mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:11:07 +00:00
The only reason this even existed was that ZDoom's original VC projects used __fastcall. The CMake generated project do not, they stick to __cdecl. Since no performance gain can be seen by using __fastcall the best course of action is to just remove all traces of it from the source and forget that it ever existed.
998 lines
24 KiB
998 lines
24 KiB
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "c_console.h"
#include "d_player.h"
#include "d_netinf.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "colormatcher.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
#include "v_text.h"
#include "r_data/sprites.h"
#include "r_data/voxels.h"
#include "textures/textures.h"
// variables used to look up
// and range check thing_t sprites patches
TArray<spritedef_t> sprites;
TArray<spriteframe_t> SpriteFrames;
DWORD NumStdSprites; // The first x sprites that don't belong to skins.
struct spriteframewithrotate : public spriteframe_t
int rotate;
int maxframe;
char* spritename;
// [RH] skin globals
FPlayerSkin *skins;
size_t numskins;
BYTE OtherGameSkinRemap[256];
PalEntry OtherGameSkinPalette[256];
// R_InstallSpriteLump
// Local function for R_InitSprites.
// [RH] Removed checks for coexistance of rotation 0 with other
// rotations and made it look more like BOOM's version.
static bool R_InstallSpriteLump (FTextureID lump, unsigned frame, char rot, bool flipped)
unsigned rotation;
if (rot >= '0' && rot <= '9')
rotation = rot - '0';
else if (rot >= 'A')
rotation = rot - 'A' + 10;
rotation = 17;
if (frame >= MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES || rotation > 16)
Printf (TEXTCOLOR_RED"R_InstallSpriteLump: Bad frame characters in lump %s\n", TexMan[lump]->Name.GetChars());
return false;
if ((int)frame > maxframe)
maxframe = frame;
if (rotation == 0)
// the lump should be used for all rotations
// false=0, true=1, but array initialised to -1
// allows doom to have a "no value set yet" boolean value!
int r;
for (r = 14; r >= 0; r -= 2)
if (!sprtemp[frame].Texture[r].isValid())
sprtemp[frame].Texture[r] = lump;
if (flipped)
sprtemp[frame].Flip |= 1 << r;
sprtemp[frame].rotate = false;
if (rotation <= 8)
rotation = (rotation - 1) * 2;
rotation = (rotation - 9) * 2 + 1;
if (!sprtemp[frame].Texture[rotation].isValid())
// the lump is only used for one rotation
sprtemp[frame].Texture[rotation] = lump;
if (flipped)
sprtemp[frame].Flip |= 1 << rotation;
sprtemp[frame].rotate = true;
return true;
// [RH] Seperated out of R_InitSpriteDefs()
static void R_InstallSprite (int num)
int frame;
int framestart;
int rot;
// int undefinedFix;
if (maxframe == -1)
sprites[num].numframes = 0;
// [RH] If any frames are undefined, but there are some defined frames, map
// them to the first defined frame. This is a fix for Doom Raider, which actually
// worked with ZDoom 2.0.47, because of a bug here. It does not define frames A,
// B, or C for the sprite PSBG, but because I had sprtemp[].rotate defined as a
// bool, this code never detected that it was not actually present. After switching
// to the unified texture system, this caused it to crash while loading the wad.
// [RH] Let undefined frames actually be blank because LWM uses this in at least
// one of her wads.
// for (frame = 0; frame < maxframe && sprtemp[frame].rotate == -1; ++frame)
// { }
// undefinedFix = frame;
for (frame = 0; frame < maxframe; ++frame)
switch (sprtemp[frame].rotate)
case -1:
// no rotations were found for that frame at all
//I_FatalError ("R_InstallSprite: No patches found for %s frame %c", sprites[num].name, frame+'A');
case 0:
// only the first rotation is needed
for (rot = 1; rot < 16; ++rot)
sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot] = sprtemp[frame].Texture[0];
// If the frame is flipped, they all should be
if (sprtemp[frame].Flip & 1)
sprtemp[frame].Flip = 0xFFFF;
case 1:
// must have all 8 frame pairs
for (rot = 0; rot < 8; ++rot)
if (!sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot*2+1].isValid())
sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot*2+1] = sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot*2];
if (sprtemp[frame].Flip & (1 << (rot*2)))
sprtemp[frame].Flip |= 1 << (rot*2+1);
if (!sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot*2].isValid())
sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot*2] = sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot*2+1];
if (sprtemp[frame].Flip & (1 << (rot*2+1)))
sprtemp[frame].Flip |= 1 << (rot*2);
for (rot = 0; rot < 16; ++rot)
if (!sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot].isValid())
I_FatalError ("R_InstallSprite: Sprite %s frame %c is missing rotations",
sprites[num].name, frame+'A');
for (frame = 0; frame < maxframe; ++frame)
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == -1)
memset (&sprtemp[frame].Texture, 0, sizeof(sprtemp[0].Texture));
sprtemp[frame].Flip = 0;
sprtemp[frame].rotate = 0;
// allocate space for the frames present and copy sprtemp to it
sprites[num].numframes = maxframe;
sprites[num].spriteframes = WORD(framestart = SpriteFrames.Reserve (maxframe));
for (frame = 0; frame < maxframe; ++frame)
memcpy (SpriteFrames[framestart+frame].Texture, sprtemp[frame].Texture, sizeof(sprtemp[frame].Texture));
SpriteFrames[framestart+frame].Flip = sprtemp[frame].Flip;
SpriteFrames[framestart+frame].Voxel = sprtemp[frame].Voxel;
// Let the textures know about the rotations
for (frame = 0; frame < maxframe; ++frame)
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == 1)
for (int rot = 0; rot < 16; ++rot)
TexMan[sprtemp[frame].Texture[rot]]->Rotations = framestart + frame;
// R_InitSpriteDefs
// Pass a null terminated list of sprite names
// (4 chars exactly) to be used.
// Builds the sprite rotation matrices to account
// for horizontally flipped sprites.
// Will report an error if the lumps are inconsistant.
// Only called at startup.
// Sprite lump names are 4 characters for the actor,
// a letter for the frame, and a number for the rotation.
// A sprite that is flippable will have an additional
// letter/number appended.
// The rotation character can be 0 to signify no rotations.
#define TEX_DWNAME(tex) MAKE_ID(tex->Name[0], tex->Name[1], tex->Name[2], tex->Name[3])
void R_InitSpriteDefs ()
struct Hasher
int Head, Next;
} *hashes;
struct VHasher
int Head, Next, Name, Spin;
char Frame;
} *vhashes;
unsigned int i, j, smax, vmax;
DWORD intname;
// Create a hash table to speed up the process
smax = TexMan.NumTextures();
hashes = new Hasher[smax];
clearbuf(hashes, sizeof(Hasher)*smax/4, -1);
for (i = 0; i < smax; ++i)
FTexture *tex = TexMan.ByIndex(i);
if (tex->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Sprite && strlen(tex->Name) >= 6)
size_t bucket = TEX_DWNAME(tex) % smax;
hashes[i].Next = hashes[bucket].Head;
hashes[bucket].Head = i;
// Repeat, for voxels
vmax = Wads.GetNumLumps();
vhashes = new VHasher[vmax];
clearbuf(vhashes, sizeof(VHasher)*vmax/4, -1);
for (i = 0; i < vmax; ++i)
if (Wads.GetLumpNamespace(i) == ns_voxels)
char name[9];
size_t namelen;
int spin;
int sign;
Wads.GetLumpName(name, i);
name[8] = 0;
namelen = strlen(name);
if (namelen < 4)
{ // name is too short
if (name[4] != '\0' && name[4] != ' ' && (name[4] < 'A' || name[4] >= 'A' + MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES))
{ // frame char is invalid
spin = 0;
sign = 2; // 2 to convert from deg/halfsec to deg/sec
j = 5;
if (j < namelen && name[j] == '-')
{ // a minus sign is okay, but only before any digits
sign = -2;
for (; j < namelen; ++j)
{ // the remainder to the end of the name must be digits
if (name[j] >= '0' && name[j] <= '9')
spin = spin * 10 + name[j] - '0';
if (j < namelen)
{ // the spin part is invalid
memcpy(&vhashes[i].Name, name, 4);
vhashes[i].Frame = name[4];
vhashes[i].Spin = spin * sign;
size_t bucket = vhashes[i].Name % vmax;
vhashes[i].Next = vhashes[bucket].Head;
vhashes[bucket].Head = i;
// scan all the lump names for each of the names, noting the highest frame letter.
for (i = 0; i < sprites.Size(); ++i)
memset (sprtemp, 0xFF, sizeof(sprtemp));
for (j = 0; j < MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES; ++j)
sprtemp[j].Flip = 0;
sprtemp[j].Voxel = NULL;
maxframe = -1;
intname = sprites[i].dwName;
// scan the lumps, filling in the frames for whatever is found
int hash = hashes[intname % smax].Head;
while (hash != -1)
FTexture *tex = TexMan[hash];
if (TEX_DWNAME(tex) == intname)
bool res = R_InstallSpriteLump (FTextureID(hash), tex->Name[4] - 'A', tex->Name[5], false);
if (tex->Name[6] && res)
R_InstallSpriteLump (FTextureID(hash), tex->Name[6] - 'A', tex->Name[7], true);
hash = hashes[hash].Next;
// repeat, for voxels
hash = vhashes[intname % vmax].Head;
while (hash != -1)
VHasher *vh = &vhashes[hash];
if (vh->Name == (int)intname)
FVoxelDef *voxdef = R_LoadVoxelDef(hash, vh->Spin);
if (voxdef != NULL)
if (vh->Frame == ' ' || vh->Frame == '\0')
{ // voxel applies to every sprite frame
for (j = 0; j < MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES; ++j)
if (sprtemp[j].Voxel == NULL)
sprtemp[j].Voxel = voxdef;
maxframe = MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES-1;
{ // voxel applies to a specific frame
j = vh->Frame - 'A';
sprtemp[j].Voxel = voxdef;
maxframe = MAX<int>(maxframe, j);
hash = vh->Next;
R_InstallSprite ((int)i);
delete[] hashes;
delete[] vhashes;
// R_ExtendSpriteFrames
// Extends a sprite so that it can hold the desired frame.
static void R_ExtendSpriteFrames(spritedef_t &spr, int frame)
unsigned int i, newstart;
if (spr.numframes >= ++frame)
{ // The sprite already has enough frames, so do nothing.
if (spr.numframes == 0 || (spr.spriteframes + spr.numframes == SpriteFrames.Size()))
{ // Sprite's frames are at the end of the array, or it has no frames
// at all, so we can tack the new frames directly on to the end
// of the SpriteFrames array.
newstart = SpriteFrames.Reserve(frame - spr.numframes);
if (spr.numframes == 0)
spr.spriteframes = WORD(newstart);
{ // We need to allocate space for all the sprite's frames and copy
// the existing ones over to the new space. The old space will be
// lost.
newstart = SpriteFrames.Reserve(frame);
for (i = 0; i < spr.numframes; ++i)
SpriteFrames[newstart + i] = SpriteFrames[spr.spriteframes + i];
spr.spriteframes = WORD(newstart);
newstart += i;
// Initialize all new frames to 0.
memset(&SpriteFrames[newstart], 0, sizeof(spriteframe_t)*(frame - spr.numframes));
spr.numframes = frame;
// VOX_AddVoxel
// Sets a voxel for a single sprite frame.
void VOX_AddVoxel(int sprnum, int frame, FVoxelDef *def)
R_ExtendSpriteFrames(sprites[sprnum], frame);
SpriteFrames[sprites[sprnum].spriteframes + frame].Voxel = def;
// [RH]
// R_InitSkins
// Reads in everything applicable to a skin. The skins should have already
// been counted and had their identifiers assigned to namespaces.
static const char *skinsoundnames[NUMSKINSOUNDS][2] =
{ // The *painXXX sounds must be the first four
{ "dsplpain", "*pain100" },
{ "dsplpain", "*pain75" },
{ "dsplpain", "*pain50" },
{ "dsplpain", "*pain25" },
{ "dsplpain", "*poison" },
{ "dsoof", "*grunt" },
{ "dsoof", "*land" },
{ "dspldeth", "*death" },
{ "dspldeth", "*wimpydeath" },
{ "dspdiehi", "*xdeath" },
{ "dspdiehi", "*crazydeath" },
{ "dsnoway", "*usefail" },
{ "dsnoway", "*puzzfail" },
{ "dsslop", "*gibbed" },
{ "dsslop", "*splat" },
{ "dspunch", "*fist" },
{ "dsjump", "*jump" }
static int skinsorter (const void *a, const void *b)
return stricmp (((FPlayerSkin *)a)->name, ((FPlayerSkin *)b)->name);
void R_InitSkins (void)
FSoundID playersoundrefs[NUMSKINSOUNDS];
spritedef_t temp;
int sndlumps[NUMSKINSOUNDS];
char key[65];
DWORD intname, crouchname;
size_t i;
int j, k, base;
int lastlump;
int aliasid;
bool remove;
PClassPlayerPawn *basetype, *transtype;
key[sizeof(key)-1] = 0;
i = PlayerClasses.Size () - 1;
lastlump = 0;
for (j = 0; j < NUMSKINSOUNDS; ++j)
playersoundrefs[j] = skinsoundnames[j][1];
while ((base = Wads.FindLump ("S_SKIN", &lastlump, true)) != -1)
// The player sprite has 23 frames. This means that the S_SKIN
// marker needs a minimum of 23 lumps after it.
if (base >= Wads.GetNumLumps() - 23 || base == -1)
for (j = 0; j < NUMSKINSOUNDS; j++)
sndlumps[j] = -1;
skins[i].namespc = Wads.GetLumpNamespace (base);
FScanner sc(base);
intname = 0;
crouchname = 0;
remove = false;
basetype = NULL;
transtype = NULL;
// Data is stored as "key = data".
while (sc.GetString ())
strncpy (key, sc.String, sizeof(key)-1);
if (!sc.GetString() || sc.String[0] != '=')
Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Bad format for skin %d: %s\n", (int)i, key);
sc.GetString ();
if (0 == stricmp (key, "name"))
strncpy (skins[i].name, sc.String, 16);
for (j = 0; (size_t)j < i; j++)
if (stricmp (skins[i].name, skins[j].name) == 0)
mysnprintf (skins[i].name, countof(skins[i].name), "skin%d", (int)i);
Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Skin %s duplicated as %s\n",
skins[j].name, skins[i].name);
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "sprite"))
for (j = 3; j >= 0; j--)
sc.String[j] = toupper (sc.String[j]);
intname = *((DWORD *)sc.String);
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "crouchsprite"))
for (j = 3; j >= 0; j--)
sc.String[j] = toupper (sc.String[j]);
crouchname = *((DWORD *)sc.String);
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "face"))
for (j = 2; j >= 0; j--)
skins[i].face[j] = toupper (sc.String[j]);
skins[i].face[3] = '\0';
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "gender"))
skins[i].gender = D_GenderToInt (sc.String);
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "scale"))
skins[i].Scale.X = clamp(atof (sc.String), 1./65536, 256.);
skins[i].Scale.Y = skins[i].Scale.X;
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "game"))
if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic)
basetype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_HereticPlayer));
else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife)
basetype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_StrifePlayer));
basetype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_DoomPlayer));
transtype = basetype;
if (stricmp (sc.String, "heretic") == 0)
if (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomChex)
transtype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_HereticPlayer));
skins[i].othergame = true;
else if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Heretic)
remove = true;
else if (stricmp (sc.String, "strife") == 0)
if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Strife)
remove = true;
if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic)
transtype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_DoomPlayer));
skins[i].othergame = true;
else if (!(gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomChex))
remove = true;
if (remove)
else if (0 == stricmp (key, "class"))
{ // [GRB] Define the skin for a specific player class
int pclass = D_PlayerClassToInt (sc.String);
if (pclass < 0)
remove = true;
basetype = transtype = PlayerClasses[pclass].Type;
else if (key[0] == '*')
{ // Player sound replacment (ZDoom extension)
int lump = Wads.CheckNumForName (sc.String, skins[i].namespc);
if (lump == -1)
lump = Wads.CheckNumForFullName (sc.String, true, ns_sounds);
if (lump != -1)
if (stricmp (key, "*pain") == 0)
{ // Replace all pain sounds in one go
aliasid = S_AddPlayerSound (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender,
playersoundrefs[0], lump, true);
for (int l = 3; l > 0; --l)
S_AddPlayerSoundExisting (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender,
playersoundrefs[l], aliasid, true);
int sndref = S_FindSoundNoHash (key);
if (sndref != 0)
S_AddPlayerSound (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender, sndref, lump, true);
for (j = 0; j < NUMSKINSOUNDS; j++)
if (stricmp (key, skinsoundnames[j][0]) == 0)
sndlumps[j] = Wads.CheckNumForName (sc.String, skins[i].namespc);
if (sndlumps[j] == -1)
{ // Replacement not found, try finding it in the global namespace
sndlumps[j] = Wads.CheckNumForFullName (sc.String, true, ns_sounds);
//if (j == 8)
// Printf ("Funny info for skin %i: %s = %s\n", i, key, sc.String);
// [GRB] Assume Doom skin by default
if (!remove && basetype == NULL)
if (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomChex)
basetype = transtype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_DoomPlayer));
else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic)
basetype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_HereticPlayer));
transtype = dyn_cast<PClassPlayerPawn>(PClass::FindActor(NAME_DoomPlayer));
skins[i].othergame = true;
remove = true;
if (!remove)
skins[i].range0start = transtype->ColorRangeStart;
skins[i].range0end = transtype->ColorRangeEnd;
remove = true;
for (j = 0; j < (int)PlayerClasses.Size (); j++)
PClassPlayerPawn *type = PlayerClasses[j].Type;
if (type->IsDescendantOf (basetype) &&
GetDefaultByType(type)->SpawnState->sprite == GetDefaultByType(basetype)->SpawnState->sprite &&
type->ColorRangeStart == basetype->ColorRangeStart &&
type->ColorRangeEnd == basetype->ColorRangeEnd)
PlayerClasses[j].Skins.Push ((int)i);
remove = false;
if (!remove)
if (skins[i].name[0] == 0)
mysnprintf (skins[i].name, countof(skins[i].name), "skin%d", (int)i);
// Now collect the sprite frames for this skin. If the sprite name was not
// specified, use whatever immediately follows the specifier lump.
if (intname == 0)
char name[9];
Wads.GetLumpName (name, base+1);
memcpy(&intname, name, 4);
int basens = Wads.GetLumpNamespace(base);
for(int spr = 0; spr<2; spr++)
memset (sprtemp, 0xFFFF, sizeof(sprtemp));
for (k = 0; k < MAX_SPRITE_FRAMES; ++k)
sprtemp[k].Flip = 0;
sprtemp[k].Voxel = NULL;
maxframe = -1;
if (spr == 1)
if (crouchname !=0 && crouchname != intname)
intname = crouchname;
skins[i].crouchsprite = -1;
for (k = base + 1; Wads.GetLumpNamespace(k) == basens; k++)
char lname[9];
DWORD lnameint;
Wads.GetLumpName (lname, k);
memcpy(&lnameint, lname, 4);
if (lnameint == intname)
FTextureID picnum = TexMan.CreateTexture(k, FTexture::TEX_SkinSprite);
bool res = R_InstallSpriteLump (picnum, lname[4] - 'A', lname[5], false);
if (lname[6] && res)
R_InstallSpriteLump (picnum, lname[6] - 'A', lname[7], true);
if (spr == 0 && maxframe <= 0)
Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "Skin %s (#%d) has no frames. Removing.\n", skins[i].name, (int)i);
remove = true;
Wads.GetLumpName (temp.name, base+1);
temp.name[4] = 0;
int sprno = (int)sprites.Push (temp);
if (spr==0) skins[i].sprite = sprno;
else skins[i].crouchsprite = sprno;
R_InstallSprite (sprno);
if (remove)
if (i < numskins-1)
memmove (&skins[i], &skins[i+1], sizeof(skins[0])*(numskins-i-1));
// Register any sounds this skin provides
aliasid = 0;
for (j = 0; j < NUMSKINSOUNDS; j++)
if (sndlumps[j] != -1)
if (j == 0 || sndlumps[j] != sndlumps[j-1])
aliasid = S_AddPlayerSound (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender,
playersoundrefs[j], sndlumps[j], true);
S_AddPlayerSoundExisting (skins[i].name, skins[i].gender,
playersoundrefs[j], aliasid, true);
// Make sure face prefix is a full 3 chars
if (skins[i].face[1] == 0 || skins[i].face[2] == 0)
skins[i].face[0] = 0;
if (numskins > PlayerClasses.Size ())
{ // The sound table may have changed, so rehash it.
S_HashSounds ();
S_ShrinkPlayerSoundLists ();
// [RH] Find a skin by name
int R_FindSkin (const char *name, int pclass)
if (stricmp ("base", name) == 0)
return pclass;
for (unsigned i = PlayerClasses.Size(); i < numskins; i++)
if (strnicmp (skins[i].name, name, 16) == 0)
if (PlayerClasses[pclass].CheckSkin (i))
return i;
return pclass;
return pclass;
// [RH] List the names of all installed skins
CCMD (skins)
int i;
for (i = PlayerClasses.Size ()-1; i < (int)numskins; i++)
Printf ("% 3d %s\n", i-PlayerClasses.Size ()+1, skins[i].name);
static void R_CreateSkinTranslation (const char *palname)
FMemLump lump = Wads.ReadLump (palname);
const BYTE *otherPal = (BYTE *)lump.GetMem();
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
OtherGameSkinRemap[i] = ColorMatcher.Pick (otherPal[0], otherPal[1], otherPal[2]);
OtherGameSkinPalette[i] = PalEntry(otherPal[0], otherPal[1], otherPal[2]);
otherPal += 3;
// R_InitSprites
// Called at program start.
void R_InitSprites ()
int lump, lastlump;
unsigned int i, j;
// [RH] Create a standard translation to map skins between Heretic and Doom
if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_DoomChex)
R_CreateSkinTranslation ("SPALHTIC");
R_CreateSkinTranslation ("SPALDOOM");
// [RH] Count the number of skins.
numskins = PlayerClasses.Size ();
lastlump = 0;
while ((lump = Wads.FindLump ("S_SKIN", &lastlump, true)) != -1)
// [RH] Do some preliminary setup
if (skins != NULL) delete [] skins;
skins = new FPlayerSkin[numskins];
memset (skins, 0, sizeof(*skins) * numskins);
for (i = 0; i < numskins; i++)
{ // Assume Doom skin by default
PClassPlayerPawn *type = PlayerClasses[0].Type;
skins[i].range0start = type->ColorRangeStart;
skins[i].range0end = type->ColorRangeEnd;
skins[i].Scale = GetDefaultByType (type)->Scale;
R_InitSpriteDefs ();
R_InitVoxels(); // [RH] Parse VOXELDEF
NumStdSprites = sprites.Size();
R_InitSkins (); // [RH] Finish loading skin data
// [RH] Set up base skin
// [GRB] Each player class has its own base skin
for (i = 0; i < PlayerClasses.Size (); i++)
PClassPlayerPawn *basetype = PlayerClasses[i].Type;
FString classface = basetype->Face;
strcpy (skins[i].name, "Base");
if (classface.IsEmpty() || strcmp(classface, "None") == 0)
skins[i].face[0] = 'S';
skins[i].face[1] = 'T';
skins[i].face[2] = 'F';
skins[i].face[3] = '\0';
strcpy(skins[i].face, classface);
skins[i].range0start = basetype->ColorRangeStart;
skins[i].range0end = basetype->ColorRangeEnd;
skins[i].Scale = GetDefaultByType (basetype)->Scale;
skins[i].sprite = GetDefaultByType (basetype)->SpawnState->sprite;
skins[i].namespc = ns_global;
PlayerClasses[i].Skins.Push (i);
if (memcmp (sprites[skins[i].sprite].name, "PLAY", 4) == 0)
for (j = 0; j < sprites.Size (); j++)
if (memcmp (sprites[j].name, deh.PlayerSprite, 4) == 0)
skins[i].sprite = (int)j;
// [RH] Sort the skins, but leave base as skin 0
//qsort (&skins[PlayerClasses.Size ()], numskins-PlayerClasses.Size (), sizeof(FPlayerSkin), skinsorter);
void R_DeinitSpriteData()
// Free skins
if (skins != NULL)
delete[] skins;
skins = NULL;