mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:01:50 +00:00
- moved health items to their own file. - scriptified ScoreItem and MapRevealer whose entire functionality was a small TryPickup method. - fixed: bit fields in global variables were not correctly written. This should conclude the inventory cleanup. It is now possible again to find things in there.
404 lines
10 KiB
404 lines
10 KiB
* B_Think.c *
* Description: *
* Functions for the different *
* states that the bot *
* uses. These functions are *
* the main AI *
* *
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "b_bot.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "a_pickups.h"
#include "statnums.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "d_event.h"
#include "d_player.h"
#include "vectors.h"
#include "a_ammo.h"
#include "a_health.h"
static FRandom pr_botmove ("BotMove");
//This function is called each tic for each bot,
//so this is what the bot does.
void DBot::Think ()
ticcmd_t *cmd = &netcmds[player - players][((gametic + 1)/ticdup)%BACKUPTICS];
memset (cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd));
if (enemy && enemy->health <= 0)
enemy = NULL;
if (player->mo->health > 0) //Still alive
if (teamplay || !deathmatch)
mate = Choose_Mate ();
AActor *actor = player->mo;
DAngle oldyaw = actor->Angles.Yaw;
DAngle oldpitch = actor->Angles.Pitch;
Set_enemy ();
ThinkForMove (cmd);
TurnToAng ();
cmd->ucmd.yaw = (short)((actor->Angles.Yaw - oldyaw).Degrees * (65536 / 360.f)) / ticdup;
cmd->ucmd.pitch = (short)((oldpitch - actor->Angles.Pitch).Degrees * (65536 / 360.f));
if (cmd->ucmd.pitch == -32768)
cmd->ucmd.pitch = -32767;
cmd->ucmd.pitch /= ticdup;
actor->Angles.Yaw = oldyaw + DAngle(cmd->ucmd.yaw * ticdup * (360 / 65536.f));
actor->Angles.Pitch = oldpitch - DAngle(cmd->ucmd.pitch * ticdup * (360 / 65536.f));
if (t_active) t_active--;
if (t_strafe) t_strafe--;
if (t_react) t_react--;
if (t_fight) t_fight--;
if (t_rocket) t_rocket--;
if (t_roam) t_roam--;
//Respawn ticker
if (t_respawn)
else if (player->mo->health <= 0)
{ // Time to respawn
cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_USE;
#define THINKDISTSQ (50000.*50000./(65536.*65536.))
//how the bot moves.
//MAIN movement function.
void DBot::ThinkForMove (ticcmd_t *cmd)
double dist;
bool stuck;
int r;
stuck = false;
dist = dest ? player->mo->Distance2D(dest) : 0;
if (missile &&
(!missile->Vel.X || !missile->Vel.Y || !Check_LOS(missile, SHOOTFOV*3/2)))
sleft = !sleft;
missile = NULL; //Probably ended its travel.
#if 0 // this has always been broken and without any reference it cannot be fixed.
if (player->mo->Angles.Pitch > 0)
player->mo->Angles.Pitch -= 80;
else if (player->mo->Angles.Pitch <= -60)
player->mo->Angles.Pitch += 80;
if (missile && (player->mo->Distance2D(missile)<AVOID_DIST)) //try avoid missile got from P_Mobj.c thinking part.
Pitch (missile);
Angle = player->mo->AngleTo(missile);
cmd->ucmd.sidemove = sleft ? -SIDERUN : SIDERUN;
cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = -FORWARDRUN; //Back IS best.
if ((player->mo->Pos() - old).LengthSquared() < THINKDISTSQ
&& t_strafe<=0)
t_strafe = 5;
sleft = !sleft;
//If able to see enemy while avoiding missile, still fire at enemy.
if (enemy && Check_LOS (enemy, SHOOTFOV))
Dofire (cmd); //Order bot to fire current weapon
else if (enemy && P_CheckSight (player->mo, enemy, 0)) //Fight!
Pitch (enemy);
//Check if it's more important to get an item than fight.
if (dest && (dest->flags&MF_SPECIAL)) //Must be an item, that is close enough.
#define is(x) dest->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass (#x))
if (
(player->mo->health < skill.isp &&
(is (Medikit) ||
is (Stimpack) ||
is (Soulsphere) ||
is (Megasphere) ||
is (CrystalVial)
) || (
is (Invulnerability) ||
is (Invisibility) ||
is (Megasphere)
) ||
dist < (GETINCOMBAT/4) ||
(player->ReadyWeapon == NULL || player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON)
&& (dist < GETINCOMBAT || (player->ReadyWeapon == NULL || player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON))
&& Reachable (dest))
#undef is
goto roam; //Pick it up, no matter the situation. All bonuses are nice close up.
dest = NULL; //To let bot turn right
if (player->ReadyWeapon != NULL && !(player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON))
player->mo->flags &= ~MF_DROPOFF; //Don't jump off any ledges when fighting.
if (!(enemy->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER))
t_fight = AFTERTICS;
if (t_strafe <= 0 &&
((player->mo->Pos() - old).LengthSquared() < THINKDISTSQ
|| ((pr_botmove()%30)==10))
stuck = true;
t_strafe = 5;
sleft = !sleft;
Angle = player->mo->AngleTo(enemy);
if (player->ReadyWeapon == NULL ||
player->mo->Distance2D(enemy) >
// If a monster, use lower speed (just for cooler apperance while strafing down doomed monster)
cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = (enemy->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) ? FORWARDWALK : FORWARDRUN;
else if (!stuck) //Too close, so move away.
// If a monster, use lower speed (just for cooler apperance while strafing down doomed monster)
cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = (enemy->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) ? -FORWARDWALK : -FORWARDRUN;
if (enemy->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) //It's just a monster so take it down cool.
cmd->ucmd.sidemove = sleft ? -SIDEWALK : SIDEWALK;
cmd->ucmd.sidemove = sleft ? -SIDERUN : SIDERUN;
Dofire (cmd); //Order bot to fire current weapon
else if (mate && !enemy && (!dest || dest==mate)) //Follow mate move.
double matedist;
Pitch (mate);
if (!Reachable (mate))
if (mate == dest && pr_botmove.Random() < 32)
{ // [RH] If the mate is the dest, pick a new dest sometimes
dest = NULL;
goto roam;
Angle = player->mo->AngleTo(mate);
matedist = player->mo->Distance2D(mate);
if (matedist > (FRIEND_DIST*2))
cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = FORWARDRUN;
else if (matedist > FRIEND_DIST)
cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = FORWARDWALK; //Walk, when starting to get close.
else if (matedist < FRIEND_DIST-(FRIEND_DIST/3)) //Got too close, so move away.
cmd->ucmd.forwardmove = -FORWARDWALK;
else //Roam after something.
first_shot = true;
if (enemy && Check_LOS (enemy, SHOOTFOV*3/2)) //If able to see enemy while avoiding missile , still fire at it.
Dofire (cmd); //Order bot to fire current weapon
if (dest && !(dest->flags&MF_SPECIAL) && dest->health < 0)
{ //Roaming after something dead.
dest = NULL;
if (dest == NULL)
if (t_fight && enemy) //Enemy/bot has jumped around corner. So what to do?
if (enemy->player)
if (((enemy->player->ReadyWeapon != NULL && enemy->player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_BOT_EXPLOSIVE) ||
(pr_botmove()%100)>skill.isp) && player->ReadyWeapon != NULL && !(player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON))
dest = enemy;//Dont let enemy kill the bot by supressive fire. So charge enemy.
else //hide while t_fight, but keep view at enemy.
Angle = player->mo->AngleTo(enemy);
} //Just a monster, so kill it.
dest = enemy;
//VerifFavoritWeapon(player); //Dont know why here.., but it must be here, i know the reason, but not why at this spot, uh.
else //Choose a distant target. to get things going.
r = pr_botmove();
if (r < 128)
TThinkerIterator<AInventory> it (MAX_STATNUM+1, bglobal.firstthing);
AInventory *item = it.Next();
if (item != NULL || (item = it.Next()) != NULL)
r &= 63; // Only scan up to 64 entries at a time
while (r)
item = it.Next();
if (item == NULL)
item = it.Next();
bglobal.firstthing = item;
dest = item;
else if (mate && (r < 179 || P_CheckSight(player->mo, mate)))
dest = mate;
else if ((playeringame[(r&(MAXPLAYERS-1))]) && players[(r&(MAXPLAYERS-1))].mo->health > 0)
dest = players[(r&(MAXPLAYERS-1))].mo;
if (dest)
t_roam = MAXROAM;
if (dest)
{ //Bot has a target so roam after it.
Roam (cmd);
} //End of movement main part.
if (!t_roam && dest)
prev = dest;
dest = NULL;
if (t_fight<(AFTERTICS/2))
player->mo->flags |= MF_DROPOFF;
old = player->mo->Pos();
//Determines if the bot will roam after an item or not.
void DBot::WhatToGet (AActor *item)
#define typeis(x) item->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass (#x))
if ((item->renderflags & RF_INVISIBLE) //Under respawn and away.
|| item == prev)
int weapgiveammo = (alwaysapplydmflags || deathmatch) && !(dmflags & DF_WEAPONS_STAY);
//if(pos && !bglobal.thingvis[pos->id][item->id]) continue;
// if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AArtifact)))
// return; // don't know how to use artifacts
if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon)))
AWeapon *heldWeapon;
heldWeapon = dyn_cast<AWeapon>(player->mo->FindInventory(item->GetClass()));
if (heldWeapon != NULL)
if (!weapgiveammo)
if ((heldWeapon->Ammo1 == NULL || heldWeapon->Ammo1->Amount >= heldWeapon->Ammo1->MaxAmount) &&
(heldWeapon->Ammo2 == NULL || heldWeapon->Ammo2->Amount >= heldWeapon->Ammo2->MaxAmount))
else if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo)))
AAmmo *ammo = static_cast<AAmmo *> (item);
PClassActor *parent = ammo->GetParentAmmo ();
AInventory *holdingammo = player->mo->FindInventory (parent);
if (holdingammo != NULL && holdingammo->Amount >= holdingammo->MaxAmount)
else if ((typeis (Megasphere) || typeis (Soulsphere) || typeis (HealthBonus)) && player->mo->health >= deh.MaxSoulsphere)
else if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AHealth)) && player->mo->health >= player->mo->GetMaxHealth() + player->mo->stamina)
if ((dest == NULL ||
!(dest->flags & MF_SPECIAL)/* ||
!Reachable (dest)*/)/* &&
Reachable (item)*/) // Calling Reachable slows this down tremendously
prev = dest;
dest = item;
t_roam = MAXROAM;
void DBot::Set_enemy ()
AActor *oldenemy;
if (enemy
&& enemy->health > 0
&& P_CheckSight (player->mo, enemy))
oldenemy = enemy;
oldenemy = NULL;
// [RH] Don't even bother looking for a different enemy if this is not deathmatch
// and we already have an existing enemy.
if (deathmatch || !enemy)
allround = !!enemy;
enemy = Find_enemy();
if (!enemy)
enemy = oldenemy; //Try go for last (it will be NULL if there wasn't anyone)
//Verify that that enemy is really something alive that bot can kill.
if (enemy && ((enemy->health < 0 || !(enemy->flags&MF_SHOOTABLE)) || player->mo->IsFriend(enemy)))
enemy = NULL;