mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 00:41:48 +00:00
velocity, and now it's known as such. The actor variables momx/momy/momz are now known as velx/vely/velz, and the ACS functions GetActorMomX/Y/Z are now known as GetActorVelX/Y/Z. For compatibility, momx/momy/momz will continue to work as aliases from DECORATE. The ACS functions, however, require you to use the new name, since they never saw an official release yet. SVN r1689 (trunk)
1773 lines
42 KiB
1773 lines
42 KiB
//** PO_MAN.C : Heretic 2 : Raven Software, Corp.
//** $RCSfile: po_man.c,v $
//** $Revision: 1.22 $
//** $Date: 95/09/28 18:20:56 $
//** $Author: cjr $
// HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "m_swap.h"
#include "m_bbox.h"
#include "tables.h"
#include "s_sndseq.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
#include "r_main.h"
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "r_interpolate.h"
#include "g_level.h"
// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------
// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
inline FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, podoortype_t &type)
BYTE val = (BYTE)type;
arc << val;
type = (podoortype_t)val;
return arc;
class DPolyAction : public DThinker
DECLARE_CLASS (DPolyAction, DThinker)
DPolyAction (int polyNum);
void Serialize (FArchive &arc);
void Destroy();
void StopInterpolation ();
DPolyAction ();
int m_PolyObj;
int m_Speed;
int m_Dist;
TObjPtr<DInterpolation> m_Interpolation;
void SetInterpolation ();
friend void ThrustMobj (AActor *actor, seg_t *seg, FPolyObj *po);
class DRotatePoly : public DPolyAction
DECLARE_CLASS (DRotatePoly, DPolyAction)
DRotatePoly (int polyNum);
void Tick ();
DRotatePoly ();
friend bool EV_RotatePoly (line_t *line, int polyNum, int speed, int byteAngle, int direction, bool overRide);
class DMovePoly : public DPolyAction
DECLARE_CLASS (DMovePoly, DPolyAction)
DMovePoly (int polyNum);
void Serialize (FArchive &arc);
void Tick ();
DMovePoly ();
int m_Angle;
fixed_t m_xSpeed; // for sliding walls
fixed_t m_ySpeed;
friend bool EV_MovePoly (line_t *line, int polyNum, int speed, angle_t angle, fixed_t dist, bool overRide);
class DPolyDoor : public DMovePoly
DECLARE_CLASS (DPolyDoor, DMovePoly)
DPolyDoor (int polyNum, podoortype_t type);
void Serialize (FArchive &arc);
void Tick ();
int m_Direction;
int m_TotalDist;
int m_Tics;
int m_WaitTics;
podoortype_t m_Type;
bool m_Close;
friend bool EV_OpenPolyDoor (line_t *line, int polyNum, int speed, angle_t angle, int delay, int distance, podoortype_t type);
DPolyDoor ();
// EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------
bool PO_RotatePolyobj (int num, angle_t angle);
void PO_Init (void);
// PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------
static FPolyObj *GetPolyobj (int polyNum);
static int GetPolyobjMirror (int poly);
static void UpdateSegBBox (seg_t *seg);
static void RotatePt (int an, fixed_t *x, fixed_t *y, fixed_t startSpotX,
fixed_t startSpotY);
static void UnLinkPolyobj (FPolyObj *po);
static void LinkPolyobj (FPolyObj *po);
static bool CheckMobjBlocking (seg_t *seg, FPolyObj *po);
static void InitBlockMap (void);
static void IterFindPolySegs (vertex_t *v1, vertex_t *v2, seg_t **segList);
static void SpawnPolyobj (int index, int tag, int type);
static void TranslateToStartSpot (int tag, int originX, int originY);
static void DoMovePolyobj (FPolyObj *po, int x, int y);
static void InitSegLists ();
static void KillSegLists ();
// EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------
extern seg_t *segs;
// PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------
polyblock_t **PolyBlockMap;
FPolyObj *polyobjs; // list of all poly-objects on the level
int po_NumPolyobjs;
polyspawns_t *polyspawns; // [RH] Let P_SpawnMapThings() find our thingies for us
// PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------
static int PolySegCount;
static SDWORD *SegListHead; // contains numvertexes elements
static TArray<SDWORD> KnownPolySegs;
// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------
DPolyAction::DPolyAction ()
void DPolyAction::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << m_PolyObj << m_Speed << m_Dist << m_Interpolation;
DPolyAction::DPolyAction (int polyNum)
m_PolyObj = polyNum;
m_Speed = 0;
m_Dist = 0;
SetInterpolation ();
void DPolyAction::Destroy()
FPolyObj *poly = GetPolyobj (m_PolyObj);
if (poly->specialdata == NULL || poly->specialdata == this)
poly->specialdata = NULL;
void DPolyAction::SetInterpolation ()
FPolyObj *poly = GetPolyobj (m_PolyObj);
m_Interpolation = poly->SetInterpolation();
void DPolyAction::StopInterpolation ()
if (m_Interpolation != NULL)
m_Interpolation = NULL;
DRotatePoly::DRotatePoly ()
DRotatePoly::DRotatePoly (int polyNum)
: Super (polyNum)
DMovePoly::DMovePoly ()
void DMovePoly::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << m_Angle << m_xSpeed << m_ySpeed;
DMovePoly::DMovePoly (int polyNum)
: Super (polyNum)
m_Angle = 0;
m_xSpeed = 0;
m_ySpeed = 0;
DPolyDoor::DPolyDoor ()
void DPolyDoor::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << m_Direction << m_TotalDist << m_Tics << m_WaitTics << m_Type << m_Close;
DPolyDoor::DPolyDoor (int polyNum, podoortype_t type)
: Super (polyNum), m_Type (type)
m_Direction = 0;
m_TotalDist = 0;
m_Tics = 0;
m_WaitTics = 0;
m_Close = false;
// ===== Polyobj Event Code =====
// T_RotatePoly
void DRotatePoly::Tick ()
if (PO_RotatePolyobj (m_PolyObj, m_Speed))
unsigned int absSpeed = abs (m_Speed);
if (m_Dist == -1)
{ // perpetual polyobj
m_Dist -= absSpeed;
if (m_Dist == 0)
FPolyObj *poly = GetPolyobj (m_PolyObj);
if (poly->specialdata == this)
poly->specialdata = NULL;
SN_StopSequence (poly);
Destroy ();
else if ((unsigned int)m_Dist < absSpeed)
m_Speed = m_Dist * (m_Speed < 0 ? -1 : 1);
// EV_RotatePoly
bool EV_RotatePoly (line_t *line, int polyNum, int speed, int byteAngle,
int direction, bool overRide)
int mirror;
DRotatePoly *pe;
FPolyObj *poly;
if ( (poly = GetPolyobj(polyNum)) )
if (poly->specialdata && !overRide)
{ // poly is already moving
return false;
I_Error("EV_RotatePoly: Invalid polyobj num: %d\n", polyNum);
pe = new DRotatePoly (polyNum);
if (byteAngle)
if (byteAngle == 255)
pe->m_Dist = ~0;
pe->m_Dist = byteAngle*(ANGLE_90/64); // Angle
pe->m_Dist = ANGLE_MAX-1;
pe->m_Speed = (speed*direction*(ANGLE_90/64))>>3;
poly->specialdata = pe;
SN_StartSequence (poly, poly->seqType, SEQ_DOOR, 0);
while ( (mirror = GetPolyobjMirror( polyNum)) )
poly = GetPolyobj(mirror);
if (poly == NULL)
I_Error ("EV_RotatePoly: Invalid polyobj num: %d\n", polyNum);
if (poly && poly->specialdata && !overRide)
{ // mirroring poly is already in motion
pe = new DRotatePoly (mirror);
poly->specialdata = pe;
if (byteAngle)
if (byteAngle == 255)
pe->m_Dist = ~0;
pe->m_Dist = byteAngle*(ANGLE_90/64); // Angle
pe->m_Dist = ANGLE_MAX-1;
direction = -direction;
pe->m_Speed = (speed*direction*(ANGLE_90/64))>>3;
polyNum = mirror;
SN_StartSequence (poly, poly->seqType, SEQ_DOOR, 0);
return true;
// T_MovePoly
void DMovePoly::Tick ()
FPolyObj *poly;
if (PO_MovePolyobj (m_PolyObj, m_xSpeed, m_ySpeed))
int absSpeed = abs (m_Speed);
m_Dist -= absSpeed;
if (m_Dist <= 0)
poly = GetPolyobj (m_PolyObj);
if (poly->specialdata == this)
poly->specialdata = NULL;
SN_StopSequence (poly);
Destroy ();
else if (m_Dist < absSpeed)
m_Speed = m_Dist * (m_Speed < 0 ? -1 : 1);
m_xSpeed = FixedMul (m_Speed, finecosine[m_Angle]);
m_ySpeed = FixedMul (m_Speed, finesine[m_Angle]);
// EV_MovePoly
bool EV_MovePoly (line_t *line, int polyNum, int speed, angle_t angle,
fixed_t dist, bool overRide)
int mirror;
DMovePoly *pe;
FPolyObj *poly;
angle_t an;
if ( (poly = GetPolyobj(polyNum)) )
if (poly->specialdata && !overRide)
{ // poly is already moving
return false;
I_Error("EV_MovePoly: Invalid polyobj num: %d\n", polyNum);
pe = new DMovePoly (polyNum);
pe->m_Dist = dist; // Distance
pe->m_Speed = speed;
poly->specialdata = pe;
an = angle;
pe->m_Angle = an>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
pe->m_xSpeed = FixedMul (pe->m_Speed, finecosine[pe->m_Angle]);
pe->m_ySpeed = FixedMul (pe->m_Speed, finesine[pe->m_Angle]);
SN_StartSequence (poly, poly->seqType, SEQ_DOOR, 0);
// Do not interpolate very fast moving polyobjects. The minimum tic count is
// 3 instead of 2, because the moving crate effect in Massmouth 2, Hostitality
// that this fixes isn't quite fast enough to move the crate back to its start
// in just 1 tic.
if (dist/speed <= 2)
pe->StopInterpolation ();
while ( (mirror = GetPolyobjMirror(polyNum)) )
poly = GetPolyobj(mirror);
if (poly && poly->specialdata && !overRide)
{ // mirroring poly is already in motion
pe = new DMovePoly (mirror);
poly->specialdata = pe;
pe->m_Dist = dist; // Distance
pe->m_Speed = speed;
an = an+ANGLE_180; // reverse the angle
pe->m_Angle = an>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
pe->m_xSpeed = FixedMul (pe->m_Speed, finecosine[pe->m_Angle]);
pe->m_ySpeed = FixedMul (pe->m_Speed, finesine[pe->m_Angle]);
polyNum = mirror;
SN_StartSequence (poly, poly->seqType, SEQ_DOOR, 0);
if (dist/speed <= 2)
pe->StopInterpolation ();
return true;
// T_PolyDoor
void DPolyDoor::Tick ()
int absSpeed;
FPolyObj *poly;
if (m_Tics)
if (!--m_Tics)
poly = GetPolyobj (m_PolyObj);
SN_StartSequence (poly, poly->seqType, SEQ_DOOR, m_Close);
switch (m_Type)
if (m_Dist <= 0 || PO_MovePolyobj (m_PolyObj, m_xSpeed, m_ySpeed))
absSpeed = abs (m_Speed);
m_Dist -= absSpeed;
if (m_Dist <= 0)
poly = GetPolyobj (m_PolyObj);
SN_StopSequence (poly);
if (!m_Close)
m_Dist = m_TotalDist;
m_Close = true;
m_Tics = m_WaitTics;
m_xSpeed = -m_xSpeed;
m_ySpeed = -m_ySpeed;
if (poly->specialdata == this)
poly->specialdata = NULL;
Destroy ();
poly = GetPolyobj (m_PolyObj);
if (poly->crush || !m_Close)
{ // continue moving if the poly is a crusher, or is opening
{ // open back up
m_Dist = m_TotalDist - m_Dist;
m_xSpeed = -m_xSpeed;
m_ySpeed = -m_ySpeed;
m_Close = false;
SN_StartSequence (poly, poly->seqType, SEQ_DOOR, 0);
if (PO_RotatePolyobj (m_PolyObj, m_Speed))
absSpeed = abs (m_Speed);
if (m_Dist == -1)
{ // perpetual polyobj
m_Dist -= absSpeed;
if (m_Dist <= 0)
poly = GetPolyobj (m_PolyObj);
SN_StopSequence (poly);
if (!m_Close)
m_Dist = m_TotalDist;
m_Close = true;
m_Tics = m_WaitTics;
m_Speed = -m_Speed;
if (poly->specialdata == this)
poly->specialdata = NULL;
Destroy ();
poly = GetPolyobj (m_PolyObj);
if(poly->crush || !m_Close)
{ // continue moving if the poly is a crusher, or is opening
{ // open back up and rewait
m_Dist = m_TotalDist - m_Dist;
m_Speed = -m_Speed;
m_Close = false;
SN_StartSequence (poly, poly->seqType, SEQ_DOOR, 0);
// EV_OpenPolyDoor
bool EV_OpenPolyDoor (line_t *line, int polyNum, int speed, angle_t angle,
int delay, int distance, podoortype_t type)
int mirror;
DPolyDoor *pd;
FPolyObj *poly;
if( (poly = GetPolyobj(polyNum)) )
if (poly->specialdata)
{ // poly is already moving
return false;
I_Error("EV_OpenPolyDoor: Invalid polyobj num: %d\n", polyNum);
pd = new DPolyDoor (polyNum, type);
if (type == PODOOR_SLIDE)
pd->m_WaitTics = delay;
pd->m_Speed = speed;
pd->m_Dist = pd->m_TotalDist = distance; // Distance
pd->m_Direction = angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
pd->m_xSpeed = FixedMul (pd->m_Speed, finecosine[pd->m_Direction]);
pd->m_ySpeed = FixedMul (pd->m_Speed, finesine[pd->m_Direction]);
SN_StartSequence (poly, poly->seqType, SEQ_DOOR, 0);
else if (type == PODOOR_SWING)
pd->m_WaitTics = delay;
pd->m_Direction = 1; // ADD: PODOOR_SWINGL, PODOOR_SWINGR
pd->m_Speed = (speed*pd->m_Direction*(ANGLE_90/64))>>3;
pd->m_Dist = pd->m_TotalDist = angle;
SN_StartSequence (poly, poly->seqType, SEQ_DOOR, 0);
poly->specialdata = pd;
while ( (mirror = GetPolyobjMirror (polyNum)) )
poly = GetPolyobj (mirror);
if (poly && poly->specialdata)
{ // mirroring poly is already in motion
pd = new DPolyDoor (mirror, type);
poly->specialdata = pd;
if (type == PODOOR_SLIDE)
pd->m_WaitTics = delay;
pd->m_Speed = speed;
pd->m_Dist = pd->m_TotalDist = distance; // Distance
pd->m_Direction = (angle + ANGLE_180) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; // reverse the angle
pd->m_xSpeed = FixedMul (pd->m_Speed, finecosine[pd->m_Direction]);
pd->m_ySpeed = FixedMul (pd->m_Speed, finesine[pd->m_Direction]);
SN_StartSequence (poly, poly->seqType, SEQ_DOOR, 0);
else if (type == PODOOR_SWING)
pd->m_WaitTics = delay;
pd->m_Direction = -1; // ADD: same as above
pd->m_Speed = (speed*pd->m_Direction*(ANGLE_90/64))>>3;
pd->m_Dist = pd->m_TotalDist = angle;
SN_StartSequence (poly, poly->seqType, SEQ_DOOR, 0);
polyNum = mirror;
return true;
// ===== Higher Level Poly Interface code =====
// GetPolyobj
static FPolyObj *GetPolyobj (int polyNum)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < po_NumPolyobjs; i++)
if (polyobjs[i].tag == polyNum)
return &polyobjs[i];
return NULL;
// GetPolyobjMirror
static int GetPolyobjMirror(int poly)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < po_NumPolyobjs; i++)
if (polyobjs[i].tag == poly)
return polyobjs[i].lines[0]->args[1];
return 0;
// ThrustMobj
void ThrustMobj (AActor *actor, seg_t *seg, FPolyObj *po)
int thrustAngle;
int thrustX;
int thrustY;
DPolyAction *pe;
int force;
if (!(actor->flags&MF_SHOOTABLE) && !actor->player)
thrustAngle =
(R_PointToAngle2 (seg->v1->x, seg->v1->y, seg->v2->x, seg->v2->y)
pe = static_cast<DPolyAction *>(po->specialdata);
if (pe)
if (pe->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (DRotatePoly)))
force = pe->m_Speed >> 8;
force = pe->m_Speed >> 3;
if (force < FRACUNIT)
force = FRACUNIT;
else if (force > 4*FRACUNIT)
force = 4*FRACUNIT;
force = FRACUNIT;
thrustX = FixedMul (force, finecosine[thrustAngle]);
thrustY = FixedMul (force, finesine[thrustAngle]);
actor->velx += thrustX;
actor->vely += thrustY;
if (po->crush)
if (po->bHurtOnTouch || !P_CheckMove (actor, actor->x + thrustX, actor->y + thrustY))
P_DamageMobj (actor, NULL, NULL, po->crush, NAME_Crush);
P_TraceBleed (po->crush, actor);
if (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_POLYGRIND) actor->Grind(false); // crush corpses that get caught in a polyobject's way
// UpdateSegBBox
static void UpdateSegBBox (seg_t *seg)
line_t *line;
line = seg->linedef;
if (seg->v1->x < seg->v2->x)
line->bbox[BOXLEFT] = seg->v1->x;
line->bbox[BOXRIGHT] = seg->v2->x;
line->bbox[BOXLEFT] = seg->v2->x;
line->bbox[BOXRIGHT] = seg->v1->x;
if (seg->v1->y < seg->v2->y)
line->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] = seg->v1->y;
line->bbox[BOXTOP] = seg->v2->y;
line->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] = seg->v2->y;
line->bbox[BOXTOP] = seg->v1->y;
// Update the line's slopetype
line->dx = line->v2->x - line->v1->x;
line->dy = line->v2->y - line->v1->y;
if (!line->dx)
line->slopetype = ST_VERTICAL;
else if (!line->dy)
line->slopetype = ST_HORIZONTAL;
line->slopetype = ((line->dy ^ line->dx) >= 0) ? ST_POSITIVE : ST_NEGATIVE;
// PO_MovePolyobj
bool PO_MovePolyobj (int num, int x, int y, bool force)
FPolyObj *po;
if (!(po = GetPolyobj (num)))
I_Error ("PO_MovePolyobj: Invalid polyobj number: %d\n", num);
UnLinkPolyobj (po);
DoMovePolyobj (po, x, y);
if (!force)
seg_t **segList = po->segs;
bool blocked = false;
for (int count = po->numsegs; count; count--, segList++)
if (CheckMobjBlocking(*segList, po))
blocked = true;
if (blocked)
DoMovePolyobj (po, -x, -y);
return false;
po->startSpot[0] += x;
po->startSpot[1] += y;
LinkPolyobj (po);
return true;
// DoMovePolyobj
void DoMovePolyobj (FPolyObj *po, int x, int y)
int count;
seg_t **segList;
seg_t **veryTempSeg;
vertex_t *prevPts;
segList = po->segs;
prevPts = po->prevPts;
for (count = po->numsegs; count; count--, segList++, prevPts++)
line_t *linedef = (*segList)->linedef;
if (linedef->validcount != validcount)
linedef->bbox[BOXTOP] += y;
linedef->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] += y;
linedef->bbox[BOXLEFT] += x;
linedef->bbox[BOXRIGHT] += x;
linedef->validcount = validcount;
for (veryTempSeg = po->segs; veryTempSeg != segList; veryTempSeg++)
if ((*veryTempSeg)->v1 == (*segList)->v1)
if (veryTempSeg == segList)
(*segList)->v1->x += x;
(*segList)->v1->y += y;
(*prevPts).x += x; // previous points are unique for each seg
(*prevPts).y += y;
// RotatePt
static void RotatePt (int an, fixed_t *x, fixed_t *y, fixed_t startSpotX, fixed_t startSpotY)
fixed_t tr_x = *x;
fixed_t tr_y = *y;
*x = DMulScale16 (tr_x, finecosine[an], -tr_y, finesine[an])+startSpotX;
*y = DMulScale16 (tr_x, finesine[an], tr_y, finecosine[an])+startSpotY;
// PO_RotatePolyobj
bool PO_RotatePolyobj (int num, angle_t angle)
int count;
seg_t **segList;
vertex_t *originalPts;
vertex_t *prevPts;
int an;
FPolyObj *po;
bool blocked;
if(!(po = GetPolyobj(num)))
I_Error("PO_RotatePolyobj: Invalid polyobj number: %d\n", num);
an = (po->angle+angle)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
segList = po->segs;
originalPts = po->originalPts;
prevPts = po->prevPts;
for(count = po->numsegs; count; count--, segList++, originalPts++,
prevPts->x = (*segList)->v1->x;
prevPts->y = (*segList)->v1->y;
(*segList)->v1->x = originalPts->x;
(*segList)->v1->y = originalPts->y;
RotatePt (an, &(*segList)->v1->x, &(*segList)->v1->y, po->startSpot[0],
segList = po->segs;
blocked = false;
for (count = po->numsegs; count; count--, segList++)
if (CheckMobjBlocking(*segList, po))
blocked = true;
if ((*segList)->linedef->validcount != validcount)
(*segList)->linedef->validcount = validcount;
if (blocked)
segList = po->segs;
prevPts = po->prevPts;
for (count = po->numsegs; count; count--, segList++, prevPts++)
(*segList)->v1->x = prevPts->x;
(*segList)->v1->y = prevPts->y;
segList = po->segs;
for (count = po->numsegs; count; count--, segList++, prevPts++)
if ((*segList)->linedef->validcount != validcount)
(*segList)->linedef->validcount = validcount;
return false;
po->angle += angle;
return true;
// UnLinkPolyobj
static void UnLinkPolyobj (FPolyObj *po)
polyblock_t *link;
int i, j;
int index;
// remove the polyobj from each blockmap section
for(j = po->bbox[BOXBOTTOM]; j <= po->bbox[BOXTOP]; j++)
index = j*bmapwidth;
for(i = po->bbox[BOXLEFT]; i <= po->bbox[BOXRIGHT]; i++)
if(i >= 0 && i < bmapwidth && j >= 0 && j < bmapheight)
link = PolyBlockMap[index+i];
while(link != NULL && link->polyobj != po)
link = link->next;
if(link == NULL)
{ // polyobj not located in the link cell
link->polyobj = NULL;
// LinkPolyobj
static void LinkPolyobj (FPolyObj *po)
int leftX, rightX;
int topY, bottomY;
seg_t **tempSeg;
polyblock_t **link;
polyblock_t *tempLink;
int i, j;
// calculate the polyobj bbox
tempSeg = po->segs;
rightX = leftX = (*tempSeg)->v1->x;
topY = bottomY = (*tempSeg)->v1->y;
for(i = 0; i < po->numsegs; i++, tempSeg++)
if((*tempSeg)->v1->x > rightX)
rightX = (*tempSeg)->v1->x;
if((*tempSeg)->v1->x < leftX)
leftX = (*tempSeg)->v1->x;
if((*tempSeg)->v1->y > topY)
topY = (*tempSeg)->v1->y;
if((*tempSeg)->v1->y < bottomY)
bottomY = (*tempSeg)->v1->y;
po->bbox[BOXRIGHT] = (rightX-bmaporgx)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
po->bbox[BOXLEFT] = (leftX-bmaporgx)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
po->bbox[BOXTOP] = (topY-bmaporgy)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
po->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] = (bottomY-bmaporgy)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
// add the polyobj to each blockmap section
for(j = po->bbox[BOXBOTTOM]*bmapwidth; j <= po->bbox[BOXTOP]*bmapwidth;
j += bmapwidth)
for(i = po->bbox[BOXLEFT]; i <= po->bbox[BOXRIGHT]; i++)
if(i >= 0 && i < bmapwidth && j >= 0 && j < bmapheight*bmapwidth)
link = &PolyBlockMap[j+i];
{ // Create a new link at the current block cell
*link = new polyblock_t;
(*link)->next = NULL;
(*link)->prev = NULL;
(*link)->polyobj = po;
tempLink = *link;
while(tempLink->next != NULL && tempLink->polyobj != NULL)
tempLink = tempLink->next;
if(tempLink->polyobj == NULL)
tempLink->polyobj = po;
tempLink->next = new polyblock_t;
tempLink->next->next = NULL;
tempLink->next->prev = tempLink;
tempLink->next->polyobj = po;
// else, don't link the polyobj, since it's off the map
// CheckMobjBlocking
static bool CheckMobjBlocking (seg_t *seg, FPolyObj *po)
static TArray<AActor *> checker;
FBlockNode *block;
AActor *mobj;
int i, j, k;
int left, right, top, bottom;
line_t *ld;
bool blocked;
ld = seg->linedef;
top = (ld->bbox[BOXTOP]-bmaporgy+MAXRADIUS)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
bottom = (ld->bbox[BOXBOTTOM]-bmaporgy-MAXRADIUS)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
left = (ld->bbox[BOXLEFT]-bmaporgx-MAXRADIUS)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
right = (ld->bbox[BOXRIGHT]-bmaporgx+MAXRADIUS)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
blocked = false;
bottom = bottom < 0 ? 0 : bottom;
bottom = bottom >= bmapheight ? bmapheight-1 : bottom;
top = top < 0 ? 0 : top;
top = top >= bmapheight ? bmapheight-1 : top;
left = left < 0 ? 0 : left;
left = left >= bmapwidth ? bmapwidth-1 : left;
right = right < 0 ? 0 : right;
right = right >= bmapwidth ? bmapwidth-1 : right;
for (j = bottom*bmapwidth; j <= top*bmapwidth; j += bmapwidth)
for (i = left; i <= right; i++)
for (block = blocklinks[j+i]; block != NULL; block = block->NextActor)
mobj = block->Me;
for (k = (int)checker.Size()-1; k >= 0; --k)
if (checker[k] == mobj)
if (k < 0)
checker.Push (mobj);
if ((mobj->flags&MF_SOLID) && !(mobj->flags&MF_NOCLIP))
FBoundingBox box(mobj->x, mobj->y, mobj->radius);
if (box.Right() <= ld->bbox[BOXLEFT]
|| box.Left() >= ld->bbox[BOXRIGHT]
|| box.Top() <= ld->bbox[BOXBOTTOM]
|| box.Bottom() >= ld->bbox[BOXTOP])
if (box.BoxOnLineSide(ld) != -1)
ThrustMobj (mobj, seg, po);
blocked = true;
return blocked;
// InitBlockMap
static void InitBlockMap (void)
int i;
PolyBlockMap = new polyblock_t *[bmapwidth*bmapheight];
memset (PolyBlockMap, 0, bmapwidth*bmapheight*sizeof(polyblock_t *));
for (i = 0; i < po_NumPolyobjs; i++)
// InitSegLists [RH]
// Group segs by vertex and collect segs that are known to belong to a
// polyobject so that they can be initialized fast.
static void InitSegLists ()
SegListHead = new SDWORD[numvertexes];
clearbuf (SegListHead, numvertexes, -1);
for (i = 0; i < numsegs; ++i)
if (segs[i].linedef != NULL)
SegListHead[segs[i].v1 - vertexes] = i;
if ((segs[i].linedef->special == Polyobj_StartLine ||
segs[i].linedef->special == Polyobj_ExplicitLine))
KnownPolySegs.Push (i);
// KilSegLists [RH]
static void KillSegLists ()
delete[] SegListHead;
SegListHead = NULL;
KnownPolySegs.Clear ();
KnownPolySegs.ShrinkToFit ();
// IterFindPolySegs
// Passing NULL for segList will cause IterFindPolySegs to count the
// number of segs in the polyobj. v1 is the vertex to stop at, and v2
// is the vertex to start at.
static void IterFindPolySegs (vertex_t *v1, vertex_t *v2p, seg_t **segList)
int v2 = int(v2p - vertexes);
int i;
// This for loop exists solely to avoid infinitely looping on badly
// formed polyobjects.
for (i = 0; i < numsegs; i++)
j = SegListHead[v2];
if (j < 0)
if (segs[j].v1 == v1)
if (segs[j].linedef != NULL)
if (segList == NULL)
*segList++ = &segs[j];
segs[j].bPolySeg = true;
v2 = int(segs[j].v2 - vertexes);
I_Error ("IterFindPolySegs: Non-closed Polyobj around (%d,%d).\n",
v1->x >> FRACBITS, v1->y >> FRACBITS);
// SpawnPolyobj
static void SpawnPolyobj (int index, int tag, int type)
unsigned int ii;
int i;
int j;
for (ii = 0; ii < KnownPolySegs.Size(); ++ii)
i = KnownPolySegs[ii];
if (i < 0)
if (segs[i].linedef->special == Polyobj_StartLine &&
segs[i].linedef->args[0] == tag)
if (polyobjs[index].segs)
I_Error ("SpawnPolyobj: Polyobj %d already spawned.\n", tag);
segs[i].linedef->special = 0;
segs[i].linedef->args[0] = 0;
segs[i].bPolySeg = true;
PolySegCount = 1;
IterFindPolySegs(segs[i].v1, segs[i].v2, NULL);
polyobjs[index].numsegs = PolySegCount;
polyobjs[index].segs = new seg_t *[PolySegCount];
polyobjs[index].segs[0] = &segs[i]; // insert the first seg
IterFindPolySegs (segs[i].v1, segs[i].v2, polyobjs[index].segs+1);
polyobjs[index].crush = (type != PO_SPAWN_TYPE) ? 3 : 0;
polyobjs[index].bHurtOnTouch = (type == PO_SPAWNHURT_TYPE);
polyobjs[index].tag = tag;
polyobjs[index].seqType = segs[i].linedef->args[2];
if (polyobjs[index].seqType < 0 || polyobjs[index].seqType > 63)
polyobjs[index].seqType = 0;
if (!polyobjs[index].segs)
{ // didn't find a polyobj through PO_LINE_START
TArray<seg_t *> polySegList;
unsigned int psIndexOld;
polyobjs[index].numsegs = 0;
for (j = 1; j < PO_MAXPOLYSEGS; j++)
psIndexOld = polySegList.Size();
for (ii = 0; ii < KnownPolySegs.Size(); ++ii)
i = KnownPolySegs[ii];
if (i >= 0 &&
segs[i].linedef->special == Polyobj_ExplicitLine &&
segs[i].linedef->args[0] == tag)
if (!segs[i].linedef->args[1])
I_Error ("SpawnPolyobj: Explicit line missing order number (probably %d) in poly %d.\n",
j+1, tag);
if (segs[i].linedef->args[1] == j)
polySegList.Push (&segs[i]);
// Clear out any specials for these segs...we cannot clear them out
// in the above loop, since we aren't guaranteed one seg per linedef.
for (ii = 0; ii < KnownPolySegs.Size(); ++ii)
i = KnownPolySegs[ii];
if (i >= 0 &&
segs[i].linedef->special == Polyobj_ExplicitLine &&
segs[i].linedef->args[0] == tag && segs[i].linedef->args[1] == j)
segs[i].linedef->special = 0;
segs[i].linedef->args[0] = 0;
segs[i].bPolySeg = true;
KnownPolySegs[ii] = -1;
if (polySegList.Size() == psIndexOld)
{ // Check if an explicit line order has been skipped.
// A line has been skipped if there are any more explicit
// lines with the current tag value. [RH] Can this actually happen?
for (ii = 0; ii < KnownPolySegs.Size(); ++ii)
i = KnownPolySegs[ii];
if (i >= 0 &&
segs[i].linedef->special == Polyobj_ExplicitLine &&
segs[i].linedef->args[0] == tag)
I_Error ("SpawnPolyobj: Missing explicit line %d for poly %d\n",
j, tag);
if (polyobjs[index].numsegs)
PolySegCount = polyobjs[index].numsegs; // PolySegCount used globally
polyobjs[index].crush = (type != PO_SPAWN_TYPE) ? 3 : 0;
polyobjs[index].bHurtOnTouch = (type == PO_SPAWNHURT_TYPE);
polyobjs[index].tag = tag;
polyobjs[index].segs = new seg_t *[polyobjs[index].numsegs];
for (i = 0; i < polyobjs[index].numsegs; i++)
polyobjs[index].segs[i] = polySegList[i];
polyobjs[index].seqType = (*polyobjs[index].segs)->linedef->args[3];
// Next, change the polyobj's first line to point to a mirror
// if it exists
(*polyobjs[index].segs)->linedef->args[1] =
I_Error ("SpawnPolyobj: Poly %d does not exist\n", tag);
TArray<line_t *> lines;
TArray<vertex_t *> vertices;
for(int i=0; i<polyobjs[index].numsegs; i++)
line_t *l = polyobjs[index].segs[i]->linedef;
int j;
for(j = lines.Size() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
if (lines[j] == l) break;
if (j < 0) lines.Push(l);
vertex_t *v = polyobjs[index].segs[i]->v1;
for(j = vertices.Size() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
if (vertices[j] == v) break;
if (j < 0) vertices.Push(v);
v = polyobjs[index].segs[i]->v2;
for(j = vertices.Size() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
if (vertices[j] == v) break;
if (j < 0) vertices.Push(v);
polyobjs[index].numlines = lines.Size();
polyobjs[index].lines = new line_t*[lines.Size()];
memcpy(polyobjs[index].lines, &lines[0], sizeof(lines[0]) * lines.Size());
polyobjs[index].numvertices = vertices.Size();
polyobjs[index].vertices = new vertex_t*[vertices.Size()];
memcpy(polyobjs[index].vertices, &vertices[0], sizeof(vertices[0]) * vertices.Size());
// TranslateToStartSpot
static void TranslateToStartSpot (int tag, int originX, int originY)
seg_t **tempSeg;
seg_t **veryTempSeg;
vertex_t *tempPt;
subsector_t *sub;
FPolyObj *po;
int deltaX;
int deltaY;
vertex_t avg; // used to find a polyobj's center, and hence subsector
int i;
po = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < po_NumPolyobjs; i++)
if (polyobjs[i].tag == tag)
po = &polyobjs[i];
if (po == NULL)
{ // didn't match the tag with a polyobj tag
I_Error("TranslateToStartSpot: Unable to match polyobj tag: %d\n",
if (po->segs == NULL)
I_Error ("TranslateToStartSpot: Anchor point located without a StartSpot point: %d\n", tag);
po->originalPts = new vertex_t[po->numsegs];
po->prevPts = new vertex_t[po->numsegs];
deltaX = originX-po->startSpot[0];
deltaY = originY-po->startSpot[1];
tempSeg = po->segs;
tempPt = po->originalPts;
avg.x = 0;
avg.y = 0;
for (i = 0; i < po->numsegs; i++, tempSeg++, tempPt++)
if ((*tempSeg)->linedef->validcount != validcount)
(*tempSeg)->linedef->bbox[BOXTOP] -= deltaY;
(*tempSeg)->linedef->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] -= deltaY;
(*tempSeg)->linedef->bbox[BOXLEFT] -= deltaX;
(*tempSeg)->linedef->bbox[BOXRIGHT] -= deltaX;
(*tempSeg)->linedef->validcount = validcount;
for (veryTempSeg = po->segs; veryTempSeg != tempSeg; veryTempSeg++)
if((*veryTempSeg)->v1 == (*tempSeg)->v1)
if (veryTempSeg == tempSeg)
{ // the point hasn't been translated, yet
(*tempSeg)->v1->x -= deltaX;
(*tempSeg)->v1->y -= deltaY;
avg.x += (*tempSeg)->v1->x>>FRACBITS;
avg.y += (*tempSeg)->v1->y>>FRACBITS;
// the original Pts are based off the startSpot Pt, and are
// unique to each seg, not each linedef
tempPt->x = (*tempSeg)->v1->x-po->startSpot[0];
tempPt->y = (*tempSeg)->v1->y-po->startSpot[1];
avg.x /= po->numsegs;
avg.y /= po->numsegs;
sub = R_PointInSubsector (avg.x<<FRACBITS, avg.y<<FRACBITS);
if (sub->poly != NULL)
I_Error ("PO_TranslateToStartSpot: Multiple polyobjs in a single subsector.\n");
sub->poly = po;
// PO_Init
void PO_Init (void)
// [RH] Hexen found the polyobject-related things by reloading the map's
// THINGS lump here and scanning through it. I have P_SpawnMapThing()
// record those things instead, so that in here we simply need to
// look at the polyspawns list.
polyspawns_t *polyspawn, **prev;
int polyIndex;
// [RH] Make this faster
InitSegLists ();
polyobjs = new FPolyObj[po_NumPolyobjs];
memset (polyobjs, 0, po_NumPolyobjs*sizeof(FPolyObj));
polyIndex = 0; // index polyobj number
// Find the startSpot points, and spawn each polyobj
for (polyspawn = polyspawns, prev = &polyspawns; polyspawn;)
// 9301 (3001) = no crush, 9302 (3002) = crushing, 9303 = hurting touch
if (polyspawn->type == PO_SPAWN_TYPE ||
polyspawn->type == PO_SPAWNCRUSH_TYPE ||
polyspawn->type == PO_SPAWNHURT_TYPE)
{ // Polyobj StartSpot Pt.
polyobjs[polyIndex].startSpot[0] = polyspawn->x;
polyobjs[polyIndex].startSpot[1] = polyspawn->y;
SpawnPolyobj(polyIndex, polyspawn->angle, polyspawn->type);
*prev = polyspawn->next;
delete polyspawn;
polyspawn = *prev;
} else {
prev = &polyspawn->next;
polyspawn = polyspawn->next;
for (polyspawn = polyspawns; polyspawn;)
polyspawns_t *next = polyspawn->next;
if (polyspawn->type == PO_ANCHOR_TYPE)
{ // Polyobj Anchor Pt.
TranslateToStartSpot (polyspawn->angle, polyspawn->x, polyspawn->y);
delete polyspawn;
polyspawn = next;
polyspawns = NULL;
// check for a startspot without an anchor point
for (polyIndex = 0; polyIndex < po_NumPolyobjs; polyIndex++)
if (!polyobjs[polyIndex].originalPts)
I_Error ("PO_Init: StartSpot located without an Anchor point: %d\n",
// [RH] Don't need the seg lists anymore
KillSegLists ();
// PO_Busy
bool PO_Busy (int polyobj)
FPolyObj *poly;
poly = GetPolyobj (polyobj);
if (poly == NULL || poly->specialdata == NULL)
return false;
return true;
// PO_ClosestPoint
// Given a point (x,y), returns the point (ox,oy) on the polyobject's walls
// that is nearest to (x,y). Also returns the seg this point came from.
void PO_ClosestPoint(const FPolyObj *poly, fixed_t fx, fixed_t fy, fixed_t &ox, fixed_t &oy, seg_t **seg)
int i;
double x = fx, y = fy;
double bestdist = HUGE_VAL;
double bestx = 0, besty = 0;
seg_t *bestseg = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < poly->numsegs; ++i)
vertex_t *v1 = poly->segs[i]->v1;
vertex_t *v2 = poly->segs[i]->v2;
double a = v2->x - v1->x;
double b = v2->y - v1->y;
double den = a*a + b*b;
double ix, iy, dist;
if (den == 0)
{ // Line is actually a point!
ix = v1->x;
iy = v1->y;
double num = (x - v1->x) * a + (y - v1->y) * b;
double u = num / den;
if (u <= 0)
ix = v1->x;
iy = v1->y;
else if (u >= 1)
ix = v2->x;
iy = v2->y;
ix = v1->x + u * a;
iy = v1->y + u * b;
a = (ix - x);
b = (iy - y);
dist = a*a + b*b;
if (dist < bestdist)
bestdist = dist;
bestx = ix;
besty = iy;
bestseg = poly->segs[i];
ox = fixed_t(bestx);
oy = fixed_t(besty);
if (seg != NULL)
*seg = bestseg;
if (segs != NULL)
delete[] segs;
segs = NULL;
if (lines != NULL)
delete[] lines;
lines = NULL;
if (vertices != NULL)
delete[] vertices;
vertices = NULL;
if (originalPts != NULL)
delete[] originalPts;
originalPts = NULL;
if (prevPts != NULL)
delete[] prevPts;
prevPts = NULL;