mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:02:37 +00:00
the title screen, because the demo loop reset the server cvars after each attempt to play a demo, even though the demos never actually played. The proper long-term solution would be to make shadow copies of all cvars touched by demos and use those for the demo and the real things for everything else, but this should do for now and is a lot easier. SVN r1463 (trunk)
2556 lines
57 KiB
2556 lines
57 KiB
// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// $Log:$
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "templates.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "d_protocol.h"
#include "d_netinf.h"
#include "f_finale.h"
#include "m_argv.h"
#include "m_misc.h"
#include "m_menu.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "m_crc32.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "p_saveg.h"
#include "p_tick.h"
#include "d_main.h"
#include "wi_stuff.h"
#include "hu_stuff.h"
#include "st_stuff.h"
#include "am_map.h"
#include "c_console.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "c_bind.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "r_data.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "r_draw.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "b_bot.h" //Added by MC:
#include "sbar.h"
#include "m_swap.h"
#include "m_png.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "a_keys.h"
#include "a_artifacts.h"
#include "r_translate.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "d_event.h"
#include "p_acs.h"
#include <zlib.h>
#include "g_hub.h"
static FRandom pr_dmspawn ("DMSpawn");
const int SAVEPICWIDTH = 216;
const int SAVEPICHEIGHT = 162;
bool G_CheckDemoStatus (void);
void G_ReadDemoTiccmd (ticcmd_t *cmd, int player);
void G_WriteDemoTiccmd (ticcmd_t *cmd, int player, int buf);
void G_PlayerReborn (int player);
void G_DoNewGame (void);
void G_DoLoadGame (void);
void G_DoPlayDemo (void);
void G_DoCompleted (void);
void G_DoVictory (void);
void G_DoWorldDone (void);
void G_DoSaveGame (bool okForQuicksave, FString filename, const char *description);
void G_DoAutoSave ();
FIntCVar gameskill ("skill", 2, CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_LATCH);
CVAR (Bool, chasedemo, false, 0);
CVAR (Bool, longsavemessages, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
gameaction_t gameaction;
gamestate_t gamestate = GS_STARTUP;
int paused;
bool sendpause; // send a pause event next tic
bool sendsave; // send a save event next tic
bool sendturn180; // [RH] send a 180 degree turn next tic
bool usergame; // ok to save / end game
bool insave; // Game is saving - used to block exit commands
bool timingdemo; // if true, exit with report on completion
bool nodrawers; // for comparative timing purposes
bool noblit; // for comparative timing purposes
bool viewactive;
bool netgame; // only true if packets are broadcast
bool multiplayer;
player_t players[MAXPLAYERS];
bool playeringame[MAXPLAYERS];
int consoleplayer; // player taking events
int gametic;
CVAR(Bool, demo_compress, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG);
char demoname[256];
bool demorecording;
bool demoplayback;
bool netdemo;
bool demonew; // [RH] Only used around G_InitNew for demos
int demover;
BYTE* demobuffer;
BYTE* demo_p;
BYTE* democompspot;
BYTE* demobodyspot;
size_t maxdemosize;
BYTE* zdemformend; // end of FORM ZDEM chunk
BYTE* zdembodyend; // end of ZDEM BODY chunk
bool singledemo; // quit after playing a demo from cmdline
bool precache = true; // if true, load all graphics at start
wbstartstruct_t wminfo; // parms for world map / intermission
short consistancy[MAXPLAYERS][BACKUPTICS];
BYTE* savebuffer;
#define MAXPLMOVE (forwardmove[1])
#define TURBOTHRESHOLD 12800
float normforwardmove[2] = {0x19, 0x32}; // [RH] For setting turbo from console
float normsidemove[2] = {0x18, 0x28}; // [RH] Ditto
fixed_t forwardmove[2], sidemove[2];
fixed_t angleturn[4] = {640, 1280, 320, 320}; // + slow turn
fixed_t flyspeed[2] = {1*256, 3*256};
int lookspeed[2] = {450, 512};
CVAR (Bool, cl_run, false, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Always run?
CVAR (Bool, invertmouse, false, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Invert mouse look down/up?
CVAR (Bool, freelook, false, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Always mlook?
CVAR (Bool, lookstrafe, false, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Always strafe with mouse?
CVAR (Float, m_pitch, 1.f, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE) // Mouse speeds
int turnheld; // for accelerative turning
// mouse values are used once
int mousex;
int mousey;
FString savegamefile;
char savedescription[SAVESTRINGSIZE];
// [RH] Name of screenshot file to generate (usually NULL)
FString shotfile;
AActor* bodyque[BODYQUESIZE];
int bodyqueslot;
void R_ExecuteSetViewSize (void);
FString savename;
FString BackupSaveName;
bool SendLand;
const AInventory *SendItemUse, *SendItemDrop;
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, team)
CVAR (Bool, teamplay, false, CVAR_SERVERINFO)
// [RH] Allow turbo setting anytime during game
CUSTOM_CVAR (Float, turbo, 100.f, 0)
if (self < 10.f)
self = 10.f;
else if (self > 256.f)
self = 256.f;
double scale = self * 0.01;
forwardmove[0] = (int)(normforwardmove[0]*scale);
forwardmove[1] = (int)(normforwardmove[1]*scale);
sidemove[0] = (int)(normsidemove[0]*scale);
sidemove[1] = (int)(normsidemove[1]*scale);
CCMD (turnspeeds)
if (argv.argc() == 1)
Printf ("Current turn speeds: %d %d %d %d\n", angleturn[0],
angleturn[1], angleturn[2], angleturn[3]);
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= 4 && i < argv.argc(); ++i)
angleturn[i-1] = atoi (argv[i]);
if (i <= 2)
angleturn[1] = angleturn[0] * 2;
if (i <= 3)
angleturn[2] = angleturn[0] / 2;
if (i <= 4)
angleturn[3] = angleturn[2];
CCMD (slot)
if (argv.argc() > 1)
int slot = atoi (argv[1]);
if (slot < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS)
SendItemUse = players[consoleplayer].weapons.Slots[slot].PickWeapon (&players[consoleplayer]);
CCMD (centerview)
CCMD (land)
SendLand = true;
CCMD (pause)
sendpause = true;
CCMD (turn180)
sendturn180 = true;
CCMD (weapnext)
SendItemUse = players[consoleplayer].weapons.PickNextWeapon (&players[consoleplayer]);
CCMD (weapprev)
SendItemUse = players[consoleplayer].weapons.PickPrevWeapon (&players[consoleplayer]);
CCMD (invnext)
AInventory *next;
if (who == NULL)
if (who->InvSel != NULL)
if ((next = who->InvSel->NextInv()) != NULL)
who->InvSel = next;
// Select the first item in the inventory
if (!(who->Inventory->ItemFlags & IF_INVBAR))
who->InvSel = who->Inventory->NextInv();
who->InvSel = who->Inventory;
who->player->inventorytics = 5*TICRATE;
CCMD (invprev)
AInventory *item, *newitem;
if (who == NULL)
if (who->InvSel != NULL)
if ((item = who->InvSel->PrevInv()) != NULL)
who->InvSel = item;
// Select the last item in the inventory
item = who->InvSel;
while ((newitem = item->NextInv()) != NULL)
item = newitem;
who->InvSel = item;
who->player->inventorytics = 5*TICRATE;
CCMD (invuseall)
SendItemUse = (const AInventory *)1;
CCMD (invuse)
if (players[consoleplayer].inventorytics == 0 || gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife)
if (players[consoleplayer].mo) SendItemUse = players[consoleplayer].mo->InvSel;
players[consoleplayer].inventorytics = 0;
AInventory *inv = players[consoleplayer].mo->InvSel;
if (inv != NULL)
const char *description = inv->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaString(AMETA_StrifeName);
if (description == NULL) description = inv->GetClass()->TypeName;
Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "%s (%dx)\n", description, inv->Amount);
CCMD (use)
if (argv.argc() > 1 && who != NULL)
SendItemUse = who->FindInventory (PClass::FindClass (argv[1]));
CCMD (invdrop)
if (players[consoleplayer].mo) SendItemDrop = players[consoleplayer].mo->InvSel;
CCMD (weapdrop)
SendItemDrop = players[consoleplayer].ReadyWeapon;
CCMD (drop)
if (argv.argc() > 1 && who != NULL)
SendItemDrop = who->FindInventory (PClass::FindClass (argv[1]));
CCMD (useflechette)
{ // Select from one of arti_poisonbag1-3, whichever the player has
static const ENamedName bagnames[3] =
int i, j;
if (who == NULL)
if (who->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass (NAME_ClericPlayer)))
i = 0;
else if (who->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass (NAME_MagePlayer)))
i = 1;
i = 2;
for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
AInventory *item;
if ( (item = who->FindInventory (bagnames[(i+j)%3])) )
SendItemUse = item;
CCMD (select)
if (argv.argc() > 1)
AInventory *item = who->FindInventory (PClass::FindClass (argv[1]));
if (item != NULL)
who->InvSel = item;
who->player->inventorytics = 5*TICRATE;
// G_BuildTiccmd
// Builds a ticcmd from all of the available inputs
// or reads it from the demo buffer.
// If recording a demo, write it out
void G_BuildTiccmd (ticcmd_t *cmd)
int strafe;
int speed;
int forward;
int side;
int fly;
ticcmd_t *base;
base = I_BaseTiccmd (); // empty, or external driver
*cmd = *base;
cmd->consistancy = consistancy[consoleplayer][(maketic/ticdup)%BACKUPTICS];
strafe = Button_Strafe.bDown;
speed = Button_Speed.bDown ^ (int)cl_run;
forward = side = fly = 0;
// [RH] only use two stage accelerative turning on the keyboard
// and not the joystick, since we treat the joystick as
// the analog device it is.
if (Button_Left.bDown || Button_Right.bDown)
turnheld += ticdup;
turnheld = 0;
// let movement keys cancel each other out
if (strafe)
if (Button_Right.bDown)
side += sidemove[speed];
if (Button_Left.bDown)
side -= sidemove[speed];
int tspeed = speed;
if (turnheld < SLOWTURNTICS)
tspeed *= 2; // slow turn
if (Button_Right.bDown)
G_AddViewAngle (angleturn[tspeed]);
LocalKeyboardTurner = true;
if (Button_Left.bDown)
G_AddViewAngle (-angleturn[tspeed]);
LocalKeyboardTurner = true;
if (Button_LookUp.bDown)
G_AddViewPitch (lookspeed[speed]);
if (Button_LookDown.bDown)
G_AddViewPitch (-lookspeed[speed]);
if (Button_MoveUp.bDown)
fly += flyspeed[speed];
if (Button_MoveDown.bDown)
fly -= flyspeed[speed];
if (Button_Klook.bDown)
if (Button_Forward.bDown)
G_AddViewPitch (lookspeed[speed]);
if (Button_Back.bDown)
G_AddViewPitch (-lookspeed[speed]);
if (Button_Forward.bDown)
forward += forwardmove[speed];
if (Button_Back.bDown)
forward -= forwardmove[speed];
if (Button_MoveRight.bDown)
side += sidemove[speed];
if (Button_MoveLeft.bDown)
side -= sidemove[speed];
// buttons
if (Button_Attack.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_ATTACK;
if (Button_AltAttack.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_ALTATTACK;
if (Button_Use.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_USE;
if (Button_Jump.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_JUMP;
if (Button_Crouch.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_CROUCH;
if (Button_Zoom.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_ZOOM;
if (Button_Reload.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_RELOAD;
if (Button_User1.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_USER1;
if (Button_User2.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_USER2;
if (Button_User3.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_USER3;
if (Button_User4.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_USER4;
if (Button_Speed.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_SPEED;
if (Button_Strafe.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_STRAFE;
if (Button_MoveRight.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_MOVERIGHT;
if (Button_MoveLeft.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_MOVELEFT;
if (Button_LookDown.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_LOOKDOWN;
if (Button_LookUp.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_LOOKUP;
if (Button_Back.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_BACK;
if (Button_Forward.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_FORWARD;
if (Button_Right.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_RIGHT;
if (Button_Left.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_LEFT;
if (Button_MoveDown.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_MOVEDOWN;
if (Button_MoveUp.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_MOVEUP;
if (Button_ShowScores.bDown) cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_SHOWSCORES;
// [RH] Scale joystick moves to full range of allowed speeds
if (JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_PITCH] != 0)
G_AddViewPitch (int((JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_PITCH] * 2048) / 256));
LocalKeyboardTurner = true;
if (JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_YAW] != 0)
G_AddViewAngle (int((-1280 * JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_YAW]) / 256));
LocalKeyboardTurner = true;
side += int((MAXPLMOVE * JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_SIDE]) / 256);
forward += int((JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_FORWARD] * MAXPLMOVE) / 256);
fly += int(JoyAxes[JOYAXIS_UP] * 8);
if (!Button_Mlook.bDown && !freelook)
forward += (int)((float)mousey * m_forward);
cmd->ucmd.pitch = LocalViewPitch >> 16;
if (SendLand)
SendLand = false;
fly = -32768;
if (strafe || lookstrafe)
side += (int)((float)mousex * m_side);
mousex = mousey = 0;
if (forward > MAXPLMOVE)
forward = MAXPLMOVE;
else if (forward < -MAXPLMOVE)
forward = -MAXPLMOVE;
if (side > MAXPLMOVE)
else if (side < -MAXPLMOVE)
side = -MAXPLMOVE;
cmd->ucmd.forwardmove += forward;
cmd->ucmd.sidemove += side;
cmd->ucmd.yaw = LocalViewAngle >> 16;
cmd->ucmd.upmove = fly;
LocalViewAngle = 0;
LocalViewPitch = 0;
// special buttons
if (sendturn180)
sendturn180 = false;
cmd->ucmd.buttons |= BT_TURN180;
if (sendpause)
sendpause = false;
Net_WriteByte (DEM_PAUSE);
if (sendsave)
sendsave = false;
Net_WriteByte (DEM_SAVEGAME);
Net_WriteString (savegamefile);
Net_WriteString (savedescription);
savegamefile = "";
if (SendItemUse == (const AInventory *)1)
Net_WriteByte (DEM_INVUSEALL);
SendItemUse = NULL;
else if (SendItemUse != NULL)
Net_WriteByte (DEM_INVUSE);
Net_WriteLong (SendItemUse->InventoryID);
SendItemUse = NULL;
if (SendItemDrop != NULL)
Net_WriteByte (DEM_INVDROP);
Net_WriteLong (SendItemDrop->InventoryID);
SendItemDrop = NULL;
cmd->ucmd.forwardmove <<= 8;
cmd->ucmd.sidemove <<= 8;
//[Graf Zahl] This really helps if the mouse update rate can't be increased!
CVAR (Bool, smooth_mouse, false, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE)
void G_AddViewPitch (int look)
if (gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL)
look <<= 16;
if (!level.IsFreelookAllowed())
LocalViewPitch = 0;
else if (look > 0)
// Avoid overflowing
if (LocalViewPitch + look <= LocalViewPitch)
LocalViewPitch = 0x78000000;
LocalViewPitch = MIN(LocalViewPitch + look, 0x78000000);
else if (look < 0)
// Avoid overflowing
if (LocalViewPitch + look >= LocalViewPitch)
LocalViewPitch = -0x78000000;
LocalViewPitch = MAX(LocalViewPitch + look, -0x78000000);
if (look != 0)
LocalKeyboardTurner = smooth_mouse;
void G_AddViewAngle (int yaw)
if (gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL)
LocalViewAngle -= yaw << 16;
if (yaw != 0)
LocalKeyboardTurner = smooth_mouse;
CVAR (Bool, bot_allowspy, false, 0)
// [RH] Spy mode has been separated into two console commands.
// One goes forward; the other goes backward.
static void ChangeSpy (bool forward)
// If you're not in a level, then you can't spy.
if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL)
// If not viewing through a player, return your eyes to your own head.
if (players[consoleplayer].camera->player == NULL)
players[consoleplayer].camera = players[consoleplayer].mo;
// We may not be allowed to spy on anyone.
if (dmflags2 & DF2_DISALLOW_SPYING)
// Otherwise, cycle to the next player.
bool checkTeam = !demoplayback && deathmatch;
int pnum = players[consoleplayer].camera->player - players;
int step = forward ? 1 : -1;
pnum += step;
pnum &= MAXPLAYERS-1;
if (playeringame[pnum] &&
(!checkTeam || players[pnum].mo->IsTeammate (players[consoleplayer].mo) ||
(bot_allowspy && players[pnum].isbot)))
} while (pnum != consoleplayer);
players[consoleplayer].camera = players[pnum].mo;
StatusBar->AttachToPlayer (&players[pnum]);
if (demoplayback || multiplayer)
StatusBar->ShowPlayerName ();
CCMD (spynext)
// allow spy mode changes even during the demo
ChangeSpy (true);
CCMD (spyprev)
// allow spy mode changes even during the demo
ChangeSpy (false);
// G_Responder
// Get info needed to make ticcmd_ts for the players.
bool G_Responder (event_t *ev)
// any other key pops up menu if in demos
// [RH] But only if the key isn't bound to a "special" command
if (gameaction == ga_nothing &&
(demoplayback || gamestate == GS_DEMOSCREEN || gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL))
const char *cmd = C_GetBinding (ev->data1);
if (ev->type == EV_KeyDown)
if (!cmd || (
strnicmp (cmd, "menu_", 5) &&
stricmp (cmd, "toggleconsole") &&
stricmp (cmd, "sizeup") &&
stricmp (cmd, "sizedown") &&
stricmp (cmd, "togglemap") &&
stricmp (cmd, "spynext") &&
stricmp (cmd, "spyprev") &&
stricmp (cmd, "chase") &&
stricmp (cmd, "+showscores") &&
stricmp (cmd, "bumpgamma") &&
stricmp (cmd, "screenshot")))
M_StartControlPanel (true);
return true;
return C_DoKey (ev);
if (cmd && cmd[0] == '+')
return C_DoKey (ev);
return false;
if (CT_Responder (ev))
return true; // chat ate the event
if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL)
if (ST_Responder (ev))
return true; // status window ate it
if (!viewactive && AM_Responder (ev))
return true; // automap ate it
else if (gamestate == GS_FINALE)
if (F_Responder (ev))
return true; // finale ate the event
switch (ev->type)
case EV_KeyDown:
if (C_DoKey (ev))
return true;
case EV_KeyUp:
C_DoKey (ev);
// [RH] mouse buttons are sent as key up/down events
case EV_Mouse:
mousex = (int)(ev->x * mouse_sensitivity);
mousey = (int)(ev->y * mouse_sensitivity);
// [RH] If the view is active, give the automap a chance at
// the events *last* so that any bound keys get precedence.
if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && viewactive)
return AM_Responder (ev);
return (ev->type == EV_KeyDown ||
ev->type == EV_Mouse);
// G_Ticker
// Make ticcmd_ts for the players.
extern FTexture *Page;
void G_Ticker ()
int i;
gamestate_t oldgamestate;
// do player reborns if needed
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i] &&
(players[i].playerstate == PST_REBORN || players[i].playerstate == PST_ENTER))
G_DoReborn (i, false);
if (ToggleFullscreen)
static char toggle_fullscreen[] = "toggle fullscreen";
ToggleFullscreen = false;
AddCommandString (toggle_fullscreen);
// do things to change the game state
oldgamestate = gamestate;
while (gameaction != ga_nothing)
if (gameaction == ga_newgame2)
gameaction = ga_newgame;
switch (gameaction)
case ga_loadlevel:
G_DoLoadLevel (-1, false);
case ga_newgame2: // Silence GCC (see above)
case ga_newgame:
G_DoNewGame ();
case ga_loadgame:
case ga_autoloadgame:
G_DoLoadGame ();
case ga_savegame:
G_DoSaveGame (true, savegamefile, savedescription);
gameaction = ga_nothing;
savegamefile = "";
savedescription[0] = '\0';
case ga_autosave:
G_DoAutoSave ();
gameaction = ga_nothing;
case ga_playdemo:
G_DoPlayDemo ();
case ga_completed:
G_DoCompleted ();
case ga_slideshow:
F_StartSlideshow ();
case ga_worlddone:
G_DoWorldDone ();
case ga_screenshot:
M_ScreenShot (shotfile);
shotfile = "";
gameaction = ga_nothing;
case ga_fullconsole:
C_FullConsole ();
gameaction = ga_nothing;
case ga_togglemap:
AM_ToggleMap ();
gameaction = ga_nothing;
case ga_nothing:
C_AdjustBottom ();
if (oldgamestate != gamestate)
if (oldgamestate == GS_DEMOSCREEN && Page != NULL)
Page = NULL;
else if (oldgamestate == GS_FINALE)
F_EndFinale ();
// get commands, check consistancy, and build new consistancy check
int buf = (gametic/ticdup)%BACKUPTICS;
// [RH] Include some random seeds and player stuff in the consistancy
// check, not just the player's x position like BOOM.
DWORD rngsum = FRandom::StaticSumSeeds ();
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i])
ticcmd_t *cmd = &players[i].cmd;
ticcmd_t *newcmd = &netcmds[i][buf];
if ((gametic % ticdup) == 0)
RunNetSpecs (i, buf);
if (demorecording)
G_WriteDemoTiccmd (newcmd, i, buf);
players[i].oldbuttons = cmd->ucmd.buttons;
// If the user alt-tabbed away, paused gets set to -1. In this case,
// we do not want to read more demo commands until paused is no
// longer negative.
if (demoplayback && paused >= 0)
G_ReadDemoTiccmd (cmd, i);
memcpy (cmd, newcmd, sizeof(ticcmd_t));
// check for turbo cheats
if (cmd->ucmd.forwardmove > TURBOTHRESHOLD &&
!(gametic&31) && ((gametic>>5)&(MAXPLAYERS-1)) == i )
Printf ("%s is turbo!\n", players[i].userinfo.netname);
if (netgame && !players[i].isbot && !netdemo && (gametic%ticdup) == 0)
//players[i].inconsistant = 0;
if (gametic > BACKUPTICS*ticdup && consistancy[i][buf] != cmd->consistancy)
players[i].inconsistant = gametic - BACKUPTICS*ticdup;
if (players[i].mo)
DWORD sum = rngsum + players[i].mo->x + players[i].mo->y + players[i].mo->z
+ players[i].mo->angle + players[i].mo->pitch;
sum ^= players[i].health;
consistancy[i][buf] = sum;
consistancy[i][buf] = rngsum;
// do main actions
switch (gamestate)
case GS_LEVEL:
P_Ticker ();
AM_Ticker ();
P_Ticker ();
WI_Ticker ();
F_Ticker ();
D_PageTicker ();
if (gameaction == ga_nothing)
gamestate = GS_FULLCONSOLE;
gameaction = ga_fullconsole;
// also see P_SpawnPlayer in P_Mobj
// G_PlayerFinishLevel
// Called when a player completes a level.
void G_PlayerFinishLevel (int player, EFinishLevelType mode, bool resetinventory)
AInventory *item, *next;
player_t *p;
p = &players[player];
// Strip all current powers, unless moving in a hub and the power is okay to keep.
item = p->mo->Inventory;
while (item != NULL)
next = item->Inventory;
if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerup)))
if (deathmatch || mode != FINISH_SameHub || !(item->ItemFlags & IF_HUBPOWER))
item->Destroy ();
item = next;
if (p->ReadyWeapon != NULL &&
p->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags&WIF_POWERED_UP &&
p->PendingWeapon == p->ReadyWeapon->SisterWeapon)
// Unselect powered up weapons if the unpowered counterpart is pending
p->mo->flags &= ~MF_SHADOW; // cancel invisibility
p->mo->RenderStyle = STYLE_Normal;
p->mo->alpha = FRACUNIT;
p->extralight = 0; // cancel gun flashes
p->fixedcolormap = 0; // cancel ir goggles
p->damagecount = 0; // no palette changes
p->bonuscount = 0;
p->poisoncount = 0;
p->inventorytics = 0;
if (mode != FINISH_SameHub)
// Take away flight and keys (and anything else with IF_INTERHUBSTRIP set)
item = p->mo->Inventory;
while (item != NULL)
next = item->Inventory;
if (item->ItemFlags & IF_INTERHUBSTRIP)
item->Destroy ();
item = next;
if (mode == FINISH_NoHub && !(level.flags2 & LEVEL2_KEEPFULLINVENTORY))
{ // Reduce all owned (visible) inventory to 1 item each
for (item = p->mo->Inventory; item != NULL; item = item->Inventory)
// There may be depletable items with an amount of 0.
// Those need to stay at 0; the rest get dropped to 1.
if (item->ItemFlags & IF_INVBAR && item->Amount > 1)
item->Amount = 1;
if (p->morphTics)
{ // Undo morph
P_UndoPlayerMorph (p, p, true);
// Clears the entire inventory and gives back the defaults for starting a game
if (resetinventory)
AInventory *inv = p->mo->Inventory;
while (inv != NULL)
AInventory *next = inv->Inventory;
if (!(inv->ItemFlags & IF_UNDROPPABLE))
inv->Destroy ();
else if (inv->GetClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(AHexenArmor))
AHexenArmor *harmor = static_cast<AHexenArmor *> (inv);
harmor->Slots[3] = harmor->Slots[2] = harmor->Slots[1] = harmor->Slots[0] = 0;
inv = next;
p->ReadyWeapon = NULL;
p->PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE;
p->psprites[ps_weapon].state = NULL;
p->psprites[ps_flash].state = NULL;
// G_PlayerReborn
// Called after a player dies
// almost everything is cleared and initialized
void G_PlayerReborn (int player)
player_t* p;
int frags[MAXPLAYERS];
int fragcount; // [RH] Cumulative frags
int killcount;
int itemcount;
int secretcount;
int chasecam;
BYTE currclass;
userinfo_t userinfo; // [RH] Save userinfo
botskill_t b_skill;//Added by MC:
APlayerPawn *actor;
const PClass *cls;
FString log;
p = &players[player];
memcpy (frags, p->frags, sizeof(frags));
fragcount = p->fragcount;
killcount = p->killcount;
itemcount = p->itemcount;
secretcount = p->secretcount;
currclass = p->CurrentPlayerClass;
b_skill = p->skill; //Added by MC:
memcpy (&userinfo, &p->userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));
actor = p->mo;
cls = p->cls;
log = p->LogText;
chasecam = p->cheats & CF_CHASECAM;
// Reset player structure to its defaults
::new(p) player_t;
memcpy (p->frags, frags, sizeof(p->frags));
p->fragcount = fragcount;
p->killcount = killcount;
p->itemcount = itemcount;
p->secretcount = secretcount;
p->CurrentPlayerClass = currclass;
memcpy (&p->userinfo, &userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));
p->mo = actor;
p->cls = cls;
p->LogText = log;
p->cheats |= chasecam;
p->skill = b_skill; //Added by MC:
p->oldbuttons = ~0, p->attackdown = true; // don't do anything immediately
p->original_oldbuttons = ~0;
p->playerstate = PST_LIVE;
if (gamestate != GS_TITLELEVEL)
actor->GiveDefaultInventory ();
p->ReadyWeapon = p->PendingWeapon;
//Added by MC: Init bot structure.
if (bglobal.botingame[player])
bglobal.CleanBotstuff (p);
p->isbot = false;
// G_CheckSpot
// Returns false if the player cannot be respawned
// at the given mapthing spot
// because something is occupying it
bool G_CheckSpot (int playernum, FMapThing *mthing)
fixed_t x;
fixed_t y;
fixed_t z, oldz;
int i;
x = mthing->x;
y = mthing->y;
z = mthing->z;
z += P_PointInSector (x, y)->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y);
if (!players[playernum].mo)
{ // first spawn of level, before corpses
for (i = 0; i < playernum; i++)
if (players[i].mo && players[i].mo->x == x && players[i].mo->y == y)
return false;
return true;
oldz = players[playernum].mo->z; // [RH] Need to save corpse's z-height
players[playernum].mo->z = z; // [RH] Checks are now full 3-D
// killough 4/2/98: fix bug where P_CheckPosition() uses a non-solid
// corpse to detect collisions with other players in DM starts
// Old code:
// if (!P_CheckPosition (players[playernum].mo, x, y))
// return false;
players[playernum].mo->flags |= MF_SOLID;
i = P_CheckPosition(players[playernum].mo, x, y);
players[playernum].mo->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
players[playernum].mo->z = oldz; // [RH] Restore corpse's height
if (!i)
return false;
return true;
// G_DeathMatchSpawnPlayer
// Spawns a player at one of the random death match spots
// called at level load and each death
// [RH] Returns the distance of the closest player to the given mapthing
static fixed_t PlayersRangeFromSpot (FMapThing *spot)
fixed_t closest = INT_MAX;
fixed_t distance;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (!playeringame[i] || !players[i].mo || players[i].health <= 0)
distance = P_AproxDistance (players[i].mo->x - spot->x,
players[i].mo->y - spot->y);
if (distance < closest)
closest = distance;
return closest;
// [RH] Select the deathmatch spawn spot farthest from everyone.
static FMapThing *SelectFarthestDeathmatchSpot (size_t selections)
fixed_t bestdistance = 0;
FMapThing *bestspot = NULL;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < selections; i++)
fixed_t distance = PlayersRangeFromSpot (&deathmatchstarts[i]);
if (distance > bestdistance)
bestdistance = distance;
bestspot = &deathmatchstarts[i];
return bestspot;
// [RH] Select a deathmatch spawn spot at random (original mechanism)
static FMapThing *SelectRandomDeathmatchSpot (int playernum, unsigned int selections)
unsigned int i, j;
for (j = 0; j < 20; j++)
i = pr_dmspawn() % selections;
if (G_CheckSpot (playernum, &deathmatchstarts[i]) )
return &deathmatchstarts[i];
// [RH] return a spot anyway, since we allow telefragging when a player spawns
return &deathmatchstarts[i];
void G_DeathMatchSpawnPlayer (int playernum)
unsigned int selections;
FMapThing *spot;
selections = deathmatchstarts.Size ();
// [RH] We can get by with just 1 deathmatch start
if (selections < 1)
I_Error ("No deathmatch starts");
// At level start, none of the players have mobjs attached to them,
// so we always use the random deathmatch spawn. During the game,
// though, we use whatever dmflags specifies.
if ((dmflags & DF_SPAWN_FARTHEST) && players[playernum].mo)
spot = SelectFarthestDeathmatchSpot (selections);
spot = SelectRandomDeathmatchSpot (playernum, selections);
if (!spot)
{ // no good spot, so the player will probably get stuck
spot = &playerstarts[playernum];
if (playernum < 4)
spot->type = playernum+1;
else if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Hexen)
spot->type = playernum+4001-4; // [RH] > 4 players
spot->type = playernum+9100-4;
AActor *mo = P_SpawnPlayer (spot);
if (mo != NULL) P_PlayerStartStomp(mo);
// G_QueueBody
static void G_QueueBody (AActor *body)
// flush an old corpse if needed
int modslot = bodyqueslot%BODYQUESIZE;
if (bodyqueslot >= BODYQUESIZE && bodyque[modslot] != NULL)
bodyque[modslot]->Destroy ();
bodyque[modslot] = body;
// Copy the player's translation, so that if they change their color later, only
// their current body will change and not all their old corpses.
if (GetTranslationType(body->Translation) == TRANSLATION_Players ||
GetTranslationType(body->Translation) == TRANSLATION_PlayersExtra)
*translationtables[TRANSLATION_PlayerCorpses][modslot] = *TranslationToTable(body->Translation);
body->Translation = TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_PlayerCorpses,modslot);
// G_DoReborn
void G_DoReborn (int playernum, bool freshbot)
if (!multiplayer && !(level.flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLOWRESPAWN))
if (BackupSaveName.Len() > 0 && FileExists (BackupSaveName.GetChars()))
{ // Load game from the last point it was saved
savename = BackupSaveName;
gameaction = ga_autoloadgame;
{ // Reload the level from scratch
bool indemo = demoplayback;
BackupSaveName = "";
G_InitNew (level.mapname, false);
demoplayback = indemo;
// gameaction = ga_loadlevel;
// respawn at the start
int i;
// first disassociate the corpse
if (players[playernum].mo)
G_QueueBody (players[playernum].mo);
players[playernum].mo->player = NULL;
// spawn at random spot if in death match
if (deathmatch)
G_DeathMatchSpawnPlayer (playernum);
if (G_CheckSpot (playernum, &playerstarts[playernum]) )
AActor *mo = P_SpawnPlayer (&playerstarts[playernum]);
if (mo != NULL) P_PlayerStartStomp(mo);
// try to spawn at one of the other players' spots
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (G_CheckSpot (playernum, &playerstarts[i]) )
int oldtype = playerstarts[i].type;
// fake as other player
// [RH] These numbers should be common across all games. Or better yet, not
// used at all outside P_SpawnMapThing().
if (playernum < 4 || gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife)
playerstarts[i].type = playernum + 1;
else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen)
playerstarts[i].type = playernum + 9100 - 4;
playerstarts[i].type = playernum + 4001 - 4;
AActor *mo = P_SpawnPlayer (&playerstarts[i]);
if (mo != NULL) P_PlayerStartStomp(mo);
playerstarts[i].type = oldtype; // restore
// he's going to be inside something. Too bad.
AActor *mo = P_SpawnPlayer (&playerstarts[playernum]);
if (mo != NULL) P_PlayerStartStomp(mo);
void G_ScreenShot (char *filename)
shotfile = filename;
gameaction = ga_screenshot;
// G_InitFromSavegame
// Can be called by the startup code or the menu task.
void G_LoadGame (const char* name)
if (name != NULL)
savename = name;
gameaction = ga_loadgame;
static bool CheckSingleWad (char *name, bool &printRequires, bool printwarn)
if (name == NULL)
return true;
if (Wads.CheckIfWadLoaded (name) < 0)
if (printwarn)
if (!printRequires)
Printf ("This savegame needs these wads:\n%s", name);
Printf (", %s", name);
printRequires = true;
delete[] name;
return false;
delete[] name;
return true;
// Return false if not all the needed wads have been loaded.
bool G_CheckSaveGameWads (PNGHandle *png, bool printwarn)
char *text;
bool printRequires = false;
text = M_GetPNGText (png, "Game WAD");
CheckSingleWad (text, printRequires, printwarn);
text = M_GetPNGText (png, "Map WAD");
CheckSingleWad (text, printRequires, printwarn);
if (printRequires)
if (printwarn)
Printf ("\n");
return false;
return true;
void G_DoLoadGame ()
char sigcheck[20];
char *text = NULL;
char *map;
if (gameaction != ga_autoloadgame)
demoplayback = false;
gameaction = ga_nothing;
FILE *stdfile = fopen (savename.GetChars(), "rb");
if (stdfile == NULL)
Printf ("Could not read savegame '%s'\n", savename.GetChars());
PNGHandle *png = M_VerifyPNG (stdfile);
if (png == NULL)
fclose (stdfile);
Printf ("'%s' is not a valid (PNG) savegame\n", savename.GetChars());
SaveVersion = 0;
// Check whether this savegame actually has been created by a compatible engine.
// Since there are ZDoom derivates using the exact same savegame format but
// with mutual incompatibilities this check simplifies things significantly.
char *engine = M_GetPNGText (png, "Engine");
if (engine == NULL || 0 != strcmp (engine, GAMESIG))
// Make a special case for the message printed for old savegames that don't
// have this information.
if (engine == NULL)
Printf ("Savegame is from an incompatible version\n");
Printf ("Savegame is from another ZDoom-based engine: %s\n", engine);
delete[] engine;
delete png;
fclose (stdfile);
if (engine != NULL)
delete[] engine;
if (!M_GetPNGText (png, "ZDoom Save Version", sigcheck, 20) ||
0 != strncmp (sigcheck, SAVESIG, 9) || // ZDOOMSAVE is the first 9 chars
(SaveVersion = atoi (sigcheck+9)) < MINSAVEVER)
Printf ("Savegame is from an incompatible version\n");
delete png;
fclose (stdfile);
if (!G_CheckSaveGameWads (png, true))
fclose (stdfile);
map = M_GetPNGText (png, "Current Map");
if (map == NULL)
Printf ("Savegame is missing the current map\n");
fclose (stdfile);
// Read intermission data for hubs
bglobal.RemoveAllBots (true);
text = M_GetPNGText (png, "Important CVARs");
if (text != NULL)
BYTE *vars_p = (BYTE *)text;
C_ReadCVars (&vars_p);
delete[] text;
// dearchive all the modifications
if (M_FindPNGChunk (png, MAKE_ID('p','t','I','c')) == 8)
DWORD time[2];
fread (&time, 8, 1, stdfile);
time[0] = BigLong((unsigned int)time[0]);
time[1] = BigLong((unsigned int)time[1]);
level.time = Scale (time[1], TICRATE, time[0]);
{ // No ptIc chunk so we don't know how long the user was playing
level.time = 0;
G_ReadSnapshots (png);
FRandom::StaticReadRNGState (png);
P_ReadACSDefereds (png);
// load a base level
savegamerestore = true; // Use the player actors in the savegame
bool demoplaybacksave = demoplayback;
G_InitNew (map, false);
demoplayback = demoplaybacksave;
delete[] map;
savegamerestore = false;
NextSkill = -1;
if (M_FindPNGChunk (png, MAKE_ID('s','n','X','t')) == 1)
BYTE next;
fread (&next, 1, 1, stdfile);
NextSkill = next;
if (level.info->snapshot != NULL)
delete level.info->snapshot;
level.info->snapshot = NULL;
BackupSaveName = savename;
delete png;
fclose (stdfile);
// At this point, the GC threshold is likely a lot higher than the
// amount of memory in use, so bring it down now by starting a
// collection.
// G_SaveGame
// Called by the menu task.
// Description is a 24 byte text string
void G_SaveGame (const char *filename, const char *description)
if (sendsave || gameaction == ga_savegame)
Printf ("A game save is still pending.\n");
savegamefile = filename;
strncpy (savedescription, description, sizeof(savedescription)-1);
savedescription[sizeof(savedescription)-1] = '\0';
sendsave = true;
FString G_BuildSaveName (const char *prefix, int slot)
FString name;
const char *leader;
const char *slash = "";
if (NULL != (leader = Args->CheckValue ("-savedir")))
size_t len = strlen (leader);
if (leader[len-1] != '\\' && leader[len-1] != '/')
slash = "/";
#ifndef unix
else if (Args->CheckParm ("-cdrom"))
leader = CDROM_DIR "/";
leader = progdir;
leader = "";
if (slot < 0)
name.Format ("%s%s%s", leader, slash, prefix);
name.Format ("%s%s%s%d.zds", leader, slash, prefix, slot);
#ifdef unix
if (leader[0] == 0)
name = GetUserFile (name);
return name;
if (self < 0)
self = 0;
if (self > 20)
self = 20;
extern void P_CalcHeight (player_t *);
void G_DoAutoSave ()
char description[SAVESTRINGSIZE];
FString file;
// Keep up to four autosaves at a time
UCVarValue num;
const char *readableTime;
int count = autosavecount != 0 ? autosavecount : 1;
num.Int = (autosavenum + 1) % count;
autosavenum.ForceSet (num, CVAR_Int);
file = G_BuildSaveName ("auto", num.Int);
readableTime = myasctime ();
strcpy (description, "Autosave ");
strncpy (description+9, readableTime+4, 12);
description[9+12] = 0;
G_DoSaveGame (false, file, description);
static void PutSaveWads (FILE *file)
const char *name;
// Name of IWAD
name = Wads.GetWadName (FWadCollection::IWAD_FILENUM);
M_AppendPNGText (file, "Game WAD", name);
// Name of wad the map resides in
if (Wads.GetLumpFile (level.lumpnum) > 1)
name = Wads.GetWadName (Wads.GetLumpFile (level.lumpnum));
M_AppendPNGText (file, "Map WAD", name);
static void PutSaveComment (FILE *file)
char comment[256];
const char *readableTime;
WORD len;
int levelTime;
// Get the current date and time
readableTime = myasctime ();
strncpy (comment, readableTime, 10);
strncpy (comment+10, readableTime+19, 5);
strncpy (comment+15, readableTime+10, 9);
comment[24] = 0;
M_AppendPNGText (file, "Creation Time", comment);
// Get level name
//strcpy (comment, level.level_name);
mysnprintf(comment, countof(comment), "%s - %s", level.mapname, level.LevelName.GetChars());
len = (WORD)strlen (comment);
comment[len] = '\n';
// Append elapsed time
levelTime = level.time / TICRATE;
mysnprintf (comment + len + 1, countof(comment) - len - 1, "time: %02d:%02d:%02d",
levelTime/3600, (levelTime%3600)/60, levelTime%60);
comment[len+16] = 0;
// Write out the comment
M_AppendPNGText (file, "Comment", comment);
static void PutSavePic (FILE *file, int width, int height)
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0 || !storesavepic)
M_CreateDummyPNG (file);
screen->WriteSavePic(&players[consoleplayer], file, width, height);
void G_DoSaveGame (bool okForQuicksave, FString filename, const char *description)
// Do not even try, if we're not in a level. (Can happen after
// a demo finishes playback.)
if (lines == NULL || sectors == NULL)
if (demoplayback)
filename = G_BuildSaveName ("demosave.zds", -1);
insave = true;
G_SnapshotLevel ();
FILE *stdfile = fopen (filename.GetChars(), "wb");
if (stdfile == NULL)
Printf ("Could not create savegame '%s'\n", filename.GetChars());
insave = false;
SaveVersion = SAVEVER;
M_AppendPNGText (stdfile, "Software", "ZDoom " DOTVERSIONSTR);
M_AppendPNGText (stdfile, "Engine", GAMESIG);
M_AppendPNGText (stdfile, "ZDoom Save Version", SAVESIG);
M_AppendPNGText (stdfile, "Title", description);
M_AppendPNGText (stdfile, "Current Map", level.mapname);
PutSaveWads (stdfile);
PutSaveComment (stdfile);
// Intermission stats for hubs
BYTE vars[4096], *vars_p;
vars_p = vars;
C_WriteCVars (&vars_p, CVAR_SERVERINFO);
*vars_p = 0;
M_AppendPNGText (stdfile, "Important CVARs", (char *)vars);
if (level.time != 0 || level.maptime != 0)
DWORD time[2] = { BigLong(TICRATE), BigLong(level.time) };
M_AppendPNGChunk (stdfile, MAKE_ID('p','t','I','c'), (BYTE *)&time, 8);
G_WriteSnapshots (stdfile);
FRandom::StaticWriteRNGState (stdfile);
P_WriteACSDefereds (stdfile);
if (NextSkill != -1)
BYTE next = NextSkill;
M_AppendPNGChunk (stdfile, MAKE_ID('s','n','X','t'), &next, 1);
M_NotifyNewSave (filename.GetChars(), description, okForQuicksave);
M_FinishPNG (stdfile);
fclose (stdfile);
// Check whether the file is ok.
bool success = false;
stdfile = fopen (filename.GetChars(), "rb");
if (stdfile != NULL)
PNGHandle *pngh = M_VerifyPNG(stdfile);
if (pngh != NULL)
success = true;
delete pngh;
if (success)
if (longsavemessages) Printf ("%s (%s)\n", GStrings("GGSAVED"), filename.GetChars());
else Printf ("%s\n", GStrings("GGSAVED"));
else Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "Save failed\n");
BackupSaveName = filename;
// We don't need the snapshot any longer.
if (level.info->snapshot != NULL)
delete level.info->snapshot;
level.info->snapshot = NULL;
insave = false;
void G_ReadDemoTiccmd (ticcmd_t *cmd, int player)
int id = DEM_BAD;
while (id != DEM_USERCMD && id != DEM_EMPTYUSERCMD)
if (!demorecording && demo_p >= zdembodyend)
// nothing left in the BODY chunk, so end playback.
G_CheckDemoStatus ();
id = ReadByte (&demo_p);
switch (id)
case DEM_STOP:
// end of demo stream
G_CheckDemoStatus ();
UnpackUserCmd (&cmd->ucmd, &cmd->ucmd, &demo_p);
// leave cmd->ucmd unchanged
BYTE i = ReadByte (&demo_p);
playeringame[i] = false;
Net_DoCommand (id, &demo_p, player);
bool stoprecording;
CCMD (stop)
stoprecording = true;
extern BYTE *lenspot;
void G_WriteDemoTiccmd (ticcmd_t *cmd, int player, int buf)
BYTE *specdata;
int speclen;
if (stoprecording)
{ // use "stop" console command to end demo recording
G_CheckDemoStatus ();
if (!netgame)
gameaction = ga_fullconsole;
// [RH] Write any special "ticcmds" for this player to the demo
if ((specdata = NetSpecs[player][buf].GetData (&speclen)) && gametic % ticdup == 0)
memcpy (demo_p, specdata, speclen);
demo_p += speclen;
NetSpecs[player][buf].SetData (NULL, 0);
// [RH] Now write out a "normal" ticcmd.
WriteUserCmdMessage (&cmd->ucmd, &players[player].cmd.ucmd, &demo_p);
// [RH] Bigger safety margin
if (demo_p > demobuffer + maxdemosize - 64)
ptrdiff_t pos = demo_p - demobuffer;
ptrdiff_t spot = lenspot - demobuffer;
ptrdiff_t comp = democompspot - demobuffer;
ptrdiff_t body = demobodyspot - demobuffer;
// [RH] Allocate more space for the demo
maxdemosize += 0x20000;
demobuffer = (BYTE *)M_Realloc (demobuffer, maxdemosize);
demo_p = demobuffer + pos;
lenspot = demobuffer + spot;
democompspot = demobuffer + comp;
demobodyspot = demobuffer + body;
// G_RecordDemo
void G_RecordDemo (char* name)
char *v;
usergame = false;
strcpy (demoname, name);
FixPathSeperator (demoname);
DefaultExtension (demoname, ".lmp");
v = Args->CheckValue ("-maxdemo");
maxdemosize = 0x20000;
demobuffer = (BYTE *)M_Malloc (maxdemosize);
demorecording = true;
// [RH] Demos are now saved as IFF FORMs. I've also removed support
// for earlier ZDEMs since I didn't want to bother supporting
// something that probably wasn't used much (if at all).
void G_BeginRecording (const char *startmap)
int i;
if (startmap == NULL)
startmap = level.mapname;
demo_p = demobuffer;
WriteLong (FORM_ID, &demo_p); // Write FORM ID
demo_p += 4; // Leave space for len
WriteLong (ZDEM_ID, &demo_p); // Write ZDEM ID
// Write header chunk
StartChunk (ZDHD_ID, &demo_p);
WriteWord (DEMOGAMEVERSION, &demo_p); // Write ZDoom version
*demo_p++ = 2; // Write minimum version needed to use this demo.
*demo_p++ = 3; // (Useful?)
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) // Write name of map demo was recorded on.
*demo_p++ = startmap[i];
WriteLong (rngseed, &demo_p); // Write RNG seed
*demo_p++ = consoleplayer;
FinishChunk (&demo_p);
// Write player info chunks
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i])
StartChunk (UINF_ID, &demo_p);
WriteByte ((BYTE)i, &demo_p);
D_WriteUserInfoStrings (i, &demo_p);
FinishChunk (&demo_p);
// It is possible to start a "multiplayer" game with only one player,
// so checking the number of players when playing back the demo is not
// enough.
if (multiplayer)
StartChunk (NETD_ID, &demo_p);
FinishChunk (&demo_p);
// Write cvars chunk
StartChunk (VARS_ID, &demo_p);
FinishChunk (&demo_p);
// Write weapon ordering chunk
StartChunk (WEAP_ID, &demo_p);
FinishChunk (&demo_p);
// Indicate body is compressed
StartChunk (COMP_ID, &demo_p);
democompspot = demo_p;
WriteLong (0, &demo_p);
FinishChunk (&demo_p);
// Begin BODY chunk
StartChunk (BODY_ID, &demo_p);
demobodyspot = demo_p;
// G_PlayDemo
FString defdemoname;
void G_DeferedPlayDemo (char *name)
defdemoname = name;
gameaction = ga_playdemo;
CCMD (playdemo)
if (argv.argc() > 1)
G_DeferedPlayDemo (argv[1]);
singledemo = true;
CCMD (timedemo)
if (argv.argc() > 1)
G_TimeDemo (argv[1]);
singledemo = true;
// [RH] Process all the information in a FORM ZDEM
// until a BODY chunk is entered.
bool G_ProcessIFFDemo (char *mapname)
bool headerHit = false;
bool bodyHit = false;
int numPlayers = 0;
int id, len, i;
uLong uncompSize = 0;
BYTE *nextchunk;
demoplayback = true;
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
playeringame[i] = 0;
len = ReadLong (&demo_p);
zdemformend = demo_p + len + (len & 1);
// Check to make sure this is a ZDEM chunk file.
// TODO: Support multiple FORM ZDEMs in a CAT. Might be useful.
id = ReadLong (&demo_p);
if (id != ZDEM_ID)
Printf ("Not a ZDoom demo file!\n");
return true;
// Process all chunks until a BODY chunk is encountered.
while (demo_p < zdemformend && !bodyHit)
id = ReadLong (&demo_p);
len = ReadLong (&demo_p);
nextchunk = demo_p + len + (len & 1);
if (nextchunk > zdemformend)
Printf ("Demo is mangled!\n");
return true;
switch (id)
case ZDHD_ID:
headerHit = true;
demover = ReadWord (&demo_p); // ZDoom version demo was created with
if (demover < MINDEMOVERSION)
Printf ("Demo requires an older version of ZDoom!\n");
//return true;
if (ReadWord (&demo_p) > DEMOGAMEVERSION) // Minimum ZDoom version
Printf ("Demo requires a newer version of ZDoom!\n");
return true;
memcpy (mapname, demo_p, 8); // Read map name
mapname[8] = 0;
demo_p += 8;
rngseed = ReadLong (&demo_p);
FRandom::StaticClearRandom ();
consoleplayer = *demo_p++;
case VARS_ID:
C_ReadCVars (&demo_p);
case UINF_ID:
i = ReadByte (&demo_p);
if (!playeringame[i])
playeringame[i] = 1;
D_ReadUserInfoStrings (i, &demo_p, false);
case NETD_ID:
multiplayer = true;
case WEAP_ID:
case BODY_ID:
bodyHit = true;
zdembodyend = demo_p + len;
case COMP_ID:
uncompSize = ReadLong (&demo_p);
if (!bodyHit)
demo_p = nextchunk;
if (!numPlayers)
Printf ("Demo has no players!\n");
return true;
if (!bodyHit)
zdembodyend = NULL;
Printf ("Demo has no BODY chunk!\n");
return true;
if (numPlayers > 1)
multiplayer = netgame = netdemo = true;
if (uncompSize > 0)
BYTE *uncompressed = new BYTE[uncompSize];
int r = uncompress (uncompressed, &uncompSize, demo_p, zdembodyend - demo_p);
if (r != Z_OK)
Printf ("Could not decompress demo!\n");
delete[] uncompressed;
return true;
M_Free (demobuffer);
zdembodyend = uncompressed + uncompSize;
demobuffer = demo_p = uncompressed;
return false;
void G_DoPlayDemo (void)
char mapname[9];
int demolump;
gameaction = ga_nothing;
// [RH] Allow for demos not loaded as lumps
demolump = Wads.CheckNumForFullName (defdemoname, true);
if (demolump >= 0)
int demolen = Wads.LumpLength (demolump);
demobuffer = (BYTE *)M_Malloc(demolen);
Wads.ReadLump (demolump, demobuffer);
FixPathSeperator (defdemoname);
DefaultExtension (defdemoname, ".lmp");
M_ReadFile (defdemoname, &demobuffer);
demo_p = demobuffer;
Printf ("Playing demo %s\n", defdemoname.GetChars());
C_BackupCVars (); // [RH] Save cvars that might be affected by demo
if (ReadLong (&demo_p) != FORM_ID)
const char *eek = "Cannot play non-ZDoom demos.\n(They would go out of sync badly.)\n";
demo_p = demobuffer = NULL;
if (singledemo)
I_Error ("%s", eek);
Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "%s", eek);
gameaction = ga_nothing;
else if (G_ProcessIFFDemo (mapname))
gameaction = ga_nothing;
demoplayback = false;
// don't spend a lot of time in loadlevel
precache = false;
demonew = true;
G_InitNew (mapname, false);
C_HideConsole ();
demonew = false;
precache = true;
usergame = false;
demoplayback = true;
// G_TimeDemo
void G_TimeDemo (char* name)
nodrawers = !!Args->CheckParm ("-nodraw");
noblit = !!Args->CheckParm ("-noblit");
timingdemo = true;
singletics = true;
defdemoname = name;
gameaction = ga_playdemo;
= G_CheckDemoStatus
= Called after a death or level completion to allow demos to be cleaned up
= Returns true if a new demo loop action will take place
bool G_CheckDemoStatus (void)
if (!demorecording)
{ // [RH] Restore the player's userinfo settings.
if (demoplayback)
extern int starttime;
int endtime = 0;
if (timingdemo)
endtime = I_GetTime (false) - starttime;
C_RestoreCVars (); // [RH] Restore cvars demo might have changed
M_Free (demobuffer);
demoplayback = false;
netdemo = false;
netgame = false;
multiplayer = false;
singletics = false;
for (int i = 1; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
playeringame[i] = 0;
consoleplayer = 0;
players[0].camera = NULL;
StatusBar->AttachToPlayer (&players[0]);
if (singledemo || timingdemo)
if (timingdemo)
// Trying to get back to a stable state after timing a demo
// seems to cause problems. I don't feel like fixing that
// right now.
I_FatalError ("timed %i gametics in %i realtics (%.1f fps)\n"
"(This is not really an error.)", gametic,
endtime, (float)gametic/(float)endtime*(float)TICRATE);
Printf ("Demo ended.\n");
gameaction = ga_fullconsole;
timingdemo = false;
return false;
D_AdvanceDemo ();
return true;
if (demorecording)
BYTE *formlen;
WriteByte (DEM_STOP, &demo_p);
if (demo_compress)
// Now that the entire BODY chunk has been created, replace it with
// a compressed version. If the BODY successfully compresses, the
// contents of the COMP chunk will be changed to indicate the
// uncompressed size of the BODY.
uLong len = demo_p - demobodyspot;
uLong outlen = (len + len/100 + 12);
Byte *compressed = new Byte[outlen];
int r = compress2 (compressed, &outlen, demobodyspot, len, 9);
if (r == Z_OK && outlen < len)
formlen = democompspot;
WriteLong (len, &democompspot);
memcpy (demobodyspot, compressed, outlen);
demo_p = demobodyspot + outlen;
delete[] compressed;
FinishChunk (&demo_p);
formlen = demobuffer + 4;
WriteLong (demo_p - demobuffer - 8, &formlen);
M_WriteFile (demoname, demobuffer, demo_p - demobuffer);
M_Free (demobuffer);
demorecording = false;
stoprecording = false;
Printf ("Demo %s recorded\n", demoname);
return false;