class PlayerPawn : Actor native
	native int			crouchsprite;
	native int			MaxHealth;
	native int			MugShotMaxHealth;
	native int			RunHealth;
	native int			PlayerFlags;
	native Inventory	InvFirst;		// first inventory item displayed on inventory bar
	native Inventory	InvSel;			// selected inventory item
	native meta String 	DisplayName;	// Display name (used in menus, etc.)
	native meta String 	SoundClass;		// Sound class
	native meta String 	Face;			// Doom status bar face (when used)
	native meta String 	Portrait;
	native meta String 	Slot[10];
	native meta Name	InvulMode;
	native meta Name	HealingRadiusType;
	native meta double 	HexenArmor[5];
	native meta uint8	ColorRangeStart;	// Skin color range
	native meta uint8	ColorRangeEnd;
	//FPlayerColorSetMap ColorSets;
	//PainFlashList PainFlashes;
	// [GRB] Player class properties
	native double		JumpZ;
	native double		GruntSpeed;
	native double		FallingScreamMinSpeed, FallingScreamMaxSpeed;
	native double		ViewHeight;
	native double		ForwardMove1, ForwardMove2;
	native double		SideMove1, SideMove2;
	native TextureID	ScoreIcon;
	native int			SpawnMask;
	native Name			MorphWeapon;
	native double		AttackZOffset;			// attack height, relative to player center
	native double		UseRange;				// [NS] Distance at which player can +use
	native double		AirCapacity;			// Multiplier for air supply underwater.
	native Class<Actor> FlechetteType;
	native color 		DamageFade;				// [CW] Fades for when you are being damaged.
	native double		ViewBob;				// [SP] ViewBob Multiplier
		Health 100;
		Radius 16;
		Height 56;
		Mass 100;
		Painchance 255;
		Speed 1;
		Player.AttackZOffset 8;
		Player.JumpZ 8;
		Player.GruntSpeed 12;
		Player.FallingScreamSpeed 35,40;
		Player.ViewHeight 41;
		Player.UseRange 64;
		Player.ForwardMove 1,1;
		Player.SideMove 1,1;
		Player.ColorRange 0,0;
		Player.SoundClass "player";
		Player.DamageScreenColor "ff 00 00";
		Player.MugShotMaxHealth 0;
		Player.FlechetteType "ArtiPoisonBag3";
		Player.AirCapacity 1;
		Player.ViewBob 1;
		Obituary "$OB_MPDEFAULT";
	virtual void PlayIdle ()
		if (InStateSequence(CurState, SeeState))
			SetState (SpawnState);

	virtual void PlayRunning ()
		if (InStateSequence(CurState, SpawnState) && SeeState != NULL)
			SetState (SeeState);
	virtual void PlayAttacking ()
		if (MissileState != null) SetState (MissileState);

	virtual void PlayAttacking2 ()
		if (MeleeState != null) SetState (MeleeState);
	virtual void MorphPlayerThink()

	native int GetMaxHealth();
	native bool ResetAirSupply (bool playgasp = false);

class PlayerChunk : PlayerPawn native

class PSprite : Object native
	native readonly State CurState; 
	native readonly Actor Caller;
	native readonly PSprite Next;
	native readonly PlayerInfo Owner;
	native SpriteID Sprite;
	native int Frame;
	native readonly int ID;
	native Bool processPending;
	native double x;
	native double y;
	native double oldx;
	native double oldy;
	native Bool firstTic;
	native int Tics;
	native bool bAddWeapon;
	native bool bAddBob;
	native bool bPowDouble;
	native bool bCVarFast;
	native bool bFlip;	
	native void SetState(State newstate, bool pending = false);


enum EPlayerState
	PST_LIVE,	// Playing or camping.
	PST_DEAD,	// Dead on the ground, view follows killer.
	PST_REBORN,	// Ready to restart/respawn???
	PST_ENTER,	// [BC] Entered the game
	PST_GONE	// Player has left the game

struct PlayerInfo native	// this is what internally is known as player_t
	native readonly PlayerPawn mo;
	native uint8 playerstate;
	native uint original_oldbuttons;
	native readonly Class<PlayerPawn> cls;
	native float DesiredFOV;
	native readonly float FOV;
	native double viewz;
	native double viewheight;
	native double deltaviewheight;
	native double bob;
	native vector2 vel;
	native bool centering;
	native uint8 turnticks;
	native bool attackdown;
	native bool usedown;
	native uint oldbuttons;
	native int health;
	native int inventorytics;
	native uint8 CurrentPlayerClass;
	native int frags[MAXPLAYERS];
	native int fragcount;
	native int lastkilltime;
	native uint8 multicount;
	native uint8 spreecount;
	native uint16 WeaponState;
	native Weapon ReadyWeapon;
	native Weapon PendingWeapon;
	native PSprite psprites;
	native int cheats;
	native int timefreezer;
	native int16 refire;
	native int16 inconsistent;
	native bool waiting;
	native int killcount;
	native int itemcount;
	native int secretcount;
	native int damagecount;
	native int bonuscount;
	native int hazardcount;
	native int hazardinterval;
	native Name hazardtype;
	native int poisoncount;
	native Name poisontype;
	native Name poisonpaintype;
	native Actor poisoner;
	native Actor attacker;
	native int extralight;
	native int16 fixedcolormap;
	native int16 fixedlightlevel;
	native int morphtics;
	native Class<PlayerPawn>MorphedPlayerClass;
	native int MorphStyle;
	native Class<Actor> MorphExitFlash;
	native Class<Weapon> PremorphWeapon;
	native int chickenPeck;
	native int jumpTics;
	native bool onground;
	native int respawn_time;
	native Actor camera;
	native int air_finished;
	native Name LastDamageType;
	native Actor MUSINFOactor;
	native int8 MUSINFOtics;
	native bool settings_controller;
	native int8 crouching;
	native int8 crouchdir;
	native Bot bot;
	native float BlendR;
	native float BlendG;
	native float BlendB;
	native float BlendA;
	native String LogText;
	native double MinPitch;
	native double MaxPitch;
	native double crouchfactor;
	native double crouchoffset;
	native double crouchviewdelta;
	native Actor ConversationNPC;
	native Actor ConversationPC;
	native double ConversationNPCAngle;
	native bool ConversationFaceTalker;
/* these are not doable yet
ticcmd_t	cmd;
usercmd_t	original_cmd;
userinfo_t	userinfo;				// [RH] who is this?
FWeaponSlots weapons;

	native bool UndoPlayerMorph(playerinfo player, int unmorphflag = 0, bool force = false);
	native bool PoisonPlayer(Actor poisoner, Actor source, int poison);
	native void PoisonDamage(Actor source, int damage, bool playPainSound);
	native void SetPsprite(int id, State stat, bool pending = false);
	native void SetSafeFlash(Weapon weap, State flashstate, int index);
	native PSprite GetPSprite(int id);
	native PSprite FindPSprite(int id);
	native void SetLogNumber (int text);
	native void SetLogText (String text);
