// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // $Log:$ // // DESCRIPTION: // Handling interactions (i.e., collisions). // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data. #include "doomdef.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "announcer.h" #include "am_map.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "p_effect.h" #include "p_acs.h" #include "b_bot.h" //Added by MC: #include "ravenshared.h" #include "a_hexenglobal.h" #include "a_sharedglobal.h" #include "a_pickups.h" #include "gi.h" #include "templates.h" #include "sbar.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "d_net.h" #include "d_netinf.h" static FRandom pr_obituary ("Obituary"); static FRandom pr_botrespawn ("BotRespawn"); static FRandom pr_killmobj ("ActorDie"); static FRandom pr_damagemobj ("ActorTakeDamage"); static FRandom pr_lightning ("LightningDamage"); static FRandom pr_poison ("PoisonDamage"); static FRandom pr_switcher ("SwitchTarget"); CVAR (Bool, cl_showsprees, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE) CVAR (Bool, cl_showmultikills, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE) EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, show_obituaries) FName MeansOfDeath; bool FriendlyFire; // // GET STUFF // // // P_TouchSpecialThing // void P_TouchSpecialThing (AActor *special, AActor *toucher) { fixed_t delta = special->z - toucher->z; if (delta > toucher->height || delta < -32*FRACUNIT) { // out of reach return; } // Dead thing touching. // Can happen with a sliding player corpse. if (toucher->health <= 0) return; //Added by MC: Finished with this destination. if (toucher->player != NULL && toucher->player->isbot && special == toucher->player->dest) { toucher->player->prev = toucher->player->dest; toucher->player->dest = NULL; } special->Touch (toucher); } // [RH] // SexMessage: Replace parts of strings with gender-specific pronouns // // The following expansions are performed: // %g -> he/she/it // %h -> him/her/it // %p -> his/her/its // %o -> other (victim) // %k -> killer // void SexMessage (const char *from, char *to, int gender, const char *victim, const char *killer) { static const char *genderstuff[3][3] = { { "he", "him", "his" }, { "she", "her", "her" }, { "it", "it", "its" } }; static const int gendershift[3][3] = { { 2, 3, 3 }, { 3, 3, 3 }, { 2, 2, 3 } }; const char *subst = NULL; do { if (*from != '%') { *to++ = *from; } else { int gendermsg = -1; switch (from[1]) { case 'g': gendermsg = 0; break; case 'h': gendermsg = 1; break; case 'p': gendermsg = 2; break; case 'o': subst = victim; break; case 'k': subst = killer; break; } if (subst != NULL) { size_t len = strlen (subst); memcpy (to, subst, len); to += len; from++; subst = NULL; } else if (gendermsg < 0) { *to++ = '%'; } else { strcpy (to, genderstuff[gender][gendermsg]); to += gendershift[gender][gendermsg]; from++; } } } while (*from++); } // [RH] // ClientObituary: Show a message when a player dies // void ClientObituary (AActor *self, AActor *inflictor, AActor *attacker) { FName mod; const char *message; const char *messagename; char gendermessage[1024]; bool friendly; int gender; // No obituaries for non-players, voodoo dolls or when not wanted if (self->player == NULL || self->player->mo != self || !show_obituaries) return; gender = self->player->userinfo.gender; // Treat voodoo dolls as unknown deaths if (inflictor && inflictor->player == self->player) MeansOfDeath = NAME_None; if (multiplayer && !deathmatch) FriendlyFire = true; friendly = FriendlyFire; mod = MeansOfDeath; message = NULL; messagename = NULL; if (attacker == NULL || attacker->player != NULL) { if (mod == NAME_Telefrag) { if (AnnounceTelefrag (attacker, self)) return; } else { if (AnnounceKill (attacker, self)) return; } } switch (mod) { case NAME_Suicide: messagename = "OB_SUICIDE"; break; case NAME_Falling: messagename = "OB_FALLING"; break; case NAME_Crush: messagename = "OB_CRUSH"; break; case NAME_Exit: messagename = "OB_EXIT"; break; case NAME_Drowning: messagename = "OB_WATER"; break; case NAME_Slime: messagename = "OB_SLIME"; break; case NAME_Fire: if (attacker == NULL) messagename = "OB_LAVA"; break; } if (messagename != NULL) message = GStrings(messagename); if (attacker != NULL && message == NULL) { if (attacker == self) { message = GStrings("OB_KILLEDSELF"); } else if (attacker->player == NULL) { if (mod == NAME_Telefrag) { message = GStrings("OB_MONTELEFRAG"); } else if (mod == NAME_Melee) { message = attacker->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaString (AMETA_HitObituary); if (message == NULL) { message = attacker->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaString (AMETA_Obituary); } } else { message = attacker->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaString (AMETA_Obituary); } } } if (message == NULL && attacker != NULL && attacker->player != NULL) { if (friendly) { attacker->player->fragcount -= 2; attacker->player->frags[attacker->player - players]++; self = attacker; gender = self->player->userinfo.gender; mysnprintf (gendermessage, countof(gendermessage), "OB_FRIENDLY%c", '1' + (pr_obituary() & 3)); message = GStrings(gendermessage); } else { if (mod == NAME_Telefrag) message = GStrings("OB_MPTELEFRAG"); if (message == NULL) { if (inflictor != NULL) { message = inflictor->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaString (AMETA_Obituary); } if (message == NULL && attacker->player->ReadyWeapon != NULL) { message = attacker->player->ReadyWeapon->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaString (AMETA_Obituary); } if (message == NULL) { switch (mod) { case NAME_BFGSplash: messagename = "OB_MPBFG_SPLASH"; break; case NAME_Railgun: messagename = "OB_RAILGUN"; break; } if (messagename != NULL) message = GStrings(messagename); } } } } else attacker = self; // for the message creation if (message != NULL && message[0] == '$') { message=GStrings[message+1]; } if (message == NULL) { message = GStrings("OB_DEFAULT"); } SexMessage (message, gendermessage, gender, self->player->userinfo.netname, attacker->player->userinfo.netname); Printf (PRINT_MEDIUM, "%s\n", gendermessage); } // // KillMobj // EXTERN_CVAR (Int, fraglimit) void AActor::Die (AActor *source, AActor *inflictor) { // Handle possible unmorph on death bool wasgibbed = (health < GibHealth()); AActor *realthis = NULL; int realstyle = 0; int realhealth = 0; if (P_MorphedDeath(this, &realthis, &realstyle, &realhealth)) { if (!(realstyle & MORPH_UNDOBYDEATHSAVES)) { if (wasgibbed) { int realgibhealth = realthis->GibHealth(); if (realthis->health >= realgibhealth) { realthis->health = realgibhealth -1; // if morphed was gibbed, so must original be (where allowed) } } realthis->Die(source, inflictor); } return; } // [SO] 9/2/02 -- It's rather funny to see an exploded player body with the invuln sparkle active :) effects &= ~FX_RESPAWNINVUL; //flags &= ~MF_INVINCIBLE; if (debugfile && this->player) { static int dieticks[MAXPLAYERS]; int pnum = int(this->player-players); if (dieticks[pnum] == gametic) gametic=gametic; dieticks[pnum] = gametic; fprintf (debugfile, "died (%d) on tic %d (%s)\n", pnum, gametic, this->player->cheats&CF_PREDICTING?"predicting":"real"); } // [RH] Notify this actor's items. for (AInventory *item = Inventory; item != NULL; ) { AInventory *next = item->Inventory; item->OwnerDied(); item = next; } if (flags & MF_MISSILE) { // [RH] When missiles die, they just explode P_ExplodeMissile (this, NULL, NULL); return; } // [RH] Set the target to the thing that killed it. Strife apparently does this. if (source != NULL) { target = source; } flags &= ~(MF_SHOOTABLE|MF_FLOAT|MF_SKULLFLY); if (!(flags4 & MF4_DONTFALL)) flags&=~MF_NOGRAVITY; flags |= MF_DROPOFF; if ((flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) || FindState(NAME_Raise) != NULL || IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn))) { // [RH] Only monsters get to be corpses. // Objects with a raise state should get the flag as well so they can // be revived by an Arch-Vile. Batman Doom needs this. // [RC] And disable this if DONTCORPSE is set, of course. if(!(flags6 & MF6_DONTCORPSE)) flags |= MF_CORPSE; } flags6 |= MF6_KILLED; // [RH] Allow the death height to be overridden using metadata. fixed_t metaheight = 0; if (DamageType == NAME_Fire) { metaheight = GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaFixed (AMETA_BurnHeight); } if (metaheight == 0) { metaheight = GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaFixed (AMETA_DeathHeight); } if (metaheight != 0) { height = MAX (metaheight, 0); } else { height >>= 2; } // [RH] If the thing has a special, execute and remove it // Note that the thing that killed it is considered // the activator of the script. // New: In Hexen, the thing that died is the activator, // so now a level flag selects who the activator gets to be. // Everything is now moved to P_ActivateThingSpecial(). if (special && (!(flags & MF_SPECIAL) || (flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER)) && !(activationtype & THINGSPEC_NoDeathSpecial)) { P_ActivateThingSpecial(this, source, true); } if (CountsAsKill()) level.killed_monsters++; if (source && source->player) { if (CountsAsKill()) { // count for intermission source->player->killcount++; } // Don't count any frags at level start, because they're just telefrags // resulting from insufficient deathmatch starts, and it wouldn't be // fair to count them toward a player's score. if (player && level.maptime) { source->player->frags[player - players]++; if (player == source->player) // [RH] Cumulative frag count { char buff[256]; player->fragcount--; if (deathmatch && player->spreecount >= 5 && cl_showsprees) { SexMessage (GStrings("SPREEKILLSELF"), buff, player->userinfo.gender, player->userinfo.netname, player->userinfo.netname); StatusBar->AttachMessage (new DHUDMessageFadeOut (SmallFont, buff, 1.5f, 0.2f, 0, 0, CR_WHITE, 3.f, 0.5f), MAKE_ID('K','S','P','R')); } } else { if ((dmflags2 & DF2_YES_LOSEFRAG) && deathmatch) player->fragcount--; ++source->player->fragcount; ++source->player->spreecount; if (source->player->morphTics) { // Make a super chicken source->GiveInventoryType (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2)); } if (deathmatch && cl_showsprees) { const char *spreemsg; char buff[256]; switch (source->player->spreecount) { case 5: spreemsg = GStrings("SPREE5"); break; case 10: spreemsg = GStrings("SPREE10"); break; case 15: spreemsg = GStrings("SPREE15"); break; case 20: spreemsg = GStrings("SPREE20"); break; case 25: spreemsg = GStrings("SPREE25"); break; default: spreemsg = NULL; break; } if (spreemsg == NULL && player->spreecount >= 5) { if (!AnnounceSpreeLoss (this)) { SexMessage (GStrings("SPREEOVER"), buff, player->userinfo.gender, player->userinfo.netname, source->player->userinfo.netname); StatusBar->AttachMessage (new DHUDMessageFadeOut (SmallFont, buff, 1.5f, 0.2f, 0, 0, CR_WHITE, 3.f, 0.5f), MAKE_ID('K','S','P','R')); } } else if (spreemsg != NULL) { if (!AnnounceSpree (source)) { SexMessage (spreemsg, buff, player->userinfo.gender, player->userinfo.netname, source->player->userinfo.netname); StatusBar->AttachMessage (new DHUDMessageFadeOut (SmallFont, buff, 1.5f, 0.2f, 0, 0, CR_WHITE, 3.f, 0.5f), MAKE_ID('K','S','P','R')); } } } } // [RH] Multikills source->player->multicount++; if (source->player->lastkilltime > 0) { if (source->player->lastkilltime < level.time - 3*TICRATE) { source->player->multicount = 1; } if (deathmatch && source->CheckLocalView (consoleplayer) && cl_showmultikills) { const char *multimsg; switch (source->player->multicount) { case 1: multimsg = NULL; break; case 2: multimsg = GStrings("MULTI2"); break; case 3: multimsg = GStrings("MULTI3"); break; case 4: multimsg = GStrings("MULTI4"); break; default: multimsg = GStrings("MULTI5"); break; } if (multimsg != NULL) { char buff[256]; if (!AnnounceMultikill (source)) { SexMessage (multimsg, buff, player->userinfo.gender, player->userinfo.netname, source->player->userinfo.netname); StatusBar->AttachMessage (new DHUDMessageFadeOut (SmallFont, buff, 1.5f, 0.8f, 0, 0, CR_RED, 3.f, 0.5f), MAKE_ID('M','K','I','L')); } } } } source->player->lastkilltime = level.time; // [RH] Implement fraglimit if (deathmatch && fraglimit && fraglimit <= D_GetFragCount (source->player)) { Printf ("%s\n", GStrings("TXT_FRAGLIMIT")); G_ExitLevel (0, false); } } } else if (!multiplayer && CountsAsKill()) { // count all monster deaths, // even those caused by other monsters players[0].killcount++; } if (player) { // [RH] Death messages ClientObituary (this, inflictor, source); // Death script execution, care of Skull Tag FBehavior::StaticStartTypedScripts (SCRIPT_Death, this, true); // [RH] Force a delay between death and respawn player->respawn_time = level.time + TICRATE; //Added by MC: Respawn bots if (bglobal.botnum && consoleplayer == Net_Arbitrator && !demoplayback) { if (player->isbot) player->t_respawn = (pr_botrespawn()%15)+((bglobal.botnum-1)*2)+TICRATE+1; //Added by MC: Discard enemies. for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (players[i].isbot && this == players[i].enemy) { if (players[i].dest == players[i].enemy) players[i].dest = NULL; players[i].enemy = NULL; } } player->spreecount = 0; player->multicount = 0; } // count environment kills against you if (!source) { player->frags[player - players]++; player->fragcount--; // [RH] Cumulative frag count } flags &= ~MF_SOLID; player->playerstate = PST_DEAD; P_DropWeapon (player); if (this == players[consoleplayer].camera && automapactive) { // don't die in auto map, switch view prior to dying AM_Stop (); } // [GRB] Clear extralight. When you killed yourself with weapon that // called A_Light1/2 before it called A_Light0, extraligh remained. player->extralight = 0; } // [RH] If this is the unmorphed version of another monster, destroy this // actor, because the morphed version is the one that will stick around in // the level. if (flags & MF_UNMORPHED) { Destroy (); return; } FState *diestate = NULL; if (DamageType != NAME_None) { diestate = FindState (NAME_Death, DamageType, true); if (diestate == NULL) { if (DamageType == NAME_Ice) { // If an actor doesn't have an ice death, we can still give them a generic one. if (!deh.NoAutofreeze && !(flags4 & MF4_NOICEDEATH) && (player || (flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER))) { diestate = FindState(NAME_GenericFreezeDeath); } } } } if (diestate == NULL) { int flags4 = inflictor == NULL ? 0 : inflictor->flags4; int gibhealth = GibHealth(); // Don't pass on a damage type this actor cannot handle. // (most importantly, prevent barrels from passing on ice damage.) // Massacre must be preserved though. if (DamageType != NAME_Massacre) { DamageType = NAME_None; } if ((health < gibhealth || flags4 & MF4_EXTREMEDEATH) && !(flags4 & MF4_NOEXTREMEDEATH)) { // Extreme death diestate = FindState (NAME_Death, NAME_Extreme, true); // If a non-player, mark as extremely dead for the crash state. if (diestate != NULL && player == NULL && health >= gibhealth) { health = gibhealth - 1; } // For players, mark the appropriate flag. else if (player != NULL) { player->cheats |= CF_EXTREMELYDEAD; } } if (diestate == NULL) { // Normal death diestate = FindState (NAME_Death); } } if (diestate != NULL) { SetState (diestate); tics -= pr_killmobj() & 3; if (tics < 1) tics = 1; } else { Destroy(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC P_AutoUseHealth // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int CountHealth(TArray &Items) { int counted = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < Items.Size(); i++) { counted += Items[i]->Amount * Items[i]->health; } return counted; } static int UseHealthItems(TArray &Items, int &saveHealth) { int saved = 0; while (Items.Size() > 0 && saveHealth > 0) { int maxhealth = 0; int index = -1; // Find the largest item in the list for(unsigned i = 0; i < Items.Size(); i++) { if (Items[i]->health > maxhealth) { index = i; maxhealth = Items[i]->health; } } // Now apply the health items, using the same logic as Heretic and Hexen. int count = (saveHealth + maxhealth-1) / maxhealth; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { saved += maxhealth; saveHealth -= maxhealth; if (--Items[index]->Amount == 0) { if (!(Items[index]->ItemFlags & IF_KEEPDEPLETED)) { Items[index]->Destroy (); } Items.Delete(index); break; } } } return saved; } void P_AutoUseHealth(player_t *player, int saveHealth) { TArray NormalHealthItems; TArray LargeHealthItems; for(AInventory *inv = player->mo->Inventory; inv != NULL; inv = inv->Inventory) { if (inv->Amount > 0 && inv->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AHealthPickup))) { int mode = static_cast(inv)->autousemode; if (mode == 1) NormalHealthItems.Push(inv); else if (mode == 2) LargeHealthItems.Push(inv); } } int normalhealth = CountHealth(NormalHealthItems); int largehealth = CountHealth(LargeHealthItems); bool skilluse = !!G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_AutoUseHealth); if (skilluse && normalhealth >= saveHealth) { // Use quartz flasks player->health += UseHealthItems(NormalHealthItems, saveHealth); } else if (largehealth >= saveHealth) { // Use mystic urns player->health += UseHealthItems(LargeHealthItems, saveHealth); } else if (skilluse && normalhealth + largehealth >= saveHealth) { // Use mystic urns and quartz flasks player->health += UseHealthItems(NormalHealthItems, saveHealth); if (saveHealth > 0) player->health += UseHealthItems(LargeHealthItems, saveHealth); } player->mo->health = player->health; } //============================================================================ // // P_AutoUseStrifeHealth // //============================================================================ CVAR(Bool, sv_disableautohealth, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_SERVERINFO) void P_AutoUseStrifeHealth (player_t *player) { TArray Items; for(AInventory *inv = player->mo->Inventory; inv != NULL; inv = inv->Inventory) { if (inv->Amount > 0 && inv->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AHealthPickup))) { int mode = static_cast(inv)->autousemode; if (mode == 3) Items.Push(inv); } } if (!sv_disableautohealth) { while (Items.Size() > 0) { int maxhealth = 0; int index = -1; // Find the largest item in the list for(unsigned i = 0; i < Items.Size(); i++) { if (Items[i]->health > maxhealth) { index = i; maxhealth = Items[i]->Amount; } } while (player->health < 50) { if (!player->mo->UseInventory (Items[index])) break; } if (player->health >= 50) return; // Using all of this item was not enough so delete it and restart with the next best one Items.Delete(index); } } } /* ================= = = P_DamageMobj = = Damages both enemies and players = inflictor is the thing that caused the damage = creature or missile, can be NULL (slime, etc) = source is the thing to target after taking damage = creature or NULL = Source and inflictor are the same for melee attacks = source can be null for barrel explosions and other environmental stuff ================== */ void P_DamageMobj (AActor *target, AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int damage, FName mod, int flags) { unsigned ang; player_t *player = NULL; fixed_t thrust; int temp; int painchance = 0; FState * woundstate = NULL; PainChanceList * pc = NULL; bool justhit = false; if (target == NULL || !((target->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE) || (target->flags6 & MF6_VULNERABLE))) { // Shouldn't happen return; } // Spectral targets only take damage from spectral projectiles. if (target->flags4 & MF4_SPECTRAL && damage < TELEFRAG_DAMAGE) { if (inflictor == NULL || !(inflictor->flags4 & MF4_SPECTRAL)) { return; } } if (target->health <= 0) { if (inflictor && mod == NAME_Ice) { return; } else if (target->flags & MF_ICECORPSE) // frozen { target->tics = 1; target->flags6 |= MF6_SHATTERING; target->velx = target->vely = target->velz = 0; } return; } if ((target->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) && damage < TELEFRAG_DAMAGE && !(flags & DMG_FORCED)) { // actor is invulnerable if (target->player == NULL) { if (inflictor == NULL || !(inflictor->flags3 & MF3_FOILINVUL)) { return; } } else { // Players are optionally excluded from getting thrust by damage. if (static_cast(target)->PlayerFlags & PPF_NOTHRUSTWHENINVUL) { return; } } } if (inflictor != NULL) { if (inflictor->flags5 & MF5_PIERCEARMOR) flags |= DMG_NO_ARMOR; } MeansOfDeath = mod; FriendlyFire = false; // [RH] Andy Baker's Stealth monsters if (target->flags & MF_STEALTH) { target->alpha = OPAQUE; target->visdir = -1; } if (target->flags & MF_SKULLFLY) { target->velx = target->vely = target->velz = 0; } if (!(flags & DMG_FORCED)) // DMG_FORCED skips all special damage checks { if (target->flags2 & MF2_DORMANT) { // Invulnerable, and won't wake up return; } player = target->player; if (player && damage > 1 && damage < TELEFRAG_DAMAGE) { // Take half damage in trainer mode damage = FixedMul(damage, G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_DamageFactor)); } // Special damage types if (inflictor) { if (inflictor->flags4 & MF4_SPECTRAL) { if (player != NULL) { if (!deathmatch && inflictor->health == -1) return; } else if (target->flags4 & MF4_SPECTRAL) { if (inflictor->health == -2 && !target->IsHostile(inflictor)) return; } } damage = inflictor->DoSpecialDamage (target, damage); if (damage == -1) { return; } } // Handle active damage modifiers (e.g. PowerDamage) if (source != NULL && source->Inventory != NULL) { int olddam = damage; source->Inventory->ModifyDamage(olddam, mod, damage, false); if (olddam != damage && damage <= 0) return; } // Handle passive damage modifiers (e.g. PowerProtection) if (target->Inventory != NULL) { int olddam = damage; target->Inventory->ModifyDamage(olddam, mod, damage, true); if (olddam != damage && damage <= 0) return; } if (!(flags & DMG_NO_FACTOR)) { DmgFactors *df = target->GetClass()->ActorInfo->DamageFactors; if (df != NULL) { fixed_t *pdf = df->CheckKey(mod); if (pdf== NULL && mod != NAME_None) pdf = df->CheckKey(NAME_None); if (pdf != NULL) { damage = FixedMul(damage, *pdf); if (damage <= 0) return; } } damage = FixedMul(damage, target->DamageFactor); if (damage < 0) return; } damage = target->TakeSpecialDamage (inflictor, source, damage, mod); } if (damage == -1) { return; } // Push the target unless the source's weapon's kickback is 0. // (i.e. Gauntlets/Chainsaw) if (inflictor && inflictor != target // [RH] Not if hurting own self && !(target->flags & MF_NOCLIP) && !(inflictor->flags2 & MF2_NODMGTHRUST) && !(flags & DMG_THRUSTLESS) && (source == NULL || source->player == NULL || !(source->flags2 & MF2_NODMGTHRUST))) { int kickback; if (inflictor && inflictor->projectileKickback) kickback = inflictor->projectileKickback; else if (!source || !source->player || !source->player->ReadyWeapon) kickback = gameinfo.defKickback; else kickback = source->player->ReadyWeapon->Kickback; if (kickback) { AActor *origin = (source && (flags & DMG_INFLICTOR_IS_PUFF))? source : inflictor; ang = R_PointToAngle2 (origin->x, origin->y, target->x, target->y); // Calculate this as float to avoid overflows so that the // clamping that had to be done here can be removed. double fltthrust; fltthrust = mod == NAME_MDK ? 10 : 32; if (target->Mass > 0) { fltthrust = clamp((damage * 0.125 * kickback) / target->Mass, 0., fltthrust); } thrust = FLOAT2FIXED(fltthrust); // Don't apply ultra-small damage thrust if (thrust < FRACUNIT/100) thrust = 0; // make fall forwards sometimes if ((damage < 40) && (damage > target->health) && (target->z - origin->z > 64*FRACUNIT) && (pr_damagemobj()&1) // [RH] But only if not too fast and not flying && thrust < 10*FRACUNIT && !(target->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY)) { ang += ANG180; thrust *= 4; } ang >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; if (source && source->player && (flags & DMG_INFLICTOR_IS_PUFF) && source->player->ReadyWeapon != NULL && (source->player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_STAFF2_KICKBACK)) { // Staff power level 2 target->velx += FixedMul (10*FRACUNIT, finecosine[ang]); target->vely += FixedMul (10*FRACUNIT, finesine[ang]); if (!(target->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY)) { target->velz += 5*FRACUNIT; } } else { target->velx += FixedMul (thrust, finecosine[ang]); target->vely += FixedMul (thrust, finesine[ang]); } } } // [RH] Avoid friendly fire if enabled if (!(flags & DMG_FORCED) && source != NULL && ((player && player != source->player) || !player) && target->IsTeammate (source)) { if (player) FriendlyFire = true; if (damage < TELEFRAG_DAMAGE) { // Still allow telefragging :-( damage = (int)((float)damage * level.teamdamage); if (damage <= 0) return; } } // // player specific // if (player) { //Added by MC: Lets bots look allround for enemies if they survive an ambush. if (player->isbot) { player->allround = true; } // end of game hell hack if ((target->Sector->special & 255) == dDamage_End && damage >= target->health) { damage = target->health - 1; } if (!(flags & DMG_FORCED)) { // check the real player, not a voodoo doll here for invulnerability effects if (damage < TELEFRAG_DAMAGE && ((player->mo->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) || (player->cheats & CF_GODMODE))) { // player is invulnerable, so don't hurt him return; } if (!(flags & DMG_NO_ARMOR) && player->mo->Inventory != NULL) { int newdam = damage; player->mo->Inventory->AbsorbDamage (damage, mod, newdam); damage = newdam; if (damage <= 0) { // If MF6_FORCEPAIN is set, make the player enter the pain state. if (inflictor != NULL && (inflictor->flags6 & MF6_FORCEPAIN)) goto dopain; return; } } if (damage >= player->health && (G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_AutoUseHealth) || deathmatch) && !player->morphTics) { // Try to use some inventory health P_AutoUseHealth (player, damage - player->health + 1); } } player->health -= damage; // mirror mobj health here for Dave // [RH] Make voodoo dolls and real players record the same health target->health = player->mo->health -= damage; if (player->health < 50 && !deathmatch && !(flags & DMG_FORCED)) { P_AutoUseStrifeHealth (player); player->mo->health = player->health; } if (player->health <= 0) { // [SP] Buddha cheat: if the player is about to die, rescue him to 1 health. // This does not save the player if damage >= TELEFRAG_DAMAGE, still need to // telefrag him right? ;) (Unfortunately the damage is "absorbed" by armor, // but telefragging should still do enough damage to kill the player) if ((player->cheats & CF_BUDDHA) && damage < TELEFRAG_DAMAGE) { // If this is a voodoo doll we need to handle the real player as well. player->mo->health = target->health = player->health = 1; } else { player->health = 0; } } player->LastDamageType = mod; player->attacker = source; player->damagecount += damage; // add damage after armor / invuln if (player->damagecount > 100) { player->damagecount = 100; // teleport stomp does 10k points... } temp = damage < 100 ? damage : 100; if (player == &players[consoleplayer]) { I_Tactile (40,10,40+temp*2); } } else { // Armor for monsters. if (!(flags & (DMG_NO_ARMOR|DMG_FORCED)) && target->Inventory != NULL && damage > 0) { int newdam = damage; target->Inventory->AbsorbDamage (damage, mod, newdam); damage = newdam; if (damage <= 0) { return; } } target->health -= damage; } // // the damage has been dealt; now deal with the consequences // target->DamageTypeReceived = mod; // If the damaging player has the power of drain, give the player 50% of the damage // done in health. if ( source && source->player && source->player->cheats & CF_DRAIN) { if (!target->player || target->player != source->player) { if ( P_GiveBody( source, damage / 2 )) { S_Sound( source, CHAN_ITEM, "*drainhealth", 1, ATTN_NORM ); } } } if (target->health <= 0) { // Death target->special1 = damage; // check for special fire damage or ice damage deaths if (mod == NAME_Fire) { if (player && !player->morphTics) { // Check for flame death if (!inflictor || ((target->health > -50) && (damage > 25)) || !(inflictor->flags5 & MF5_SPECIALFIREDAMAGE)) { target->DamageType = NAME_Fire; } } else { target->DamageType = NAME_Fire; } } else { target->DamageType = mod; } if (source && source->tracer && (source->flags5 & MF5_SUMMONEDMONSTER)) { // Minotaur's kills go to his master // Make sure still alive and not a pointer to fighter head if (source->tracer->player && (source->tracer->player->mo == source->tracer)) { source = source->tracer; } } target->Die (source, inflictor); return; } woundstate = target->FindState(NAME_Wound, mod); if (woundstate != NULL) { int woundhealth = RUNTIME_TYPE(target)->Meta.GetMetaInt (AMETA_WoundHealth, 6); if (target->health <= woundhealth) { target->SetState (woundstate); return; } } if (!(target->flags5 & MF5_NOPAIN) && (inflictor == NULL || !(inflictor->flags5 & MF5_PAINLESS)) && !G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_NoPain) && !(target->flags & MF_SKULLFLY)) { pc = target->GetClass()->ActorInfo->PainChances; painchance = target->PainChance; if (pc != NULL) { int *ppc = pc->CheckKey(mod); if (ppc != NULL) { painchance = *ppc; } } if ((damage >= target->PainThreshold && pr_damagemobj() < painchance) || (inflictor != NULL && (inflictor->flags6 & MF6_FORCEPAIN))) { dopain: if (mod == NAME_Electric) { if (pr_lightning() < 96) { justhit = true; FState *painstate = target->FindState(NAME_Pain, mod); if (painstate != NULL) target->SetState(painstate); } else { // "electrocute" the target target->renderflags |= RF_FULLBRIGHT; if ((target->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && pr_lightning() < 128) { target->Howl (); } } } else { justhit = true; FState *painstate = target->FindState(NAME_Pain, mod); if (painstate != NULL) target->SetState(painstate); if (mod == NAME_PoisonCloud) { if ((target->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && pr_poison() < 128) { target->Howl (); } } } } } target->reactiontime = 0; // we're awake now... if (source) { if (source == target->target) { target->threshold = BASETHRESHOLD; if (target->state == target->SpawnState && target->SeeState != NULL) { target->SetState (target->SeeState); } } else if (source != target->target && target->OkayToSwitchTarget (source)) { // Target actor is not intent on another actor, // so make him chase after source // killough 2/15/98: remember last enemy, to prevent // sleeping early; 2/21/98: Place priority on players if (target->lastenemy == NULL || (target->lastenemy->player == NULL && target->TIDtoHate == 0) || target->lastenemy->health <= 0) { target->lastenemy = target->target; // remember last enemy - killough } target->target = source; target->threshold = BASETHRESHOLD; if (target->state == target->SpawnState && target->SeeState != NULL) { target->SetState (target->SeeState); } } } // killough 11/98: Don't attack a friend, unless hit by that friend. if (justhit && (target->target == source || !target->target || !target->IsFriend(target->target))) target->flags |= MF_JUSTHIT; // fight back! } void P_PoisonMobj (AActor *target, AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int damage, int duration, int period, FName type) { // Check for invulnerability. if (!(inflictor->flags6 & MF6_POISONALWAYS)) { if (target->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) { // actor is invulnerable if (target->player == NULL) { if (!(inflictor->flags3 & MF3_FOILINVUL)) { return; } } else { return; } } } target->Poisoner = source; target->PoisonDamageTypeReceived = type; target->PoisonPeriodReceived = period; if (inflictor->flags6 & MF6_ADDITIVEPOISONDAMAGE) { target->PoisonDamageReceived += damage; } else { target->PoisonDamageReceived = damage; } if (inflictor->flags6 & MF6_ADDITIVEPOISONDURATION) { target->PoisonDurationReceived += duration; } else { target->PoisonDurationReceived = duration; } } bool AActor::OkayToSwitchTarget (AActor *other) { if (other == this) return false; // [RH] Don't hate self (can happen when shooting barrels) if (!(other->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE)) return false; // Don't attack things that can't be hurt if ((flags4 & MF4_NOTARGETSWITCH) && target != NULL) return false; // Don't switch target if not allowed if ((master != NULL && other->IsA(master->GetClass())) || // don't attack your master (or others of its type) (other->master != NULL && IsA(other->master->GetClass()))) // don't attack your minion (or those of others of your type) { if (!IsHostile (other) && // allow target switch if other is considered hostile (other->tid != TIDtoHate || TIDtoHate == 0) && // or has the tid we hate other->TIDtoHate == TIDtoHate) // or has different hate information { return false; } } if ((other->flags3 & MF3_NOTARGET) && (other->tid != TIDtoHate || TIDtoHate == 0) && !IsHostile (other)) return false; if (threshold != 0 && !(flags4 & MF4_QUICKTORETALIATE)) return false; if (IsFriend (other)) { // [RH] Friendlies don't target other friendlies return false; } int infight; if (flags5 & MF5_NOINFIGHTING) infight=-1; else if (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_TOTALINFIGHTING) infight=1; else if (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_NOINFIGHTING) infight=-1; else infight = infighting; if (infight < 0 && other->player == NULL && !IsHostile (other)) { return false; // infighting off: Non-friendlies don't target other non-friendlies } if (TIDtoHate != 0 && TIDtoHate == other->TIDtoHate) return false; // [RH] Don't target "teammates" if (other->player != NULL && (flags4 & MF4_NOHATEPLAYERS)) return false; // [RH] Don't target players if (target != NULL && target->health > 0 && TIDtoHate != 0 && target->tid == TIDtoHate && pr_switcher() < 128 && P_CheckSight (this, target)) return false; // [RH] Don't be too quick to give up things we hate return true; } //========================================================================== // // P_PoisonPlayer - Sets up all data concerning poisoning // //========================================================================== bool P_PoisonPlayer (player_t *player, AActor *poisoner, AActor *source, int poison) { if((player->cheats&CF_GODMODE) || (player->mo->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE)) { return false; } if (source != NULL && source->player != player && player->mo->IsTeammate (source)) { poison = (int)((float)poison * level.teamdamage); } if (poison > 0) { player->poisoncount += poison; player->poisoner = poisoner; if(player->poisoncount > 100) { player->poisoncount = 100; } } return true; } //========================================================================== // // P_PoisonDamage - Similar to P_DamageMobj // //========================================================================== void P_PoisonDamage (player_t *player, AActor *source, int damage, bool playPainSound) { AActor *target; AActor *inflictor; target = player->mo; inflictor = source; if (target->health <= 0) { return; } if (damage < TELEFRAG_DAMAGE && ((target->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) || (player->cheats & CF_GODMODE))) { // target is invulnerable return; } if (player) { // Take half damage in trainer mode damage = FixedMul(damage, G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_DamageFactor)); } if (damage >= player->health && (G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_AutoUseHealth) || deathmatch) && !player->morphTics) { // Try to use some inventory health P_AutoUseHealth (player, damage - player->health+1); } player->health -= damage; // mirror mobj health here for Dave if (player->health < 50 && !deathmatch) { P_AutoUseStrifeHealth (player); } if (player->health < 0) { player->health = 0; } player->attacker = source; // // do the damage // target->health -= damage; if (target->health <= 0) { // Death if ( player->cheats & CF_BUDDHA ) { // [SP] Save the player... player->health = target->health = 1; } else { target->special1 = damage; if (player && inflictor && !player->morphTics) { // Check for flame death if ((inflictor->DamageType == NAME_Fire) && (target->health > -50) && (damage > 25)) { target->DamageType = NAME_Fire; } else target->DamageType = inflictor->DamageType; } target->Die (source, source); return; } } if (!(level.time&63) && playPainSound) { FState * painstate = target->FindState(NAME_Pain, target->DamageType); if (painstate != NULL) target->SetState (painstate); } /* if((P_Random() < target->info->painchance) && !(target->flags&MF_SKULLFLY)) { target->flags |= MF_JUSTHIT; // fight back! P_SetMobjState(target, target->info->painstate); } */ return; } CCMD (kill) { if (argv.argc() > 1) { if (CheckCheatmode ()) return; if (!stricmp (argv[1], "monsters")) { // Kill all the monsters if (CheckCheatmode ()) return; Net_WriteByte (DEM_GENERICCHEAT); Net_WriteByte (CHT_MASSACRE); } else { Net_WriteByte (DEM_KILLCLASSCHEAT); Net_WriteString (argv[1]); } } else { // If suiciding is disabled, then don't do it. if (dmflags2 & DF2_NOSUICIDE) return; // Kill the player Net_WriteByte (DEM_SUICIDE); } C_HideConsole (); }