mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 22:40:51 +00:00
Syntax-wise I chose to make it as strict as possible to reduce the chance of errors: Virtual base functions must be declared with the 'virtual' keyword, and overrides in child classes with the 'override' keyword. This way any mismatch in parameters that otherwise would cause silent failure will outright produce a compile error.
493 lines
12 KiB
493 lines
12 KiB
#define YYCTYPE unsigned char
#define YYCURSOR cursor
#define YYLIMIT limit
#define YYMARKER marker
#define YYFILL(n) {}
#if 0 // As long as the buffer ends with '\n', we need do nothing special for YYFILL.
// This buffer must be as large as the largest YYFILL call
YYCTYPE eofbuf[9];
#define YYFILL(n) \
{ if(!sc_End) { \
if(n == 2) { eofbuf[0] = *cursor; } \
else if(n >= 3 && n <= 9) { memcpy(eofbuf, cursor, n-1); } \
eofbuf[n-1] = '\n'; \
cursor = eofbuf; \
limit = eofbuf + n - 1; \
sc_End = true; } \
} \
assert(n <= sizeof eofbuf) // Semicolon intentionally omitted
//#define YYDEBUG(s,c) { Printf ("%d: %02x\n", s, c); }
#define YYDEBUG(s,c)
const char *cursor = ScriptPtr;
const char *limit = ScriptEndPtr;
any = [\000-\377];
WSP = ([\000- ]\[\n]);
NWS = (any\[\000- ]);
O = [0-7];
D = [0-9];
L = [a-zA-Z_];
H = [a-fA-F0-9];
E = [Ee] [+-]? D+;
FS = [fF];
IS = [uUlL];
ESC = [\\] ([abcfnrtv?'"\\] | "x" H+ | O+);
TOK1 = [{}|=];
TOKC = [{}|=/`~!@#$%^&*()\[\]\\?\-=+;:<>,.];
STOP1 = (TOK1|["/;]);
STOPC = (TOKC|["]);
#define RET(x) TokenType = (x); goto normal_token;
if (tokens && StateMode != 0)
"/*" { goto comment; } /* C comment */
"//" (any\"\n")* "\n" { goto newline; } /* C++ comment */
("#region"|"#endregion") (any\"\n")* "\n"
{ goto newline; } /* Region blocks [mxd] */
(["](([\\]["])|[^"])*["]) { RET(TK_StringConst); }
'stop' { RET(TK_Stop); }
'wait' { RET(TK_Wait); }
'fail' { RET(TK_Fail); }
'loop' { RET(TK_Loop); }
'goto' { StateMode = 0; StateOptions = false; RET(TK_Goto); }
":" { RET(':'); }
";" { RET(';'); }
"}" { StateMode = 0; StateOptions = false; RET('}'); }
WSP+ { goto std1; }
"\n" { goto newline; }
TOKS = (NWS\[/":;}]);
TOKS* ([/] (TOKS\[*]) TOKS*)*
{ RET(TK_NonWhitespace); }
else if (tokens) // A well-defined scanner, based on the c.re example.
"/*" { goto comment; } /* C comment */
"//" (any\"\n")* "\n" { goto newline; } /* C++ comment */
("#region"|"#endregion") (any\"\n")* "\n"
{ goto newline; } /* Region blocks [mxd] */
/* C Keywords */
'break' { RET(TK_Break); }
'case' { RET(TK_Case); }
'const' { RET(TK_Const); }
'continue' { RET(TK_Continue); }
'default' { RET(TK_Default); }
'do' { RET(TK_Do); }
'else' { RET(TK_Else); }
'for' { RET(TK_For); }
'goto' { RET(TK_Goto); }
'if' { RET(TK_If); }
'return' { RET(TK_Return); }
'switch' { RET(TK_Switch); }
'until' { RET(TK_Until); }
'volatile' { RET(TK_Volatile); }
'while' { RET(TK_While); }
/* Type names */
'bool' { RET(TK_Bool); }
'float' { RET(TK_Float); }
'double' { RET(TK_Double); }
'char' { RET(TK_Char); }
'byte' { RET(TK_Byte); }
'sbyte' { RET(TK_SByte); }
'short' { RET(TK_Short); }
'ushort' { RET(TK_UShort); }
'int' { RET(TK_Int); }
'uint' { RET(TK_UInt); }
'long' { RET(TK_Long); }
'ulong' { RET(TK_ULong); }
'void' { RET(TK_Void); }
'struct' { RET(TK_Struct); }
'class' { RET(TK_Class); }
'enum' { RET(TK_Enum); }
'name' { RET(TK_Name); }
'string' { RET(TK_String); }
'sound' { RET(TK_Sound); }
'state' { RET(TK_State); }
'color' { RET(TK_Color); }
'vector2' { RET(TK_Vector2); }
'vector3' { RET(TK_Vector3); }
'map' { RET(TK_Map); }
'array' { RET(TK_Array); }
'in' { RET(TK_In); }
'sizeof' { RET(TK_SizeOf); }
'alignof' { RET(TK_AlignOf); }
/* Other keywords from UnrealScript */
'abstract' { RET(TK_Abstract); }
'foreach' { RET(TK_ForEach); }
'true' { RET(TK_True); }
'false' { RET(TK_False); }
'none' { RET(TK_None); }
'new' { RET(TK_New); }
'instanceof' { RET(TK_InstanceOf); }
'auto' { RET(TK_Auto); }
'exec' { RET(TK_Exec); }
'defaultproperties' { RET(TK_DefaultProperties); }
'native' { RET(TK_Native); }
'var' { RET(TK_Var); }
'out' { RET(TK_Out); }
'ref' { RET(TK_Ref); }
'event' { RET(TK_Event); }
'static' { RET(TK_Static); }
'transient' { RET(TK_Transient); }
'final' { RET(TK_Final); }
'throws' { RET(TK_Throws); }
'extend' { RET(TK_Extend); }
'public' { RET(TK_Public); }
'protected' { RET(TK_Protected); }
'private' { RET(TK_Private); }
'dot' { RET(TK_Dot); }
'cross' { RET(TK_Cross); }
'ignores' { RET(TK_Ignores); }
'localized' { RET(TK_Localized); }
'latent' { RET(TK_Latent); }
'singular' { RET(TK_Singular); }
'config' { RET(TK_Config); }
'coerce' { RET(TK_Coerce); }
'iterator' { RET(TK_Iterator); }
'optional' { RET(TK_Optional); }
'export' { RET(TK_Export); }
'virtual' { RET(TK_Virtual); }
'override' { RET(TK_Override); }
'super' { RET(TK_Super); }
'global' { RET(TK_Global); }
'stop' { RET(TK_Stop); }
'null' { RET(TK_Null); }
'is' { RET(TK_Is); }
'replaces' { RET(TK_Replaces); }
'states' { RET(TK_States); }
'meta' { RET(TK_Meta); }
'deprecated' { RET(TK_Deprecated); }
'action' { RET(TK_Action); }
'readonly' { RET(TK_ReadOnly); }
/* Actor state options */
'bright' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_Bright : TK_Identifier); }
'fast' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_Fast : TK_Identifier); }
'slow' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_Slow : TK_Identifier); }
'nodelay' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_NoDelay : TK_Identifier); }
'canraise' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_CanRaise : TK_Identifier); }
'offset' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_Offset : TK_Identifier); }
'light' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_Light : TK_Identifier); }
/* other DECORATE top level keywords */
'#include' { RET(TK_Include); }
L (L|D)* { RET(TK_Identifier); }
("0" [xX] H+ IS?IS?) | ("0" D+ IS?IS?) | (D+ IS?IS?)
{ RET(TK_IntConst); }
(D+ E FS?) | (D* "." D+ E? FS?) | (D+ "." D* E? FS?)
{ RET(TK_FloatConst); }
{ RET(TK_StringConst); }
(['] (any\[\n'])* ['])
{ RET(TK_NameConst); }
".." { RET(TK_DotDot); }
"..." { RET(TK_Ellipsis); }
">>>=" { RET(TK_URShiftEq); }
">>=" { RET(TK_RShiftEq); }
"<<=" { RET(TK_LShiftEq); }
"+=" { RET(TK_AddEq); }
"-=" { RET(TK_SubEq); }
"*=" { RET(TK_MulEq); }
"/=" { RET(TK_DivEq); }
"%=" { RET(TK_ModEq); }
"&=" { RET(TK_AndEq); }
"^=" { RET(TK_XorEq); }
"|=" { RET(TK_OrEq); }
">>>" { RET(TK_URShift); }
">>" { RET(TK_RShift); }
"<<" { RET(TK_LShift); }
"++" { RET(TK_Incr); }
"--" { RET(TK_Decr); }
"&&" { RET(TK_AndAnd); }
"||" { RET(TK_OrOr); }
"<=" { RET(TK_Leq); }
">=" { RET(TK_Geq); }
"==" { RET(TK_Eq); }
"!=" { RET(TK_Neq); }
"~==" { RET(TK_ApproxEq); }
"<>=" { RET(TK_LtGtEq); }
"**" { RET(TK_MulMul); }
"::" { RET(TK_ColonColon); }
";" { StateOptions = false; RET(';'); }
"{" { StateOptions = false; RET('{'); }
"}" { RET('}'); }
"," { RET(','); }
":" { RET(':'); }
"=" { RET('='); }
"(" { RET('('); }
")" { RET(')'); }
"[" { RET('['); }
"]" { RET(']'); }
"." { RET('.'); }
"&" { RET('&'); }
"!" { RET('!'); }
"~" { RET('~'); }
"-" { RET('-'); }
"+" { RET('+'); }
"*" { RET('*'); }
"/" { RET('/'); }
"%" { RET('%'); }
"<" { RET('<'); }
">" { RET('>'); }
"^" { RET('^'); }
"|" { RET('|'); }
"?" { RET('?'); }
[ \t\v\f\r]+ { goto std1; }
"\n" { goto newline; }
ScriptError ("Unexpected character: %c (ASCII %d)\n", *tok, *tok);
goto std1;
if (!CMode) // The classic Hexen scanner.
"/*" { goto comment; } /* C comment */
("//"|";") (any\"\n")* "\n" { goto newline; } /* C++/Hexen comment */
("#region"|"#endregion") (any\"\n")* "\n"
{ goto newline; } /* Region blocks [mxd] */
WSP+ { goto std1; } /* whitespace */
"\n" { goto newline; }
"\"" { goto string; }
TOK1 { goto normal_token; }
/* Regular tokens may contain /, but they must not contain comment starts */
TOK2* ([/] (TOK2\[*]) TOK2*)* { goto normal_token; }
any { goto normal_token; } /* unknown character */
else // A modified Hexen scanner for DECORATE.
"/*" { goto comment; } /* C comment */
"//" (any\"\n")* "\n" { goto newline; } /* C++ comment */
("#region"|"#endregion") (any\"\n")* "\n"
{ goto newline; } /* Region blocks [mxd] */
WSP+ { goto std1; } /* whitespace */
"\n" { goto newline; }
"\"" { goto string; }
[-] { goto negative_check; }
((D* [.] D+) | (D+ [.] D*)) { goto normal_token; } /* decimal number */
(D+ E FS?) | (D* "." D+ E? FS?) | (D+ "." D* E? FS?) { goto normal_token; } /* float with exponent */
"::" { goto normal_token; }
"&&" { goto normal_token; }
"==" { goto normal_token; }
"||" { goto normal_token; }
"<<" { goto normal_token; }
">>" { goto normal_token; }
TOKC { goto normal_token; }
TOKC2+ { goto normal_token; }
any { goto normal_token; } /* unknown character */
// re2c doesn't have enough state to handle '-' as the start of a negative number
// and as its own token, so help it out a little.
TokenType = '-';
goto normal_token;
if (*YYCURSOR >= '0' && *YYCURSOR <= '9')
goto std2;
if (*YYCURSOR != '.' || YYCURSOR+1 >= YYLIMIT)
goto normal_token;
if (*(YYCURSOR+1) >= '0' && *YYCURSOR <= '9')
goto std2;
goto normal_token;
ScriptPtr = ScriptEndPtr;
return_val = false;
goto end;
goto std1;
ScriptPtr = ScriptEndPtr;
return_val = false;
goto end;
Crossed = true;
goto comment;
any { goto comment; }
ScriptPtr = ScriptEndPtr;
return_val = false;
goto end;
Crossed = true;
goto std1;
ScriptPtr = (YYCURSOR >= YYLIMIT) ? ScriptEndPtr : cursor;
StringLen = int(ScriptPtr - tok);
if (tokens && (TokenType == TK_StringConst || TokenType == TK_NameConst))
StringLen -= 2;
if (StringLen >= MAX_STRING_SIZE)
BigStringBuffer = FString(tok+1, StringLen);
memcpy (StringBuffer, tok+1, StringLen);
if (StateMode && TokenType == TK_StringConst)
TokenType = TK_NonWhitespace;
if (StringLen >= MAX_STRING_SIZE)
BigStringBuffer = FString(tok, StringLen);
memcpy (StringBuffer, tok, StringLen);
if (tokens && StateMode)
{ // State mode is exited after two consecutive TK_NonWhitespace tokens
if (TokenType == TK_NonWhitespace)
StateMode = 2;
if (StringLen < MAX_STRING_SIZE)
String = StringBuffer;
StringBuffer[StringLen] = '\0';
String = BigStringBuffer.LockBuffer();
return_val = true;
goto end;
if (YYLIMIT != ScriptEndPtr)
ScriptPtr = ScriptEndPtr;
return_val = false;
goto end;
ScriptPtr = cursor;
BigStringBuffer = "";
for (StringLen = 0; cursor < YYLIMIT; ++cursor)
if (Escape && *cursor == '\\' && *(cursor + 1) == '"')
else if (*cursor == '\r' && *(cursor + 1) == '\n')
cursor++; // convert CR-LF to simply LF
else if (*cursor == '"')
if (*cursor == '\n')
if (CMode)
if (!Escape || StringLen == 0 || String[StringLen - 1] != '\\')
ScriptError ("Unterminated string constant");
StringLen--; // overwrite the \ character with \n
Crossed = true;
if (StringLen == MAX_STRING_SIZE)
BigStringBuffer.AppendCStrPart(StringBuffer, StringLen);
StringLen = 0;
StringBuffer[StringLen++] = *cursor;
if (BigStringBuffer.IsNotEmpty() || StringLen == MAX_STRING_SIZE)
BigStringBuffer.AppendCStrPart(StringBuffer, StringLen);
String = BigStringBuffer.LockBuffer();
StringLen = int(BigStringBuffer.Len());
String = StringBuffer;
StringBuffer[StringLen] = '\0';
ScriptPtr = cursor + 1;
return_val = true;