// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // DESCRIPTION: // Map Objects, MObj, definition and handling. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __P_MOBJ_H__ #define __P_MOBJ_H__ // Basics. #include "tables.h" // We need the thinker_t stuff. #include "dthinker.h" // States are tied to finite states are // tied to animation frames. // Needs precompiled tables/data structures. #include "info.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "textures/textures.h" #include "r_data/renderstyle.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "memarena.h" struct subsector_t; class PClassAmmo; // // NOTES: AActor // // Actors are used to tell the refresh where to draw an image, // tell the world simulation when objects are contacted, // and tell the sound driver how to position a sound. // // The refresh uses the next and prev links to follow // lists of things in sectors as they are being drawn. // The sprite, frame, and angle elements determine which patch_t // is used to draw the sprite if it is visible. // The sprite and frame values are almost always set // from state_t structures. // The statescr.exe utility generates the states.h and states.c // files that contain the sprite/frame numbers from the // statescr.txt source file. // The xyz origin point represents a point at the bottom middle // of the sprite (between the feet of a biped). // This is the default origin position for patch_ts grabbed // with lumpy.exe. // A walking creature will have its z equal to the floor // it is standing on. // // The sound code uses the x,y, and sometimes z fields // to do stereo positioning of any sound emitted by the actor. // // The play simulation uses the blocklinks, x,y,z, radius, height // to determine when AActors are touching each other, // touching lines in the map, or hit by trace lines (gunshots, // lines of sight, etc). // The AActor->flags element has various bit flags // used by the simulation. // // Every actor is linked into a single sector // based on its origin coordinates. // The subsector_t is found with R_PointInSubsector(x,y), // and the sector_t can be found with subsector->sector. // The sector links are only used by the rendering code, // the play simulation does not care about them at all. // // Any actor that needs to be acted upon by something else // in the play world (block movement, be shot, etc) will also // need to be linked into the blockmap. // If the thing has the MF_NOBLOCK flag set, it will not use // the block links. It can still interact with other things, // but only as the instigator (missiles will run into other // things, but nothing can run into a missile). // Each block in the grid is 128*128 units, and knows about // every line_t that it contains a piece of, and every // interactable actor that has its origin contained. // // A valid actor is an actor that has the proper subsector_t // filled in for its xy coordinates and is linked into the // sector from which the subsector was made, or has the // MF_NOSECTOR flag set (the subsector_t needs to be valid // even if MF_NOSECTOR is set), and is linked into a blockmap // block or has the MF_NOBLOCKMAP flag set. // Links should only be modified by the P_[Un]SetThingPosition() // functions. // Do not change the MF_NO* flags while a thing is valid. // // Any questions? // enum { // --- mobj.flags --- MF_SPECIAL = 0x00000001, // call P_SpecialThing when touched MF_SOLID = 0x00000002, MF_SHOOTABLE = 0x00000004, MF_NOSECTOR = 0x00000008, // don't use the sector links // (invisible but touchable) MF_NOBLOCKMAP = 0x00000010, // don't use the blocklinks // (inert but displayable) MF_AMBUSH = 0x00000020, // not activated by sound; deaf monster MF_JUSTHIT = 0x00000040, // try to attack right back MF_JUSTATTACKED = 0x00000080, // take at least one step before attacking MF_SPAWNCEILING = 0x00000100, // hang from ceiling instead of floor MF_NOGRAVITY = 0x00000200, // don't apply gravity every tic // movement flags MF_DROPOFF = 0x00000400, // allow jumps from high places MF_PICKUP = 0x00000800, // for players to pick up items MF_NOCLIP = 0x00001000, // player cheat MF_INCHASE = 0x00002000, // [RH] used by A_Chase and A_Look to avoid recursion MF_FLOAT = 0x00004000, // allow moves to any height, no gravity MF_TELEPORT = 0x00008000, // don't cross lines or look at heights MF_MISSILE = 0x00010000, // don't hit same species, explode on block MF_DROPPED = 0x00020000, // dropped by a demon, not level spawned MF_SHADOW = 0x00040000, // actor is hard for monsters to see MF_NOBLOOD = 0x00080000, // don't bleed when shot (use puff) MF_CORPSE = 0x00100000, // don't stop moving halfway off a step MF_INFLOAT = 0x00200000, // floating to a height for a move, don't // auto float to target's height MF_INBOUNCE = 0x00200000, // used by Heretic bouncing missiles MF_COUNTKILL = 0x00400000, // count towards intermission kill total MF_COUNTITEM = 0x00800000, // count towards intermission item total MF_SKULLFLY = 0x01000000, // skull in flight MF_NOTDMATCH = 0x02000000, // don't spawn in death match (key cards) MF_SPAWNSOUNDSOURCE = 0x04000000, // Plays missile's see sound at spawning object. MF_FRIENDLY = 0x08000000, // [RH] Friendly monsters for Strife (and MBF) MF_UNMORPHED = 0x10000000, // [RH] Actor is the unmorphed version of something else MF_NOLIFTDROP = 0x20000000, // [RH] Used with MF_NOGRAVITY to avoid dropping with lifts MF_STEALTH = 0x40000000, // [RH] Andy Baker's stealth monsters MF_ICECORPSE = 0x80000000, // a frozen corpse (for blasting) [RH] was 0x800000 // --- mobj.flags2 --- MF2_DONTREFLECT = 0x00000001, // this projectile cannot be reflected MF2_WINDTHRUST = 0x00000002, // gets pushed around by the wind specials MF2_DONTSEEKINVISIBLE=0x00000004, // For seeker missiles: Don't home in on invisible/shadow targets MF2_BLASTED = 0x00000008, // actor will temporarily take damage from impact MF2_FLY = 0x00000010, // fly mode is active MF2_FLOORCLIP = 0x00000020, // if feet are allowed to be clipped MF2_SPAWNFLOAT = 0x00000040, // spawn random float z MF2_NOTELEPORT = 0x00000080, // does not teleport MF2_RIP = 0x00000100, // missile rips through solid targets MF2_PUSHABLE = 0x00000200, // can be pushed by other moving actors MF2_SLIDE = 0x00000400, // slides against walls MF2_ONMOBJ = 0x00000800, // actor is resting on top of another actor MF2_PASSMOBJ = 0x00001000, // Enable z block checking. If on, // this flag will allow the actor to // pass over/under other actors. MF2_CANNOTPUSH = 0x00002000, // cannot push other pushable mobjs MF2_THRUGHOST = 0x00004000, // missile will pass through ghosts [RH] was 8 MF2_BOSS = 0x00008000, // mobj is a major boss MF2_DONTTRANSLATE = 0x00010000, // Don't apply palette translations MF2_NODMGTHRUST = 0x00020000, // does not thrust target when damaging MF2_TELESTOMP = 0x00040000, // mobj can stomp another MF2_FLOATBOB = 0x00080000, // use float bobbing z movement MF2_THRUACTORS = 0x00100000, // performs no actor<->actor collision checks MF2_IMPACT = 0x00200000, // an MF_MISSILE mobj can activate SPAC_IMPACT MF2_PUSHWALL = 0x00400000, // mobj can push walls MF2_MCROSS = 0x00800000, // can activate monster cross lines MF2_PCROSS = 0x01000000, // can activate projectile cross lines MF2_CANTLEAVEFLOORPIC=0x02000000, // stay within a certain floor type MF2_NONSHOOTABLE = 0x04000000, // mobj is totally non-shootable, // but still considered solid MF2_INVULNERABLE = 0x08000000, // mobj is invulnerable MF2_DORMANT = 0x10000000, // thing is dormant MF2_ARGSDEFINED = 0x20000000, // Internal flag used by DECORATE to signal that the // args should not be taken from the mapthing definition MF2_SEEKERMISSILE = 0x40000000, // is a seeker (for reflection) MF2_REFLECTIVE = 0x80000000, // reflects missiles // --- mobj.flags3 --- MF3_FLOORHUGGER = 0x00000001, // Missile stays on floor MF3_CEILINGHUGGER = 0x00000002, // Missile stays on ceiling MF3_NORADIUSDMG = 0x00000004, // Actor does not take radius damage MF3_GHOST = 0x00000008, // Actor is a ghost MF3_ALWAYSPUFF = 0x00000010, // Puff always appears, even when hit nothing MF3_SPECIALFLOORCLIP= 0x00000020, // Actor uses floorclip for special effect (e.g. Wraith) MF3_DONTSPLASH = 0x00000040, // Thing doesn't make a splash MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK = 0x00000080, // Go after first acceptable target without checking sight MF3_DONTOVERLAP = 0x00000100, // Don't pass over/under other things with this bit set MF3_DONTMORPH = 0x00000200, // Immune to arti_egg MF3_DONTSQUASH = 0x00000400, // Death ball can't squash this actor MF3_EXPLOCOUNT = 0x00000800, // Don't explode until special2 counts to special1 MF3_FULLVOLACTIVE = 0x00001000, // Active sound is played at full volume MF3_ISMONSTER = 0x00002000, // Actor is a monster MF3_SKYEXPLODE = 0x00004000, // Explode missile when hitting sky MF3_STAYMORPHED = 0x00008000, // Monster cannot unmorph MF3_DONTBLAST = 0x00010000, // Actor cannot be pushed by blasting MF3_CANBLAST = 0x00020000, // Actor is not a monster but can be blasted MF3_NOTARGET = 0x00040000, // This actor not targetted when it hurts something else MF3_DONTGIB = 0x00080000, // Don't gib this corpse MF3_NOBLOCKMONST = 0x00100000, // Can cross ML_BLOCKMONSTERS lines MF3_CRASHED = 0x00200000, // Actor entered its crash state MF3_FULLVOLDEATH = 0x00400000, // DeathSound is played full volume (for missiles) MF3_AVOIDMELEE = 0x00800000, // Avoids melee attacks (same as MBF's monster_backing but must be explicitly set) MF3_SCREENSEEKER = 0x01000000, // Fails the IsOkayToAttack test if potential target is outside player FOV MF3_FOILINVUL = 0x02000000, // Actor can hurt MF2_INVULNERABLE things MF3_NOTELEOTHER = 0x04000000, // Monster is unaffected by teleport other artifact MF3_BLOODLESSIMPACT = 0x08000000, // Projectile does not leave blood MF3_NOEXPLODEFLOOR = 0x10000000, // Missile stops at floor instead of exploding MF3_WARNBOT = 0x20000000, // Missile warns bot MF3_PUFFONACTORS = 0x40000000, // Puff appears even when hit bleeding actors MF3_HUNTPLAYERS = 0x80000000, // Used with TIDtoHate, means to hate players too // --- mobj.flags4 --- MF4_NOHATEPLAYERS = 0x00000001, // Ignore player attacks MF4_QUICKTORETALIATE= 0x00000002, // Always switch targets when hurt MF4_NOICEDEATH = 0x00000004, // Actor never enters an ice death, not even the generic one MF4_BOSSDEATH = 0x00000008, // A_FreezeDeathChunks calls A_BossDeath MF4_RANDOMIZE = 0x00000010, // Missile has random initial tic count MF4_NOSKIN = 0x00000020, // Player cannot use skins MF4_FIXMAPTHINGPOS = 0x00000040, // Fix this actor's position when spawned as a map thing MF4_ACTLIKEBRIDGE = 0x00000080, // Pickups can "stand" on this actor MF4_STRIFEDAMAGE = 0x00000100, // Strife projectiles only do up to 4x damage, not 8x MF4_CANUSEWALLS = 0x00000200, // Can activate 'use' specials MF4_MISSILEMORE = 0x00000400, // increases the chance of a missile attack MF4_MISSILEEVENMORE = 0x00000800, // significantly increases the chance of a missile attack MF4_FORCERADIUSDMG = 0x00001000, // if put on an object it will override MF3_NORADIUSDMG MF4_DONTFALL = 0x00002000, // Doesn't have NOGRAVITY disabled when dying. MF4_SEESDAGGERS = 0x00004000, // This actor can see you striking with a dagger MF4_INCOMBAT = 0x00008000, // Don't alert others when attacked by a dagger MF4_LOOKALLAROUND = 0x00010000, // Monster has eyes in the back of its head MF4_STANDSTILL = 0x00020000, // Monster should not chase targets unless attacked? MF4_SPECTRAL = 0x00040000, MF4_SCROLLMOVE = 0x00080000, // velocity has been applied by a scroller MF4_NOSPLASHALERT = 0x00100000, // Splashes don't alert this monster MF4_SYNCHRONIZED = 0x00200000, // For actors spawned at load-time only: Do not randomize tics MF4_NOTARGETSWITCH = 0x00400000, // monster never switches target until current one is dead MF4_VFRICTION = 0x00800000, // Internal flag used by A_PainAttack to push a monster down MF4_DONTHARMCLASS = 0x01000000, // Don't hurt one's own kind with explosions (hitscans, too?) MF4_SHIELDREFLECT = 0x02000000, MF4_DEFLECT = 0x04000000, // different projectile reflection styles MF4_ALLOWPARTICLES = 0x08000000, // this puff type can be replaced by particles MF4_NOEXTREMEDEATH = 0x10000000, // this projectile or weapon never gibs its victim MF4_EXTREMEDEATH = 0x20000000, // this projectile or weapon always gibs its victim MF4_FRIGHTENED = 0x40000000, // Monster runs away from player MF4_BOSSSPAWNED = 0x80000000, // Spawned by a boss spawn cube // --- mobj.flags5 --- /* = 0x00000001, */ /* = 0x00000002, */ MF5_NODROPOFF = 0x00000004, // cannot drop off under any circumstances. /* = 0x00000008, */ MF5_COUNTSECRET = 0x00000010, // From Doom 64: actor acts like a secret MF5_AVOIDINGDROPOFF = 0x00000020, // Used to move monsters away from dropoffs MF5_NODAMAGE = 0x00000040, // Actor can be shot and reacts to being shot but takes no damage MF5_CHASEGOAL = 0x00000080, // Walks to goal instead of target if a valid goal is set. MF5_BLOODSPLATTER = 0x00000100, // Blood splatter like in Raven's games. MF5_OLDRADIUSDMG = 0x00000200, // Use old radius damage code (for barrels and boss brain) MF5_DEHEXPLOSION = 0x00000400, // Use the DEHACKED explosion options when this projectile explodes MF5_PIERCEARMOR = 0x00000800, // Armor doesn't protect against damage from this actor MF5_NOBLOODDECALS = 0x00001000, // Actor bleeds but doesn't spawn blood decals MF5_USESPECIAL = 0x00002000, // Actor executes its special when being 'used'. MF5_NOPAIN = 0x00004000, // If set the pain state won't be entered MF5_ALWAYSFAST = 0x00008000, // always uses 'fast' attacking logic MF5_NEVERFAST = 0x00010000, // never uses 'fast' attacking logic MF5_ALWAYSRESPAWN = 0x00020000, // always respawns, regardless of skill setting MF5_NEVERRESPAWN = 0x00040000, // never respawns, regardless of skill setting MF5_DONTRIP = 0x00080000, // Ripping projectiles explode when hittin this actor MF5_NOINFIGHTING = 0x00100000, // This actor doesn't switch target when it's hurt MF5_NOINTERACTION = 0x00200000, // Thing is completely excluded from any gameplay related checks MF5_NOTIMEFREEZE = 0x00400000, // Actor is not affected by time freezer MF5_PUFFGETSOWNER = 0x00800000, // [BB] Sets the owner of the puff to the player who fired it MF5_SPECIALFIREDAMAGE=0x01000000, // Special treatment of PhoenixFX1 turned into a flag to remove // dependence of main engine code of specific actor types. MF5_SUMMONEDMONSTER = 0x02000000, // To mark the friendly Minotaur. Hopefully to be generalized later. MF5_NOVERTICALMELEERANGE=0x04000000,// Does not check vertical distance for melee range MF5_BRIGHT = 0x08000000, // Actor is always rendered fullbright MF5_CANTSEEK = 0x10000000, // seeker missiles cannot home in on this actor MF5_INCONVERSATION = 0x20000000, // Actor is having a conversation MF5_PAINLESS = 0x40000000, // Actor always inflicts painless damage. MF5_MOVEWITHSECTOR = 0x80000000, // P_ChangeSector() will still process this actor if it has MF_NOBLOCKMAP // --- mobj.flags6 --- MF6_NOBOSSRIP = 0x00000001, // For rippermissiles: Don't rip through bosses. MF6_THRUSPECIES = 0x00000002, // Actors passes through other of the same species. MF6_MTHRUSPECIES = 0x00000004, // Missile passes through actors of its shooter's species. MF6_FORCEPAIN = 0x00000008, // forces target into painstate (unless it has the NOPAIN flag) MF6_NOFEAR = 0x00000010, // Not scared of frightening players MF6_BUMPSPECIAL = 0x00000020, // Actor executes its special when being collided (as the ST flag) MF6_DONTHARMSPECIES = 0x00000040, // Don't hurt one's own species with explosions (hitscans, too?) MF6_STEPMISSILE = 0x00000080, // Missile can "walk" up steps MF6_NOTELEFRAG = 0x00000100, // [HW] Actor can't be telefragged MF6_TOUCHY = 0x00000200, // From MBF: killough 11/98: dies when solids touch it MF6_CANJUMP = 0x00000400, // From MBF: a dedicated flag instead of the BOUNCES+FLOAT+sentient combo MF6_JUMPDOWN = 0x00000800, // From MBF: generalization of dog behavior wrt. dropoffs. MF6_VULNERABLE = 0x00001000, // Actor can be damaged (even if not shootable). MF6_ARMED = 0x00002000, // From MBF: Object is armed (for MF6_TOUCHY objects) MF6_FALLING = 0x00004000, // From MBF: Object is falling (for pseudotorque simulation) MF6_LINEDONE = 0x00008000, // From MBF: Object has already run a line effect MF6_NOTRIGGER = 0x00010000, // actor cannot trigger any line actions MF6_SHATTERING = 0x00020000, // marks an ice corpse for forced shattering MF6_KILLED = 0x00040000, // Something that was killed (but not necessarily a corpse) MF6_BLOCKEDBYSOLIDACTORS = 0x00080000, // Blocked by solid actors, even if not solid itself MF6_ADDITIVEPOISONDAMAGE = 0x00100000, MF6_ADDITIVEPOISONDURATION = 0x00200000, MF6_NOMENU = 0x00400000, // Player class should not appear in the class selection menu. MF6_BOSSCUBE = 0x00800000, // Actor spawned by A_BrainSpit, flagged for timefreeze reasons. MF6_SEEINVISIBLE = 0x01000000, // Monsters can see invisible player. MF6_DONTCORPSE = 0x02000000, // [RC] Don't autoset MF_CORPSE upon death and don't force Crash state change. MF6_POISONALWAYS = 0x04000000, // Always apply poison, even when target can't take the damage. MF6_DOHARMSPECIES = 0x08000000, // Do hurt one's own species with projectiles. MF6_INTRYMOVE = 0x10000000, // Executing P_TryMove MF6_NOTAUTOAIMED = 0x20000000, // Do not subject actor to player autoaim. // --- mobj.renderflags --- RF_XFLIP = 0x0001, // Flip sprite horizontally RF_YFLIP = 0x0002, // Flip sprite vertically RF_ONESIDED = 0x0004, // Wall/floor sprite is visible from front only RF_FULLBRIGHT = 0x0010, // Sprite is drawn at full brightness RF_RELMASK = 0x0300, // ---Relative z-coord for bound actors (these obey texture pegging) RF_RELABSOLUTE = 0x0000, // Actor z is absolute RF_RELUPPER = 0x0100, // Actor z is relative to upper part of wall RF_RELLOWER = 0x0200, // Actor z is relative to lower part of wall RF_RELMID = 0x0300, // Actor z is relative to middle part of wall RF_CLIPMASK = 0x0c00, // ---Clipping for bound actors RF_CLIPFULL = 0x0000, // Clip sprite to full height of wall RF_CLIPUPPER = 0x0400, // Clip sprite to upper part of wall RF_CLIPMID = 0x0800, // Clip sprite to mid part of wall RF_CLIPLOWER = 0x0c00, // Clip sprite to lower part of wall RF_DECALMASK = RF_RELMASK|RF_CLIPMASK, RF_SPRITETYPEMASK = 0x7000, // ---Different sprite types, not all implemented RF_FACESPRITE = 0x0000, // Face sprite RF_WALLSPRITE = 0x1000, // Wall sprite RF_FLOORSPRITE = 0x2000, // Floor sprite RF_VOXELSPRITE = 0x3000, // Voxel object RF_INVISIBLE = 0x8000, // Don't bother drawing this actor RF_FORCEYBILLBOARD = 0x10000, // [BB] OpenGL only: draw with y axis billboard, i.e. anchored to the floor (overrides gl_billboard_mode setting) RF_FORCEXYBILLBOARD = 0x20000, // [BB] OpenGL only: draw with xy axis billboard, i.e. unanchored (overrides gl_billboard_mode setting) // --- dummies for unknown/unimplemented Strife flags --- MF_STRIFEx8000000 = 0, // seems related to MF_SHADOW }; #define TRANSLUC25 (FRACUNIT/4) #define TRANSLUC33 (FRACUNIT/3) #define TRANSLUC50 (FRACUNIT/2) #define TRANSLUC66 ((FRACUNIT*2)/3) #define TRANSLUC75 ((FRACUNIT*3)/4) // also #defines OPAQUE #ifndef OPAQUE #define OPAQUE (FRACUNIT) #endif // This translucency value produces the closest match to Heretic's TINTTAB. // ~40% of the value of the overlaid image shows through. #define HR_SHADOW (0x6800) // Hexen's TINTTAB is the same as Heretic's, just reversed. #define HX_SHADOW (0x9800) #define HX_ALTSHADOW (0x6800) // This could easily be a bool but then it'd be much harder to find later. ;) enum replace_t { NO_REPLACE = 0, ALLOW_REPLACE = 1 }; enum EBounceFlags { BOUNCE_Walls = 1<<0, // bounces off of walls BOUNCE_Floors = 1<<1, // bounces off of floors BOUNCE_Ceilings = 1<<2, // bounces off of ceilings BOUNCE_Actors = 1<<3, // bounces off of some actors BOUNCE_AllActors = 1<<4, // bounces off of all actors (requires BOUNCE_Actors to be set, too) BOUNCE_AutoOff = 1<<5, // when bouncing off a sector plane, if the new Z velocity is below 3.0, disable further bouncing BOUNCE_HereticType = 1<<6, // goes into Death state when bouncing on floors or ceilings BOUNCE_UseSeeSound = 1<<7, // compatibility fallback. This will only be set by // the compatibility handlers for the old bounce flags. BOUNCE_NoWallSound = 1<<8, // don't make noise when bouncing off a wall BOUNCE_Quiet = 1<<9, // Strife's grenades don't make a bouncing sound BOUNCE_ExplodeOnWater = 1<<10, // explodes when hitting a water surface BOUNCE_CanBounceWater = 1<<11, // can bounce on water // MBF bouncing is a bit different from other modes as Killough coded many special behavioral cases // for them that are not present in ZDoom, so it is necessary to identify it properly. BOUNCE_MBF = 1<<12, // This in itself is not a valid mode, but replaces MBF's MF_BOUNCE flag. BOUNCE_AutoOffFloorOnly = 1<<13, // like BOUNCE_AutoOff, but only on floors BOUNCE_TypeMask = BOUNCE_Walls | BOUNCE_Floors | BOUNCE_Ceilings | BOUNCE_Actors | BOUNCE_AutoOff | BOUNCE_HereticType | BOUNCE_MBF, // The three "standard" types of bounciness are: // HERETIC - Missile will only bounce off the floor once and then enter // its death state. It does not bounce off walls at all. // HEXEN - Missile bounces off of walls and floors indefinitely. // DOOM - Like Hexen, but the bounce turns off if its vertical velocity // is too low. BOUNCE_None = 0, BOUNCE_Heretic = BOUNCE_Floors | BOUNCE_Ceilings | BOUNCE_HereticType, BOUNCE_Doom = BOUNCE_Walls | BOUNCE_Floors | BOUNCE_Ceilings | BOUNCE_Actors | BOUNCE_AutoOff, BOUNCE_Hexen = BOUNCE_Walls | BOUNCE_Floors | BOUNCE_Ceilings | BOUNCE_Actors, BOUNCE_Grenade = BOUNCE_MBF | BOUNCE_Doom, // Bounces on walls and flats like ZDoom bounce. BOUNCE_Classic = BOUNCE_MBF | BOUNCE_Floors | BOUNCE_Ceilings, // Bounces on flats only, but // does not die when bouncing. // combined types BOUNCE_DoomCompat = BOUNCE_Doom | BOUNCE_UseSeeSound, BOUNCE_HereticCompat = BOUNCE_Heretic | BOUNCE_UseSeeSound, BOUNCE_HexenCompat = BOUNCE_Hexen | BOUNCE_UseSeeSound // The distinction between BOUNCE_Actors and BOUNCE_AllActors: A missile with // BOUNCE_Actors set will bounce off of reflective and "non-sentient" actors. // A missile that also has BOUNCE_AllActors set will bounce off of any actor. // For compatibility reasons when BOUNCE_Actors was implied by the bounce type // being "Doom" or "Hexen" and BOUNCE_AllActors was the separate // MF5_BOUNCEONACTORS, you must set BOUNCE_Actors for BOUNCE_AllActors to have // an effect. }; // Used to affect the logic for thing activation through death, USESPECIAL and BUMPSPECIAL // "thing" refers to what has the flag and the special, "trigger" refers to what used or bumped it enum EThingSpecialActivationType { THINGSPEC_Default = 0, // Normal behavior: a player must be the trigger, and is the activator THINGSPEC_ThingActs = 1, // The thing itself is the activator of the special THINGSPEC_ThingTargets = 1<<1, // The thing changes its target to the trigger THINGSPEC_TriggerTargets = 1<<2, // The trigger changes its target to the thing THINGSPEC_MonsterTrigger = 1<<3, // The thing can be triggered by a monster THINGSPEC_MissileTrigger = 1<<4, // The thing can be triggered by a projectile THINGSPEC_ClearSpecial = 1<<5, // Clears special after successful activation THINGSPEC_NoDeathSpecial = 1<<6, // Don't activate special on death THINGSPEC_TriggerActs = 1<<7, // The trigger is the activator of the special // (overrides LEVEL_ACTOWNSPECIAL Hexen hack) THINGSPEC_Activate = 1<<8, // The thing is activated when triggered THINGSPEC_Deactivate = 1<<9, // The thing is deactivated when triggered THINGSPEC_Switch = 1<<10, // The thing is alternatively activated and deactivated when triggered }; // [RH] Like msecnode_t, but for the blockmap struct FBlockNode { AActor *Me; // actor this node references int BlockIndex; // index into blocklinks for the block this node is in FBlockNode **PrevActor; // previous actor in this block FBlockNode *NextActor; // next actor in this block FBlockNode **PrevBlock; // previous block this actor is in FBlockNode *NextBlock; // next block this actor is in static FBlockNode *Create (AActor *who, int x, int y); void Release (); static FBlockNode *FreeBlocks; }; class FDecalBase; class AInventory; inline AActor *GetDefaultByName (const char *name) { return (AActor *)(PClass::FindClass(name)->Defaults); } inline AActor *GetDefaultByType (const PClass *type) { return (AActor *)(type->Defaults); } template inline T *GetDefault () { return (T *)(RUNTIME_CLASS(T)->Defaults); } struct line_t; struct secplane_t; struct FStrifeDialogueNode; class DDropItem : public DObject { DECLARE_CLASS(DDropItem, DObject) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: DDropItem *Next; FName Name; int Probability; int Amount; }; // Map Object definition. class AActor : public DThinker { DECLARE_CLASS_WITH_META (AActor, DThinker, PClassActor) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: AActor () throw(); AActor (const AActor &other) throw(); AActor &operator= (const AActor &other); void Destroy (); ~AActor (); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); static AActor *StaticSpawn (PClassActor *type, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, replace_t allowreplacement, bool SpawningMapThing = false); inline AActor *GetDefault () const { return (AActor *)(this->GetClass()->Defaults); } DDropItem *GetDropItems() const; // Return true if the monster should use a missile attack, false for melee bool SuggestMissileAttack (fixed_t dist); // Adjusts the angle for deflection/reflection of incoming missiles // Returns true if the missile should be allowed to explode anyway bool AdjustReflectionAngle (AActor *thing, angle_t &angle); // Returns true if this actor is within melee range of its target bool CheckMeleeRange (); // BeginPlay: Called just after the actor is created virtual void BeginPlay (); virtual void PostBeginPlay (); // LevelSpawned: Called after BeginPlay if this actor was spawned by the world virtual void LevelSpawned (); // Translates SpawnFlags into in-game flags. virtual void HandleSpawnFlags (); virtual void Activate (AActor *activator); virtual void Deactivate (AActor *activator); virtual void Tick (); // Called when actor dies virtual void Die (AActor *source, AActor *inflictor, int dmgflags = 0); // Perform some special damage action. Returns the amount of damage to do. // Returning -1 signals the damage routine to exit immediately virtual int DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage, FName damagetype); // Like DoSpecialDamage, but called on the actor receiving the damage. virtual int TakeSpecialDamage (AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int damage, FName damagetype); // Centaurs and ettins squeal when electrocuted, poisoned, or "holy"-ed // Made a metadata property so no longer virtual void Howl (); // Actor just hit the floor virtual void HitFloor (); // plays bouncing sound void PlayBounceSound(bool onfloor); // Called when an actor with MF_MISSILE and MF2_FLOORBOUNCE hits the floor virtual bool FloorBounceMissile (secplane_t &plane); // Called when an actor is to be reflected by a disc of repulsion. // Returns true to continue normal blast processing. virtual bool SpecialBlastHandling (AActor *source, fixed_t strength); // Called by RoughBlockCheck bool IsOkayToAttack (AActor *target); // Plays the actor's ActiveSound if its voice isn't already making noise. void PlayActiveSound (); // Actor had MF_SKULLFLY set and rammed into something // Returns false to stop moving and true to keep moving virtual bool Slam (AActor *victim); // Called by PIT_CheckThing() and needed for some Hexen things. // Returns -1 for normal behavior, 0 to return false, and 1 to return true. // I'm not sure I like it this way, but it will do for now. virtual int SpecialMissileHit (AActor *victim); // Returns true if it's okay to switch target to "other" after being attacked by it. virtual bool OkayToSwitchTarget (AActor *other); // Something just touched this actor. virtual void Touch (AActor *toucher); // Adds the item to this actor's inventory and sets its Owner. virtual void AddInventory (AInventory *item); // Removes the item from the inventory list. virtual void RemoveInventory (AInventory *item); // Uses an item and removes it from the inventory. virtual bool UseInventory (AInventory *item); // Tosses an item out of the inventory. virtual AInventory *DropInventory (AInventory *item); // Removes all items from the inventory. void ClearInventory(); // Returns true if this view is considered "local" for the player. bool CheckLocalView (int playernum) const; // Finds the first item of a particular type. AInventory *FindInventory (PClassActor *type, bool subclass=false); AInventory *FindInventory (FName type); template T *FindInventory () { return static_cast (FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(T))); } // Adds one item of a particular type. Returns NULL if it could not be added. AInventory *GiveInventoryType (PClassActor *type); // Returns the first item held with IF_INVBAR set. AInventory *FirstInv (); // Tries to give the actor some ammo. bool GiveAmmo (PClassAmmo *type, int amount); // Destroys all the inventory the actor is holding. void DestroyAllInventory (); // Set the alphacolor field properly void SetShade (DWORD rgb); void SetShade (int r, int g, int b); // Plays a conversation animation void ConversationAnimation (int animnum); // Make this actor hate the same things as another actor void CopyFriendliness (AActor *other, bool changeTarget, bool resetHealth=true); // Moves the other actor's inventory to this one void ObtainInventory (AActor *other); // Die. Now. virtual bool Massacre (); // Transforms the actor into a finely-ground paste bool Grind(bool items); // Is the other actor on my team? bool IsTeammate (AActor *other); // Is the other actor my friend? bool IsFriend (AActor *other); // Do I hate the other actor? bool IsHostile (AActor *other); // What species am I? virtual FName GetSpecies(); // Enter the crash state void Crash(); // Return starting health adjusted by skill level int SpawnHealth() const; int GetGibHealth() const; fixed_t GetCameraHeight() const; inline bool isMissile(bool precise=true) { return (flags&MF_MISSILE) || (precise && GetDefault()->flags&MF_MISSILE); } // Check for monsters that count as kill but excludes all friendlies. bool CountsAsKill() const { return (flags & MF_COUNTKILL) && !(flags & MF_FRIENDLY); } bool intersects(AActor *other) const { fixed_t blockdist = radius + other->radius; return ( abs(x - other->x) < blockdist && abs(y - other->y) < blockdist); } PalEntry GetBloodColor() const { return GetClass()->BloodColor; } PClassActor *GetBloodType(int type = 0) const { PClassActor *bloodcls; if (type == 0) { bloodcls = PClass::FindActor(GetClass()->BloodType); } else if (type == 1) { bloodcls = PClass::FindActor(GetClass()->BloodType2); } else if (type == 2) { bloodcls = PClass::FindActor(GetClass()->BloodType3); } else { return NULL; } if (bloodcls != NULL) { bloodcls = bloodcls->GetReplacement(); } return bloodcls; } inline void SetFriendPlayer(player_t *player); bool IsVisibleToPlayer() const; // Calculate amount of missile damage virtual int GetMissileDamage(int mask, int add); bool CanSeek(AActor *target) const; fixed_t GetGravity() const; bool IsSentient() const; const char *GetTag(const char *def = NULL) const; void SetTag(const char *def); // Triggers SECSPAC_Exit/SECSPAC_Enter and related events if oldsec != current sector void CheckSectorTransition(sector_t *oldsec); // info for drawing // NOTE: The first member variable *must* be x. fixed_t x,y,z; AActor *snext, **sprev; // links in sector (if needed) angle_t angle; WORD sprite; // used to find patch_t and flip value BYTE frame; // sprite frame to draw fixed_t scaleX, scaleY; // Scaling values; FRACUNIT is normal size FRenderStyle RenderStyle; // Style to draw this actor with DWORD renderflags; // Different rendering flags FTextureID picnum; // Draw this instead of sprite if valid DWORD effects; // [RH] see p_effect.h fixed_t alpha; DWORD fillcolor; // Color to draw when STYLE_Shaded // interaction info fixed_t pitch, roll; FBlockNode *BlockNode; // links in blocks (if needed) struct sector_t *Sector; subsector_t * subsector; fixed_t floorz, ceilingz; // closest together of contacted secs fixed_t dropoffz; // killough 11/98: the lowest floor over all contacted Sectors. struct sector_t *floorsector; FTextureID floorpic; // contacted sec floorpic struct sector_t *ceilingsector; FTextureID ceilingpic; // contacted sec ceilingpic fixed_t radius, height; // for movement checking fixed_t projectilepassheight; // height for clipping projectile movement against this actor fixed_t velx, vely, velz; // velocity SDWORD tics; // state tic counter FState *state; SDWORD Damage; // For missiles and monster railgun int projectileKickback; DWORD flags; DWORD flags2; // Heretic flags DWORD flags3; // [RH] Hexen/Heretic actor-dependant behavior made flaggable DWORD flags4; // [RH] Even more flags! DWORD flags5; // OMG! We need another one. DWORD flags6; // Shit! Where did all the flags go? // [BB] If 0, everybody can see the actor, if > 0, only members of team (VisibleToTeam-1) can see it. DWORD VisibleToTeam; int special1; // Special info int special2; // Special info int health; BYTE movedir; // 0-7 SBYTE visdir; SWORD movecount; // when 0, select a new dir SWORD strafecount; // for MF3_AVOIDMELEE TObjPtr target; // thing being chased/attacked (or NULL) // also the originator for missiles TObjPtr lastenemy; // Last known enemy -- killough 2/15/98 TObjPtr LastHeard; // [RH] Last actor this one heard SDWORD reactiontime; // if non 0, don't attack yet; used by // player to freeze a bit after teleporting SDWORD threshold; // if > 0, the target will be chased // no matter what (even if shot) player_t *player; // only valid if type of APlayerPawn TObjPtr LastLookActor; // Actor last looked for (if TIDtoHate != 0) fixed_t SpawnPoint[3]; // For nightmare respawn WORD SpawnAngle; BYTE WeaveIndexXY; // Separated from special2 because it's used by globally accessible functions. BYTE WeaveIndexZ; int skillrespawncount; int TIDtoHate; // TID of things to hate (0 if none) FNameNoInit Species; // For monster families TObjPtr tracer; // Thing being chased/attacked for tracers TObjPtr master; // Thing which spawned this one (prevents mutual attacks) fixed_t floorclip; // value to use for floor clipping int tid; // thing identifier int special; // special int args[5]; // special arguments int accuracy, stamina; // [RH] Strife stats -- [XA] moved here for DECORATE/ACS access. AActor *inext, **iprev;// Links to other mobjs in same bucket TObjPtr goal; // Monster's goal if not chasing anything int waterlevel; // 0=none, 1=feet, 2=waist, 3=eyes BYTE boomwaterlevel; // splash information for non-swimmable water sectors BYTE MinMissileChance;// [RH] If a random # is > than this, then missile attack. SBYTE LastLookPlayerNumber;// Player number last looked for (if TIDtoHate == 0) WORD BounceFlags; // which bouncing type? DWORD SpawnFlags; // Increased to DWORD because of Doom 64 fixed_t meleerange; // specifies how far a melee attack reaches. fixed_t meleethreshold; // Distance below which a monster doesn't try to shoot missiles anynore // but instead tries to come closer for a melee attack. // This is not the same as meleerange fixed_t maxtargetrange; // any target farther away cannot be attacked fixed_t bouncefactor; // Strife's grenades use 50%, Hexen's Flechettes 70. fixed_t wallbouncefactor; // The bounce factor for walls can be different. int bouncecount; // Strife's grenades only bounce twice before exploding fixed_t gravity; // [GRB] Gravity factor int FastChaseStrafeCount; fixed_t pushfactor; int lastpush; int activationtype; // How the thing behaves when activated with USESPECIAL or BUMPSPECIAL int lastbump; // Last time the actor was bumped, used to control BUMPSPECIAL int Score; // manipulated by score items, ACS or DECORATE. The engine doesn't use this itself for anything. FString * Tag; // Strife's tag name. int DesignatedTeam; // Allow for friendly fire cacluations to be done on non-players. AActor *BlockingMobj; // Actor that blocked the last move line_t *BlockingLine; // Line that blocked the last move int PoisonDamage; // Damage received per tic from poison. FNameNoInit PoisonDamageType; // Damage type dealt by poison. int PoisonDuration; // Duration left for receiving poison damage. int PoisonPeriod; // How often poison damage is applied. (Every X tics.) int PoisonDamageReceived; // Damage received per tic from poison. FNameNoInit PoisonDamageTypeReceived; // Damage type received by poison. int PoisonDurationReceived; // Duration left for receiving poison damage. int PoisonPeriodReceived; // How often poison damage is applied. (Every X tics.) TObjPtr Poisoner; // Last source of received poison damage. // a linked list of sectors where this object appears struct msecnode_t *touching_sectorlist; // phares 3/14/98 TObjPtr Inventory; // [RH] This actor's inventory DWORD InventoryID; // A unique ID to keep track of inventory items //Added by MC: SDWORD id; // Player ID (for items, # in list.) BYTE smokecounter; BYTE FloatBobPhase; BYTE FriendPlayer; // [RH] Player # + 1 this friendly monster works for (so 0 is no player, 1 is player 0, etc) DWORD Translation; // [RH] Stuff that used to be part of an Actor Info FSoundIDNoInit SeeSound; FSoundIDNoInit AttackSound; FSoundIDNoInit PainSound; FSoundIDNoInit DeathSound; FSoundIDNoInit ActiveSound; FSoundIDNoInit UseSound; // [RH] Sound to play when an actor is used. FSoundIDNoInit BounceSound; FSoundIDNoInit WallBounceSound; FSoundIDNoInit CrushPainSound; fixed_t Speed; fixed_t FloatSpeed; fixed_t MaxDropOffHeight, MaxStepHeight; SDWORD Mass; SWORD PainChance; int PainThreshold; FNameNoInit DamageType; FNameNoInit DamageTypeReceived; fixed_t DamageFactor; FNameNoInit PainType; FNameNoInit DeathType; FState *SpawnState; FState *SeeState; FState *MeleeState; FState *MissileState; int ConversationRoot; // THe root of the current dialogue FStrifeDialogueNode *Conversation; // [RH] The dialogue to show when this actor is "used." // [RH] Decal(s) this weapon/projectile generates on impact. FDecalBase *DecalGenerator; // [RH] Used to interpolate the view to get >35 FPS fixed_t PrevX, PrevY, PrevZ; angle_t PrevAngle; // ThingIDs static void ClearTIDHashes (); void AddToHash (); void RemoveFromHash (); private: static AActor *TIDHash[128]; static inline int TIDHASH (int key) { return key & 127; } static FSharedStringArena mStringPropertyData; friend class FActorIterator; sector_t *LinkToWorldForMapThing (); public: void LinkToWorld (bool buggy=false); void LinkToWorld (sector_t *sector); void UnlinkFromWorld (); void AdjustFloorClip (); void SetOrigin (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z); bool InStateSequence(FState * newstate, FState * basestate); int GetTics(FState * newstate); bool SetState (FState *newstate, bool nofunction=false); virtual bool UpdateWaterLevel (fixed_t oldz, bool splash=true); bool isFast(); void SetIdle(); void ClearCounters(); FState *FindState (FName label) const { return GetClass()->FindState(1, &label); } FState *FindState (FName label, FName sublabel, bool exact = false) const { FName names[] = { label, sublabel }; return GetClass()->FindState(2, names, exact); } bool HasSpecialDeathStates () const; }; class FActorIterator { public: FActorIterator (int i) : base (NULL), id (i) { } FActorIterator (int i, AActor *start) : base (start), id (i) { } AActor *Next () { if (id == 0) return NULL; if (!base) base = AActor::TIDHash[id & 127]; else base = base->inext; while (base && base->tid != id) base = base->inext; return base; } private: AActor *base; int id; }; template class TActorIterator : public FActorIterator { public: TActorIterator (int id) : FActorIterator (id) {} T *Next () { AActor *actor; do { actor = FActorIterator::Next (); } while (actor && !actor->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(T))); return static_cast(actor); } }; class NActorIterator : public FActorIterator { const PClass *type; public: NActorIterator (const PClass *cls, int id) : FActorIterator (id) { type = cls; } NActorIterator (FName cls, int id) : FActorIterator (id) { type = PClass::FindClass(cls); } NActorIterator (const char *cls, int id) : FActorIterator (id) { type = PClass::FindClass(cls); } AActor *Next () { AActor *actor; if (type == NULL) return NULL; do { actor = FActorIterator::Next (); } while (actor && !actor->IsKindOf (type)); return actor; } }; inline AActor *Spawn (PClassActor *type, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, replace_t allowreplacement) { return AActor::StaticSpawn (type, x, y, z, allowreplacement); } AActor *Spawn (const char *type, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, replace_t allowreplacement); AActor *Spawn (FName classname, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, replace_t allowreplacement); template inline T *Spawn (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, replace_t allowreplacement) { return static_cast(AActor::StaticSpawn (RUNTIME_CLASS(T), x, y, z, allowreplacement)); } void PrintMiscActorInfo(AActor * query); #define S_FREETARGMOBJ 1 #endif // __P_MOBJ_H__