Magnus Norddahl 0e2d9affb2 Make sure tonemap shader never takes the sqrt of a negative number
Fix bug where the old hardcoded exposure bias was still being used in the uncharted2 tonemap
2016-08-16 00:22:00 +02:00

74 lines
1.4 KiB

in vec2 TexCoord;
out vec4 FragColor;
uniform sampler2D InputTexture;
uniform float ExposureAdjustment;
vec3 Linear(vec3 c)
//c = max(c, vec3(0.0));
//return pow(c, 2.2);
return c * c; // cheaper, but assuming gamma of 2.0 instead of 2.2
vec3 sRGB(vec3 c)
c = max(c, vec3(0.0));
//return pow(c, vec3(1.0 / 2.2));
return sqrt(c); // cheaper, but assuming gamma of 2.0 instead of 2.2
#if defined(LINEAR)
vec3 Tonemap(vec3 color)
return sRGB(color);
#elif defined(REINHARD)
vec3 Tonemap(vec3 color)
color = color / (1 + color);
return sRGB(color);
#elif defined(HEJLDAWSON)
vec3 Tonemap(vec3 color)
vec3 x = max(vec3(0), color - 0.004);
return (x * (6.2 * x + 0.5)) / (x * (6.2 * x + 1.7) + 0.06); // no sRGB needed
vec3 Uncharted2Tonemap(vec3 x)
float A = 0.15;
float B = 0.50;
float C = 0.10;
float D = 0.20;
float E = 0.02;
float F = 0.30;
return ((x * (A * x + C * B) + D * E) / (x * (A * x + B) + D * F)) - E / F;
vec3 Tonemap(vec3 color)
float W = 11.2;
vec3 curr = Uncharted2Tonemap(color);
vec3 whiteScale = vec3(1) / Uncharted2Tonemap(vec3(W));
return sRGB(curr * whiteScale);
void main()
vec3 color = texture(InputTexture, TexCoord).rgb;
color = color * ExposureAdjustment;
color = Linear(color); // needed because gzdoom's scene texture is not linear at the moment
FragColor = vec4(Tonemap(color), 1.0);