mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 11:21:25 +00:00
- AST nodes cannot be shared, because type conversion changes them in place, and what's appropriate for one use is by no means appropriate for all uses.
1492 lines
40 KiB
1492 lines
40 KiB
// Allocates a new AST node off the parse state's arena.
#define NEW_AST_NODE(type,name,tok) \
ZCC_##type *name = static_cast<ZCC_##type *>(stat->InitNode(sizeof(ZCC_##type), AST_##type)); \
SetNodeLine(name, tok)
static void SetNodeLine(ZCC_TreeNode *name, ZCCToken &tok)
name->SourceLoc = tok.SourceLoc;
static void SetNodeLine(ZCC_TreeNode *name, ZCC_TreeNode *node)
name->SourceLoc = node->SourceLoc;
static void SetNodeLine(ZCC_TreeNode *name, int line)
name->SourceLoc = line;
// If a is non-null, appends b to a. Otherwise, sets a to b.
#define SAFE_APPEND(a,b) \
if (a == NULL) a = b; else a->AppendSibling(b);
#define UNARY_EXPR(X,T) NEW_AST_NODE(ExprUnary, expr1, X); expr1->Operation = T; expr1->Operand = X; expr1->Type = NULL
#define BINARY_EXPR(X,Y,T) NEW_AST_NODE(ExprBinary, expr2, X); expr2->Operation = T; expr2->Type = NULL; expr2->Left = X; expr2->Right = Y
#define NEW_INTCONST_NODE(name,type,val,tok) \
NEW_AST_NODE(ExprConstant, name, tok); \
name->Operation = PEX_ConstValue; \
name->Type = type; \
name->IntVal = val
struct ClassFlagsBlock {
ZCC_Identifier *Replaces;
struct StateOpts {
ZCC_Expression *Offset;
bool Bright;
struct VarOrFun
ZCC_VarName *VarNames;
ZCC_FuncParamDecl *FuncParams;
ZCC_CompoundStmt *FuncBody;
ENamedName FuncName;
int FuncFlags;
int SourceLoc;
%token_prefix ZCC_
%token_type { ZCCToken }
%token_destructor {} // just to avoid a compiler warning
%name ZCCParse
%extra_argument { ZCCParseState *stat }
FString unexpected, expecting;
int i;
int stateno = yypParser->yystack[yypParser->yyidx].stateno;
unexpected << "Unexpected " << ZCCTokenName(yymajor);
// Determine all the terminals that the parser would have accepted at this point
// (see yy_find_shift_action). This list can get quite long. Is it worthwhile to
// print it when not debugging the grammar, or would that be too confusing to
// the average user?
if (stateno < YY_SHIFT_MAX && (i = yy_shift_ofst[stateno])!=YY_SHIFT_USE_DFLT)
for (int j = 1; j < YYERRORSYMBOL; ++j)
int k = i + j;
if (k >= 0 && k < YY_SZ_ACTTAB && yy_lookahead[k] == j)
expecting << (expecting.IsEmpty() ? "Expecting " : " or ") << ZCCTokenName(j);
stat->sc.ScriptMessage("%s\n%s\n", unexpected.GetChars(), expecting.GetChars());
%parse_accept { stat->sc.ScriptMessage("input accepted\n"); }
%parse_failure { /**failed = true;*/ }
%left OROR.
%left ANDAND.
%left DOTDOT.
%left OR. /* Note that this is like the Ruby precedence for these */
%left XOR. /* three operators and not the C precedence, since */
%left AND. /* they are higher priority than the comparisons. */
%left LSH RSH.
%left SUB ADD.
%left POW.
%left SCOPE.
%type declarator {ZCC_Declarator *}
%type declarator_no_fun {ZCC_Declarator *}
%type opt_func_body {ZCC_CompoundStmt *}
%type function_body {ZCC_CompoundStmt *}
main ::= translation_unit(A). { stat->TopNode = A; stat->sc.ScriptMessage("Parse complete\n"); }
%type translation_unit {ZCC_TreeNode *}
translation_unit(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
translation_unit(X) ::= translation_unit(A) external_declaration(B). { SAFE_APPEND(A,B); X = A; }
translation_unit(X) ::= translation_unit(A) EOF. { X = A; }
translation_unit(X) ::= error. { X = NULL; }
%type external_declaration {ZCC_TreeNode *}
external_declaration(X) ::= class_definition(A). { X = A; }
external_declaration(X) ::= struct_def(A). { X = A; }
external_declaration(X) ::= enum_def(A). { X = A; }
external_declaration(X) ::= const_def(A). { X = A; }
/* Optional bits. */
opt_semicolon ::= .
opt_semicolon ::= SEMICOLON.
opt_comma ::= .
opt_comma ::= COMMA.
%type opt_expr{ZCC_Expression *}
opt_expr(X) ::= .
opt_expr(X) ::= expr(A).
X = A;
/************ Class Definition ************/
/* Can only occur at global scope. */
%type class_definition{ZCC_Class *}
%type class_head{ZCC_Class *}
%type class_innards{ZCC_TreeNode *}
%type class_member{ZCC_TreeNode *}
%type class_body{ZCC_TreeNode *}
class_definition(X) ::= class_head(A) class_body(B).
A->Body = B;
X = A;
class_head(X) ::= CLASS(T) dottable_id(A) class_ancestry(B) class_flags(C).
head->ClassName = A;
head->ParentName = B;
head->Flags = C.Flags;
head->Replaces = C.Replaces;
X = head;
%type class_ancestry{ZCC_Identifier *}
class_ancestry(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
class_ancestry(X) ::= COLON dottable_id(A). { X = A; }
%type class_flags{ClassFlagsBlock}
class_flags(X) ::= . { X.Flags = 0; X.Replaces = NULL; }
class_flags(X) ::= class_flags(A) ABSTRACT. { X.Flags = A.Flags | 0/*FIXME*/; X.Replaces = A.Replaces; }
class_flags(X) ::= class_flags(A) NATIVE. { X.Flags = A.Flags | 0/*FIXME*/; X.Replaces = A.Replaces; }
class_flags(X) ::= class_flags(A) REPLACES dottable_id(B). { X.Flags = A.Flags; X.Replaces = B; }
/*----- Dottable Identifier -----*/
// This can be either a single identifier or two identifiers connected by a .
%type dottable_id{ZCC_Identifier *}
dottable_id(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A).
id->Id = A.Name();
X = id;
dottable_id(X) ::= dottable_id(A) DOT IDENTIFIER(B).
id2->Id = B.Name();
X = A;
/*------ Class Body ------*/
// Body is a list of:
// * variable definitions
// * function definitions
// * enum definitions
// * struct definitions
// * state definitions
// * constants
// * defaults
class_body(X) ::= SEMICOLON class_innards(A) EOF. { X = A; }
class_body(X) ::= LBRACE class_innards(A) RBRACE. { X = A; }
class_innards(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
class_innards(X) ::= class_innards(A) class_member(B). { SAFE_APPEND(A,B); X = A; }
%type struct_def{ZCC_Struct *}
%type enum_def {ZCC_Enum *}
%type states_def {ZCC_States *}
%type const_def {ZCC_ConstantDef *}
class_member(X) ::= declarator(A). { X = A; }
class_member(X) ::= enum_def(A). { X = A; }
class_member(X) ::= struct_def(A). { X = A; }
class_member(X) ::= states_def(A). { X = A; }
class_member(X) ::= default_def(A). { X = A; }
class_member(X) ::= const_def(A). { X = A; }
/*----- Struct Definition -----*/
/* Structs can define variables and enums. */
%type opt_struct_body{ZCC_TreeNode *}
%type struct_body{ZCC_TreeNode *}
%type struct_member{ZCC_TreeNode *}
struct_def(X) ::= STRUCT(T) IDENTIFIER(A) LBRACE opt_struct_body(B) RBRACE opt_semicolon.
def->StructName = A.Name();
def->Body = B;
X = def;
opt_struct_body(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
opt_struct_body(X) ::= struct_body(A). { X = A; }
struct_body(X) ::= error. { X = NULL; }
struct_body(X) ::= struct_member(A). { X = A; }
struct_body(X) ::= struct_member(A) struct_body(B). { X = A; A->AppendSibling(B); }
struct_member(X) ::= declarator_no_fun(A). { X = A; }
struct_member(X) ::= enum_def(A). { X = A; }
/*----- Constant Definition ------*/
/* Like UnrealScript, a constant's type is implied by its value's type. */
const_def(X) ::= CONST(T) IDENTIFIER(A) EQ expr(B) SEMICOLON.
def->Name = A.Name();
def->Value = B;
def->Symbol = NULL;
X = def;
/*----- Enum Definition -----*/
/* Enumerators are lists of named integers. */
%type enum_list {ZCC_ConstantDef *}
%type opt_enum_list {ZCC_ConstantDef *}
%type enumerator {ZCC_ConstantDef *}
enum_def(X) ::= ENUM(T) IDENTIFIER(A) enum_type(B) LBRACE opt_enum_list(C) RBRACE(U) opt_semicolon.
def->EnumName = A.Name();
def->EnumType = (EZCCBuiltinType)B.Int;
def->Elements = C;
// If the first element does not have an explicit value, make it 0.
if (C != NULL)
ZCC_ConstantDef *node = C, *prev = node;
if (node->Value == NULL)
NEW_INTCONST_NODE(zero, TypeSInt32, 0, C);
node->Value = zero;
for (node = static_cast<ZCC_ConstantDef *>(node->SiblingNext);
node != C;
prev = node, node = static_cast<ZCC_ConstantDef *>(node->SiblingNext))
assert(node->NodeType == AST_ConstantDef);
// Leave explicit values alone.
if (node->Value != NULL)
// Compute implicit values by adding one to the preceding value.
assert(prev->Value != NULL);
// If the preceding node is a constant, then we can do this now.
if (prev->Value->Operation == PEX_ConstValue && prev->Value->Type->IsA(RUNTIME_CLASS(PInt)))
NEW_INTCONST_NODE(cval, prev->Value->Type, static_cast<ZCC_ExprConstant *>(prev->Value)->IntVal + 1, node);
node->Value = cval;
// Otherwise, create a new addition expression to add 1.
NEW_INTCONST_NODE(one, TypeSInt32, 1, T);
NEW_AST_NODE(ExprID, label, node);
label->Operation = PEX_ID;
label->Identifier = prev->Name;
label->Type = NULL;
BINARY_EXPR(label, one, PEX_Add);
node->Value = expr2;
// Add a new terminating node, to indicate that the ConstantDefs for this enum are done.
if (C != NULL)
X = def;
enum_type(X) ::= . { X.Int = ZCC_IntAuto; X.SourceLoc = stat->sc.GetMessageLine(); }
enum_type(X) ::= COLON int_type(A). { X = A; }
enum_list(X) ::= error. { X = NULL; }
enum_list(X) ::= enumerator(A). { X = A; }
enum_list(X) ::= enum_list(A) COMMA enumerator(B). { X = A; A->AppendSibling(B); }
opt_enum_list(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
opt_enum_list(X) ::= enum_list(A) opt_comma. { X = A; }
enumerator(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A).
node->Name = A.Name();
node->Value = NULL;
node->Symbol = NULL;
X = node;
enumerator(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A) EQ expr(B). /* Expression must be constant. */
node->Name = A.Name();
node->Value = B;
node->Symbol = NULL;
X = node;
/************ States ************/
%type states_body {ZCC_StatePart *}
%type state_line {ZCC_StatePart *}
%type state_label {ZCC_StatePart *}
%type state_flow {ZCC_StatePart *}
%type state_flow_type {ZCC_StatePart *}
%type state_goto_offset {ZCC_Expression *}
%type state_action {ZCC_TreeNode *}
%type state_call {ZCC_ExprFuncCall *}
%type state_call_params {ZCC_FuncParm *}
%type state_opts {StateOpts}
states_def(X) ::= STATES(T) scanner_mode LBRACE states_body(A) RBRACE.
def->Body = A;
X = def;
/* We use a special scanner mode to allow for sprite names and frame characters
* to not be quoted even if they contain special characters. The scanner_mode
* nonterminal is used to enter this mode. The scanner automatically leaves it
* upon pre-defined conditions. See the comments by FScanner::SetStateMode().
* Note that rules are reduced *after* one token of lookahead has been
* consumed, so this nonterminal must be placed one token before we want it to
* take effect. For example, in states_def above, the scanner mode will be
* set immediately after LBRACE is consumed, rather than immediately after
* STATES is consumed.
scanner_mode ::= . { stat->sc.SetStateMode(true); }
states_body(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
states_body(X) ::= error. { X = NULL; }
states_body(X) ::= states_body(A) state_line(B). { SAFE_APPEND(A,B); X = A; }
states_body(X) ::= states_body(A) state_label(B). { SAFE_APPEND(A,B); X = A; }
states_body(X) ::= states_body(A) state_flow(B). { SAFE_APPEND(A,B); X = A; }
state_label(X) ::= NWS(A) COLON.
NEW_AST_NODE(StateLabel, label, A);
label->Label = A.Name();
X = label;
state_flow(X) ::= state_flow_type(A) scanner_mode SEMICOLON. { X = A; }
state_flow_type(X) ::= STOP(A). { NEW_AST_NODE(StateStop, flow, A); X = flow; }
state_flow_type(X) ::= WAIT(A). { NEW_AST_NODE(StateWait, flow, A); X = flow; }
state_flow_type(X) ::= FAIL(A). { NEW_AST_NODE(StateFail, flow, A); X = flow; }
state_flow_type(X) ::= LOOP(A). { NEW_AST_NODE(StateLoop, flow, A); X = flow; }
state_flow_type(X) ::= GOTO(T) dottable_id(A) state_goto_offset(B).
NEW_AST_NODE(StateGoto, flow, T);
flow->Label = A;
flow->Offset = B;
X = flow;
state_goto_offset(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
state_goto_offset(X) ::= PLUS expr(A). { X = A; } /* Must evaluate to a non-negative integer constant. */
state_line(X) ::= NWS(A) NWS(B) expr state_opts(C) state_action(D).
NEW_AST_NODE(StateLine, line, A);
const char *sprite = FName(A.Name()).GetChars();
if (strlen(sprite) != 4)
Printf("Sprite name '%s' must be four characters", sprite);
memcpy(line->Sprite, sprite, 4);
line->Frames = stat->Strings.Alloc(FName(B.Name()).GetChars());
line->bBright = C.Bright;
line->Offset = C.Offset;
line->Action = D;
X = line;
state_opts(X) ::= . { StateOpts opts; opts.Offset = NULL; opts.Bright = false; X = opts; }
state_opts(X) ::= state_opts(A) BRIGHT. { A.Bright = true; X = A; }
state_opts(X) ::= state_opts(A) OFFSET LPAREN expr(B) COMMA expr(C) RPAREN. { A.Offset = B; B->AppendSibling(C); X = A; }
state_opts(X) ::= state_opts(A) LIGHT LPAREN light_list RPAREN. { X = A; }
light_list ::= STRCONST.
light_list ::= light_list COMMA STRCONST.
/* A state action can be either a compound statement or a single action function call. */
state_action(X) ::= LBRACE statement_list(A) scanner_mode RBRACE. { X = A; }
state_action(X) ::= LBRACE error scanner_mode RBRACE. { X = NULL; }
state_action(X) ::= state_call(A) scanner_mode SEMICOLON. { X = A; }
state_call(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
state_call(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A) state_call_params(B).
NEW_AST_NODE(ExprFuncCall, expr, A);
NEW_AST_NODE(ExprID, func, A);
func->Operation = PEX_ID;
func->Identifier = A.Name();
expr->Operation = PEX_FuncCall;
expr->Function = func;
expr->Parameters = B;
X = expr;
state_call_params(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
state_call_params(X) ::= LPAREN func_expr_list(A) RPAREN. { X = A; }
/* Definition of a default class instance. */
%type default_def {ZCC_CompoundStmt *}
default_def(X) ::= DEFAULT compound_statement(A). { X = A; }
/* Type names */
%type type_name {ZCC_BasicType *}
int_type(X) ::= SBYTE(T). { X.Int = ZCC_SInt8; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
int_type(X) ::= BYTE(T). { X.Int = ZCC_UInt8; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
int_type(X) ::= SHORT(T). { X.Int = ZCC_SInt16; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
int_type(X) ::= USHORT(T). { X.Int = ZCC_UInt16; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
int_type(X) ::= INT(T). { X.Int = ZCC_SInt32; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
int_type(X) ::= UINT(T). { X.Int = ZCC_UInt32; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
type_name1(X) ::= BOOL(T). { X.Int = ZCC_Bool; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
type_name1(X) ::= int_type(A). { X = A; }
type_name1(X) ::= FLOAT(T). { X.Int = ZCC_FloatAuto; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
type_name1(X) ::= DOUBLE(T). { X.Int = ZCC_Float64; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
type_name1(X) ::= STRING(T). { X.Int = ZCC_String; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
type_name1(X) ::= VECTOR(T) vector_size(A). { X.Int = A.Int; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
type_name1(X) ::= NAME(T). { X.Int = ZCC_Name; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
type_name(X) ::= type_name1(A).
NEW_AST_NODE(BasicType, type, A);
type->Type = (EZCCBuiltinType)A.Int;
type->UserType = NULL;
X = type;
type_name(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A). /* User-defined type (struct, enum, or class) */
NEW_AST_NODE(BasicType, type, A);
NEW_AST_NODE(Identifier, id, A);
type->Type = ZCC_UserType;
type->UserType = id;
id->Id = A.Name();
X = type;
type_name(X) ::= DOT dottable_id(A).
NEW_AST_NODE(BasicType, type, A);
type->Type = ZCC_UserType;
type->UserType = A;
X = type;
/* Vectors can be 2, 3, or 4 entries long. Default is a 3D vector.
* (Well, actually, I'm not sure if 4D ones are going to happen
* straight away.)
vector_size(X) ::= . { X.Int = ZCC_Vector3; X.SourceLoc = stat->sc.GetMessageLine(); }
vector_size(X) ::= LT intconst(A) GT.
if (A.Int >= 2 && A.Int <= 4)
X.Int = ZCC_Vector2 + A.Int - 2;
X.Int = ZCC_Vector3;
stat->sc.ScriptMessage("Invalid vector size %d\n", A.Int);
X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc;
intconst(X) ::= INTCONST(A). { X = A; }
intconst(X) ::= UINTCONST(A). { X = A; }
/* Type names can also be used as identifiers in contexts where type names
* are not normally allowed. */
%fallback IDENTIFIER
/* Aggregate types */
%type aggregate_type {ZCC_Type *}
%type type {ZCC_Type *}
%type type_list {ZCC_Type *}
%type type_list_or_void {ZCC_Type *}
%type type_or_array {ZCC_Type *}
%type class_restrictor {ZCC_Identifier *}
%type array_size{ZCC_Expression *}
%type array_size_expr{ZCC_Expression *}
aggregate_type(X) ::= MAP(T) LT type_or_array(A) COMMA type_or_array(B) GT. /* Hash table */
map->KeyType = A;
map->ValueType = B;
X = map;
aggregate_type(X) ::= ARRAY(T) LT type_or_array(A) GT. /* TArray<type> */
arr->ElementType = A;
X = arr;
aggregate_type(X) ::= CLASS(T) class_restrictor(A). /* class<type> */
cls->Restriction = A;
X = cls;
class_restrictor(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
class_restrictor(X) ::= LT dottable_id(A) GT. { X = A; }
type(X) ::= type_name(A). { X = A; A->ArraySize = NULL; }
type(X) ::= aggregate_type(A). { X = A; A->ArraySize = NULL; }
type_or_array(X) ::= type(A). { X = A; }
type_or_array(X) ::= type(A) array_size(B). { X = A; A->ArraySize = B; }
type_list(X) ::= type_or_array(A). { X = A; }/* A comma-separated list of types */
type_list(X) ::= type_list(A) COMMA type_or_array(B). { X = A; A->AppendSibling(B); }
type_list_or_void(X) ::= VOID. { X = NULL; }
type_list_or_void(X) ::= type_list(A). { X = A; }
array_size_expr(X) ::= LBRACKET opt_expr(A) RBRACKET.
if (A == NULL)
nil->Operation = PEX_Nil;
nil->Type = NULL;
X = nil;
X = A;
array_size(X) ::= array_size_expr(A).
X = A;
array_size(X) ::= array_size(A) array_size_expr(B).
X = A;
%type variables_or_function {VarOrFun}
/* Multiple type names are only valid for functions. */
declarator(X) ::= decl_flags(A) type_list_or_void(B) variables_or_function(C).
if (C.FuncName == NAME_None && C.VarNames == NULL)
{ // An error. A message was already printed.
else if (C.FuncName != NAME_None)
{ // A function
NEW_AST_NODE(FuncDeclarator, decl, A.SourceLoc);
decl->Type = B;
decl->Params = C.FuncParams;
decl->Name = C.FuncName;
decl->Flags = A.Int | C.FuncFlags;
decl->Body = C.FuncBody;
X = decl;
else if (B != NULL && B->SiblingNext == B)
{ // A variable
NEW_AST_NODE(VarDeclarator, decl, A.SourceLoc);
decl->Type = B;
decl->Names = C.VarNames;
decl->Flags = A.Int;
X = decl;
{ // An invalid
if (B == NULL)
stat->sc.ScriptMessage("Variables may not be of type void.\n");
stat->sc.ScriptMessage("Variables may be of only one type.\n");
declarator_no_fun(X) ::= decl_flags(A) type(B) variable_list(C).
NEW_AST_NODE(VarDeclarator, decl, A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : B->SourceLoc);
decl->Type = B;
decl->Names = C;
decl->Flags = A.Int;
X = decl;
// Need to split it up like this to avoid parsing conflicts.
variables_or_function(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A) LPAREN func_params(B) RPAREN func_const(C) opt_func_body(D). /* Function */
VarOrFun fun;
fun.VarNames = NULL;
fun.FuncParams = B;
fun.FuncFlags = C.Int;
fun.FuncName = A.Name();
fun.FuncBody = D;
fun.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc;
X = fun;
variables_or_function(X) ::= variable_list(A) SEMICOLON.
VarOrFun var;
var.VarNames = A;
var.FuncParams = NULL;
var.FuncFlags = 0;
var.FuncName = NAME_None;
var.FuncBody = NULL;
var.SourceLoc = A->SourceLoc;
X = var;
variables_or_function(X) ::= error SEMICOLON(T).
VarOrFun bad;
bad.VarNames = NULL;
bad.FuncParams = NULL;
bad.FuncFlags = 0;
bad.FuncName = NAME_None;
bad.FuncBody = NULL;
bad.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc;
X = bad;
/*----- Variable Names -----*/
%type variable_name{ZCC_VarName *}
%type variable_list{ZCC_VarName *}
variable_name(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A).
var->Name = ENamedName(A.Int);
var->ArraySize = NULL;
X = var;
variable_name(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A) array_size(B).
var->Name = ENamedName(A.Int);
var->ArraySize = B;
X = var;
variable_list(X) ::= variable_name(A).
X = A;
variable_list(X) ::= variable_list(A) COMMA variable_name(B).
X = A;
decl_flags(X) ::= . { X.Int = 0; X.SourceLoc = 0; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) NATIVE(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Native; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) STATIC(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Static; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) PRIVATE(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Private; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) PROTECTED(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Protected; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) LATENT(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Latent; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) FINAL(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Final; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) META(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Meta; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) ACTION(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Action; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) READONLY(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_ReadOnly; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
decl_flags(X) ::= decl_flags(A) DEPRECATED(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Deprecated; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
func_const(X) ::= . { X.Int = 0; X.SourceLoc = stat->sc.GetMessageLine(); }
func_const(X) ::= CONST(T). { X.Int = ZCC_FuncConst; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
opt_func_body(X) ::= SEMICOLON. { X = NULL; }
opt_func_body(X) ::= function_body(A). { X = A; }
%type func_params {ZCC_FuncParamDecl *}
%type func_param_list {ZCC_FuncParamDecl *}
%type func_param {ZCC_FuncParamDecl *}
func_params(X) ::= . /* empty */ { X = NULL; }
func_params(X) ::= VOID. { X = NULL; }
func_params(X) ::= func_param_list(A). { X = A; }
func_param_list(X) ::= func_param(A). { X = A; }
func_param_list(X) ::= func_param_list(A) COMMA func_param(B). { X = A; A->AppendSibling(B); }
func_param(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) type(B) IDENTIFIER(C).
NEW_AST_NODE(FuncParamDecl,parm,A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : B->SourceLoc);
parm->Type = B;
parm->Name = C.Name();
parm->Flags = A.Int;
X = parm;
func_param_flags(X) ::= . { X.Int = 0; X.SourceLoc = 0; }
func_param_flags(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) IN(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_In; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
func_param_flags(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) OUT(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Out; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
func_param_flags(X) ::= func_param_flags(A) OPTIONAL(T). { X.Int = A.Int | ZCC_Optional; X.SourceLoc = A.SourceLoc ? A.SourceLoc : T.SourceLoc; }
/************ Expressions ************/
/* We use default to access a class's default instance. */
%fallback IDENTIFIER
%type expr{ZCC_Expression *}
%type primary{ZCC_Expression *}
%type unary_expr{ZCC_Expression *}
%type constant{ZCC_ExprConstant *}
/*----- Primary Expressions -----*/
primary(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A).
NEW_AST_NODE(ExprID, expr, A);
expr->Operation = PEX_ID;
expr->Identifier = A.Name();
expr->Type = NULL;
X = expr;
primary(X) ::= SUPER(T).
NEW_AST_NODE(Expression, expr, T);
expr->Operation = PEX_Super;
expr->Type = NULL;
X = expr;
primary(X) ::= constant(A).
X = A;
primary(X) ::= SELF(T).
NEW_AST_NODE(Expression, expr, T);
expr->Operation = PEX_Self;
expr->Type = NULL;
X = expr;
primary(X) ::= LPAREN expr(A) RPAREN.
X = A;
primary ::= LPAREN error RPAREN.
primary(X) ::= primary(A) LPAREN func_expr_list(B) RPAREN. [DOT] // Function call
NEW_AST_NODE(ExprFuncCall, expr, A);
expr->Operation = PEX_FuncCall;
expr->Type = NULL;
expr->Function = A;
expr->Parameters = B;
X = expr;
primary(X) ::= primary(A) LBRACKET expr(B) RBRACKET. [DOT] // Array access
NEW_AST_NODE(ExprBinary, expr, B);
expr->Operation = PEX_ArrayAccess;
expr->Type = NULL;
expr->Left = A;
expr->Right = B;
X = expr;
primary(X) ::= primary(A) DOT IDENTIFIER(B). // Member access
NEW_AST_NODE(ExprMemberAccess, expr, B);
expr->Operation = PEX_MemberAccess;
expr->Type = NULL;
expr->Left = A;
expr->Right = ENamedName(B.Int);
X = expr;
primary(X) ::= primary(A) ADDADD. /* postfix++ */
X = expr1;
primary(X) ::= primary(A) SUBSUB. /* postfix-- */
X = expr1;
primary(X) ::= SCOPE primary(B).
X = expr2;
/*----- Unary Expressions -----*/
unary_expr(X) ::= primary(A).
X = A;
unary_expr(X) ::= SUB unary_expr(A). [UNARY]
ZCC_ExprConstant *con = static_cast<ZCC_ExprConstant *>(A);
if (A->Operation == PEX_ConstValue && (con->Type->IsA(RUNTIME_CLASS(PInt)) || con->Type->IsA(RUNTIME_CLASS(PFloat))))
{ // For constants, manipulate the child node directly, and don't create a new node.
if (con->Type->IsA(RUNTIME_CLASS(PInt)))
con->IntVal = -con->IntVal;
con->DoubleVal = -con->DoubleVal;
X = A;
{ // For everything else, create a new node and do the negation later.
X = expr1;
unary_expr(X) ::= ADD unary_expr(A). [UNARY]
// Even though this is really a no-op, we still need to make a node for
// it so we can type check that it is being applied to something numeric.
// But we can do that right now for constant numerals.
ZCC_ExprConstant *con = static_cast<ZCC_ExprConstant *>(A);
if (A->Operation != PEX_ConstValue || (!con->Type->IsA(RUNTIME_CLASS(PInt)) && !con->Type->IsA(RUNTIME_CLASS(PFloat))))
X = expr1;
X = A;
unary_expr(X) ::= SUBSUB unary_expr(A). [UNARY]
X = expr1;
unary_expr(X) ::= ADDADD unary_expr(A). [UNARY]
X = expr1;
unary_expr(X) ::= TILDE unary_expr(A). [UNARY]
X = expr1;
unary_expr(X) ::= BANG unary_expr(A). [UNARY]
X = expr1;
unary_expr(X) ::= SIZEOF unary_expr(A). [UNARY]
X = expr1;
unary_expr(X) ::= ALIGNOF unary_expr(A). [UNARY]
X = expr1;
/* Due to parsing conflicts, C-style casting is not supported. You
* must use C++ function call-style casting instead.
/*----- Binary Expressions -----*/
expr(X) ::= unary_expr(A).
X = A;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) ADD expr(B). /* a + b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) SUB expr(B). /* a - b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) MUL expr(B). /* a * b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) DIV expr(B). /* a / b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) MOD expr(B). /* a % b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) POW expr(B). /* a ** b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) CROSSPROD expr(B). /* a cross b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) DOTPROD expr(B). /* a dot b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) LSH expr(B). /* a << b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) RSH expr(B). /* a >> b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) DOTDOT expr(B). /* a .. b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) LT expr(B). /* a < b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) GT expr(B). /* a > b */
X = expr1;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) LTEQ expr(B). /* a <= b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) GTEQ expr(B). /* a >= b */
X = expr1;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) LTGTEQ expr(B). /* a <>= b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) IS expr(B). /* a is b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) EQEQ expr(B). /* a == b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) NEQ expr(B). /* a != b */
X = expr1;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) APPROXEQ expr(B). /* a ~== b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) AND expr(B). /* a & b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) XOR expr(B). /* a ^ b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) OR expr(B). /* a | b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) ANDAND expr(B). /* a && b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) OROR expr(B). /* a || b */
X = expr2;
expr(X) ::= expr(A) SCOPE expr(B).
X = expr2;
/*----- Trinary Expression -----*/
expr(X) ::= expr(A) QUESTION expr(B) COLON expr(C).
NEW_AST_NODE(ExprTrinary, expr, A);
expr->Operation = PEX_Trinary;
expr->Type = NULL;
expr->Test = A;
expr->Left = B;
expr->Right = C;
X = expr;
/************ Expression Lists ***********/
%type expr_list{ZCC_Expression *}
expr_list(X) ::= expr(A).
X = A;
expr_list(X) ::= expr_list(A) COMMA expr(B).
X = A;
/*----- Function argument lists -----*/
/* A function expression list can also specify a parameter's name,
* but once you do that, all remaining parameters must also be named.
* We let higher-level code handle this to keep this file simpler. */
%type func_expr_list{ZCC_FuncParm *}
%type func_expr_item{ZCC_FuncParm *}
%type named_expr{ZCC_FuncParm *}
func_expr_list(X) ::= func_expr_item(A).
X = A;
func_expr_list(X) ::= func_expr_list(A) COMMA(T) func_expr_item(B).
// Omitted parameters still need to appear as nodes in the list.
if (A == NULL)
nil_a->Value = NULL;
nil_a->Label = NAME_None;
A = nil_a;
if (B == NULL)
nil_b->Value = NULL;
nil_b->Label = NAME_None;
B = nil_b;
X = A;
func_expr_item(X) ::= .
func_expr_item(X) ::= named_expr(A).
X = A;
named_expr(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(A) COLON expr(B).
NEW_AST_NODE(FuncParm, parm, A);
parm->Value = B;
parm->Label = ENamedName(A.Int);
X = parm;
named_expr(X) ::= expr(B).
NEW_AST_NODE(FuncParm, parm, B);
parm->Value = B;
parm->Label = NAME_None;
X = parm;
/************ Constants ************/
/* Allow C-like concatenation of adjacent string constants. */
%type string_constant{ZCC_ExprConstant *}
string_constant(X) ::= STRCONST(A).
NEW_AST_NODE(ExprConstant, strconst, A);
strconst->Operation = PEX_ConstValue;
strconst->Type = TypeString;
strconst->StringVal = A.String;
X = strconst;
string_constant(X) ::= string_constant(A) STRCONST(B).
NEW_AST_NODE(ExprConstant, strconst, A);
strconst->Operation = PEX_ConstValue;
strconst->Type = TypeString;
strconst->StringVal = stat->Strings.Alloc(*(A->StringVal) + *(B.String));
X = strconst;
constant(X) ::= string_constant(A).
X = A;
constant(X) ::= INTCONST(A).
NEW_INTCONST_NODE(intconst, TypeSInt32, A.Int, A);
X = intconst;
constant(X) ::= UINTCONST(A).
NEW_INTCONST_NODE(intconst, TypeUInt32, A.Int, A);
X = intconst;
constant(X) ::= FLOATCONST(A).
NEW_AST_NODE(ExprConstant, floatconst, A);
floatconst->Operation = PEX_ConstValue;
floatconst->Type = TypeFloat64;
floatconst->DoubleVal = A.Float;
X = floatconst;
constant(X) ::= NAMECONST(A).
NEW_AST_NODE(ExprConstant, floatconst, A);
floatconst->Operation = PEX_ConstValue;
floatconst->Type = TypeName;
floatconst->IntVal = A.Int;
X = floatconst;
constant(X) ::= FALSE(A).
NEW_INTCONST_NODE(boolconst, TypeBool, false, A);
X = boolconst;
constant(X) ::= TRUE(A).
NEW_INTCONST_NODE(boolconst, TypeBool, true, A);
X = boolconst;
/************ Statements ************/
function_body(X) ::= compound_statement(A). { X = A; }
%type statement{ZCC_Statement *}
statement(X) ::= SEMICOLON. { X = NULL; }
statement(X) ::= labeled_statement(A). { X = A; }
statement(X) ::= compound_statement(A). { X = A; }
statement(X) ::= expression_statement(A) SEMICOLON. { X = A; }
statement(X) ::= selection_statement(A). { X = A; }
statement(X) ::= iteration_statement(A). { X = A; }
statement(X) ::= jump_statement(A). { X = A; }
statement(X) ::= assign_statement(A) SEMICOLON. { X = A; }
statement(X) ::= local_var(A) SEMICOLON. { X = A; }
statement(X) ::= error SEMICOLON. { X = NULL; }
/*----- Jump Statements -----*/
%type jump_statement{ZCC_Statement *}
jump_statement(A) ::= CONTINUE(T) SEMICOLON.
NEW_AST_NODE(ContinueStmt, stmt, T);
A = stmt;
jump_statement(A) ::= BREAK(T) SEMICOLON.
NEW_AST_NODE(BreakStmt, stmt, T);
A = stmt;
jump_statement(A) ::= RETURN(T) SEMICOLON.
NEW_AST_NODE(ReturnStmt, stmt, T);
stmt->Values = NULL;
A = stmt;
jump_statement(A) ::= RETURN(T) expr_list(X) SEMICOLON.
NEW_AST_NODE(ReturnStmt, stmt, T);
stmt->Values = X;
A = stmt;
/*----- Compound Statements -----*/
%type compound_statement{ZCC_CompoundStmt *}
%type statement_list{ZCC_Statement *}
compound_statement(X) ::= LBRACE(T) RBRACE.
stmt->Content = NULL;
X = stmt;
compound_statement(X) ::= LBRACE(T) statement_list(A) RBRACE.
stmt->Content = A;
X = stmt;
compound_statement(X) ::= LBRACE(T) error RBRACE.
stmt->Content = NULL;
X = stmt;
statement_list(X) ::= statement(A).
X = A;
statement_list(X) ::= statement_list(A) statement(B).
X = A;
/*----- Expression Statements -----*/
%type expression_statement{ZCC_ExpressionStmt *}
expression_statement(X) ::= expr(A).
NEW_AST_NODE(ExpressionStmt, stmt, A);
stmt->Expression = A;
X = stmt;
/*----- Iteration Statements -----*/
%type iteration_statement{ZCC_Statement *}
// while/until (expr) statement
iteration_statement(X) ::= while_or_until(TY) LPAREN expr(EX) RPAREN statement(ST).
NEW_AST_NODE(IterationStmt, iter, TY);
if (TY.Int == ZCC_UNTIL)
{ // Negate the loop condition
iter->LoopCondition = expr1;
iter->LoopCondition = EX;
iter->LoopStatement = ST;
iter->LoopBumper = NULL;
iter->CheckAt = ZCC_IterationStmt::Start;
X = iter;
// do statement while/until (expr)
iteration_statement(X) ::= DO(T) statement(ST) while_or_until(TY) LPAREN expr(EX) RPAREN.
NEW_AST_NODE(IterationStmt, iter, T);
if (TY.Int == ZCC_UNTIL)
{ // Negate the loop condition
iter->LoopCondition = expr1;
iter->LoopCondition = EX;
iter->LoopStatement = ST;
iter->LoopBumper = NULL;
iter->CheckAt = ZCC_IterationStmt::End;
X = iter;
// for (init; cond; bump) statement
iteration_statement(X) ::= FOR(T) LPAREN for_init(IN) SEMICOLON opt_expr(EX) SEMICOLON for_bump(DO) RPAREN statement(ST).
NEW_AST_NODE(IterationStmt, iter, T);
iter->LoopCondition = EX;
iter->LoopStatement = ST;
iter->LoopBumper = DO;
iter->CheckAt = ZCC_IterationStmt::Start;
// The initialization expression appears outside the loop
// for_init may be NULL if there is no initialization.
// And the whole thing gets wrapped inside a compound statement in case the loop
// initializer defined any variables.
NEW_AST_NODE(CompoundStmt, wrap, T);
wrap->Content = IN;
X = wrap;
while_or_until(X) ::= WHILE(T).
X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc;
while_or_until(X) ::= UNTIL(T).
X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc;
%type for_init{ZCC_Statement *}
for_init(X) ::= local_var(A). { X = A; }
for_init(X) ::= for_bump(A). { X = A; }
%type for_bump{ZCC_Statement *}
for_bump(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
for_bump(X) ::= expression_statement(A). { X = A; }
for_bump(X) ::= assign_statement(A). { X = A; }
/*----- If Statements -----*/
/* Resolve the shift-reduce conflict here in favor of the shift.
* This is the default behavior, but using precedence symbols
* lets us do it without warnings.
%left IF.
%left ELSE.
%type selection_statement{ZCC_Statement *}
%type if_front{ZCC_IfStmt *}
selection_statement(X) ::= if_front(A). [IF]
X = A;
selection_statement(X) ::= if_front(A) ELSE statement(B). [ELSE]
A->FalsePath = B;
X = A;
if_front(X) ::= IF(T) LPAREN expr(A) RPAREN statement(B).
stmt->Condition = A;
stmt->TruePath = B;
stmt->FalsePath = NULL;
X = stmt;
/*----- Switch Statements -----*/
selection_statement(X) ::= SWITCH(T) LPAREN expr(A) RPAREN statement(B).
stmt->Condition = A;
stmt->Content = B;
X = stmt;
/*----- Case Label "Statements" -----*/
%type labeled_statement{ZCC_CaseStmt *}
labeled_statement(X) ::= CASE(T) expr(A) COLON.
stmt->Condition = A;
X = stmt;
labeled_statement(X) ::= DEFAULT(T) COLON.
stmt->Condition = NULL;
X = stmt;
/*----- Assignment Statements -----*/
%type assign_statement{ZCC_AssignStmt *}
assign_statement(X) ::= expr_list(A) assign_op(OP) expr_list(B). [EQ]
stmt->AssignOp = OP.Int;
stmt->Dests = A;
stmt->Sources = B;
X = stmt;
assign_op(X) ::= EQ(T). { X.Int = ZCC_EQ; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
assign_op(X) ::= MULEQ(T). { X.Int = ZCC_MULEQ; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
assign_op(X) ::= DIVEQ(T). { X.Int = ZCC_DIVEQ; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
assign_op(X) ::= MODEQ(T). { X.Int = ZCC_MODEQ; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
assign_op(X) ::= ADDEQ(T). { X.Int = ZCC_ADDEQ; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
assign_op(X) ::= SUBEQ(T). { X.Int = ZCC_SUBEQ; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
assign_op(X) ::= LSHEQ(T). { X.Int = ZCC_LSHEQ; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
assign_op(X) ::= RSHEQ(T). { X.Int = ZCC_RSHEQ; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
assign_op(X) ::= ANDEQ(T). { X.Int = ZCC_ANDEQ; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
assign_op(X) ::= OREQ(T). { X.Int = ZCC_OREQ; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
assign_op(X) ::= XOREQ(T). { X.Int = ZCC_XOREQ; X.SourceLoc = T.SourceLoc; }
/*----- Local Variable Definition "Statements" -----*/
%type local_var{ZCC_LocalVarStmt *}
local_var(X) ::= type(A) variable_list(B) var_init(C).
vardef->Type = A;
vardef->Vars = B;
vardef->Inits = C;
X = vardef;
%type var_init{ZCC_Expression *}
var_init(X) ::= . { X = NULL; }
var_init(X) ::= EQ expr_list(A). { X = A; }