Christoph Oelckers 6e6249f896 - reverted WEAPONTOP to its original value of 32 and made the added fudging bit part of the render side.
This is needed so that 'offset(0,32)' does what it is supposed to do.
2016-10-31 18:53:28 +01:00

3231 lines
85 KiB

// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// $Log:$
// Refresh of things, i.e. objects represented by sprites.
// This file contains some code from the Build Engine.
// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman
// Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken"
// See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "m_swap.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "c_console.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "sc_man.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "colormatcher.h"
#include "d_netinf.h"
#include "p_effect.h"
#include "r_bsp.h"
#include "r_plane.h"
#include "r_segs.h"
#include "r_3dfloors.h"
#include "v_palette.h"
#include "r_data/r_translate.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "r_data/voxels.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "p_maputl.h"
// [RH] A c-buffer. Used for keeping track of offscreen voxel spans.
struct FCoverageBuffer
struct Span
Span *NextSpan;
short Start, Stop;
FCoverageBuffer(int size);
void Clear();
void InsertSpan(int listnum, int start, int stop);
Span *AllocSpan();
FMemArena SpanArena;
Span **Spans; // [0..NumLists-1] span lists
Span *FreeSpans;
unsigned int NumLists;
extern double globaluclip, globaldclip;
extern float MaskedScaleY;
#define MINZ double((2048*4) / double(1 << 20))
#define BASEXCENTER (160)
#define BASEYCENTER (100)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, st_scale)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_shadercolormaps)
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, r_drawfuzz)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_deathcamera);
CVAR(Bool, r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG);
// Sprite rotation 0 is facing the viewer,
// rotation 1 is one angle turn CLOCKWISE around the axis.
// This is not the same as the angle,
// which increases counter clockwise (protractor).
double pspritexscale;
double pspritexiscale;
double pspriteyscale;
fixed_t sky1scale; // [RH] Sky 1 scale factor
fixed_t sky2scale; // [RH] Sky 2 scale factor
// Used to store a psprite's drawing information if it needs to be drawn later.
struct vispsp_t
vissprite_t *vis;
FDynamicColormap *basecolormap;
int x1;
TArray<vispsp_t> vispsprites;
unsigned int vispspindex;
static int spriteshade;
FTexture *WallSpriteTile;
// constant arrays
// used for psprite clipping and initializing clipping
short zeroarray[MAXWIDTH];
short screenheightarray[MAXWIDTH];
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, r_drawplayersprites)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, r_drawvoxels)
int OffscreenBufferWidth, OffscreenBufferHeight;
BYTE *OffscreenColorBuffer;
FCoverageBuffer *OffscreenCoverageBuffer;
int MaxVisSprites;
vissprite_t **vissprites;
vissprite_t **firstvissprite;
vissprite_t **vissprite_p;
vissprite_t **lastvissprite;
int newvissprite;
bool DrewAVoxel;
static vissprite_t **spritesorter;
static int spritesortersize = 0;
static int vsprcount;
static void R_ProjectWallSprite(AActor *thing, const DVector3 &pos, FTextureID picnum, const DVector2 &scale, INTBOOL flip);
void R_DeinitSprites()
// Free vissprites
for (int i = 0; i < MaxVisSprites; ++i)
delete vissprites[i];
free (vissprites);
vissprites = NULL;
vissprite_p = lastvissprite = NULL;
MaxVisSprites = 0;
// Free vissprites sorter
if (spritesorter != NULL)
delete[] spritesorter;
spritesortersize = 0;
spritesorter = NULL;
// Free offscreen buffer
if (OffscreenColorBuffer != NULL)
delete[] OffscreenColorBuffer;
OffscreenColorBuffer = NULL;
if (OffscreenCoverageBuffer != NULL)
delete OffscreenCoverageBuffer;
OffscreenCoverageBuffer = NULL;
OffscreenBufferHeight = OffscreenBufferWidth = 0;
// R_ClearSprites
// Called at frame start.
void R_ClearSprites (void)
vissprite_p = firstvissprite;
DrewAVoxel = false;
// R_NewVisSprite
vissprite_t *R_NewVisSprite (void)
if (vissprite_p == lastvissprite)
ptrdiff_t firstvisspritenum = firstvissprite - vissprites;
ptrdiff_t prevvisspritenum = vissprite_p - vissprites;
MaxVisSprites = MaxVisSprites ? MaxVisSprites * 2 : 128;
vissprites = (vissprite_t **)M_Realloc (vissprites, MaxVisSprites * sizeof(vissprite_t));
lastvissprite = &vissprites[MaxVisSprites];
firstvissprite = &vissprites[firstvisspritenum];
vissprite_p = &vissprites[prevvisspritenum];
DPrintf (DMSG_NOTIFY, "MaxVisSprites increased to %d\n", MaxVisSprites);
// Allocate sprites from the new pile
for (vissprite_t **p = vissprite_p; p < lastvissprite; ++p)
*p = new vissprite_t;
return *(vissprite_p-1);
// R_DrawMaskedColumn
// Used for sprites and masked mid textures.
// Masked means: partly transparent, i.e. stored
// in posts/runs of opaque pixels.
short* mfloorclip;
short* mceilingclip;
double spryscale;
double sprtopscreen;
bool sprflipvert;
void R_DrawMaskedColumn (const BYTE *column, const FTexture::Span *span, bool useRt)
while (span->Length != 0)
const int length = span->Length;
const int top = span->TopOffset;
// calculate unclipped screen coordinates for post
dc_yl = (int)(sprtopscreen + spryscale * top + 0.5);
dc_yh = (int)(sprtopscreen + spryscale * (top + length) + 0.5) - 1;
if (sprflipvert)
swapvalues (dc_yl, dc_yh);
if (dc_yh >= mfloorclip[dc_x])
dc_yh = mfloorclip[dc_x] - 1;
if (dc_yl < mceilingclip[dc_x])
dc_yl = mceilingclip[dc_x];
if (dc_yl <= dc_yh)
dc_texturefrac = FLOAT2FIXED((dc_yl + 0.5 - sprtopscreen) / spryscale);
dc_source = column;
dc_dest = (ylookup[dc_yl] + dc_x) + dc_destorg;
dc_count = dc_yh - dc_yl + 1;
if (useRt)
colfunc ();
if (sprflipvert && useRt)
// [ZZ]
// R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals
static TArray<drawseg_t *> portaldrawsegs;
static inline void R_CollectPortals()
// This function collects all drawsegs that may be of interest to R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals
// Having that function over the entire list of drawsegs can break down performance quite drastically.
// This is doing the costly stuff only once so that R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals can
// a) exit early if no relevant info is found and
// b) skip most of the collected drawsegs which have no portal attached.
for (drawseg_t* seg = ds_p; seg-- > firstdrawseg; ) // copied code from killough below
// I don't know what makes this happen (some old top-down portal code or possibly skybox code? something adds null lines...)
// crashes at the first frame of the first map of Action2.wad
if (!seg->curline) continue;
line_t* line = seg->curline->linedef;
// ignore minisegs from GL nodes.
if (!line) continue;
// check if this line will clip sprites to itself
if (!line->isVisualPortal() && line->special != Line_Mirror)
// don't clip sprites with portal's back side (it's transparent)
if (seg->curline->sidedef != line->sidedef[0])
static inline bool R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(vissprite_t* spr)
// [ZZ] 10.01.2016: don't clip sprites from the root of a skybox.
if (CurrentPortalInSkybox)
return false;
for (drawseg_t *seg : portaldrawsegs)
// ignore segs from other portals
if (seg->CurrentPortalUniq != CurrentPortalUniq)
// (all checks that are already done in R_CollectPortals have been removed for performance reasons.)
// don't clip if the sprite is in front of the portal
if (!P_PointOnLineSidePrecise(spr->gpos.X, spr->gpos.Y, seg->curline->linedef))
// now if current column is covered by this drawseg, we clip it away
if ((dc_x >= seg->x1) && (dc_x < seg->x2))
return true;
return false;
// R_DrawVisSprite
// mfloorclip and mceilingclip should also be set.
void R_DrawVisSprite (vissprite_t *vis)
const BYTE *pixels;
const FTexture::Span *spans;
fixed_t frac;
FTexture *tex;
int x2, stop4;
fixed_t xiscale;
ESPSResult mode;
bool ispsprite = (!vis->sector && vis->gpos != FVector3(0, 0, 0));
if (vis->xscale == 0 || fabs(vis->yscale) < (1.0f / 32000.0f))
{ // scaled to 0; can't see
fixed_t centeryfrac = FLOAT2FIXED(CenterY);
dc_colormap = vis->Style.colormap;
mode = R_SetPatchStyle (vis->Style.RenderStyle, vis->Style.Alpha, vis->Translation, vis->FillColor);
if (vis->Style.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Shaded])
{ // For shaded sprites, R_SetPatchStyle sets a dc_colormap to an alpha table, but
// it is the brightest one. We need to get back to the proper light level for
// this sprite.
dc_colormap += vis->ColormapNum << COLORMAPSHIFT;
if (mode != DontDraw)
if (mode == DoDraw0)
// One column at a time
stop4 = vis->x1;
else // DoDraw1
// Up to four columns at a time
stop4 = vis->x2 & ~3;
tex = vis->pic;
spryscale = vis->yscale;
sprflipvert = false;
dc_iscale = FLOAT2FIXED(1 / vis->yscale);
frac = vis->startfrac;
xiscale = vis->xiscale;
dc_texturemid = vis->texturemid;
if (vis->renderflags & RF_YFLIP)
sprflipvert = true;
spryscale = -spryscale;
dc_iscale = -dc_iscale;
dc_texturemid -= vis->pic->GetHeight();
sprtopscreen = CenterY + dc_texturemid * spryscale;
sprflipvert = false;
sprtopscreen = CenterY - dc_texturemid * spryscale;
dc_x = vis->x1;
x2 = vis->x2;
if (dc_x < x2)
while ((dc_x < stop4) && (dc_x & 3))
pixels = tex->GetColumn (frac >> FRACBITS, &spans);
if (ispsprite || !R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(vis))
R_DrawMaskedColumn (pixels, spans, false);
frac += xiscale;
while (dc_x < stop4)
for (int zz = 4; zz; --zz)
pixels = tex->GetColumn (frac >> FRACBITS, &spans);
if (ispsprite || !R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(vis))
R_DrawMaskedColumn (pixels, spans, true);
frac += xiscale;
rt_draw4cols (dc_x - 4);
while (dc_x < x2)
pixels = tex->GetColumn (frac >> FRACBITS, &spans);
if (ispsprite || !R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(vis))
R_DrawMaskedColumn (pixels, spans, false);
frac += xiscale;
R_FinishSetPatchStyle ();
NetUpdate ();
void R_DrawWallSprite(vissprite_t *spr)
int x1, x2;
double iyscale;
x1 = MAX<int>(spr->x1, spr->wallc.sx1);
x2 = MIN<int>(spr->x2, spr->wallc.sx2);
if (x1 >= x2)
PrepWall(swall, lwall, spr->pic->GetWidth() << FRACBITS, x1, x2);
iyscale = 1 / spr->yscale;
dc_texturemid = (spr->gzt - ViewPos.Z) * iyscale;
if (spr->renderflags & RF_XFLIP)
int right = (spr->pic->GetWidth() << FRACBITS) - 1;
for (int i = x1; i < x2; i++)
lwall[i] = right - lwall[i];
// Prepare lighting
bool calclighting = false;
FDynamicColormap *usecolormap = basecolormap;
bool rereadcolormap = true;
// Decals that are added to the scene must fade to black.
if (spr->Style.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Add] && usecolormap->Fade != 0)
usecolormap = GetSpecialLights(usecolormap->Color, 0, usecolormap->Desaturate);
rereadcolormap = false;
int shade = LIGHT2SHADE(spr->sector->lightlevel + r_actualextralight);
GlobVis = r_WallVisibility;
rw_lightleft = float (GlobVis / spr->wallc.sz1);
rw_lightstep = float((GlobVis / spr->wallc.sz2 - rw_lightleft) / (spr->wallc.sx2 - spr->wallc.sx1));
rw_light = rw_lightleft + (x1 - spr->wallc.sx1) * rw_lightstep;
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
dc_colormap = usecolormap->Maps + fixedlightlev;
else if (fixedcolormap != NULL)
dc_colormap = fixedcolormap;
else if (!foggy && (spr->renderflags & RF_FULLBRIGHT))
dc_colormap = (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor) ? FullNormalLight.Maps : usecolormap->Maps;
calclighting = true;
// Draw it
WallSpriteTile = spr->pic;
if (spr->renderflags & RF_YFLIP)
sprflipvert = true;
iyscale = -iyscale;
dc_texturemid -= spr->pic->GetHeight();
sprflipvert = false;
MaskedScaleY = (float)iyscale;
dc_x = x1;
ESPSResult mode;
mode = R_SetPatchStyle (spr->Style.RenderStyle, spr->Style.Alpha, spr->Translation, spr->FillColor);
// R_SetPatchStyle can modify basecolormap.
if (rereadcolormap)
usecolormap = basecolormap;
if (mode == DontDraw)
int stop4;
if (mode == DoDraw0)
{ // 1 column at a time
stop4 = dc_x;
else // DoDraw1
{ // up to 4 columns at a time
stop4 = x2 & ~3;
while ((dc_x < stop4) && (dc_x & 3))
if (calclighting)
{ // calculate lighting
dc_colormap = usecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP (rw_light, shade) << COLORMAPSHIFT);
if (!R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(spr))
while (dc_x < stop4)
if (calclighting)
{ // calculate lighting
dc_colormap = usecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP (rw_light, shade) << COLORMAPSHIFT);
for (int zz = 4; zz; --zz)
if (!R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(spr))
rt_draw4cols(dc_x - 4);
while (dc_x < x2)
if (calclighting)
{ // calculate lighting
dc_colormap = usecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP (rw_light, shade) << COLORMAPSHIFT);
if (!R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(spr))
void R_WallSpriteColumn (bool useRt)
float iscale = swall[dc_x] * MaskedScaleY;
dc_iscale = FLOAT2FIXED(iscale);
spryscale = 1 / iscale;
if (sprflipvert)
sprtopscreen = CenterY + dc_texturemid * spryscale;
sprtopscreen = CenterY - dc_texturemid * spryscale;
const BYTE *column;
const FTexture::Span *spans;
column = WallSpriteTile->GetColumn (lwall[dc_x] >> FRACBITS, &spans);
dc_texturefrac = 0;
R_DrawMaskedColumn(column, spans, useRt);
rw_light += rw_lightstep;
void R_DrawVisVoxel(vissprite_t *spr, int minslabz, int maxslabz, short *cliptop, short *clipbot)
ESPSResult mode;
int flags = 0;
// Do setup for blending.
dc_colormap = spr->Style.colormap;
mode = R_SetPatchStyle(spr->Style.RenderStyle, spr->Style.Alpha, spr->Translation, spr->FillColor);
if (mode == DontDraw)
if (colfunc == fuzzcolfunc || colfunc == R_FillColumnP)
else if (colfunc != basecolfunc)
if (flags != 0)
R_CheckOffscreenBuffer(RenderTarget->GetWidth(), RenderTarget->GetHeight(), !!(flags & DVF_SPANSONLY));
if (spr->bInMirror)
flags |= DVF_MIRRORED;
// Render the voxel, either directly to the screen or offscreen.
R_DrawVoxel(spr->pa.vpos, spr->pa.vang, spr->gpos, spr->Angle,
spr->xscale, FLOAT2FIXED(spr->yscale), spr->voxel, spr->Style.colormap, cliptop, clipbot,
minslabz, maxslabz, flags);
// Blend the voxel, if that's what we need to do.
if ((flags & ~DVF_MIRRORED) != 0)
for (int x = 0; x < viewwidth; ++x)
if (!(flags & DVF_SPANSONLY) && (x & 3) == 0)
rt_initcols(OffscreenColorBuffer + x * OffscreenBufferHeight);
for (FCoverageBuffer::Span *span = OffscreenCoverageBuffer->Spans[x]; span != NULL; span = span->NextSpan)
if (flags & DVF_SPANSONLY)
dc_x = x;
dc_yl = span->Start;
dc_yh = span->Stop - 1;
dc_count = span->Stop - span->Start;
dc_dest = ylookup[span->Start] + x + dc_destorg;
unsigned int **tspan = &dc_ctspan[x & 3];
(*tspan)[0] = span->Start;
(*tspan)[1] = span->Stop - 1;
*tspan += 2;
if (!(flags & DVF_SPANSONLY) && (x & 3) == 3)
rt_draw4cols(x - 3);
// R_ProjectSprite
// Generates a vissprite for a thing if it might be visible.
void R_ProjectSprite (AActor *thing, int fakeside, F3DFloor *fakefloor, F3DFloor *fakeceiling)
double tr_x;
double tr_y;
double gzt; // killough 3/27/98
double gzb; // [RH] use bottom of sprite, not actor
double tx;// , tx2;
double tz;
double xscale = 1, yscale = 1;
int x1;
int x2;
FTextureID picnum;
FTexture *tex;
FVoxelDef *voxel;
vissprite_t* vis;
fixed_t iscale;
sector_t* heightsec; // killough 3/27/98
// Don't waste time projecting sprites that are definitely not visible.
if (thing == NULL ||
(thing->renderflags & RF_INVISIBLE) ||
!thing->RenderStyle.IsVisible(thing->Alpha) ||
!thing->IsVisibleToPlayer() ||
// [ZZ] Or less definitely not visible (hue)
// [ZZ] 10.01.2016: don't try to clip stuff inside a skybox against the current portal.
if (!CurrentPortalInSkybox && CurrentPortal && !!P_PointOnLineSidePrecise(thing->Pos(), CurrentPortal->dst))
// [RH] Interpolate the sprite's position to make it look smooth
DVector3 pos = thing->InterpolatedPosition(r_TicFracF);
pos.Z += thing->GetBobOffset(r_TicFracF);
tex = NULL;
voxel = NULL;
int spritenum = thing->sprite;
DVector2 spriteScale = thing->Scale;
int renderflags = thing->renderflags;
if (spriteScale.Y < 0)
spriteScale.Y = -spriteScale.Y;
renderflags ^= RF_YFLIP;
if (thing->player != NULL)
P_CheckPlayerSprite(thing, spritenum, spriteScale);
if (thing->picnum.isValid())
picnum = thing->picnum;
tex = TexMan(picnum);
if (tex->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null)
if (tex->Rotations != 0xFFFF)
// choose a different rotation based on player view
spriteframe_t *sprframe = &SpriteFrames[tex->Rotations];
DAngle ang = (pos - ViewPos).Angle();
angle_t rot;
if (sprframe->Texture[0] == sprframe->Texture[1])
if (thing->flags7 & MF7_SPRITEANGLE)
rot = (thing->SpriteAngle + 45.0 / 2 * 9).BAMs() >> 28;
rot = (ang - (thing->Angles.Yaw + thing->SpriteRotation) + 45.0 / 2 * 9).BAMs() >> 28;
if (thing->flags7 & MF7_SPRITEANGLE)
rot = (thing->SpriteAngle + (45.0 / 2 * 9 - 180.0 / 16)).BAMs() >> 28;
rot = (ang - (thing->Angles.Yaw + thing->SpriteRotation) + (45.0 / 2 * 9 - 180.0 / 16)).BAMs() >> 28;
picnum = sprframe->Texture[rot];
if (sprframe->Flip & (1 << rot))
renderflags ^= RF_XFLIP;
tex = TexMan[picnum]; // Do not animate the rotation
// decide which texture to use for the sprite
if ((unsigned)spritenum >= sprites.Size ())
DPrintf (DMSG_ERROR, "R_ProjectSprite: invalid sprite number %u\n", spritenum);
spritedef_t *sprdef = &sprites[spritenum];
if (thing->frame >= sprdef->numframes)
// If there are no frames at all for this sprite, don't draw it.
//picnum = SpriteFrames[sprdef->spriteframes + thing->frame].Texture[0];
// choose a different rotation based on player view
spriteframe_t *sprframe = &SpriteFrames[sprdef->spriteframes + thing->frame];
DAngle ang = (pos - ViewPos).Angle();
angle_t rot;
if (sprframe->Texture[0] == sprframe->Texture[1])
if (thing->flags7 & MF7_SPRITEANGLE)
rot = (thing->SpriteAngle + 45.0 / 2 * 9).BAMs() >> 28;
rot = (ang - (thing->Angles.Yaw + thing->SpriteRotation) + 45.0 / 2 * 9).BAMs() >> 28;
if (thing->flags7 & MF7_SPRITEANGLE)
rot = (thing->SpriteAngle + (45.0 / 2 * 9 - 180.0 / 16)).BAMs() >> 28;
rot = (ang - (thing->Angles.Yaw + thing->SpriteRotation) + (45.0 / 2 * 9 - 180.0 / 16)).BAMs() >> 28;
picnum = sprframe->Texture[rot];
if (sprframe->Flip & (1 << rot))
renderflags ^= RF_XFLIP;
tex = TexMan[picnum]; // Do not animate the rotation
if (r_drawvoxels)
voxel = sprframe->Voxel;
if (spriteScale.X < 0)
spriteScale.X = -spriteScale.X;
renderflags ^= RF_XFLIP;
if (voxel == NULL && (tex == NULL || tex->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null))
R_ProjectWallSprite(thing, pos, picnum, spriteScale, renderflags);
// transform the origin point
tr_x = pos.X - ViewPos.X;
tr_y = pos.Y - ViewPos.Y;
tz = tr_x * ViewTanCos + tr_y * ViewTanSin;
// thing is behind view plane?
if (voxel == NULL && tz < MINZ)
tx = tr_x * ViewSin - tr_y * ViewCos;
// [RH] Flip for mirrors
if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
tx = -tx;
//tx2 = tx >> 4;
// too far off the side?
// if it's a voxel, it can be further off the side
if ((voxel == NULL && (fabs(tx / 64) > fabs(tz))) ||
(voxel != NULL && (fabs(tx / 128) > fabs(tz))))
if (voxel == NULL)
// [RH] Added scaling
int scaled_to = tex->GetScaledTopOffset();
int scaled_bo = scaled_to - tex->GetScaledHeight();
gzt = pos.Z + spriteScale.Y * scaled_to;
gzb = pos.Z + spriteScale.Y * scaled_bo;
xscale = spriteScale.X * voxel->Scale;
yscale = spriteScale.Y * voxel->Scale;
double piv = voxel->Voxel->Mips[0].Pivot.Z;
gzt = pos.Z + yscale * piv - thing->Floorclip;
gzb = pos.Z + yscale * (piv - voxel->Voxel->Mips[0].SizeZ);
if (gzt <= gzb)
// killough 3/27/98: exclude things totally separated
// from the viewer, by either water or fake ceilings
// killough 4/11/98: improve sprite clipping for underwater/fake ceilings
heightsec = thing->Sector->GetHeightSec();
if (heightsec != NULL) // only clip things which are in special sectors
if (fakeside == FAKED_AboveCeiling)
if (gzt < heightsec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(pos))
else if (fakeside == FAKED_BelowFloor)
if (gzb >= heightsec->floorplane.ZatPoint(pos))
if (gzt < heightsec->floorplane.ZatPoint(pos))
if (!(heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_FAKEFLOORONLY) && gzb >= heightsec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(pos))
if (voxel == NULL)
xscale = CenterX / tz;
// [RH] Reject sprites that are off the top or bottom of the screen
if (globaluclip * tz > ViewPos.Z - gzb || globaldclip * tz < ViewPos.Z - gzt)
// [RH] Flip for mirrors
renderflags ^= MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP;
// calculate edges of the shape
const double thingxscalemul = spriteScale.X / tex->Scale.X;
tx -= ((renderflags & RF_XFLIP) ? (tex->GetWidth() - tex->LeftOffset - 1) : tex->LeftOffset) * thingxscalemul;
double dtx1 = tx * xscale;
x1 = centerx + xs_RoundToInt(dtx1);
// off the right side?
if (x1 >= WindowRight)
tx += tex->GetWidth() * thingxscalemul;
double dtx2 = tx * xscale;
x2 = centerx + xs_RoundToInt(dtx2);
// off the left side or too small?
if ((x2 < WindowLeft || x2 <= x1))
xscale = spriteScale.X * xscale / tex->Scale.X;
iscale = (fixed_t)(tex->GetWidth() / (dtx2 - dtx1) * FRACUNIT);
double yscale = spriteScale.Y / tex->Scale.Y;
// store information in a vissprite
vis = R_NewVisSprite();
vis->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
vis->xscale = FLOAT2FIXED(xscale);
vis->yscale = float(InvZtoScale * yscale / tz);
vis->idepth = float(1 / tz);
vis->floorclip = thing->Floorclip / yscale;
vis->texturemid = tex->TopOffset - (ViewPos.Z - pos.Z + thing->Floorclip) / yscale;
vis->x1 = x1 < WindowLeft ? WindowLeft : x1;
vis->x2 = x2 > WindowRight ? WindowRight : x2;
vis->Angle = thing->Angles.Yaw;
if (renderflags & RF_XFLIP)
vis->startfrac = (tex->GetWidth() << FRACBITS) - 1;
vis->xiscale = -iscale;
vis->startfrac = 0;
vis->xiscale = iscale;
vis->startfrac += (fixed_t)(vis->xiscale * (vis->x1 - centerx - dtx1 + 0.5 * thingxscalemul));
vis = R_NewVisSprite();
vis->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
vis->xscale = FLOAT2FIXED(xscale);
vis->yscale = (float)yscale;
vis->x1 = WindowLeft;
vis->x2 = WindowRight;
vis->idepth = 1 / MINZ;
vis->floorclip = thing->Floorclip;
pos.Z -= thing->Floorclip;
vis->Angle = thing->Angles.Yaw + voxel->AngleOffset;
int voxelspin = (thing->flags & MF_DROPPED) ? voxel->DroppedSpin : voxel->PlacedSpin;
if (voxelspin != 0)
DAngle ang = double(I_FPSTime()) * voxelspin / 1000;
vis->Angle -= ang;
vis->pa.vpos = { (float)ViewPos.X, (float)ViewPos.Y, (float)ViewPos.Z };
vis->pa.vang = FAngle((float)ViewAngle.Degrees);
// killough 3/27/98: save sector for special clipping later
vis->heightsec = heightsec;
vis->sector = thing->Sector;
vis->depth = (float)tz;
vis->gpos = { (float)pos.X, (float)pos.Y, (float)pos.Z };
vis->gzb = (float)gzb; // [RH] use gzb, not thing->z
vis->gzt = (float)gzt; // killough 3/27/98
vis->deltax = float(pos.X - ViewPos.X);
vis->deltay = float(pos.Y - ViewPos.Y);
vis->renderflags = renderflags;
if(thing->flags5 & MF5_BRIGHT)
vis->renderflags |= RF_FULLBRIGHT; // kg3D
vis->Style.RenderStyle = thing->RenderStyle;
vis->FillColor = thing->fillcolor;
vis->Translation = thing->Translation; // [RH] thing translation table
vis->FakeFlatStat = fakeside;
vis->Style.Alpha = float(thing->Alpha);
vis->fakefloor = fakefloor;
vis->fakeceiling = fakeceiling;
vis->ColormapNum = 0;
vis->bInMirror = MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP;
vis->bSplitSprite = false;
if (voxel != NULL)
vis->voxel = voxel->Voxel;
vis->bIsVoxel = true;
vis->bWallSprite = false;
DrewAVoxel = true;
vis->pic = tex;
vis->bIsVoxel = false;
vis->bWallSprite = false;
// The software renderer cannot invert the source without inverting the overlay
// too. That means if the source is inverted, we need to do the reverse of what
// the invert overlay flag says to do.
INTBOOL invertcolormap = (vis->Style.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertOverlay);
if (vis->Style.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertSource)
invertcolormap = !invertcolormap;
FDynamicColormap *mybasecolormap = basecolormap;
// Sprites that are added to the scene must fade to black.
if (vis->Style.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Add] && mybasecolormap->Fade != 0)
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, 0, mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
if (vis->Style.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_FadeToBlack)
if (invertcolormap)
{ // Fade to white
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(255,255,255), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
invertcolormap = false;
{ // Fade to black
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(0,0,0), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
// get light level
if (fixedcolormap != NULL)
{ // fixed map
vis->Style.colormap = fixedcolormap;
if (invertcolormap)
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, mybasecolormap->Fade.InverseColor(), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
vis->Style.colormap = mybasecolormap->Maps + fixedlightlev;
else if (!foggy && ((renderflags & RF_FULLBRIGHT) || (thing->flags5 & MF5_BRIGHT)))
{ // full bright
vis->Style.colormap = (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor) ? FullNormalLight.Maps : mybasecolormap->Maps;
{ // diminished light
vis->ColormapNum = GETPALOOKUP(
r_SpriteVisibility / MAX(tz, MINZ), spriteshade);
vis->Style.colormap = mybasecolormap->Maps + (vis->ColormapNum << COLORMAPSHIFT);
static void R_ProjectWallSprite(AActor *thing, const DVector3 &pos, FTextureID picnum, const DVector2 &scale, int renderflags)
FWallCoords wallc;
double x1, x2;
DVector2 left, right;
double gzb, gzt, tz;
FTexture *pic = TexMan(picnum, true);
DAngle ang = thing->Angles.Yaw + 90;
double angcos = ang.Cos();
double angsin = ang.Sin();
vissprite_t *vis;
// Determine left and right edges of sprite. The sprite's angle is its normal,
// so the edges are 90 degrees each side of it.
x2 = pic->GetScaledWidth();
x1 = pic->GetScaledLeftOffset();
x1 *= scale.X;
x2 *= scale.X;
left.X = pos.X - x1 * angcos - ViewPos.X;
left.Y = pos.Y - x1 * angsin - ViewPos.Y;
right.X = left.X + x2 * angcos;
right.Y = right.Y + x2 * angsin;
// Is it off-screen?
if (wallc.Init(left, right, TOO_CLOSE_Z))
if (wallc.sx1 >= WindowRight || wallc.sx2 <= WindowLeft)
// Sprite sorting should probably treat these as walls, not sprites,
// but right now, I just want to get them drawing.
tz = (pos.X - ViewPos.X) * ViewTanCos + (pos.Y - ViewPos.Y) * ViewTanSin;
int scaled_to = pic->GetScaledTopOffset();
int scaled_bo = scaled_to - pic->GetScaledHeight();
gzt = pos.Z + scale.Y * scaled_to;
gzb = pos.Z + scale.Y * scaled_bo;
vis = R_NewVisSprite();
vis->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
vis->x1 = wallc.sx1 < WindowLeft ? WindowLeft : wallc.sx1;
vis->x2 = wallc.sx2 >= WindowRight ? WindowRight : wallc.sx2;
vis->yscale = (float)scale.Y;
vis->idepth = float(1 / tz);
vis->depth = (float)tz;
vis->sector = thing->Sector;
vis->heightsec = NULL;
vis->gpos = { (float)pos.X, (float)pos.Y, (float)pos.Z };
vis->gzb = (float)gzb;
vis->gzt = (float)gzt;
vis->deltax = float(pos.X - ViewPos.X);
vis->deltay = float(pos.Y - ViewPos.Y);
vis->renderflags = renderflags;
if(thing->flags5 & MF5_BRIGHT) vis->renderflags |= RF_FULLBRIGHT; // kg3D
vis->Style.RenderStyle = thing->RenderStyle;
vis->FillColor = thing->fillcolor;
vis->Translation = thing->Translation;
vis->FakeFlatStat = 0;
vis->Style.Alpha = float(thing->Alpha);
vis->fakefloor = NULL;
vis->fakeceiling = NULL;
vis->ColormapNum = 0;
vis->bInMirror = MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP;
vis->pic = pic;
vis->bIsVoxel = false;
vis->bWallSprite = true;
vis->ColormapNum = GETPALOOKUP(
r_SpriteVisibility / MAX(tz, MINZ), spriteshade);
vis->Style.colormap = basecolormap->Maps + (vis->ColormapNum << COLORMAPSHIFT);
vis->wallc = wallc;
// R_AddSprites
// During BSP traversal, this adds sprites by sector.
// killough 9/18/98: add lightlevel as parameter, fixing underwater lighting
// [RH] Save which side of heightsec sprite is on here.
void R_AddSprites (sector_t *sec, int lightlevel, int fakeside)
AActor *thing;
F3DFloor *fakeceiling = NULL;
F3DFloor *fakefloor = NULL;
// BSP is traversed by subsector.
// A sector might have been split into several
// subsectors during BSP building.
// Thus we check whether it was already added.
if (sec->thinglist == NULL || sec->validcount == validcount)
// Well, now it will be done.
sec->validcount = validcount;
spriteshade = LIGHT2SHADE(lightlevel + r_actualextralight);
// Handle all things in sector.
for (thing = sec->thinglist; thing; thing = thing->snext)
FIntCVar *cvar = thing->GetClass()->distancecheck;
if (cvar != NULL && *cvar >= 0)
double dist = (thing->Pos() - ViewPos).LengthSquared();
double check = (double)**cvar;
if (dist >= check * check)
// find fake level
for(auto rover : frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors)
if(!(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS) || !(rover->flags & FF_RENDERPLANES)) continue;
if(!(rover->flags & FF_SOLID) || rover->alpha != 255) continue;
if(rover->top.plane->ZatPoint(0., 0.) <= thing->Z()) fakefloor = rover;
if(rover->bottom.plane->ZatPoint(0., 0.) >= thing->Top()) fakeceiling = rover;
R_ProjectSprite (thing, fakeside, fakefloor, fakeceiling);
fakeceiling = NULL;
fakefloor = NULL;
// R_DrawPSprite
void R_DrawPSprite(DPSprite *pspr, AActor *owner, float bobx, float boby, double wx, double wy, double ticfrac)
double tx;
int x1;
int x2;
double sx, sy;
spritedef_t* sprdef;
spriteframe_t* sprframe;
FTextureID picnum;
WORD flip;
FTexture* tex;
vissprite_t* vis;
bool noaccel;
static TArray<vissprite_t> avis;
if (avis.Size() < vispspindex + 1)
avis.Reserve(avis.Size() - vispspindex + 1);
// decide which patch to use
if ((unsigned)pspr->GetSprite() >= (unsigned)sprites.Size())
DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "R_DrawPSprite: invalid sprite number %i\n", pspr->GetSprite());
sprdef = &sprites[pspr->GetSprite()];
if (pspr->GetFrame() >= sprdef->numframes)
DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "R_DrawPSprite: invalid sprite frame %i : %i\n", pspr->GetSprite(), pspr->GetFrame());
sprframe = &SpriteFrames[sprdef->spriteframes + pspr->GetFrame()];
picnum = sprframe->Texture[0];
flip = sprframe->Flip & 1;
tex = TexMan(picnum);
if (tex->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null)
if (pspr->firstTic)
{ // Can't interpolate the first tic.
pspr->firstTic = false;
pspr->oldx = pspr->x;
pspr->oldy = pspr->y;
sx = pspr->oldx + (pspr->x - pspr->oldx) * ticfrac;
sy = pspr->oldy + (pspr->y - pspr->oldy) * ticfrac + WEAPON_FUDGE_Y;
if (pspr->Flags & PSPF_ADDBOB)
sx += bobx;
sy += boby;
if (pspr->Flags & PSPF_ADDWEAPON && pspr->GetID() != PSP_WEAPON)
sx += wx;
sy += wy;
// calculate edges of the shape
tx = sx - BASEXCENTER;
tx -= tex->GetScaledLeftOffset();
x1 = xs_RoundToInt(CenterX + tx * pspritexscale);
// off the right side
if (x1 > viewwidth)
tx += tex->GetScaledWidth();
x2 = xs_RoundToInt(CenterX + tx * pspritexscale);
// off the left side
if (x2 <= 0)
// store information in a vissprite
vis = &avis[vispspindex];
vis->renderflags = owner->renderflags;
vis->floorclip = 0;
vis->texturemid = (BASEYCENTER - sy) * tex->Scale.Y + tex->TopOffset;
if (camera->player && (RenderTarget != screen ||
viewheight == RenderTarget->GetHeight() ||
(RenderTarget->GetWidth() > (BASEXCENTER * 2) && !st_scale)))
{ // Adjust PSprite for fullscreen views
AWeapon *weapon = dyn_cast<AWeapon>(pspr->GetCaller());
if (weapon != nullptr && weapon->YAdjust != 0)
if (RenderTarget != screen || viewheight == RenderTarget->GetHeight())
vis->texturemid -= weapon->YAdjust;
vis->texturemid -= StatusBar->GetDisplacement() * weapon->YAdjust;
if (pspr->GetID() < PSP_TARGETCENTER)
{ // Move the weapon down for 1280x1024.
vis->texturemid -= AspectPspriteOffset(WidescreenRatio);
vis->x1 = x1 < 0 ? 0 : x1;
vis->x2 = x2 >= viewwidth ? viewwidth : x2;
vis->xscale = FLOAT2FIXED(pspritexscale / tex->Scale.X);
vis->yscale = float(pspriteyscale / tex->Scale.Y);
vis->Translation = 0; // [RH] Use default colors
vis->pic = tex;
vis->ColormapNum = 0;
if (!(flip) != !(pspr->Flags & PSPF_FLIP))
vis->xiscale = -FLOAT2FIXED(pspritexiscale * tex->Scale.X);
vis->startfrac = (tex->GetWidth() << FRACBITS) - 1;
vis->xiscale = FLOAT2FIXED(pspritexiscale * tex->Scale.X);
vis->startfrac = 0;
if (vis->x1 > x1)
vis->startfrac += vis->xiscale*(vis->x1 - x1);
noaccel = false;
FDynamicColormap *colormap_to_use = nullptr;
if (pspr->GetID() < PSP_TARGETCENTER)
vis->Style.Alpha = float(owner->Alpha);
vis->Style.RenderStyle = owner->RenderStyle;
// The software renderer cannot invert the source without inverting the overlay
// too. That means if the source is inverted, we need to do the reverse of what
// the invert overlay flag says to do.
INTBOOL invertcolormap = (vis->Style.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertOverlay);
if (vis->Style.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertSource)
invertcolormap = !invertcolormap;
FDynamicColormap *mybasecolormap = basecolormap;
if (vis->Style.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_FadeToBlack)
if (invertcolormap)
{ // Fade to white
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(255, 255, 255), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
invertcolormap = false;
{ // Fade to black
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(0, 0, 0), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
if (realfixedcolormap != nullptr)
{ // fixed color
vis->Style.colormap = realfixedcolormap->Colormap;
if (invertcolormap)
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, mybasecolormap->Fade.InverseColor(), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
vis->Style.colormap = (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor) ? (FullNormalLight.Maps + fixedlightlev) : (mybasecolormap->Maps + fixedlightlev);
else if (!foggy && pspr->GetState()->GetFullbright())
{ // full bright
vis->Style.colormap = (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor) ? FullNormalLight.Maps : mybasecolormap->Maps; // [RH] use basecolormap
{ // local light
vis->Style.colormap = mybasecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP(0, spriteshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT);
if (camera->Inventory != nullptr)
lighttable_t *oldcolormap = vis->Style.colormap;
if (vis->Style.colormap != oldcolormap)
// The colormap has changed. Is it one we can easily identify?
// If not, then don't bother trying to identify it for
// hardware accelerated drawing.
if (vis->Style.colormap < SpecialColormaps[0].Colormap ||
vis->Style.colormap > SpecialColormaps.Last().Colormap)
noaccel = true;
// Has the basecolormap changed? If so, we can't hardware accelerate it,
// since we don't know what it is anymore.
else if (vis->Style.colormap < mybasecolormap->Maps ||
vis->Style.colormap >= mybasecolormap->Maps + NUMCOLORMAPS * 256)
noaccel = true;
// If we're drawing with a special colormap, but shaders for them are disabled, do
// not accelerate.
if (!r_shadercolormaps && (vis->Style.colormap >= SpecialColormaps[0].Colormap &&
vis->Style.colormap <= SpecialColormaps.Last().Colormap))
noaccel = true;
// If drawing with a BOOM colormap, disable acceleration.
if (mybasecolormap == &NormalLight && NormalLight.Maps != realcolormaps)
noaccel = true;
// If the main colormap has fixed lights, and this sprite is being drawn with that
// colormap, disable acceleration so that the lights can remain fixed.
if (!noaccel && realfixedcolormap == nullptr &&
NormalLightHasFixedLights && mybasecolormap == &NormalLight &&
noaccel = true;
// [SP] If emulating GZDoom fullbright, disable acceleration
if (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor && fixedlightlev >= 0)
mybasecolormap = &FullNormalLight;
if (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor && !foggy && pspr->GetState()->GetFullbright())
mybasecolormap = &FullNormalLight;
colormap_to_use = mybasecolormap;
colormap_to_use = basecolormap;
vis->Style.colormap = basecolormap->Maps;
vis->Style.RenderStyle = STYLE_Normal;
// Check for hardware-assisted 2D. If it's available, and this sprite is not
// fuzzy, don't draw it until after the switch to 2D mode.
if (!noaccel && RenderTarget == screen && (DFrameBuffer *)screen->Accel2D)
FRenderStyle style = vis->Style.RenderStyle;
if (style.BlendOp != STYLEOP_Fuzz)
if (vispsprites.Size() < vispspindex + 1)
vispsprites.Reserve(vispsprites.Size() - vispspindex + 1);
vispsprites[vispspindex].vis = vis;
vispsprites[vispspindex].basecolormap = colormap_to_use;
vispsprites[vispspindex].x1 = x1;
// R_DrawPlayerSprites
void R_DrawPlayerSprites ()
int i;
int lightnum;
DPSprite* psp;
DPSprite* weapon;
sector_t* sec = NULL;
static sector_t tempsec;
int floorlight, ceilinglight;
F3DFloor *rover;
if (!r_drawplayersprites ||
!camera ||
!camera->player ||
(players[consoleplayer].cheats & CF_CHASECAM) ||
(r_deathcamera && camera->health <= 0))
if (fixedlightlev < 0 && viewsector->e && viewsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size())
for (i = viewsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (ViewPos.Z <= viewsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].plane.Zat0())
rover = viewsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].caster;
if (rover)
if (rover->flags & FF_DOUBLESHADOW && ViewPos.Z <= rover->bottom.plane->Zat0())
sec = rover->model;
if (rover->flags & FF_FADEWALLS)
basecolormap = sec->ColorMap;
basecolormap = viewsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].extra_colormap;
sec = viewsector;
basecolormap = sec->ColorMap;
floorlight = ceilinglight = sec->lightlevel;
{ // This used to use camera->Sector but due to interpolation that can be incorrect
// when the interpolated viewpoint is in a different sector than the camera.
sec = R_FakeFlat (viewsector, &tempsec, &floorlight,
&ceilinglight, false);
// [RH] set basecolormap
basecolormap = sec->ColorMap;
// [RH] set foggy flag
foggy = (level.fadeto || basecolormap->Fade || (level.flags & LEVEL_HASFADETABLE));
r_actualextralight = foggy ? 0 : extralight << 4;
// get light level
lightnum = ((floorlight + ceilinglight) >> 1) + r_actualextralight;
spriteshade = LIGHT2SHADE(lightnum) - 24*FRACUNIT;
// clip to screen bounds
mfloorclip = screenheightarray;
mceilingclip = zeroarray;
if (camera->player != NULL)
double centerhack = CenterY;
double wx, wy;
float bobx, boby;
CenterY = viewheight / 2;
P_BobWeapon (camera->player, &bobx, &boby, r_TicFracF);
// Interpolate the main weapon layer once so as to be able to add it to other layers.
if ((weapon = camera->player->FindPSprite(PSP_WEAPON)) != nullptr)
if (weapon->firstTic)
wx = weapon->x;
wy = weapon->y;
wx = weapon->oldx + (weapon->x - weapon->oldx) * r_TicFracF;
wy = weapon->oldy + (weapon->y - weapon->oldy) * r_TicFracF + WEAPON_FUDGE_Y;
wx = 0;
wy = 0;
// add all active psprites
psp = camera->player->psprites;
while (psp)
// [RH] Don't draw the targeter's crosshair if the player already has a crosshair set.
// It's possible this psprite's caller is now null but the layer itself hasn't been destroyed
// because it didn't tick yet (if we typed 'take all' while in the console for example).
// In this case let's simply not draw it to avoid crashing.
if ((psp->GetID() != PSP_TARGETCENTER || CrosshairImage == nullptr) && psp->GetCaller() != nullptr)
R_DrawPSprite(psp, camera, bobx, boby, wx, wy, r_TicFracF);
psp = psp->GetNext();
CenterY = centerhack;
// R_DrawRemainingPlayerSprites
// Called from D_Display to draw sprites that were not drawn by
// R_DrawPlayerSprites().
void R_DrawRemainingPlayerSprites()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vispspindex; i++)
vissprite_t *vis;
vis = vispsprites[i].vis;
FDynamicColormap *colormap = vispsprites[i].basecolormap;
bool flip = vis->xiscale < 0;
FSpecialColormap *special = NULL;
PalEntry overlay = 0;
FColormapStyle colormapstyle;
bool usecolormapstyle = false;
if (vis->Style.colormap >= SpecialColormaps[0].Colormap &&
vis->Style.colormap < SpecialColormaps[SpecialColormaps.Size()].Colormap)
// Yuck! There needs to be a better way to store colormaps in the vissprite... :(
ptrdiff_t specialmap = (vis->Style.colormap - SpecialColormaps[0].Colormap) / sizeof(FSpecialColormap);
special = &SpecialColormaps[specialmap];
else if (colormap->Color == PalEntry(255,255,255) &&
colormap->Desaturate == 0)
overlay = colormap->Fade;
overlay.a = BYTE(((vis->Style.colormap - colormap->Maps) >> 8) * 255 / NUMCOLORMAPS);
usecolormapstyle = true;
colormapstyle.Color = colormap->Color;
colormapstyle.Fade = colormap->Fade;
colormapstyle.Desaturate = colormap->Desaturate;
colormapstyle.FadeLevel = ((vis->Style.colormap - colormap->Maps) >> 8) / float(NUMCOLORMAPS);
viewwindowx + vispsprites[i].x1,
viewwindowy + viewheight/2 - vis->texturemid * vis->yscale - 0.5,
DTA_DestWidthF, FIXED2DBL(vis->pic->GetWidth() * vis->xscale),
DTA_DestHeightF, vis->pic->GetHeight() * vis->yscale,
DTA_Translation, TranslationToTable(vis->Translation),
DTA_FlipX, flip,
DTA_TopOffset, 0,
DTA_LeftOffset, 0,
DTA_ClipLeft, viewwindowx,
DTA_ClipTop, viewwindowy,
DTA_ClipRight, viewwindowx + viewwidth,
DTA_ClipBottom, viewwindowy + viewheight,
DTA_AlphaF, vis->Style.Alpha,
DTA_RenderStyle, vis->Style.RenderStyle,
DTA_FillColor, vis->FillColor,
DTA_SpecialColormap, special,
DTA_ColorOverlay, overlay.d,
DTA_ColormapStyle, usecolormapstyle ? &colormapstyle : NULL,
vispspindex = 0;
// R_SortVisSprites
// [RH] The old code for this function used a bubble sort, which was far less
// than optimal with large numbers of sprites. I changed it to use the
// stdlib qsort() function instead, and now it is a *lot* faster; the
// more vissprites that need to be sorted, the better the performance
// gain compared to the old function.
// Sort vissprites by depth, far to near
// This is the standard version, which does a simple test based on depth.
static bool sv_compare(vissprite_t *a, vissprite_t *b)
return a->idepth > b->idepth;
// This is an alternate version, for when one or more voxel is in view.
// It does a 2D distance test based on whichever one is furthest from
// the viewpoint.
static bool sv_compare2d(vissprite_t *a, vissprite_t *b)
return DVector2(a->deltax, a->deltay).LengthSquared() <
DVector2(b->deltax, b->deltay).LengthSquared();
#if 0
static drawseg_t **drawsegsorter;
static int drawsegsortersize = 0;
// Sort vissprites by leftmost column, left to right
static int sv_comparex (const void *arg1, const void *arg2)
return (*(vissprite_t **)arg2)->x1 - (*(vissprite_t **)arg1)->x1;
// Sort drawsegs by rightmost column, left to right
static int sd_comparex (const void *arg1, const void *arg2)
return (*(drawseg_t **)arg2)->x2 - (*(drawseg_t **)arg1)->x2;
CVAR (Bool, r_splitsprites, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
// Split up vissprites that intersect drawsegs
void R_SplitVisSprites ()
size_t start, stop;
size_t numdrawsegs = ds_p - firstdrawseg;
size_t numsprites;
size_t spr, dseg, dseg2;
if (!r_splitsprites)
if (numdrawsegs == 0 || vissprite_p - firstvissprite == 0)
// Sort drawsegs from left to right
if (numdrawsegs > drawsegsortersize)
if (drawsegsorter != NULL)
delete[] drawsegsorter;
drawsegsortersize = numdrawsegs * 2;
drawsegsorter = new drawseg_t *[drawsegsortersize];
for (dseg = dseg2 = 0; dseg < numdrawsegs; ++dseg)
// Drawsegs that don't clip any sprites don't need to be considered.
if (firstdrawseg[dseg].silhouette)
drawsegsorter[dseg2++] = &firstdrawseg[dseg];
numdrawsegs = dseg2;
if (numdrawsegs == 0)
qsort (drawsegsorter, numdrawsegs, sizeof(drawseg_t *), sd_comparex);
// Now sort vissprites from left to right, and walk them simultaneously
// with the drawsegs, splitting any that intersect.
start = firstvissprite - vissprites;
int p = 0;
R_SortVisSprites (sv_comparex, start);
stop = vissprite_p - vissprites;
numsprites = stop - start;
spr = dseg = 0;
vissprite_t *vis = spritesorter[spr], *vis2;
// Skip drawsegs until we get to one that doesn't end before the sprite
// begins.
while (dseg < numdrawsegs && drawsegsorter[dseg]->x2 <= vis->x1)
// Now split the sprite against any drawsegs it intersects
for (dseg2 = dseg; dseg2 < numdrawsegs; dseg2++)
drawseg_t *ds = drawsegsorter[dseg2];
if (ds->x1 > vis->x2 || ds->x2 < vis->x1)
if ((vis->idepth < ds->siz1) != (vis->idepth < ds->siz2))
{ // The drawseg is crossed; find the x where the intersection occurs
int cross = Scale (vis->idepth - ds->siz1, ds->sx2 - ds->sx1, ds->siz2 - ds->siz1) + ds->sx1 + 1;
/* if (cross < ds->x1 || cross > ds->x2)
{ // The original seg is crossed, but the drawseg is not
*/ if (cross <= vis->x1 || cross >= vis->x2)
{ // Don't create 0-sized sprites
vis->bSplitSprite = true;
// Create a new vissprite for the right part of the sprite
vis2 = R_NewVisSprite ();
*vis2 = *vis;
vis2->startfrac += vis2->xiscale * (cross - vis2->x1);
vis->x2 = cross-1;
vis2->x1 = cross;
//vis2->alpha /= 2;
//vis2->RenderStyle = STYLE_Add;
if (vis->idepth < ds->siz1)
{ // Left is in back, right is in front
vis->sector = ds->curline->backsector;
vis2->sector = ds->curline->frontsector;
{ // Right is in front, left is in back
vis->sector = ds->curline->frontsector;
vis2->sector = ds->curline->backsector;
while (dseg < numdrawsegs && ++spr < numsprites);
// Repeat for any new sprites that were added.
while (start = stop, stop != vissprite_p - vissprites);
#ifdef __GNUC__
static void swap(vissprite_t *&a, vissprite_t *&b)
vissprite_t *t = a;
a = b;
b = t;
void R_SortVisSprites (bool (*compare)(vissprite_t *, vissprite_t *), size_t first)
int i;
vissprite_t **spr;
vsprcount = int(vissprite_p - &vissprites[first]);
if (vsprcount == 0)
if (spritesortersize < MaxVisSprites)
if (spritesorter != NULL)
delete[] spritesorter;
spritesorter = new vissprite_t *[MaxVisSprites];
spritesortersize = MaxVisSprites;
if (!(i_compatflags & COMPATF_SPRITESORT))
for (i = 0, spr = firstvissprite; i < vsprcount; i++, spr++)
spritesorter[i] = *spr;
// If the compatibility option is on sprites of equal distance need to
// be sorted in inverse order. This is most easily achieved by
// filling the sort array backwards before the sort.
for (i = 0, spr = firstvissprite + vsprcount-1; i < vsprcount; i++, spr--)
spritesorter[i] = *spr;
std::stable_sort(&spritesorter[0], &spritesorter[vsprcount], compare);
// R_DrawSprite
void R_DrawSprite (vissprite_t *spr)
static short clipbot[MAXWIDTH];
static short cliptop[MAXWIDTH];
drawseg_t *ds;
int i;
int x1, x2;
int r1, r2;
short topclip, botclip;
short *clip1, *clip2;
lighttable_t *colormap = spr->Style.colormap;
F3DFloor *rover;
FDynamicColormap *mybasecolormap;
// [RH] Check for particles
if (!spr->bIsVoxel && spr->pic == NULL)
// kg3D - reject invisible parts
if ((fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM) && spr->gpos.Z <= sclipBottom) return;
if ((fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP) && spr->gpos.Z >= sclipTop) return;
R_DrawParticle (spr);
x1 = spr->x1;
x2 = spr->x2;
// [RH] Quickly reject sprites with bad x ranges.
if (x1 >= x2)
// [RH] Sprites split behind a one-sided line can also be discarded.
if (spr->sector == NULL)
// kg3D - reject invisible parts
if ((fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM) && spr->gzt <= sclipBottom) return;
if ((fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP) && spr->gzb >= sclipTop) return;
// kg3D - correct colors now
if (!fixedcolormap && fixedlightlev < 0 && spr->sector->e && spr->sector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size())
if (!(fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP))
sclipTop = spr->sector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(ViewPos);
sector_t *sec = NULL;
for (i = spr->sector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (sclipTop <= spr->sector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].plane.Zat0())
rover = spr->sector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].caster;
if (rover)
if (rover->flags & FF_DOUBLESHADOW && sclipTop <= rover->bottom.plane->Zat0())
sec = rover->model;
if (rover->flags & FF_FADEWALLS)
mybasecolormap = sec->ColorMap;
mybasecolormap = spr->sector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].extra_colormap;
// found new values, recalculate
if (sec)
INTBOOL invertcolormap = (spr->Style.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertOverlay);
if (spr->Style.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertSource)
invertcolormap = !invertcolormap;
// Sprites that are added to the scene must fade to black.
if (spr->Style.RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Add] && mybasecolormap->Fade != 0)
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, 0, mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
if (spr->Style.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_FadeToBlack)
if (invertcolormap)
{ // Fade to white
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(255,255,255), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
invertcolormap = false;
{ // Fade to black
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, MAKERGB(0,0,0), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
// get light level
if (invertcolormap)
mybasecolormap = GetSpecialLights(mybasecolormap->Color, mybasecolormap->Fade.InverseColor(), mybasecolormap->Desaturate);
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
spr->Style.colormap = mybasecolormap->Maps + fixedlightlev;
else if (!foggy && (spr->renderflags & RF_FULLBRIGHT))
{ // full bright
spr->Style.colormap = (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor) ? FullNormalLight.Maps : mybasecolormap->Maps;
{ // diminished light
spriteshade = LIGHT2SHADE(sec->lightlevel + r_actualextralight);
spr->Style.colormap = mybasecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP (
r_SpriteVisibility / MAX(MINZ, (double)spr->depth), spriteshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT);
// [RH] Initialize the clipping arrays to their largest possible range
// instead of using a special "not clipped" value. This eliminates
// visual anomalies when looking down and should be faster, too.
topclip = 0;
botclip = viewheight;
// killough 3/27/98:
// Clip the sprite against deep water and/or fake ceilings.
// [RH] rewrote this to be based on which part of the sector is really visible
double scale = InvZtoScale * spr->idepth;
double hzb = DBL_MIN, hzt = DBL_MAX;
if (spr->bIsVoxel && spr->floorclip != 0)
hzb = spr->gzb;
if (spr->heightsec && !(spr->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC))
{ // only things in specially marked sectors
if (spr->FakeFlatStat != FAKED_AboveCeiling)
double hz = spr->heightsec->floorplane.ZatPoint(spr->gpos);
int h = xs_RoundToInt(CenterY - (hz - ViewPos.Z) * scale);
if (spr->FakeFlatStat == FAKED_BelowFloor)
{ // seen below floor: clip top
if (!spr->bIsVoxel && h > topclip)
topclip = short(MIN(h, viewheight));
hzt = MIN(hzt, hz);
{ // seen in the middle: clip bottom
if (!spr->bIsVoxel && h < botclip)
botclip = MAX<short> (0, h);
hzb = MAX(hzb, hz);
if (spr->FakeFlatStat != FAKED_BelowFloor && !(spr->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_FAKEFLOORONLY))
double hz = spr->heightsec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(spr->gpos);
int h = xs_RoundToInt(CenterY - (hz - ViewPos.Z) * scale);
if (spr->FakeFlatStat == FAKED_AboveCeiling)
{ // seen above ceiling: clip bottom
if (!spr->bIsVoxel && h < botclip)
botclip = MAX<short> (0, h);
hzb = MAX(hzb, hz);
{ // seen in the middle: clip top
if (!spr->bIsVoxel && h > topclip)
topclip = MIN(h, viewheight);
hzt = MIN(hzt, hz);
// killough 3/27/98: end special clipping for deep water / fake ceilings
else if (!spr->bIsVoxel && spr->floorclip)
{ // [RH] Move floorclip stuff from R_DrawVisSprite to here
//int clip = ((FLOAT2FIXED(CenterY) - FixedMul (spr->texturemid - (spr->pic->GetHeight() << FRACBITS) + spr->floorclip, spr->yscale)) >> FRACBITS);
int clip = xs_RoundToInt(CenterY - (spr->texturemid - spr->pic->GetHeight() + spr->floorclip) * spr->yscale);
if (clip < botclip)
botclip = MAX<short>(0, clip);
if (!spr->bIsVoxel)
double hz = sclipBottom;
if (spr->fakefloor)
double floorz = spr->fakefloor->top.plane->Zat0();
if (ViewPos.Z > floorz && floorz == sclipBottom )
hz = spr->fakefloor->bottom.plane->Zat0();
int h = xs_RoundToInt(CenterY - (hz - ViewPos.Z) * scale);
if (h < botclip)
botclip = MAX<short>(0, h);
hzb = MAX(hzb, sclipBottom);
if (fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP)
if (!spr->bIsVoxel)
double hz = sclipTop;
if (spr->fakeceiling != NULL)
double ceilingZ = spr->fakeceiling->bottom.plane->Zat0();
if (ViewPos.Z < ceilingZ && ceilingZ == sclipTop)
hz = spr->fakeceiling->top.plane->Zat0();
int h = xs_RoundToInt(CenterY - (hz - ViewPos.Z) * scale);
if (h > topclip)
topclip = short(MIN(h, viewheight));
hzt = MIN(hzt, sclipTop);
#if 0
// [RH] Sprites that were split by a drawseg should also be clipped
// by the sector's floor and ceiling. (Not sure how/if to handle this
// with fake floors, since those already do clipping.)
if (spr->bSplitSprite &&
(spr->heightsec == NULL || (spr->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC)))
fixed_t h = spr->sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (spr->gx, spr->gy);
h = (centeryfrac - FixedMul (h-viewz, scale)) >> FRACBITS;
if (h < botclip)
botclip = MAX<short> (0, h);
h = spr->sector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (spr->gx, spr->gy);
h = (centeryfrac - FixedMul (h-viewz, scale)) >> FRACBITS;
if (h > topclip)
topclip = short(MIN(h, viewheight));
if (topclip >= botclip)
spr->Style.colormap = colormap;
i = x2 - x1;
clip1 = clipbot + x1;
clip2 = cliptop + x1;
*clip1++ = botclip;
*clip2++ = topclip;
} while (--i);
// Scan drawsegs from end to start for obscuring segs.
// The first drawseg that is closer than the sprite is the clip seg.
// Modified by Lee Killough:
// (pointer check was originally nonportable
// and buggy, by going past LEFT end of array):
// for (ds=ds_p-1 ; ds >= drawsegs ; ds--) old buggy code
for (ds = ds_p; ds-- > firstdrawseg; ) // new -- killough
// [ZZ] portal handling here
//if (ds->CurrentPortalUniq != spr->CurrentPortalUniq)
// continue;
// [ZZ] WARNING: uncommenting the two above lines, totally breaks sprite clipping
// kg3D - no clipping on fake segs
if (ds->fake) continue;
// determine if the drawseg obscures the sprite
if (ds->x1 >= x2 || ds->x2 <= x1 ||
(!(ds->silhouette & SIL_BOTH) && ds->maskedtexturecol == -1 &&
!ds->bFogBoundary) )
// does not cover sprite
r1 = MAX<int> (ds->x1, x1);
r2 = MIN<int> (ds->x2, x2);
float neardepth, fardepth;
if (!spr->bWallSprite)
if (ds->sz1 < ds->sz2)
neardepth = ds->sz1, fardepth = ds->sz2;
neardepth = ds->sz2, fardepth = ds->sz1;
// Check if sprite is in front of draw seg:
if ((!spr->bWallSprite && neardepth > spr->depth) || ((spr->bWallSprite || fardepth > spr->depth) &&
(spr->gpos.Y - ds->curline->v1->fY()) * (ds->curline->v2->fX() - ds->curline->v1->fX()) -
(spr->gpos.X - ds->curline->v1->fX()) * (ds->curline->v2->fY() - ds->curline->v1->fY()) <= 0))
// seg is behind sprite, so draw the mid texture if it has one
if (ds->CurrentPortalUniq == CurrentPortalUniq && // [ZZ] instead, portal uniq check is made here
(ds->maskedtexturecol != -1 || ds->bFogBoundary))
R_RenderMaskedSegRange (ds, r1, r2);
// clip this piece of the sprite
// killough 3/27/98: optimized and made much shorter
// [RH] Optimized further (at least for VC++;
// other compilers should be at least as good as before)
if (ds->silhouette & SIL_BOTTOM) //bottom sil
clip1 = clipbot + r1;
clip2 = openings + ds->sprbottomclip + r1 - ds->x1;
i = r2 - r1;
if (*clip1 > *clip2)
*clip1 = *clip2;
} while (--i);
if (ds->silhouette & SIL_TOP) // top sil
clip1 = cliptop + r1;
clip2 = openings + ds->sprtopclip + r1 - ds->x1;
i = r2 - r1;
if (*clip1 < *clip2)
*clip1 = *clip2;
} while (--i);
// all clipping has been performed, so draw the sprite
if (!spr->bIsVoxel)
mfloorclip = clipbot;
mceilingclip = cliptop;
if (!spr->bWallSprite)
// If it is completely clipped away, don't bother drawing it.
if (cliptop[x2] >= clipbot[x2])
for (i = x1; i < x2; ++i)
if (cliptop[i] < clipbot[i])
if (i == x2)
spr->Style.colormap = colormap;
// Add everything outside the left and right edges to the clipping array
// for R_DrawVisVoxel().
if (x1 > 0)
clearbufshort(cliptop, x1, viewheight);
if (x2 < viewwidth - 1)
clearbufshort(cliptop + x2, viewwidth - x2, viewheight);
int minvoxely = spr->gzt <= hzt ? 0 : xs_RoundToInt((spr->gzt - hzt) / spr->yscale);
int maxvoxely = spr->gzb > hzb ? INT_MAX : xs_RoundToInt((spr->gzt - hzb) / spr->yscale);
R_DrawVisVoxel(spr, minvoxely, maxvoxely, cliptop, clipbot);
spr->Style.colormap = colormap;
// kg3D:
// R_DrawMasked contains sorting
// original renamed to R_DrawMaskedSingle
void R_DrawMaskedSingle (bool renew)
drawseg_t *ds;
int i;
#if 0
R_SplitVisSprites ();
for (i = vsprcount; i > 0; i--)
if (spritesorter[i-1]->CurrentPortalUniq != CurrentPortalUniq)
continue; // probably another time
R_DrawSprite (spritesorter[i-1]);
// render any remaining masked mid textures
// Modified by Lee Killough:
// (pointer check was originally nonportable
// and buggy, by going past LEFT end of array):
// for (ds=ds_p-1 ; ds >= drawsegs ; ds--) old buggy code
if (renew)
for (ds = ds_p; ds-- > firstdrawseg; ) // new -- killough
// [ZZ] the same as above
if (ds->CurrentPortalUniq != CurrentPortalUniq)
// kg3D - no fake segs
if (ds->fake) continue;
if (ds->maskedtexturecol != -1 || ds->bFogBoundary)
R_RenderMaskedSegRange (ds, ds->x1, ds->x2);
void R_DrawHeightPlanes(double height); // kg3D - fake planes
void R_DrawMasked (void)
R_SortVisSprites (DrewAVoxel ? sv_compare2d : sv_compare, firstvissprite - vissprites);
if (height_top == NULL)
{ // kg3D - no visible 3D floors, normal rendering
{ // kg3D - correct sorting
HeightLevel *hl;
// ceilings
for (hl = height_cur; hl != NULL && hl->height >= ViewPos.Z; hl = hl->prev)
if (hl->next)
sclipTop = hl->next->height;
sclipBottom = hl->height;
// floors
sclipTop = height_top->height;
hl = height_top;
for (hl = height_top; hl != NULL && hl->height < ViewPos.Z; hl = hl->next)
if (hl->next)
sclipTop = hl->next->height;
sclipBottom = hl->height;
fake3D = 0;
R_DrawPlayerSprites ();
void R_ProjectParticle (particle_t *particle, const sector_t *sector, int shade, int fakeside)
double tr_x, tr_y;
double tx, ty;
double tz, tiz;
double xscale, yscale;
int x1, x2, y1, y2;
vissprite_t* vis;
sector_t* heightsec = NULL;
BYTE* map;
// [ZZ] Particle not visible through the portal plane
if (CurrentPortal && !!P_PointOnLineSide(particle->Pos, CurrentPortal->dst))
// transform the origin point
tr_x = particle->Pos.X - ViewPos.X;
tr_y = particle->Pos.Y - ViewPos.Y;
tz = tr_x * ViewTanCos + tr_y * ViewTanSin;
// particle is behind view plane?
if (tz < MINZ)
tx = tr_x * ViewSin - tr_y * ViewCos;
// Flip for mirrors
if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
tx = viewwidth - tx - 1;
// too far off the side?
if (tz <= fabs(tx))
tiz = 1 / tz;
xscale = centerx * tiz;
// calculate edges of the shape
double psize = particle->size / 8.0;
x1 = MAX<int>(WindowLeft, centerx + xs_RoundToInt((tx - psize) * xscale));
x2 = MIN<int>(WindowRight, centerx + xs_RoundToInt((tx + psize) * xscale));
if (x1 >= x2)
yscale = YaspectMul * xscale;
ty = particle->Pos.Z - ViewPos.Z;
y1 = xs_RoundToInt(CenterY - (ty + psize) * yscale);
y2 = xs_RoundToInt(CenterY - (ty - psize) * yscale);
// Clip the particle now. Because it's a point and projected as its subsector is
// entered, we don't need to clip it to drawsegs like a normal sprite.
// Clip particles behind walls.
if (y1 < ceilingclip[x1]) y1 = ceilingclip[x1];
if (y1 < ceilingclip[x2-1]) y1 = ceilingclip[x2-1];
if (y2 >= floorclip[x1]) y2 = floorclip[x1] - 1;
if (y2 >= floorclip[x2-1]) y2 = floorclip[x2-1] - 1;
if (y1 > y2)
// Clip particles above the ceiling or below the floor.
heightsec = sector->GetHeightSec();
const secplane_t *topplane;
const secplane_t *botplane;
FTextureID toppic;
FTextureID botpic;
if (heightsec) // only clip things which are in special sectors
if (fakeside == FAKED_AboveCeiling)
topplane = &sector->ceilingplane;
botplane = &heightsec->ceilingplane;
toppic = sector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling);
botpic = heightsec->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling);
map = heightsec->ColorMap->Maps;
else if (fakeside == FAKED_BelowFloor)
topplane = &heightsec->floorplane;
botplane = &sector->floorplane;
toppic = heightsec->GetTexture(sector_t::floor);
botpic = sector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor);
map = heightsec->ColorMap->Maps;
topplane = &heightsec->ceilingplane;
botplane = &heightsec->floorplane;
toppic = heightsec->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling);
botpic = heightsec->GetTexture(sector_t::floor);
map = sector->ColorMap->Maps;
topplane = &sector->ceilingplane;
botplane = &sector->floorplane;
toppic = sector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling);
botpic = sector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor);
map = sector->ColorMap->Maps;
if (botpic != skyflatnum && particle->Pos.Z < botplane->ZatPoint (particle->Pos))
if (toppic != skyflatnum && particle->Pos.Z >= topplane->ZatPoint (particle->Pos))
// store information in a vissprite
vis = R_NewVisSprite ();
vis->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq;
vis->heightsec = heightsec;
vis->xscale = FLOAT2FIXED(xscale);
vis->yscale = (float)xscale;
// vis->yscale *= InvZtoScale;
vis->depth = (float)tz;
vis->idepth = float(1 / tz);
vis->gpos = { (float)particle->Pos.X, (float)particle->Pos.Y, (float)particle->Pos.Z };
vis->y1 = y1;
vis->y2 = y2;
vis->x1 = x1;
vis->x2 = x2;
vis->Translation = 0;
vis->startfrac = 255 & (particle->color >>24);
vis->pic = NULL;
vis->bIsVoxel = false;
vis->renderflags = particle->trans;
vis->FakeFlatStat = fakeside;
vis->floorclip = 0;
vis->ColormapNum = 0;
if (fixedlightlev >= 0)
vis->Style.colormap = map + fixedlightlev;
else if (fixedcolormap)
vis->Style.colormap = fixedcolormap;
else if (particle->bright)
vis->Style.colormap = (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor) ? FullNormalLight.Maps : map;
// Particles are slightly more visible than regular sprites.
vis->ColormapNum = GETPALOOKUP(tiz * r_SpriteVisibility * 0.5, shade);
vis->Style.colormap = map + (vis->ColormapNum << COLORMAPSHIFT);
static void R_DrawMaskedSegsBehindParticle (const vissprite_t *vis)
const int x1 = vis->x1;
const int x2 = vis->x2;
// Draw any masked textures behind this particle so that when the
// particle is drawn, it will be in front of them.
for (unsigned int p = InterestingDrawsegs.Size(); p-- > FirstInterestingDrawseg; )
drawseg_t *ds = &drawsegs[InterestingDrawsegs[p]];
// kg3D - no fake segs
if(ds->fake) continue;
if (ds->x1 >= x2 || ds->x2 <= x1)
if ((ds->siz2 - ds->siz1) * ((x2 + x1)/2 - ds->sx1) / (ds->sx2 - ds->sx1) + ds->siz1 < vis->idepth)
// [ZZ] only draw stuff that's inside the same portal as the particle, other portals will care for themselves
if (ds->CurrentPortalUniq == vis->CurrentPortalUniq)
R_RenderMaskedSegRange (ds, MAX<int>(ds->x1, x1), MIN<int>(ds->x2, x2));
void R_DrawParticle (vissprite_t *vis)
DWORD *bg2rgb;
int spacing;
BYTE *dest;
BYTE color = vis->Style.colormap[vis->startfrac];
int yl = vis->y1;
int ycount = vis->y2 - yl + 1;
int x1 = vis->x1;
int countbase = vis->x2 - x1;
R_DrawMaskedSegsBehindParticle (vis);
// vis->renderflags holds translucency level (0-255)
fixed_t fglevel, bglevel;
DWORD *fg2rgb;
fglevel = ((vis->renderflags + 1) << 8) & ~0x3ff;
bglevel = FRACUNIT-fglevel;
fg2rgb = Col2RGB8[fglevel>>10];
bg2rgb = Col2RGB8[bglevel>>10];
fg = fg2rgb[color];
spacing = RenderTarget->GetPitch() - countbase;
dest = ylookup[yl] + x1 + dc_destorg;
int count = countbase;
DWORD bg = bg2rgb[*dest];
bg = (fg+bg) | 0x1f07c1f;
*dest++ = RGB32k.All[bg & (bg>>15)];
} while (--count);
dest += spacing;
} while (--ycount);*/
// original was row-wise
// width = countbase
// height = ycount
spacing = RenderTarget->GetPitch();
for (int x = x1; x < (x1+countbase); x++)
dc_x = x;
if (R_ClipSpriteColumnWithPortals(vis))
dest = ylookup[yl] + x + dc_destorg;
for (int y = 0; y < ycount; y++)
DWORD bg = bg2rgb[*dest];
bg = (fg+bg) | 0x1f07c1f;
*dest = RGB32k.All[bg & (bg>>15)];
dest += spacing;
extern double BaseYaspectMul;;
void R_DrawVoxel(const FVector3 &globalpos, FAngle viewangle,
const FVector3 &dasprpos, DAngle dasprang,
fixed_t daxscale, fixed_t dayscale, FVoxel *voxobj,
lighttable_t *colormap, short *daumost, short *dadmost, int minslabz, int maxslabz, int flags)
int i, j, k, x, y, syoff, ggxstart, ggystart, nxoff;
fixed_t cosang, sinang, sprcosang, sprsinang;
int backx, backy, gxinc, gyinc;
int daxscalerecip, dayscalerecip, cnt, gxstart, gystart, dazscale;
int lx, rx, nx, ny, x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0, yinc=0;
int yoff, xs=0, ys=0, xe, ye, xi=0, yi=0, cbackx, cbacky, dagxinc, dagyinc;
kvxslab_t *voxptr, *voxend;
FVoxelMipLevel *mip;
int z1a[64], z2a[64], yplc[64];
const int nytooclose = centerxwide * 2100, nytoofar = 32768*32768 - 1048576;
const int xdimenscale = FLOAT2FIXED(centerxwide * YaspectMul / 160);
const double centerxwide_f = centerxwide;
const double centerxwidebig_f = centerxwide_f * 65536*65536*8;
// Convert to Build's coordinate system.
fixed_t globalposx = xs_Fix<4>::ToFix(globalpos.X);
fixed_t globalposy = xs_Fix<4>::ToFix(-globalpos.Y);
fixed_t globalposz = xs_Fix<8>::ToFix(-globalpos.Z);
fixed_t dasprx = xs_Fix<4>::ToFix(dasprpos.X);
fixed_t daspry = xs_Fix<4>::ToFix(-dasprpos.Y);
fixed_t dasprz = xs_Fix<8>::ToFix(-dasprpos.Z);
// Shift the scales from 16 bits of fractional precision to 6.
// Also do some magic voodoo scaling to make them the right size.
daxscale = daxscale / (0xC000 >> 6);
dayscale = dayscale / (0xC000 >> 6);
if (daxscale <= 0 || dayscale <= 0)
// won't be visible.
angle_t viewang = viewangle.BAMs();
cosang = FLOAT2FIXED(viewangle.Cos()) >> 2;
sinang = FLOAT2FIXED(-viewangle.Sin()) >> 2;
sprcosang = FLOAT2FIXED(dasprang.Cos()) >> 2;
sprsinang = FLOAT2FIXED(-dasprang.Sin()) >> 2;
// Select mip level
i = abs(DMulScale6(dasprx - globalposx, cosang, daspry - globalposy, sinang));
i = DivScale6(i, MIN(daxscale, dayscale));
j = xs_Fix<13>::ToFix(FocalLengthX);
for (k = 0; i >= j && k < voxobj->NumMips; ++k)
i >>= 1;
if (k >= voxobj->NumMips) k = voxobj->NumMips - 1;
mip = &voxobj->Mips[k]; if (mip->SlabData == NULL) return;
minslabz >>= k;
maxslabz >>= k;
daxscale <<= (k+8); dayscale <<= (k+8);
dazscale = FixedDiv(dayscale, FLOAT2FIXED(BaseYaspectMul));
daxscale = fixed_t(daxscale / YaspectMul);
daxscale = Scale(daxscale, xdimenscale, centerxwide << 9);
dayscale = Scale(dayscale, FixedMul(xdimenscale, viewingrangerecip), centerxwide << 9);
daxscalerecip = (1<<30) / daxscale;
dayscalerecip = (1<<30) / dayscale;
fixed_t piv_x = fixed_t(mip->Pivot.X*256.);
fixed_t piv_y = fixed_t(mip->Pivot.Y*256.);
fixed_t piv_z = fixed_t(mip->Pivot.Z*256.);
x = FixedMul(globalposx - dasprx, daxscalerecip);
y = FixedMul(globalposy - daspry, daxscalerecip);
backx = (DMulScale10(x, sprcosang, y, sprsinang) + piv_x) >> 8;
backy = (DMulScale10(y, sprcosang, x, -sprsinang) + piv_y) >> 8;
cbackx = clamp(backx, 0, mip->SizeX - 1);
cbacky = clamp(backy, 0, mip->SizeY - 1);
sprcosang = MulScale14(daxscale, sprcosang);
sprsinang = MulScale14(daxscale, sprsinang);
x = (dasprx - globalposx) - DMulScale18(piv_x, sprcosang, piv_y, -sprsinang);
y = (daspry - globalposy) - DMulScale18(piv_y, sprcosang, piv_x, sprsinang);
cosang = FixedMul(cosang, dayscalerecip);
sinang = FixedMul(sinang, dayscalerecip);
gxstart = y*cosang - x*sinang;
gystart = x*cosang + y*sinang;
gxinc = DMulScale10(sprsinang, cosang, sprcosang, -sinang);
gyinc = DMulScale10(sprcosang, cosang, sprsinang, sinang);
if ((abs(globalposz - dasprz) >> 10) >= abs(dazscale)) return;
x = 0; y = 0; j = MAX(mip->SizeX, mip->SizeY);
fixed_t *ggxinc = (fixed_t *)alloca((j + 1) * sizeof(fixed_t) * 2);
fixed_t *ggyinc = ggxinc + (j + 1);
for (i = 0; i <= j; i++)
ggxinc[i] = x; x += gxinc;
ggyinc[i] = y; y += gyinc;
syoff = DivScale21(globalposz - dasprz, FixedMul(dazscale, 0xE800)) + (piv_z << 7);
yoff = (abs(gxinc) + abs(gyinc)) >> 1;
for (cnt = 0; cnt < 8; cnt++)
switch (cnt)
case 0: xs = 0; ys = 0; xi = 1; yi = 1; break;
case 1: xs = mip->SizeX-1; ys = 0; xi = -1; yi = 1; break;
case 2: xs = 0; ys = mip->SizeY-1; xi = 1; yi = -1; break;
case 3: xs = mip->SizeX-1; ys = mip->SizeY-1; xi = -1; yi = -1; break;
case 4: xs = 0; ys = cbacky; xi = 1; yi = 2; break;
case 5: xs = mip->SizeX-1; ys = cbacky; xi = -1; yi = 2; break;
case 6: xs = cbackx; ys = 0; xi = 2; yi = 1; break;
case 7: xs = cbackx; ys = mip->SizeY-1; xi = 2; yi = -1; break;
xe = cbackx; ye = cbacky;
if (cnt < 4)
if ((xi < 0) && (xe >= xs)) continue;
if ((xi > 0) && (xe <= xs)) continue;
if ((yi < 0) && (ye >= ys)) continue;
if ((yi > 0) && (ye <= ys)) continue;
if ((xi < 0) && (xe > xs)) continue;
if ((xi > 0) && (xe < xs)) continue;
if ((yi < 0) && (ye > ys)) continue;
if ((yi > 0) && (ye < ys)) continue;
xe += xi; ye += yi;
i = ksgn(ys-backy)+ksgn(xs-backx)*3+4;
case 6: case 7: x1 = 0; y1 = 0; break;
case 8: case 5: x1 = gxinc; y1 = gyinc; break;
case 0: case 3: x1 = gyinc; y1 = -gxinc; break;
case 2: case 1: x1 = gxinc+gyinc; y1 = gyinc-gxinc; break;
case 2: case 5: x2 = 0; y2 = 0; break;
case 0: case 1: x2 = gxinc; y2 = gyinc; break;
case 8: case 7: x2 = gyinc; y2 = -gxinc; break;
case 6: case 3: x2 = gxinc+gyinc; y2 = gyinc-gxinc; break;
BYTE oand = (1 << int(xs<backx)) + (1 << (int(ys<backy)+2));
BYTE oand16 = oand + 16;
BYTE oand32 = oand + 32;
if (yi > 0) { dagxinc = gxinc; dagyinc = FixedMul(gyinc, viewingrangerecip); }
else { dagxinc = -gxinc; dagyinc = -FixedMul(gyinc, viewingrangerecip); }
/* Fix for non 90 degree viewing ranges */
nxoff = FixedMul(x2 - x1, viewingrangerecip);
x1 = FixedMul(x1, viewingrangerecip);
ggxstart = gxstart + ggyinc[ys];
ggystart = gystart - ggxinc[ys];
for (x = xs; x != xe; x += xi)
BYTE *slabxoffs = &mip->SlabData[mip->OffsetX[x]];
short *xyoffs = &mip->OffsetXY[x * (mip->SizeY + 1)];
nx = FixedMul(ggxstart + ggxinc[x], viewingrangerecip) + x1;
ny = ggystart + ggyinc[x];
for (y = ys; y != ye; y += yi, nx += dagyinc, ny -= dagxinc)
if ((ny <= nytooclose) || (ny >= nytoofar)) continue;
voxptr = (kvxslab_t *)(slabxoffs + xyoffs[y]);
voxend = (kvxslab_t *)(slabxoffs + xyoffs[y+1]);
if (voxptr >= voxend) continue;
lx = xs_RoundToInt(nx * centerxwide_f / (ny + y1)) + centerx;
if (lx < 0) lx = 0;
rx = xs_RoundToInt((nx + nxoff) * centerxwide_f / (ny + y2)) + centerx;
if (rx > viewwidth) rx = viewwidth;
if (rx <= lx) continue;
if (flags & DVF_MIRRORED)
int t = viewwidth - lx;
lx = viewwidth - rx;
rx = t;
fixed_t l1 = xs_RoundToInt(centerxwidebig_f / (ny - yoff));
fixed_t l2 = xs_RoundToInt(centerxwidebig_f / (ny + yoff));
for (; voxptr < voxend; voxptr = (kvxslab_t *)((BYTE *)voxptr + voxptr->zleng + 3))
const BYTE *col = voxptr->col;
int zleng = voxptr->zleng;
int ztop = voxptr->ztop;
fixed_t z1, z2;
if (ztop < minslabz)
int diff = minslabz - ztop;
ztop = minslabz;
col += diff;
zleng -= diff;
if (ztop + zleng > maxslabz)
int diff = ztop + zleng - maxslabz;
zleng -= diff;
if (zleng <= 0) continue;
j = (ztop << 15) - syoff;
if (j < 0)
k = j + (zleng << 15);
if (k < 0)
if ((voxptr->backfacecull & oand32) == 0) continue;
z2 = MulScale32(l2, k) + centery; /* Below slab */
if ((voxptr->backfacecull & oand) == 0) continue; /* Middle of slab */
z2 = MulScale32(l1, k) + centery;
z1 = MulScale32(l1, j) + centery;
if ((voxptr->backfacecull & oand16) == 0) continue;
z1 = MulScale32(l2, j) + centery; /* Above slab */
z2 = MulScale32(l1, j + (zleng << 15)) + centery;
if (z2 <= z1) continue;
if (zleng == 1)
yinc = 0;
if (z2-z1 >= 1024) yinc = FixedDiv(zleng, z2 - z1);
else yinc = (((1 << 24) - 1) / (z2 - z1)) * zleng >> 8;
// [RH] Clip each column separately, not just by the first one.
for (int stripwidth = MIN<int>(countof(z1a), rx - lx), lxt = lx;
lxt < rx;
(lxt += countof(z1a)), stripwidth = MIN<int>(countof(z1a), rx - lxt))
// Calculate top and bottom pixels locations
for (int xxx = 0; xxx < stripwidth; ++xxx)
if (zleng == 1)
yplc[xxx] = 0;
z1a[xxx] = MAX<int>(z1, daumost[lxt + xxx]);
if (z1 < daumost[lxt + xxx])
yplc[xxx] = yinc * (daumost[lxt + xxx] - z1);
z1a[xxx] = daumost[lxt + xxx];
yplc[xxx] = 0;
z1a[xxx] = z1;
z2a[xxx] = MIN<int>(z2, dadmost[lxt + xxx]);
// Find top and bottom pixels that match and draw them as one strip
for (int xxl = 0, xxr; xxl < stripwidth; )
if (z1a[xxl] >= z2a[xxl])
{ // No column here
int z1 = z1a[xxl];
int z2 = z2a[xxl];
// How many columns share the same extents?
for (xxr = xxl + 1; xxr < stripwidth; ++xxr)
if (z1a[xxr] != z1 || z2a[xxr] != z2)
if (!(flags & DVF_OFFSCREEN))
// Draw directly to the screen.
R_DrawSlab(xxr - xxl, yplc[xxl], z2 - z1, yinc, col, ylookup[z1] + lxt + xxl + dc_destorg);
// Record the area covered and possibly draw to an offscreen buffer.
dc_yl = z1;
dc_yh = z2 - 1;
dc_count = z2 - z1;
dc_iscale = yinc;
for (int x = xxl; x < xxr; ++x)
OffscreenCoverageBuffer->InsertSpan(lxt + x, z1, z2);
if (!(flags & DVF_SPANSONLY))
dc_x = lxt + x;
rt_initcols(OffscreenColorBuffer + (dc_x & ~3) * OffscreenBufferHeight);
dc_source = col;
dc_texturefrac = yplc[xxl];
xxl = xxr;
// FCoverageBuffer Constructor
FCoverageBuffer::FCoverageBuffer(int lists)
: Spans(NULL), FreeSpans(NULL)
NumLists = lists;
Spans = new Span *[lists];
memset(Spans, 0, sizeof(Span*)*lists);
// FCoverageBuffer Destructor
if (Spans != NULL)
delete[] Spans;
// FCoverageBuffer :: Clear
void FCoverageBuffer::Clear()
memset(Spans, 0, sizeof(Span*)*NumLists);
FreeSpans = NULL;
// FCoverageBuffer :: InsertSpan
// start is inclusive.
// stop is exclusive.
void FCoverageBuffer::InsertSpan(int listnum, int start, int stop)
assert(unsigned(listnum) < NumLists);
assert(start < stop);
Span **span_p = &Spans[listnum];
Span *span;
if (*span_p == NULL || (*span_p)->Start > stop)
{ // This list is empty or the first entry is after this one, so we can just insert the span.
goto addspan;
// Insert the new span in order, merging with existing ones.
while (*span_p != NULL)
if ((*span_p)->Stop < start) // ===== (existing span)
{ // Span ends before this one starts. // ++++ (new span)
span_p = &(*span_p)->NextSpan;
// Does the new span overlap or abut the existing one?
if ((*span_p)->Start <= start)
if ((*span_p)->Stop >= stop) // =============
{ // The existing span completely covers this one. // +++++
extend: // Extend the existing span with the new one. // ======
span = *span_p; // +++++++
span->Stop = stop; // (or) +++++
// Free up any spans we just covered up.
span_p = &(*span_p)->NextSpan;
while (*span_p != NULL && (*span_p)->Start <= stop && (*span_p)->Stop <= stop)
Span *span = *span_p; // ====== ======
*span_p = span->NextSpan; // +++++++++++++
span->NextSpan = FreeSpans;
FreeSpans = span;
if (*span_p != NULL && (*span_p)->Start <= stop) // ======= ========
{ // Our new span connects two existing spans. // ++++++++++++++
// They should all be collapsed into a single span.
span->Stop = (*span_p)->Stop;
span = *span_p;
*span_p = span->NextSpan;
span->NextSpan = FreeSpans;
FreeSpans = span;
goto check;
else if ((*span_p)->Start <= stop) // =====
{ // The new span extends the existing span from // ++++
// the beginning. // (or) ++++
(*span_p)->Start = start;
if ((*span_p)->Stop < stop)
{ // The new span also extends the existing span // ======
// at the bottom // ++++++++++++++
goto extend;
goto check;
else // ======
{ // No overlap, so insert a new span. // +++++
goto addspan;
// Append a new span to the end of the list.
span = AllocSpan();
span->NextSpan = *span_p;
span->Start = start;
span->Stop = stop;
*span_p = span;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Validate the span list: Spans must be in order, and there must be
// at least one pixel between spans.
for (span = Spans[listnum]; span != NULL; span = span->NextSpan)
assert(span->Start < span->Stop);
if (span->NextSpan != NULL)
assert(span->Stop < span->NextSpan->Start);
// FCoverageBuffer :: AllocSpan
FCoverageBuffer::Span *FCoverageBuffer::AllocSpan()
Span *span;
if (FreeSpans != NULL)
span = FreeSpans;
FreeSpans = span->NextSpan;
span = (Span *)SpanArena.Alloc(sizeof(Span));
return span;
// R_CheckOffscreenBuffer
// Allocates the offscreen coverage buffer and optionally the offscreen
// color buffer. If they already exist but are the wrong size, they will
// be reallocated.
void R_CheckOffscreenBuffer(int width, int height, bool spansonly)
if (OffscreenCoverageBuffer == NULL)
assert(OffscreenColorBuffer == NULL && "The color buffer cannot exist without the coverage buffer");
OffscreenCoverageBuffer = new FCoverageBuffer(width);
else if (OffscreenCoverageBuffer->NumLists != (unsigned)width)
delete OffscreenCoverageBuffer;
OffscreenCoverageBuffer = new FCoverageBuffer(width);
if (OffscreenColorBuffer != NULL)
delete[] OffscreenColorBuffer;
OffscreenColorBuffer = NULL;
if (!spansonly)
if (OffscreenColorBuffer == NULL)
OffscreenColorBuffer = new BYTE[width * height];
else if (OffscreenBufferWidth != width || OffscreenBufferHeight != height)
delete[] OffscreenColorBuffer;
OffscreenColorBuffer = new BYTE[width * height];
OffscreenBufferWidth = width;
OffscreenBufferHeight = height;