cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8.7 ) include(../precompiled_headers.cmake) if( COMMAND cmake_policy ) cmake_policy( SET CMP0003 NEW ) endif() include( CheckCXXSourceCompiles ) include( CheckFunctionExists ) include( CheckCXXCompilerFlag ) include( CheckIncludeFile ) include( CheckIncludeFiles ) include( CheckLibraryExists ) include( FindPkgConfig ) if( NOT APPLE ) option( NO_ASM "Disable assembly code" OFF ) else() # At the moment asm code doesn't work with OS X, so disable by default option( NO_ASM "Disable assembly code" ON ) endif() if( ZD_CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX_COMPATIBLE ) option( NO_STRIP "Do not strip Release or MinSizeRel builds" ) # At least some versions of Xcode fail if you strip with the linker # instead of the separate strip utility. if( APPLE ) set( NO_STRIP ON ) endif() endif() option( DYN_FLUIDSYNTH "Dynamically load fluidsynth" ON ) option( DYN_OPENAL "Dynamically load OpenAL" ON ) if( APPLE ) option( OSX_COCOA_BACKEND "Use native Cocoa backend instead of SDL" ON ) endif() if( CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "8" ) set( X64 64 ) endif() # You can either use "make install" on the FMOD distribution to put it # in standard system locations, or you can unpack the FMOD distribution # in the root of the zdoom tree. e.g.: # zdoom # docs # fmodapilinux[64] -or simply- fmod # jpeg-6b # ... # The recommended method is to put it in the zdoom tree, since its # headers are unversioned. Especially now that we can't work properly # with anything newer than 4.26.xx, you probably don't want to use # a system-wide version. # Construct version numbers for searching for the FMOD library on Linux. set( MINOR_VERSIONS "61" "50" "49" "48" "47" "46" "45" "44" "43" "42" "41" "40" "39" "38" "37" "36" "35" "34" "33" "32" "31" "30" "29" "28" "27" "26" "25" "24" "23" "22" "21" "20" "21" "19" "18" "17" "16" "15" "14" "13" "12" "11" "10" "09" "08" "07" "06" "05" "04" "03" "02" "01" "00" ) set( MAJOR_VERSIONS "44" "34" "28" "26" "24" "22" "20" ) if( NOT FMOD_DIR_VERSIONS ) set( FMOD_DIR_VERSIONS "" ) endif() if( NOT FMOD_VERSIONS ) set( FMOD_VERSIONS "" ) endif() if( NOT FMOD_LOCAL_INC_DIRS ) set( FMOD_LOCAL_INC_DIRS "" ) endif() if( NOT FMOD_LOCAL_LIB_DIRS ) set( FMOD_LOCAL_LIB_DIRS "" ) endif() set( FMOD_DIR_VERSIONS ${FMOD_DIR_VERSIONS} "../fmod" ) foreach( majver ${MAJOR_VERSIONS} ) foreach( minver ${MINOR_VERSIONS} ) set( FMOD_VERSIONS ${FMOD_VERSIONS} "fmodex${X64}-4.${majver}.${minver}" ) # FMOD Ex version 4.44 unified 32-bit and 64-bit linux packages into one. if( NOT majver EQUAL "44" ) set( FMOD_DIR_VERSIONS ${FMOD_DIR_VERSIONS} "${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/fmodapi4${majver}${minver}linux${X64}" ) else() set( FMOD_DIR_VERSIONS ${FMOD_DIR_VERSIONS} "${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/fmodapi4${majver}${minver}linux" ) endif() endforeach() foreach( dir ${FMOD_DIR_VERSIONS} ) set( FMOD_LOCAL_INC_DIRS ${FMOD_LOCAL_INC_DIRS} "${dir}/api/inc" ) set( FMOD_LOCAL_LIB_DIRS ${FMOD_LOCAL_LIB_DIRS} "${dir}/api/lib" ) endforeach() endforeach() if( NOT ZDOOM_LIBS ) set( ZDOOM_LIBS "" ) endif() if( WIN32 ) if( X64 ) set( WIN_TYPE Win64 ) set( XBITS x64 ) else() set( WIN_TYPE Win32 ) set( XBITS x86 ) endif() add_definitions( -D_WIN32 ) set( FMOD_SEARCH_PATHS "C:/Program Files/FMOD SoundSystem/FMOD Programmers API ${WIN_TYPE}/api" "C:/Program Files (x86)/FMOD SoundSystem/FMOD Programmers API ${WIN_TYPE}/api" # This next one is for Randy. "E:/Software/Dev/FMOD/${WIN_TYPE}/api" ) set( FMOD_INC_PATH_SUFFIXES PATH_SUFFIXES inc ) set( FMOD_LIB_PATH_SUFFIXES PATH_SUFFIXES lib ) set( NASM_NAMES nasmw nasm ) find_path( D3D_INCLUDE_DIR d3d9.h PATHS ENV DXSDK_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES Include ) if( NOT D3D_INCLUDE_DIR ) # Modern versions of the Windows SDK include d3d9.h. Unfortunately, # CMake cannot find this file via find_path, so we check for it using # CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE. CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE( d3d9.h D3D9_H_FOUND ) if ( NOT D3D9_H_FOUND ) message( SEND_ERROR "Could not find DirectX 9 header files" ) endif() else() include_directories( ${D3D_INCLUDE_DIR} ) endif() find_path( XINPUT_INCLUDE_DIR xinput.h PATHS ENV DXSDK_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES Include ) if( NOT XINPUT_INCLUDE_DIR ) # Modern versions of the Windows SDK include xinput.h. Unfortunately, # CMake cannot find this file via find_path, so we check for it using # CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES. windows.h must be included before xinput.h. CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES( "windows.h;xinput.h" XINPUT_H_FOUND ) if( NOT XINPUT_H_FOUND ) message( WARNING "Could not find xinput.h. XInput will be disabled." ) add_definitions( -DNO_XINPUT ) endif() else() include_directories( ${XINPUT_INCLUDE_DIR} ) endif() find_library( DX_dinput8_LIBRARY dinput8 PATHS ENV DXSDK_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES Lib Lib/${XBITS} ) find_library( DX_dxguid_LIBRARY dxguid PATHS ENV DXSDK_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES Lib Lib/${XBITS} ) # Modern versions of the Windows SDK include dinput8.lib. Unfortunately, # CMake cannot find these libraries via find_library. if( NOT DX_dinput8_LIBRARY ) # If we got this far, assume dinput8.lib is in the system library path. set( DX_dinput8_LIBRARY dinput8 ) endif() # Modern versions of the Windows SDK do NOT include dxguid.lib. Its contents # were moved to dinput8.lib. if( NOT DX_dxguid_LIBRARY ) message( STATUS "Could not find dxguid.lib. Build may fail on old Windows SDKs.") endif() set( ZDOOM_LIBS wsock32 winmm "${DX_dinput8_LIBRARY}" ole32 user32 gdi32 comctl32 comdlg32 ws2_32 setupapi oleaut32 DelayImp ) if( DX_dxguid_LIBRARY ) list( APPEND ZDOOM_LIBS "${DX_dxguid_LIBRARY}" ) endif() else() if( APPLE ) set( FMOD_SEARCH_PATHS "/Developer/FMOD Programmers API Mac/api" ) set( FMOD_INC_PATH_SUFFIXES PATH_SUFFIXES inc ) set( FMOD_LIB_PATH_SUFFIXES PATH_SUFFIXES lib ) set( NO_GTK ON ) set( DYN_GTK OFF ) # Prevent inclusion of fp.h and FixMath.h from Carbon framework # Declarations from these files are not used but cause the following conflicts: # - redefinition of 'FixedToFloat' and 'FloatToFixed' macros # - redefinition of 'pi' as different kind of symbol add_definitions( -D__FP__ -D__FIXMATH__ ) else() option( NO_GTK "Disable GTK+ dialogs (Not applicable to Windows)" ) option( DYN_GTK "Load GTK+ at runtime instead of compile time" ON ) option( VALGRIND "Add special Valgrind sequences to self-modifying code" ) set( FMOD_SEARCH_PATHS /usr/local/include /usr/local/include/fmodex /usr/include /usr/include/fmodex /opt/local/include /opt/local/include/fmodex /opt/include /opt/include/fmodex ) set( FMOD_INC_PATH_SUFFIXES PATH_SUFFIXES fmodex ) # Use GTK+ for the IWAD picker, if available. if( NOT NO_GTK ) pkg_check_modules( GTK3 gtk+-3.0 ) if( GTK3_FOUND ) if( NOT DYN_GTK ) set( ZDOOM_LIBS ${ZDOOM_LIBS} ${GTK3_LIBRARIES} ) endif() include_directories( ${GTK3_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) link_directories( ${GTK3_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) else() pkg_check_modules( GTK2 gtk+-2.0 ) if( GTK2_FOUND ) if( NOT DYN_GTK ) set( ZDOOM_LIBS ${ZDOOM_LIBS} ${GTK2_LIBRARIES} ) endif() include_directories( ${GTK2_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) link_directories( ${GTK2_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) else() set( NO_GTK ON ) endif() endif() endif() endif() set( NASM_NAMES nasm ) if( NO_GTK ) add_definitions( -DNO_GTK ) elseif( DYN_GTK ) add_definitions( -DDYN_GTK=1 ) else() add_definitions( -DDYN_GTK=0 ) endif() # Non-Windows version also needs SDL except native OS X backend if( NOT APPLE OR NOT OSX_COCOA_BACKEND ) find_package( SDL2 REQUIRED ) include_directories( "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) set( ZDOOM_LIBS ${ZDOOM_LIBS} "${SDL2_LIBRARY}" ) endif() find_path( FPU_CONTROL_DIR fpu_control.h ) if( FPU_CONTROL_DIR ) include_directories( ${FPU_CONTROL_DIR} ) add_definitions( -DHAVE_FPU_CONTROL ) endif() endif() if( NOT NO_OPENAL ) find_package( OpenAL ) mark_as_advanced(CLEAR OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR) if( OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR ) include_directories( ${OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR} ) if( DYN_OPENAL ) add_definitions( -DDYN_OPENAL ) else() mark_as_advanced(CLEAR OPENAL_LIBRARY) if( OPENAL_LIBRARY ) set( ZDOOM_LIBS ${OPENAL_LIBRARY} ${ZDOOM_LIBS} ) else() set( NO_OPENAL ON ) endif() endif() else() set( NO_OPENAL ON ) endif() endif() if( NOT NO_FMOD ) # Search for FMOD include files if( NOT WIN32 ) find_path( FMOD_INCLUDE_DIR fmod.hpp PATHS ${FMOD_LOCAL_INC_DIRS} ) endif() if( NOT FMOD_INCLUDE_DIR ) find_path( FMOD_INCLUDE_DIR fmod.hpp PATHS ${FMOD_SEARCH_PATHS} ${FMOD_INC_PATH_SUFFIXES} ) endif() if( FMOD_INCLUDE_DIR ) message( STATUS "FMOD include files found at ${FMOD_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) include_directories( "${FMOD_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) if( EXISTS "${FMOD_INCLUDE_DIR}/fmod_common.h" ) set( FMOD_STUDIO YES ) set( FMOD_VERSION_FILE "fmod_common.h" ) else() set( FMOD_STUDIO NO ) set( FMOD_VERSION_FILE "fmod.h" ) endif() file( STRINGS "${FMOD_INCLUDE_DIR}/${FMOD_VERSION_FILE}" FMOD_VERSION_LINE REGEX "^#define[ \t]+FMOD_VERSION[ \t]+0x[0-9]+$" ) string( REGEX REPLACE "^#define[ \t]+FMOD_VERSION[ \t]+0x([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])$" "\\1.\\2.\\3" FMOD_VERSION "${FMOD_VERSION_LINE}" ) message( STATUS "FMOD version: ${FMOD_VERSION}" ) # FMOD Ex didn't hide xiph symbols in the past (not applicable to Win32 since symbols are hidden by default there). if( NOT WIN32 AND NOT FMOD_STUDIO AND NOT NO_OPENAL AND "${FMOD_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "4.36.00") message( SEND_ERROR "Use of FMOD Ex ${FMOD_VERSION} with OpenAL will result in crashes. Either update FMOD to 4.36 or later or set NO_OPENAL." ) endif() else() message( STATUS "Could not find FMOD include files" ) set( NO_FMOD ON ) endif() endif() if( NOT NO_FMOD ) # Decide on the name of the FMOD library we want to use. if( NOT FMOD_LIB_NAME AND MSVC ) set( FMOD_LIB_NAME fmodex${X64}_vc ) endif() if( NOT FMOD_LIB_NAME AND BORLAND ) set( FMOD_LIB_NAME fmodex${X64}_bc ) endif() if( NOT FMOD_LIB_NAME ) set( FMOD_LIB_NAME fmodex${X64} ) endif() # Search for FMOD library if( WIN32 OR APPLE ) find_library( FMOD_LIBRARY ${FMOD_LIB_NAME} PATHS ${FMOD_SEARCH_PATHS} ${FMOD_LIB_PATH_SUFFIXES} ) else() find_library( FMOD_LIBRARY NAMES ${FMOD_VERSIONS} PATHS ${FMOD_LOCAL_LIB_DIRS} ) endif() if( FMOD_LIBRARY ) message( STATUS "FMOD library found at ${FMOD_LIBRARY}" ) set( ZDOOM_LIBS ${ZDOOM_LIBS} "${FMOD_LIBRARY}" ) else() message( STATUS "Could not find FMOD library" ) set( NO_FMOD ON ) endif() endif() if( NO_FMOD ) add_definitions( -DNO_FMOD=1 ) endif() if( NO_OPENAL ) add_definitions( -DNO_OPENAL=1 ) set(MPG123_FOUND NO) set(SNDFILE_FOUND NO) else() # Search for libSndFile find_package( SndFile ) # Search for libmpg123 find_package( MPG123 ) endif() # Search for FluidSynth find_package( FluidSynth ) # Search for NASM if( NOT NO_ASM ) if( UNIX AND X64 ) find_program( GAS_PATH as ) if( GAS_PATH ) set( ASSEMBLER ${GAS_PATH} ) else() message( STATUS "Could not find as. Disabling assembly code." ) set( NO_ASM ON ) endif() else() find_program( NASM_PATH NAMES ${NASM_NAMES} ) find_program( YASM_PATH yasm ) if( X64 ) if( YASM_PATH ) set( ASSEMBLER ${YASM_PATH} ) else() message( STATUS "Could not find YASM. Disabling assembly code." ) set( NO_ASM ON ) endif() else() if( NASM_PATH ) set( ASSEMBLER ${NASM_PATH} ) else() message( STATUS "Could not find NASM. Disabling assembly code." ) set( NO_ASM ON ) endif() endif() endif() # I think the only reason there was a version requirement was because the # executable name for Windows changed from 0.x to 2.0, right? This is # how to do it in case I need to do something similar later. # execute_process( COMMAND ${NASM_PATH} -v # OUTPUT_VARIABLE NASM_VER_STRING ) # string( REGEX REPLACE ".*version ([0-9]+[.][0-9]+).*" "\\1" NASM_VER "${NASM_VER_STRING}" ) # if( NOT NASM_VER LESS 2 ) # message( SEND_ERROR "NASM version should be 2 or later. (Installed version is ${NASM_VER}.)" ) # endif() endif() if( NOT NO_ASM ) # Valgrind support is meaningless without assembly code. if( VALGRIND ) add_definitions( -DVALGRIND_AWARE=1 ) # If you're Valgrinding, you probably want to keep symbols around. set( NO_STRIP ON ) endif() # Tell CMake how to assemble our files if( UNIX ) set( ASM_OUTPUT_EXTENSION .o ) if( X64 ) set( ASM_FLAGS ) set( ASM_SOURCE_EXTENSION .s ) else() if( APPLE ) set( ASM_FLAGS -fmacho -DM_TARGET_MACHO ) else() set( ASM_FLAGS -felf -DM_TARGET_LINUX ) endif() set( ASM_FLAGS "${ASM_FLAGS}" -i${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ) set( ASM_SOURCE_EXTENSION .asm ) endif() else() set( ASM_OUTPUT_EXTENSION .obj ) set( ASM_SOURCE_EXTENSION .asm ) if( X64 ) set( ASM_FLAGS -f win64 -DWIN32 -DWIN64 ) else() set( ASM_FLAGS -f win32 -DWIN32 -i${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ) endif() endif() if( WIN32 AND NOT X64 ) set( FIXRTEXT fixrtext ) else() set( FIXRTEXT "" ) endif() message( STATUS "Selected assembler: ${ASSEMBLER}" ) MACRO( ADD_ASM_FILE indir infile ) set( ASM_OUTPUT_${infile} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/zdoom.dir/${indir}/${infile}${ASM_OUTPUT_EXTENSION}" ) if( WIN32 AND NOT X64 ) set( FIXRTEXT_${infile} COMMAND ${FIXRTEXT} "${ASM_OUTPUT_${infile}}" ) else() set( FIXRTEXT_${infile} COMMAND "" ) endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${ASM_OUTPUT_${infile}} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/zdoom.dir/${indir} COMMAND ${ASSEMBLER} ${ASM_FLAGS} -o"${ASM_OUTPUT_${infile}}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${indir}/${infile}${ASM_SOURCE_EXTENSION}" ${FIXRTEXT_${infile}} DEPENDS ${indir}/${infile}.asm ${FIXRTEXT} ) set( ASM_SOURCES ${ASM_SOURCES} "${ASM_OUTPUT_${infile}}" ) ENDMACRO() endif() # Decide on SSE setup set( SSE_MATTERS NO ) # with global use of SSE 2 we do not need special handling for selected files if (NOT ZDOOM_USE_SSE2) # SSE only matters on 32-bit targets. We check compiler flags to know if we can do it. if( CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P MATCHES "4" AND NOT CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES MATCHES ppc ) CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG( "-msse2 -mfpmath=sse" CAN_DO_MFPMATH ) CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG( -arch:SSE2 CAN_DO_ARCHSSE2 ) if( CAN_DO_MFPMATH ) set( SSE1_ENABLE "-msse -mfpmath=sse" ) set( SSE2_ENABLE "-msse2 -mfpmath=sse" ) set( SSE_MATTERS YES ) elseif( CAN_DO_ARCHSSE2 ) set( SSE1_ENABLE -arch:SSE ) set( SSE2_ENABLE -arch:SSE2 ) set( SSE_MATTERS YES ) endif() endif() endif() if( SSE_MATTERS ) if( WIN32 ) set( BACKPATCH 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable backpatching." ) else() CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(mprotect HAVE_MPROTECT) if( HAVE_MPROTECT ) set( BACKPATCH 1 CACHE BOOL "Enable backpatching." ) else() set( BACKPATCH 0 ) endif() endif() set( SSE 1 CACHE BOOL "Build SSE and SSE2 versions of key code." ) else() set( BACKPATCH 0 ) endif() # Set up flags for GCC if( ZD_CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX_COMPATIBLE ) if( PROFILE ) set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -pg" ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} -pg" ) set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO} -pg" ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO} -pg" ) endif() set( REL_CXX_FLAGS "-fno-rtti" ) if( NOT PROFILE AND NOT APPLE ) # On OS X frame pointers are required for exception handling, at least with Clang set( REL_CXX_FLAGS "${REL_CXX_FLAGS} -fomit-frame-pointer" ) endif() set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${REL_CXX_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE}" ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "${REL_CXX_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL}" ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "${REL_CXX_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO}" ) if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU" AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "4.5") set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wno-unused-result ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wno-unused-result ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) endif() if( CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang" ) if( APPLE OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "3.6" ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wno-inconsistent-missing-override ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) endif() endif() set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -ffp-contract=off ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -ffp-contract=off ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) # Use the highest C++ standard available since VS2015 compiles with C++14 # but we only require C++11. The recommended way to do this in CMake is to # probably to use target_compile_features, but I don't feel like maintaining # a list of features we use. CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG( "-std=gnu++14" CAN_DO_CPP14 ) if ( CAN_DO_CPP14 ) set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=gnu++14 ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) else () CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG( "-std=gnu++1y" CAN_DO_CPP1Y ) if ( CAN_DO_CPP1Y ) set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=gnu++1y ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) else () CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG( "-std=gnu++11" CAN_DO_CPP11 ) if ( CAN_DO_CPP11 ) set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=gnu++11 ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) else () CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG( "-std=gnu++0x" CAN_DO_CPP0X ) if ( CAN_DO_CPP0X ) set ( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=gnu++0x ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) endif () endif () endif () endif () # With standard Apple tools -stdlib=libc++ needs to be specified in order to get # C++11 support using SDKs 10.7 and 10.8. if ( APPLE AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang" ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-stdlib=libc++ ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) set( CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-stdlib=libc++ ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}" ) endif () # Remove extra warnings when using the official DirectX headers. # Also, TDM-GCC 4.4.0 no longer accepts glibc-style printf formats as valid, # which is a royal pain. The previous version I had been using was fine with them. if( WIN32 ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-comment -Wno-format ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ) endif() if( NOT NO_STRIP ) set (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE} -s" ) set (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL} -s" ) endif() endif() # Check for functions that may or may not exist. CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS( filelength FILELENGTH_EXISTS ) if( FILELENGTH_EXISTS ) add_definitions( -DHAVE_FILELENGTH=1 ) endif() CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS( strupr STRUPR_EXISTS ) if( NOT STRUPR_EXISTS ) add_definitions( -DNEED_STRUPR=1 ) endif() CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS( stricmp STRICMP_EXISTS ) if( NOT STRICMP_EXISTS ) add_definitions( -Dstricmp=strcasecmp ) endif() CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS( strnicmp STRNICMP_EXISTS ) if( NOT STRNICMP_EXISTS ) add_definitions( -Dstrnicmp=strncasecmp ) endif() if( NOT MSVC ) add_definitions( -D__forceinline=inline ) endif() # Fix stat in v140_xp (broken in RTM and Update 1 so far) if( MSVC AND MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1900 AND CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET STREQUAL "v140_xp" ) add_definitions( -D_stat64i32=VS14Stat ) endif() if( UNIX ) CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS( rt clock_gettime "" CLOCK_GETTIME_IN_RT ) if( NOT CLOCK_GETTIME_IN_RT ) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS( clock_gettime CLOCK_GETTIME_EXISTS ) if( NOT CLOCK_GETTIME_EXISTS ) message( STATUS "Could not find clock_gettime. Timing statistics will not be available." ) add_definitions( -DNO_CLOCK_GETTIME ) endif() else() set( ZDOOM_LIBS ${ZDOOM_LIBS} rt ) endif() endif() # Flags if( BACKPATCH ) add_definitions( -DBACKPATCH ) endif() # Update gitinfo.h add_custom_target( revision_check ALL COMMAND updaterevision src/gitinfo.h WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} DEPENDS updaterevision ) # Libraries ZDoom needs message( STATUS "Fluid synth libs: ${FLUIDSYNTH_LIBRARIES}" ) set( ZDOOM_LIBS ${ZDOOM_LIBS} "${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}" "${JPEG_LIBRARIES}" "${BZIP2_LIBRARIES}" "${GME_LIBRARIES}" ) include_directories( "${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR}" "${BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR}" "${LZMA_INCLUDE_DIR}" "${JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR}" "${GME_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) if( SNDFILE_FOUND ) set( ZDOOM_LIBS ${ZDOOM_LIBS} "${SNDFILE_LIBRARIES}" ) include_directories( "${SNDFILE_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ) endif() if( MPG123_FOUND ) set( ZDOOM_LIBS ${ZDOOM_LIBS} "${MPG123_LIBRARIES}" ) include_directories( "${MPG123_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) endif() if( NOT DYN_FLUIDSYNTH ) if( FLUIDSYNTH_FOUND ) set( ZDOOM_LIBS ${ZDOOM_LIBS} "${FLUIDSYNTH_LIBRARIES}" ) include_directories( "${FLUIDSYNTH_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) endif() else() set( ZDOOM_LIBS ${ZDOOM_LIBS} ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} ) endif() # Start defining source files for ZDoom set( PLAT_WIN32_SOURCES win32/eaxedit.cpp win32/fb_d3d9.cpp win32/fb_d3d9_wipe.cpp win32/fb_ddraw.cpp win32/hardware.cpp win32/helperthread.cpp win32/i_cd.cpp win32/i_crash.cpp win32/i_input.cpp win32/i_keyboard.cpp win32/i_mouse.cpp win32/i_dijoy.cpp win32/i_rawps2.cpp win32/i_xinput.cpp win32/i_main.cpp win32/i_movie.cpp win32/i_system.cpp win32/i_specialpaths.cpp win32/st_start.cpp win32/win32video.cpp ) set( PLAT_POSIX_SOURCES posix/i_cd.cpp posix/i_movie.cpp posix/i_steam.cpp ) set( PLAT_SDL_SOURCES posix/sdl/crashcatcher.c posix/sdl/hardware.cpp posix/sdl/i_gui.cpp posix/sdl/i_input.cpp posix/sdl/i_joystick.cpp posix/sdl/i_main.cpp posix/sdl/i_system.cpp posix/sdl/i_timer.cpp posix/sdl/sdlvideo.cpp posix/sdl/st_start.cpp ) set( PLAT_UNIX_SOURCES posix/unix/i_specialpaths.cpp posix/unix/iwadpicker_gtk.cpp ) set( PLAT_OSX_SOURCES posix/osx/ posix/osx/ posix/osx/zdoom.icns ) set( PLAT_COCOA_SOURCES posix/cocoa/critsec.cpp posix/cocoa/ posix/cocoa/i_joystick.cpp posix/cocoa/ posix/cocoa/i_main_except.cpp posix/cocoa/ posix/cocoa/i_timer.cpp posix/cocoa/ posix/cocoa/ posix/cocoa/ ) if( WIN32 ) set( SYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR win32 ) set( SYSTEM_SOURCES ${PLAT_WIN32_SOURCES} ) set( OTHER_SYSTEM_SOURCES ${PLAT_POSIX_SOURCES} ${PLAT_SDL_SOURCES} ${PLAT_OSX_SOURCES} ${PLAT_COCOA_SOURCES} ${PLAT_UNIX_SOURCES} ) set( SYSTEM_SOURCES ${SYSTEM_SOURCES} win32/zdoom.rc ) elseif( APPLE ) if( OSX_COCOA_BACKEND ) set( SYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR posix posix/cocoa ) set( SYSTEM_SOURCES ${PLAT_COCOA_SOURCES} ) set( OTHER_SYSTEM_SOURCES ${PLAT_WIN32_SOURCES} ${PLAT_SDL_SOURCES} ${PLAT_UNIX_SOURCES} ) else() set( SYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR posix posix/sdl ) set( SYSTEM_SOURCES ${PLAT_SDL_SOURCES} ) set( PLAT_OSX_SOURCES ${PLAT_OSX_SOURCES} posix/sdl/ ) set( OTHER_SYSTEM_SOURCES ${PLAT_WIN32_SOURCES} ${PLAT_COCOA_SOURCES} ${PLAT_UNIX_SOURCES} ) endif() set( SYSTEM_SOURCES ${SYSTEM_SOURCES} ${PLAT_POSIX_SOURCES} ${PLAT_OSX_SOURCES} "${FMOD_LIBRARY}" ) set_source_files_properties( posix/osx/zdoom.icns PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION Resources ) set_source_files_properties( "${FMOD_LIBRARY}" PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION Frameworks ) set_source_files_properties( posix/osx/ PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -fobjc-exceptions ) else() set( SYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR posix posix/sdl ) set( SYSTEM_SOURCES ${PLAT_POSIX_SOURCES} ${PLAT_SDL_SOURCES} ${PLAT_UNIX_SOURCES} ) set( OTHER_SYSTEM_SOURCES ${PLAT_WIN32_SOURCES} ${PLAT_OSX_SOURCES} ${PLAT_COCOA_SOURCES} ) endif() if( NOT ASM_SOURCES ) set( ASM_SOURCES "" ) endif() if( NO_ASM ) add_definitions( -DNOASM ) else() if( X64 ) ADD_ASM_FILE( asm_x86_64 tmap3 ) else() ADD_ASM_FILE( asm_ia32 a ) ADD_ASM_FILE( asm_ia32 misc ) ADD_ASM_FILE( asm_ia32 tmap ) ADD_ASM_FILE( asm_ia32 tmap2 ) ADD_ASM_FILE( asm_ia32 tmap3 ) endif() endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/xlat_parser.c ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/xlat_parser.h COMMAND lemon -C${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/xlat/xlat_parser.y DEPENDS lemon ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/xlat/xlat_parser.y ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/zcc-parse.c ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/zcc-parse.h COMMAND lemon -C${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scripting/zscript/zcc-parse.lemon DEPENDS lemon ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scripting/zscript/zcc-parse.lemon ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/sc_man_scanner.h COMMAND re2c --no-generation-date -s -o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/sc_man_scanner.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ DEPENDS re2c ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ) include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) if( SSE_MATTERS ) if( SSE ) set( X86_SOURCES nodebuild_classify_sse2.cpp ) set_source_files_properties( nodebuild_classify_sse2.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${SSE2_ENABLE}" ) else() add_definitions( -DDISABLE_SSE ) endif() else() add_definitions( -DDISABLE_SSE ) set( X86_SOURCES ) endif() if( SNDFILE_FOUND ) add_definitions( -DHAVE_SNDFILE ) endif() if( MPG123_FOUND ) add_definitions( -DHAVE_MPG123 ) endif() if( DYN_FLUIDSYNTH ) add_definitions( -DHAVE_FLUIDSYNTH -DDYN_FLUIDSYNTH ) elseif( FLUIDSYNTH_FOUND ) add_definitions( -DHAVE_FLUIDSYNTH ) endif() # Project files should be aware of the header files. We can GLOB these since # there's generally a new cpp for every header so this file will get changed if( WIN32 ) set( EXTRA_HEADER_DIRS win32/*.h ) elseif( APPLE ) if( OSX_COCOA_BACKEND ) set( EXTRA_HEADER_DIRS posix/*.h posix/cocoa/*.h ) else() set( EXTRA_HEADER_DIRS posix/*.h posix/sdl/*.h ) endif() else() set( EXTRA_HEADER_DIRS posix/*.h posix/sdl/*.h ) endif() file( GLOB HEADER_FILES ${EXTRA_HEADER_DIRS} fragglescript/*.h g_heretic/*.h g_hexen/*.h g_raven/*.h g_shared/*.h g_strife/*.h intermission/*.h menu/*.h oplsynth/*.h oplsynth/dosbox/*.h posix/*.h posix/cocoa/*.h posix/sdl/*.h r_data/*.h rapidjson/*.h resourcefiles/*.h sfmt/*.h sound/*.h textures/*.h scripting/*.h scripting/codegeneration/*.h scripting/decorate/*.h scripting/zscript/*.h scripting/vm/*.h xlat/*.h *.h ) # These files will be flagged as "headers" so that they appear in project files # without being compiled. set( NOT_COMPILED_SOURCE_FILES ${OTHER_SYSTEM_SOURCES} sc_man_scanner.h g_heretic/a_dsparil.cpp g_heretic/a_hereticartifacts.cpp g_heretic/a_hereticweaps.cpp g_hexen/a_blastradius.cpp g_hexen/a_boostarmor.cpp g_hexen/a_clericflame.cpp g_hexen/a_clericholy.cpp g_hexen/a_clericmace.cpp g_hexen/a_clericstaff.cpp g_hexen/a_fighteraxe.cpp g_hexen/a_fighterhammer.cpp g_hexen/a_fighterplayer.cpp g_hexen/a_fighterquietus.cpp g_hexen/a_flechette.cpp g_hexen/a_flies.cpp g_hexen/a_healingradius.cpp g_hexen/a_heresiarch.cpp g_hexen/a_hexenspecialdecs.cpp g_hexen/a_iceguy.cpp g_hexen/a_korax.cpp g_hexen/a_magecone.cpp g_hexen/a_magelightning.cpp g_hexen/a_magestaff.cpp g_hexen/a_serpent.cpp g_hexen/a_spike.cpp g_hexen/a_summon.cpp g_hexen/a_teleportother.cpp g_strife/a_acolyte.cpp g_strife/a_alienspectres.cpp g_strife/a_coin.cpp g_strife/a_crusader.cpp g_strife/a_entityboss.cpp g_strife/a_inquisitor.cpp g_strife/a_loremaster.cpp g_strife/a_oracle.cpp g_strife/a_programmer.cpp g_strife/a_reaver.cpp g_strife/a_rebels.cpp g_strife/a_sentinel.cpp g_strife/a_spectral.cpp g_strife/a_stalker.cpp g_strife/a_strifeitems.cpp g_strife/a_strifeweapons.cpp g_strife/a_templar.cpp g_strife/a_thingstoblowup.cpp g_shared/sbarinfo_commands.cpp xlat/xlat_parser.y xlat_parser.c xlat_parser.h scripting/zscript/zcc-parse.lemon zcc-parse.c zcc-parse.h # We could have the ASM macro add these files, but it wouldn't add all # platforms. asm_ia32/a.asm asm_ia32/misc.asm asm_ia32/tmap.asm asm_ia32/tmap2.asm asm_ia32/tmap3.asm asm_x86_64/tmap3.asm asm_x86_64/tmap3.s ) set( FASTMATH_PCH_SOURCES r_swrenderer.cpp r_3dfloors.cpp r_bsp.cpp r_draw.cpp r_drawt.cpp r_main.cpp r_plane.cpp r_segs.cpp r_sky.cpp r_things.cpp s_advsound.cpp s_environment.cpp s_playlist.cpp s_sndseq.cpp s_sound.cpp GuillotineBinPack.cpp SkylineBinPack.cpp intermission/intermission.cpp intermission/intermission_parse.cpp menu/colorpickermenu.cpp menu/joystickmenu.cpp menu/listmenu.cpp menu/loadsavemenu.cpp menu/menu.cpp menu/menudef.cpp menu/menuinput.cpp menu/messagebox.cpp menu/optionmenu.cpp menu/playerdisplay.cpp menu/playermenu.cpp menu/readthis.cpp menu/videomenu.cpp oplsynth/fmopl.cpp oplsynth/mlopl.cpp oplsynth/mlopl_io.cpp oplsynth/dosbox/opl.cpp oplsynth/OPL3.cpp oplsynth/nukedopl3.cpp timidity/common.cpp timidity/instrum.cpp timidity/instrum_dls.cpp timidity/instrum_font.cpp timidity/instrum_sf2.cpp timidity/mix.cpp timidity/playmidi.cpp timidity/resample.cpp timidity/timidity.cpp wildmidi/file_io.cpp wildmidi/gus_pat.cpp wildmidi/reverb.cpp wildmidi/wm_error.cpp r_data/colormaps.cpp r_data/r_translate.cpp ) # This is disabled for now because I cannot find a way to give the .pch file a different name. # Visual C++ 2015 seems hell-bent of only allowing one .pch file with the same name as the executable. #enable_precompiled_headers( g_pch2.h FASTMATH_PCH_SOURCES ) # Enable fast math for some sources set( FASTMATH_SOURCES ${FASTMATH_PCH_SOURCES} oplsynth/music_opldumper_mididevice.cpp oplsynth/music_opl_mididevice.cpp oplsynth/opl_mus_player.cpp sound/fmodsound.cpp sound/i_music.cpp sound/i_sound.cpp sound/mpg123_decoder.cpp sound/music_cd.cpp sound/music_dumb.cpp sound/music_gme.cpp sound/music_mus_midiout.cpp sound/music_smf_midiout.cpp sound/music_hmi_midiout.cpp sound/music_xmi_midiout.cpp sound/music_midistream.cpp sound/music_midi_base.cpp sound/music_midi_timidity.cpp sound/music_mus_opl.cpp sound/music_stream.cpp sound/music_fluidsynth_mididevice.cpp sound/music_softsynth_mididevice.cpp sound/music_timidity_mididevice.cpp sound/music_wildmidi_mididevice.cpp sound/music_win_mididevice.cpp sound/oalsound.cpp sound/sndfile_decoder.cpp sound/music_pseudo_mididevice.cpp wildmidi/wildmidi_lib.cpp ) set (PCH_SOURCES actorptrselect.cpp am_map.cpp b_bot.cpp b_func.cpp b_game.cpp b_move.cpp b_think.cpp bbannouncer.cpp c_bind.cpp c_cmds.cpp c_console.cpp c_consolebuffer.cpp c_cvars.cpp c_dispatch.cpp c_expr.cpp cmdlib.cpp colormatcher.cpp compatibility.cpp configfile.cpp ct_chat.cpp d_dehacked.cpp d_iwad.cpp d_main.cpp d_net.cpp d_netinfo.cpp d_protocol.cpp decallib.cpp dobject.cpp dobjgc.cpp dobjtype.cpp doomdef.cpp doomstat.cpp dsectoreffect.cpp dthinker.cpp edata.cpp f_wipe.cpp files.cpp g_doomedmap.cpp g_game.cpp g_hub.cpp g_level.cpp g_mapinfo.cpp g_skill.cpp gameconfigfile.cpp gi.cpp gitinfo.cpp hu_scores.cpp i_module.cpp i_net.cpp info.cpp keysections.cpp lumpconfigfile.cpp m_alloc.cpp m_argv.cpp m_bbox.cpp m_cheat.cpp m_joy.cpp m_misc.cpp m_png.cpp m_random.cpp memarena.cpp md5.cpp name.cpp nodebuild.cpp nodebuild_classify_nosse2.cpp nodebuild_events.cpp nodebuild_extract.cpp nodebuild_gl.cpp nodebuild_utility.cpp pathexpander.cpp p_3dfloors.cpp p_3dmidtex.cpp p_acs.cpp p_actionfunctions.cpp p_buildmap.cpp p_ceiling.cpp p_conversation.cpp p_doors.cpp p_effect.cpp p_enemy.cpp p_floor.cpp p_glnodes.cpp p_interaction.cpp p_lights.cpp p_linkedsectors.cpp p_lnspec.cpp p_map.cpp p_maputl.cpp p_mobj.cpp p_pillar.cpp p_plats.cpp p_pspr.cpp p_pusher.cpp p_saveg.cpp p_scroll.cpp p_sectors.cpp p_setup.cpp p_sight.cpp p_slopes.cpp p_spec.cpp p_states.cpp p_switch.cpp p_tags.cpp p_teleport.cpp p_terrain.cpp p_things.cpp p_tick.cpp p_trace.cpp p_udmf.cpp p_usdf.cpp p_user.cpp p_writemap.cpp p_xlat.cpp parsecontext.cpp po_man.cpp portal.cpp r_utility.cpp serializer.cpp sc_man.cpp st_stuff.cpp statistics.cpp stats.cpp stringtable.cpp teaminfo.cpp tempfiles.cpp v_blend.cpp v_collection.cpp v_draw.cpp v_font.cpp v_palette.cpp v_pfx.cpp v_text.cpp v_video.cpp w_wad.cpp wi_stuff.cpp zstrformat.cpp g_heretic/a_hereticmisc.cpp g_hexen/a_hexenmisc.cpp g_raven/a_artitele.cpp g_raven/a_minotaur.cpp g_strife/a_strifestuff.cpp g_strife/strife_sbar.cpp g_shared/a_action.cpp g_shared/a_armor.cpp g_shared/a_artifacts.cpp g_shared/a_bridge.cpp g_shared/a_camera.cpp g_shared/a_debris.cpp g_shared/a_decals.cpp g_shared/a_fastprojectile.cpp g_shared/a_flashfader.cpp g_shared/a_fountain.cpp g_shared/a_hatetarget.cpp g_shared/a_keys.cpp g_shared/a_lightning.cpp g_shared/a_mapmarker.cpp g_shared/a_morph.cpp g_shared/a_movingcamera.cpp g_shared/a_pickups.cpp g_shared/a_puzzleitems.cpp g_shared/a_quake.cpp g_shared/a_randomspawner.cpp g_shared/a_secrettrigger.cpp g_shared/a_sectoraction.cpp g_shared/a_setcolor.cpp g_shared/a_skies.cpp g_shared/a_soundenvironment.cpp g_shared/a_soundsequence.cpp g_shared/a_spark.cpp g_shared/a_specialspot.cpp g_shared/a_waterzone.cpp g_shared/a_weaponpiece.cpp g_shared/a_weapons.cpp g_shared/hudmessages.cpp g_shared/sbarinfo.cpp g_shared/sbar_mugshot.cpp g_shared/shared_hud.cpp g_shared/shared_sbar.cpp resourcefiles/ancientzip.cpp resourcefiles/file_7z.cpp resourcefiles/file_grp.cpp resourcefiles/file_lump.cpp resourcefiles/file_rff.cpp resourcefiles/file_wad.cpp resourcefiles/file_zip.cpp resourcefiles/file_pak.cpp resourcefiles/file_directory.cpp resourcefiles/resourcefile.cpp textures/animations.cpp textures/anim_switches.cpp textures/automaptexture.cpp textures/bitmap.cpp textures/buildtexture.cpp textures/canvastexture.cpp textures/ddstexture.cpp textures/flattexture.cpp textures/imgztexture.cpp textures/jpegtexture.cpp textures/multipatchtexture.cpp textures/patchtexture.cpp textures/pcxtexture.cpp textures/pngtexture.cpp textures/rawpagetexture.cpp textures/emptytexture.cpp textures/texture.cpp textures/texturemanager.cpp textures/tgatexture.cpp textures/warptexture.cpp xlat/parse_xlat.cpp fragglescript/t_func.cpp fragglescript/t_load.cpp fragglescript/t_oper.cpp fragglescript/t_parse.cpp fragglescript/t_prepro.cpp fragglescript/t_script.cpp fragglescript/t_spec.cpp fragglescript/t_variable.cpp fragglescript/t_cmd.cpp r_data/sprites.cpp r_data/voxels.cpp r_data/renderstyle.cpp r_data/r_interpolate.cpp scripting/thingdef.cpp scripting/thingdef_data.cpp scripting/thingdef_properties.cpp scripting/codegeneration/codegen.cpp scripting/decorate/olddecorations.cpp scripting/decorate/thingdef_exp.cpp scripting/decorate/thingdef_parse.cpp scripting/decorate/thingdef_states.cpp scripting/vm/vmbuilder.cpp scripting/vm/vmdisasm.cpp scripting/vm/vmexec.cpp scripting/vm/vmframe.cpp scripting/zscript/ast.cpp scripting/zscript/zcc_compile.cpp scripting/zscript/zcc_expr.cpp scripting/zscript/zcc_parser.cpp sfmt/SFMT.cpp ) enable_precompiled_headers( g_pch.h PCH_SOURCES ) add_executable( zdoom WIN32 MACOSX_BUNDLE ${HEADER_FILES} ${NOT_COMPILED_SOURCE_FILES} __autostart.cpp ${ASM_SOURCES} ${SYSTEM_SOURCES} ${X86_SOURCES} ${FASTMATH_SOURCES} ${PCH_SOURCES} x86.cpp strnatcmp.c zstring.cpp math/asin.c math/atan.c math/const.c math/cosh.c math/exp.c math/isnan.c math/log.c math/log10.c math/mtherr.c math/polevl.c math/pow.c math/powi.c math/sin.c math/sinh.c math/sqrt.c math/tan.c math/tanh.c math/fastsin.cpp zzautozend.cpp ) set_source_files_properties( ${FASTMATH_SOURCES} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${ZD_FASTMATH_FLAG} ) set_source_files_properties( xlat/parse_xlat.cpp PROPERTIES OBJECT_DEPENDS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/xlat_parser.c" ) set_source_files_properties( sc_man.cpp PROPERTIES OBJECT_DEPENDS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/sc_man_scanner.h" ) set_source_files_properties( ${NOT_COMPILED_SOURCE_FILES} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY TRUE ) if ( WIN32 ) set_source_files_properties( win32/fb_d3d9.cpp win32/fb_d3d9_wipe.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${ZD_FASTMATH_FLAG} ) endif() if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "SunOS") # [BL] Solaris requires these to be explicitly linked. set( ZDOOM_LIBS ${ZDOOM_LIBS} nsl socket) endif() target_link_libraries( zdoom ${ZDOOM_LIBS} gdtoa dumb lzma ) include_directories( . g_heretic g_hexen g_raven g_strife g_shared oplsynth sound textures timidity wildmidi xlat scripting scripting/vm ../gdtoa ../dumb/include ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gdtoa ${SYSTEM_SOURCES_DIR} ) add_dependencies( zdoom revision_check ) # Due to some quirks, we need to do this in this order if( NOT ZDOOM_OUTPUT_OLDSTYLE ) # RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY does not exist in CMake 2.4. # Linux distributions are slow to adopt 2.6. :( set_target_properties( zdoom PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${ZDOOM_OUTPUT_DIR} ) set_target_properties( zdoom PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${ZDOOM_EXE_NAME} ) else() set_target_properties( zdoom PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_NAME ${ZDOOM_EXE_NAME} RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_RELEASE ${ZDOOM_OUTPUT_DIR} RUNTIME_OUTPUT_NAME_DEBUG ${ZDOOM_EXE_NAME}d RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_DEBUG ${ZDOOM_OUTPUT_DIR} RUNTIME_OUTPUT_NAME_MINSIZEREL ${ZDOOM_EXE_NAME}msr RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_MINSIZEREL ${ZDOOM_OUTPUT_DIR} RUNTIME_OUTPUT_NAME_RELWITHDEBINFO ${ZDOOM_EXE_NAME}rd RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_RELWITHDEBINFO ${ZDOOM_OUTPUT_DIR} ) endif() if( MSVC ) option( ZDOOM_GENERATE_MAPFILE "Generate .map file for debugging." OFF ) set( LINKERSTUFF "/MANIFEST:NO" ) if( NOT NO_FMOD ) if( FMOD_STUDIO ) set( LINKERSTUFF "${LINKERSTUFF} /DELAYLOAD:\"fmod${X64}.dll\"" ) else() set( LINKERSTUFF "${LINKERSTUFF} /DELAYLOAD:\"fmodex${X64}.dll\"" ) endif() endif() if( ZDOOM_GENERATE_MAPFILE ) set( LINKERSTUFF "${LINKERSTUFF} /MAP" ) endif() if( NOT NO_OPENAL ) set( LINKERSTUFF "${LINKERSTUFF} /DELAYLOAD:\"libmpg123-0.dll\" /DELAYLOAD:\"libsndfile-1.dll\"" ) endif() set_target_properties(zdoom PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS ${LINKERSTUFF}) add_custom_command(TARGET zdoom POST_BUILD COMMAND "mt.exe" -manifest \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\\win32\\zdoom.exe.manifest\" -outputresource:\"$\"\;\#1 COMMENT "Adding manifest..." ) create_default_target_launcher( zdoom WORKING_DIRECTORY ${ZDOOM_OUTPUT_DIR} ) endif() if( NOT WIN32 ) FILE( WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/link-make "if [ ! -e ${ZDOOM_OUTPUT_DIR}/${ZDOOM_EXE_NAME} ]; then ln -sf ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${ZDOOM_EXE_NAME} ${ZDOOM_OUTPUT_DIR}/${ZDOOM_EXE_NAME}; fi" ) add_custom_command( TARGET zdoom POST_BUILD COMMAND chmod +x ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/link-make COMMAND /bin/sh -c ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/link-make ) endif() if( CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX ) # GCC misoptimizes this file set_source_files_properties( oplsynth/fmopl.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-fno-tree-dominator-opts -fno-tree-fre" ) endif() if( ZD_CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX_COMPATIBLE ) # Need to enable intrinsics for this file. if( SSE_MATTERS ) set_source_files_properties( x86.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-msse2 -mmmx" ) endif() endif() if( APPLE ) set_target_properties(zdoom PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-framework Carbon -framework Cocoa -framework IOKit -framework OpenGL" MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/posix/osx/zdoom-info.plist" ) if( NOT NO_FMOD ) if( FMOD_STUDIO ) set( FMOD_DYLIB libfmod.dylib ) else() set( FMOD_DYLIB libfmodex.dylib ) endif() # Fix fmod link so that it can be found in the app bundle. find_program( OTOOL otool HINTS "/usr/bin" "${OSX_DEVELOPER_ROOT}/usr/bin" ) find_program( INSTALL_NAME_TOOL install_name_tool HINTS "/usr/bin" "${OSX_DEVELOPER_ROOT}/usr/bin" ) execute_process( COMMAND "${OTOOL}" -L "${FMOD_LIBRARY}" COMMAND grep "${FMOD_DYLIB} (compat" COMMAND head -n1 COMMAND awk "{print $1}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE FMOD_LINK OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) add_custom_command( TARGET zdoom POST_BUILD COMMAND "${INSTALL_NAME_TOOL}" -change "${FMOD_LINK}" @executable_path/../Frameworks/${FMOD_DYLIB} "$" COMMENT "Relinking FMOD Ex" ) endif() endif() if( WIN32 ) set( INSTALL_PATH . CACHE STRING "Directory where the zdoom executable will be placed during install." ) else() set( INSTALL_PATH bin CACHE STRING "Directory where the zdoom executable will be placed during install." ) endif() install(TARGETS zdoom DESTINATION ${INSTALL_PATH} COMPONENT "Game executable") source_group("Assembly Files\\ia32" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/asm_ia32/.+") source_group("Assembly Files\\x86_64" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/asm_x86_64/.+") source_group("Audio Files" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/sound/.+") source_group("Audio Files\\OPL Synth" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/oplsynth/.+") source_group("Audio Files\\OPL Synth\\DOSBox" FILES oplsynth/dosbox/opl.cpp oplsynth/dosbox/opl.h) source_group("Audio Files\\Timidity\\Headers" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/timidity/.+\\.h$") source_group("Audio Files\\Timidity\\Source" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/timidity/.+\\.cpp$") source_group("Audio Files\\WildMidi\\Headers" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/wildmidi/.+\\.h$") source_group("Audio Files\\WildMidi\\Source" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/wildmidi/.+\\.cpp$") source_group("External\\Math" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/math/.+") source_group("External\\RapidJSON" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/rapidjson/.+") source_group("Externak\\SFMT" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/sfmt/.+") source_group("FraggleScript" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/fragglescript/.+") source_group("Games\\Heretic Game" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/g_heretic/.+") source_group("Games\\Hexen Game" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/g_hexen/.+") source_group("Games\\Raven Shared" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/g_raven/.+") source_group("Games\\Strife Game" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/g_strife/.+") source_group("Intermission" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/intermission/.+") source_group("Menu" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/menu/.+") source_group("Render Core\\Render Headers" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/r_.+\\.h$") source_group("Render Core\\Render Sources" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/r_.+\\.cpp$") source_group("Render Data\\Resource Headers" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/r_data/.+\\.h$") source_group("Render Data\\Resource Sources" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/r_data/.+\\.cpp$") source_group("Render Data\\Textures" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/textures/.+") source_group("Render Interface" FILES r_defs.h r_renderer.h r_sky.cpp r_sky.h r_state.h r_utility.cpp r_utility.h) source_group("Resource Files" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/resourcefiles/.+") source_group("Platforms\\POSIX Files" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/posix/.+") source_group("Platforms\\Cocoa Files" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/posix/cocoa/.+") source_group("Platforms\\OS X Files" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/posix/osx/.+") source_group("Platforms\\Unix Files" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/posix/unix/.+") source_group("Platforms\\SDL Files" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/posix/sdl/.+") source_group("Platforms\\Win32 Files" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/win32/.+") source_group("Scripting\\Decorate" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scripting/decorate/.+") source_group("Scripting\\ZScript" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scripting/zscript/.+" FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/zcc-parse.c ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/zcc-parse.h) source_group("Scripting\\Code Generation" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scripting/codegeneration/.+") source_group("Scripting\\VM" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scripting/vm/.+") source_group("Scripting" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scripting/.+") source_group("Shared Game" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/g_shared/.+") source_group("Versioning" FILES version.h win32/zdoom.rc) source_group("Xlat" REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/xlat/.+" FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/xlat_parser.c ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/xlat_parser.h) source_group("Source Files" FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/sc_man_scanner.h