
	TiMidity -- Experimental MIDI to WAVE converter
	Copyright (C) 1995 Tuukka Toivonen <toivonen@clinet.fi>

	This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
	License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
	version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	Lesser General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
	License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "timidity.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "files.h"
#include "w_wad.h"

CVAR(Bool, midi_timiditylike, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)

namespace Timidity

ToneBank *tonebank[MAXBANK], *drumset[MAXBANK];

static FString def_instr_name;
int openmode = OM_FILEORLUMP;

static int read_config_file(const char *name, bool ismain)
	FileReader *fp;
	char tmp[1024], *cp;
	ToneBank *bank = NULL;
	int i, j, k, line = 0, words;
	static int rcf_count = 0;
	int lumpnum;

	if (rcf_count > 50)
		Printf("Timidity: Probable source loop in configuration files\n");
		return (-1);

	if (ismain) openmode = OM_FILEORLUMP;

	if (!(fp = open_filereader(name, openmode, &lumpnum)))
		return -1;

	if (ismain)
		if (lumpnum > 0)
			openmode = OM_LUMP;
			clear_pathlist();	// when reading from a PK3 we won't want to use any external path
			openmode = OM_FILE;

	while (fp->Gets(tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
		FCommandLine w(tmp, true);
		words = w.argc();
		if (words == 0) continue;

		/* Originally the TiMidity++ extensions were prefixed like this */
		if (strcmp(w[0], "#extension") == 0)
		else if (*w[0] == '#')

		for (i = 0; i < words; ++i)
			if (*w[i] == '#')
				words = i;

		 * TiMidity++ adds a number of extensions to the config file format.
		 * Many of them are completely irrelevant to SDL_sound, but at least
		 * we shouldn't choke on them.
		 * Unfortunately the documentation for these extensions is often quite
		 * vague, gramatically strange or completely absent.
		if (
			!strcmp(w[0], "comm")			/* "comm" program second        */
			|| !strcmp(w[0], "HTTPproxy")	/* "HTTPproxy" hostname:port    */
			|| !strcmp(w[0], "FTPproxy")	/* "FTPproxy" hostname:port     */
			|| !strcmp(w[0], "mailaddr")	/* "mailaddr" your-mail-address */
			|| !strcmp(w[0], "opt")			/* "opt" timidity-options       */
			* + "comm" sets some kind of comment -- the documentation is too
			*   vague for me to understand at this time.
			* + "HTTPproxy", "FTPproxy" and "mailaddr" are for reading data
			*   over a network, rather than from the file system.
			* + "opt" specifies default options for TiMidity++.
			* These are all quite useless for our version of TiMidity, so
			* they can safely remain no-ops.
		else if (!strcmp(w[0], "timeout"))	/* "timeout" program second */
			* Specifies a timeout value of the program. A number of seconds
			* before TiMidity kills the note. This may be useful to implement
			* later, but I don't see any urgent need for it.
			//Printf("FIXME: Implement \"timeout\" in TiMidity config.\n");
		else if (!strcmp(w[0], "copydrumset")	/* "copydrumset" drumset */
			|| !strcmp(w[0], "copybank"))		/* "copybank" bank       */
			* Copies all the settings of the specified drumset or bank to
			* the current drumset or bank. May be useful later, but not a
			* high priority.
			//Printf("FIXME: Implement \"%s\" in TiMidity config.\n", w[0]);
		else if (!strcmp(w[0], "undef"))		/* "undef" progno */
			* Undefines the tone "progno" of the current tone bank (or
			* drum set?). Not a high priority.
			//Printf("FIXME: Implement \"undef\" in TiMidity config.\n");
		else if (!strcmp(w[0], "altassign")) /* "altassign" prog1 prog2 ... */
			* Sets the alternate assign for drum set. Whatever that's
			* supposed to mean.
			//Printf("FIXME: Implement \"altassign\" in TiMidity config.\n");
		else if (!strcmp(w[0], "soundfont"))
			* "soundfont" sf_file "remove"
			* "soundfont" sf_file ["order=" order] ["cutoff=" cutoff]
			*                     ["reso=" reso] ["amp=" amp]
			if (words < 2)
				Printf("%s: line %d: No soundfont given\n", name, line);
				delete fp;
				return -2;
			if (words > 2 && !strcmp(w[2], "remove"))
				int order = 0;

				for (i = 2; i < words; ++i)
					if (!(cp = strchr(w[i], '=')))
						Printf("%s: line %d: bad soundfont option %s\n", name, line, w[i]);
						delete fp;
						return -2;
				font_add(w[1], order);
		else if (!strcmp(w[0], "font"))
			* "font" "exclude" bank preset keynote
			* "font" "order" order bank preset keynote
			int order, drum = -1, bank = -1, instr = -1;

			if (words < 3)
				Printf("%s: line %d: syntax error\n", name, line);
				delete fp;
				return -2;

			if (!strcmp(w[1], "exclude"))
				order = 254;
				i = 2;
			else if (!strcmp(w[1], "order"))
				order = atoi(w[2]);
				i = 3;
				Printf("%s: line %d: font subcommand must be 'order' or 'exclude'\n", name, line);
				delete fp;
				return -2;
			if (i < words)
				drum = atoi(w[i++]);
			if (i < words)
				bank = atoi(w[i++]);
			if (i < words)
				instr = atoi(w[i++]);
			if (drum != 128)
				instr = bank;
				bank = drum;
				drum = 0;
				drum = 1;
			font_order(order, drum, bank, instr);
		else if (!strcmp(w[0], "progbase"))
			* The documentation for this makes absolutely no sense to me, but
			* apparently it sets some sort of base offset for tone numbers.
			* Why anyone would want to do this is beyond me.
			//Printf("FIXME: Implement \"progbase\" in TiMidity config.\n");
		else if (!strcmp(w[0], "map")) /* "map" name set1 elem1 set2 elem2 */
			* This extension is the one we will need to implement, as it is
			* used by the "eawpats". Unfortunately I cannot find any
			* documentation whatsoever for it, but it looks like it's used
			* for remapping one instrument to another somehow.
			//Printf("FIXME: Implement \"map\" in TiMidity config.\n");

		/* Standard TiMidity config */

		else if (!strcmp(w[0], "dir"))
			if (words < 2)
				Printf("%s: line %d: No directory given\n", name, line);
				delete fp;
				return -2;
			for (i = 1; i < words; i++)
		else if (!strcmp(w[0], "source"))
			if (words < 2)
				Printf("%s: line %d: No file name given\n", name, line);
				return -2;
			for (i=1; i<words; i++)
				read_config_file(w[i], false);
		else if (!strcmp(w[0], "default"))
			if (words != 2)
				Printf("%s: line %d: Must specify exactly one patch name\n", name, line);
				delete fp;
				return -2;
			def_instr_name = w[1];
		else if (!strcmp(w[0], "drumset"))
			if (words < 2)
				Printf("%s: line %d: No drum set number given\n", name, line);
				delete fp;
				return -2;
			i = atoi(w[1]);
			if (i < 0 || i > 127)
				Printf("%s: line %d: Drum set must be between 0 and 127\n", name, line);
				delete fp;
				return -2;
			if (drumset[i] == NULL)
				drumset[i] = new ToneBank;
			bank = drumset[i];
		else if (!strcmp(w[0], "bank"))
			if (words < 2)
				Printf("%s: line %d: No bank number given\n", name, line);
				delete fp;
				return -2;
			i = atoi(w[1]);
			if (i < 0 || i > 127)
				Printf("%s: line %d: Tone bank must be between 0 and 127\n", name, line);
				delete fp;
				return -2;
			if (tonebank[i] == NULL)
				tonebank[i] = new ToneBank;
			bank = tonebank[i];
			if ((words < 2) || (*w[0] < '0' || *w[0] > '9'))
				Printf("%s: line %d: syntax error\n", name, line);
				delete fp;
				return -2;
			i = atoi(w[0]);
			if (i < 0 || i > 127)
				Printf("%s: line %d: Program must be between 0 and 127\n", name, line);
				delete fp;
				return -2;
			if (bank == NULL)
				Printf("%s: line %d: Must specify tone bank or drum set before assignment\n", name, line);
				delete fp;
				return -2;
			bank->tone[i].note = bank->tone[i].amp = bank->tone[i].pan =
				bank->tone[i].fontbank = bank->tone[i].fontpreset =
				bank->tone[i].fontnote = bank->tone[i].strip_loop = 
				bank->tone[i].strip_envelope = bank->tone[i].strip_tail = -1;

			if (!strcmp(w[1], "%font"))
				bank->tone[i].name = w[2];
				bank->tone[i].fontbank = atoi(w[3]);
				bank->tone[i].fontpreset = atoi(w[4]);
				if (words > 5 && (bank->tone[i].fontbank == 128 || (w[5][0] >= '0' && w[5][0] <= '9')))
					bank->tone[i].fontnote = atoi(w[5]);
					j = 6;
					j = 5;
				font_add(w[2], 254);
				bank->tone[i].name = w[1];
				j = 2;

			for (; j<words; j++)
				if (!(cp=strchr(w[j], '=')))
					Printf("%s: line %d: bad patch option %s\n", name, line, w[j]);
					delete fp;
					return -2;
				*cp++ = 0;
				if (!strcmp(w[j], "amp"))
					k = atoi(cp);
					if ((k < 0 || k > MAX_AMPLIFICATION) || (*cp < '0' || *cp > '9'))
						Printf("%s: line %d: amplification must be between  0 and %d\n", name, line, MAX_AMPLIFICATION);
						delete fp;
						return -2;
					bank->tone[i].amp = k;
				else if (!strcmp(w[j], "note"))
					k = atoi(cp);
					if ((k < 0 || k > 127) || (*cp < '0' || *cp > '9'))
						Printf("%s: line %d: note must be between 0 and 127\n", name, line);
						delete fp;
						return -2;
					bank->tone[i].note = k;
				else if (!strcmp(w[j], "pan"))
					if (!strcmp(cp, "center"))
						k = 64;
					else if (!strcmp(cp, "left"))
						k = 0;
					else if (!strcmp(cp, "right"))
						k = 127;
						k = ((atoi(cp)+100) * 100) / 157;
					if ((k < 0 || k > 127) ||
						(k == 0 && *cp != '-' && (*cp < '0' || *cp > '9')))
						Printf("%s: line %d: panning must be left, right, "
							"center, or between -100 and 100\n", name, line);
						delete fp;
						return -2;
					bank->tone[i].pan = k;
				else if (!strcmp(w[j], "keep"))
					if (!strcmp(cp, "env"))
						bank->tone[i].strip_envelope = 0;
					else if (!strcmp(cp, "loop"))
						bank->tone[i].strip_loop = 0;
						Printf("%s: line %d: keep must be env or loop\n", name, line);
						delete fp;
						return -2;
				else if (!strcmp(w[j], "strip"))
					if (!strcmp(cp, "env"))
						bank->tone[i].strip_envelope = 1;
					else if (!strcmp(cp, "loop"))
						bank->tone[i].strip_loop = 1;
					else if (!strcmp(cp, "tail"))
						bank->tone[i].strip_tail = 1;
						Printf("%s: line %d: strip must be env, loop, or tail\n", name, line);
						delete fp;
						return -2;
					Printf("%s: line %d: bad patch option %s\n", name, line, w[j]);
					delete fp;
					return -2;
	if (ferror(fp))
		Printf("Can't read %s: %s\n", name, strerror(errno));
		return -2;
	delete fp;
	return 0;

void FreeAll()
	for (int i = 0; i < MAXBANK; ++i)
		if (tonebank[i] != NULL)
			delete tonebank[i];
			tonebank[i] = NULL;
		if (drumset[i] != NULL)
			delete drumset[i];
			drumset[i] = NULL;

int LoadConfig(const char *filename)
	/* !!! FIXME: This may be ugly, but slightly less so than requiring the
	 *			  default search path to have only one element. I think.
	 *			  We only need to include the likely locations for the config
	 *			  file itself since that file should contain any other directory
	 *			  that needs to be added to the search path.
#ifdef _WIN32

	/* Some functions get aggravated if not even the standard banks are available. */
	if (tonebank[0] == NULL)
		tonebank[0] = new ToneBank;
		drumset[0] = new ToneBank;

	return read_config_file(filename, true);

int LoadConfig()
	if (midi_dmxgus)
		return LoadDMXGUS();
		return LoadConfig(midi_config);

int LoadDMXGUS()
	int lump = Wads.CheckNumForName("DMXGUS");
	if (lump == -1) lump = Wads.CheckNumForName("DMXGUSC");
	if (lump == -1) return LoadConfig(midi_config);

	FWadLump data = Wads.OpenLumpNum(lump);
	if (data.GetLength() == 0) return LoadConfig(midi_config);

	// The GUS put its patches in %ULTRADIR%/MIDI so we can try that
	FString ultradir = getenv("ULTRADIR");
	if (ultradir.IsNotEmpty())
		ultradir += "/midi";
	// Load DMXGUS lump and patches from gus_patchdir

	char readbuffer[1024];
	long size = data.GetLength();
	long read = 0;
	BYTE remap[256];

	FString patches[256];
	memset(remap, 255, sizeof(remap));
	char temp[16];
	int current = -1;
	int status = -1;
	int gusbank = (gus_memsize >= 1 && gus_memsize <= 4) ? gus_memsize : -1;

	data.Seek(0, SEEK_SET);

	while (data.Gets(readbuffer, 1024) && read < size)
		int i = 0;
		while (readbuffer[i] != 0 && i < 1024)
			// Don't try to parse comments
			if (readbuffer[i] == '#') break;
			// Actively ignore spaces
			else if (readbuffer[i] == ' ') {}
			// Comma separate values
			else if (status >= 0 && status <= 4 && readbuffer[i] == ',')
				if (++status == gusbank)
					remap[current] = 0;
			// Status -1: outside of a line
			// Status 0: reading patch value
			else if (status == -1 && readbuffer[i] >= '0' && readbuffer[i] <= '9')
				current = readbuffer[i] - '0';
				status = 0;
			else if (status == 0 && readbuffer[i] >= '0' && readbuffer[i] <= '9')
				current *= 10;
				current += readbuffer[i] - '0';
			// Status 1 through 4: remaps (256K, 512K, 768K, and 1024K resp.)
			else if (status == gusbank && readbuffer[i] >= '0' && readbuffer[i] <= '9')
				remap[current] *= 10;
				remap[current] += readbuffer[i] - '0';
			// Status 5: parsing patch name
			else if (status == 5 && i < 1015)
				memcpy(temp, readbuffer + i, 8);
				for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
					if (temp[j] < 33)
						temp[j] = 0;
				temp[8] = 0;
				patches[current] = temp;
				// Prepare to parse next line
				status = -1;

		read += i;
		if (i == 0) continue;
		readbuffer[i-1] = 0;

	if (tonebank[0] == NULL)
		tonebank[0] = new ToneBank;
		drumset[0] = new ToneBank;

	// From 0 to 127: tonebank[0]; from 128 to 255: drumset[0].
	ToneBank *bank = tonebank[0];
	for (int k = 0; k < 256; ++k)
		int j = (gusbank > 0) ? remap[k] : k;
		if (k == 128) bank = drumset[0];
		// No need to bother with things that don't exist
		if (patches[j].IsEmpty())

		int val = k % 128;
		bank->tone[val].note = bank->tone[val].amp = bank->tone[val].pan =
			bank->tone[val].fontbank = bank->tone[val].fontpreset =
			bank->tone[val].fontnote = bank->tone[val].strip_loop = 
			bank->tone[val].strip_envelope = bank->tone[val].strip_tail = -1;
		bank->tone[val].name = patches[j];

	return 0;

Renderer::Renderer(float sample_rate)
	rate = sample_rate;
	patches = NULL;
	resample_buffer_size = 0;
	resample_buffer = NULL;
	voice = NULL;
	adjust_panning_immediately = false;

	control_ratio = clamp(int(rate / CONTROLS_PER_SECOND), 1, MAX_CONTROL_RATIO);

	lost_notes = 0;
	cut_notes = 0;

	default_instrument = NULL;
	default_program = DEFAULT_PROGRAM;
	if (def_instr_name.IsNotEmpty())

	voices = clamp<int>(midi_voices, 16, 256);
	voice = new Voice[voices];

	if (resample_buffer != NULL)
	if (voice != NULL)
		delete[] voice;

void Renderer::ComputeOutput(float *buffer, int count)
	// count is in samples, not bytes.
	if (count <= 0)
	Voice *v = &voice[0];

	memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(float)*count*2);		// An integer 0 is also a float 0.
	if (resample_buffer_size < count)
		resample_buffer_size = count;
		resample_buffer = (sample_t *)M_Realloc(resample_buffer, count * sizeof(float) * 2);
	for (int i = 0; i < voices; i++, v++)
		if (v->status & VOICE_RUNNING)
			mix_voice(this, buffer, v, count);

void Renderer::MarkInstrument(int banknum, int percussion, int instr)
	ToneBank *bank;

	if (banknum >= MAXBANK)
	if (banknum != 0)
		/* Mark the standard bank in case it's not defined by this one. */
		MarkInstrument(0, percussion, instr);
	if (percussion)
		bank = drumset[banknum];
		bank = tonebank[banknum];
	if (bank == NULL)
	if (bank->instrument[instr] == NULL)
		bank->instrument[instr] = MAGIC_LOAD_INSTRUMENT;

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>

void cmsg(int type, int verbosity_level, const char *fmt, ...)
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, fmt);
	VPrintf(PRINT_HIGH, fmt, args);
	msg.VFormat(fmt, args);
#ifdef _WIN32
	char buf[1024];
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, fmt);
	vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
