// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // DESCRIPTION: // All the clipping: columns, horizontal spans, sky columns. // // This file contains some code from the Build Engine. // // "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman // Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken" // See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "templates.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "doomdata.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "r_local.h" #include "r_sky.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "m_swap.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "stats.h" #include "a_sharedglobal.h" #include "d_net.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "r_bsp.h" #include "r_plane.h" #include "r_segs.h" #include "r_3dfloors.h" #include "v_palette.h" #include "r_data/colormaps.h" #define WALLYREPEAT 8 CVAR(Bool, r_np2, true, 0) //CVAR (Int, ty, 8, 0) //CVAR (Int, tx, 8, 0) #define HEIGHTBITS 12 #define HEIGHTSHIFT (FRACBITS-HEIGHTBITS) extern double globaluclip, globaldclip; PortalDrawseg* CurrentPortal = NULL; int CurrentPortalUniq = 0; bool CurrentPortalInSkybox = false; // OPTIMIZE: closed two sided lines as single sided // killough 1/6/98: replaced globals with statics where appropriate static bool segtextured; // True if any of the segs textures might be visible. bool markfloor; // False if the back side is the same plane. bool markceiling; FTexture *toptexture; FTexture *bottomtexture; FTexture *midtexture; fixed_t rw_offset_top; fixed_t rw_offset_mid; fixed_t rw_offset_bottom; int wallshade; short walltop[MAXWIDTH]; // [RH] record max extents of wall short wallbottom[MAXWIDTH]; short wallupper[MAXWIDTH]; short walllower[MAXWIDTH]; float swall[MAXWIDTH]; fixed_t lwall[MAXWIDTH]; double lwallscale; // // regular wall // extern double rw_backcz1, rw_backcz2; extern double rw_backfz1, rw_backfz2; extern double rw_frontcz1, rw_frontcz2; extern double rw_frontfz1, rw_frontfz2; int rw_ceilstat, rw_floorstat; bool rw_mustmarkfloor, rw_mustmarkceiling; bool rw_prepped; bool rw_markportal; bool rw_havehigh; bool rw_havelow; float rw_light; // [RH] Scale lights with viewsize adjustments float rw_lightstep; float rw_lightleft; static double rw_frontlowertop; static int rw_x; static int rw_stopx; fixed_t rw_offset; static double rw_scalestep; static double rw_midtexturemid; static double rw_toptexturemid; static double rw_bottomtexturemid; static double rw_midtexturescalex; static double rw_midtexturescaley; static double rw_toptexturescalex; static double rw_toptexturescaley; static double rw_bottomtexturescalex; static double rw_bottomtexturescaley; FTexture *rw_pic; static fixed_t *maskedtexturecol; static void R_RenderDecal (side_t *wall, DBaseDecal *first, drawseg_t *clipper, int pass); static void WallSpriteColumn (void (*drawfunc)(const BYTE *column, const FTexture::Span *spans)); void wallscan_np2(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, double top, double bot, bool mask); static void wallscan_np2_ds(drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat); static void call_wallscan(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, bool mask); //============================================================================= // // CVAR r_fogboundary // // If true, makes fog look more "real" by shading the walls separating two // sectors with different fog. //============================================================================= CVAR(Bool, r_fogboundary, true, 0) inline bool IsFogBoundary (sector_t *front, sector_t *back) { return r_fogboundary && fixedcolormap == NULL && front->ColorMap->Fade && front->ColorMap->Fade != back->ColorMap->Fade && (front->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) != skyflatnum || back->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) != skyflatnum); } //============================================================================= // // CVAR r_drawmirrors // // Set to false to disable rendering of mirrors //============================================================================= CVAR(Bool, r_drawmirrors, true, 0) // // R_RenderMaskedSegRange // float *MaskedSWall; float MaskedScaleY; static void BlastMaskedColumn (void (*blastfunc)(const BYTE *pixels, const FTexture::Span *spans), FTexture *tex) { // calculate lighting if (fixedcolormap == NULL && fixedlightlev < 0) { dc_colormap = basecolormap->Maps + (GETPALOOKUP (rw_light, wallshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT); dc_light = 0; } dc_iscale = xs_Fix<16>::ToFix(MaskedSWall[dc_x] * MaskedScaleY); if (sprflipvert) sprtopscreen = CenterY + dc_texturemid * spryscale; else sprtopscreen = CenterY - dc_texturemid * spryscale; // killough 1/25/98: here's where Medusa came in, because // it implicitly assumed that the column was all one patch. // Originally, Doom did not construct complete columns for // multipatched textures, so there were no header or trailer // bytes in the column referred to below, which explains // the Medusa effect. The fix is to construct true columns // when forming multipatched textures (see r_data.c). // draw the texture const FTexture::Span *spans; const BYTE *pixels = tex->GetColumn (maskedtexturecol[dc_x] >> FRACBITS, &spans); blastfunc (pixels, spans); rw_light += rw_lightstep; spryscale += rw_scalestep; } // Clip a midtexture to the floor and ceiling of the sector in front of it. void ClipMidtex(int x1, int x2) { short most[MAXWIDTH]; WallMost(most, curline->frontsector->ceilingplane, &WallC); for (int i = x1; i < x2; ++i) { if (wallupper[i] < most[i]) wallupper[i] = most[i]; } WallMost(most, curline->frontsector->floorplane, &WallC); for (int i = x1; i < x2; ++i) { if (walllower[i] > most[i]) walllower[i] = most[i]; } } void R_RenderFakeWallRange(drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2); void R_RenderMaskedSegRange (drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2) { FTexture *tex; int i; sector_t tempsec; // killough 4/13/98 double texheight, texheightscale; bool notrelevant = false; double rowoffset; bool wrap = false; const sector_t *sec; sprflipvert = false; curline = ds->curline; // killough 4/11/98: draw translucent 2s normal textures // [RH] modified because we don't use user-definable translucency maps ESPSResult drawmode; drawmode = R_SetPatchStyle (LegacyRenderStyles[curline->linedef->flags & ML_ADDTRANS ? STYLE_Add : STYLE_Translucent], (float)MIN(curline->linedef->alpha, 1.), 0, 0); if ((drawmode == DontDraw && !ds->bFogBoundary && !ds->bFakeBoundary)) { return; } NetUpdate (); frontsector = curline->frontsector; backsector = curline->backsector; tex = TexMan(curline->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid), true); if (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MASKEDMIDTEX) { tex = tex->GetRawTexture(); } // killough 4/13/98: get correct lightlevel for 2s normal textures sec = R_FakeFlat (frontsector, &tempsec, NULL, NULL, false); basecolormap = sec->ColorMap; // [RH] Set basecolormap wallshade = ds->shade; rw_lightstep = ds->lightstep; rw_light = ds->light + (x1 - ds->x1) * rw_lightstep; if (fixedlightlev < 0) { if (!(fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP)) { sclipTop = sec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(ViewPos); } for (i = frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (sclipTop <= frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].plane.Zat0()) { lightlist_t *lit = &frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i]; basecolormap = lit->extra_colormap; wallshade = LIGHT2SHADE(curline->sidedef->GetLightLevel(foggy, *lit->p_lightlevel, lit->lightsource != NULL) + r_actualextralight); break; } } } mfloorclip = openings + ds->sprbottomclip - ds->x1; mceilingclip = openings + ds->sprtopclip - ds->x1; // [RH] Draw fog partition if (ds->bFogBoundary) { R_DrawFogBoundary (x1, x2, mceilingclip, mfloorclip); if (ds->maskedtexturecol == -1) { goto clearfog; } } if ((ds->bFakeBoundary && !(ds->bFakeBoundary & 4)) || drawmode == DontDraw) { goto clearfog; } MaskedSWall = (float *)(openings + ds->swall) - ds->x1; MaskedScaleY = ds->yscale; maskedtexturecol = (fixed_t *)(openings + ds->maskedtexturecol) - ds->x1; spryscale = ds->iscale + ds->iscalestep * (x1 - ds->x1); rw_scalestep = ds->iscalestep; if (fixedlightlev >= 0) dc_colormap = basecolormap->Maps + fixedlightlev; else if (fixedcolormap != NULL) dc_colormap = fixedcolormap; dc_light = 0; // find positioning texheight = tex->GetScaledHeightDouble(); texheightscale = fabs(curline->sidedef->GetTextureYScale(side_t::mid)); if (texheightscale != 1) { texheight = texheight / texheightscale; } if (curline->linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) { dc_texturemid = MAX(frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor), backsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor)) + texheight; } else { dc_texturemid = MIN(frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling), backsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling)); } rowoffset = curline->sidedef->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid); wrap = (curline->linedef->flags & ML_WRAP_MIDTEX) || (curline->sidedef->Flags & WALLF_WRAP_MIDTEX); if (!wrap) { // Texture does not wrap vertically. double textop; if (MaskedScaleY < 0) { MaskedScaleY = -MaskedScaleY; sprflipvert = true; } if (tex->bWorldPanning) { // rowoffset is added before the multiply so that the masked texture will // still be positioned in world units rather than texels. dc_texturemid += rowoffset - ViewPos.Z; textop = dc_texturemid; dc_texturemid *= MaskedScaleY; } else { // rowoffset is added outside the multiply so that it positions the texture // by texels instead of world units. textop = dc_texturemid + rowoffset / MaskedScaleY - ViewPos.Z; dc_texturemid = (dc_texturemid - ViewPos.Z) * MaskedScaleY + rowoffset; } if (sprflipvert) { MaskedScaleY = -MaskedScaleY; dc_texturemid -= tex->GetHeight() << FRACBITS; } // [RH] Don't bother drawing segs that are completely offscreen if (globaldclip * ds->sz1 < -textop && globaldclip * ds->sz2 < -textop) { // Texture top is below the bottom of the screen goto clearfog; } if (globaluclip * ds->sz1 > texheight - textop && globaluclip * ds->sz2 > texheight - textop) { // Texture bottom is above the top of the screen goto clearfog; } if ((fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM) && textop < sclipBottom - ViewPos.Z) { notrelevant = true; goto clearfog; } if ((fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP) && textop - texheight > sclipTop - ViewPos.Z) { notrelevant = true; goto clearfog; } WallC.sz1 = ds->sz1; WallC.sz2 = ds->sz2; WallC.sx1 = ds->sx1; WallC.sx2 = ds->sx2; if (fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP) { OWallMost(wallupper, textop < sclipTop - ViewPos.Z ? textop : sclipTop - ViewPos.Z, &WallC); } else { OWallMost(wallupper, textop, &WallC); } if (fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM) { OWallMost(walllower, textop - texheight > sclipBottom - ViewPos.Z ? textop - texheight : sclipBottom - ViewPos.Z, &WallC); } else { OWallMost(walllower, textop - texheight, &WallC); } for (i = x1; i < x2; i++) { if (wallupper[i] < mceilingclip[i]) wallupper[i] = mceilingclip[i]; } for (i = x1; i < x2; i++) { if (walllower[i] > mfloorclip[i]) walllower[i] = mfloorclip[i]; } if (CurrentSkybox) { // Midtex clipping doesn't work properly with skyboxes, since you're normally below the floor // or above the ceiling, so the appropriate end won't be clipped automatically when adding // this drawseg. if ((curline->linedef->flags & ML_CLIP_MIDTEX) || (curline->sidedef->Flags & WALLF_CLIP_MIDTEX)) { ClipMidtex(x1, x2); } } mfloorclip = walllower; mceilingclip = wallupper; // draw the columns one at a time if (drawmode == DoDraw0) { for (dc_x = x1; dc_x < x2; ++dc_x) { BlastMaskedColumn (R_DrawMaskedColumn, tex); } } else { // [RH] Draw up to four columns at once int stop = x2 & ~3; if (x1 >= x2) goto clearfog; dc_x = x1; while ((dc_x < stop) && (dc_x & 3)) { BlastMaskedColumn (R_DrawMaskedColumn, tex); dc_x++; } while (dc_x < stop) { rt_initcols(nullptr); BlastMaskedColumn (R_DrawMaskedColumnHoriz, tex); dc_x++; BlastMaskedColumn (R_DrawMaskedColumnHoriz, tex); dc_x++; BlastMaskedColumn (R_DrawMaskedColumnHoriz, tex); dc_x++; BlastMaskedColumn (R_DrawMaskedColumnHoriz, tex); rt_draw4cols (dc_x - 3); dc_x++; } while (dc_x < x2) { BlastMaskedColumn (R_DrawMaskedColumn, tex); dc_x++; } } } else { // Texture does wrap vertically. if (tex->bWorldPanning) { // rowoffset is added before the multiply so that the masked texture will // still be positioned in world units rather than texels. dc_texturemid = (dc_texturemid - ViewPos.Z + rowoffset) * MaskedScaleY; } else { // rowoffset is added outside the multiply so that it positions the texture // by texels instead of world units. dc_texturemid = (dc_texturemid - ViewPos.Z) * MaskedScaleY + rowoffset; } WallC.sz1 = ds->sz1; WallC.sz2 = ds->sz2; WallC.sx1 = ds->sx1; WallC.sx2 = ds->sx2; if (CurrentSkybox) { // Midtex clipping doesn't work properly with skyboxes, since you're normally below the floor // or above the ceiling, so the appropriate end won't be clipped automatically when adding // this drawseg. if ((curline->linedef->flags & ML_CLIP_MIDTEX) || (curline->sidedef->Flags & WALLF_CLIP_MIDTEX)) { ClipMidtex(x1, x2); } } if (fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP) { OWallMost(wallupper, sclipTop - ViewPos.Z, &WallC); for (i = x1; i < x2; i++) { if (wallupper[i] < mceilingclip[i]) wallupper[i] = mceilingclip[i]; } mceilingclip = wallupper; } if (fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM) { OWallMost(walllower, sclipBottom - ViewPos.Z, &WallC); for (i = x1; i < x2; i++) { if (walllower[i] > mfloorclip[i]) walllower[i] = mfloorclip[i]; } mfloorclip = walllower; } rw_offset = 0; rw_pic = tex; wallscan_np2_ds(ds, x1, x2, mceilingclip, mfloorclip, MaskedSWall, maskedtexturecol, ds->yscale); } clearfog: R_FinishSetPatchStyle (); if (ds->bFakeBoundary & 3) { R_RenderFakeWallRange(ds, x1, x2); } if (!notrelevant) { if (fake3D & FAKE3D_REFRESHCLIP) { if (!wrap) { assert(ds->bkup >= 0); memcpy(openings + ds->sprtopclip, openings + ds->bkup, (ds->x2 - ds->x1) * 2); } } else { clearbufshort(openings + ds->sprtopclip - ds->x1 + x1, x2 - x1, viewheight); } } return; } // kg3D - render one fake wall void R_RenderFakeWall(drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2, F3DFloor *rover) { int i; double xscale; double yscale; fixed_t Alpha = Scale(rover->alpha, OPAQUE, 255); ESPSResult drawmode; drawmode = R_SetPatchStyle (LegacyRenderStyles[rover->flags & FF_ADDITIVETRANS ? STYLE_Add : STYLE_Translucent], Alpha, 0, 0); if(drawmode == DontDraw) { R_FinishSetPatchStyle(); return; } rw_lightstep = ds->lightstep; rw_light = ds->light + (x1 - ds->x1) * rw_lightstep; mfloorclip = openings + ds->sprbottomclip - ds->x1; mceilingclip = openings + ds->sprtopclip - ds->x1; spryscale = ds->iscale + ds->iscalestep * (x1 - ds->x1); rw_scalestep = ds->iscalestep; MaskedSWall = (float *)(openings + ds->swall) - ds->x1; // find positioning side_t *scaledside; side_t::ETexpart scaledpart; if (rover->flags & FF_UPPERTEXTURE) { scaledside = curline->sidedef; scaledpart = side_t::top; } else if (rover->flags & FF_LOWERTEXTURE) { scaledside = curline->sidedef; scaledpart = side_t::bottom; } else { scaledside = rover->master->sidedef[0]; scaledpart = side_t::mid; } xscale = rw_pic->Scale.X * scaledside->GetTextureXScale(scaledpart); yscale = rw_pic->Scale.Y * scaledside->GetTextureYScale(scaledpart); double rowoffset = curline->sidedef->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid) + rover->master->sidedef[0]->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid); double planez = rover->model->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling); rw_offset = FLOAT2FIXED(curline->sidedef->GetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid) + rover->master->sidedef[0]->GetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid)); if (rowoffset < 0) { rowoffset += rw_pic->GetHeight(); } dc_texturemid = (planez - ViewPos.Z) * yscale; if (rw_pic->bWorldPanning) { // rowoffset is added before the multiply so that the masked texture will // still be positioned in world units rather than texels. dc_texturemid = dc_texturemid + rowoffset * yscale; rw_offset = xs_RoundToInt(rw_offset * xscale); } else { // rowoffset is added outside the multiply so that it positions the texture // by texels instead of world units. dc_texturemid += rowoffset; } if (fixedlightlev >= 0) dc_colormap = basecolormap->Maps + fixedlightlev; else if (fixedcolormap != NULL) dc_colormap = fixedcolormap; dc_light = 0; WallC.sz1 = ds->sz1; WallC.sz2 = ds->sz2; WallC.sx1 = ds->sx1; WallC.sx2 = ds->sx2; WallC.tleft.X = ds->cx; WallC.tleft.Y = ds->cy; WallC.tright.X = ds->cx + ds->cdx; WallC.tright.Y = ds->cy + ds->cdy; WallT = ds->tmapvals; OWallMost(wallupper, sclipTop - ViewPos.Z, &WallC); OWallMost(walllower, sclipBottom - ViewPos.Z, &WallC); for (i = x1; i < x2; i++) { if (wallupper[i] < mceilingclip[i]) wallupper[i] = mceilingclip[i]; } for (i = x1; i < x2; i++) { if (walllower[i] > mfloorclip[i]) walllower[i] = mfloorclip[i]; } PrepLWall (lwall, curline->sidedef->TexelLength*xscale, ds->sx1, ds->sx2); wallscan_np2_ds(ds, x1, x2, wallupper, walllower, MaskedSWall, lwall, yscale); R_FinishSetPatchStyle(); } // kg3D - walls of fake floors void R_RenderFakeWallRange (drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2) { FTexture *const DONT_DRAW = ((FTexture*)(intptr_t)-1); int i,j; F3DFloor *rover, *fover = NULL; int passed, last; double floorHeight; double ceilingHeight; sprflipvert = false; curline = ds->curline; frontsector = curline->frontsector; backsector = curline->backsector; if (backsector == NULL) { return; } if ((ds->bFakeBoundary & 3) == 2) { sector_t *sec = backsector; backsector = frontsector; frontsector = sec; } floorHeight = backsector->CenterFloor(); ceilingHeight = backsector->CenterCeiling(); // maybe fix clipheights if (!(fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM)) sclipBottom = floorHeight; if (!(fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP)) sclipTop = ceilingHeight; // maybe not visible if (sclipBottom >= frontsector->CenterCeiling()) return; if (sclipTop <= frontsector->CenterFloor()) return; if (fake3D & FAKE3D_DOWN2UP) { // bottom to viewz last = 0; for (i = backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { rover = backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors[i]; if (!(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue; // visible? passed = 0; if (!(rover->flags & FF_RENDERSIDES) || rover->top.plane->isSlope() || rover->bottom.plane->isSlope() || rover->top.plane->Zat0() <= sclipBottom || rover->bottom.plane->Zat0() >= ceilingHeight || rover->top.plane->Zat0() <= floorHeight) { if (!i) { passed = 1; } else { continue; } } rw_pic = NULL; if (rover->bottom.plane->Zat0() >= sclipTop || passed) { if (last) { break; } // maybe wall from inside rendering? fover = NULL; for (j = frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { fover = frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors[j]; if (fover->model == rover->model) { // never fover = NULL; break; } if (!(fover->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue; if (!(fover->flags & FF_RENDERSIDES)) continue; // no sloped walls, it's bugged if (fover->top.plane->isSlope() || fover->bottom.plane->isSlope()) continue; // visible? if (fover->top.plane->Zat0() <= sclipBottom) continue; // no if (fover->bottom.plane->Zat0() >= sclipTop) { // no, last possible fover = NULL; break; } // it is, render inside? if (!(fover->flags & (FF_BOTHPLANES|FF_INVERTPLANES))) { // no fover = NULL; } break; } // nothing if (!fover || j == -1) { break; } // correct texture if (fover->flags & rover->flags & FF_SWIMMABLE) { // don't ever draw (but treat as something has been found) rw_pic = DONT_DRAW; } else if(fover->flags & FF_UPPERTEXTURE) { rw_pic = TexMan(curline->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::top), true); } else if(fover->flags & FF_LOWERTEXTURE) { rw_pic = TexMan(curline->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::bottom), true); } else { rw_pic = TexMan(fover->master->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::mid), true); } } else if (frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size()) { // maybe not visible? fover = NULL; for (j = frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { fover = frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors[j]; if (fover->model == rover->model) // never { break; } if (!(fover->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue; if (!(fover->flags & FF_RENDERSIDES)) continue; // no sloped walls, it's bugged if (fover->top.plane->isSlope() || fover->bottom.plane->isSlope()) continue; // visible? if (fover->top.plane->Zat0() <= sclipBottom) continue; // no if (fover->bottom.plane->Zat0() >= sclipTop) { // visible, last possible fover = NULL; break; } if ((fover->flags & FF_SOLID) == (rover->flags & FF_SOLID) && !(!(fover->flags & FF_SOLID) && (fover->alpha == 255 || rover->alpha == 255)) ) { break; } if (fover->flags & rover->flags & FF_SWIMMABLE) { // don't ever draw (but treat as something has been found) rw_pic = DONT_DRAW; } fover = NULL; // visible break; } if (fover && j != -1) { fover = NULL; last = 1; continue; // not visible } } if (!rw_pic) { fover = NULL; if (rover->flags & FF_UPPERTEXTURE) { rw_pic = TexMan(curline->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::top), true); } else if(rover->flags & FF_LOWERTEXTURE) { rw_pic = TexMan(curline->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::bottom), true); } else { rw_pic = TexMan(rover->master->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::mid), true); } } // correct colors now basecolormap = frontsector->ColorMap; wallshade = ds->shade; if (fixedlightlev < 0) { if ((ds->bFakeBoundary & 3) == 2) { for (j = backsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (sclipTop <= backsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[j].plane.Zat0()) { lightlist_t *lit = &backsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[j]; basecolormap = lit->extra_colormap; wallshade = LIGHT2SHADE(curline->sidedef->GetLightLevel(foggy, *lit->p_lightlevel, lit->lightsource != NULL) + r_actualextralight); break; } } } else { for (j = frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (sclipTop <= frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[j].plane.Zat0()) { lightlist_t *lit = &frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[j]; basecolormap = lit->extra_colormap; wallshade = LIGHT2SHADE(curline->sidedef->GetLightLevel(foggy, *lit->p_lightlevel, lit->lightsource != NULL) + r_actualextralight); break; } } } } if (rw_pic != DONT_DRAW) { R_RenderFakeWall(ds, x1, x2, fover ? fover : rover); } else rw_pic = NULL; break; } } else { // top to viewz for (i = 0; i < (int)backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size(); i++) { rover = backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors[i]; if (!(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue; // visible? passed = 0; if (!(rover->flags & FF_RENDERSIDES) || rover->top.plane->isSlope() || rover->bottom.plane->isSlope() || rover->bottom.plane->Zat0() >= sclipTop || rover->top.plane->Zat0() <= floorHeight || rover->bottom.plane->Zat0() >= ceilingHeight) { if ((unsigned)i == backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size() - 1) { passed = 1; } else { continue; } } rw_pic = NULL; if (rover->top.plane->Zat0() <= sclipBottom || passed) { // maybe wall from inside rendering? fover = NULL; for (j = 0; j < (int)frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size(); j++) { fover = frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors[j]; if (fover->model == rover->model) { // never fover = NULL; break; } if (!(fover->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue; if (!(fover->flags & FF_RENDERSIDES)) continue; // no sloped walls, it's bugged if (fover->top.plane->isSlope() || fover->bottom.plane->isSlope()) continue; // visible? if (fover->bottom.plane->Zat0() >= sclipTop) continue; // no if (fover->top.plane->Zat0() <= sclipBottom) { // no, last possible fover = NULL; break; } // it is, render inside? if (!(fover->flags & (FF_BOTHPLANES|FF_INVERTPLANES))) { // no fover = NULL; } break; } // nothing if (!fover || (unsigned)j == frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size()) { break; } // correct texture if (fover->flags & rover->flags & FF_SWIMMABLE) { rw_pic = DONT_DRAW; // don't ever draw (but treat as something has been found) } else if (fover->flags & FF_UPPERTEXTURE) { rw_pic = TexMan(curline->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::top), true); } else if (fover->flags & FF_LOWERTEXTURE) { rw_pic = TexMan(curline->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::bottom), true); } else { rw_pic = TexMan(fover->master->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::mid), true); } } else if (frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size()) { // maybe not visible? fover = NULL; for (j = 0; j < (int)frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size(); j++) { fover = frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors[j]; if (fover->model == rover->model) { // never break; } if (!(fover->flags & FF_EXISTS)) continue; if (!(fover->flags & FF_RENDERSIDES)) continue; // no sloped walls, its bugged if (fover->top.plane->isSlope() || fover->bottom.plane->isSlope()) continue; // visible? if (fover->bottom.plane->Zat0() >= sclipTop) continue; // no if (fover->top.plane->Zat0() <= sclipBottom) { // visible, last possible fover = NULL; break; } if ((fover->flags & FF_SOLID) == (rover->flags & FF_SOLID) && !(!(rover->flags & FF_SOLID) && (fover->alpha == 255 || rover->alpha == 255)) ) { break; } if (fover->flags & rover->flags & FF_SWIMMABLE) { // don't ever draw (but treat as something has been found) rw_pic = DONT_DRAW; } fover = NULL; // visible break; } if (fover && (unsigned)j != frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size()) { // not visible break; } } if (rw_pic == NULL) { fover = NULL; if (rover->flags & FF_UPPERTEXTURE) { rw_pic = TexMan(curline->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::top), true); } else if (rover->flags & FF_LOWERTEXTURE) { rw_pic = TexMan(curline->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::bottom), true); } else { rw_pic = TexMan(rover->master->sidedef[0]->GetTexture(side_t::mid), true); } } // correct colors now basecolormap = frontsector->ColorMap; wallshade = ds->shade; if (fixedlightlev < 0) { if ((ds->bFakeBoundary & 3) == 2) { for (j = backsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (sclipTop <= backsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[j].plane.Zat0()) { lightlist_t *lit = &backsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[j]; basecolormap = lit->extra_colormap; wallshade = LIGHT2SHADE(curline->sidedef->GetLightLevel(foggy, *lit->p_lightlevel, lit->lightsource != NULL) + r_actualextralight); break; } } } else { for (j = frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if(sclipTop <= frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[j].plane.Zat0()) { lightlist_t *lit = &frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[j]; basecolormap = lit->extra_colormap; wallshade = LIGHT2SHADE(curline->sidedef->GetLightLevel(foggy, *lit->p_lightlevel, lit->lightsource != NULL) + r_actualextralight); break; } } } } if (rw_pic != DONT_DRAW) { R_RenderFakeWall(ds, x1, x2, fover ? fover : rover); } else { rw_pic = NULL; } break; } } return; } // prevlineasm1 is like vlineasm1 but skips the loop if only drawing one pixel inline fixed_t prevline1 (fixed_t vince, BYTE *colormap, fixed_t light, int count, fixed_t vplce, const BYTE *bufplce, BYTE *dest) { dc_iscale = vince; dc_colormap = colormap; dc_light = light; dc_count = count; dc_texturefrac = vplce; dc_source = bufplce; dc_dest = dest; return doprevline1 (); } void wallscan (int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int x)) { int x, fracbits; int y1ve[4], y2ve[4], u4, d4, z; char bad; float light = rw_light - rw_lightstep; SDWORD xoffset; BYTE *basecolormapdata; double iscale; // This function also gets used to draw skies. Unlike BUILD, skies are // drawn by visplane instead of by bunch, so these checks are invalid. //if ((uwal[x1] > viewheight) && (uwal[x2] > viewheight)) return; //if ((dwal[x1] < 0) && (dwal[x2] < 0)) return; if (rw_pic->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null) { return; } //extern cycle_t WallScanCycles; //clock (WallScanCycles); int pixelsize = r_swtruecolor ? 4 : 1; rw_pic->GetHeight(); // Make sure texture size is loaded fracbits = 32 - rw_pic->HeightBits; setupvline(fracbits); xoffset = rw_offset; basecolormapdata = basecolormap->Maps; x = x1; //while ((umost[x] > dmost[x]) && (x < x2)) x++; bool fixed = (fixedcolormap != NULL || fixedlightlev >= 0); if (fixed) { palookupoffse[0] = dc_colormap; palookupoffse[1] = dc_colormap; palookupoffse[2] = dc_colormap; palookupoffse[3] = dc_colormap; palookuplight[0] = 0; palookuplight[1] = 0; palookuplight[2] = 0; palookuplight[3] = 0; } for(; (x < x2) && (x & 3); ++x) { light += rw_lightstep; y1ve[0] = uwal[x];//max(uwal[x],umost[x]); y2ve[0] = dwal[x];//min(dwal[x],dmost[x]); if (y2ve[0] <= y1ve[0]) continue; assert (y1ve[0] < viewheight); assert (y2ve[0] <= viewheight); if (!fixed) { // calculate lighting R_SetColorMapLight(basecolormapdata, light, wallshade); } dc_source = getcol (rw_pic, (lwal[x] + xoffset) >> FRACBITS); dc_dest = (ylookup[y1ve[0]] + x)*pixelsize + dc_destorg; dc_count = y2ve[0] - y1ve[0]; iscale = swal[x] * yrepeat; dc_iscale = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, iscale); dc_texturefrac = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, dc_texturemid + iscale * (y1ve[0] - CenterY + 0.5)); dovline1(); } for(; x < x2-3; x += 4) { bad = 0; for (z = 3; z>= 0; --z) { y1ve[z] = uwal[x+z];//max(uwal[x+z],umost[x+z]); y2ve[z] = dwal[x+z];//min(dwal[x+z],dmost[x+z])-1; if (y2ve[z] <= y1ve[z]) { bad += 1<> FRACBITS); iscale = swal[x + z] * yrepeat; vince[z] = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, iscale); vplce[z] = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, dc_texturemid + iscale * (y1ve[z] - CenterY + 0.5)); } if (bad == 15) { light += rw_lightstep * 4; continue; } if (!fixed) { for (z = 0; z < 4; ++z) { light += rw_lightstep; if (r_swtruecolor) { palookupoffse[z] = basecolormapdata; palookuplight[z] = LIGHTSCALE(light, wallshade); } else { palookupoffse[z] = basecolormapdata + (GETPALOOKUP(light, wallshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT); palookuplight[z] = 0; } } } u4 = MAX(MAX(y1ve[0],y1ve[1]),MAX(y1ve[2],y1ve[3])); d4 = MIN(MIN(y2ve[0],y2ve[1]),MIN(y2ve[2],y2ve[3])); if ((bad != 0) || (u4 >= d4)) { for (z = 0; z < 4; ++z) { if (!(bad & 1)) { prevline1(vince[z],palookupoffse[z],palookuplight[z],y2ve[z]-y1ve[z],vplce[z],bufplce[z],(ylookup[y1ve[z]]+x+z)*pixelsize+dc_destorg); } bad >>= 1; } continue; } for (z = 0; z < 4; ++z) { if (u4 > y1ve[z]) { vplce[z] = prevline1(vince[z],palookupoffse[z], palookuplight[z],u4-y1ve[z],vplce[z],bufplce[z],(ylookup[y1ve[z]]+x+z)*pixelsize+dc_destorg); } } if (d4 > u4) { dc_count = d4-u4; dc_dest = (ylookup[u4]+x)*pixelsize+dc_destorg; dovline4(); } BYTE *i = (x+ylookup[d4])*pixelsize+dc_destorg; for (z = 0; z < 4; ++z) { if (y2ve[z] > d4) { prevline1(vince[z],palookupoffse[0],palookuplight[0],y2ve[z]-d4,vplce[z],bufplce[z],i+z*pixelsize); } } } for(;x> FRACBITS); dc_dest = (ylookup[y1ve[0]] + x) * pixelsize + dc_destorg; dc_count = y2ve[0] - y1ve[0]; iscale = swal[x] * yrepeat; dc_iscale = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, iscale); dc_texturefrac = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, dc_texturemid + iscale * (y1ve[0] - CenterY + 0.5)); dovline1(); } //unclock (WallScanCycles); NetUpdate (); } void wallscan_striped (int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat) { FDynamicColormap *startcolormap = basecolormap; int startshade = wallshade; bool fogginess = foggy; short most1[MAXWIDTH], most2[MAXWIDTH], most3[MAXWIDTH]; short *up, *down; up = uwal; down = most1; assert(WallC.sx1 <= x1); assert(WallC.sx2 >= x2); // kg3D - fake floors instead of zdoom light list for (unsigned int i = 0; i < frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size(); i++) { int j = WallMost (most3, frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].plane, &WallC); if (j != 3) { for (int j = x1; j < x2; ++j) { down[j] = clamp (most3[j], up[j], dwal[j]); } wallscan (x1, x2, up, down, swal, lwal, yrepeat); up = down; down = (down == most1) ? most2 : most1; } lightlist_t *lit = &frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i]; basecolormap = lit->extra_colormap; wallshade = LIGHT2SHADE(curline->sidedef->GetLightLevel(fogginess, *lit->p_lightlevel, lit->lightsource != NULL) + r_actualextralight); } wallscan (x1, x2, up, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat); basecolormap = startcolormap; wallshade = startshade; } static void call_wallscan(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, bool mask) { if (mask) { if (colfunc == basecolfunc) { maskwallscan(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat); } else { transmaskwallscan(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat); } } else { if (fixedcolormap != NULL || fixedlightlev >= 0 || !(frontsector->e && frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size())) { wallscan(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat); } else { wallscan_striped(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat); } } } //============================================================================= // // wallscan_np2 // // This is a wrapper around wallscan that helps it tile textures whose heights // are not powers of 2. It divides the wall into texture-sized strips and calls // wallscan for each of those. Since only one repetition of the texture fits // in each strip, wallscan will not tile. // //============================================================================= void wallscan_np2(int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, double top, double bot, bool mask) { if (!r_np2) { call_wallscan(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, mask); } else { short most1[MAXWIDTH], most2[MAXWIDTH], most3[MAXWIDTH]; short *up, *down; double texheight = rw_pic->GetHeight(); double partition; double scaledtexheight = texheight / yrepeat; if (yrepeat >= 0) { // normal orientation: draw strips from top to bottom partition = top - fmod(top - dc_texturemid / yrepeat - ViewPos.Z, scaledtexheight); if (partition == top) { partition -= scaledtexheight; } up = uwal; down = most1; dc_texturemid = (partition - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat + texheight; while (partition > bot) { int j = OWallMost(most3, partition - ViewPos.Z, &WallC); if (j != 3) { for (int j = x1; j < x2; ++j) { down[j] = clamp(most3[j], up[j], dwal[j]); } call_wallscan(x1, x2, up, down, swal, lwal, yrepeat, mask); up = down; down = (down == most1) ? most2 : most1; } partition -= scaledtexheight; dc_texturemid -= texheight; } call_wallscan(x1, x2, up, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, mask); } else { // upside down: draw strips from bottom to top partition = bot - fmod(bot - dc_texturemid / yrepeat - ViewPos.Z, scaledtexheight); up = most1; down = dwal; dc_texturemid = (partition - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat + texheight; while (partition < top) { int j = OWallMost(most3, partition - ViewPos.Z, &WallC); if (j != 12) { for (int j = x1; j < x2; ++j) { up[j] = clamp(most3[j], uwal[j], down[j]); } call_wallscan(x1, x2, up, down, swal, lwal, yrepeat, mask); down = up; up = (up == most1) ? most2 : most1; } partition -= scaledtexheight; dc_texturemid -= texheight; } call_wallscan(x1, x2, uwal, down, swal, lwal, yrepeat, mask); } } } static void wallscan_np2_ds(drawseg_t *ds, int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat) { if (rw_pic->GetHeight() != 1 << rw_pic->HeightBits) { double frontcz1 = ds->curline->frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(ds->curline->v1); double frontfz1 = ds->curline->frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(ds->curline->v1); double frontcz2 = ds->curline->frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(ds->curline->v2); double frontfz2 = ds->curline->frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint(ds->curline->v2); double top = MAX(frontcz1, frontcz2); double bot = MIN(frontfz1, frontfz2); if (fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOP) { top = MIN(top, sclipTop); } if (fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPBOTTOM) { bot = MAX(bot, sclipBottom); } wallscan_np2(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, top, bot, true); } else { call_wallscan(x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, true); } } inline fixed_t mvline1 (fixed_t vince, BYTE *colormap, int count, fixed_t vplce, const BYTE *bufplce, BYTE *dest) { dc_iscale = vince; dc_colormap = colormap; dc_light = 0; dc_count = count; dc_texturefrac = vplce; dc_source = bufplce; dc_dest = dest; return domvline1 (); } void maskwallscan (int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int x)) { int x, fracbits; BYTE *pixel; int pixelsize, pixelshift; int y1ve[4], y2ve[4], u4, d4, startx, dax, z; char bad; float light = rw_light - rw_lightstep; SDWORD xoffset; BYTE *basecolormapdata; double iscale; if (rw_pic->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null) { return; } if (!rw_pic->bMasked) { // Textures that aren't masked can use the faster wallscan. wallscan (x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, getcol); return; } //extern cycle_t WallScanCycles; //clock (WallScanCycles); pixelsize = r_swtruecolor ? 4 : 1; pixelshift = r_swtruecolor ? 2 : 0; rw_pic->GetHeight(); // Make sure texture size is loaded fracbits = 32- rw_pic->HeightBits; setupmvline(fracbits); xoffset = rw_offset; basecolormapdata = basecolormap->Maps; x = startx = x1; pixel = x * pixelsize + dc_destorg; bool fixed = (fixedcolormap != NULL || fixedlightlev >= 0); if (fixed) { palookupoffse[0] = dc_colormap; palookupoffse[1] = dc_colormap; palookupoffse[2] = dc_colormap; palookupoffse[3] = dc_colormap; palookuplight[0] = 0; palookuplight[1] = 0; palookuplight[2] = 0; palookuplight[3] = 0; } for(; (x < x2) && (((size_t)pixel >> pixelshift) & 3); ++x, pixel += pixelsize) { light += rw_lightstep; y1ve[0] = uwal[x];//max(uwal[x],umost[x]); y2ve[0] = dwal[x];//min(dwal[x],dmost[x]); if (y2ve[0] <= y1ve[0]) continue; if (!fixed) { // calculate lighting dc_colormap = basecolormapdata + (GETPALOOKUP (light, wallshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT); dc_light = 0; } dc_source = getcol (rw_pic, (lwal[x] + xoffset) >> FRACBITS); dc_dest = ylookup[y1ve[0]] * pixelsize + pixel; dc_count = y2ve[0] - y1ve[0]; iscale = swal[x] * yrepeat; dc_iscale = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, iscale); dc_texturefrac = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, dc_texturemid + iscale * (y1ve[0] - CenterY + 0.5)); domvline1(); } for(; x < x2-3; x += 4, pixel += 4 * pixelsize) { bad = 0; for (z = 3, dax = x+3; z >= 0; --z, --dax) { y1ve[z] = uwal[dax]; y2ve[z] = dwal[dax]; if (y2ve[z] <= y1ve[z]) { bad += 1<> FRACBITS); iscale = swal[dax] * yrepeat; vince[z] = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, iscale); vplce[z] = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, dc_texturemid + iscale * (y1ve[z] - CenterY + 0.5)); } if (bad == 15) { light += rw_lightstep * 4; continue; } if (!fixed) { for (z = 0; z < 4; ++z) { light += rw_lightstep; if (r_swtruecolor) { palookupoffse[z] = basecolormapdata; palookuplight[z] = LIGHTSCALE(light, wallshade); } else { palookupoffse[z] = basecolormapdata + (GETPALOOKUP(light, wallshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT); palookuplight[z] = 0; } } } u4 = MAX(MAX(y1ve[0],y1ve[1]),MAX(y1ve[2],y1ve[3])); d4 = MIN(MIN(y2ve[0],y2ve[1]),MIN(y2ve[2],y2ve[3])); if ((bad != 0) || (u4 >= d4)) { for (z = 0; z < 4; ++z) { if (!(bad & 1)) { mvline1(vince[z],palookupoffse[z],y2ve[z]-y1ve[z],vplce[z],bufplce[z],(ylookup[y1ve[z]]+z)*pixelsize+pixel); } bad >>= 1; } continue; } for (z = 0; z < 4; ++z) { if (u4 > y1ve[z]) { vplce[z] = mvline1(vince[z],palookupoffse[z],u4-y1ve[z],vplce[z],bufplce[z],(ylookup[y1ve[z]]+z)*pixelsize+pixel); } } if (d4 > u4) { dc_count = d4-u4; dc_dest = ylookup[u4]*pixelsize+pixel; domvline4(); } BYTE *i = pixel+ylookup[d4]*pixelsize; for (z = 0; z < 4; ++z) { if (y2ve[z] > d4) { mvline1(vince[z],palookupoffse[0],y2ve[z]-d4,vplce[z],bufplce[z],i+z*pixelsize); } } } for(; x < x2; ++x, pixel += pixelsize) { light += rw_lightstep; y1ve[0] = uwal[x]; y2ve[0] = dwal[x]; if (y2ve[0] <= y1ve[0]) continue; if (!fixed) { // calculate lighting dc_colormap = basecolormapdata + (GETPALOOKUP (light, wallshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT); dc_light = 0; } dc_source = getcol (rw_pic, (lwal[x] + xoffset) >> FRACBITS); dc_dest = ylookup[y1ve[0]]*pixelsize + pixel; dc_count = y2ve[0] - y1ve[0]; iscale = swal[x] * yrepeat; dc_iscale = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, iscale); dc_texturefrac = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, dc_texturemid + iscale * (y1ve[0] - CenterY + 0.5)); domvline1(); } //unclock(WallScanCycles); NetUpdate (); } inline void preptmvline1 (fixed_t vince, BYTE *colormap, fixed_t light, int count, fixed_t vplce, const BYTE *bufplce, BYTE *dest) { dc_iscale = vince; dc_colormap = colormap; dc_light = light; dc_count = count; dc_texturefrac = vplce; dc_source = bufplce; dc_dest = dest; } void transmaskwallscan (int x1, int x2, short *uwal, short *dwal, float *swal, fixed_t *lwal, double yrepeat, const BYTE *(*getcol)(FTexture *tex, int x)) { fixed_t (*tmvline1)(); void (*tmvline4)(); int x, fracbits; BYTE *pixel; int pixelsize, pixelshift; int y1ve[4], y2ve[4], u4, d4, startx, dax, z; char bad; float light = rw_light - rw_lightstep; SDWORD xoffset; BYTE *basecolormapdata; double iscale; if (rw_pic->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null) { return; } if (!R_GetTransMaskDrawers (&tmvline1, &tmvline4)) { // The current translucency is unsupported, so draw with regular maskwallscan instead. maskwallscan (x1, x2, uwal, dwal, swal, lwal, yrepeat, getcol); return; } //extern cycle_t WallScanCycles; //clock (WallScanCycles); pixelsize = r_swtruecolor ? 4 : 1; pixelshift = r_swtruecolor ? 2 : 0; rw_pic->GetHeight(); // Make sure texture size is loaded fracbits = 32 - rw_pic->HeightBits; setuptmvline(fracbits); xoffset = rw_offset; basecolormapdata = basecolormap->Maps; fixed_t centeryfrac = FLOAT2FIXED(CenterY); x = startx = x1; pixel = x * pixelsize + dc_destorg; bool fixed = (fixedcolormap != NULL || fixedlightlev >= 0); if (fixed) { palookupoffse[0] = dc_colormap; palookupoffse[1] = dc_colormap; palookupoffse[2] = dc_colormap; palookupoffse[3] = dc_colormap; palookuplight[0] = 0; palookuplight[1] = 0; palookuplight[2] = 0; palookuplight[3] = 0; } for(; (x < x2) && (((size_t)pixel >> pixelshift) & 3); ++x, pixel += pixelsize) { light += rw_lightstep; y1ve[0] = uwal[x];//max(uwal[x],umost[x]); y2ve[0] = dwal[x];//min(dwal[x],dmost[x]); if (y2ve[0] <= y1ve[0]) continue; if (!fixed) { // calculate lighting R_SetColorMapLight(basecolormapdata, light, wallshade); } dc_source = getcol (rw_pic, (lwal[x] + xoffset) >> FRACBITS); dc_dest = ylookup[y1ve[0]] * pixelsize + pixel; dc_count = y2ve[0] - y1ve[0]; iscale = swal[x] * yrepeat; dc_iscale = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, iscale); dc_texturefrac = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, dc_texturemid + iscale * (y1ve[0] - CenterY + 0.5)); tmvline1(); } for(; x < x2-3; x += 4, pixel += 4 * pixelsize) { bad = 0; for (z = 3, dax = x+3; z >= 0; --z, --dax) { y1ve[z] = uwal[dax]; y2ve[z] = dwal[dax]; if (y2ve[z] <= y1ve[z]) { bad += 1<> FRACBITS); iscale = swal[dax] * yrepeat; vince[z] = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, iscale); vplce[z] = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, dc_texturemid + vince[z] * (y1ve[z] - CenterY + 0.5)); } if (bad == 15) { light += rw_lightstep * 4; continue; } if (!fixed) { for (z = 0; z < 4; ++z) { light += rw_lightstep; if (r_swtruecolor) { palookupoffse[z] = basecolormapdata; palookuplight[z] = LIGHTSCALE(light, wallshade); } else { palookupoffse[z] = basecolormapdata + (GETPALOOKUP(light, wallshade) << COLORMAPSHIFT); } } } u4 = MAX(MAX(y1ve[0],y1ve[1]),MAX(y1ve[2],y1ve[3])); d4 = MIN(MIN(y2ve[0],y2ve[1]),MIN(y2ve[2],y2ve[3])); if ((bad != 0) || (u4 >= d4)) { for (z = 0; z < 4; ++z) { if (!(bad & 1)) { preptmvline1(vince[z],palookupoffse[z],palookuplight[z],y2ve[z]-y1ve[z],vplce[z],bufplce[z],(ylookup[y1ve[z]]+z)*pixelsize+pixel); tmvline1(); } bad >>= 1; } continue; } for (z = 0; z < 4; ++z) { if (u4 > y1ve[z]) { preptmvline1(vince[z],palookupoffse[z],palookuplight[z],u4-y1ve[z],vplce[z],bufplce[z],(ylookup[y1ve[z]]+z)*pixelsize+pixel); vplce[z] = tmvline1(); } } if (d4 > u4) { dc_count = d4-u4; dc_dest = ylookup[u4]*pixelsize+pixel; tmvline4(); } BYTE *i = pixel+ylookup[d4]*pixelsize; for (z = 0; z < 4; ++z) { if (y2ve[z] > d4) { preptmvline1(vince[z],palookupoffse[0],palookuplight[0],y2ve[z]-d4,vplce[z],bufplce[z],i+z*pixelsize); tmvline1(); } } } for(; x < x2; ++x, pixel += pixelsize) { light += rw_lightstep; y1ve[0] = uwal[x]; y2ve[0] = dwal[x]; if (y2ve[0] <= y1ve[0]) continue; if (!fixed) { // calculate lighting R_SetColorMapLight(basecolormapdata, light, wallshade); } dc_source = getcol (rw_pic, (lwal[x] + xoffset) >> FRACBITS); dc_dest = ylookup[y1ve[0]] * pixelsize + pixel; dc_count = y2ve[0] - y1ve[0]; iscale = swal[x] * yrepeat; dc_iscale = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, iscale); dc_texturefrac = xs_ToFixed(fracbits, dc_texturemid + iscale * (y1ve[0] - CenterY + 0.5)); tmvline1(); } //unclock(WallScanCycles); NetUpdate (); } // // R_RenderSegLoop // Draws zero, one, or two textures for walls. // Can draw or mark the starting pixel of floor and ceiling textures. // CALLED: CORE LOOPING ROUTINE. // // [RH] Rewrote this to use Build's wallscan, so it's quite far // removed from the original Doom routine. // void R_RenderSegLoop () { int x1 = rw_x; int x2 = rw_stopx; int x; double xscale; double yscale; fixed_t xoffset = rw_offset; if (fixedlightlev >= 0) dc_colormap = basecolormap->Maps + fixedlightlev; else if (fixedcolormap != NULL) dc_colormap = fixedcolormap; dc_light = 0; // clip wall to the floor and ceiling for (x = x1; x < x2; ++x) { if (walltop[x] < ceilingclip[x]) { walltop[x] = ceilingclip[x]; } if (wallbottom[x] > floorclip[x]) { wallbottom[x] = floorclip[x]; } } // mark ceiling areas if (markceiling) { for (x = x1; x < x2; ++x) { short top = (fakeFloor && fake3D & 2) ? fakeFloor->ceilingclip[x] : ceilingclip[x]; short bottom = MIN (walltop[x], floorclip[x]); if (top < bottom) { ceilingplane->top[x] = top; ceilingplane->bottom[x] = bottom; } } } // mark floor areas if (markfloor) { for (x = x1; x < x2; ++x) { short top = MAX (wallbottom[x], ceilingclip[x]); short bottom = (fakeFloor && fake3D & 1) ? fakeFloor->floorclip[x] : floorclip[x]; if (top < bottom) { assert (bottom <= viewheight); floorplane->top[x] = top; floorplane->bottom[x] = bottom; } } } // kg3D - fake planes clipping if (fake3D & FAKE3D_REFRESHCLIP) { if (fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPBOTFRONT) { memcpy (fakeFloor->floorclip+x1, wallbottom+x1, (x2-x1)*sizeof(short)); } else { for (x = x1; x < x2; ++x) { walllower[x] = MIN (MAX (walllower[x], ceilingclip[x]), wallbottom[x]); } memcpy (fakeFloor->floorclip+x1, walllower+x1, (x2-x1)*sizeof(short)); } if (fake3D & FAKE3D_CLIPTOPFRONT) { memcpy (fakeFloor->ceilingclip+x1, walltop+x1, (x2-x1)*sizeof(short)); } else { for (x = x1; x < x2; ++x) { wallupper[x] = MAX (MIN (wallupper[x], floorclip[x]), walltop[x]); } memcpy (fakeFloor->ceilingclip+x1, wallupper+x1, (x2-x1)*sizeof(short)); } } if(fake3D & 7) return; // draw the wall tiers if (midtexture) { // one sided line if (midtexture->UseType != FTexture::TEX_Null && viewactive) { dc_texturemid = rw_midtexturemid; rw_pic = midtexture; xscale = rw_pic->Scale.X * rw_midtexturescalex; yscale = rw_pic->Scale.Y * rw_midtexturescaley; if (xscale != lwallscale) { PrepLWall (lwall, curline->sidedef->TexelLength*xscale, WallC.sx1, WallC.sx2); lwallscale = xscale; } if (midtexture->bWorldPanning) { rw_offset = xs_RoundToInt(rw_offset_mid * xscale); } else { rw_offset = rw_offset_mid; } if (xscale < 0) { rw_offset = -rw_offset; } if (rw_pic->GetHeight() != 1 << rw_pic->HeightBits) { wallscan_np2(x1, x2, walltop, wallbottom, swall, lwall, yscale, MAX(rw_frontcz1, rw_frontcz2), MIN(rw_frontfz1, rw_frontfz2), false); } else { call_wallscan(x1, x2, walltop, wallbottom, swall, lwall, yscale, false); } } clearbufshort (ceilingclip+x1, x2-x1, viewheight); clearbufshort (floorclip+x1, x2-x1, 0xffff); } else { // two sided line if (toptexture != NULL && toptexture->UseType != FTexture::TEX_Null) { // top wall for (x = x1; x < x2; ++x) { wallupper[x] = MAX (MIN (wallupper[x], floorclip[x]), walltop[x]); } if (viewactive) { dc_texturemid = rw_toptexturemid; rw_pic = toptexture; xscale = rw_pic->Scale.X * rw_toptexturescalex; yscale = rw_pic->Scale.Y * rw_toptexturescaley; if (xscale != lwallscale) { PrepLWall (lwall, curline->sidedef->TexelLength*xscale, WallC.sx1, WallC.sx2); lwallscale = xscale; } if (toptexture->bWorldPanning) { rw_offset = xs_RoundToInt(rw_offset_top * xscale); } else { rw_offset = rw_offset_top; } if (xscale < 0) { rw_offset = -rw_offset; } if (rw_pic->GetHeight() != 1 << rw_pic->HeightBits) { wallscan_np2(x1, x2, walltop, wallupper, swall, lwall, yscale, MAX(rw_frontcz1, rw_frontcz2), MIN(rw_backcz1, rw_backcz2), false); } else { call_wallscan(x1, x2, walltop, wallupper, swall, lwall, yscale, false); } } memcpy (ceilingclip+x1, wallupper+x1, (x2-x1)*sizeof(short)); } else if (markceiling) { // no top wall memcpy (ceilingclip+x1, walltop+x1, (x2-x1)*sizeof(short)); } if (bottomtexture != NULL && bottomtexture->UseType != FTexture::TEX_Null) { // bottom wall for (x = x1; x < x2; ++x) { walllower[x] = MIN (MAX (walllower[x], ceilingclip[x]), wallbottom[x]); } if (viewactive) { dc_texturemid = rw_bottomtexturemid; rw_pic = bottomtexture; xscale = rw_pic->Scale.X * rw_bottomtexturescalex; yscale = rw_pic->Scale.Y * rw_bottomtexturescaley; if (xscale != lwallscale) { PrepLWall (lwall, curline->sidedef->TexelLength*xscale, WallC.sx1, WallC.sx2); lwallscale = xscale; } if (bottomtexture->bWorldPanning) { rw_offset = xs_RoundToInt(rw_offset_bottom * xscale); } else { rw_offset = rw_offset_bottom; } if (xscale < 0) { rw_offset = -rw_offset; } if (rw_pic->GetHeight() != 1 << rw_pic->HeightBits) { wallscan_np2(x1, x2, walllower, wallbottom, swall, lwall, yscale, MAX(rw_backfz1, rw_backfz2), MIN(rw_frontfz1, rw_frontfz2), false); } else { call_wallscan(x1, x2, walllower, wallbottom, swall, lwall, yscale, false); } } memcpy (floorclip+x1, walllower+x1, (x2-x1)*sizeof(short)); } else if (markfloor) { // no bottom wall memcpy (floorclip+x1, wallbottom+x1, (x2-x1)*sizeof(short)); } } rw_offset = xoffset; } void R_NewWall (bool needlights) { double rowoffset; double yrepeat; rw_markportal = false; sidedef = curline->sidedef; linedef = curline->linedef; // mark the segment as visible for auto map if (!r_dontmaplines) linedef->flags |= ML_MAPPED; midtexture = toptexture = bottomtexture = 0; if (sidedef == linedef->sidedef[0] && (linedef->special == Line_Mirror && r_drawmirrors)) // [ZZ] compatibility with r_drawmirrors cvar that existed way before portals { markfloor = markceiling = true; // act like a one-sided wall here (todo: check how does this work with transparency) rw_markportal = true; } else if (backsector == NULL) { // single sided line // a single sided line is terminal, so it must mark ends markfloor = markceiling = true; // [RH] Horizon lines do not need to be textured if (linedef->isVisualPortal()) { rw_markportal = true; } else if (linedef->special != Line_Horizon) { midtexture = TexMan(sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid), true); rw_offset_mid = FLOAT2FIXED(sidedef->GetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid)); rowoffset = sidedef->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid); rw_midtexturescalex = sidedef->GetTextureXScale(side_t::mid); rw_midtexturescaley = sidedef->GetTextureYScale(side_t::mid); yrepeat = midtexture->Scale.Y * rw_midtexturescaley; if (yrepeat >= 0) { // normal orientation if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) { // bottom of texture at bottom rw_midtexturemid = (frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor) - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat + midtexture->GetHeight(); } else { // top of texture at top rw_midtexturemid = (frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling) - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat; if (rowoffset < 0 && midtexture != NULL) { rowoffset += midtexture->GetHeight(); } } } else { // upside down rowoffset = -rowoffset; if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) { // top of texture at bottom rw_midtexturemid = (frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor) - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat; } else { // bottom of texture at top rw_midtexturemid = (frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling) - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat + midtexture->GetHeight(); } } if (midtexture->bWorldPanning) { rw_midtexturemid += rowoffset * yrepeat; } else { // rowoffset is added outside the multiply so that it positions the texture // by texels instead of world units. rw_midtexturemid += rowoffset; } } } else { // two-sided line // hack to allow height changes in outdoor areas rw_frontlowertop = frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling); if (frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum && backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum) { if (rw_havehigh) { // front ceiling is above back ceiling memcpy (&walltop[WallC.sx1], &wallupper[WallC.sx1], (WallC.sx2 - WallC.sx1)*sizeof(walltop[0])); rw_havehigh = false; } else if (rw_havelow && frontsector->ceilingplane != backsector->ceilingplane) { // back ceiling is above front ceiling // The check for rw_havelow is not Doom-compliant, but it avoids HoM that // would otherwise occur because there is space made available for this // wall but nothing to draw for it. // Recalculate walltop so that the wall is clipped by the back sector's // ceiling instead of the front sector's ceiling. WallMost (walltop, backsector->ceilingplane, &WallC); } // Putting sky ceilings on the front and back of a line alters the way unpegged // positioning works. rw_frontlowertop = backsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling); } if (linedef->isVisualPortal()) { markceiling = markfloor = true; } else if ((rw_backcz1 <= rw_frontfz1 && rw_backcz2 <= rw_frontfz2) || (rw_backfz1 >= rw_frontcz1 && rw_backfz2 >= rw_frontcz2)) { // closed door markceiling = markfloor = true; } else { markfloor = rw_mustmarkfloor || backsector->floorplane != frontsector->floorplane || backsector->lightlevel != frontsector->lightlevel || backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) != frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) || backsector->GetPlaneLight(sector_t::floor) != frontsector->GetPlaneLight(sector_t::floor) // killough 3/7/98: Add checks for (x,y) offsets || backsector->planes[sector_t::floor].xform != frontsector->planes[sector_t::floor].xform || backsector->GetAlpha(sector_t::floor) != frontsector->GetAlpha(sector_t::floor) // killough 4/15/98: prevent 2s normals // from bleeding through deep water || frontsector->heightsec || backsector->GetVisFlags(sector_t::floor) != frontsector->GetVisFlags(sector_t::floor) // [RH] Add checks for colormaps || backsector->ColorMap != frontsector->ColorMap // kg3D - add fake lights || (frontsector->e && frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size()) || (backsector->e && backsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size()) || (sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid).isValid() && ((linedef->flags & (ML_CLIP_MIDTEX|ML_WRAP_MIDTEX)) || (sidedef->Flags & (WALLF_CLIP_MIDTEX|WALLF_WRAP_MIDTEX)))) ; markceiling = (frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) != skyflatnum || backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) != skyflatnum) && (rw_mustmarkceiling || backsector->ceilingplane != frontsector->ceilingplane || backsector->lightlevel != frontsector->lightlevel || backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) != frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) // killough 3/7/98: Add checks for (x,y) offsets || backsector->planes[sector_t::ceiling].xform != frontsector->planes[sector_t::ceiling].xform || backsector->GetAlpha(sector_t::ceiling) != frontsector->GetAlpha(sector_t::ceiling) // killough 4/15/98: prevent 2s normals // from bleeding through fake ceilings || (frontsector->heightsec && frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) != skyflatnum) || backsector->GetPlaneLight(sector_t::ceiling) != frontsector->GetPlaneLight(sector_t::ceiling) || backsector->GetFlags(sector_t::ceiling) != frontsector->GetFlags(sector_t::ceiling) // [RH] Add check for colormaps || backsector->ColorMap != frontsector->ColorMap // kg3D - add fake lights || (frontsector->e && frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size()) || (backsector->e && backsector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size()) || (sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid).isValid() && ((linedef->flags & (ML_CLIP_MIDTEX|ML_WRAP_MIDTEX)) || (sidedef->Flags & (WALLF_CLIP_MIDTEX|WALLF_WRAP_MIDTEX)))) ); } if (rw_havehigh) { // top texture toptexture = TexMan(sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::top), true); rw_offset_top = FLOAT2FIXED(sidedef->GetTextureXOffset(side_t::top)); rowoffset = sidedef->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::top); rw_toptexturescalex =sidedef->GetTextureXScale(side_t::top); rw_toptexturescaley =sidedef->GetTextureYScale(side_t::top); yrepeat = toptexture->Scale.Y * rw_toptexturescaley; if (yrepeat >= 0) { // normal orientation if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGTOP) { // top of texture at top rw_toptexturemid = (frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling) - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat; if (rowoffset < 0 && toptexture != NULL) { rowoffset += toptexture->GetHeight(); } } else { // bottom of texture at bottom rw_toptexturemid = (backsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling) - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat + toptexture->GetHeight(); } } else { // upside down rowoffset = -rowoffset; if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGTOP) { // bottom of texture at top rw_toptexturemid = (frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling) - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat + toptexture->GetHeight(); } else { // top of texture at bottom rw_toptexturemid = (backsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling) - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat; } } if (toptexture->bWorldPanning) { rw_toptexturemid += rowoffset * yrepeat; } else { rw_toptexturemid += rowoffset; } } if (rw_havelow) { // bottom texture bottomtexture = TexMan(sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::bottom), true); rw_offset_bottom = FLOAT2FIXED(sidedef->GetTextureXOffset(side_t::bottom)); rowoffset = sidedef->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::bottom); rw_bottomtexturescalex = sidedef->GetTextureXScale(side_t::bottom); rw_bottomtexturescaley = sidedef->GetTextureYScale(side_t::bottom); yrepeat = bottomtexture->Scale.Y * rw_bottomtexturescaley; if (yrepeat >= 0) { // normal orientation if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) { // bottom of texture at bottom rw_bottomtexturemid = (rw_frontlowertop - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat; } else { // top of texture at top rw_bottomtexturemid = (backsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor) - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat; if (rowoffset < 0 && bottomtexture != NULL) { rowoffset += bottomtexture->GetHeight(); } } } else { // upside down rowoffset = -rowoffset; if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) { // top of texture at bottom rw_bottomtexturemid = (rw_frontlowertop - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat; } else { // bottom of texture at top rw_bottomtexturemid = (backsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor) - ViewPos.Z) * yrepeat + bottomtexture->GetHeight(); } } if (bottomtexture->bWorldPanning) { rw_bottomtexturemid += rowoffset * yrepeat; } else { rw_bottomtexturemid += rowoffset; } } rw_markportal = linedef->isVisualPortal(); } // if a floor / ceiling plane is on the wrong side of the view plane, // it is definitely invisible and doesn't need to be marked. // killough 3/7/98: add deep water check if (frontsector->GetHeightSec() == NULL) { int planeside; planeside = frontsector->floorplane.PointOnSide(ViewPos); if (frontsector->floorplane.fC() < 0) // 3D floors have the floor backwards planeside = -planeside; if (planeside <= 0) // above view plane markfloor = false; if (frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) != skyflatnum) { planeside = frontsector->ceilingplane.PointOnSide(ViewPos); if (frontsector->ceilingplane.fC() > 0) // 3D floors have the ceiling backwards planeside = -planeside; if (planeside <= 0) // below view plane markceiling = false; } } FTexture *midtex = TexMan(sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid), true); segtextured = midtex != NULL || toptexture != NULL || bottomtexture != NULL; // calculate light table if (needlights && (segtextured || (backsector && IsFogBoundary(frontsector, backsector)))) { lwallscale = midtex ? (midtex->Scale.X * sidedef->GetTextureXScale(side_t::mid)) : toptexture ? (toptexture->Scale.X * sidedef->GetTextureXScale(side_t::top)) : bottomtexture ? (bottomtexture->Scale.X * sidedef->GetTextureXScale(side_t::bottom)) : 1.; PrepWall (swall, lwall, sidedef->TexelLength * lwallscale, WallC.sx1, WallC.sx2); if (fixedcolormap == NULL && fixedlightlev < 0) { wallshade = LIGHT2SHADE(curline->sidedef->GetLightLevel(foggy, frontsector->lightlevel) + r_actualextralight); GlobVis = r_WallVisibility; rw_lightleft = float (GlobVis / WallC.sz1); rw_lightstep = float((GlobVis / WallC.sz2 - rw_lightleft) / (WallC.sx2 - WallC.sx1)); } else { rw_lightleft = 1; rw_lightstep = 0; } } } // // R_CheckDrawSegs // void R_CheckDrawSegs () { if (ds_p == &drawsegs[MaxDrawSegs]) { // [RH] Grab some more drawsegs size_t newdrawsegs = MaxDrawSegs ? MaxDrawSegs*2 : 32; ptrdiff_t firstofs = firstdrawseg - drawsegs; drawsegs = (drawseg_t *)M_Realloc (drawsegs, newdrawsegs * sizeof(drawseg_t)); firstdrawseg = drawsegs + firstofs; ds_p = drawsegs + MaxDrawSegs; MaxDrawSegs = newdrawsegs; DPrintf ("MaxDrawSegs increased to %zu\n", MaxDrawSegs); } } // // R_CheckOpenings // ptrdiff_t R_NewOpening (ptrdiff_t len) { ptrdiff_t res = lastopening; len = (len + 1) & ~1; // only return DWORD aligned addresses because some code stores fixed_t's and floats in openings... lastopening += len; if ((size_t)lastopening > maxopenings) { do maxopenings = maxopenings ? maxopenings*2 : 16384; while ((size_t)lastopening > maxopenings); openings = (short *)M_Realloc (openings, maxopenings * sizeof(*openings)); DPrintf ("MaxOpenings increased to %zu\n", maxopenings); } return res; } // // R_StoreWallRange // A wall segment will be drawn between start and stop pixels (inclusive). // void R_StoreWallRange (int start, int stop) { int i; bool maskedtexture = false; #ifdef RANGECHECK if (start >= viewwidth || start >= stop) I_FatalError ("Bad R_StoreWallRange: %i to %i", start , stop); #endif // don't overflow and crash R_CheckDrawSegs (); if (!rw_prepped) { rw_prepped = true; R_NewWall (true); } rw_offset = FLOAT2FIXED(sidedef->GetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid)); rw_light = rw_lightleft + rw_lightstep * (start - WallC.sx1); ds_p->CurrentPortalUniq = CurrentPortalUniq; ds_p->sx1 = WallC.sx1; ds_p->sx2 = WallC.sx2; ds_p->sz1 = WallC.sz1; ds_p->sz2 = WallC.sz2; ds_p->cx = WallC.tleft.X;; ds_p->cy = WallC.tleft.Y; ds_p->cdx = WallC.tright.X - WallC.tleft.X; ds_p->cdy = WallC.tright.Y - WallC.tleft.Y; ds_p->tmapvals = WallT; ds_p->siz1 = 1 / WallC.sz1; ds_p->siz2 = 1 / WallC.sz2; ds_p->x1 = rw_x = start; ds_p->x2 = stop; ds_p->curline = curline; rw_stopx = stop; ds_p->bFogBoundary = false; ds_p->bFakeBoundary = false; if(fake3D & 7) ds_p->fake = 1; else ds_p->fake = 0; // killough 1/6/98, 2/1/98: remove limit on openings ds_p->sprtopclip = ds_p->sprbottomclip = ds_p->maskedtexturecol = ds_p->bkup = ds_p->swall = -1; if (rw_markportal) { ds_p->silhouette = SIL_BOTH; } else if (backsector == NULL) { ds_p->sprtopclip = R_NewOpening (stop - start); ds_p->sprbottomclip = R_NewOpening (stop - start); clearbufshort (openings + ds_p->sprtopclip, stop-start, viewheight); memset (openings + ds_p->sprbottomclip, -1, (stop-start)*sizeof(short)); ds_p->silhouette = SIL_BOTH; } else { // two sided line ds_p->silhouette = 0; if (rw_frontfz1 > rw_backfz1 || rw_frontfz2 > rw_backfz2 || backsector->floorplane.PointOnSide(ViewPos) < 0) { ds_p->silhouette = SIL_BOTTOM; } if (rw_frontcz1 < rw_backcz1 || rw_frontcz2 < rw_backcz2 || backsector->ceilingplane.PointOnSide(ViewPos) < 0) { ds_p->silhouette |= SIL_TOP; } // killough 1/17/98: this test is required if the fix // for the automap bug (r_bsp.c) is used, or else some // sprites will be displayed behind closed doors. That // fix prevents lines behind closed doors with dropoffs // from being displayed on the automap. // // killough 4/7/98: make doorclosed external variable { extern int doorclosed; // killough 1/17/98, 2/8/98, 4/7/98 if (doorclosed || (rw_backcz1 <= rw_frontfz1 && rw_backcz2 <= rw_frontfz2)) { ds_p->sprbottomclip = R_NewOpening (stop - start); memset (openings + ds_p->sprbottomclip, -1, (stop-start)*sizeof(short)); ds_p->silhouette |= SIL_BOTTOM; } if (doorclosed || (rw_backfz1 >= rw_frontcz1 && rw_backfz2 >= rw_frontcz2)) { // killough 1/17/98, 2/8/98 ds_p->sprtopclip = R_NewOpening (stop - start); clearbufshort (openings + ds_p->sprtopclip, stop - start, viewheight); ds_p->silhouette |= SIL_TOP; } } if(!ds_p->fake && r_3dfloors && backsector->e && backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size()) { for(i = 0; i < (int)backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size(); i++) { F3DFloor *rover = backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors[i]; if(rover->flags & FF_RENDERSIDES && (!(rover->flags & FF_INVERTSIDES) || rover->flags & FF_ALLSIDES)) { ds_p->bFakeBoundary |= 1; break; } } } if(!ds_p->fake && r_3dfloors && frontsector->e && frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size()) { for(i = 0; i < (int)frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size(); i++) { F3DFloor *rover = frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors[i]; if(rover->flags & FF_RENDERSIDES && (rover->flags & FF_ALLSIDES || rover->flags & FF_INVERTSIDES)) { ds_p->bFakeBoundary |= 2; break; } } } // kg3D - no for fakes if(!ds_p->fake) // allocate space for masked texture tables, if needed // [RH] Don't just allocate the space; fill it in too. if ((TexMan(sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid), true)->UseType != FTexture::TEX_Null || ds_p->bFakeBoundary || IsFogBoundary (frontsector, backsector)) && (rw_ceilstat != 12 || !sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::top).isValid()) && (rw_floorstat != 3 || !sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::bottom).isValid()) && (WallC.sz1 >= TOO_CLOSE_Z && WallC.sz2 >= TOO_CLOSE_Z)) { float *swal; fixed_t *lwal; int i; maskedtexture = true; // kg3D - backup for mid and fake walls ds_p->bkup = R_NewOpening(stop - start); memcpy(openings + ds_p->bkup, &ceilingclip[start], sizeof(short)*(stop - start)); ds_p->bFogBoundary = IsFogBoundary (frontsector, backsector); if (sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid).isValid() || ds_p->bFakeBoundary) { if(sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid).isValid()) ds_p->bFakeBoundary |= 4; // it is also mid texture // note: This should never have used the openings array to store its data! ds_p->maskedtexturecol = R_NewOpening ((stop - start) * 2); ds_p->swall = R_NewOpening ((stop - start) * 2); lwal = (fixed_t *)(openings + ds_p->maskedtexturecol); swal = (float *)(openings + ds_p->swall); FTexture *pic = TexMan(sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid), true); double yscale = pic->Scale.X * sidedef->GetTextureYScale(side_t::mid); fixed_t xoffset = FLOAT2FIXED(sidedef->GetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid)); if (pic->bWorldPanning) { xoffset = xs_RoundToInt(xoffset * lwallscale); } for (i = start; i < stop; i++) { *lwal++ = lwall[i] + xoffset; *swal++ = swall[i]; } double istart = *((float *)(openings + ds_p->swall)) * yscale; double iend = *(swal - 1) * yscale; #if 0 ///This was for avoiding overflow when using fixed point. It might not be needed anymore. const double mini = 3 / 65536.0; if (istart < mini && istart >= 0) istart = mini; if (istart > -mini && istart < 0) istart = -mini; if (iend < mini && iend >= 0) iend = mini; if (iend > -mini && iend < 0) iend = -mini; #endif istart = 1 / istart; iend = 1 / iend; ds_p->yscale = (float)yscale; ds_p->iscale = (float)istart; if (stop - start > 0) { ds_p->iscalestep = float((iend - istart) / (stop - start)); } else { ds_p->iscalestep = 0; } } ds_p->light = rw_light; ds_p->lightstep = rw_lightstep; // Masked midtextures should get the light level from the sector they reference, // not from the current subsector, which is what the current wallshade value // comes from. We make an exeption for polyobjects, however, since their "home" // sector should be whichever one they move into. if (curline->sidedef->Flags & WALLF_POLYOBJ) { ds_p->shade = wallshade; } else { ds_p->shade = LIGHT2SHADE(curline->sidedef->GetLightLevel(foggy, curline->frontsector->lightlevel) + r_actualextralight); } if (ds_p->bFogBoundary || ds_p->maskedtexturecol != -1) { size_t drawsegnum = ds_p - drawsegs; InterestingDrawsegs.Push (drawsegnum); } } } // render it if (markceiling) { if (ceilingplane) { // killough 4/11/98: add NULL ptr checks ceilingplane = R_CheckPlane (ceilingplane, start, stop); } else { markceiling = false; } } if (markfloor) { if (floorplane) { // killough 4/11/98: add NULL ptr checks floorplane = R_CheckPlane (floorplane, start, stop); } else { markfloor = false; } } R_RenderSegLoop (); if(fake3D & 7) { ds_p++; return; } // save sprite clipping info if ( ((ds_p->silhouette & SIL_TOP) || maskedtexture) && ds_p->sprtopclip == -1) { ds_p->sprtopclip = R_NewOpening (stop - start); memcpy (openings + ds_p->sprtopclip, &ceilingclip[start], sizeof(short)*(stop-start)); } if ( ((ds_p->silhouette & SIL_BOTTOM) || maskedtexture) && ds_p->sprbottomclip == -1) { ds_p->sprbottomclip = R_NewOpening (stop - start); memcpy (openings + ds_p->sprbottomclip, &floorclip[start], sizeof(short)*(stop-start)); } if (maskedtexture && curline->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid).isValid()) { ds_p->silhouette |= SIL_TOP | SIL_BOTTOM; } // [RH] Draw any decals bound to the seg // [ZZ] Only if not an active mirror if (!rw_markportal) { for (DBaseDecal *decal = curline->sidedef->AttachedDecals; decal != NULL; decal = decal->WallNext) { R_RenderDecal (curline->sidedef, decal, ds_p, 0); } } if (rw_markportal) { PortalDrawseg pds; pds.src = curline->linedef; pds.dst = curline->linedef->special == Line_Mirror? curline->linedef : curline->linedef->getPortalDestination(); pds.x1 = ds_p->x1; pds.x2 = ds_p->x2; pds.len = pds.x2 - pds.x1; pds.ceilingclip.Resize(pds.len); memcpy(&pds.ceilingclip[0], openings + ds_p->sprtopclip, pds.len*sizeof(*openings)); pds.floorclip.Resize(pds.len); memcpy(&pds.floorclip[0], openings + ds_p->sprbottomclip, pds.len*sizeof(*openings)); for (int i = 0; i < pds.x2-pds.x1; i++) { if (pds.ceilingclip[i] < 0) pds.ceilingclip[i] = 0; if (pds.ceilingclip[i] >= viewheight) pds.ceilingclip[i] = viewheight-1; if (pds.floorclip[i] < 0) pds.floorclip[i] = 0; if (pds.floorclip[i] >= viewheight) pds.floorclip[i] = viewheight-1; } pds.mirror = curline->linedef->special == Line_Mirror; WallPortals.Push(pds); } ds_p++; } int OWallMost (short *mostbuf, double z, const FWallCoords *wallc) { int bad, ix1, ix2; double y, iy1, iy2; double s1, s2, s3, s4; z = -z; s1 = globaluclip * wallc->sz1; s2 = globaluclip * wallc->sz2; s3 = globaldclip * wallc->sz1; s4 = globaldclip * wallc->sz2; bad = (zs3)<<2)+((z>s4)<<3); if ((bad&3) == 3) { // entire line is above the screen memset (&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], 0, (wallc->sx2 - wallc->sx1)*sizeof(mostbuf[0])); return bad; } if ((bad&12) == 12) { // entire line is below the screen clearbufshort (&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], wallc->sx2 - wallc->sx1, viewheight); return bad; } ix1 = wallc->sx1; iy1 = wallc->sz1; ix2 = wallc->sx2; iy2 = wallc->sz2; if (bad & 3) { // the line intersects the top of the screen double t = (z-s1) / (s2-s1); double inty = wallc->sz1 + t * (wallc->sz2 - wallc->sz1); int xcross = xs_RoundToInt(wallc->sx1 + (t * wallc->sz2 * (wallc->sx2 - wallc->sx1)) / inty); if ((bad & 3) == 2) { // the right side is above the screen if (wallc->sx1 <= xcross) { iy2 = inty; ix2 = xcross; } if (wallc->sx2 > xcross) memset (&mostbuf[xcross], 0, (wallc->sx2-xcross)*sizeof(mostbuf[0])); } else { // the left side is above the screen if (xcross <= wallc->sx2) { iy1 = inty; ix1 = xcross; } if (xcross > wallc->sx1) memset (&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], 0, (xcross-wallc->sx1)*sizeof(mostbuf[0])); } } if (bad & 12) { // the line intersects the bottom of the screen double t = (z-s3) / (s4-s3); double inty = wallc->sz1 + t * (wallc->sz2 - wallc->sz1); int xcross = xs_RoundToInt(wallc->sx1 + (t * wallc->sz2 * (wallc->sx2 - wallc->sx1)) / inty); if ((bad & 12) == 8) { // the right side is below the screen if (wallc->sx1 <= xcross) { iy2 = inty; ix2 = xcross; } if (wallc->sx2 > xcross) clearbufshort (&mostbuf[xcross], wallc->sx2 - xcross, viewheight); } else { // the left side is below the screen if (xcross <= wallc->sx2) { iy1 = inty; ix1 = xcross; } if (xcross > wallc->sx1) clearbufshort (&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], xcross - wallc->sx1, viewheight); } } y = z * InvZtoScale / iy1; if (ix2 == ix1) { mostbuf[ix1] = (short)xs_RoundToInt(y + CenterY); } else { fixed_t yinc = FLOAT2FIXED(((z * InvZtoScale / iy2) - y) / (ix2 - ix1)); qinterpolatedown16short (&mostbuf[ix1], ix2-ix1, FLOAT2FIXED(y + CenterY) + FRACUNIT/2, yinc); } return bad; } int WallMost (short *mostbuf, const secplane_t &plane, const FWallCoords *wallc) { if (!plane.isSlope()) { return OWallMost(mostbuf, plane.Zat0() - ViewPos.Z, wallc); } double x, y, den, z1, z2, oz1, oz2; double s1, s2, s3, s4; int bad, ix1, ix2; double iy1, iy2; // Get Z coordinates at both ends of the line if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP) { x = curline->v2->fX(); y = curline->v2->fY(); if (wallc->sx1 == 0 && 0 != (den = wallc->tleft.X - wallc->tright.X + wallc->tleft.Y - wallc->tright.Y)) { double frac = (wallc->tleft.Y + wallc->tleft.X) / den; x -= frac * (x - curline->v1->fX()); y -= frac * (y - curline->v1->fY()); } z1 = ViewPos.Z - plane.ZatPoint(x, y); if (wallc->sx2 > wallc->sx1 + 1) { x = curline->v1->fX(); y = curline->v1->fY(); if (wallc->sx2 == viewwidth && 0 != (den = wallc->tleft.X - wallc->tright.X - wallc->tleft.Y + wallc->tright.Y)) { double frac = (wallc->tright.Y - wallc->tright.X) / den; x += frac * (curline->v2->fX() - x); y += frac * (curline->v2->fY() - y); } z2 = ViewPos.Z - plane.ZatPoint(x, y); } else { z2 = z1; } } else { x = curline->v1->fX(); y = curline->v1->fY(); if (wallc->sx1 == 0 && 0 != (den = wallc->tleft.X - wallc->tright.X + wallc->tleft.Y - wallc->tright.Y)) { double frac = (wallc->tleft.Y + wallc->tleft.X) / den; x += frac * (curline->v2->fX() - x); y += frac * (curline->v2->fY() - y); } z1 = ViewPos.Z - plane.ZatPoint(x, y); if (wallc->sx2 > wallc->sx1 + 1) { x = curline->v2->fX(); y = curline->v2->fY(); if (wallc->sx2 == viewwidth && 0 != (den = wallc->tleft.X - wallc->tright.X - wallc->tleft.Y + wallc->tright.Y)) { double frac = (wallc->tright.Y - wallc->tright.X) / den; x -= frac * (x - curline->v1->fX()); y -= frac * (y - curline->v1->fY()); } z2 = ViewPos.Z - plane.ZatPoint(x, y); } else { z2 = z1; } } s1 = globaluclip * wallc->sz1; s2 = globaluclip * wallc->sz2; s3 = globaldclip * wallc->sz1; s4 = globaldclip * wallc->sz2; bad = (z1s3)<<2)+((z2>s4)<<3); ix1 = wallc->sx1; ix2 = wallc->sx2; iy1 = wallc->sz1; iy2 = wallc->sz2; oz1 = z1; oz2 = z2; if ((bad&3) == 3) { // The entire line is above the screen memset (&mostbuf[ix1], 0, (ix2-ix1)*sizeof(mostbuf[0])); return bad; } if ((bad&12) == 12) { // The entire line is below the screen clearbufshort (&mostbuf[ix1], ix2-ix1, viewheight); return bad; } if (bad&3) { // The line intersects the top of the screen //inty = intz / (globaluclip>>16) double t = (oz1-s1) / (s2-s1+oz1-oz2); double inty = wallc->sz1 + t * (wallc->sz2-wallc->sz1); double intz = oz1 + t * (oz2-oz1); int xcross = wallc->sx1 + xs_RoundToInt((t * wallc->sz2 * (wallc->sx2-wallc->sx1)) / inty); //t = divscale30((x1<<4)-xcross*yb1[w],xcross*(yb2[w]-yb1[w])-((x2-x1)<<4)); //inty = yb1[w] + mulscale30(yb2[w]-yb1[w],t); //intz = z1 + mulscale30(z2-z1,t); if ((bad&3) == 2) { // The right side of the line is above the screen if (wallc->sx1 <= xcross) { z2 = intz; iy2 = inty; ix2 = xcross; } memset (&mostbuf[xcross], 0, (wallc->sx2-xcross)*sizeof(mostbuf[0])); } else { // The left side of the line is above the screen if (xcross <= wallc->sx2) { z1 = intz; iy1 = inty; ix1 = xcross; } memset (&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], 0, (xcross-wallc->sx1)*sizeof(mostbuf[0])); } } if (bad&12) { // The line intersects the bottom of the screen //inty = intz / (globaldclip>>16) double t = (oz1-s3) / (s4-s3+oz1-oz2); double inty = wallc->sz1 + t * (wallc->sz2-wallc->sz1); double intz = oz1 + t * (oz2-oz1); int xcross = wallc->sx1 + xs_RoundToInt((t * wallc->sz2 * (wallc->sx2-wallc->sx1)) / inty); //t = divscale30((x1<<4)-xcross*yb1[w],xcross*(yb2[w]-yb1[w])-((x2-x1)<<4)); //inty = yb1[w] + mulscale30(yb2[w]-yb1[w],t); //intz = z1 + mulscale30(z2-z1,t); if ((bad&12) == 8) { // The right side of the line is below the screen if (wallc->sx1 <= xcross) { z2 = intz; iy2 = inty; ix2 = xcross; } if (wallc->sx2 > xcross) clearbufshort (&mostbuf[xcross], wallc->sx2-xcross, viewheight); } else { // The left side of the line is below the screen if (xcross <= wallc->sx2) { z1 = intz; iy1 = inty; ix1 = xcross; } if (xcross > wallc->sx1) clearbufshort (&mostbuf[wallc->sx1], xcross-wallc->sx1, viewheight); } } y = z1 * InvZtoScale / iy1; if (ix2 == ix1) { mostbuf[ix1] = (short)xs_RoundToInt(y + CenterY); } else { fixed_t yinc = FLOAT2FIXED(((z2 * InvZtoScale / iy2) - y) / (ix2-ix1)); qinterpolatedown16short (&mostbuf[ix1], ix2-ix1, FLOAT2FIXED(y + CenterY) + FRACUNIT/2, yinc); } return bad; } static void PrepWallRoundFix(fixed_t *lwall, fixed_t walxrepeat, int x1, int x2) { // fix for rounding errors walxrepeat = abs(walxrepeat); fixed_t fix = (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP) ? walxrepeat-1 : 0; int x; if (x1 > 0) { for (x = x1; x < x2; x++) { if ((unsigned)lwall[x] >= (unsigned)walxrepeat) { lwall[x] = fix; } else { break; } } } fix = walxrepeat - 1 - fix; for (x = x2-1; x >= x1; x--) { if ((unsigned)lwall[x] >= (unsigned)walxrepeat) { lwall[x] = fix; } else { break; } } } void PrepWall (float *swall, fixed_t *lwall, double walxrepeat, int x1, int x2) { // swall = scale, lwall = texturecolumn double top, bot, i; double xrepeat = fabs(walxrepeat * 65536); double depth_scale = WallT.InvZstep * WallTMapScale2; double depth_org = -WallT.UoverZstep * WallTMapScale2; i = x1 - centerx; top = WallT.UoverZorg + WallT.UoverZstep * i; bot = WallT.InvZorg + WallT.InvZstep * i; for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++) { double frac = top / bot; if (walxrepeat < 0) { lwall[x] = xs_RoundToInt(xrepeat - frac * xrepeat); } else { lwall[x] = xs_RoundToInt(frac * xrepeat); } swall[x] = float(frac * depth_scale + depth_org); top += WallT.UoverZstep; bot += WallT.InvZstep; } PrepWallRoundFix(lwall, FLOAT2FIXED(walxrepeat), x1, x2); } void PrepLWall (fixed_t *lwall, double walxrepeat, int x1, int x2) { // lwall = texturecolumn double top, bot, i; double xrepeat = fabs(walxrepeat * 65536); double topstep, botstep; i = x1 - centerx; top = WallT.UoverZorg + WallT.UoverZstep * i; bot = WallT.InvZorg + WallT.InvZstep * i; top *= xrepeat; topstep = WallT.UoverZstep * xrepeat; botstep = WallT.InvZstep; for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++) { if (walxrepeat < 0) { lwall[x] = xs_RoundToInt(xrepeat - top / bot); } else { lwall[x] = xs_RoundToInt(top / bot); } top += topstep; bot += botstep; } PrepWallRoundFix(lwall, FLOAT2FIXED(walxrepeat), x1, x2); } // pass = 0: when seg is first drawn // = 1: drawing masked textures (including sprites) // Currently, only pass = 0 is done or used static void R_RenderDecal (side_t *wall, DBaseDecal *decal, drawseg_t *clipper, int pass) { DVector2 decal_left, decal_right, decal_pos; int x1, x2; double yscale; BYTE flipx; double zpos; int needrepeat = 0; sector_t *front, *back; bool calclighting; bool rereadcolormap; FDynamicColormap *usecolormap; if (decal->RenderFlags & RF_INVISIBLE || !viewactive || !decal->PicNum.isValid()) return; // Determine actor z zpos = decal->Z; front = curline->frontsector; back = (curline->backsector != NULL) ? curline->backsector : curline->frontsector; switch (decal->RenderFlags & RF_RELMASK) { default: zpos = decal->Z; break; case RF_RELUPPER: if (curline->linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGTOP) { zpos = decal->Z + front->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling); } else { zpos = decal->Z + back->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling); } break; case RF_RELLOWER: if (curline->linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) { zpos = decal->Z + front->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling); } else { zpos = decal->Z + back->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor); } break; case RF_RELMID: if (curline->linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) { zpos = decal->Z + front->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor); } else { zpos = decal->Z + front->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling); } } WallSpriteTile = TexMan(decal->PicNum, true); flipx = (BYTE)(decal->RenderFlags & RF_XFLIP); if (WallSpriteTile == NULL || WallSpriteTile->UseType == FTexture::TEX_Null) { return; } // Determine left and right edges of sprite. Since this sprite is bound // to a wall, we use the wall's angle instead of the decal's. This is // pretty much the same as what R_AddLine() does. FWallCoords savecoord = WallC; double edge_right = WallSpriteTile->GetWidth(); double edge_left = WallSpriteTile->LeftOffset; edge_right = (edge_right - edge_left) * decal->ScaleX; edge_left *= decal->ScaleX; double dcx, dcy; decal->GetXY(wall, dcx, dcy); decal_pos = { dcx, dcy }; DVector2 angvec = (curline->v2->fPos() - curline->v1->fPos()).Unit(); decal_left = decal_pos - edge_left * angvec - ViewPos; decal_right = decal_pos + edge_right * angvec - ViewPos; if (WallC.Init(decal_left, decal_right, TOO_CLOSE_Z)) goto done; x1 = WallC.sx1; x2 = WallC.sx2; if (x1 >= clipper->x2 || x2 <= clipper->x1) goto done; WallT.InitFromWallCoords(&WallC); // Get the top and bottom clipping arrays switch (decal->RenderFlags & RF_CLIPMASK) { case RF_CLIPFULL: if (curline->backsector == NULL) { if (pass != 0) { goto done; } mceilingclip = walltop; mfloorclip = wallbottom; } else if (pass == 0) { mceilingclip = walltop; mfloorclip = ceilingclip; needrepeat = 1; } else { mceilingclip = openings + clipper->sprtopclip - clipper->x1; mfloorclip = openings + clipper->sprbottomclip - clipper->x1; } break; case RF_CLIPUPPER: if (pass != 0) { goto done; } mceilingclip = walltop; mfloorclip = ceilingclip; break; case RF_CLIPMID: if (curline->backsector != NULL && pass != 2) { goto done; } mceilingclip = openings + clipper->sprtopclip - clipper->x1; mfloorclip = openings + clipper->sprbottomclip - clipper->x1; break; case RF_CLIPLOWER: if (pass != 0) { goto done; } mceilingclip = floorclip; mfloorclip = wallbottom; break; } yscale = decal->ScaleY; dc_texturemid = WallSpriteTile->TopOffset + (zpos - ViewPos.Z) / yscale; // Clip sprite to drawseg x1 = MAX(clipper->x1, x1); x2 = MIN(clipper->x2, x2); if (x1 >= x2) { goto done; } PrepWall (swall, lwall, WallSpriteTile->GetWidth(), x1, x2); if (flipx) { int i; int right = (WallSpriteTile->GetWidth() << FRACBITS) - 1; for (i = x1; i < x2; i++) { lwall[i] = right - lwall[i]; } } // Prepare lighting calclighting = false; usecolormap = basecolormap; rereadcolormap = true; // Decals that are added to the scene must fade to black. if (decal->RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Add] && usecolormap->Fade != 0) { usecolormap = GetSpecialLights(usecolormap->Color, 0, usecolormap->Desaturate); rereadcolormap = false; } rw_light = rw_lightleft + (x1 - WallC.sx1) * rw_lightstep; if (fixedlightlev >= 0) dc_colormap = usecolormap->Maps + fixedlightlev; else if (fixedcolormap != NULL) dc_colormap = fixedcolormap; else if (!foggy && (decal->RenderFlags & RF_FULLBRIGHT)) dc_colormap = usecolormap->Maps; else calclighting = true; dc_light = 0; // Draw it if (decal->RenderFlags & RF_YFLIP) { sprflipvert = true; yscale = -yscale; dc_texturemid -= WallSpriteTile->GetHeight(); } else { sprflipvert = false; } MaskedScaleY = float(1 / yscale); do { dc_x = x1; ESPSResult mode; mode = R_SetPatchStyle (decal->RenderStyle, (float)decal->Alpha, decal->Translation, decal->AlphaColor); // R_SetPatchStyle can modify basecolormap. if (rereadcolormap) { usecolormap = basecolormap; } if (mode == DontDraw) { needrepeat = 0; } else { int stop4; if (mode == DoDraw0) { // 1 column at a time stop4 = dc_x; } else // DoDraw1 { // up to 4 columns at a time stop4 = x2 & ~3; } while ((dc_x < stop4) && (dc_x & 3)) { if (calclighting) { // calculate lighting R_SetColorMapLight(usecolormap->Maps, rw_light, wallshade); } R_WallSpriteColumn (R_DrawMaskedColumn); dc_x++; } while (dc_x < stop4) { if (calclighting) { // calculate lighting R_SetColorMapLight(usecolormap->Maps, rw_light, wallshade); } rt_initcols(nullptr); for (int zz = 4; zz; --zz) { R_WallSpriteColumn (R_DrawMaskedColumnHoriz); dc_x++; } rt_draw4cols (dc_x - 4); } while (dc_x < x2) { if (calclighting) { // calculate lighting R_SetColorMapLight(usecolormap->Maps, rw_light, wallshade); } R_WallSpriteColumn (R_DrawMaskedColumn); dc_x++; } } // If this sprite is RF_CLIPFULL on a two-sided line, needrepeat will // be set 1 if we need to draw on the lower wall. In all other cases, // needrepeat will be 0, and the while will fail. mceilingclip = floorclip; mfloorclip = wallbottom; R_FinishSetPatchStyle (); } while (needrepeat--); colfunc = basecolfunc; hcolfunc_post1 = rt_map1col; hcolfunc_post4 = rt_map4cols; R_FinishSetPatchStyle (); done: WallC = savecoord; }