#ifndef __P_MAPUTL_H #define __P_MAPUTL_H #include "r_defs.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "m_bbox.h" extern int validcount; struct divline_t { fixed_t x; fixed_t y; fixed_t dx; fixed_t dy; }; struct intercept_t { fixed_t frac; // along trace line bool isaline; bool done; union { AActor *thing; line_t *line; } d; }; //========================================================================== // // P_PointOnLineSide // // Returns 0 (front/on) or 1 (back) // [RH] inlined, stripped down, and made more precise // //========================================================================== inline int P_PointOnLineSide (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, const line_t *line) { extern int P_VanillaPointOnLineSide(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, const line_t* line); return i_compatflags2 & COMPATF2_POINTONLINE ? P_VanillaPointOnLineSide(x, y, line) : DMulScale32 (y-line->v1->y, line->dx, line->v1->x-x, line->dy) > 0; } inline int P_PointOnLineSidePrecise (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, const line_t *line) { return DMulScale32 (y-line->v1->y, line->dx, line->v1->x-x, line->dy) > 0; } //========================================================================== // // P_PointOnDivlineSide // // Same as P_PointOnLineSide except it uses divlines // [RH] inlined, stripped down, and made more precise // //========================================================================== inline int P_PointOnDivlineSide (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, const divline_t *line) { extern int P_VanillaPointOnDivlineSide(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, const divline_t* line); return (i_compatflags2 & COMPATF2_POINTONLINE) ? P_VanillaPointOnDivlineSide(x, y, line) : (DMulScale32 (y-line->y, line->dx, line->x-x, line->dy) > 0); } inline int P_PointOnDivlineSidePrecise (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, const divline_t *line) { return DMulScale32 (y-line->y, line->dx, line->x-x, line->dy) > 0; } //========================================================================== // // P_MakeDivline // //========================================================================== inline void P_MakeDivline (const line_t *li, divline_t *dl) { dl->x = li->v1->x; dl->y = li->v1->y; dl->dx = li->dx; dl->dy = li->dy; } struct FLineOpening { fixed_t top; fixed_t bottom; fixed_t range; fixed_t lowfloor; sector_t *bottomsec; sector_t *topsec; FTextureID ceilingpic; FTextureID floorpic; secplane_t frontfloorplane; secplane_t backfloorplane; int floorterrain; bool touchmidtex; bool abovemidtex; }; void P_LineOpening (FLineOpening &open, AActor *thing, const line_t *linedef, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t refx=FIXED_MIN, fixed_t refy=0, int flags=0); class FBoundingBox; struct polyblock_t; //============================================================================ // // This is a dynamic array which holds its first MAX_STATIC entries in normal // variables to avoid constant allocations which this would otherwise // require. // // When collecting touched portal groups the normal cases are either // no portals == one group or // two portals = two groups // // Anything with more can happen but far less infrequently, so this // organization helps avoiding the overhead from heap allocations // in the vast majority of situations. // //============================================================================ struct FPortalGroupArray { enum { LOWER = 0x4000, UPPER = 0x8000, FLAT = 0xc000, }; enum { MAX_STATIC = 4 }; FPortalGroupArray() { varused = 0; inited = false; } void Clear() { data.Clear(); varused = 0; inited = false; } void Add(DWORD num) { if (varused < MAX_STATIC) entry[varused++] = (WORD)num; else data.Push((WORD)num); } unsigned Size() { return varused + data.Size(); } DWORD operator[](unsigned index) { return index < MAX_STATIC ? entry[index] : data[index - MAX_STATIC]; } bool inited; private: WORD entry[MAX_STATIC]; BYTE varused; TArray data; }; class FBlockLinesIterator { friend class FMultiBlockLinesIterator; int minx, maxx; int miny, maxy; int curx, cury; polyblock_t *polyLink; int polyIndex; int *list; void StartBlock(int x, int y); FBlockLinesIterator() {} void init(const FBoundingBox &box); public: FBlockLinesIterator(int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy, bool keepvalidcount = false); FBlockLinesIterator(const FBoundingBox &box); line_t *Next(); void Reset() { StartBlock(minx, miny); } }; class FMultiBlockLinesIterator { FPortalGroupArray &checklist; fixedvec3 checkpoint; fixedvec2 offset; short basegroup; short portalflags; short index; bool continueup; bool continuedown; FBlockLinesIterator blockIterator; FBoundingBox bbox; bool GoUp(fixed_t x, fixed_t y); bool GoDown(fixed_t x, fixed_t y); void startIteratorForGroup(int group); public: struct CheckResult { line_t *line; fixedvec3 position; fixed_t zdiff; int portalflags; }; FMultiBlockLinesIterator(FPortalGroupArray &check, AActor *origin, fixed_t checkradius = -1); FMultiBlockLinesIterator(FPortalGroupArray &check, fixed_t checkx, fixed_t checky, fixed_t checkz, fixed_t checkh, fixed_t checkradius); bool Next(CheckResult *item); void Reset(); // for stopping group traversal through portals. Only the calling code can decide whether this is needed so this needs to be set from the outside. void StopUp() { continueup = false; } void StopDown() { continuedown = false; } const FBoundingBox &Box() const { return bbox; } }; class FBlockThingsIterator { int minx, maxx; int miny, maxy; int curx, cury; FBlockNode *block; int Buckets[32]; struct HashEntry { AActor *Actor; int Next; }; HashEntry FixedHash[10]; int NumFixedHash; TArray DynHash; HashEntry *GetHashEntry(int i) { return i < (int)countof(FixedHash) ? &FixedHash[i] : &DynHash[i - countof(FixedHash)]; } void StartBlock(int x, int y); void SwitchBlock(int x, int y); void ClearHash(); // The following is only for use in the path traverser // and therefore declared private. FBlockThingsIterator(); friend class FPathTraverse; friend class FMultiBlockThingsIterator; public: FBlockThingsIterator(int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy); FBlockThingsIterator(const FBoundingBox &box) { init(box); } void init(const FBoundingBox &box); AActor *Next(bool centeronly = false); void Reset() { StartBlock(minx, miny); } }; class FMultiBlockThingsIterator { FPortalGroupArray &checklist; fixedvec3 checkpoint; short basegroup; short portalflags; short index; FBlockThingsIterator blockIterator; FBoundingBox bbox; void startIteratorForGroup(int group); public: struct CheckResult { AActor *thing; fixedvec3 position; fixed_t zdiff; int portalflags; }; FMultiBlockThingsIterator(FPortalGroupArray &check, AActor *origin, fixed_t checkradius = -1); FMultiBlockThingsIterator(FPortalGroupArray &check, fixed_t checkx, fixed_t checky, fixed_t checkz, fixed_t checkh, fixed_t checkradius); bool Next(CheckResult *item); void Reset(); const FBoundingBox &Box() const { return bbox; } }; class FPathTraverse { static TArray intercepts; divline_t trace; unsigned int intercept_index; unsigned int intercept_count; unsigned int count; void AddLineIntercepts(int bx, int by); void AddThingIntercepts(int bx, int by, FBlockThingsIterator &it, bool compatible); public: intercept_t *Next(); FPathTraverse(fixed_t x1, fixed_t y1, fixed_t x2, fixed_t y2, int flags); ~FPathTraverse(); const divline_t &Trace() const { return trace; } }; // // P_MAPUTL // typedef bool(*traverser_t) (intercept_t *in); fixed_t P_AproxDistance (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy); fixed_t P_InterceptVector (const divline_t *v2, const divline_t *v1); #define PT_ADDLINES 1 #define PT_ADDTHINGS 2 #define PT_COMPATIBLE 4 #define PT_DELTA 8 // x2,y2 is passed as a delta, not as an endpoint #endif