/* _______ ____ __ ___ ___ * \ _ \ \ / \ / \ \ / / ' ' ' * | | \ \ | | || | \/ | . . * | | | | | | || ||\ /| | * | | | | | | || || \/ | | ' ' ' * | | | | | | || || | | . . * | |_/ / \ \__// || | | * /_______/ynamic \____/niversal /__\ /____\usic /| . . ibliotheque * / \ * / . \ * dumbout.c - Utility to stream music to a file. / / \ \ * | < / \_ * By entheh. | \/ /\ / * \_ / > / * | \ / / * | ' / * \__/ */ #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <dumb.h> #include <internal/it.h> union { float s32[4096]; short s16[8192]; char s8[16384]; } buffer; sample_t ** internal_buffer; int main(int argc, const char *const *argv) /* I'm const-crazy! */ { DUH *duh; DUH_SIGRENDERER *sr; const char *fn = NULL; const char *fn_out = NULL; FILE *outf; int depth = 16; int bigendian = 0; int unsign = 0; int freq = 44100; int n_channels = 2; int solo = -1; float volume = 1.0f; float delay = 0.0f; float delta; int bufsize; clock_t start, end; int i = 1; LONG_LONG length; LONG_LONG done; int dots; while (i < argc) { const char *arg = argv[i++]; if (*arg != '-') { if (fn) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot specify multiple filenames!\n" "Second filename found: \"%s\"\n", arg); return 1; } fn = arg; continue; } arg++; while (*arg) { char *endptr; switch (*arg++) { case 'o': case 'O': if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of arguments; output filename expected!\n"); return 1; } fn_out = argv[i++]; break; case 'd': case 'D': if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of arguments; delay expected!\n"); return 1; } delay = (float)strtod(argv[i++], &endptr); if (*endptr != 0 || delay < 0.0f || delay > 64.0f) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid delay!\n"); return 1; } break; case 'v': case 'V': if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of arguments; volume expected!\n"); return 1; } volume = (float)strtod(argv[i++], &endptr); if (*endptr != 0 || volume < -8.0f || volume > 8.0f) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid volume!\n"); return 1; } break; case 's': case 'S': if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of arguments; sampling rate expected!\n"); return 1; } freq = strtol(argv[i++], &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != 0 || freq < 1 || freq > 960000) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid sampling rate!\n"); return 1; } break; case 'f': depth = 32; break; case '8': depth = 8; break; case 'b': case 'B': bigendian = 1; break; case 'm': case 'M': n_channels = 1; break; case 'u': case 'U': unsign = 1; break; case 'r': case 'R': if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of arguments; resampling quality expected!\n"); return 1; } dumb_resampling_quality = strtol(argv[i++], &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != 0 || dumb_resampling_quality < 0 || dumb_resampling_quality > 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid resampling quality!\n"); return 1; } break; case 'c': case 'C': if (i >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of arguments; channel number expected!\n"); return 1; } solo = strtol(argv[i++], &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != 0 || solo < 0 || solo >= DUMB_IT_N_CHANNELS) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid channel number!\n"); return 1; } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid switch - '%c'!\n", isprint(arg[-1]) ? arg[-1] : '?'); return 1; } } } if (!fn) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: dumbout [options] module [more-options]\n" "\n" "The module can be any IT, XM, S3M or MOD file. It will be rendered to a .pcm\n" "file of the same name, unless you specify otherwise with the -o option.\n" "\n" "The valid options are:\n" "-o <file> specify the output filename (defaults to the input filename with\n" " the extension replaced with .pcm); use - to write to standard\n" " output or . to write nowhere (useful for measuring DUMB's\n" " performance, and DOS and Windows don't have /dev/null!)\n" "-d <delay> set the initial delay, in seconds (default 0.0)\n" "-v <volume> adjust the volume (default 1.0)\n" "-s <freq> set the sampling rate in Hz (default 44100)\n" "-8 generate 8-bit instead of 16-bit\n" "-f generate 32-bit floating point data instead of 16-bit\n" "-b generate big-endian data instead of little-endian (meaningless when\n" " using -8)\n" "-m generate mono output instead of stereo left/right pairs\n" "-u generated unsigned output instead of signed\n" "-r <value> specify the resampling quality to use\n" "-c <value> specify a channel number to solo\n"); return 1; } atexit(&dumb_exit); dumb_register_stdfiles(); dumb_it_max_to_mix = 256; duh = load_duh(fn); if (!duh) { duh = dumb_load_it(fn); if (!duh) { duh = dumb_load_xm(fn); if (!duh) { duh = dumb_load_s3m(fn); if (!duh) { duh = dumb_load_mod(fn); if (!duh) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s!\n", fn); return 1; } } } } } sr = duh_start_sigrenderer(duh, 0, n_channels, 0); if (!sr) { unload_duh(duh); fprintf(stderr, "Unable to play file!\n"); return 1; } if (solo >= 0) { DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER * itsr = duh_get_it_sigrenderer(sr); if (itsr) { for (i = 0; i < DUMB_IT_N_CHANNELS; i++) { if (i != solo) { IT_CHANNEL * channel = &itsr->channel[i]; IT_PLAYING * playing = channel->playing; channel->flags |= IT_CHANNEL_MUTED; /* start_sigrenderer leaves me all of the channels the first tick triggered */ if (playing) { playing->ramp_volume[0] = 0; playing->ramp_volume[1] = 0; playing->ramp_delta[0] = 0; playing->ramp_delta[1] = 0; } } } } } if (fn_out) { if (fn_out[0] == '-' && fn_out[1] == 0) outf = stdout; else if (fn_out[0] == '.' && fn_out[1] == 0) outf = NULL; else { outf = fopen(fn_out, "wb"); if (!outf) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s for writing!\n", fn_out); duh_end_sigrenderer(sr); unload_duh(duh); return 1; } } } else { char *extptr = NULL, *p; char *fn_out = malloc(strlen(fn)+5); if (!fn_out) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n"); duh_end_sigrenderer(sr); unload_duh(duh); return 1; } strcpy(fn_out, fn); for (p = fn_out; *p; p++) if (*p == '.') extptr = p; if (!extptr) extptr = p; strcpy(extptr, ".pcm"); outf = fopen(fn_out, "wb"); if (!outf) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s for writing!\n", fn_out); free(fn_out); duh_end_sigrenderer(sr); unload_duh(duh); return 1; } free(fn_out); } { DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *itsr = duh_get_it_sigrenderer(sr); dumb_it_set_ramp_style(itsr, 2); dumb_it_set_loop_callback(itsr, &dumb_it_callback_terminate, NULL); dumb_it_set_xm_speed_zero_callback(itsr, &dumb_it_callback_terminate, NULL); dumb_it_set_global_volume_zero_callback(itsr, &dumb_it_callback_terminate, NULL); } length = (LONG_LONG)_dumb_it_build_checkpoints(duh_get_it_sigdata(duh), 0) * freq >> 16; done = 0; dots = 0; delta = 65536.0f / freq; bufsize = sizeof(buffer); if (depth == 32) bufsize /= sizeof(*buffer.s32); else if (depth == 16) bufsize /= sizeof(*buffer.s16); bufsize /= n_channels; if (depth == 32) { internal_buffer = create_sample_buffer(n_channels, bufsize); if (!internal_buffer) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n"); duh_end_sigrenderer(sr); unload_duh(duh); } } { long l = (long)floor(delay * freq + 0.5f); l *= n_channels * (depth >> 3); if (l) { if (unsign && depth != 32) { if (depth == 16) { if (bigendian) { for (i = 0; i < 8192; i++) { buffer.s8[i*2] = 0x80; buffer.s8[i*2+1] = 0x00; } } else { for (i = 0; i < 8192; i++) { buffer.s8[i*2] = 0x00; buffer.s8[i*2+1] = 0x80; } } } else memset(buffer.s8, 0x80, 16384); } else memset(buffer.s8, 0, 16384); while (l >= 16384) { if (outf) fwrite(buffer.s8, 1, 16384, outf); l -= 16384; } if (l && outf) fwrite(buffer.s8, 1, l, outf); } } start = clock(); fprintf(stderr, "................................................................\n"); for (;;) { int l; if (depth != 32) { l = duh_render(sr, depth, unsign, volume, delta, bufsize, &buffer); if (depth == 16) { if (bigendian) { for (i = 0; i < l * n_channels; i++) { short val = buffer.s16[i]; buffer.s8[i*2] = val >> 8; buffer.s8[i*2+1] = val; } } else { for (i = 0; i < l * n_channels; i++) { short val = buffer.s16[i]; buffer.s8[i*2] = val; buffer.s8[i*2+1] = val >> 8; } } } } else { int j; dumb_silence(internal_buffer[0], bufsize * n_channels); l = duh_sigrenderer_get_samples(sr, volume, delta, bufsize, internal_buffer); for (i = 0; i < n_channels; i++) { for (j = i; j < l; j++) { buffer.s32[j * n_channels] = (float)((double)internal_buffer[i][j] * (1.0 / (double)(0x800000))); } } } if (outf) fwrite(buffer.s8, 1, l * n_channels * (depth >> 3), outf); if (l < bufsize) break; done += l; l = done * 64 / length; while (dots < 64 && l > dots) { fprintf(stderr, "|"); dots++; } } while (64 > dots) { fprintf(stderr, "|"); dots++; } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); end = clock(); if (depth == 32) destroy_sample_buffer(internal_buffer); duh_end_sigrenderer(sr); unload_duh(duh); if (outf && outf != stdout) fclose(outf); fprintf(stderr, "Elapsed time: %f seconds\n", (end - start) / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); return 0; }