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3092 lines
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3092 lines
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// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id: s_sound.c,v 1.3 1998/01/05 16:26:08 pekangas Exp $
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "i_system.h"
#include "i_sound.h"
#include "i_music.h"
#include "i_cd.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "s_sndseq.h"
#include "s_playlist.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "v_text.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "timidity/timidity.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "po_man.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "d_player.h"
#include "r_state.h"
// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef NeXT
// NeXT doesn't need a binary flag in open call
#define O_BINARY 0
#ifndef O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0
#define NORM_PITCH 128
#define NORM_PRIORITY 64
#define NORM_SEP 0
#define S_STEREO_SWING 0.75
// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
struct MusPlayingInfo
FString name;
MusInfo *handle;
int baseorder;
bool loop;
SOURCE_None, // Sound is always on top of the listener.
SOURCE_Actor, // Sound is coming from an actor.
SOURCE_Sector, // Sound is coming from a sector.
SOURCE_Polyobj, // Sound is coming from a polyobject.
SOURCE_Unattached, // Sound is not attached to any particular emitter.
// EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------
extern float S_GetMusicVolume (const char *music);
// PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------------------------------------
// PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------
static void S_LoadSound3D(sfxinfo_t *sfx);
static bool S_CheckSoundLimit(sfxinfo_t *sfx, const FVector3 &pos, int near_limit, float limit_range, AActor *actor, int channel);
static bool S_IsChannelUsed(AActor *actor, int channel, int *seen);
static void S_ActivatePlayList(bool goBack);
static void CalcPosVel(FSoundChan *chan, FVector3 *pos, FVector3 *vel);
static void CalcPosVel(int type, const AActor *actor, const sector_t *sector, const FPolyObj *poly,
const float pt[3], int channel, int chanflags, FVector3 *pos, FVector3 *vel);
static void CalcSectorSoundOrg(const DVector3 &listenpos, const sector_t *sec, int channum, FVector3 &res);
static void CalcPolyobjSoundOrg(const DVector3 &listenpos, const FPolyObj *poly, FVector3 &res);
static FSoundChan *S_StartSound(AActor *mover, const sector_t *sec, const FPolyObj *poly,
const FVector3 *pt, int channel, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float attenuation, FRolloffInfo *rolloff);
static void S_SetListener(SoundListener &listener, AActor *listenactor);
// PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------
static bool SoundPaused; // whether sound is paused
static bool MusicPaused; // whether music is paused
static MusPlayingInfo mus_playing; // music currently being played
static FString LastSong; // last music that was played
static FPlayList *PlayList;
static int RestartEvictionsAt; // do not restart evicted channels before this level.time
// PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------
int sfx_empty;
FSoundChan *Channels;
FSoundChan *FreeChannels;
FRolloffInfo S_Rolloff;
BYTE *S_SoundCurve;
int S_SoundCurveSize;
FBoolCVar noisedebug ("noise", false, 0); // [RH] Print sound debugging info?
CVAR (Int, snd_channels, 32, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) // number of channels available
CVAR (Bool, snd_flipstereo, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------
// S_NoiseDebug
// [RH] Print sound debug info. Called by status bar.
void S_NoiseDebug (void)
FSoundChan *chan;
FVector3 listener;
FVector3 origin;
int y, color;
y = 32 * CleanYfac;
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_YELLOW, 0, y, "*** SOUND DEBUG INFO ***", TAG_DONE);
y += 8;
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 0, y, "name", TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 70, y, "x", TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 120, y, "y", TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 170, y, "z", TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 220, y, "vol", TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 260, y, "dist", TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 300, y, "chan", TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 340, y, "pri", TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 380, y, "flags", TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 460, y, "aud", TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, CR_GOLD, 520, y, "pos", TAG_DONE);
y += 8;
if (Channels == NULL)
listener = players[consoleplayer].camera->SoundPos();
// Display the oldest channel first.
for (chan = Channels; chan->NextChan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
{ }
while (y < SCREENHEIGHT - 16)
char temp[32];
CalcPosVel(chan, &origin, NULL);
color = (chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_LOOP) ? CR_BROWN : CR_GREY;
// Name
Wads.GetLumpName (temp, S_sfx[chan->SoundID].lumpnum);
temp[8] = 0;
screen->DrawText (SmallFont, color, 0, y, temp, TAG_DONE);
if (!(chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_IS3D))
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 70, y, "---", TAG_DONE); // X
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 120, y, "---", TAG_DONE); // Y
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 170, y, "---", TAG_DONE); // Z
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 260, y, "---", TAG_DONE); // Distance
// X coordinate
mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%.0f", origin.X);
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 70, y, temp, TAG_DONE);
// Y coordinate
mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%.0f", origin.Z);
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 120, y, temp, TAG_DONE);
// Z coordinate
mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%.0f", origin.Y);
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 170, y, temp, TAG_DONE);
// Distance
if (chan->DistanceScale > 0)
mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%.0f", (origin - listener).Length());
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 260, y, temp, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 260, y, "---", TAG_DONE);
// Volume
mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%.2g", chan->Volume);
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 220, y, temp, TAG_DONE);
// Channel
mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%d", chan->EntChannel);
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 300, y, temp, TAG_DONE);
// Priority
mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%d", chan->Priority);
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 340, y, temp, TAG_DONE);
// Flags
mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%s3%sZ%sU%sM%sN%sA%sL%sE%sV",
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 380, y, temp, TAG_DONE);
// Audibility
mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%.4f", GSnd->GetAudibility(chan));
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 460, y, temp, TAG_DONE);
// Position
mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%u", GSnd->GetPosition(chan));
screen->DrawText(SmallFont, color, 520, y, temp, TAG_DONE);
y += 8;
if (chan->PrevChan == &Channels)
chan = (FSoundChan *)((size_t)chan->PrevChan - myoffsetof(FSoundChan, NextChan));
static FString LastLocalSndInfo;
static FString LastLocalSndSeq;
void S_AddLocalSndInfo(int lump);
// S_Init
// Initializes sound stuff, including volume. Sets channels, SFX and
// music volume, allocates channel buffer, and sets S_sfx lookup.
void S_Init ()
int curvelump;
atterm (S_Shutdown);
// remove old data (S_Init can be called multiple times!)
if (S_SoundCurve != NULL)
delete[] S_SoundCurve;
S_SoundCurve = NULL;
// Heretic and Hexen have sound curve lookup tables. Doom does not.
curvelump = Wads.CheckNumForName ("SNDCURVE");
if (curvelump >= 0)
S_SoundCurveSize = Wads.LumpLength (curvelump);
S_SoundCurve = new BYTE[S_SoundCurveSize];
Wads.ReadLump(curvelump, S_SoundCurve);
// Free all channels for use.
while (Channels != NULL)
// no sounds are playing, and they are not paused
MusicPaused = false;
// S_InitData
void S_InitData ()
LastLocalSndInfo = LastLocalSndSeq = "";
S_ParseSndInfo (false);
S_ParseSndSeq (-1);
// S_Shutdown
void S_Shutdown ()
FSoundChan *chan, *next;
chan = Channels;
while (chan != NULL)
next = chan->NextChan;
chan = next;
for (chan = FreeChannels; chan != NULL; chan = next)
next = chan->NextChan;
delete chan;
FreeChannels = NULL;
if (S_SoundCurve != NULL)
delete[] S_SoundCurve;
S_SoundCurve = NULL;
if (PlayList != NULL)
delete PlayList;
PlayList = NULL;
S_StopMusic (true);
mus_playing.name = "";
LastSong = "";
// S_Start
// Per level startup code. Kills playing sounds at start of level
// and starts new music.
void S_Start ()
if (GSnd)
// kill all playing sounds at start of level (trust me - a good idea)
// Check for local sound definitions. Only reload if they differ
// from the previous ones.
FString LocalSndInfo;
FString LocalSndSeq;
// To be certain better check whether level is valid!
if (level.info)
LocalSndInfo = level.info->SoundInfo;
if (level.info)
LocalSndSeq = level.info->SndSeq;
bool parse_ss = false;
// This level uses a different local SNDINFO
if (LastLocalSndInfo.CompareNoCase(LocalSndInfo) != 0 || !level.info)
// First delete the old sound list
for(unsigned i = 1; i < S_sfx.Size(); i++)
// Parse the global SNDINFO
if (LocalSndInfo.IsNotEmpty())
// Now parse the local SNDINFO
int j = Wads.CheckNumForFullName(LocalSndInfo, true);
if (j>=0) S_AddLocalSndInfo(j);
// Also reload the SNDSEQ if the SNDINFO was replaced!
parse_ss = true;
else if (LastLocalSndSeq.CompareNoCase(LocalSndSeq) != 0)
parse_ss = true;
if (parse_ss)
S_ParseSndSeq(LocalSndSeq.IsNotEmpty()? Wads.CheckNumForFullName(LocalSndSeq, true) : -1);
LastLocalSndInfo = LocalSndInfo;
LastLocalSndSeq = LocalSndSeq;
// stop the old music if it has been paused.
// This ensures that the new music is started from the beginning
// if it's the same as the last one and it has been paused.
if (MusicPaused) S_StopMusic(true);
// start new music for the level
MusicPaused = false;
// Don't start the music if loading a savegame, because the music is stored there.
// Don't start the music if revisiting a level in a hub for the same reason.
if (!savegamerestore && (level.info == nullptr || level.info->Snapshot.mBuffer == nullptr || !level.info->isValid()))
if (level.cdtrack == 0 || !S_ChangeCDMusic (level.cdtrack, level.cdid))
S_ChangeMusic (level.Music, level.musicorder);
// S_PrecacheLevel
// Like R_PrecacheLevel, but for sounds.
void S_PrecacheLevel ()
unsigned int i;
if (GSnd)
for (i = 0; i < S_sfx.Size(); ++i)
S_sfx[i].bUsed = false;
AActor *actor;
TThinkerIterator<AActor> iterator;
// Precache all sounds known to be used by the currently spawned actors.
while ( (actor = iterator.Next()) != NULL )
for (auto i : gameinfo.PrecachedSounds)
// Precache all extra sounds requested by this map.
for (i = 0; i < level.info->PrecacheSounds.Size(); ++i)
// Don't unload sounds that are playing right now.
for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
for (i = 1; i < S_sfx.Size(); ++i)
if (S_sfx[i].bUsed)
S_CacheSound (&S_sfx[i]);
for (i = 1; i < S_sfx.Size(); ++i)
if (!S_sfx[i].bUsed && S_sfx[i].link == sfxinfo_t::NO_LINK)
S_UnloadSound (&S_sfx[i]);
// S_CacheSound
void S_CacheSound (sfxinfo_t *sfx)
if (GSnd)
if (sfx->bPlayerReserve)
sfxinfo_t *orig = sfx;
while (!sfx->bRandomHeader && sfx->link != sfxinfo_t::NO_LINK)
sfx = &S_sfx[sfx->link];
if (sfx->bRandomHeader)
sfx->bUsed = true;
// S_UnloadSound
void S_UnloadSound (sfxinfo_t *sfx)
if (sfx->data.isValid())
if(sfx->data3d.isValid() && sfx->data != sfx->data3d)
DPrintf(DMSG_NOTIFY, "Unloaded sound \"%s\" (%td)\n", sfx->name.GetChars(), sfx - &S_sfx[0]);
// S_GetChannel
// Returns a free channel for the system sound interface.
FISoundChannel *S_GetChannel(void *syschan)
FSoundChan *chan;
if (FreeChannels != NULL)
chan = FreeChannels;
chan = new FSoundChan;
memset(chan, 0, sizeof(*chan));
S_LinkChannel(chan, &Channels);
chan->SysChannel = syschan;
return chan;
// S_ReturnChannel
// Returns a channel to the free pool.
void S_ReturnChannel(FSoundChan *chan)
memset(chan, 0, sizeof(*chan));
S_LinkChannel(chan, &FreeChannels);
// S_UnlinkChannel
void S_UnlinkChannel(FSoundChan *chan)
*(chan->PrevChan) = chan->NextChan;
if (chan->NextChan != NULL)
chan->NextChan->PrevChan = chan->PrevChan;
// S_LinkChannel
void S_LinkChannel(FSoundChan *chan, FSoundChan **head)
chan->NextChan = *head;
if (chan->NextChan != NULL)
chan->NextChan->PrevChan = &chan->NextChan;
*head = chan;
chan->PrevChan = head;
// [RH] Split S_StartSoundAtVolume into multiple parts so that sounds can
// be specified both by id and by name. Also borrowed some stuff from
// Hexen and parameters from Quake.
// CalcPosVel
// Retrieves a sound's position and velocity for 3D sounds. This version
// is for an already playing sound.
static void CalcPosVel(FSoundChan *chan, FVector3 *pos, FVector3 *vel)
CalcPosVel(chan->SourceType, chan->Actor, chan->Sector, chan->Poly, chan->Point,
chan->EntChannel, chan->ChanFlags, pos, vel);
// CalcPosVel
// This version is for sounds that haven't started yet so have no channel.
static void CalcPosVel(int type, const AActor *actor, const sector_t *sector,
const FPolyObj *poly, const float pt[3], int channum, int chanflags, FVector3 *pos, FVector3 *vel)
if (pos != NULL)
DVector3 listenpos;
int pgroup;
AActor *listener = players[consoleplayer].camera;
if (listener != NULL)
listenpos = listener->Pos();
*pos = listener->SoundPos();
pgroup = listener->Sector->PortalGroup;
pgroup = 0;
// [BL] Moved this case out of the switch statement to make code easier
// on static analysis.
if(type == SOURCE_Unattached)
sector_t *sec = P_PointInSector(pt[0], pt[2]);
DVector2 disp = Displacements.getOffset(pgroup, sec->PortalGroup);
pos->X = pt[0] - (float)disp.X;
pos->Y = !(chanflags & CHAN_LISTENERZ) ? pt[1] : (float)listenpos.Z;
pos->Z = pt[2] - (float)disp.Y;
switch (type)
case SOURCE_None:
case SOURCE_Actor:
//assert(actor != NULL);
if (actor != NULL)
DVector2 disp = Displacements.getOffset(pgroup, actor->Sector->PortalGroup);
DVector3 posi = actor->Pos() - disp;
*pos = { (float)posi.X, (float)posi.Z, (float)posi.Y };
case SOURCE_Sector:
assert(sector != NULL);
if (sector != NULL)
DVector2 disp = Displacements.getOffset(pgroup, sector->PortalGroup);
if (chanflags & CHAN_AREA)
// listener must be reversely offset to calculate the proper sound origin.
CalcSectorSoundOrg(listenpos + disp, sector, channum, *pos);
pos->X += (float)disp.X;
pos->Z += (float)disp.Y;
pos->X = (float)(sector->centerspot.X - disp.X);
pos->Z = (float)(sector->centerspot.Y - disp.Y);
chanflags |= CHAN_LISTENERZ;
case SOURCE_Polyobj:
assert(poly != NULL);
if (poly != NULL)
DVector2 disp = Displacements.getOffset(pgroup, poly->CenterSubsector->sector->PortalGroup);
CalcPolyobjSoundOrg(listenpos + disp, poly, *pos);
pos->X += (float)disp.X;
pos->Z += (float)disp.Y;
if ((chanflags & CHAN_LISTENERZ) && players[consoleplayer].camera != NULL)
pos->Y = (float)listenpos.Z;
if (vel != NULL)
// Only actors maintain velocity information.
if (type == SOURCE_Actor && actor != NULL)
vel->X = float(actor->Vel.X * TICRATE);
vel->Y = float(actor->Vel.Z * TICRATE);
vel->Z = float(actor->Vel.Y * TICRATE);
// CalcSectorSoundOrg
// Returns the perceived sound origin for a sector. If the listener is
// inside the sector, then the origin is their location. Otherwise, the
// origin is from the nearest wall on the sector.
static void CalcSectorSoundOrg(const DVector3 &listenpos, const sector_t *sec, int channum, FVector3 &pos)
if (!(i_compatflags & COMPATF_SECTORSOUNDS))
// Are we inside the sector? If yes, the closest point is the one we're on.
if (P_PointInSector(listenpos.X, listenpos.Y) == sec)
pos.X = (float)listenpos.X;
pos.Z = (float)listenpos.Y;
// Find the closest point on the sector's boundary lines and use
// that as the perceived origin of the sound.
DVector2 xy;
sec->ClosestPoint(listenpos, xy);
pos.X = (float)xy.X;
pos.Z = (float)xy.Y;
pos.X = float(sec->centerspot.X);
pos.Z = float(sec->centerspot.Y);
// Set sound vertical position based on channel.
if (channum == CHAN_FLOOR)
pos.Y = (float)MIN<double>(sec->floorplane.ZatPoint(listenpos), listenpos.Z);
else if (channum == CHAN_CEILING)
pos.Y = (float)MAX<double>(sec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(listenpos), listenpos.Z);
else if (channum == CHAN_INTERIOR)
pos.Y = (float)clamp<double>(listenpos.Z, sec->floorplane.ZatPoint(listenpos), sec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(listenpos));
// CalcPolySoundOrg
// Returns the perceived sound origin for a polyobject. This is similar to
// CalcSectorSoundOrg, except there is no special case for being "inside"
// a polyobject, so the sound literally comes from the polyobject's walls.
// Vertical position of the sound always comes from the visible wall.
static void CalcPolyobjSoundOrg(const DVector3 &listenpos, const FPolyObj *poly, FVector3 &pos)
side_t *side;
sector_t *sec;
DVector2 ppos;
poly->ClosestPoint(listenpos, ppos, &side);
pos.X = (float)ppos.X;
pos.Z = (float)ppos.Y;
sec = side->sector;
pos.Y = (float)clamp<double>(listenpos.Z, sec->floorplane.ZatPoint(listenpos), sec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(listenpos));
// S_StartSound
// 0 attenuation means full volume over whole level.
// 0 < attenuation means to scale the distance by that amount when
// calculating volume.
static FSoundChan *S_StartSound(AActor *actor, const sector_t *sec, const FPolyObj *poly,
const FVector3 *pt, int channel, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float attenuation,
FRolloffInfo *forcedrolloff=NULL)
sfxinfo_t *sfx;
int chanflags;
int basepriority;
int org_id;
int pitch;
FSoundChan *chan;
FVector3 pos, vel;
FRolloffInfo *rolloff;
if (sound_id <= 0 || volume <= 0 || nosfx || nosound )
return NULL;
int type;
if (actor != NULL)
type = SOURCE_Actor;
else if (sec != NULL)
type = SOURCE_Sector;
else if (poly != NULL)
type = SOURCE_Polyobj;
else if (pt != NULL)
type = SOURCE_Unattached;
type = SOURCE_None;
org_id = sound_id;
chanflags = channel & ~7;
channel &= 7;
CalcPosVel(type, actor, sec, poly, &pt->X, channel, chanflags, &pos, &vel);
if (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE)
{ // For people who just can't play without a silent BFG.
channel = CHAN_WEAPON;
else if ((chanflags & CHAN_MAYBE_LOCAL) && (i_compatflags & COMPATF_SILENTPICKUP))
if (actor != NULL && actor != players[consoleplayer].camera)
return NULL;
sfx = &S_sfx[sound_id];
// Scale volume according to SNDINFO data.
volume = MIN(volume * sfx->Volume, 1.f);
if (volume <= 0)
return NULL;
// When resolving a link we do not want to get the NearLimit of
// the referenced sound so some additional checks are required
int near_limit = sfx->NearLimit;
float limit_range = sfx->LimitRange;
auto pitchmask = sfx->PitchMask;
rolloff = &sfx->Rolloff;
// Resolve player sounds, random sounds, and aliases
while (sfx->link != sfxinfo_t::NO_LINK)
if (sfx->bPlayerReserve)
sound_id = FSoundID(S_FindSkinnedSound (actor, sound_id));
near_limit = S_sfx[sound_id].NearLimit;
limit_range = S_sfx[sound_id].LimitRange;
rolloff = &S_sfx[sound_id].Rolloff;
else if (sfx->bRandomHeader)
// Random sounds attenuate based on the original (random) sound as well as the chosen one.
attenuation *= sfx->Attenuation;
sound_id = FSoundID(S_PickReplacement (sound_id));
if (near_limit < 0)
near_limit = S_sfx[sound_id].NearLimit;
limit_range = S_sfx[sound_id].LimitRange;
if (rolloff->MinDistance == 0)
rolloff = &S_sfx[sound_id].Rolloff;
sound_id = FSoundID(sfx->link);
if (near_limit < 0)
near_limit = S_sfx[sound_id].NearLimit;
limit_range = S_sfx[sound_id].LimitRange;
if (rolloff->MinDistance == 0)
rolloff = &S_sfx[sound_id].Rolloff;
sfx = &S_sfx[sound_id];
// Attenuate the attenuation based on the sound.
attenuation *= sfx->Attenuation;
// The passed rolloff overrides any sound-specific rolloff.
if (forcedrolloff != NULL && forcedrolloff->MinDistance != 0)
rolloff = forcedrolloff;
// If no valid rolloff was set, use the global default.
if (rolloff->MinDistance == 0)
rolloff = &S_Rolloff;
// If this is a singular sound, don't play it if it's already playing.
if (sfx->bSingular && S_CheckSingular(sound_id))
chanflags |= CHAN_EVICTED;
// If the sound is unpositioned or comes from the listener, it is
// never limited.
if (type == SOURCE_None || actor == players[consoleplayer].camera)
near_limit = 0;
// If this sound doesn't like playing near itself, don't play it if
// that's what would happen.
if (near_limit > 0 && S_CheckSoundLimit(sfx, pos, near_limit, limit_range, actor, channel))
chanflags |= CHAN_EVICTED;
// If the sound is blocked and not looped, return now. If the sound
// is blocked and looped, pretend to play it so that it can
// eventually play for real.
if ((chanflags & (CHAN_EVICTED | CHAN_LOOP)) == CHAN_EVICTED)
return NULL;
// Make sure the sound is loaded.
sfx = S_LoadSound(sfx);
// The empty sound never plays.
if (sfx->lumpnum == sfx_empty)
return NULL;
// Select priority.
if (type == SOURCE_None || actor == players[consoleplayer].camera)
basepriority = 80;
basepriority = 0;
int seen = 0;
if (actor != NULL && channel == CHAN_AUTO)
// Select a channel that isn't already playing something.
// Try channel 0 first, then travel from channel 7 down.
if (!S_IsChannelUsed(actor, 0, &seen))
channel = 0;
for (channel = 7; channel > 0; --channel)
if (!S_IsChannelUsed(actor, channel, &seen))
if (channel == 0)
{ // Crap. No free channels.
return NULL;
// If this actor is already playing something on the selected channel, stop it.
if (type != SOURCE_None && ((actor == NULL && channel != CHAN_AUTO) || (actor != NULL && S_IsChannelUsed(actor, channel, &seen))))
for (chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
if (chan->SourceType == type && chan->EntChannel == channel)
bool foundit;
switch (type)
case SOURCE_Actor: foundit = (chan->Actor == actor); break;
case SOURCE_Sector: foundit = (chan->Sector == sec); break;
case SOURCE_Polyobj: foundit = (chan->Poly == poly); break;
case SOURCE_Unattached: foundit = (chan->Point[0] == pt->X && chan->Point[2] == pt->Z && chan->Point[1] == pt->Y); break;
default: foundit = false; break;
if (foundit)
// sound is paused and a non-looped sound is being started.
// Such a sound would play right after unpausing which wouldn't sound right.
if (!(chanflags & CHAN_LOOP) && !(chanflags & (CHAN_UI|CHAN_NOPAUSE)) && SoundPaused)
return NULL;
// Vary the sfx pitches.
if (pitchmask != 0)
pitch = NORM_PITCH - (M_Random() & pitchmask) + (M_Random() & pitchmask);
pitch = NORM_PITCH;
if (chanflags & CHAN_EVICTED)
chan = NULL;
int startflags = 0;
if (chanflags & CHAN_LOOP) startflags |= SNDF_LOOP;
if (chanflags & CHAN_AREA) startflags |= SNDF_AREA;
if (chanflags & (CHAN_UI|CHAN_NOPAUSE)) startflags |= SNDF_NOPAUSE;
if (chanflags & CHAN_UI) startflags |= SNDF_NOREVERB;
if (attenuation > 0)
SoundListener listener;
S_SetListener(listener, players[consoleplayer].camera);
chan = (FSoundChan*)GSnd->StartSound3D (sfx->data3d, &listener, float(volume), rolloff, float(attenuation), pitch, basepriority, pos, vel, channel, startflags, NULL);
chan = (FSoundChan*)GSnd->StartSound (sfx->data, float(volume), pitch, startflags, NULL);
if (chan == NULL && (chanflags & CHAN_LOOP))
chan = (FSoundChan*)S_GetChannel(NULL);
chanflags |= CHAN_EVICTED;
if (attenuation > 0)
if (chan != NULL)
chan->SoundID = sound_id;
chan->OrgID = FSoundID(org_id);
chan->EntChannel = channel;
chan->Volume = float(volume);
chan->ChanFlags |= chanflags;
chan->NearLimit = near_limit;
chan->LimitRange = limit_range;
chan->Pitch = pitch;
chan->Priority = basepriority;
chan->DistanceScale = float(attenuation);
chan->SourceType = type;
switch (type)
case SOURCE_Actor: chan->Actor = actor; break;
case SOURCE_Sector: chan->Sector = sec; break;
case SOURCE_Polyobj: chan->Poly = poly; break;
case SOURCE_Unattached: chan->Point[0] = pt->X; chan->Point[1] = pt->Y; chan->Point[2] = pt->Z; break;
default: break;
return chan;
// S_RestartSound
// Attempts to restart looping sounds that were evicted from their channels.
void S_RestartSound(FSoundChan *chan)
assert(chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_EVICTED);
FSoundChan *ochan;
sfxinfo_t *sfx = &S_sfx[chan->SoundID];
// If this is a singular sound, don't play it if it's already playing.
if (sfx->bSingular && S_CheckSingular(chan->SoundID))
sfx = S_LoadSound(sfx);
// The empty sound never plays.
if (sfx->lumpnum == sfx_empty)
int oldflags = chan->ChanFlags;
int startflags = 0;
if (chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_LOOP) startflags |= SNDF_LOOP;
if (chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_AREA) startflags |= SNDF_AREA;
if (chan->ChanFlags & (CHAN_UI|CHAN_NOPAUSE)) startflags |= SNDF_NOPAUSE;
if (chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_ABSTIME) startflags |= SNDF_ABSTIME;
if (chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_IS3D)
FVector3 pos, vel;
CalcPosVel(chan, &pos, &vel);
// If this sound doesn't like playing near itself, don't play it if
// that's what would happen.
if (chan->NearLimit > 0 && S_CheckSoundLimit(&S_sfx[chan->SoundID], pos, chan->NearLimit, chan->LimitRange, NULL, 0))
SoundListener listener;
S_SetListener(listener, players[consoleplayer].camera);
chan->ChanFlags &= ~(CHAN_EVICTED|CHAN_ABSTIME);
ochan = (FSoundChan*)GSnd->StartSound3D(sfx->data3d, &listener, chan->Volume, &chan->Rolloff, chan->DistanceScale, chan->Pitch,
chan->Priority, pos, vel, chan->EntChannel, startflags, chan);
chan->ChanFlags &= ~(CHAN_EVICTED|CHAN_ABSTIME);
ochan = (FSoundChan*)GSnd->StartSound(sfx->data, chan->Volume, chan->Pitch, startflags, chan);
assert(ochan == NULL || ochan == chan);
if (ochan == NULL)
chan->ChanFlags = oldflags;
// S_Sound - Unpositioned version
void S_Sound (int channel, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float attenuation)
S_StartSound (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, channel, sound_id, volume, attenuation);
return 0;
// S_Sound - An actor is source
void S_Sound (AActor *ent, int channel, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float attenuation)
if (ent == NULL || ent->Sector->Flags & SECF_SILENT)
S_StartSound (ent, NULL, NULL, NULL, channel, sound_id, volume, attenuation);
// S_SoundMinMaxDist - An actor is source
// Attenuation is specified as min and max distances, rather than a scalar.
void S_SoundMinMaxDist(AActor *ent, int channel, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float mindist, float maxdist)
if (ent == NULL || ent->Sector->Flags & SECF_SILENT)
FRolloffInfo rolloff;
rolloff.RolloffType = ROLLOFF_Linear;
rolloff.MinDistance = mindist;
rolloff.MaxDistance = maxdist;
S_StartSound(ent, NULL, NULL, NULL, channel, sound_id, volume, 1, &rolloff);
// S_Sound - A polyobject is source
void S_Sound (const FPolyObj *poly, int channel, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float attenuation)
S_StartSound (NULL, NULL, poly, NULL, channel, sound_id, volume, attenuation);
// S_Sound - A point is source
void S_Sound(const DVector3 &pos, int channel, FSoundID sound_id, float volume, float attenuation)
// The sound system switches Y and Z around.
FVector3 p((float)pos.X, (float)pos.Z, (float)pos.Y);
S_StartSound (NULL, NULL, NULL, &p, channel, sound_id, volume, attenuation);
// S_Sound - An entire sector is source
void S_Sound (const sector_t *sec, int channel, FSoundID sfxid, float volume, float attenuation)
S_StartSound (NULL, sec, NULL, NULL, channel, sfxid, volume, attenuation);
// S_PlaySound - Subfunction used by ACS and DECORATE
// Has a local parameter to make the sound audible only to the source
void S_PlaySound(AActor *a, int chan, FSoundID sid, float vol, float atten, bool local)
if (a == nullptr)
if (!local)
S_Sound(a, chan, sid, vol, atten);
if (a->CheckLocalView(consoleplayer))
S_Sound(chan, sid, vol, ATTN_NONE);
// S_LoadSound
// Returns a pointer to the sfxinfo with the actual sound data.
sfxinfo_t *S_LoadSound(sfxinfo_t *sfx)
if (GSnd->IsNull()) return sfx;
while (!sfx->data.isValid())
unsigned int i;
// If the sound doesn't exist, replace it with the empty sound.
if (sfx->lumpnum == -1)
sfx->lumpnum = sfx_empty;
// See if there is another sound already initialized with this lump. If so,
// then set this one up as a link, and don't load the sound again.
for (i = 0; i < S_sfx.Size(); i++)
if (S_sfx[i].data.isValid() && S_sfx[i].link == sfxinfo_t::NO_LINK && S_sfx[i].lumpnum == sfx->lumpnum)
DPrintf (DMSG_NOTIFY, "Linked %s to %s (%d)\n", sfx->name.GetChars(), S_sfx[i].name.GetChars(), i);
sfx->link = i;
// This is necessary to avoid using the rolloff settings of the linked sound if its
// settings are different.
if (sfx->Rolloff.MinDistance == 0) sfx->Rolloff = S_Rolloff;
return &S_sfx[i];
DPrintf(DMSG_NOTIFY, "Loading sound \"%s\" (%td)\n", sfx->name.GetChars(), sfx - &S_sfx[0]);
int size = Wads.LumpLength(sfx->lumpnum);
if (size > 0)
FWadLump wlump = Wads.OpenLumpNum(sfx->lumpnum);
BYTE *sfxdata = new BYTE[size];
wlump.Read(sfxdata, size);
SDWORD dmxlen = LittleLong(((SDWORD *)sfxdata)[1]);
std::pair<SoundHandle,bool> snd;
// If the sound is voc, use the custom loader.
if (strncmp ((const char *)sfxdata, "Creative Voice File", 19) == 0)
snd = GSnd->LoadSoundVoc(sfxdata, size);
// If the sound is raw, just load it as such.
else if (sfx->bLoadRAW)
snd = GSnd->LoadSoundRaw(sfxdata, size, sfx->RawRate, 1, 8, sfx->LoopStart);
// Otherwise, try the sound as DMX format.
else if (((BYTE *)sfxdata)[0] == 3 && ((BYTE *)sfxdata)[1] == 0 && dmxlen <= size - 8)
int frequency = LittleShort(((WORD *)sfxdata)[1]);
if (frequency == 0) frequency = 11025;
snd = GSnd->LoadSoundRaw(sfxdata+8, dmxlen, frequency, 1, 8, sfx->LoopStart);
// If that fails, let the sound system try and figure it out.
snd = GSnd->LoadSound(sfxdata, size);
delete[] sfxdata;
sfx->data = snd.first;
sfx->data3d = sfx->data;
if (!sfx->data.isValid())
if (sfx->lumpnum != sfx_empty)
sfx->lumpnum = sfx_empty;
return sfx;
static void S_LoadSound3D(sfxinfo_t *sfx)
if (GSnd->IsNull()) return;
DPrintf(DMSG_NOTIFY, "Loading monoized sound \"%s\" (%td)\n", sfx->name.GetChars(), sfx - &S_sfx[0]);
int size = Wads.LumpLength(sfx->lumpnum);
if(size <= 0) return;
FWadLump wlump = Wads.OpenLumpNum(sfx->lumpnum);
BYTE *sfxdata = new BYTE[size];
wlump.Read(sfxdata, size);
SDWORD dmxlen = LittleLong(((SDWORD *)sfxdata)[1]);
std::pair<SoundHandle,bool> snd;
// If the sound is voc, use the custom loader.
if (strncmp ((const char *)sfxdata, "Creative Voice File", 19) == 0)
snd = GSnd->LoadSoundVoc(sfxdata, size, true);
// If the sound is raw, just load it as such.
else if (sfx->bLoadRAW)
snd = GSnd->LoadSoundRaw(sfxdata, size, sfx->RawRate, 1, 8, sfx->LoopStart, true);
// Otherwise, try the sound as DMX format.
else if (((BYTE *)sfxdata)[0] == 3 && ((BYTE *)sfxdata)[1] == 0 && dmxlen <= size - 8)
int frequency = LittleShort(((WORD *)sfxdata)[1]);
if (frequency == 0) frequency = 11025;
snd = GSnd->LoadSoundRaw(sfxdata+8, dmxlen, frequency, 1, 8, sfx->LoopStart, -1, true);
// If that fails, let the sound system try and figure it out.
snd = GSnd->LoadSound(sfxdata, size, true);
delete[] sfxdata;
sfx->data3d = snd.first;
// S_CheckSingular
// Returns true if a copy of this sound is already playing.
bool S_CheckSingular(int sound_id)
for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
if (chan->OrgID == sound_id)
return true;
return false;
// S_CheckSoundLimit
// Limits the number of nearby copies of a sound that can play near
// each other. If there are NearLimit instances of this sound already
// playing within sqrt(limit_range) (typically 256 units) of the new sound, the
// new sound will not start.
// If an actor is specified, and it is already playing the same sound on
// the same channel, this sound will not be limited. In this case, we're
// restarting an already playing sound, so there's no need to limit it.
// Returns true if the sound should not play.
bool S_CheckSoundLimit(sfxinfo_t *sfx, const FVector3 &pos, int near_limit, float limit_range,
AActor *actor, int channel)
FSoundChan *chan;
int count;
for (chan = Channels, count = 0; chan != NULL && count < near_limit; chan = chan->NextChan)
if (!(chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_EVICTED) && &S_sfx[chan->SoundID] == sfx)
FVector3 chanorigin;
if (actor != NULL && chan->EntChannel == channel &&
chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Actor && chan->Actor == actor)
{ // We are restarting a playing sound. Always let it play.
return false;
CalcPosVel(chan, &chanorigin, NULL);
if ((chanorigin - pos).LengthSquared() <= limit_range)
return count >= near_limit;
// S_StopSound
// Stops an unpositioned sound from playing on a specific channel.
void S_StopSound (int channel)
FSoundChan *chan = Channels;
while (chan != NULL)
FSoundChan *next = chan->NextChan;
if (chan->SourceType == SOURCE_None &&
(chan->EntChannel == channel || (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE)))
chan = next;
// S_StopSound
// Stops a sound from a single actor from playing on a specific channel.
void S_StopSound (AActor *actor, int channel)
FSoundChan *chan = Channels;
while (chan != NULL)
FSoundChan *next = chan->NextChan;
if (chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Actor &&
chan->Actor == actor &&
(chan->EntChannel == channel || (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE)))
chan = next;
// S_StopSound
// Stops a sound from a single sector from playing on a specific channel.
void S_StopSound (const sector_t *sec, int channel)
FSoundChan *chan = Channels;
while (chan != NULL)
FSoundChan *next = chan->NextChan;
if (chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Sector &&
chan->Sector == sec &&
(chan->EntChannel == channel || (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE)))
chan = next;
// S_StopSound
// Stops a sound from a single polyobject from playing on a specific channel.
void S_StopSound (const FPolyObj *poly, int channel)
FSoundChan *chan = Channels;
while (chan != NULL)
FSoundChan *next = chan->NextChan;
if (chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Polyobj &&
chan->Poly == poly &&
(chan->EntChannel == channel || (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE)))
chan = next;
// S_StopAllChannels
void S_StopAllChannels ()
FSoundChan *chan = Channels;
while (chan != NULL)
FSoundChan *next = chan->NextChan;
chan = next;
// S_RelinkSound
// Moves all the sounds from one thing to another. If the destination is
// NULL, then the sound becomes a positioned sound.
void S_RelinkSound (AActor *from, AActor *to)
if (from == NULL)
FSoundChan *chan = Channels;
while (chan != NULL)
FSoundChan *next = chan->NextChan;
if (chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Actor && chan->Actor == from)
if (to != NULL)
chan->Actor = to;
else if (!(chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_LOOP) && !(compatflags2 & COMPATF2_SOUNDCUTOFF))
chan->Actor = NULL;
chan->SourceType = SOURCE_Unattached;
FVector3 p = from->SoundPos();
chan->Point[0] = p.X;
chan->Point[1] = p.Y;
chan->Point[2] = p.Z;
chan = next;
// S_ChangeSoundVolume
bool S_ChangeSoundVolume(AActor *actor, int channel, float volume)
for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
if (chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Actor &&
chan->Actor == actor &&
(chan->EntChannel == channel || (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE)))
GSnd->ChannelVolume(chan, volume);
chan->Volume = volume;
return true;
return false;
// S_GetSoundPlayingInfo
// Is a sound being played by a specific emitter?
bool S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (const AActor *actor, int sound_id)
if (sound_id > 0)
for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
if (chan->OrgID == sound_id &&
chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Actor &&
chan->Actor == actor)
return true;
return false;
bool S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (const sector_t *sec, int sound_id)
if (sound_id > 0)
for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
if (chan->OrgID == sound_id &&
chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Sector &&
chan->Sector == sec)
return true;
return false;
bool S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (const FPolyObj *poly, int sound_id)
if (sound_id > 0)
for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
if (chan->OrgID == sound_id &&
chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Polyobj &&
chan->Poly == poly)
return true;
return false;
// S_IsChannelUsed
// Returns true if the channel is in use. Also fills in a bitmask of
// channels seen while scanning for this one, to make searching for unused
// channels faster. Initialize seen to 0 for the first call.
static bool S_IsChannelUsed(AActor *actor, int channel, int *seen)
if (*seen & (1 << channel))
return true;
for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
if (chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Actor && chan->Actor == actor)
*seen |= 1 << chan->EntChannel;
if (chan->EntChannel == channel)
return true;
return false;
// S_IsActorPlayingSomething
bool S_IsActorPlayingSomething (AActor *actor, int channel, int sound_id)
if (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MAGICSILENCE)
channel = 0;
for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
if (chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Actor && chan->Actor == actor)
if (channel == 0 || chan->EntChannel == channel)
return sound_id <= 0 || chan->OrgID == sound_id;
return false;
// S_PauseSound
// Stop music and sound effects, during game PAUSE.
void S_PauseSound (bool notmusic, bool notsfx)
if (!notmusic && mus_playing.handle && !MusicPaused)
MusicPaused = true;
if (!notsfx)
SoundPaused = true;
GSnd->SetSfxPaused (true, 0);
// S_ResumeSound
// Resume music and sound effects, after game PAUSE.
void S_ResumeSound (bool notsfx)
if (mus_playing.handle && MusicPaused)
MusicPaused = false;
if (!notsfx)
SoundPaused = false;
GSnd->SetSfxPaused (false, 0);
// S_SetSoundPaused
// Called with state non-zero when the app is active, zero when it isn't.
void S_SetSoundPaused (int state)
if (state)
if (paused == 0)
if (GSnd != NULL)
if (paused == 0)
S_PauseSound(false, true);
if (GSnd != NULL)
GSnd->SetInactive(gamestate == GS_LEVEL || gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL ?
SoundRenderer::INACTIVE_Complete :
if (!netgame
#ifdef _DEBUG
&& !demoplayback
pauseext = !state;
// S_EvictAllChannels
// Forcibly evicts all channels so that there are none playing, but all
// information needed to restart them is retained.
void S_EvictAllChannels()
FSoundChan *chan, *next;
for (chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = next)
next = chan->NextChan;
if (!(chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_EVICTED))
chan->ChanFlags |= CHAN_EVICTED;
if (chan->SysChannel != NULL)
if (!(chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_ABSTIME))
chan->StartTime.AsOne = GSnd ? GSnd->GetPosition(chan) : 0;
chan->ChanFlags |= CHAN_ABSTIME;
// assert(chan->NextChan == next);
// S_RestoreEvictedChannel
// Recursive helper for S_RestoreEvictedChannels().
void S_RestoreEvictedChannel(FSoundChan *chan)
if (chan == NULL)
if (chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_EVICTED)
if (!(chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_LOOP))
if (chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_EVICTED)
{ // Still evicted and not looping? Forget about it.
else if (!(chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_JUSTSTARTED))
{ // Should this sound become evicted again, it's okay to forget about it.
chan->ChanFlags |= CHAN_FORGETTABLE;
else if (chan->SysChannel == NULL && (chan->ChanFlags & (CHAN_FORGETTABLE | CHAN_LOOP)) == CHAN_FORGETTABLE)
// S_RestoreEvictedChannels
// Restarts as many evicted channels as possible. Any channels that could
// not be started and are not looping are moved to the free pool.
void S_RestoreEvictedChannels()
// Restart channels in the same order they were originally played.
// S_UpdateSounds
// Updates music & sounds
void S_UpdateSounds (AActor *listenactor)
FVector3 pos, vel;
SoundListener listener;
// [RH] Update music and/or playlist. IsPlaying() must be called
// to attempt to reconnect to broken net streams and to advance the
// playlist when the current song finishes.
if (mus_playing.handle != NULL &&
!mus_playing.handle->IsPlaying() &&
// should never happen
S_SetListener(listener, listenactor);
for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
if ((chan->ChanFlags & (CHAN_EVICTED | CHAN_IS3D)) == CHAN_IS3D)
CalcPosVel(chan, &pos, &vel);
GSnd->UpdateSoundParams3D(&listener, chan, !!(chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_AREA), pos, vel);
chan->ChanFlags &= ~CHAN_JUSTSTARTED;
if (level.time >= RestartEvictionsAt)
RestartEvictionsAt = 0;
// Sets the internal listener structure
static void S_SetListener(SoundListener &listener, AActor *listenactor)
if (listenactor != NULL)
listener.angle = (float)listenactor->Angles.Yaw.Radians();
listener.velocity.X = listenactor->vel.x * (TICRATE/65536.f);
listener.velocity.Y = listenactor->vel.z * (TICRATE/65536.f);
listener.velocity.Z = listenactor->vel.y * (TICRATE/65536.f);
listener.position = listenactor->SoundPos();
listener.underwater = listenactor->waterlevel == 3;
assert(Zones.Size() > listenactor->Sector->ZoneNumber);
listener.Environment = Zones[listenactor->Sector->ZoneNumber].Environment;
listener.valid = true;
listener.angle = 0;
listener.underwater = false;
listener.Environment = NULL;
listener.valid = false;
// S_GetRolloff
float S_GetRolloff(FRolloffInfo *rolloff, float distance, bool logarithmic)
if (rolloff == NULL)
return 0;
if (distance <= rolloff->MinDistance)
return 1;
if (rolloff->RolloffType == ROLLOFF_Log)
{ // Logarithmic rolloff has no max distance where it goes silent.
return rolloff->MinDistance / (rolloff->MinDistance + rolloff->RolloffFactor * (distance - rolloff->MinDistance));
if (distance >= rolloff->MaxDistance)
return 0;
float volume = (rolloff->MaxDistance - distance) / (rolloff->MaxDistance - rolloff->MinDistance);
if (rolloff->RolloffType == ROLLOFF_Custom && S_SoundCurve != NULL)
volume = S_SoundCurve[int(S_SoundCurveSize * (1 - volume))] / 127.f;
if (logarithmic)
if (rolloff->RolloffType == ROLLOFF_Linear)
return volume;
return float((powf(10.f, volume) - 1.) / 9.);
if (rolloff->RolloffType == ROLLOFF_Linear)
return float(log10(9. * volume + 1.));
return volume;
// S_ChannelEnded (callback for sound interface code)
void S_ChannelEnded(FISoundChannel *ichan)
FSoundChan *schan = static_cast<FSoundChan*>(ichan);
bool evicted;
if (schan != NULL)
// If the sound was stopped with GSnd->StopSound(), then we know
// it wasn't evicted. Otherwise, if it's looping, it must have
// been evicted. If it's not looping, then it was evicted if it
// didn't reach the end of its playback.
if (schan->ChanFlags & CHAN_FORGETTABLE)
evicted = false;
else if (schan->ChanFlags & (CHAN_LOOP | CHAN_EVICTED))
evicted = true;
unsigned int pos = GSnd->GetPosition(schan);
unsigned int len = GSnd->GetSampleLength(S_sfx[schan->SoundID].data);
if (pos == 0)
evicted = !!(schan->ChanFlags & CHAN_JUSTSTARTED);
evicted = (pos < len);
if (!evicted)
schan->ChanFlags |= CHAN_EVICTED;
schan->SysChannel = NULL;
// S_ChannelVirtualChanged (callback for sound interface code)
void S_ChannelVirtualChanged(FISoundChannel *ichan, bool is_virtual)
FSoundChan *schan = static_cast<FSoundChan*>(ichan);
if (is_virtual)
schan->ChanFlags |= CHAN_VIRTUAL;
schan->ChanFlags &= ~CHAN_VIRTUAL;
// S_StopChannel
void S_StopChannel(FSoundChan *chan)
if (chan == NULL)
if (chan->SysChannel != NULL)
// S_EvictAllChannels() will set the CHAN_EVICTED flag to indicate
// that it wants to keep all the channel information around.
if (!(chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_EVICTED))
chan->ChanFlags |= CHAN_FORGETTABLE;
if (chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Actor)
chan->Actor = NULL;
static FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, FSoundChan &chan, FSoundChan *def)
if (arc.BeginObject(key))
arc("sourcetype", chan.SourceType)
("soundid", chan.SoundID)
("orgid", chan.OrgID)
("volume", chan.Volume)
("distancescale", chan.DistanceScale)
("pitch", chan.Pitch)
("chanflags", chan.ChanFlags)
("entchannel", chan.EntChannel)
("priority", chan.Priority)
("nearlimit", chan.NearLimit)
("starttime", chan.StartTime.AsOne)
("rolloftype", chan.Rolloff.RolloffType)
("rolloffmin", chan.Rolloff.MinDistance)
("rolloffmax", chan.Rolloff.MaxDistance)
("limitrange", chan.LimitRange);
switch (chan.SourceType)
case SOURCE_None: break;
case SOURCE_Actor: arc("actor", chan.Actor); break;
case SOURCE_Sector: arc("sector", chan.Sector); break;
case SOURCE_Polyobj: arc("poly", chan.Poly); break;
case SOURCE_Unattached: arc.Array("point", chan.Point, 3); break;
default: I_Error("Unknown sound source type %d\n", chan.SourceType); break;
return arc;
// S_SerializeSounds
void S_SerializeSounds(FSerializer &arc)
FSoundChan *chan;
if (arc.isWriting())
TArray<FSoundChan *> chans;
// Count channels and accumulate them so we can store them in
// reverse order. That way, they will be in the same order when
// reloaded later as they are now.
for (chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
// If the sound is forgettable, this is as good a time as
// any to forget about it. And if it's a UI sound, it shouldn't
// be stored in the savegame.
if (!(chan->ChanFlags & (CHAN_FORGETTABLE | CHAN_UI)))
if (chans.Size() > 0 && arc.BeginArray("sounds"))
for (unsigned int i = chans.Size(); i-- != 0; )
// Replace start time with sample position.
QWORD start = chans[i]->StartTime.AsOne;
chans[i]->StartTime.AsOne = GSnd ? GSnd->GetPosition(chans[i]) : 0;
arc(nullptr, *chans[i]);
chans[i]->StartTime.AsOne = start;
unsigned int count;
if (arc.BeginArray("sounds"))
count = arc.ArraySize();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
chan = (FSoundChan*)S_GetChannel(NULL);
arc(nullptr, *chan);
// Sounds always start out evicted when restored from a save.
// The two tic delay is to make sure any screenwipes have finished.
// This needs to be two because the game is run for one tic before
// the wipe so that it can produce a screen to wipe to. So if we
// only waited one tic to restart the sounds, they would start
// playing before the wipe, and depending on the synchronization
// between the main thread and the mixer thread at the time, the
// sounds might be heard briefly before pausing for the wipe.
RestartEvictionsAt = level.time + 2;
// S_ActivatePlayList
// Plays the next song in the playlist. If no songs in the playlist can be
// played, then it is deleted.
void S_ActivatePlayList (bool goBack)
int startpos, pos;
startpos = pos = PlayList->GetPosition ();
S_StopMusic (true);
while (!S_ChangeMusic (PlayList->GetSong (pos), 0, false, true))
pos = goBack ? PlayList->Backup () : PlayList->Advance ();
if (pos == startpos)
delete PlayList;
PlayList = NULL;
Printf ("Cannot play anything in the playlist.\n");
// S_ChangeCDMusic
// Starts a CD track as music.
bool S_ChangeCDMusic (int track, unsigned int id, bool looping)
char temp[32];
if (id != 0)
mysnprintf (temp, countof(temp), ",CD,%d,%x", track, id);
mysnprintf (temp, countof(temp), ",CD,%d", track);
return S_ChangeMusic (temp, 0, looping);
// S_StartMusic
// Starts some music with the given name.
bool S_StartMusic (const char *m_id)
return S_ChangeMusic (m_id, 0, false);
// S_ChangeMusic
// Starts playing a music, possibly looping.
// [RH] If music is a MOD, starts it at position order. If name is of the
// format ",CD,<track>,[cd id]" song is a CD track, and if [cd id] is
// specified, it will only be played if the specified CD is in a drive.
bool S_ChangeMusic (const char *musicname, int order, bool looping, bool force)
if (!force && PlayList)
{ // Don't change if a playlist is active
return false;
// allow specifying "*" as a placeholder to play the level's default music.
if (musicname != NULL && !strcmp(musicname, "*"))
if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL || gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL)
musicname = level.Music;
order = level.musicorder;
musicname = NULL;
if (musicname == NULL || musicname[0] == 0)
// Don't choke if the map doesn't have a song attached
S_StopMusic (true);
mus_playing.name = "";
LastSong = "";
return true;
FString DEH_Music;
if (musicname[0] == '$')
// handle dehacked replacement.
// Any music name defined this way needs to be prefixed with 'D_' because
// Doom.exe does not contain the prefix so these strings don't either.
const char * mus_string = GStrings[musicname+1];
if (mus_string != NULL)
DEH_Music << "D_" << mus_string;
musicname = DEH_Music;
FName *aliasp = MusicAliases.CheckKey(musicname);
if (aliasp != NULL)
if (*aliasp == NAME_None)
return true; // flagged to be ignored
musicname = aliasp->GetChars();
if (!mus_playing.name.IsEmpty() &&
mus_playing.handle != NULL &&
stricmp (mus_playing.name, musicname) == 0 &&
mus_playing.handle->m_Looping == looping)
if (order != mus_playing.baseorder)
if (mus_playing.handle->SetSubsong(order))
mus_playing.baseorder = order;
else if (!mus_playing.handle->IsPlaying())
mus_playing.handle->Play(looping, order);
return true;
if (strnicmp (musicname, ",CD,", 4) == 0)
int track = strtoul (musicname+4, NULL, 0);
const char *more = strchr (musicname+4, ',');
unsigned int id = 0;
if (more != NULL)
id = strtoul (more+1, NULL, 16);
S_StopMusic (true);
mus_playing.handle = I_RegisterCDSong (track, id);
int lumpnum = -1;
int length = 0;
MusInfo *handle = NULL;
MidiDeviceSetting *devp = MidiDevices.CheckKey(musicname);
// Strip off any leading file:// component.
if (strncmp(musicname, "file://", 7) == 0)
musicname += 7;
FileReader *reader = NULL;
if (!FileExists (musicname))
if ((lumpnum = Wads.CheckNumForFullName (musicname, true, ns_music)) == -1)
if (strstr(musicname, "://") > musicname)
// Looks like a URL; try it as such.
handle = I_RegisterURLSong(musicname);
if (handle == NULL)
Printf ("Could not open \"%s\"\n", musicname);
return false;
Printf ("Music \"%s\" not found\n", musicname);
return false;
if (handle == NULL)
if (Wads.LumpLength (lumpnum) == 0)
return false;
reader = Wads.ReopenLumpNumNewFile(lumpnum);
if (reader == NULL)
return false;
// Load an external file.
reader = new FileReader(musicname);
// shutdown old music
S_StopMusic (true);
// Just record it if volume is 0
if (snd_musicvolume <= 0)
mus_playing.loop = looping;
mus_playing.name = musicname;
mus_playing.baseorder = order;
LastSong = musicname;
delete reader;
return true;
// load & register it
if (handle != NULL)
mus_playing.handle = handle;
delete reader;
mus_playing.handle = I_RegisterSong (reader, devp);
mus_playing.loop = looping;
mus_playing.name = musicname;
mus_playing.baseorder = 0;
LastSong = "";
if (mus_playing.handle != 0)
{ // play it
mus_playing.handle->Start(looping, S_GetMusicVolume (musicname), order);
mus_playing.baseorder = order;
return true;
return false;
ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(S_ChangeMusic(music, order, looping, force));
// S_RestartMusic
// Must only be called from snd_reset in i_sound.cpp!
void S_RestartMusic ()
if (!LastSong.IsEmpty())
FString song = LastSong;
LastSong = "";
S_ChangeMusic (song, mus_playing.baseorder, mus_playing.loop, true);
// S_MIDIDeviceChanged
void S_MIDIDeviceChanged()
if (mus_playing.handle != NULL && mus_playing.handle->IsMIDI())
mus_playing.handle->Start(mus_playing.loop, -1, mus_playing.baseorder);
// S_GetMusic
int S_GetMusic (const char **name)
int order;
if (mus_playing.name.IsNotEmpty())
*name = mus_playing.name;
order = mus_playing.baseorder;
*name = NULL;
order = 0;
return order;
// S_StopMusic
void S_StopMusic (bool force)
// [RH] Don't stop if a playlist is active.
if ((force || PlayList == NULL) && !mus_playing.name.IsEmpty())
if (mus_playing.handle != NULL)
if (MusicPaused)
delete mus_playing.handle;
mus_playing.handle = NULL;
LastSong = mus_playing.name;
mus_playing.name = "";
// CCMD playsound
CCMD (playsound)
if (argv.argc() > 1)
FSoundID id = argv[1];
if (id == 0)
Printf("'%s' is not a sound\n", argv[1]);
S_Sound (CHAN_AUTO | CHAN_UI, id, 1.f, ATTN_NONE);
// CCMD loopsound
CCMD (loopsound)
if (players[consoleplayer].mo != NULL && !netgame && argv.argc() > 1)
FSoundID id = argv[1];
if (id == 0)
Printf("'%s' is not a sound\n", argv[1]);
AActor *icon = Spawn("SpeakerIcon", players[consoleplayer].mo->PosPlusZ(32.), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (icon != NULL)
S_Sound(icon, CHAN_BODY | CHAN_LOOP, id, 1.f, ATTN_IDLE);
// CCMD idmus
CCMD (idmus)
level_info_t *info;
FString map;
int l;
if (!nomusic)
if (argv.argc() > 1)
if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx)
l = atoi (argv[1]);
if (l <= 99)
map = CalcMapName (0, l);
Printf ("%s\n", GStrings("STSTR_NOMUS"));
map = CalcMapName (argv[1][0] - '0', argv[1][1] - '0');
if ( (info = FindLevelInfo (map)) )
if (info->Music.IsNotEmpty())
S_ChangeMusic (info->Music, info->musicorder);
Printf ("%s\n", GStrings("STSTR_MUS"));
Printf ("%s\n", GStrings("STSTR_NOMUS"));
// CCMD changemus
CCMD (changemus)
if (!nomusic)
if (argv.argc() > 1)
if (PlayList)
delete PlayList;
PlayList = NULL;
S_ChangeMusic (argv[1], argv.argc() > 2 ? atoi (argv[2]) : 0);
const char *currentmus = mus_playing.name.GetChars();
if(currentmus != NULL && *currentmus != 0)
Printf ("currently playing %s\n", currentmus);
Printf ("no music playing\n");
// CCMD stopmus
CCMD (stopmus)
if (PlayList)
delete PlayList;
PlayList = NULL;
S_StopMusic (false);
LastSong = ""; // forget the last played song so that it won't get restarted if some volume changes occur
// CCMD cd_play
// Plays a specified track, or the entire CD if no track is specified.
CCMD (cd_play)
char musname[16];
if (argv.argc() == 1)
strcpy (musname, ",CD,");
mysnprintf (musname, countof(musname), ",CD,%d", atoi(argv[1]));
S_ChangeMusic (musname, 0, true);
// CCMD cd_stop
CCMD (cd_stop)
CD_Stop ();
// CCMD cd_eject
CCMD (cd_eject)
CD_Eject ();
// CCMD cd_close
CCMD (cd_close)
CD_UnEject ();
// CCMD cd_pause
CCMD (cd_pause)
CD_Pause ();
// CCMD cd_resume
CCMD (cd_resume)
CD_Resume ();
// CCMD playlist
CCMD (playlist)
int argc = argv.argc();
if (argc < 2 || argc > 3)
Printf ("playlist <playlist.m3u> [<position>|shuffle]\n");
if (PlayList != NULL)
PlayList->ChangeList (argv[1]);
PlayList = new FPlayList (argv[1]);
if (PlayList->GetNumSongs () == 0)
delete PlayList;
PlayList = NULL;
if (argc == 3)
if (stricmp (argv[2], "shuffle") == 0)
PlayList->Shuffle ();
PlayList->SetPosition (atoi (argv[2]));
S_ActivatePlayList (false);
// CCMD playlistpos
static bool CheckForPlaylist ()
if (PlayList == NULL)
Printf ("No playlist is playing.\n");
return false;
return true;
CCMD (playlistpos)
if (CheckForPlaylist() && argv.argc() > 1)
PlayList->SetPosition (atoi (argv[1]) - 1);
S_ActivatePlayList (false);
// CCMD playlistnext
CCMD (playlistnext)
if (CheckForPlaylist())
PlayList->Advance ();
S_ActivatePlayList (false);
// CCMD playlistprev
CCMD (playlistprev)
if (CheckForPlaylist())
PlayList->Backup ();
S_ActivatePlayList (true);
// CCMD playliststatus
CCMD (playliststatus)
if (CheckForPlaylist ())
Printf ("Song %d of %d:\n%s\n",
PlayList->GetPosition () + 1,
PlayList->GetNumSongs (),
PlayList->GetSong (PlayList->GetPosition ()));
// CCMD cachesound <sound name>
CCMD (cachesound)
if (argv.argc() < 2)
Printf ("Usage: cachesound <sound> ...\n");
for (int i = 1; i < argv.argc(); ++i)
FSoundID sfxnum = argv[i];
if (sfxnum != FSoundID(0))
S_CacheSound (&S_sfx[sfxnum]);
FSoundChan *chan;
int count = 0;
for (chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
if (!(chan->ChanFlags & CHAN_EVICTED))
FVector3 chanorigin;
CalcPosVel(chan, &chanorigin, NULL);
Printf("%s at (%1.5f, %1.5f, %1.5f)\n", (const char*)chan->SoundID, chanorigin.X, chanorigin.Y, chanorigin.Z);
Printf("%d sounds playing\n", count);