \
OPT (std::string, yydebug, "YYDEBUG") \
/* yych */ \
OPT (std::string, yyctype, "YYCTYPE") \
OPT (std::string, yych, "yych") \
OPT (bool, bEmitYYCh, true) \
OPT (bool, yychConversion, false) \
/* YYFILL */ \
OPT (std::string, fill, "YYFILL") \
OPT (bool, fill_use, true) \
OPT (bool, fill_check, true) \
OPT (std::string, fill_arg, "@@") \
OPT (bool, fill_arg_use, true) \
OPT (bool, fill_naked, false) \
/* labels */ \
OPT (std::string, labelPrefix, "yy") \
/* internals */ \
OPT (dfa_minimization_t, dfa_minimization, DFA_MINIMIZATION_MOORE)
struct opt_t
enum target_t
#define OPT1 OPT
#define OPT(type, name, value) type name;
#undef OPT1
#undef OPT
opt_t ();
opt_t (const opt_t & opt);
opt_t & operator = (const opt_t & opt);
void fix ();
class useropt_t;
class realopt_t
opt_t real;
useropt_t & user;
realopt_t (useropt_t & opt);
const opt_t * operator -> ();
void sync ();
class useropt_t
opt_t opt;
bool diverge;
useropt_t ();
opt_t * operator -> ();
friend void realopt_t::sync ();
struct Opt
static const opt_t baseopt;
const char * source_file;
const char * output_file;
useropt_t useropt;
realopt_t realopt;
Opt ()
: source_file (NULL)
, output_file (NULL)
, useropt ()
, realopt (useropt)
// read-only access, forces options syncronization
const opt_t * operator -> ()
return realopt.operator -> ();
bool source (const char * s);
bool output (const char * s);
// Inplace configurations are applied immediately when parsed.
// This is very bad: first, re2c behaviour is changed in the middle
// of the block; second, config is resynced too often (every
// attempt to read config that has been updated results in
// automatic resync). It is much better to set all options at once.
bool set_encoding (Enc::type_t t) { return useropt->encoding.set (t); }
void unset_encoding (Enc::type_t t) { useropt->encoding.unset (t); }
void set_encoding_policy (Enc::policy_t p) { useropt->encoding.setPolicy (p); }
void set_input_api (InputAPI::type_t t) { useropt->input_api.set (t); }
#define OPT1 OPT
#define OPT(type, name, value) void set_##name (type arg) { useropt->name = arg; }
#undef OPT1
#undef OPT
// helpers
std::string yychConversion ()
return realopt->yychConversion
? "(" + realopt->yyctype + ")"
: "";
// bad temporary hacks, should be fixed by proper scoping of config (parts).
void reset_encoding (const Enc & enc);
void reset_mapCodeName ();
enum parse_opts_t
parse_opts_t parse_opts (char ** argv, Opt & opts);
} // namespace re2c
#endif // _RE2C_CONF_OPT_