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// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// Networking stuff.
#ifndef __D_NET__
#define __D_NET__
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "d_ticcmd.h"
// Network play related stuff.
// There is a data struct that stores network
// communication related stuff, and another
// one that defines the actual packets to
// be transmitted.
#define DOOMCOM_ID 0x12345678l
#define MAXNETNODES 8 // max computers in a game
#define BACKUPTICS 36 // number of tics to remember
#define MAXTICDUP 5
#ifdef DJGPP
// The DOS drivers provide a pretty skimpy buffer.
// Probably not enough.
#define MAX_MSGLEN 14000
#define CMD_SEND 1
#define CMD_GET 2
// Network packet data.
struct doomcom_t
DWORD id; // should be DOOMCOM_ID
SWORD intnum; // DOOM executes an int to execute commands
// communication between DOOM and the driver
SWORD command; // CMD_SEND or CMD_GET
SWORD remotenode; // dest for send, set by get (-1 = no packet).
SWORD datalength; // bytes in doomdata to be sent
// info common to all nodes
SWORD numnodes; // console is always node 0.
SWORD ticdup; // 1 = no duplication, 2-5 = dup for slow nets
#ifdef DJGPP
SWORD pad[5]; // keep things aligned for DOS drivers
// info specific to this node
SWORD consoleplayer;
SWORD numplayers;
#ifdef DJGPP
SWORD angleoffset; // does not work, but needed to preserve
SWORD drone; // alignment for DOS drivers
// packet data to be sent
class FDynamicBuffer
FDynamicBuffer ();
~FDynamicBuffer ();
void SetData (const BYTE *data, int len);
BYTE *GetData (int *len = NULL);
BYTE *m_Data;
int m_Len, m_BufferLen;
extern FDynamicBuffer NetSpecs[MAXPLAYERS][BACKUPTICS];
// Create any new ticcmds and broadcast to other players.
void NetUpdate (void);
// Broadcasts special packets to other players
// to notify of game exit
void D_QuitNetGame (void);
//? how many ticks to run?
void TryRunTics (void);
//Use for checking to see if the netgame has stalled
void Net_CheckLastReceived(int);
// [RH] Functions for making and using special "ticcmds"
void Net_NewMakeTic ();
void Net_WriteByte (BYTE);
void Net_WriteWord (short);
void Net_WriteLong (int);
void Net_WriteFloat (float);
void Net_WriteString (const char *);
void Net_WriteBytes (const BYTE *, int len);
void Net_DoCommand (int type, BYTE **stream, int player);
void Net_SkipCommand (int type, BYTE **stream);
void Net_ClearBuffers ();
// Netgame stuff (buffers and pointers, i.e. indices).
// This is the interface to the packet driver, a separate program
// in DOS, but just an abstraction here.
extern doomcom_t doomcom;
extern struct ticcmd_t localcmds[LOCALCMDTICS];
extern int maketic;
extern int nettics[MAXNETNODES];
extern int netdelay[MAXNETNODES][BACKUPTICS];
extern int nodeforplayer[MAXPLAYERS];
extern ticcmd_t netcmds[MAXPLAYERS][BACKUPTICS];
extern int ticdup;
// [RH]
// New generic packet structure:
// Header:
// One byte with following flags.
// One byte with starttic
// One byte with master's maketic (master -> slave only!)
// If NCMD_RETRANSMIT set, one byte with retransmitfrom
// If NCMD_XTICS set, one byte with number of tics (minus 3, so theoretically up to 258 tics in one packet)
// If NCMD_QUITTERS, one byte with number of players followed by one byte with each player's consolenum
// If NCMD_MULTI, one byte with number of players followed by one byte with each player's consolenum
// - The first player's consolenum is not included in this list, because it always matches the sender
// For each tic:
// Two bytes with consistancy check, followed by tic data
// Setup packets are different, and are described just before D_ArbitrateNetStart().
#define NCMD_EXIT 0x80
#define NCMD_RETRANSMIT 0x40
#define NCMD_SETUP 0x20
#define NCMD_MULTI 0x10 // multiple players in this packet
#define NCMD_QUITTERS 0x08 // one or more players just quit (packet server only)
#define NCMD_COMPRESSED 0x04 // remainder of packet is compressed
#define NCMD_XTICS 0x03 // packet contains >2 tics
#define NCMD_2TICS 0x02 // packet contains 2 tics
#define NCMD_1TICS 0x01 // packet contains 1 tic
#define NCMD_0TICS 0x00 // packet contains 0 tics