#include "templates.h" #include "actor.h" #include "info.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "a_pickups.h" #include "a_hereticglobal.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "p_pspr.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "p_effect.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "p_enemy.h" #include "gi.h" static FRandom pr_sap ("StaffAtkPL1"); static FRandom pr_sap2 ("StaffAtkPL2"); static FRandom pr_fgw ("FireWandPL1"); static FRandom pr_fgw2 ("FireWandPL2"); static FRandom pr_boltspark ("BoltSpark"); static FRandom pr_spawnmace ("SpawnMace"); static FRandom pr_macerespawn ("MaceRespawn"); static FRandom pr_maceatk ("FireMacePL1"); static FRandom pr_gatk ("GauntletAttack"); static FRandom pr_bfx1 ("BlasterFX1"); static FRandom pr_ripd ("RipperD"); static FRandom pr_fb1 ("FireBlasterPL1"); static FRandom pr_bfx1t ("BlasterFX1Tick"); static FRandom pr_hrfx2 ("HornRodFX2"); static FRandom pr_rp ("RainPillar"); static FRandom pr_fsr1 ("FireSkullRodPL1"); static FRandom pr_storm ("SkullRodStorm"); static FRandom pr_impact ("RainImpact"); static FRandom pr_pfx1 ("PhoenixFX1"); static FRandom pr_pfx2 ("PhoenixFX2"); static FRandom pr_fp2 ("FirePhoenixPL2"); #define FLAME_THROWER_TICS (10*TICRATE) #define USE_GWND_AMMO_1 1 #define USE_GWND_AMMO_2 1 #define USE_CBOW_AMMO_1 1 #define USE_CBOW_AMMO_2 1 #define USE_BLSR_AMMO_1 1 #define USE_BLSR_AMMO_2 5 #define USE_SKRD_AMMO_1 1 #define USE_SKRD_AMMO_2 5 #define USE_PHRD_AMMO_1 1 #define USE_PHRD_AMMO_2 1 #define USE_MACE_AMMO_1 1 #define USE_MACE_AMMO_2 5 extern bool P_AutoUseChaosDevice (player_t *player); // Base Heretic weapon class ------------------------------------------------ IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (AHereticWeapon, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Weapon_Kickback (150) END_DEFAULTS // --- Staff ---------------------------------------------------------------- void A_StaffAttackPL1 (AActor *); void A_StaffAttackPL2 (AActor *); // Staff -------------------------------------------------------------------- class AStaff : public AHereticWeapon { DECLARE_ACTOR (AStaff, AHereticWeapon) }; class AStaffPowered : public AStaff { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (AStaffPowered, AStaff) }; FState AStaff::States[] = { #define S_STAFFREADY 0 S_NORMAL (STFF, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_STAFFREADY]), #define S_STAFFDOWN (S_STAFFREADY+1) S_NORMAL (STFF, 'A', 1, A_Lower , &States[S_STAFFDOWN]), #define S_STAFFUP (S_STAFFDOWN+1) S_NORMAL (STFF, 'A', 1, A_Raise , &States[S_STAFFUP]), #define S_STAFFREADY2 (S_STAFFUP+1) S_NORMAL (STFF, 'D', 4, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_STAFFREADY2+1]), S_NORMAL (STFF, 'E', 4, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_STAFFREADY2+2]), S_NORMAL (STFF, 'F', 4, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_STAFFREADY2+0]), #define S_STAFFDOWN2 (S_STAFFREADY2+3) S_NORMAL (STFF, 'D', 1, A_Lower , &States[S_STAFFDOWN2]), #define S_STAFFUP2 (S_STAFFDOWN2+1) S_NORMAL (STFF, 'D', 1, A_Raise , &States[S_STAFFUP2]), #define S_STAFFATK1 (S_STAFFUP2+1) S_NORMAL (STFF, 'B', 6, NULL , &States[S_STAFFATK1+1]), S_NORMAL (STFF, 'C', 8, A_StaffAttackPL1 , &States[S_STAFFATK1+2]), S_NORMAL (STFF, 'B', 8, A_ReFire , &States[S_STAFFREADY]), #define S_STAFFATK2 (S_STAFFATK1+3) S_NORMAL (STFF, 'G', 6, NULL , &States[S_STAFFATK2+1]), S_NORMAL (STFF, 'H', 8, A_StaffAttackPL2 , &States[S_STAFFATK2+2]), S_NORMAL (STFF, 'G', 8, A_ReFire , &States[S_STAFFREADY2+0]) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AStaff, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Weapon_SelectionOrder (3800) PROP_Flags2Set(MF2_THRUGHOST) PROP_Weapon_Flags (WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON|WIF_BOT_MELEE) PROP_Weapon_UpState (S_STAFFUP) PROP_Weapon_DownState (S_STAFFDOWN) PROP_Weapon_ReadyState (S_STAFFREADY) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_STAFFATK1) PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("StaffPowered") END_DEFAULTS IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (AStaffPowered, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Weapon_Flags (WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON|WIF_READYSNDHALF|WIF_POWERED_UP|WIF_BOT_MELEE|WIF_STAFF2_KICKBACK) PROP_Weapon_UpState (S_STAFFUP2) PROP_Weapon_DownState (S_STAFFDOWN2) PROP_Weapon_ReadyState (S_STAFFREADY2) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_STAFFATK2) PROP_Weapon_ReadySound ("weapons/staffcrackle") PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("Staff") END_DEFAULTS // Staff puff --------------------------------------------------------------- FState AStaffPuff::States[] = { S_BRIGHT (PUF3, 'A', 4, NULL , &States[1]), S_NORMAL (PUF3, 'B', 4, NULL , &States[2]), S_NORMAL (PUF3, 'C', 4, NULL , &States[3]), S_NORMAL (PUF3, 'D', 4, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AStaffPuff, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags3 (MF3_PUFFONACTORS) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Translucent) PROP_Alpha (HR_SHADOW) PROP_SpawnState (0) PROP_AttackSound ("weapons/staffhit") END_DEFAULTS void AStaffPuff::BeginPlay () { Super::BeginPlay (); momz = FRACUNIT; } // Staff puff 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- class AStaffPuff2 : public AStaffPuff { DECLARE_ACTOR (AStaffPuff2, AStaffPuff) public: void BeginPlay (); }; FState AStaffPuff2::States[] = { S_BRIGHT (PUF4, 'A', 4, NULL , &States[1]), S_BRIGHT (PUF4, 'B', 4, NULL , &States[2]), S_BRIGHT (PUF4, 'C', 4, NULL , &States[3]), S_BRIGHT (PUF4, 'D', 4, NULL , &States[4]), S_BRIGHT (PUF4, 'E', 4, NULL , &States[5]), S_BRIGHT (PUF4, 'F', 4, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AStaffPuff2, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_SpawnState (0) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Add) PROP_Alpha (OPAQUE) PROP_AttackSound ("weapons/staffpowerhit") END_DEFAULTS void AStaffPuff2::BeginPlay () { Super::BeginPlay (); momz = 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_StaffAttackPL1 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_StaffAttackPL1 (AActor *actor) { angle_t angle; int damage; int slope; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } damage = 5+(pr_sap()&15); angle = player->mo->angle; angle += pr_sap.Random2() << 18; slope = P_AimLineAttack (player->mo, angle, MELEERANGE); P_LineAttack (player->mo, angle, MELEERANGE, slope, damage, NAME_Melee, RUNTIME_CLASS(AStaffPuff)); if (linetarget) { //S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_stfhit); // turn to face target player->mo->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (player->mo->x, player->mo->y, linetarget->x, linetarget->y); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_StaffAttackPL2 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_StaffAttackPL2 (AActor *actor) { angle_t angle; int damage; int slope; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } // P_inter.c:P_DamageMobj() handles target momentums damage = 18+(pr_sap2()&63); angle = player->mo->angle; angle += pr_sap2.Random2() << 18; slope = P_AimLineAttack (player->mo, angle, MELEERANGE); P_LineAttack (player->mo, angle, MELEERANGE, slope, damage, NAME_Melee, RUNTIME_CLASS(AStaffPuff2)); if (linetarget) { //S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_stfpow); // turn to face target player->mo->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (player->mo->x, player->mo->y, linetarget->x, linetarget->y); } } // --- Gold wand ------------------------------------------------------------ void A_FireGoldWandPL1 (AActor *); void A_FireGoldWandPL2 (AActor *); // Gold wand ---------------------------------------------------------------- class AGoldWand : public AHereticWeapon { DECLARE_ACTOR (AGoldWand, AHereticWeapon) }; class AGoldWandPowered : public AGoldWand { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (AGoldWandPowered, AGoldWand) }; FState AGoldWand::States[] = { #define S_GOLDWANDREADY 0 S_NORMAL (GWND, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_GOLDWANDREADY]), #define S_GOLDWANDDOWN (S_GOLDWANDREADY+1) S_NORMAL (GWND, 'A', 1, A_Lower , &States[S_GOLDWANDDOWN]), #define S_GOLDWANDUP (S_GOLDWANDDOWN+1) S_NORMAL (GWND, 'A', 1, A_Raise , &States[S_GOLDWANDUP]), #define S_GOLDWANDATK1 (S_GOLDWANDUP+1) S_NORMAL (GWND, 'B', 3, NULL , &States[S_GOLDWANDATK1+1]), S_NORMAL (GWND, 'C', 5, A_FireGoldWandPL1 , &States[S_GOLDWANDATK1+2]), S_NORMAL (GWND, 'D', 3, NULL , &States[S_GOLDWANDATK1+3]), S_NORMAL (GWND, 'D', 0, A_ReFire , &States[S_GOLDWANDREADY]), #define S_GOLDWANDATK2 (S_GOLDWANDATK1+4) S_NORMAL (GWND, 'B', 3, NULL , &States[S_GOLDWANDATK2+1]), S_NORMAL (GWND, 'C', 4, A_FireGoldWandPL2 , &States[S_GOLDWANDATK2+2]), S_NORMAL (GWND, 'D', 3, NULL , &States[S_GOLDWANDATK2+3]), S_NORMAL (GWND, 'D', 0, A_ReFire , &States[S_GOLDWANDREADY]) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AGoldWand, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Flags5 (MF5_BLOODSPLATTER) PROP_Weapon_SelectionOrder (2000) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse1 (USE_GWND_AMMO_1) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive1 (25) PROP_Weapon_UpState (S_GOLDWANDUP) PROP_Weapon_DownState (S_GOLDWANDDOWN) PROP_Weapon_ReadyState (S_GOLDWANDREADY) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_GOLDWANDATK1) PROP_Weapon_YAdjust (5) PROP_Weapon_MoveCombatDist (25000000) PROP_Weapon_AmmoType1 ("GoldWandAmmo") PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("GoldWandPowered") END_DEFAULTS IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (AGoldWandPowered, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Weapon_Flags (WIF_POWERED_UP) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse1 (USE_GWND_AMMO_2) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive1 (0) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_GOLDWANDATK2) PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("GoldWand") END_DEFAULTS // Gold wand FX1 ------------------------------------------------------------ class AGoldWandFX1 : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AGoldWandFX1, AActor) }; FState AGoldWandFX1::States[] = { #define S_GWANDFX1 0 S_BRIGHT (FX01, 'A', 6, NULL , &States[S_GWANDFX1+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX01, 'B', 6, NULL , &States[S_GWANDFX1+0]), #define S_GWANDFXI1 (S_GWANDFX1+2) S_BRIGHT (FX01, 'E', 3, NULL , &States[S_GWANDFXI1+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX01, 'F', 3, NULL , &States[S_GWANDFXI1+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX01, 'G', 3, NULL , &States[S_GWANDFXI1+3]), S_BRIGHT (FX01, 'H', 3, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AGoldWandFX1, Heretic, -1, 151) PROP_RadiusFixed (10) PROP_HeightFixed (6) PROP_SpeedFixed (22) PROP_Damage (2) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Add) PROP_SpawnState (S_GWANDFX1) PROP_DeathState (S_GWANDFXI1) PROP_DeathSound ("weapons/wandhit") END_DEFAULTS // Gold wand FX2 ------------------------------------------------------------ class AGoldWandFX2 : public AGoldWandFX1 { DECLARE_ACTOR (AGoldWandFX2, AGoldWandFX1) }; FState AGoldWandFX2::States[] = { S_BRIGHT (FX01, 'C', 6, NULL , &States[1]), S_BRIGHT (FX01, 'D', 6, NULL , &States[0]) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AGoldWandFX2, Heretic, -1, 152) PROP_SpeedFixed (18) PROP_Damage (1) PROP_SpawnState (0) PROP_DeathSound ("") END_DEFAULTS // Gold wand puff 1 --------------------------------------------------------- class AGoldWandPuff1 : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AGoldWandPuff1, AActor) }; FState AGoldWandPuff1::States[] = { S_BRIGHT (PUF2, 'A', 3, NULL , &States[1]), S_BRIGHT (PUF2, 'B', 3, NULL , &States[2]), S_BRIGHT (PUF2, 'C', 3, NULL , &States[3]), S_BRIGHT (PUF2, 'D', 3, NULL , &States[4]), S_BRIGHT (PUF2, 'E', 3, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AGoldWandPuff1, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags3 (MF3_PUFFONACTORS) PROP_SpawnState (0) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Add) END_DEFAULTS // Gold wand puff 2 --------------------------------------------------------- class AGoldWandPuff2 : public AGoldWandFX1 { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (AGoldWandPuff2, AGoldWandFX1) }; IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (AGoldWandPuff2, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_SpawnState (S_GWANDFXI1) END_DEFAULTS //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FireGoldWandPL1 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FireGoldWandPL1 (AActor *actor) { AActor *mo; angle_t angle; int damage; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } mo = player->mo; AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } P_BulletSlope(mo); damage = 7+(pr_fgw()&7); angle = mo->angle; if (player->refire) { angle += pr_fgw.Random2() << 18; } P_LineAttack (mo, angle, PLAYERMISSILERANGE, bulletpitch, damage, NAME_None, RUNTIME_CLASS(AGoldWandPuff1)); S_Sound (player->mo, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/wandhit", 1, ATTN_NORM); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FireGoldWandPL2 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FireGoldWandPL2 (AActor *actor) { int i; AActor *mo; angle_t angle; int damage; fixed_t momz; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } mo = player->mo; AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } P_BulletSlope (mo); momz = FixedMul (GetDefault()->Speed, finetangent[FINEANGLES/4-((signed)bulletpitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT)]); P_SpawnMissileAngle (mo, RUNTIME_CLASS(AGoldWandFX2), mo->angle-(ANG45/8), momz); P_SpawnMissileAngle (mo, RUNTIME_CLASS(AGoldWandFX2), mo->angle+(ANG45/8), momz); angle = mo->angle-(ANG45/8); for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { damage = 1+(pr_fgw2()&7); P_LineAttack (mo, angle, PLAYERMISSILERANGE, bulletpitch, damage, NAME_None, RUNTIME_CLASS(AGoldWandPuff2)); angle += ((ANG45/8)*2)/4; } S_Sound (player->mo, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/wandhit", 1, ATTN_NORM); } // --- Crossbow ------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FireCrossbowPL1 (AActor *); void A_FireCrossbowPL2 (AActor *); void A_BoltSpark (AActor *); // Crossbow ----------------------------------------------------------------- class ACrossbow : public AHereticWeapon { DECLARE_ACTOR (ACrossbow, AHereticWeapon) }; class ACrossbowPowered : public ACrossbow { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (ACrossbowPowered, ACrossbow) }; FState ACrossbow::States[] = { #define S_WBOW 0 S_NORMAL (WBOW, 'A', -1, NULL , NULL), #define S_CRBOW (S_WBOW+1) S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+1]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+2]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+3]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+4]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+5]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+6]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'B', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+7]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'B', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+8]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'B', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+9]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'B', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+10]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'B', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+11]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'B', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+12]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'C', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+13]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'C', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+14]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'C', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+15]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'C', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+16]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'C', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+17]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'C', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_CRBOW+0]), #define S_CRBOWDOWN (S_CRBOW+18) S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'A', 1, A_Lower , &States[S_CRBOWDOWN]), #define S_CRBOWUP (S_CRBOWDOWN+1) S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'A', 1, A_Raise , &States[S_CRBOWUP]), #define S_CRBOWATK1 (S_CRBOWUP+1) S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'D', 6, A_FireCrossbowPL1 , &States[S_CRBOWATK1+1]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'E', 3, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWATK1+2]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'F', 3, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWATK1+3]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'G', 3, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWATK1+4]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'H', 3, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWATK1+5]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'A', 4, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWATK1+6]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'B', 4, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWATK1+7]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'C', 5, A_ReFire , &States[S_CRBOW+0]), #define S_CRBOWATK2 (S_CRBOWATK1+8) S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'D', 5, A_FireCrossbowPL2 , &States[S_CRBOWATK2+1]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'E', 3, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWATK2+2]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'F', 2, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWATK2+3]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'G', 3, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWATK2+4]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'H', 2, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWATK2+5]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'A', 3, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWATK2+6]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'B', 3, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWATK2+7]), S_NORMAL (CRBW, 'C', 4, A_ReFire , &States[S_CRBOW+0]) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ACrossbow, Heretic, 2001, 27) PROP_Flags (MF_SPECIAL) PROP_SpawnState (S_WBOW) PROP_Weapon_SelectionOrder (800) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse1 (USE_CBOW_AMMO_1) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive1 (10) PROP_Weapon_UpState (S_CRBOWUP) PROP_Weapon_DownState (S_CRBOWDOWN) PROP_Weapon_ReadyState (S_CRBOW) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_CRBOWATK1) PROP_Weapon_YAdjust (15) PROP_Weapon_MoveCombatDist (24000000) PROP_Weapon_AmmoType1 ("CrossbowAmmo") PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("CrossbowPowered") PROP_Weapon_ProjectileType ("CrossbowFX1") PROP_Inventory_PickupMessage("$TXT_WPNCROSSBOW") END_DEFAULTS IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (ACrossbowPowered, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Weapon_Flags (WIF_POWERED_UP) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse1 (USE_CBOW_AMMO_2) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive1 (0) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_CRBOWATK2) PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("Crossbow") PROP_Weapon_ProjectileType ("CrossbowFX2") END_DEFAULTS // Crossbow FX1 ------------------------------------------------------------- class ACrossbowFX1 : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (ACrossbowFX1, AActor) }; FState ACrossbowFX1::States[] = { #define S_CRBOWFX1 0 S_BRIGHT (FX03, 'B', 1, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWFX1]), #define S_CRBOWFXI1 (S_CRBOWFX1+1) S_BRIGHT (FX03, 'H', 8, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWFXI1+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX03, 'I', 8, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWFXI1+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX03, 'J', 8, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ACrossbowFX1, Heretic, -1, 147) PROP_RadiusFixed (11) PROP_HeightFixed (8) PROP_SpeedFixed (30) PROP_Damage (10) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_PCROSS|MF2_IMPACT) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Add) PROP_SpawnState (S_CRBOWFX1) PROP_DeathState (S_CRBOWFXI1) PROP_SeeSound ("weapons/bowshoot") PROP_DeathSound ("weapons/bowhit") END_DEFAULTS // Crossbow FX2 ------------------------------------------------------------- class ACrossbowFX2 : public ACrossbowFX1 { DECLARE_ACTOR (ACrossbowFX2, ACrossbowFX1) }; FState ACrossbowFX2::States[] = { #define S_CRBOWFX2 0 S_BRIGHT (FX03, 'B', 1, A_BoltSpark , &States[S_CRBOWFX2]) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ACrossbowFX2, Heretic, -1, 148) PROP_SpeedFixed (32) PROP_Damage (6) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Add) PROP_SpawnState (S_CRBOWFX2) END_DEFAULTS // Crossbow FX3 ------------------------------------------------------------- class ACrossbowFX3 : public ACrossbowFX1 { DECLARE_ACTOR (ACrossbowFX3, ACrossbowFX1) }; FState ACrossbowFX3::States[] = { #define S_CRBOWFX3 0 S_BRIGHT (FX03, 'A', 1, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWFX3]), #define S_CRBOWFXI3 (S_CRBOWFX3+1) S_BRIGHT (FX03, 'C', 8, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWFXI3+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX03, 'D', 8, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWFXI3+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX03, 'E', 8, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ACrossbowFX3, Heretic, -1, 149) PROP_SpeedFixed (20) PROP_Damage (2) PROP_FlagsClear (MF_NOBLOCKMAP) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_WINDTHRUST|MF2_THRUGHOST|MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_PCROSS|MF2_IMPACT) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Add) PROP_SpawnState (S_CRBOWFX3) PROP_DeathState (S_CRBOWFXI3) PROP_SeeSound ("") END_DEFAULTS // Crossbow FX4 ------------------------------------------------------------- class ACrossbowFX4 : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (ACrossbowFX4, AActor) }; FState ACrossbowFX4::States[] = { #define S_CRBOWFX4 0 S_BRIGHT (FX03, 'F', 8, NULL , &States[S_CRBOWFX4+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX03, 'G', 8, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ACrossbowFX4, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP) PROP_Gravity (FRACUNIT/8) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Add) PROP_SpawnState (S_CRBOWFX4) END_DEFAULTS //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FireCrossbowPL1 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FireCrossbowPL1 (AActor *actor) { AActor *pmo; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } pmo = player->mo; AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } P_SpawnPlayerMissile (pmo, RUNTIME_CLASS(ACrossbowFX1)); P_SpawnPlayerMissile (pmo, RUNTIME_CLASS(ACrossbowFX3), pmo->angle-(ANG45/10)); P_SpawnPlayerMissile (pmo, RUNTIME_CLASS(ACrossbowFX3), pmo->angle+(ANG45/10)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FireCrossbowPL2 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FireCrossbowPL2(AActor *actor) { AActor *pmo; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } pmo = player->mo; AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } P_SpawnPlayerMissile (pmo, RUNTIME_CLASS(ACrossbowFX2)); P_SpawnPlayerMissile (pmo, RUNTIME_CLASS(ACrossbowFX2), pmo->angle-(ANG45/10)); P_SpawnPlayerMissile (pmo, RUNTIME_CLASS(ACrossbowFX2), pmo->angle+(ANG45/10)); P_SpawnPlayerMissile (pmo, RUNTIME_CLASS(ACrossbowFX3), pmo->angle-(ANG45/5)); P_SpawnPlayerMissile (pmo, RUNTIME_CLASS(ACrossbowFX3), pmo->angle+(ANG45/5)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_BoltSpark // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_BoltSpark (AActor *bolt) { AActor *spark; if (pr_boltspark() > 50) { spark = Spawn (bolt->x, bolt->y, bolt->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); spark->x += pr_boltspark.Random2() << 10; spark->y += pr_boltspark.Random2() << 10; } } // --- Mace ----------------------------------------------------------------- #define MAGIC_JUNK 1234 void A_FireMacePL1B (AActor *); void A_FireMacePL1 (AActor *); void A_MacePL1Check (AActor *); void A_MaceBallImpact (AActor *); void A_MaceBallImpact2 (AActor *); void A_FireMacePL2 (AActor *); void A_DeathBallImpact (AActor *); // The mace itself ---------------------------------------------------------- class AMace : public AHereticWeapon { DECLARE_ACTOR (AMace, AHereticWeapon) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: void Serialize (FArchive &arc); protected: bool DoRespawn (); int NumMaceSpots; AActor *FirstSpot; private: friend void A_SpawnMace (AActor *self); }; class AMacePowered : public AMace { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (AMacePowered, AMace) }; IMPLEMENT_POINTY_CLASS (AMace) DECLARE_POINTER (FirstSpot) END_POINTERS void AMace::Serialize (FArchive &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); arc << NumMaceSpots << FirstSpot; } FState AMace::States[] = { #define S_WMCE 0 S_NORMAL (WMCE, 'A', -1, NULL , NULL), #define S_MACEREADY (S_WMCE+1) S_NORMAL (MACE, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_MACEREADY]), #define S_MACEDOWN (S_MACEREADY+1) S_NORMAL (MACE, 'A', 1, A_Lower , &States[S_MACEDOWN]), #define S_MACEUP (S_MACEDOWN+1) S_NORMAL (MACE, 'A', 1, A_Raise , &States[S_MACEUP]), #define S_MACEATK1 (S_MACEUP+1) S_NORMAL (MACE, 'B', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEATK1+1]), S_NORMAL (MACE, 'C', 3, A_FireMacePL1 , &States[S_MACEATK1+2]), S_NORMAL (MACE, 'D', 3, A_FireMacePL1 , &States[S_MACEATK1+3]), S_NORMAL (MACE, 'E', 3, A_FireMacePL1 , &States[S_MACEATK1+4]), S_NORMAL (MACE, 'F', 3, A_FireMacePL1 , &States[S_MACEATK1+5]), S_NORMAL (MACE, 'C', 4, A_ReFire , &States[S_MACEATK1+6]), S_NORMAL (MACE, 'D', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEATK1+7]), S_NORMAL (MACE, 'E', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEATK1+8]), S_NORMAL (MACE, 'F', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEATK1+9]), S_NORMAL (MACE, 'B', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEREADY]), #define S_MACEATK2 (S_MACEATK1+10) S_NORMAL (MACE, 'B', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEATK2+1]), S_NORMAL (MACE, 'D', 4, A_FireMacePL2 , &States[S_MACEATK2+2]), S_NORMAL (MACE, 'B', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEATK2+3]), S_NORMAL (MACE, 'A', 8, A_ReFire , &States[S_MACEREADY]) }; BEGIN_DEFAULTS (AMace, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_SPECIAL) PROP_SpawnState (0) PROP_Weapon_SelectionOrder (1400) PROP_Weapon_Flags (WIF_BOT_REACTION_SKILL_THING|WIF_BOT_EXPLOSIVE) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse1 (USE_MACE_AMMO_1) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive1 (50) PROP_Weapon_UpState (S_MACEUP) PROP_Weapon_DownState (S_MACEDOWN) PROP_Weapon_ReadyState (S_MACEREADY) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_MACEATK1) PROP_Weapon_HoldAtkState (S_MACEATK1+1) PROP_Weapon_YAdjust (15) PROP_Weapon_MoveCombatDist (27000000) PROP_Weapon_AmmoType1 ("MaceAmmo") PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("MacePowered") PROP_Weapon_ProjectileType ("MaceFX2") PROP_Inventory_PickupMessage("$TXT_WPNMACE") END_DEFAULTS IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (AMacePowered, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Weapon_Flags (WIF_POWERED_UP|WIF_BOT_REACTION_SKILL_THING|WIF_BOT_EXPLOSIVE) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse1 (USE_MACE_AMMO_2) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive1 (0) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_MACEATK2) PROP_Weapon_HoldAtkState (S_MACEATK2) PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("Mace") PROP_Weapon_ProjectileType ("MaceFX4") END_DEFAULTS // Mace FX1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- class AMaceFX1 : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AMaceFX1, AActor) }; FState AMaceFX1::States[] = { #define S_MACEFX1 0 S_NORMAL (FX02, 'A', 4, A_MacePL1Check , &States[S_MACEFX1+1]), S_NORMAL (FX02, 'B', 4, A_MacePL1Check , &States[S_MACEFX1+0]), #define S_MACEFXI1 (S_MACEFX1+2) S_BRIGHT (FX02, 'F', 4, A_MaceBallImpact , &States[S_MACEFXI1+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX02, 'G', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEFXI1+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX02, 'H', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEFXI1+3]), S_BRIGHT (FX02, 'I', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEFXI1+4]), S_BRIGHT (FX02, 'J', 4, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AMaceFX1, Heretic, -1, 154) PROP_RadiusFixed (8) PROP_HeightFixed (6) PROP_SpeedFixed (20) PROP_Damage (2) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_HERETICBOUNCE|MF2_THRUGHOST|MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_PCROSS|MF2_IMPACT) PROP_Flags3 (MF3_WARNBOT) PROP_SpawnState (S_MACEFX1) PROP_DeathState (S_MACEFXI1) PROP_SeeSound ("weapons/maceshoot") END_DEFAULTS // Mace FX2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- class AMaceFX2 : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AMaceFX2, AActor) }; FState AMaceFX2::States[] = { #define S_MACEFX2 0 S_NORMAL (FX02, 'C', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEFX2+1]), S_NORMAL (FX02, 'D', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEFX2+0]), #define S_MACEFXI2 (S_MACEFX2+2) S_BRIGHT (FX02, 'F', 4, A_MaceBallImpact2 , &AMaceFX1::States[S_MACEFXI1+1]) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AMaceFX2, Heretic, -1, 156) PROP_RadiusFixed (8) PROP_HeightFixed (6) PROP_SpeedFixed (10) PROP_Damage (6) PROP_Gravity (FRACUNIT/8) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_HERETICBOUNCE|MF2_THRUGHOST|MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_PCROSS|MF2_IMPACT) PROP_SpawnState (S_MACEFX2) PROP_DeathState (S_MACEFXI2) END_DEFAULTS // Mace FX3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- class AMaceFX3 : public AMaceFX1 { DECLARE_ACTOR (AMaceFX3, AMaceFX1) }; FState AMaceFX3::States[] = { #define S_MACEFX3 0 S_NORMAL (FX02, 'A', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEFX3+1]), S_NORMAL (FX02, 'B', 4, NULL , &States[S_MACEFX3+0]) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AMaceFX3, Heretic, -1, 155) PROP_SpeedFixed (7) PROP_Damage (4) PROP_Gravity (FRACUNIT/8) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_HERETICBOUNCE|MF2_THRUGHOST|MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_PCROSS|MF2_IMPACT) PROP_SpawnState (S_MACEFX3) END_DEFAULTS // Mace FX4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- class AMaceFX4 : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AMaceFX4, AActor) public: int DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage); }; FState AMaceFX4::States[] = { #define S_MACEFX4 0 S_NORMAL (FX02, 'E', 99, NULL , &States[S_MACEFX4+0]), #define S_MACEFXI4 (S_MACEFX4+1) S_BRIGHT (FX02, 'C', 4, A_DeathBallImpact , &AMaceFX1::States[S_MACEFXI1+1]) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AMaceFX4, Heretic, -1, 153) PROP_RadiusFixed (8) PROP_HeightFixed (6) PROP_SpeedFixed (7) PROP_Damage (18) PROP_Gravity (FRACUNIT/8) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_HERETICBOUNCE|MF2_THRUGHOST|MF2_TELESTOMP|MF2_PCROSS|MF2_IMPACT) PROP_SpawnState (S_MACEFX4) PROP_DeathState (S_MACEFXI4) END_DEFAULTS int AMaceFX4::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage) { if ((target->flags2 & MF2_BOSS) || (target->flags3 & MF3_DONTSQUASH) || target->IsTeammate (this->target)) { // Don't allow cheap boss kills and don't instagib teammates return damage; } else if (target->player) { // Player specific checks if (target->player->mo->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) { // Can't hurt invulnerable players return -1; } if (P_AutoUseChaosDevice (target->player)) { // Player was saved using chaos device return -1; } } return 1000000; // Something's gonna die } // Mace spawn spot ---------------------------------------------------------- void A_SpawnMace (AActor *); class AMaceSpawner : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AMaceSpawner, AActor) // Uses target to point to the next mace spawner in the list }; FState AMaceSpawner::States[] = { S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', 1, NULL, &States[1]), S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', -1, A_SpawnMace, NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AMaceSpawner, Heretic, 2002, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_NOSECTOR|MF_NOBLOCKMAP) PROP_SpawnState (0) END_DEFAULTS // Every mace spawn spot will execute this action. The first one // will build a list of all mace spots in the level and spawn a // mace. The rest of the spots will do nothing. void A_SpawnMace (AActor *self) { if (self->target != NULL) { // Another spot already did it return; } TThinkerIterator iterator; AActor *spot; AMaceSpawner *firstSpot; AMace *mace; int numspots = 0; spot = firstSpot = iterator.Next (); while (spot != NULL) { numspots++; spot->target = iterator.Next (); if (spot->target == NULL) { spot->target = firstSpot; spot = NULL; } else { spot = spot->target; } } if (numspots == 0) { return; } if (!deathmatch && pr_spawnmace() < 64) { // Sometimes doesn't show up if not in deathmatch return; } mace = Spawn (self->x, self->y, self->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mace) { mace->FirstSpot = firstSpot; mace->NumMaceSpots = numspots; mace->DoRespawn (); } } // AMace::DoRespawn // Moves the mace to a different spot when it respawns bool AMace::DoRespawn () { if (NumMaceSpots > 0) { int spotnum = pr_macerespawn () % NumMaceSpots; AActor *spot = FirstSpot; while (spotnum > 0) { spot = spot->target; spotnum--; } SetOrigin (spot->x, spot->y, spot->z); z = floorz; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FireMacePL1B // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FireMacePL1B (AActor *actor) { AActor *pmo; AActor *ball; angle_t angle; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } pmo = player->mo; ball = Spawn (pmo->x, pmo->y, pmo->z + 28*FRACUNIT - pmo->floorclip, ALLOW_REPLACE); ball->momz = 2*FRACUNIT+/*((player->lookdir)<<(FRACBITS-5))*/ finetangent[FINEANGLES/4-(pmo->pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT)]; angle = pmo->angle; ball->target = pmo; ball->angle = angle; ball->z += 2*finetangent[FINEANGLES/4-(pmo->pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT)]; angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; ball->momx = (pmo->momx>>1)+FixedMul(ball->Speed, finecosine[angle]); ball->momy = (pmo->momy>>1)+FixedMul(ball->Speed, finesine[angle]); S_Sound (ball, CHAN_BODY, "weapons/maceshoot", 1, ATTN_NORM); P_CheckMissileSpawn (ball); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FireMacePL1 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FireMacePL1 (AActor *actor) { AActor *ball; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } if (pr_maceatk() < 28) { A_FireMacePL1B (actor); return; } AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } player->psprites[ps_weapon].sx = ((pr_maceatk()&3)-2)*FRACUNIT; player->psprites[ps_weapon].sy = WEAPONTOP+(pr_maceatk()&3)*FRACUNIT; ball = P_SpawnPlayerMissile (player->mo, RUNTIME_CLASS(AMaceFX1), player->mo->angle+(((pr_maceatk()&7)-4)<<24)); if (ball) { ball->special1 = 16; // tics till dropoff } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MacePL1Check // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MacePL1Check (AActor *ball) { if (ball->special1 == 0) { return; } ball->special1 -= 4; if (ball->special1 > 0) { return; } ball->special1 = 0; ball->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY; ball->gravity = FRACUNIT/8; // [RH] Avoid some precision loss by scaling the momentum directly #if 0 angle_t angle = ball->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT; ball->momx = FixedMul(7*FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]); ball->momy = FixedMul(7*FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]); #else float momscale = sqrtf ((float)ball->momx * (float)ball->momx + (float)ball->momy * (float)ball->momy); momscale = 458752.f / momscale; ball->momx = (int)(ball->momx * momscale); ball->momy = (int)(ball->momy * momscale); #endif ball->momz -= ball->momz>>1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MaceBallImpact // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MaceBallImpact (AActor *ball) { if ((ball->health != MAGIC_JUNK) && (ball->flags & MF_INBOUNCE)) { // Bounce ball->health = MAGIC_JUNK; ball->momz = (ball->momz * 192) >> 8; ball->flags2 &= ~MF2_BOUNCETYPE; ball->SetState (ball->SpawnState); S_Sound (ball, CHAN_BODY, "weapons/macebounce", 1, ATTN_NORM); } else { // Explode ball->momx = ball->momy = ball->momz = 0; ball->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY; ball->gravity = FRACUNIT; S_Sound (ball, CHAN_BODY, "weapons/macehit", 1, ATTN_NORM); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_MaceBallImpact2 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_MaceBallImpact2 (AActor *ball) { AActor *tiny; angle_t angle; if (ball->flags & MF_INBOUNCE) { fixed_t floordist = ball->z - ball->floorz; fixed_t ceildist = ball->ceilingz - ball->z; fixed_t vel; if (floordist <= ceildist) { vel = MulScale32 (ball->momz, ball->Sector->floorplane.c); } else { vel = MulScale32 (ball->momz, ball->Sector->ceilingplane.c); } if (vel < 2) { goto boom; } // Bounce ball->momz = (ball->momz * 192) >> 8; ball->SetState (ball->SpawnState); tiny = Spawn (ball->x, ball->y, ball->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); angle = ball->angle+ANG90; tiny->target = ball->target; tiny->angle = angle; angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; tiny->momx = (ball->momx>>1)+FixedMul(ball->momz-FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]); tiny->momy = (ball->momy>>1)+FixedMul(ball->momz-FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]); tiny->momz = ball->momz; P_CheckMissileSpawn (tiny); tiny = Spawn (ball->x, ball->y, ball->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); angle = ball->angle-ANG90; tiny->target = ball->target; tiny->angle = angle; angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; tiny->momx = (ball->momx>>1)+FixedMul(ball->momz-FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]); tiny->momy = (ball->momy>>1)+FixedMul(ball->momz-FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]); tiny->momz = ball->momz; P_CheckMissileSpawn (tiny); } else { // Explode boom: ball->momx = ball->momy = ball->momz = 0; ball->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY; ball->flags2 &= ~MF2_BOUNCETYPE; ball->gravity = FRACUNIT; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FireMacePL2 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FireMacePL2 (AActor *actor) { AActor *mo; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile (player->mo, RUNTIME_CLASS(AMaceFX4)); if (mo) { mo->momx += player->mo->momx; mo->momy += player->mo->momy; mo->momz = 2*FRACUNIT+ clamp(finetangent[FINEANGLES/4-(player->mo->pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT)], -5*FRACUNIT, 5*FRACUNIT); if (linetarget) { mo->tracer = linetarget; } } S_Sound (player->mo, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/maceshoot", 1, ATTN_NORM); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_DeathBallImpact // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_DeathBallImpact (AActor *ball) { int i; AActor *target; angle_t angle = 0; bool newAngle; if ((ball->z <= ball->floorz) && P_HitFloor (ball)) { // Landed in some sort of liquid ball->Destroy (); return; } if (ball->flags & MF_INBOUNCE) { fixed_t floordist = ball->z - ball->floorz; fixed_t ceildist = ball->ceilingz - ball->z; fixed_t vel; if (floordist <= ceildist) { vel = MulScale32 (ball->momz, ball->Sector->floorplane.c); } else { vel = MulScale32 (ball->momz, ball->Sector->ceilingplane.c); } if (vel < 2) { goto boom; } // Bounce newAngle = false; target = ball->tracer; if (target) { if (!(target->flags&MF_SHOOTABLE)) { // Target died ball->tracer = NULL; } else { // Seek angle = R_PointToAngle2(ball->x, ball->y, target->x, target->y); newAngle = true; } } else { // Find new target angle = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { P_AimLineAttack (ball, angle, 10*64*FRACUNIT); if (linetarget && ball->target != linetarget) { ball->tracer = linetarget; angle = R_PointToAngle2 (ball->x, ball->y, linetarget->x, linetarget->y); newAngle = true; break; } angle += ANGLE_45/2; } } if (newAngle) { ball->angle = angle; angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; ball->momx = FixedMul (ball->Speed, finecosine[angle]); ball->momy = FixedMul (ball->Speed, finesine[angle]); } ball->SetState (ball->SpawnState); S_Sound (ball, CHAN_BODY, "weapons/macestop", 1, ATTN_NORM); } else { // Explode boom: ball->momx = ball->momy = ball->momz = 0; ball->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY; ball->gravity = FRACUNIT; S_Sound (ball, CHAN_BODY, "weapons/maceexplode", 1, ATTN_NORM); } } // --- Gauntlets ------------------------------------------------------------ void A_GauntletAttack (AActor *); void A_GauntletSound (AActor *); // Gauntlets ---------------------------------------------------------------- class AGauntlets : public AHereticWeapon { DECLARE_ACTOR (AGauntlets, AHereticWeapon) }; class AGauntletsPowered : public AGauntlets { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (AGauntletsPowered, AGauntlets) }; FState AGauntlets::States[] = { #define S_WGNT 0 S_NORMAL (WGNT, 'A', -1, NULL , NULL), #define S_GAUNTLETREADY (S_WGNT+1) S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_GAUNTLETREADY]), #define S_GAUNTLETDOWN (S_GAUNTLETREADY+1) S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'A', 1, A_Lower , &States[S_GAUNTLETDOWN]), #define S_GAUNTLETUP (S_GAUNTLETDOWN+1) S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'A', 1, A_Raise , &States[S_GAUNTLETUP]), #define S_GAUNTLETREADY2 (S_GAUNTLETUP+1) S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'G', 4, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_GAUNTLETREADY2+1]), S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'H', 4, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_GAUNTLETREADY2+2]), S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'I', 4, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_GAUNTLETREADY2+0]), #define S_GAUNTLETDOWN2 (S_GAUNTLETREADY2+3) S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'G', 1, A_Lower , &States[S_GAUNTLETDOWN2]), #define S_GAUNTLETUP2 (S_GAUNTLETDOWN2+1) S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'G', 1, A_Raise , &States[S_GAUNTLETUP2]), #define S_GAUNTLETATK1 (S_GAUNTLETUP2+1) S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'B', 4, A_GauntletSound , &States[S_GAUNTLETATK1+1]), S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'C', 4, NULL , &States[S_GAUNTLETATK1+2]), S_BRIGHT (GAUN, 'D', 4, A_GauntletAttack , &States[S_GAUNTLETATK1+3]), S_BRIGHT (GAUN, 'E', 4, A_GauntletAttack , &States[S_GAUNTLETATK1+4]), S_BRIGHT (GAUN, 'F', 4, A_GauntletAttack , &States[S_GAUNTLETATK1+5]), S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'C', 4, A_ReFire , &States[S_GAUNTLETATK1+6]), S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'B', 4, A_Light0 , &States[S_GAUNTLETREADY]), #define S_GAUNTLETATK2 (S_GAUNTLETATK1+7) S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'J', 4, A_GauntletSound , &States[S_GAUNTLETATK2+1]), S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'K', 4, NULL , &States[S_GAUNTLETATK2+2]), S_BRIGHT (GAUN, 'L', 4, A_GauntletAttack , &States[S_GAUNTLETATK2+3]), S_BRIGHT (GAUN, 'M', 4, A_GauntletAttack , &States[S_GAUNTLETATK2+4]), S_BRIGHT (GAUN, 'N', 4, A_GauntletAttack , &States[S_GAUNTLETATK2+5]), S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'K', 4, A_ReFire , &States[S_GAUNTLETATK2+6]), S_NORMAL (GAUN, 'J', 4, A_Light0 , &States[S_GAUNTLETREADY2+0]) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AGauntlets, Heretic, 2005, 32) PROP_Flags (MF_SPECIAL) PROP_Flags5 (MF5_BLOODSPLATTER) PROP_SpawnState (S_WGNT) PROP_Weapon_SelectionOrder (2300) PROP_Weapon_Flags (WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON|WIF_BOT_MELEE) PROP_Weapon_UpState (S_GAUNTLETUP) PROP_Weapon_DownState (S_GAUNTLETDOWN) PROP_Weapon_ReadyState (S_GAUNTLETREADY) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_GAUNTLETATK1) PROP_Weapon_HoldAtkState (S_GAUNTLETATK1+2) PROP_Weapon_Kickback (0) PROP_Weapon_YAdjust (15) PROP_Weapon_UpSound ("weapons/gauntletsactivate") PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("GauntletsPowered") PROP_Inventory_PickupMessage("$TXT_WPNGAUNTLETS") END_DEFAULTS IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (AGauntletsPowered, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Weapon_Flags (WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON|WIF_POWERED_UP|WIF_BOT_MELEE) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_GAUNTLETATK2) PROP_Weapon_HoldAtkState (S_GAUNTLETATK2+2) PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("Gauntlets") END_DEFAULTS void A_GauntletSound (AActor *actor) { // Play the sound for the initial gauntlet attack S_Sound (actor, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/gauntletsuse", 1, ATTN_NORM); } // Gauntlet puff 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- class AGauntletPuff1 : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AGauntletPuff1, AActor) public: void BeginPlay (); }; FState AGauntletPuff1::States[] = { #define S_GAUNTLETPUFF1 0 S_BRIGHT (PUF1, 'A', 4, NULL , &States[S_GAUNTLETPUFF1+1]), S_BRIGHT (PUF1, 'B', 4, NULL , &States[S_GAUNTLETPUFF1+2]), S_BRIGHT (PUF1, 'C', 4, NULL , &States[S_GAUNTLETPUFF1+3]), S_BRIGHT (PUF1, 'D', 4, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AGauntletPuff1, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags3 (MF3_PUFFONACTORS) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Translucent) PROP_Alpha (HR_SHADOW) PROP_SpawnState (S_GAUNTLETPUFF1) END_DEFAULTS void AGauntletPuff1::BeginPlay () { Super::BeginPlay (); momz = FRACUNIT * 8 / 10; } // Gauntlett puff 2 --------------------------------------------------------- class AGauntletPuff2 : public AGauntletPuff1 { DECLARE_ACTOR (AGauntletPuff2, AGauntletPuff1) }; FState AGauntletPuff2::States[] = { #define S_GAUNTLETPUFF2 0 S_BRIGHT (PUF1, 'E', 4, NULL , &States[S_GAUNTLETPUFF2+1]), S_BRIGHT (PUF1, 'F', 4, NULL , &States[S_GAUNTLETPUFF2+2]), S_BRIGHT (PUF1, 'G', 4, NULL , &States[S_GAUNTLETPUFF2+3]), S_BRIGHT (PUF1, 'H', 4, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AGauntletPuff2, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Translucent) PROP_Alpha (HR_SHADOW) PROP_SpawnState (S_GAUNTLETPUFF2) END_DEFAULTS //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_GauntletAttack // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_GauntletAttack (AActor *actor) { angle_t angle; int damage; int slope; int randVal; fixed_t dist; player_t *player; const PClass *pufftype; AInventory *power; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } player->psprites[ps_weapon].sx = ((pr_gatk()&3)-2) * FRACUNIT; player->psprites[ps_weapon].sy = WEAPONTOP + (pr_gatk()&3) * FRACUNIT; angle = player->mo->angle; power = player->mo->FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2)); if (power) { damage = pr_gatk.HitDice (2); dist = 4*MELEERANGE; angle += pr_gatk.Random2() << 17; pufftype = RUNTIME_CLASS(AGauntletPuff2); } else { damage = pr_gatk.HitDice (2); dist = MELEERANGE+1; angle += pr_gatk.Random2() << 18; pufftype = RUNTIME_CLASS(AGauntletPuff1); } slope = P_AimLineAttack (player->mo, angle, dist); P_LineAttack (player->mo, angle, dist, slope, damage, NAME_Melee, pufftype); if (!linetarget) { if (pr_gatk() > 64) { player->extralight = !player->extralight; } S_Sound (player->mo, CHAN_AUTO, "weapons/gauntletson", 1, ATTN_NORM); return; } randVal = pr_gatk(); if (randVal < 64) { player->extralight = 0; } else if (randVal < 160) { player->extralight = 1; } else { player->extralight = 2; } if (power) { P_GiveBody (player->mo, damage>>1); S_Sound (player->mo, CHAN_AUTO, "weapons/gauntletspowhit", 1, ATTN_NORM); } else { S_Sound (player->mo, CHAN_AUTO, "weapons/gauntletshit", 1, ATTN_NORM); } // turn to face target angle = R_PointToAngle2 (player->mo->x, player->mo->y, linetarget->x, linetarget->y); if (angle-player->mo->angle > ANG180) { if ((int)(angle-player->mo->angle) < -ANG90/20) player->mo->angle = angle+ANG90/21; else player->mo->angle -= ANG90/20; } else { if (angle-player->mo->angle > ANG90/20) player->mo->angle = angle-ANG90/21; else player->mo->angle += ANG90/20; } player->mo->flags |= MF_JUSTATTACKED; } // --- Blaster (aka Claw) --------------------------------------------------- void A_FireBlasterPL1 (AActor *); void A_FireBlasterPL2 (AActor *); void A_SpawnRippers (AActor *); // Blaster ------------------------------------------------------------------ class ABlaster : public AHereticWeapon { DECLARE_ACTOR (ABlaster, AHereticWeapon) }; class ABlasterPowered : public ABlaster { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (ABlasterPowered, ABlaster) }; FState ABlaster::States[] = { #define S_BLSR 0 S_NORMAL (WBLS, 'A', -1, NULL , NULL), #define S_BLASTERREADY (S_BLSR+1) S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_BLASTERREADY]), #define S_BLASTERDOWN (S_BLASTERREADY+1) S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'A', 1, A_Lower , &States[S_BLASTERDOWN]), #define S_BLASTERUP (S_BLASTERDOWN+1) S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'A', 1, A_Raise , &States[S_BLASTERUP]), #define S_BLASTERATK1 (S_BLASTERUP+1) S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'B', 3, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERATK1+1]), S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'C', 3, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERATK1+2]), S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'D', 2, A_FireBlasterPL1 , &States[S_BLASTERATK1+3]), S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'C', 2, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERATK1+4]), S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'B', 2, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERATK1+5]), S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'A', 0, A_ReFire , &States[S_BLASTERREADY]), #define S_BLASTERATK2 (S_BLASTERATK1+6) S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'B', 0, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERATK2+1]), S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'C', 0, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERATK2+2]), S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'D', 3, A_FireBlasterPL2 , &States[S_BLASTERATK2+3]), S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'C', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERATK2+4]), S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'B', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERATK2+5]), S_NORMAL (BLSR, 'A', 0, A_ReFire , &States[S_BLASTERREADY]) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ABlaster, Heretic, 53, 28) PROP_Flags (MF_SPECIAL) PROP_Flags5 (MF5_BLOODSPLATTER) PROP_SpawnState (S_BLSR) PROP_Weapon_SelectionOrder (500) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse1 (USE_BLSR_AMMO_1) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive1 (30) PROP_Weapon_UpState (S_BLASTERUP) PROP_Weapon_DownState (S_BLASTERDOWN) PROP_Weapon_ReadyState (S_BLASTERREADY) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_BLASTERATK1) PROP_Weapon_HoldAtkState (S_BLASTERATK1+2) PROP_Weapon_YAdjust (15) PROP_Weapon_MoveCombatDist (27000000) PROP_Weapon_AmmoType1 ("BlasterAmmo") PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("BlasterPowered") PROP_Inventory_PickupMessage("$TXT_WPNBLASTER") END_DEFAULTS IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (ABlasterPowered, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Weapon_Flags (WIF_POWERED_UP) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse1 (USE_BLSR_AMMO_2) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive1 (0) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_BLASTERATK2) PROP_Weapon_HoldAtkState (S_BLASTERATK2+2) PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("Blaster") PROP_Weapon_ProjectileType ("BlasterFX1") END_DEFAULTS // Blaster FX 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- class ABlasterFX1 : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (ABlasterFX1, AActor) public: void Tick (); int DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage); }; FState ABlasterFX1::States[] = { #define S_BLASTERFX1 0 S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'E', 200, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERFX1+0]), #define S_BLASTERFXI1 (S_BLASTERFX1+1) S_BRIGHT (FX18, 'A', 3, A_SpawnRippers , &States[S_BLASTERFXI1+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX18, 'B', 3, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERFXI1+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX18, 'C', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERFXI1+3]), S_BRIGHT (FX18, 'D', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERFXI1+4]), S_BRIGHT (FX18, 'E', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERFXI1+5]), S_BRIGHT (FX18, 'F', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERFXI1+6]), S_BRIGHT (FX18, 'G', 4, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ABlasterFX1, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_RadiusFixed (12) PROP_HeightFixed (8) PROP_SpeedFixed (184) PROP_Damage (2) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_PCROSS|MF2_IMPACT) PROP_SpawnState (S_BLASTERFX1) PROP_DeathState (S_BLASTERFXI1) PROP_DeathSound ("weapons/blasterhit") END_DEFAULTS int ABlasterFX1::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage) { if (target->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass ("Ironlich"))) { // Less damage to Ironlich bosses damage = pr_bfx1() & 1; if (!damage) { return -1; } } return damage; } // Blaster smoke ------------------------------------------------------------ class ABlasterSmoke : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (ABlasterSmoke, AActor) }; FState ABlasterSmoke::States[] = { #define S_BLASTERSMOKE 0 S_NORMAL (FX18, 'H', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERSMOKE+1]), S_NORMAL (FX18, 'I', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERSMOKE+2]), S_NORMAL (FX18, 'J', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERSMOKE+3]), S_NORMAL (FX18, 'K', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERSMOKE+4]), S_NORMAL (FX18, 'L', 4, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ABlasterSmoke, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_CANNOTPUSH) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Translucent) PROP_Alpha (HR_SHADOW) PROP_SpawnState (S_BLASTERSMOKE) END_DEFAULTS // Ripper ------------------------------------------------------------------- class ARipper : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (ARipper, AActor) public: int DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage); }; FState ARipper::States[] = { #define S_RIPPER 0 S_NORMAL (FX18, 'M', 4, NULL , &States[S_RIPPER+1]), S_NORMAL (FX18, 'N', 5, NULL , &States[S_RIPPER+0]), #define S_RIPPERX (S_RIPPER+2) S_BRIGHT (FX18, 'O', 4, NULL , &States[S_RIPPERX+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX18, 'P', 4, NULL , &States[S_RIPPERX+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX18, 'Q', 4, NULL , &States[S_RIPPERX+3]), S_BRIGHT (FX18, 'R', 4, NULL , &States[S_RIPPERX+4]), S_BRIGHT (FX18, 'S', 4, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ARipper, Heretic, -1, 157) PROP_RadiusFixed (8) PROP_HeightFixed (6) PROP_SpeedFixed (14) PROP_Damage (1) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_RIP|MF2_PCROSS|MF2_IMPACT) PROP_Flags3 (MF3_WARNBOT) PROP_SpawnState (S_RIPPER) PROP_DeathState (S_RIPPERX) PROP_DeathSound ("weapons/blasterpowhit") END_DEFAULTS int ARipper::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage) { if (target->IsKindOf (PClass::FindClass ("Ironlich"))) { // Less damage to Ironlich bosses damage = pr_ripd() & 1; if (!damage) { return -1; } } return damage; } // Blaster Puff ------------------------------------------------------------- class ABlasterPuff : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (ABlasterPuff, AActor) }; FState ABlasterPuff::States[] = { #define S_BLASTERPUFF1 0 S_BRIGHT (FX17, 'A', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERPUFF1+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX17, 'B', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERPUFF1+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX17, 'C', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERPUFF1+3]), S_BRIGHT (FX17, 'D', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERPUFF1+4]), S_BRIGHT (FX17, 'E', 4, NULL , NULL), #define S_BLASTERPUFF2 (S_BLASTERPUFF1+5) S_BRIGHT (FX17, 'F', 3, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERPUFF2+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX17, 'G', 3, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERPUFF2+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX17, 'H', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERPUFF2+3]), S_BRIGHT (FX17, 'I', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERPUFF2+4]), S_BRIGHT (FX17, 'J', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERPUFF2+5]), S_BRIGHT (FX17, 'K', 4, NULL , &States[S_BLASTERPUFF2+6]), S_BRIGHT (FX17, 'L', 4, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ABlasterPuff, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags3 (MF3_PUFFONACTORS) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Add) PROP_SpawnState (S_BLASTERPUFF2) PROP_CrashState (S_BLASTERPUFF1) END_DEFAULTS //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FireBlasterPL1 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FireBlasterPL1 (AActor *actor) { angle_t angle; int damage; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } P_BulletSlope(actor); damage = pr_fb1.HitDice (4); angle = actor->angle; if (player->refire) { angle += pr_fb1.Random2() << 18; } P_LineAttack (actor, angle, PLAYERMISSILERANGE, bulletpitch, damage, NAME_None, RUNTIME_CLASS(ABlasterPuff)); S_Sound (actor, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/blastershoot", 1, ATTN_NORM); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FireBlasterPL2 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FireBlasterPL2 (AActor *actor) { AActor *mo; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile (actor, RUNTIME_CLASS(ABlasterFX1)); S_Sound (mo, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/blastershoot", 1, ATTN_NORM); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_SpawnRippers // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_SpawnRippers (AActor *actor) { int i; angle_t angle; AActor *ripper; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ripper = Spawn (actor->x, actor->y, actor->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); angle = i*ANG45; ripper->target = actor->target; ripper->angle = angle; angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; ripper->momx = FixedMul (ripper->Speed, finecosine[angle]); ripper->momy = FixedMul (ripper->Speed, finesine[angle]); P_CheckMissileSpawn (ripper); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC P_BlasterMobjThinker // // Thinker for the ultra-fast blaster PL2 ripper-spawning missile. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ABlasterFX1::Tick () { int i; fixed_t xfrac; fixed_t yfrac; fixed_t zfrac; int changexy; PrevX = x; PrevY = y; PrevZ = z; // Handle movement if (momx || momy || (z != floorz) || momz) { xfrac = momx>>3; yfrac = momy>>3; zfrac = momz>>3; changexy = xfrac | yfrac; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (changexy) { if (!P_TryMove (this, x + xfrac, y + yfrac, true)) { // Blocked move P_ExplodeMissile (this, BlockingLine, BlockingMobj); return; } } z += zfrac; if (z <= floorz) { // Hit the floor z = floorz; P_HitFloor (this); P_ExplodeMissile (this, NULL, NULL); return; } if (z + height > ceilingz) { // Hit the ceiling z = ceilingz - height; P_ExplodeMissile (this, NULL, NULL); return; } if (changexy && (pr_bfx1t() < 64)) { Spawn (x, y, MAX (z - 8 * FRACUNIT, floorz), ALLOW_REPLACE); } } } // Advance the state if (tics != -1) { tics--; while (!tics) { if (!SetState (state->GetNextState ())) { // mobj was removed return; } } } } // --- Skull rod ------------------------------------------------------------ void A_FireSkullRodPL1 (AActor *); void A_FireSkullRodPL2 (AActor *); void A_SkullRodPL2Seek (AActor *); void A_AddPlayerRain (AActor *); void A_HideInCeiling (AActor *); void A_SkullRodStorm (AActor *); void A_RainImpact (AActor *); // Skull (Horn) Rod --------------------------------------------------------- class ASkullRod : public AHereticWeapon { DECLARE_ACTOR (ASkullRod, AHereticWeapon) }; class ASkullRodPowered : public ASkullRod { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (ASkullRodPowered, ASkullRod) }; FState ASkullRod::States[] = { #define S_WSKL 0 S_NORMAL (WSKL, 'A', -1, NULL , NULL), #define S_HORNRODREADY (S_WSKL+1) S_NORMAL (HROD, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_HORNRODREADY]), #define S_HORNRODDOWN (S_HORNRODREADY+1) S_NORMAL (HROD, 'A', 1, A_Lower , &States[S_HORNRODDOWN]), #define S_HORNRODUP (S_HORNRODDOWN+1) S_NORMAL (HROD, 'A', 1, A_Raise , &States[S_HORNRODUP]), #define S_HORNRODATK1 (S_HORNRODUP+1) S_NORMAL (HROD, 'A', 4, A_FireSkullRodPL1 , &States[S_HORNRODATK1+1]), S_NORMAL (HROD, 'B', 4, A_FireSkullRodPL1 , &States[S_HORNRODATK1+2]), S_NORMAL (HROD, 'B', 0, A_ReFire , &States[S_HORNRODREADY]), #define S_HORNRODATK2 (S_HORNRODATK1+3) S_NORMAL (HROD, 'C', 2, NULL , &States[S_HORNRODATK2+1]), S_NORMAL (HROD, 'D', 3, NULL , &States[S_HORNRODATK2+2]), S_NORMAL (HROD, 'E', 2, NULL , &States[S_HORNRODATK2+3]), S_NORMAL (HROD, 'F', 3, NULL , &States[S_HORNRODATK2+4]), S_NORMAL (HROD, 'G', 4, A_FireSkullRodPL2 , &States[S_HORNRODATK2+5]), S_NORMAL (HROD, 'F', 2, NULL , &States[S_HORNRODATK2+6]), S_NORMAL (HROD, 'E', 3, NULL , &States[S_HORNRODATK2+7]), S_NORMAL (HROD, 'D', 2, NULL , &States[S_HORNRODATK2+8]), S_NORMAL (HROD, 'C', 2, A_ReFire , &States[S_HORNRODREADY]) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ASkullRod, Heretic, 2004, 30) PROP_Flags (MF_SPECIAL) PROP_SpawnState (S_WSKL) PROP_Weapon_SelectionOrder (200) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse1 (USE_SKRD_AMMO_1) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive1 (50) PROP_Weapon_UpState (S_HORNRODUP) PROP_Weapon_DownState (S_HORNRODDOWN) PROP_Weapon_ReadyState (S_HORNRODREADY) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_HORNRODATK1) PROP_Weapon_YAdjust (15) PROP_Weapon_MoveCombatDist (27000000) PROP_Weapon_AmmoType1 ("SkullRodAmmo") PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("SkullRodPowered") PROP_Weapon_ProjectileType ("HornRodFX1") PROP_Inventory_PickupMessage("$TXT_WPNSKULLROD") END_DEFAULTS IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (ASkullRodPowered, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Weapon_Flags (WIF_POWERED_UP) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse1 (USE_SKRD_AMMO_2) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive1 (0) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_HORNRODATK2) PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("SkullRod") PROP_Weapon_ProjectileType ("HornRodFX2") END_DEFAULTS // Horn Rod FX 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ class AHornRodFX1 : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AHornRodFX1, AActor) }; FState AHornRodFX1::States[] = { #define S_HRODFX1 0 S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'A', 6, NULL , &States[S_HRODFX1+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'B', 6, NULL , &States[S_HRODFX1+0]), #define S_HRODFXI1 (S_HRODFX1+2) S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'H', 5, NULL , &States[S_HRODFXI1+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'I', 5, NULL , &States[S_HRODFXI1+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'J', 4, NULL , &States[S_HRODFXI1+3]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'K', 4, NULL , &States[S_HRODFXI1+4]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'L', 3, NULL , &States[S_HRODFXI1+5]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'M', 3, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AHornRodFX1, Heretic, -1, 160) PROP_RadiusFixed (12) PROP_HeightFixed (8) PROP_SpeedFixed (22) PROP_Damage (3) PROP_Flags (MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_WINDTHRUST|MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_PCROSS|MF2_IMPACT) PROP_Flags3 (MF3_WARNBOT) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Add) PROP_SpawnState (S_HRODFX1) PROP_DeathState (S_HRODFXI1) PROP_SeeSound ("weapons/hornrodshoot") PROP_DeathSound ("weapons/hornrodhit") END_DEFAULTS // Horn Rod FX 2 ------------------------------------------------------------ class AHornRodFX2 : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (AHornRodFX2, AActor) public: int DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage); }; FState AHornRodFX2::States[] = { #define S_HRODFX2 0 S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'C', 3, NULL , &States[S_HRODFX2+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'D', 3, A_SkullRodPL2Seek , &States[S_HRODFX2+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'E', 3, NULL , &States[S_HRODFX2+3]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'F', 3, A_SkullRodPL2Seek , &States[S_HRODFX2+0]), #define S_HRODFXI2 (S_HRODFX2+4) S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'H', 5, A_AddPlayerRain , &States[S_HRODFXI2+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'I', 5, NULL , &States[S_HRODFXI2+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'J', 4, NULL , &States[S_HRODFXI2+3]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'K', 3, NULL , &States[S_HRODFXI2+4]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'L', 3, NULL , &States[S_HRODFXI2+5]), S_BRIGHT (FX00, 'M', 3, NULL , &States[S_HRODFXI2+6]), S_NORMAL (FX00, 'G', 1, A_HideInCeiling , &States[S_HRODFXI2+7]), S_NORMAL (FX00, 'G', 1, A_SkullRodStorm , &States[S_HRODFXI2+7]) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AHornRodFX2, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_RadiusFixed (12) PROP_HeightFixed (8) PROP_SpeedFixed (22) PROP_Damage (10) PROP_SpawnHealth (4*35) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_PCROSS|MF2_IMPACT) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Add) PROP_SpawnState (S_HRODFX2) PROP_DeathState (S_HRODFXI2) PROP_SeeSound ("weapons/hornrodshoot") PROP_DeathSound ("weapons/hornrodpowhit") END_DEFAULTS int AHornRodFX2::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage) { if (target->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (ASorcerer2)) && pr_hrfx2() < 96) { // D'Sparil teleports away P_DSparilTeleport (target); return -1; } return damage; } // Rain pillar 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ class ARainPillar : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (ARainPillar, AActor) public: int DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage); }; FState ARainPillar::States[] = { #define S_RAINPLR 0 S_BRIGHT (FX22, 'A', -1, NULL , NULL), #define S_RAINPLRX (S_RAINPLR+1) S_BRIGHT (FX22, 'B', 4, A_RainImpact , &States[S_RAINPLRX+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX22, 'C', 4, NULL , &States[S_RAINPLRX+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX22, 'D', 4, NULL , &States[S_RAINPLRX+3]), S_BRIGHT (FX22, 'E', 4, NULL , &States[S_RAINPLRX+4]), S_BRIGHT (FX22, 'F', 4, NULL , NULL), #define S_RAINAIRXPLR (S_RAINPLRX+5) S_BRIGHT (FX22, 'G', 4, NULL , &States[S_RAINAIRXPLR+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX22, 'H', 4, NULL , &States[S_RAINAIRXPLR+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX22, 'I', 4, NULL , NULL), }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ARainPillar, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_RadiusFixed (5) PROP_HeightFixed (12) PROP_SpeedFixed (12) PROP_Damage (5) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Add) PROP_SpawnState (S_RAINPLR) PROP_DeathState (S_RAINPLRX) END_DEFAULTS int ARainPillar::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage) { if (target->flags2 & MF2_BOSS) { // Decrease damage for bosses damage = (pr_rp() & 7) + 1; } return damage; } // Rain tracker "inventory" item -------------------------------------------- class ARainTracker : public AInventory { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (ARainTracker, AInventory) public: void Serialize (FArchive &arc); AActor *Rain1, *Rain2; }; IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (ARainTracker, Any, -1, 0) PROP_Inventory_FlagsSet (IF_UNDROPPABLE) END_DEFAULTS void ARainTracker::Serialize (FArchive &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); arc << Rain1 << Rain2; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FireSkullRodPL1 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FireSkullRodPL1 (AActor *actor) { AActor *mo; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile (player->mo, RUNTIME_CLASS(AHornRodFX1)); // Randomize the first frame if (mo && pr_fsr1() > 128) { mo->SetState (mo->state->GetNextState()); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FireSkullRodPL2 // // The special2 field holds the player number that shot the rain missile. // The special1 field holds the id of the rain sound. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FireSkullRodPL2 (AActor *actor) { player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } P_SpawnPlayerMissile (player->mo, RUNTIME_CLASS(AHornRodFX2)); // Use MissileActor instead of the return value from // P_SpawnPlayerMissile because we need to give info to the mobj // even if it exploded immediately. if (MissileActor != NULL) { MissileActor->special2 = (int)(player - players); if (linetarget) { MissileActor->tracer = linetarget; } S_Sound (MissileActor, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/hornrodpowshoot", 1, ATTN_NORM); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_SkullRodPL2Seek // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_SkullRodPL2Seek (AActor *actor) { P_SeekerMissile (actor, ANGLE_1*10, ANGLE_1*30); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_AddPlayerRain // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_AddPlayerRain (AActor *actor) { ARainTracker *tracker; if (actor->target == NULL || actor->target->health <= 0) { // Shooter is dead or nonexistant return; } tracker = actor->target->FindInventory (); // They player is only allowed two rainstorms at a time. Shooting more // than that will cause the oldest one to terminate. if (tracker != NULL) { if (tracker->Rain1 && tracker->Rain2) { // Terminate an active rain if (tracker->Rain1->health < tracker->Rain2->health) { if (tracker->Rain1->health > 16) { tracker->Rain1->health = 16; } tracker->Rain1 = NULL; } else { if (tracker->Rain2->health > 16) { tracker->Rain2->health = 16; } tracker->Rain2 = NULL; } } } else { tracker = static_cast (actor->target->GiveInventoryType (RUNTIME_CLASS(ARainTracker))); } // Add rain mobj to list if (tracker->Rain1) { tracker->Rain2 = actor; } else { tracker->Rain1 = actor; } actor->special1 = S_FindSound ("misc/rain"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_SkullRodStorm // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_SkullRodStorm (AActor *actor) { fixed_t x; fixed_t y; AActor *mo; ARainTracker *tracker; if (actor->health-- == 0) { S_StopSound (actor, CHAN_BODY); if (actor->target == NULL) { // Player left the game actor->Destroy (); return; } tracker = actor->target->FindInventory (); if (tracker != NULL) { if (tracker->Rain1 == actor) { tracker->Rain1 = NULL; } else if (tracker->Rain2 == actor) { tracker->Rain2 = NULL; } } actor->Destroy (); return; } if (pr_storm() < 25) { // Fudge rain frequency return; } x = actor->x + ((pr_storm()&127) - 64) * FRACUNIT; y = actor->y + ((pr_storm()&127) - 64) * FRACUNIT; mo = Spawn (x, y, ONCEILINGZ, ALLOW_REPLACE); mo->Translation = multiplayer ? TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_PlayersExtra,actor->special2) : 0; mo->target = actor->target; mo->momx = 1; // Force collision detection mo->momz = -mo->Speed; mo->special2 = actor->special2; // Transfer player number P_CheckMissileSpawn (mo); if (actor->special1 != -1 && !S_IsActorPlayingSomething (actor, CHAN_BODY, -1)) { S_LoopedSoundID (actor, CHAN_BODY, actor->special1, 1, ATTN_NORM); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_RainImpact // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_RainImpact (AActor *actor) { if (actor->z > actor->floorz) { actor->SetState (&ARainPillar::States[S_RAINAIRXPLR]); } else if (pr_impact() < 40) { P_HitFloor (actor); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_HideInCeiling // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_HideInCeiling (AActor *actor) { actor->z = actor->ceilingz + 4*FRACUNIT; } // --- Phoenix Rod ---------------------------------------------------------- void A_FirePhoenixPL1 (AActor *); void A_InitPhoenixPL2 (AActor *); void A_FirePhoenixPL2 (AActor *); void A_ShutdownPhoenixPL2 (AActor *); void A_PhoenixPuff (AActor *); void A_FlameEnd (AActor *); void A_FloatPuff (AActor *); // Phoenix Rod -------------------------------------------------------------- class APhoenixRod : public AHereticWeapon { DECLARE_ACTOR (APhoenixRod, AHereticWeapon) public: void Serialize (FArchive &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); arc << FlameCount; } int FlameCount; // for flamethrower duration }; class APhoenixRodPowered : public APhoenixRod { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (APhoenixRodPowered, APhoenixRod) public: void EndPowerup (); }; FState APhoenixRod::States[] = { #define S_WPHX 0 S_NORMAL (WPHX, 'A', -1, NULL , NULL), #define S_PHOENIXREADY (S_WPHX+1) S_NORMAL (PHNX, 'A', 1, A_WeaponReady , &States[S_PHOENIXREADY]), #define S_PHOENIXDOWN (S_PHOENIXREADY+1) S_NORMAL (PHNX, 'A', 1, A_Lower , &States[S_PHOENIXDOWN]), #define S_PHOENIXUP (S_PHOENIXDOWN+1) S_NORMAL (PHNX, 'A', 1, A_Raise , &States[S_PHOENIXUP]), #define S_PHOENIXATK1 (S_PHOENIXUP+1) S_NORMAL (PHNX, 'B', 5, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXATK1+1]), S_NORMAL (PHNX, 'C', 7, A_FirePhoenixPL1 , &States[S_PHOENIXATK1+2]), S_NORMAL (PHNX, 'D', 4, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXATK1+3]), S_NORMAL (PHNX, 'B', 4, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXATK1+4]), S_NORMAL (PHNX, 'B', 0, A_ReFire , &States[S_PHOENIXREADY]), #define S_PHOENIXATK2 (S_PHOENIXATK1+5) S_NORMAL (PHNX, 'B', 3, A_InitPhoenixPL2 , &States[S_PHOENIXATK2+1]), S_BRIGHT (PHNX, 'C', 1, A_FirePhoenixPL2 , &States[S_PHOENIXATK2+2]), S_NORMAL (PHNX, 'B', 4, A_ReFire , &States[S_PHOENIXATK2+3]), S_NORMAL (PHNX, 'B', 4, A_ShutdownPhoenixPL2 , &States[S_PHOENIXREADY]) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (APhoenixRod, Heretic, 2003, 29) PROP_Flags (MF_SPECIAL) PROP_SpawnState (S_WPHX) PROP_Weapon_Flags (WIF_NOAUTOFIRE|WIF_BOT_REACTION_SKILL_THING) PROP_Weapon_SelectionOrder (2600) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse1 (USE_PHRD_AMMO_1) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive1 (2) PROP_Weapon_UpState (S_PHOENIXUP) PROP_Weapon_DownState (S_PHOENIXDOWN) PROP_Weapon_ReadyState (S_PHOENIXREADY) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_PHOENIXATK1) PROP_Weapon_YAdjust (15) PROP_Weapon_MoveCombatDist (18350080) PROP_Weapon_AmmoType1 ("PhoenixRodAmmo") PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("PhoenixRodPowered") PROP_Weapon_ProjectileType ("PhoenixFX1") PROP_Inventory_PickupMessage("$TXT_WPNPHOENIXROD") END_DEFAULTS IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (APhoenixRodPowered, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Weapon_Flags (WIF_NOAUTOFIRE|WIF_POWERED_UP|WIF_BOT_MELEE) PROP_Weapon_AmmoUse1 (USE_PHRD_AMMO_2) PROP_Weapon_AmmoGive1 (0) PROP_Weapon_AtkState (S_PHOENIXATK2) PROP_Weapon_HoldAtkState (S_PHOENIXATK2+1) PROP_Weapon_MoveCombatDist (0) PROP_Weapon_SisterType ("PhoenixRod") PROP_Weapon_ProjectileType ("PhoenixFX2") END_DEFAULTS void APhoenixRodPowered::EndPowerup () { P_SetPsprite (Owner->player, ps_weapon, &APhoenixRod::States[S_PHOENIXREADY]); DepleteAmmo (bAltFire); Owner->player->refire = 0; S_StopSound (Owner, CHAN_WEAPON); Owner->player->ReadyWeapon = SisterWeapon; } // Phoenix FX 1 ------------------------------------------------------------- FState APhoenixFX1::States[] = { #define S_PHOENIXFX1 0 S_BRIGHT (FX04, 'A', 4, A_PhoenixPuff , &States[S_PHOENIXFX1+0]), #define S_PHOENIXFXI1 (S_PHOENIXFX1+1) S_BRIGHT (FX08, 'A', 6, A_Explode , &States[S_PHOENIXFXI1+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX08, 'B', 5, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFXI1+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX08, 'C', 5, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFXI1+3]), S_BRIGHT (FX08, 'D', 4, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFXI1+4]), S_BRIGHT (FX08, 'E', 4, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFXI1+5]), S_BRIGHT (FX08, 'F', 4, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFXI1+6]), S_BRIGHT (FX08, 'G', 4, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFXI1+7]), S_BRIGHT (FX08, 'H', 4, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (APhoenixFX1, Heretic, -1, 163) PROP_RadiusFixed (11) PROP_HeightFixed (8) PROP_SpeedFixed (20) PROP_Damage (20) PROP_DamageType (NAME_Fire) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_THRUGHOST|MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_PCROSS|MF2_IMPACT) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Add) PROP_SpawnState (S_PHOENIXFX1) PROP_DeathState (S_PHOENIXFXI1) PROP_SeeSound ("weapons/phoenixshoot") PROP_DeathSound ("weapons/phoenixhit") END_DEFAULTS int APhoenixFX1::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage) { if (target->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (ASorcerer2)) && pr_pfx1() < 96) { // D'Sparil teleports away P_DSparilTeleport (target); return -1; } return damage; } // Phoenix puff ------------------------------------------------------------- FState APhoenixPuff::States[] = { S_NORMAL (FX04, 'B', 4, NULL , &States[1]), S_NORMAL (FX04, 'C', 4, NULL , &States[2]), S_NORMAL (FX04, 'D', 4, NULL , &States[3]), S_NORMAL (FX04, 'E', 4, NULL , &States[4]), S_NORMAL (FX04, 'F', 4, NULL , NULL), }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (APhoenixPuff, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_CANNOTPUSH) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Translucent) PROP_Alpha (HR_SHADOW) PROP_SpawnState (0) END_DEFAULTS // Phoenix FX 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- class APhoenixFX2 : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (APhoenixFX2, AActor) public: int DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage); }; FState APhoenixFX2::States[] = { #define S_PHOENIXFX2 0 S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'A', 2, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFX2+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'B', 2, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFX2+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'A', 2, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFX2+3]), S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'B', 2, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFX2+4]), S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'A', 2, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFX2+5]), S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'B', 2, A_FlameEnd , &States[S_PHOENIXFX2+6]), S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'C', 2, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFX2+7]), S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'D', 2, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFX2+8]), S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'E', 2, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFX2+9]), S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'F', 2, NULL , NULL), #define S_PHOENIXFXI2 (S_PHOENIXFX2+10) S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'G', 3, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFXI2+1]), S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'H', 3, A_FloatPuff , &States[S_PHOENIXFXI2+2]), S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'I', 4, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFXI2+3]), S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'J', 5, NULL , &States[S_PHOENIXFXI2+4]), S_BRIGHT (FX09, 'K', 5, NULL , NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (APhoenixFX2, Heretic, -1, 0) PROP_RadiusFixed (6) PROP_HeightFixed (8) PROP_SpeedFixed (10) PROP_Damage (2) PROP_DamageType (NAME_Fire) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_NOGRAVITY) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_PCROSS|MF2_IMPACT) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Add) PROP_SpawnState (S_PHOENIXFX2) PROP_DeathState (S_PHOENIXFXI2) END_DEFAULTS int APhoenixFX2::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage) { if (target->player && pr_pfx2 () < 128) { // Freeze player for a bit target->reactiontime += 4; } return damage; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FirePhoenixPL1 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FirePhoenixPL1 (AActor *actor) { angle_t angle; player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } P_SpawnPlayerMissile (player->mo, RUNTIME_CLASS(APhoenixFX1)); angle = actor->angle + ANG180; angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; actor->momx += FixedMul (4*FRACUNIT, finecosine[angle]); actor->momy += FixedMul (4*FRACUNIT, finesine[angle]); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_PhoenixPuff // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_PhoenixPuff (AActor *actor) { AActor *puff; angle_t angle; //[RH] Heretic never sets the target for seeking //P_SeekerMissile (actor, ANGLE_1*5, ANGLE_1*10); puff = Spawn (actor->x, actor->y, actor->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); angle = actor->angle + ANG90; angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; puff->momx = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*13/10, finecosine[angle]); puff->momy = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*13/10, finesine[angle]); puff->momz = 0; puff = Spawn (actor->x, actor->y, actor->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); angle = actor->angle - ANG90; angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; puff->momx = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*13/10, finecosine[angle]); puff->momy = FixedMul (FRACUNIT*13/10, finesine[angle]); puff->momz = 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_InitPhoenixPL2 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_InitPhoenixPL2 (AActor *actor) { if (actor->player != NULL) { APhoenixRod *flamethrower = static_cast (actor->player->ReadyWeapon); if (flamethrower != NULL) { flamethrower->FlameCount = FLAME_THROWER_TICS; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FirePhoenixPL2 // // Flame thrower effect. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FirePhoenixPL2 (AActor *actor) { AActor *mo; AActor *pmo; angle_t angle; fixed_t x, y, z; fixed_t slope; int soundid; player_t *player; APhoenixRod *flamethrower; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } soundid = S_FindSound ("weapons/phoenixpowshoot"); flamethrower = static_cast (player->ReadyWeapon); if (flamethrower == NULL || --flamethrower->FlameCount == 0) { // Out of flame P_SetPsprite (player, ps_weapon, &APhoenixRod::States[S_PHOENIXATK2+3]); player->refire = 0; S_StopSound (player->mo, CHAN_WEAPON); return; } pmo = player->mo; angle = pmo->angle; x = pmo->x + (pr_fp2.Random2() << 9); y = pmo->y + (pr_fp2.Random2() << 9); z = pmo->z + 26*FRACUNIT + finetangent[FINEANGLES/4-(pmo->pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT)]; z -= pmo->floorclip; slope = finetangent[FINEANGLES/4-(pmo->pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT)] + (FRACUNIT/10); mo = Spawn (x, y, z, ALLOW_REPLACE); mo->target = pmo; mo->angle = angle; mo->momx = pmo->momx + FixedMul (mo->Speed, finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]); mo->momy = pmo->momy + FixedMul (mo->Speed, finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]); mo->momz = FixedMul (mo->Speed, slope); if (!player->refire || !S_IsActorPlayingSomething (pmo, CHAN_WEAPON, -1)) { S_LoopedSoundID (pmo, CHAN_WEAPON, soundid, 1, ATTN_NORM); } P_CheckMissileSpawn (mo); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_ShutdownPhoenixPL2 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_ShutdownPhoenixPL2 (AActor *actor) { player_t *player; if (NULL == (player = actor->player)) { return; } S_StopSound (actor, CHAN_WEAPON); AWeapon *weapon = actor->player->ReadyWeapon; if (weapon != NULL) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo (weapon->bAltFire)) return; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FlameEnd // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FlameEnd (AActor *actor) { actor->momz += FRACUNIT*3/2; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FloatPuff // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FloatPuff (AActor *puff) { puff->momz += FRACUNIT*18/10; }