#ifndef __VERTEXBUFFER_H #define __VERTEXBUFFER_H #include "tarray.h" #include "gl/utility/gl_clock.h" #include "gl/system/gl_interface.h" struct vertex_t; struct secplane_t; struct subsector_t; struct sector_t; class FVertexBuffer { protected: unsigned int vbo_id; public: FVertexBuffer(); virtual ~FVertexBuffer(); virtual void BindVBO() = 0; }; struct FFlatVertex { float x,z,y; // world position float u,v; // texture coordinates void SetFlatVertex(vertex_t *vt, const secplane_t &plane); void Set(float xx, float zz, float yy, float uu, float vv) { x = xx; z = zz; y = yy; u = uu; v = vv; } }; #define VTO ((FFlatVertex*)NULL) class FFlatVertexBuffer : public FVertexBuffer { FFlatVertex *map; unsigned int mIndex; unsigned int mCurIndex; void CheckPlanes(sector_t *sector); const unsigned int BUFFER_SIZE = 2000000; void ImmRenderBuffer(unsigned int primtype, unsigned int offset, unsigned int count); public: TArray vbo_shadowdata; // this is kept around for updating the actual (non-readable) buffer and as stand-in for pre GL 4.x FFlatVertexBuffer(); ~FFlatVertexBuffer(); void CreateVBO(); void BindVBO(); void CheckUpdate(sector_t *sector); FFlatVertex *GetBuffer() { return &map[mCurIndex]; } unsigned int GetCount(FFlatVertex *newptr, unsigned int *poffset) { unsigned int newofs = (unsigned int)(newptr - map); unsigned int diff = newofs - mCurIndex; *poffset = mCurIndex; mCurIndex = newofs; if (mCurIndex >= BUFFER_SIZE) mCurIndex = mIndex; return diff; } #ifdef __GL_PCH_H // we need the system includes for this but we cannot include them ourselves without creating #define clashes. The affected files wouldn't try to draw anyway. void RenderArray(unsigned int primtype, unsigned int offset, unsigned int count) { drawcalls.Clock(); if (gl.flags & RFL_BUFFER_STORAGE) { glDrawArrays(primtype, offset, count); } else { ImmRenderBuffer(primtype, offset, count); } drawcalls.Unclock(); } void RenderCurrent(FFlatVertex *newptr, unsigned int primtype, unsigned int *poffset = NULL, unsigned int *pcount = NULL) { unsigned int offset; unsigned int count = GetCount(newptr, &offset); RenderArray(primtype, offset, count); if (poffset) *poffset = offset; if (pcount) *pcount = count; } #endif void Reset() { mCurIndex = mIndex; } private: int CreateSubsectorVertices(subsector_t *sub, const secplane_t &plane, int floor); int CreateSectorVertices(sector_t *sec, const secplane_t &plane, int floor); int CreateVertices(int h, sector_t *sec, const secplane_t &plane, int floor); void CreateFlatVBO(); void UpdatePlaneVertices(sector_t *sec, int plane); }; struct FSkyVertex { float x, y, z, u, v; PalEntry color; void Set(float xx, float zz, float yy, float uu=0, float vv=0, PalEntry col=0xffffffff) { x = xx; z = zz; y = yy; u = uu; v = vv; color = col; } }; class FSkyVertexBuffer : public FVertexBuffer { public: static const int SKYHEMI_UPPER = 1; static const int SKYHEMI_LOWER = 2; enum { SKYMODE_MAINLAYER = 0, SKYMODE_SECONDLAYER = 1, SKYMODE_FOGLAYER = 2 }; private: TArray mVertices; TArray mPrimStart; int mRows, mColumns; void SkyVertex(int r, int c, bool yflip); void CreateSkyHemisphere(int hemi); void CreateDome(); void RenderRow(int prim, int row); public: FSkyVertexBuffer(); virtual ~FSkyVertexBuffer(); virtual void BindVBO(); void RenderDome(FMaterial *tex, int mode); }; #define VSO ((FSkyVertex*)NULL) struct FModelVertex { float x, y, z; // world position float u, v; // texture coordinates void Set(float xx, float yy, float zz, float uu, float vv) { x = xx; y = yy; z = zz; u = uu; v = vv; } }; class FModelVertexBuffer : public FVertexBuffer { int mIndexFrame[2]; public: TArray vbo_shadowdata; // this is kept around for interpolating on GL 2.0 FModelVertexBuffer(); ~FModelVertexBuffer(); void BindVBO(); void UpdateBufferPointers(int frame1, int frame2); }; #define VMO ((FModelVertex*)NULL) #endif