mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 22:40:51 +00:00
- Added additional debug spew for the nodebuilder. - Restore the nodebuilder's debug spew that was present in ZDBSP but not the internal version. Use the CRT's printf for this output to ensure that it is identical to ZDBSP's output for the same input. SVN r3980 (trunk)
368 lines
10 KiB
368 lines
10 KiB
#include "doomdata.h"
#include "tarray.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
#include "x86.h"
struct FPolySeg;
struct FMiniBSP;
struct FEventInfo
int Vertex;
DWORD FrontSeg;
struct FEvent
FEvent *Parent, *Left, *Right;
double Distance;
FEventInfo Info;
class FEventTree
FEventTree ();
~FEventTree ();
FEvent *GetMinimum ();
FEvent *GetSuccessor (FEvent *event) const { FEvent *node = Successor(event); return node == &Nil ? NULL : node; }
FEvent *GetPredecessor (FEvent *event) const { FEvent *node = Predecessor(event); return node == &Nil ? NULL : node; }
FEvent *GetNewNode ();
void Insert (FEvent *event);
FEvent *FindEvent (double distance) const;
void DeleteAll ();
void PrintTree () const { PrintTree (Root); }
FEvent Nil;
FEvent *Root;
FEvent *Spare;
void DeletionTraverser (FEvent *event);
FEvent *Successor (FEvent *event) const;
FEvent *Predecessor (FEvent *event) const;
void PrintTree (const FEvent *event) const;
struct FSimpleVert
fixed_t x, y;
extern "C"
int ClassifyLine2 (node_t &node, const FSimpleVert *v1, const FSimpleVert *v2, int sidev[2]);
int ClassifyLineSSE1 (node_t &node, const FSimpleVert *v1, const FSimpleVert *v2, int sidev[2]);
int ClassifyLineSSE2 (node_t &node, const FSimpleVert *v1, const FSimpleVert *v2, int sidev[2]);
#ifdef __GNUC__
int ClassifyLineBackpatch (node_t &node, const FSimpleVert *v1, const FSimpleVert *v2, int sidev[2]) __attribute__((noinline));
int __declspec(noinline) ClassifyLineBackpatch (node_t &node, const FSimpleVert *v1, const FSimpleVert *v2, int sidev[2]);
class FNodeBuilder
struct FPrivSeg
int v1, v2;
int sidedef;
int linedef;
sector_t *frontsector;
sector_t *backsector;
DWORD next;
DWORD nextforvert;
DWORD nextforvert2;
int loopnum; // loop number for split avoidance (0 means splitting is okay)
DWORD partner; // seg on back side
DWORD storedseg; // seg # in the GL_SEGS lump
int planenum;
bool planefront;
FPrivSeg *hashnext;
struct FPrivVert : FSimpleVert
DWORD segs; // segs that use this vertex as v1
DWORD segs2; // segs that use this vertex as v2
bool operator== (const FPrivVert &other)
return x == other.x && y == other.y;
struct FSimpleLine
fixed_t x, y, dx, dy;
union USegPtr
FPrivSeg *SegPtr;
struct FSplitSharer
double Distance;
bool Forward;
struct glseg_t : public seg_t
DWORD Partner;
// Like a blockmap, but for vertices instead of lines
class IVertexMap
virtual ~IVertexMap();
virtual int SelectVertexExact(FPrivVert &vert) = 0;
virtual int SelectVertexClose(FPrivVert &vert) = 0;
IVertexMap &operator=(const IVertexMap &);
class FVertexMap : public IVertexMap
FVertexMap (FNodeBuilder &builder, fixed_t minx, fixed_t miny, fixed_t maxx, fixed_t maxy);
~FVertexMap ();
int SelectVertexExact (FPrivVert &vert);
int SelectVertexClose (FPrivVert &vert);
FNodeBuilder &MyBuilder;
TArray<int> *VertexGrid;
fixed_t MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY;
int BlocksWide, BlocksTall;
enum { BLOCK_SHIFT = 8 + FRACBITS };
enum { BLOCK_SIZE = 1 << BLOCK_SHIFT };
int InsertVertex (FPrivVert &vert);
inline int GetBlock (fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
assert (x >= MinX);
assert (y >= MinY);
assert (x <= MaxX);
assert (y <= MaxY);
return (unsigned(x - MinX) >> BLOCK_SHIFT) + (unsigned(y - MinY) >> BLOCK_SHIFT) * BlocksWide;
class FVertexMapSimple : public IVertexMap
FVertexMapSimple(FNodeBuilder &builder);
int SelectVertexExact(FPrivVert &vert);
int SelectVertexClose(FPrivVert &vert);
int InsertVertex(FPrivVert &vert);
FNodeBuilder &MyBuilder;
friend class FVertexMap;
friend class FVertexMapSimple;
struct FLevel
vertex_t *Vertices; int NumVertices;
side_t *Sides; int NumSides;
line_t *Lines; int NumLines;
fixed_t MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY;
void FindMapBounds();
void ResetMapBounds()
struct FPolyStart
int polynum;
fixed_t x, y;
FNodeBuilder (FLevel &level);
FNodeBuilder (FLevel &level,
TArray<FPolyStart> &polyspots, TArray<FPolyStart> &anchors,
bool makeGLNodes);
~FNodeBuilder ();
void Extract (node_t *&nodes, int &nodeCount,
seg_t *&segs, glsegextra_t *&glsegextras, int &segCount,
subsector_t *&ssecs, int &subCount,
vertex_t *&verts, int &vertCount);
const int *GetOldVertexTable();
// These are used for building sub-BSP trees for polyobjects.
void Clear();
void AddPolySegs(FPolySeg *segs, int numsegs);
void AddSegs(seg_t *segs, int numsegs);
void BuildMini(bool makeGLNodes);
void ExtractMini(FMiniBSP *bsp);
static angle_t PointToAngle (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy);
// < 0 : in front of line
// == 0 : on line
// > 0 : behind line
static inline int PointOnSide (int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int dx, int dy);
IVertexMap *VertexMap;
int *OldVertexTable;
TArray<node_t> Nodes;
TArray<subsector_t> Subsectors;
TArray<DWORD> SubsectorSets;
TArray<FPrivSeg> Segs;
TArray<FPrivVert> Vertices;
TArray<USegPtr> SegList;
TArray<BYTE> PlaneChecked;
TArray<FSimpleLine> Planes;
TArray<int> Touched; // Loops a splitter touches on a vertex
TArray<int> Colinear; // Loops with edges colinear to a splitter
FEventTree Events; // Vertices intersected by the current splitter
TArray<FSplitSharer> SplitSharers; // Segs colinear with the current splitter
DWORD HackSeg; // Seg to force to back of splitter
DWORD HackMate; // Seg to use in front of hack seg
FLevel &Level;
bool GLNodes; // Add minisegs to make GL nodes?
// Progress meter stuff
int SegsStuffed;
void FindUsedVertices (vertex_t *vertices, int max);
void BuildTree ();
void MakeSegsFromSides ();
int CreateSeg (int linenum, int sidenum);
void GroupSegPlanes ();
void GroupSegPlanesSimple ();
void FindPolyContainers (TArray<FPolyStart> &spots, TArray<FPolyStart> &anchors);
bool GetPolyExtents (int polynum, fixed_t bbox[4]);
int MarkLoop (DWORD firstseg, int loopnum);
void AddSegToBBox (fixed_t bbox[4], const FPrivSeg *seg);
int CreateNode (DWORD set, unsigned int count, fixed_t bbox[4]);
int CreateSubsector (DWORD set, fixed_t bbox[4]);
void CreateSubsectorsForReal ();
bool CheckSubsector (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD &splitseg);
bool CheckSubsectorOverlappingSegs (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD &splitseg);
bool ShoveSegBehind (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD seg, DWORD mate); int SelectSplitter (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD &splitseg, int step, bool nosplit);
void SplitSegs (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD splitseg, DWORD &outset0, DWORD &outset1, unsigned int &count0, unsigned int &count1);
DWORD SplitSeg (DWORD segnum, int splitvert, int v1InFront);
int Heuristic (node_t &node, DWORD set, bool honorNoSplit);
// Returns:
// 0 = seg is in front
// 1 = seg is in back
// -1 = seg cuts the node
inline int ClassifyLine (node_t &node, const FPrivVert *v1, const FPrivVert *v2, int sidev[2]);
void FixSplitSharers (const node_t &node);
double AddIntersection (const node_t &node, int vertex);
void AddMinisegs (const node_t &node, DWORD splitseg, DWORD &fset, DWORD &rset);
DWORD CheckLoopStart (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, int vertex1, int vertex2);
DWORD CheckLoopEnd (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, int vertex2);
void RemoveSegFromVert1 (DWORD segnum, int vertnum);
void RemoveSegFromVert2 (DWORD segnum, int vertnum);
DWORD AddMiniseg (int v1, int v2, DWORD partner, DWORD seg1, DWORD splitseg);
void SetNodeFromSeg (node_t &node, const FPrivSeg *pseg) const;
int CloseSubsector (TArray<glseg_t> &segs, int subsector, vertex_t *outVerts);
DWORD PushGLSeg (TArray<glseg_t> &segs, const FPrivSeg *seg, vertex_t *outVerts);
void PushConnectingGLSeg (int subsector, TArray<glseg_t> &segs, vertex_t *v1, vertex_t *v2);
int OutputDegenerateSubsector (TArray<glseg_t> &segs, int subsector, bool bForward, double lastdot, FPrivSeg *&prev, vertex_t *outVerts);
static int STACK_ARGS SortSegs (const void *a, const void *b);
double InterceptVector (const node_t &splitter, const FPrivSeg &seg);
void PrintSet (int l, DWORD set);
FNodeBuilder &operator= (const FNodeBuilder &) { return *this; }
// Points within this distance of a line will be considered on the line.
// Units are in fixed_ts.
const double SIDE_EPSILON = 6.5536;
// Vertices within this distance of each other will be considered as the same vertex.
#define VERTEX_EPSILON 6 // This is a fixed_t value
inline int FNodeBuilder::PointOnSide (int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int dx, int dy)
// For most cases, a simple dot product is enough.
double d_dx = double(dx);
double d_dy = double(dy);
double d_x = double(x);
double d_y = double(y);
double d_x1 = double(x1);
double d_y1 = double(y1);
double s_num = (d_y1-d_y)*d_dx - (d_x1-d_x)*d_dy;
if (fabs(s_num) < 17179869184.f) // 4<<32
// Either the point is very near the line, or the segment defining
// the line is very short: Do a more expensive test to determine
// just how far from the line the point is.
double l = d_dx*d_dx + d_dy*d_dy; // double l = sqrt(d_dx*d_dx+d_dy*d_dy);
double dist = s_num * s_num / l; // double dist = fabs(s_num)/l;
return 0;
return s_num > 0.0 ? -1 : 1;
inline int FNodeBuilder::ClassifyLine (node_t &node, const FPrivVert *v1, const FPrivVert *v2, int sidev[2])
return ClassifyLine2 (node, v1, v2, sidev);
#if defined(__SSE2__) || defined(_M_IX64)
// If compiling with SSE2 support everywhere, just use the SSE2 version.
return ClassifyLineSSE2 (node, v1, v2, sidev);
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1300
// VC 6 does not support SSE optimizations.
return ClassifyLine2 (node, v1, v2, sidev);
// Select the routine based on our flag.
return ClassifyLineBackpatch (node, v1, v2, sidev);
if (CPU.bSSE2)
return ClassifyLineSSE2 (node, v1, v2, sidev);
return ClassifyLine2 (node, v1, v2, sidev);