/* U.S. English. (Sorry, it's not English English.) */ [enu default] SECRETMESSAGE = "A secret is revealed!"; D_DEVSTR = "Useless mode ON.\n"; D_CDROM = "CD-ROM Version: zdoom.ini from c:\\zdoomdat\n"; PRESSKEY = "press a key."; PRESSYN = "press y or n."; QUITMSG = "are you sure you want to\nquit this great game?"; TXT_YES = "Yes"; TXT_NO = "No"; // Quit Doom 1 messages QUITMSG1 = "please don't leave, there's more\ndemons to toast!"; QUITMSG2 = "let's beat it -- this is turning\ninto a bloodbath!"; QUITMSG3 = "i wouldn't leave if i were you.\ndos is much worse."; QUITMSG4 = "you're trying to say you like dos\nbetter than me, right?"; QUITMSG5 = "don't leave yet -- there's a\ndemon around that corner!"; QUITMSG6 = "ya know, next time you come in here\ni'm gonna toast ya."; QUITMSG7 = "go ahead and leave. see if i care."; // Quit Doom II messages QUITMSG8 = "you want to quit?\nthen, thou hast lost an eighth!"; QUITMSG9 = "don't go now, there's a \ndimensional shambler waiting\nat the dos prompt!"; QUITMSG10 = "get outta here and go back\nto your boring programs."; QUITMSG11 = "if i were your boss, i'd \n deathmatch ya in a minute!"; QUITMSG12 = "look, bud. you leave now\nand you forfeit your body count!"; QUITMSG13 = "just leave. when you come\nback, i'll be waiting with a bat."; QUITMSG14 = "you're lucky i don't smack\nyou for thinking about leaving."; // Quit Strife messages QUITMSG15 = "where are you going?!\nwhat about the rebellion?"; QUITMSG16 = "carnage interruptus...\nwhat a tease!"; QUITMSG17 = "but you're the hope\n-- my only chance!!"; QUITMSG18 = "nobody walks out on blackbird."; QUITMSG19 = "i thought you were different..."; QUITMSG20 = "fine! just kill and run!"; QUITMSG21 = "you can quit...\nbut you can't hide..."; QUITMSG22 = "whaaa, what's the matter?\nmommy says dinnertime?"; // Quit Chex messages QUITMSG23 = "Don't quit now, there are still\nflemoids on the loose!"; QUITMSG24 = "Don't give up -- the flemoids will\nget the upper hand!"; QUITMSG25 = "Don't leave now.\nWe need your help!"; QUITMSG26 = "I hope you're just taking a\nbreak for Chex(R) party mix."; QUITMSG27 = "Don't quit now!\nWe need your help!"; QUITMSG28 = "Don't abandon the\nIntergalactic Federation of Cereals!"; QUITMSG29 = "The real Chex(R) Warrior\nwouldn't give up so fast!"; LOADNET = "you can't do load while in a net game!\n\npress a key."; QLOADNET = "you can't quickload during a netgame!\n\npress a key."; QSAVESPOT = "you haven't picked a quicksave slot yet!\n\npress a key."; SAVEDEAD = "you can't save if you aren't playing!\n\npress a key."; QSPROMPT = "quicksave over your game named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n."; QLPROMPT = "do you want to quickload the game named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n."; NEWGAME = "you can't start a new game\nwhile in a network game.\n\npress a key."; NIGHTMARE = "are you sure? this skill level\nisn't even remotely fair.\n\npress y or n."; SWSTRING = "this is the shareware version of doom.\n\nyou need to order the entire trilogy.\n\npress a key."; MSGOFF = "Messages OFF"; MSGON = "Messages ON"; NETEND = "you can't end a netgame!\n\npress a key."; ENDGAME = "are you sure you want to end the game?\n\npress y or n."; DOSY = "(press y to quit)"; EMPTYSTRING = "empty slot"; GOTARMOR = "Picked up the armor."; GOTMEGA = "Picked up the MegaArmor!"; GOTHTHBONUS = "Picked up a health bonus."; GOTARMBONUS = "Picked up an armor bonus."; GOTSTIM = "Picked up a stimpack."; GOTMEDINEED = "Picked up a medikit that you REALLY need!"; GOTMEDIKIT = "Picked up a medikit."; GOTSUPER = "Supercharge!"; GOTBLUECARD = "Picked up a blue keycard."; GOTYELWCARD = "Picked up a yellow keycard."; GOTREDCARD = "Picked up a red keycard."; GOTBLUESKUL = "Picked up a blue skull key."; GOTYELWSKUL = "Picked up a yellow skull key."; GOTREDSKUL = "Picked up a red skull key."; GOTINVUL = "Invulnerability!"; GOTBERSERK = "Berserk!"; GOTINVIS = "Partial Invisibility"; GOTSUIT = "Radiation Shielding Suit"; GOTMAP = "Computer Area Map"; GOTVISOR = "Light Amplification Visor"; GOTMSPHERE = "MegaSphere!"; GOTCLIP = "Picked up a clip."; GOTCLIPBOX = "Picked up a box of bullets."; GOTROCKET = "Picked up a rocket."; GOTROCKBOX = "Picked up a box of rockets."; GOTCELL = "Picked up an energy cell."; GOTCELLBOX = "Picked up an energy cell pack."; GOTSHELLS = "Picked up 4 shotgun shells."; GOTSHELLBOX = "Picked up a box of shotgun shells."; GOTBACKPACK = "Picked up a backpack full of ammo!"; GOTBFG9000 = "You got the BFG9000! Oh, yes."; GOTCHAINGUN = "You got the chaingun!"; GOTCHAINSAW = "A chainsaw! Find some meat!"; GOTLAUNCHER = "You got the rocket launcher!"; GOTPLASMA = "You got the plasma gun!"; GOTSHOTGUN = "You got the shotgun!"; GOTSHOTGUN2 = "You got the super shotgun!"; PD_BLUEO = "You need a blue key to activate this object"; PD_REDO = "You need a red key to activate this object"; PD_YELLOWO = "You need a yellow key to activate this object"; PD_BLUEK = "You need a blue key to open this door"; PD_REDK = "You need a red key to open this door"; PD_YELLOWK = "You need a yellow key to open this door"; PD_BLUECO = "You need a blue card to activate this object"; PD_REDCO = "You need a red card to activate this object"; PD_YELLOWCO = "You need a yellow card to activate this object"; PD_BLUESO = "You need a blue skull to activate this object"; PD_REDSO = "You need a red skull to activate this object"; PD_YELLOWSO = "You need a yellow skull to activate this object"; NEWSAVE = "<New Save Game>"; GGSAVED = "game saved."; HUSTR_MSGU = "[Message unsent]"; PICKUP_PISTOL_DROPPED = "Picked up a pistol."; BETA_BONUS1 = "You pick up a demonic dagger."; BETA_BONUS2 = "You pick up a skullchest."; BETA_BONUS3 = "You pick up an evil sceptre."; BETA_BONUS4 = "You pick up an unholy bible."; // Level names HUSTR_E1M1 = "E1M1: Hangar"; HUSTR_E1M2 = "E1M2: Nuclear Plant"; HUSTR_E1M3 = "E1M3: Toxin Refinery"; HUSTR_E1M4 = "E1M4: Command Control"; HUSTR_E1M5 = "E1M5: Phobos Lab"; HUSTR_E1M6 = "E1M6: Central Processing"; HUSTR_E1M7 = "E1M7: Computer Station"; HUSTR_E1M8 = "E1M8: Phobos Anomaly"; HUSTR_E1M9 = "E1M9: Military Base"; HUSTR_E2M1 = "E2M1: Deimos Anomaly"; HUSTR_E2M2 = "E2M2: Containment Area"; HUSTR_E2M3 = "E2M3: Refinery"; HUSTR_E2M4 = "E2M4: Deimos Lab"; HUSTR_E2M5 = "E2M5: Command Center"; HUSTR_E2M6 = "E2M6: Halls of the Damned"; HUSTR_E2M7 = "E2M7: Spawning Vats"; HUSTR_E2M8 = "E2M8: Tower of Babel"; HUSTR_E2M9 = "E2M9: Fortress of Mystery"; HUSTR_E3M1 = "E3M1: Hell Keep"; HUSTR_E3M2 = "E3M2: Slough of Despair"; HUSTR_E3M3 = "E3M3: Pandemonium"; HUSTR_E3M4 = "E3M4: House of Pain"; HUSTR_E3M5 = "E3M5: Unholy Cathedral"; HUSTR_E3M6 = "E3M6: Mt. Erebus"; HUSTR_E3M7 = "E3M7: Limbo"; HUSTR_E3M8 = "E3M8: Dis"; HUSTR_E3M9 = "E3M9: Warrens"; HUSTR_E4M1 = "E4M1: Hell Beneath"; HUSTR_E4M2 = "E4M2: Perfect Hatred"; HUSTR_E4M3 = "E4M3: Sever The Wicked"; HUSTR_E4M4 = "E4M4: Unruly Evil"; HUSTR_E4M5 = "E4M5: They Will Repent"; HUSTR_E4M6 = "E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly"; HUSTR_E4M7 = "E4M7: And Hell Followed"; HUSTR_E4M8 = "E4M8: Unto The Cruel"; HUSTR_E4M9 = "E4M9: Fear"; HUSTR_1 = "level 1: entryway"; HUSTR_2 = "level 2: underhalls"; HUSTR_3 = "level 3: the gantlet"; HUSTR_4 = "level 4: the focus"; HUSTR_5 = "level 5: the waste tunnels"; HUSTR_6 = "level 6: the crusher"; HUSTR_7 = "level 7: dead simple"; HUSTR_8 = "level 8: tricks and traps"; HUSTR_9 = "level 9: the pit"; HUSTR_10 = "level 10: refueling base"; HUSTR_11 = "level 11: 'o' of destruction!"; HUSTR_12 = "level 12: the factory"; HUSTR_13 = "level 13: downtown"; HUSTR_14 = "level 14: the inmost dens"; HUSTR_15 = "level 15: industrial zone"; HUSTR_16 = "level 16: suburbs"; HUSTR_17 = "level 17: tenements"; HUSTR_18 = "level 18: the courtyard"; HUSTR_19 = "level 19: the citadel"; HUSTR_20 = "level 20: gotcha!"; HUSTR_21 = "level 21: nirvana"; HUSTR_22 = "level 22: the catacombs"; HUSTR_23 = "level 23: barrels o' fun"; HUSTR_24 = "level 24: the chasm"; HUSTR_25 = "level 25: bloodfalls"; HUSTR_26 = "level 26: the abandoned mines"; HUSTR_27 = "level 27: monster condo"; HUSTR_28 = "level 28: the spirit world"; HUSTR_29 = "level 29: the living end"; HUSTR_30 = "level 30: icon of sin"; HUSTR_31 = "level 31: wolfenstein"; HUSTR_32 = "level 32: grosse"; HUSTR_31B = "level 31: idkfa"; HUSTR_32B = "level 32: keen"; HUSTR_33 = "level 33: betray"; NHUSTR_1 = "level 1: the earth base"; NHUSTR_2 = "level 2: the pain labs"; NHUSTR_3 = "level 3: canyon of the dead"; NHUSTR_4 = "level 4: hell mountain"; NHUSTR_5 = "level 5: vivisection"; NHUSTR_6 = "level 6: inferno of blood"; NHUSTR_7 = "level 7: baron's banquet"; NHUSTR_8 = "level 8: tomb of malevolence"; NHUSTR_9 = "level 9: march of the demons"; PHUSTR_1 = "level 1: congo"; PHUSTR_2 = "level 2: well of souls"; PHUSTR_3 = "level 3: aztec"; PHUSTR_4 = "level 4: caged"; PHUSTR_5 = "level 5: ghost town"; PHUSTR_6 = "level 6: baron's lair"; PHUSTR_7 = "level 7: caughtyard"; PHUSTR_8 = "level 8: realm"; PHUSTR_9 = "level 9: abattoire"; PHUSTR_10 = "level 10: onslaught"; PHUSTR_11 = "level 11: hunted"; PHUSTR_12 = "level 12: speed"; PHUSTR_13 = "level 13: the crypt"; PHUSTR_14 = "level 14: genesis"; PHUSTR_15 = "level 15: the twilight"; PHUSTR_16 = "level 16: the omen"; PHUSTR_17 = "level 17: compound"; PHUSTR_18 = "level 18: neurosphere"; PHUSTR_19 = "level 19: nme"; PHUSTR_20 = "level 20: the death domain"; PHUSTR_21 = "level 21: slayer"; PHUSTR_22 = "level 22: impossible mission"; PHUSTR_23 = "level 23: tombstone"; PHUSTR_24 = "level 24: the final frontier"; PHUSTR_25 = "level 25: the temple of darkness"; PHUSTR_26 = "level 26: bunker"; PHUSTR_27 = "level 27: anti-christ"; PHUSTR_28 = "level 28: the sewers"; PHUSTR_29 = "level 29: odyssey of noises"; PHUSTR_30 = "level 30: the gateway of hell"; PHUSTR_31 = "level 31: cyberden"; PHUSTR_32 = "level 32: go 2 it"; THUSTR_1 = "level 1: system control"; THUSTR_2 = "level 2: human bbq"; THUSTR_3 = "level 3: power control"; THUSTR_4 = "level 4: wormhole"; THUSTR_5 = "level 5: hanger"; THUSTR_6 = "level 6: open season"; THUSTR_7 = "level 7: prison"; THUSTR_8 = "level 8: metal"; THUSTR_9 = "level 9: stronghold"; THUSTR_10 = "level 10: redemption"; THUSTR_11 = "level 11: storage facility"; THUSTR_12 = "level 12: crater"; THUSTR_13 = "level 13: nukage processing"; THUSTR_14 = "level 14: steel works"; THUSTR_15 = "level 15: dead zone"; THUSTR_16 = "level 16: deepest reaches"; THUSTR_17 = "level 17: processing area"; THUSTR_18 = "level 18: mill"; THUSTR_19 = "level 19: shipping/respawning"; THUSTR_20 = "level 20: central processing"; THUSTR_21 = "level 21: administration center"; THUSTR_22 = "level 22: habitat"; THUSTR_23 = "level 23: lunar mining project"; THUSTR_24 = "level 24: quarry"; THUSTR_25 = "level 25: baron's den"; THUSTR_26 = "level 26: ballistyx"; THUSTR_27 = "level 27: mount pain"; THUSTR_28 = "level 28: heck"; THUSTR_29 = "level 29: river styx"; THUSTR_30 = "level 30: last call"; THUSTR_31 = "level 31: pharaoh"; THUSTR_32 = "level 32: caribbean"; HUSTR_TALKTOSELF1 = "You mumble to yourself"; HUSTR_TALKTOSELF2 = "Who's there?"; HUSTR_TALKTOSELF3 = "You scare yourself"; HUSTR_TALKTOSELF4 = "You start to rave"; HUSTR_TALKTOSELF5 = "You've lost it..."; HUSTR_MESSAGESENT = "[Message Sent]"; AMSTR_FOLLOWON = "Follow Mode ON"; AMSTR_FOLLOWOFF = "Follow Mode OFF"; AMSTR_GRIDON = "Grid ON"; AMSTR_GRIDOFF = "Grid OFF"; AMSTR_TEXON = "Texture Mode ON"; AMSTR_TEXOFF = "Texture Mode OFF"; AMSTR_MARKEDSPOT = "Marked Spot"; AMSTR_MARKSCLEARED = "All Marks Cleared"; STSTR_MUS = "Music Change"; STSTR_NOMUS = "IMPOSSIBLE SELECTION"; STSTR_DQDON = "Degreelessness Mode ON"; STSTR_DQDOFF = "Degreelessness Mode OFF"; STSTR_DQD2ON = "Ultimate Degreelessness Mode ON"; STSTR_DQD2OFF = "Ultimate Degreelessness Mode OFF"; STSTR_KFAADDED = "Very Happy Ammo Added"; STSTR_FAADDED = "Ammo (no keys) Added"; STSTR_NCON = "No Clipping Mode ON"; STSTR_NCOFF = "No Clipping Mode OFF"; STSTR_NC2ON = "No Clipping Mode 2 ON"; STSTR_BEHOLD = "inVuln, Str, Inviso, Rad, Allmap, or Lite-amp"; STSTR_BEHOLDX = "Power-up Toggled"; STSTR_CHOPPERS = "... doesn't suck - GM"; STSTR_CLEV = "Changing Level...\n"; TXT_BUDDHAON = "Buddha mode ON"; TXT_BUDDHAOFF = "Buddha mode OFF"; TXT_BUDDHA2ON = "Ultimate Buddha Mode ON"; TXT_BUDDHA2OFF = "Ultimate Buddha Mode OFF"; TXT_DEFAULTPICKUPMSG = "You got a pickup"; E1TEXT = "Once you beat the big badasses and\n" "clean out the moon base you're supposed\n" "to win, aren't you? Aren't you? Where's\n" "your fat reward and ticket home? What\n" "the hell is this? It's not supposed to\n" "end this way!\n" "\n" "It stinks like rotten meat, but looks\n" "like the lost Deimos base. Looks like\n" "you're stuck on The Shores of Hell.\n" "The only way out is through.\n" "\n" "To continue the DOOM experience, play\n" "The Shores of Hell and its amazing\n" "sequel, Inferno!\n"; E2TEXT = "You've done it! The hideous cyber-\n" "demon lord that ruled the lost Deimos\n" "moon base has been slain and you\n" "are triumphant! But ... where are\n" "you? You clamber to the edge of the\n" "moon and look down to see the awful\n" "truth.\n" "\n" "Deimos floats above Hell itself!\n" "You've never heard of anyone escaping\n" "from Hell, but you'll make the bastards\n" "sorry they ever heard of you! Quickly,\n" "you rappel down to the surface of\n" "Hell.\n" "\n" "Now, it's on to the final chapter of\n" "DOOM! -- Inferno."; E3TEXT = "The loathsome spiderdemon that\n" "masterminded the invasion of the moon\n" "bases and caused so much death has had\n" "its ass kicked for all time.\n" "\n" "A hidden doorway opens and you enter.\n" "You've proven too tough for Hell to\n" "contain, and now Hell at last plays\n" "fair -- for you emerge from the door\n" "to see the green fields of Earth!\n" "Home at last.\n" "\n" "You wonder what's been happening on\n" "Earth while you were battling evil\n" "unleashed. It's good that no Hell-\n" "spawn could have come through that\n" "door with you ..."; E4TEXT = "the spider mastermind must have sent forth\n" "its legions of hellspawn before your\n" "final confrontation with that terrible\n" "beast from hell. but you stepped forward\n" "and brought forth eternal damnation and\n" "suffering upon the horde as a true hero\n" "would in the face of something so evil.\n" "\n" "besides, someone was gonna pay for what\n" "happened to daisy, your pet rabbit.\n" "\n" "but now, you see spread before you more\n" "potential pain and gibbitude as a nation\n" "of demons run amok among our cities.\n" "\n" "next stop, hell on earth!"; C1TEXT = "YOU HAVE ENTERED DEEPLY INTO THE INFESTED\n" "STARPORT. BUT SOMETHING IS WRONG. THE\n" "MONSTERS HAVE BROUGHT THEIR OWN REALITY\n" "WITH THEM, AND THE STARPORT'S TECHNOLOGY\n" "IS BEING SUBVERTED BY THEIR PRESENCE.\n" "\n" "AHEAD, YOU SEE AN OUTPOST OF HELL, A\n" "FORTIFIED ZONE. IF YOU CAN GET PAST IT,\n" "YOU CAN PENETRATE INTO THE HAUNTED HEART\n" "OF THE STARBASE AND FIND THE CONTROLLING\n" "SWITCH WHICH HOLDS EARTH'S POPULATION\n" "HOSTAGE."; C2TEXT = "YOU HAVE WON! YOUR VICTORY HAS ENABLED\n" "HUMANKIND TO EVACUATE EARTH AND ESCAPE\n" "THE NIGHTMARE. NOW YOU ARE THE ONLY\n" "HUMAN LEFT ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET.\n" "CANNIBAL MUTATIONS, CARNIVOROUS ALIENS,\n" "AND EVIL SPIRITS ARE YOUR ONLY NEIGHBORS.\n" "YOU SIT BACK AND WAIT FOR DEATH, CONTENT\n" "THAT YOU HAVE SAVED YOUR SPECIES.\n" "\n" "BUT THEN, EARTH CONTROL BEAMS DOWN A\n" "MESSAGE FROM SPACE: \"SENSORS HAVE LOCATED\n" "THE SOURCE OF THE ALIEN INVASION. IF YOU\n" "GO THERE, YOU MAY BE ABLE TO BLOCK THEIR\n" "ENTRY. THE ALIEN BASE IS IN THE HEART OF\n" "YOUR OWN HOME CITY, NOT FAR FROM THE\n" "STARPORT.\" SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY YOU GET\n" "UP AND RETURN TO THE FRAY."; C3TEXT = "YOU ARE AT THE CORRUPT HEART OF THE CITY,\n" "SURROUNDED BY THE CORPSES OF YOUR ENEMIES.\n" "YOU SEE NO WAY TO DESTROY THE CREATURES'\n" "ENTRYWAY ON THIS SIDE, SO YOU CLENCH YOUR\n" "TEETH AND PLUNGE THROUGH IT.\n" "\n" "THERE MUST BE A WAY TO CLOSE IT ON THE\n" "OTHER SIDE. WHAT DO YOU CARE IF YOU'VE\n" "GOT TO GO THROUGH HELL TO GET TO IT?"; C4TEXT = "THE HORRENDOUS VISAGE OF THE BIGGEST\n" "DEMON YOU'VE EVER SEEN CRUMBLES BEFORE\n" "YOU, AFTER YOU PUMP YOUR ROCKETS INTO\n" "HIS EXPOSED BRAIN. THE MONSTER SHRIVELS\n" "UP AND DIES, ITS THRASHING LIMBS\n" "DEVASTATING UNTOLD MILES OF HELL'S\n" "SURFACE.\n" "\n" "YOU'VE DONE IT. THE INVASION IS OVER.\n" "EARTH IS SAVED. HELL IS A WRECK. YOU\n" "WONDER WHERE BAD FOLKS WILL GO WHEN THEY\n" "DIE, NOW. WIPING THE SWEAT FROM YOUR\n" "FOREHEAD YOU BEGIN THE LONG TREK BACK\n" "HOME. REBUILDING EARTH OUGHT TO BE A\n" "LOT MORE FUN THAN RUINING IT WAS.\n"; C5TEXT = "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE FOUND THE SECRET\n" "LEVEL! LOOKS LIKE IT'S BEEN BUILT BY\n" "HUMANS, RATHER THAN DEMONS. YOU WONDER\n" "WHO THE INMATES OF THIS CORNER OF HELL\n" "WILL BE."; C6TEXT = "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE FOUND THE\n" "SUPER SECRET LEVEL! YOU'D BETTER\n" "BLAZE THROUGH THIS ONE!\n"; P1TEXT = "You gloat over the steaming carcass of the\n" "Guardian. With its death, you've wrested\n" "the Accelerator from the stinking claws\n" "of Hell. You relax and glance around the\n" "room. Damn! There was supposed to be at\n" "least one working prototype, but you can't\n" "see it. The demons must have taken it.\n" "\n" "You must find the prototype, or all your\n" "struggles will have been wasted. Keep\n" "moving, keep fighting, keep killing.\n" "Oh yes, keep living, too."; P2TEXT = "Even the deadly Arch-Vile labyrinth could\n" "not stop you, and you've gotten to the\n" "prototype Accelerator which is soon\n" "efficiently and permanently deactivated.\n" "\n" "You're good at that kind of thing."; P3TEXT = "You've bashed and battered your way into\n" "the heart of the devil-hive. Time for a\n" "Search-and-Destroy mission, aimed at the\n" "Gatekeeper, whose foul offspring is\n" "cascading to Earth. Yeah, he's bad. But\n" "you know who's worse!\n" "\n" "Grinning evilly, you check your gear, and\n" "get ready to give the bastard a little Hell\n" "of your own making!"; P4TEXT = "The Gatekeeper's evil face is splattered\n" "all over the place. As its tattered corpse\n" "collapses, an inverted Gate forms and\n" "sucks down the shards of the last\n" "prototype Accelerator, not to mention the\n" "few remaining demons. You're done. Hell\n" "has gone back to pounding bad dead folks \n" "instead of good live ones. Remember to\n" "tell your grandkids to put a rocket\n" "launcher in your coffin. If you go to Hell\n" "when you die, you'll need it for some\n" "final cleaning-up ..."; P5TEXT = "You've found the second-hardest level we\n" "got. Hope you have a saved game a level or\n" "two previous. If not, be prepared to die\n" "aplenty. For master marines only."; P6TEXT = "Betcha wondered just what WAS the hardest\n" "level we had ready for ya? Now you know.\n" "No one gets out alive."; T1TEXT = "You've fought your way out of the infested\n" "experimental labs. It seems that UAC has\n" "once again gulped it down. With their\n" "high turnover, it must be hard for poor\n" "old UAC to buy corporate health insurance\n" "nowadays..\n" "\n" "Ahead lies the military complex, now\n" "swarming with diseased horrors hot to get\n" "their teeth into you. With luck, the\n" "complex still has some warlike ordnance\n" "laying around."; T2TEXT = "You hear the grinding of heavy machinery\n" "ahead. You sure hope they're not stamping\n" "out new hellspawn, but you're ready to\n" "ream out a whole herd if you have to.\n" "They might be planning a blood feast, but\n" "you feel about as mean as two thousand\n" "maniacs packed into one mad killer.\n" "\n" "You don't plan to go down easy."; T3TEXT = "The vista opening ahead looks real damn\n" "familiar. Smells familiar, too -- like\n" "fried excrement. You didn't like this\n" "place before, and you sure as hell ain't\n" "planning to like it now. The more you\n" "brood on it, the madder you get.\n" "Hefting your gun, an evil grin trickles\n" "onto your face. Time to take some names."; T4TEXT = "Suddenly, all is silent, from one horizon\n" "to the other. The agonizing echo of Hell\n" "fades away, the nightmare sky turns to\n" "blue, the heaps of monster corpses start \n" "to evaporate along with the evil stench \n" "that filled the air. Jeeze, maybe you've\n" "done it. Have you really won?\n" "\n" "Something rumbles in the distance.\n" "A blue light begins to glow inside the\n" "ruined skull of the demon-spitter."; T5TEXT = "What now? Looks totally different. Kind\n" "of like King Tut's condo. Well,\n" "whatever's here can't be any worse\n" "than usual. Can it? Or maybe it's best\n" "to let sleeping gods lie.."; T6TEXT = "Time for a vacation. You've burst the\n" "bowels of hell and by golly you're ready\n" "for a break. You mutter to yourself,\n" "Maybe someone else can kick Hell's ass\n" "next time around. Ahead lies a quiet town,\n" "with peaceful flowing water, quaint\n" "buildings, and presumably no Hellspawn.\n" "\n" "As you step off the transport, you hear\n" "the stomp of a cyberdemon's iron shoe."; NERVETEXT = "TROUBLE WAS BREWING AGAIN IN YOUR FAVORITE\n" "VACATION SPOT... HELL. SOME CYBERDEMON\n" "PUNK THOUGHT HE COULD TURN HELL INTO A\n" "PERSONAL AMUSEMENT PARK, AND MAKE EARTH\n" "THE TICKET BOOTH.\n" "\n" "WELL THAT HALF-ROBOT FREAK SHOW DIDN'T\n" "KNOW WHO WAS COMING TO THE FAIR. THERE'S\n" "NOTHING LIKE A SHOOTING GALLERY FULL OF\n" "HELLSPAWN TO GET THE BLOOD PUMPING...\n" "\n" "NOW THE WALLS OF THE DEMON'S LABYRINTH\n" "ECHO WITH THE SOUND OF HIS METALLIC LIMBS\n" "HITTING THE FLOOR. HIS DEATH MOAN GURGLES\n" "OUT THROUGH THE MESS YOU LEFT OF HIS FACE.\n" "\n" "THIS RIDE IS CLOSED.\n"; // Cast list (must appear in this order) CC_ZOMBIE = "ZOMBIEMAN"; CC_SHOTGUN = "SHOTGUN GUY"; CC_HEAVY = "HEAVY WEAPON DUDE"; CC_IMP = "IMP"; CC_DEMON = "DEMON"; CC_LOST = "LOST SOUL"; CC_CACO = "CACODEMON"; CC_HELL = "HELL KNIGHT"; CC_BARON = "BARON OF HELL"; CC_ARACH = "ARACHNOTRON"; CC_PAIN = "PAIN ELEMENTAL"; CC_REVEN = "REVENANT"; CC_MANCU = "MANCUBUS"; CC_ARCH = "ARCH-VILE"; CC_SPIDER = "THE SPIDER MASTERMIND"; CC_CYBER = "THE CYBERDEMON"; CC_HERO = "OUR HERO"; // New strings from BOOM PD_BLUEC = "You need a blue card to open this door"; PD_REDC = "You need a red card to open this door"; PD_YELLOWC = "You need a yellow card to open this door"; PD_BLUES = "You need a blue skull to open this door"; PD_REDS = "You need a red skull to open this door"; PD_YELLOWS = "You need a yellow skull to open this door"; PD_ANY = "Any key will open this door"; PD_ANYOBJ = "Any key will activate this object"; PD_ALL3 = "You need all three keys to open this door"; PD_ALL3O = "You need all three keys to activate this object"; PD_ALL6 = "You need all six keys to open this door"; PD_ALL6O = "You need all six keys to activate this object"; PD_ALLKEYS = "You need all the keys"; // MBF (BOOM?) narration backgrounds bgflatE1 = "FLOOR4_8"; bgflatE2 = "SFLR6_1"; bgflatE3 = "MFLR8_4"; bgflatE4 = "MFLR8_3"; bgflat06 = "SLIME16"; bgflat11 = "RROCK14"; bgflat20 = "RROCK07"; bgflat30 = "RROCK17"; bgflat15 = "RROCK13"; bgflat31 = "RROCK19"; bgcastcall = "BOSSBACK"; // Gameflow messages TXT_FRAGLIMIT = "Fraglimit hit."; TXT_TIMELIMIT = "Timelimit hit."; // Spree messages SPREEKILLSELF = "%o was looking good until %g killed %hself!"; SPREEOVER = "%o's killing spree was ended by %k"; SPREE5 = "%k is on a killing spree!"; SPREE10 = "%k is on a rampage!"; SPREE15 = "%k is dominating!"; SPREE20 = "%k is unstoppable!"; SPREE25 = "%k is Godlike!"; // Mulitkill messages MULTI2 = "Double kill!"; MULTI3 = "Multi kill!"; MULTI4 = "Ultra kill!"; MULTI5 = "Monster kill!"; // Obituary strings // First the self-kills, then the other-kills OB_SUICIDE = "%o suicides."; OB_FALLING = "%o fell too far."; OB_CRUSH = "%o was squished."; OB_EXIT = "%o tried to leave."; OB_WATER = "%o can't swim."; OB_SLIME = "%o mutated."; OB_LAVA = "%o melted."; OB_BARREL = "%o went boom."; OB_SPLASH = "%o stood in the wrong spot."; OB_R_SPLASH = "%o should have stood back."; OB_ROCKET = "%o should have stood back."; OB_KILLEDSELF = "%o killed %hself."; OB_VOODOO = "%o was killed by the power of voodoo."; OB_STEALTHBABY = "%o thought %g saw an arachnotron."; OB_STEALTHVILE = "%o thought %g saw an archvile."; OB_STEALTHBARON = "%o thought %g saw a Baron of Hell."; OB_STEALTHCACO = "%o thought %g saw a cacodemon."; OB_STEALTHCHAINGUY = "%o thought %g saw a chaingunner."; OB_STEALTHDEMON = "%o thought %g saw a demon."; OB_STEALTHKNIGHT = "%o thought %g saw a Hell Knight."; OB_STEALTHIMP = "%o thought %g saw an imp."; OB_STEALTHFATSO = "%o thought %g saw a mancubus."; OB_STEALTHUNDEAD = "%o thought %g saw a revenant."; OB_STEALTHSHOTGUY = "%o thought %g saw a sergeant."; OB_STEALTHZOMBIE = "%o thought %g saw a zombieman."; OB_UNDEADHIT = "%o was punched by a revenant."; OB_IMPHIT = "%o was slashed by an imp."; OB_CACOHIT = "%o got too close to a cacodemon."; OB_DEMONHIT = "%o was bit by a demon."; OB_SPECTREHIT = "%o was eaten by a spectre."; OB_BARONHIT = "%o was ripped open by a Baron of Hell."; OB_KNIGHTHIT = "%o was gutted by a Hell Knight."; OB_ZOMBIE = "%o was killed by a zombieman."; OB_SHOTGUY = "%o was shot by a sergeant."; OB_VILE = "%o was incinerated by an archvile."; OB_UNDEAD = "%o couldn't evade a revenant's fireball."; OB_FATSO = "%o was squashed by a mancubus."; OB_CHAINGUY = "%o was perforated by a chaingunner."; OB_SKULL = "%o was spooked by a lost soul."; OB_IMP = "%o was burned by an imp."; OB_CACO = "%o was smitten by a cacodemon."; OB_BARON = "%o was bruised by a Baron of Hell."; OB_KNIGHT = "%o was splayed by a Hell Knight."; OB_SPIDER = "%o stood in awe of the spider demon."; OB_BABY = "%o let an arachnotron get %h."; OB_CYBORG = "%o was splattered by a cyberdemon."; OB_WOLFSS = "%o met a Nazi."; OB_DOG = "%o was mauled by a dog."; OB_CHICKEN = "%o was pecked to death."; OB_BEAST = "%o was charred by a weredragon."; OB_CLINK = "%o was slashed by a sabreclaw."; OB_DSPARIL1 = "%o was scalded by D'Sparil's serpent."; OB_DSPARIL1HIT = "%o was chewed up by D'Sparil's serpent."; OB_DSPARIL2 = "%o was no match for D'Sparil."; OB_DSPARIL2HIT = "%o was smacked down by D'Sparil."; OB_HERETICIMP = "%o was scarred by a gargoyle."; OB_HERETICIMPHIT = "%o was hacked by a gargoyle."; OB_IRONLICH = "%o was devastated by an ironlich."; OB_IRONLICHHIT = "%o got up-close and personal with an ironlich."; OB_BONEKNIGHT = "%o was axed by an undead warrior."; OB_BONEKNIGHTHIT = "%o was slain by an undead warrior."; OB_MUMMY = "%o was smashed by a golem."; OB_MUMMYLEADER = "%o was shrieked to death by a nitrogolem."; OB_SNAKE = "%o was rattled by an ophidian."; OB_WIZARD = "%o was cursed by a wizard."; OB_WIZARDHIT = "%o was palpated by a wizard."; OB_FIREDEMON = "%o tasted an Afrit's fire."; OB_DEMON1 = "%o was scalded by a Serpent."; OB_DEMON2 = "%o was poisoned by a Serpent."; OB_ETTIN = "%o was mashed by an Ettin."; OB_CENTAUR = "%o was cut up by a Centaur."; OB_SLAUGHTAURHIT = "%o was cut up by a Slaughtaur."; OB_SLAUGHTAUR = "%o was struck down by a Slaughtaur's fireball."; OB_BISHOP = "%o succumbed to a Bishop's dark power."; OB_ICEGUY = "%o was frozen solid by a Wendigo."; OB_SERPENTHIT = "%o was mauled by a Stalker."; OB_SERPENT = "%o was melted by a Stalker."; OB_WRAITH = "%o was charred by a Reiver."; OB_WRAITHHIT = "%o had %p life stolen by a Reiver."; OB_DRAGON = "%o was incinerated by the Death Wyvern."; OB_KORAX = "%o was swept from the board by Korax."; OB_FBOSS = "%o was slain by Zedek."; OB_MBOSS = "%o couldn't absorb Menelkir's Mana."; OB_CBOSS = "%o was baptized by Traductus."; OB_HERESIARCH = "%o had %p bones rolled by the Heresiarch."; OB_ACOLYTE = "%o was zealously shot down by an Acolyte."; OB_MACIL = "%o should have never rebelled against Macil."; OB_REBEL = "%o was gunned down by a Rebel."; OB_BEGGAR = "%o was beaten to death by the poor."; OB_PEASANT = "%o should have never picked a fight with a civilian."; OB_ALIENSPECTRE = "%o was struck down by the Spectre."; OB_ENTITY = "%o felt the wrath of The One God."; OB_LOREMASTER = "%o couldn't escape from the Lore Master's grasp."; OB_PROGRAMMER = "%o was deleted by the Programmer."; OB_STFBISHOP = "%o was blown away by the Bishop."; OB_SENTINEL = "%o was shot down by a Sentinel."; OB_CRUSADER = "%o was swept away by a Crusader."; OB_INQUISITOR = "%o was sentenced by an Inquisitor."; OB_STALKER = "%o was bugged by a Stalker."; OB_TURRET = "%o triggered the automatic defenses."; OB_TEMPLARHIT = "%o was clawed by a Templar."; OB_TEMPLAR = "%o was vaporized by a Templar."; OB_REAVERHIT = "%o was sliced open by a Reaver."; OB_REAVER = "%o was shot down by a Reaver."; OB_MPFIST = "%o chewed on %k's fist."; OB_MPCHAINSAW = "%o was mowed over by %k's chainsaw."; OB_MPPISTOL = "%o was tickled by %k's pea shooter."; OB_MPSHOTGUN = "%o chewed on %k's boomstick."; OB_MPSSHOTGUN = "%o was splattered by %k's super shotgun."; OB_MPCHAINGUN = "%o was mowed down by %k's chaingun."; OB_MPROCKET = "%o rode %k's rocket."; OB_MPR_SPLASH = "%o almost dodged %k's rocket."; OB_MPPLASMARIFLE = "%o was melted by %k's plasma gun."; OB_MPBFG_BOOM = "%o was splintered by %k's BFG."; OB_MPBFG_SPLASH = "%o couldn't hide from %k's BFG."; OB_MPTELEFRAG = "%o was telefragged by %k."; OB_RAILGUN = "%o was railed by %k."; OB_MPBFG_MBF = "%o was burned by %k's BFG."; OB_MPSTAFF = "%o got staffed by %k."; OB_MPGAUNTLETS = "%o got a shock from %k's gauntlets."; OB_MPGOLDWAND = "%o waved goodbye to %k's elven wand."; OB_MPCROSSBOW = "%o was pegged by %k's ethereal crossbow."; OB_MPBLASTER = "%o was blasted a new one by %k's dragon claw."; OB_MPSKULLROD = "%o got sent down under by %k's hellstaff."; OB_MPPHOENIXROD = "%o was scorched to cinders by %k's phoenix rod."; OB_MPMACE = "%o was bounced by %k's firemace."; OB_MPPSTAFF = "%o got clapped by %k's charged staff."; OB_MPPGAUNTLETS = "%o was bled dry by %k's gauntlets."; OB_MPPGOLDWAND = "%o was assaulted by %k's elven wand."; OB_MPPCROSSBOW = "%o was shafted by %k's ethereal crossbow."; OB_MPPBLASTER = "%o was ripped apart by %k's dragon claw."; OB_MPPSKULLROD = "%k poured his hellstaff on %o."; OB_MPPPHOENIXROD = "%o was burned down by %k's phoenix staff."; OB_MPPMACE = "%o was squished by %k's giant mace sphere."; OB_MPFWEAPFIST = "%o was beaten to a pulp by %k's bare fists."; OB_MPFWEAPAXE = "%o got the axe from %k."; OB_MPFWEAPHAMMERM = "%o had %p head caved in by %k's hammer."; OB_MPFWEAPHAMMERR = "%o's soul was forged anew by %k's hammer."; OB_MPFWEAPQUIETUS = "%o was silenced by %k's mighty Quietus."; OB_MPCWEAPMACE = "%o got a mace to the face from %k."; OB_MPCWEAPSTAFFM = "%o was bitten by %k's serpent staff."; OB_MPCWEAPSTAFFR = "%o choked on %k's serpent staff."; OB_MPCWEAPFLAME = "%o was lit up by %k's flames."; OB_MPCWEAPWRAITHVERGE = "%o was cleansed by %k's Wraithverge."; OB_MPMWEAPWAND = "%o took one too many sapphire beams from %k."; OB_MPMWEAPFROST = "%o was turned into a frosty fellow by %k."; OB_MPMWEAPLIGHTNING = "%o recieved a shocking revelation from %k."; OB_MPMWEAPBLOODSCOURGE = "%o was wiped off the face of the universe by %k's Bloodscourge."; OB_MPPUNCHDAGGER = "%o was unwittingly backstabbed by %k."; OB_MPELECTRICBOLT = "%o got bolted to the wall by %k."; OB_MPPOISONBOLT = "%o recieved a lethal dose of %k's wrath."; OB_MPASSAULTGUN = "%o was drilled full of holes by %k's assault gun."; OB_MPMINIMISSILELAUNCHER = "%o gulped down %k's missile."; OB_MPSTRIFEGRENADE = "%o was inverted by %k's H-E grenade."; OB_MPPHOSPHOROUSGRENADE = "%o took a flame bath in %k's phosphorous pyre."; OB_MPFLAMETHROWER = "%o was barbecued by %k."; OB_MPMAULER1 = "%o was zapped by %k."; OB_MPMAULER = "%o was viciously vaporized by %k."; OB_MPSIGIL = "%o bowed down to the sheer power of %k's Sigil."; // Same as OB_MPTELEFRAG, but shown when a monster telefrags you OB_MONTELEFRAG = "%o was telefragged."; OB_DEFAULT = "%o died."; OB_MPDEFAULT = "%o was killed by %k."; OB_FRIENDLY1 = "%k mows down a teammate."; OB_FRIENDLY2 = "%k checks %p glasses."; OB_FRIENDLY3 = "%k gets a frag for the other team."; OB_FRIENDLY4 = "%k loses another friend."; SAVEGAMENAME = "zdoomsv"; STARTUP1 = ""; STARTUP2 = ""; STARTUP3 = ""; STARTUP4 = ""; STARTUP5 = ""; // Scoreboard text SCORE_ITEMS = "ITEMS"; SCORE_BONUS = "BONUS"; SCORE_COLOR = "COLOR"; SCORE_SECRET = "SECRET"; SCORE_NAME = "NAME"; SCORE_DELAY = "DELAY(ms)"; SCORE_KILLS = "KILLS"; SCORE_FRAGS = "FRAGS"; SCORE_DEATHS = "DEATHS"; SCORE_MISSED = "MISSED"; SCORE_TOTAL = "TOTAL"; SCORE_LVLTIME = "LEVEL TIME"; // Item tags: Doom weapons TAG_FIST = "Brass Knuckles"; TAG_CHAINSAW = "Chainsaw"; TAG_PISTOL = "Pistol"; TAG_SHOTGUN = "Shotgun"; TAG_SUPERSHOTGUN = "Super Shotgun"; TAG_CHAINGUN = "Chaingun"; TAG_ROCKETLAUNCHER = "Rocket Launcher"; TAG_PLASMARIFLE = "Plasma Rifle"; TAG_BFG9000 = "BFG 9000"; // Item tags: Heretic weapons TAG_STAFF = "Staff"; TAG_GAUNTLETS = "Gauntlets of the Necromancer"; TAG_GOLDWAND = "Elven Wand"; TAG_CROSSBOW = "Ethereal Crossbow"; TAG_BLASTER = "Dragon Claw"; TAG_SKULLROD = "Hellstaff"; TAG_PHOENIXROD = "Phoenix Rod"; TAG_MACE = "Firemace"; // Item tags: Heretic artifacts TAG_ARTIEGG = "Morph Ovum"; TAG_ARTIFIREBOMB = "Timebomb of the Ancients"; TAG_ARTIFLY = "Wings of Wrath"; TAG_ARTIHEALTH = "Quartz Flask"; TAG_ARTIINVISIBILITY = "Shadowsphere"; TAG_ARTIINVULNERABILITY = "Ring of Invincibility"; TAG_ARTISUPERHEALTH = "Mystic Urn"; TAG_ARTITELEPORT = "Chaos Device"; TAG_ARTITOMEOFPOWER = "Tome of Power"; TAG_ARTITORCH = "Torch"; // Item tags: Hexen weapons TAG_CWEAPMACE = "Mace of Contrition"; TAG_CWEAPSTAFF = "Serpent Staff"; TAG_CWEAPFLAME = "Firestorm"; TAG_CWEAPWRAITHVERGE = "Wraithverge"; TAG_FWEAPFIST = "Spiked Gauntlets"; TAG_FWEAPAXE = "Timon's Axe"; TAG_FWEAPHAMMER = "Hammer of Retribution"; TAG_FWEAPQUIETUS = "Quietus"; TAG_MWEAPWAND = "Sapphire Wand"; TAG_MWEAPFROST = "Frost Shards"; TAG_MWEAPLIGHTNING = "Arcs of Death"; TAG_MWEAPBLOODSCOURGE = "Bloodscourge"; // Item tags: Hexen artifacts TAG_ARTIBLASTRADIUS = "Disc of Repulsion"; TAG_ARTIBOOSTARMOR = "Dragonskin Bracers"; TAG_ARTIBOOSTMANA = "Krater of Might"; TAG_ARTIPOISONBAG = "Flechette"; TAG_ARTIPOISONBAG1 = "Poison Cloud Flechette"; TAG_ARTIPOISONBAG2 = "Timebomb Flechette"; TAG_ARTIPOISONBAG3 = "Grenade Flechette"; TAG_ARTIHEALINGRADIUS = "Mystic Ambit Incant"; TAG_ARTIDEFENDER = "Icon of the Defender"; TAG_ARTIPORK = "Porkelator"; TAG_ARTISPEED = "Boots of Speed"; TAG_ARTISUMMON = "Dark Servant"; TAG_ARTITELEPORTOTHER = "Banishment Device"; // Item tags: Hexen puzzle items TAG_ARTIPUZZSKULL = "Yorick's Skull"; TAG_ARTIPUZZGEMBIG = "Heart of D'Sparil"; TAG_ARTIPUZZGEMRED = "Ruby Planet"; TAG_ARTIPUZZGEMGREEN1 = "Emerald Planet (1)"; TAG_ARTIPUZZGEMGREEN2 = "Emerald Planet (2)"; TAG_ARTIPUZZGEMBLUE1 = "Sapphire Planet (1)"; TAG_ARTIPUZZGEMBLUE2 = "Sapphire Planet (2)"; TAG_ARTIPUZZBOOK1 = "Daemon Codex"; TAG_ARTIPUZZBOOK2 = "Liber Obscura"; TAG_ARTIPUZZSKULL2 = "Flame Mask"; TAG_ARTIPUZZFWEAPON = "Glaive Seal"; TAG_ARTIPUZZCWEAPON = "Holy Relic"; TAG_ARTIPUZZMWEAPON = "Sigil of the Magus"; TAG_ARTIPUZZGEAR1 = "Iron gear"; TAG_ARTIPUZZGEAR2 = "Brass gear"; TAG_ARTIPUZZGEAR3 = "Brass and iron gear"; TAG_ARTIPUZZGEAR4 = "Silver and brass gear"; // Item tags: Strife weapons TAG_PUNCHDAGGER = "Dagger"; TAG_STRIFECROSSBOW1 = "Crossbow"; TAG_STRIFECROSSBOW2 = "Crossbow"; TAG_ASSAULTGUN = "Assault Gun"; TAG_MMLAUNCHER = "Mini Missile Launcher"; TAG_FLAMER = "Flame Thrower"; TAG_MAULER1 = "Mauler"; TAG_MAULER2 = "Mauler"; TAG_GLAUNCHER1 = "Grenade Launcher"; TAG_GLAUNCHER2 = "Grenade Launcher"; TAG_SIGIL = "SIGIL"; // Item tags: Strife artifacts TAG_COIN = "coin"; TAG_MEDPATCH = "Med patch"; TAG_MEDICALKIT = "Medical kit"; TAG_SURGERYKIT = "Surgery Kit"; // "full_health" in the Teaser TAG_BELDINSRING = "Ring"; TAG_OFFERINGCHALICE = "Offering Chalice"; TAG_EAR = "Ear"; TAG_BROKENCOUPLING = "Broken Power Coupling"; TAG_SHADOWARMOR = "Shadow Armor"; TAG_ENVSUIT = "Environmental Suit"; TAG_GUARDUNIFORM = "Guard Uniform"; TAG_OFFICERSUNIFORM = "Officer's Uniform"; TAG_FTHROWERPARTS = "Flame Thrower Parts"; TAG_REPORT = "Report"; TAG_INFO = "Info"; TAG_TARGETER = "Targeter"; TAG_COMMUNICATOR = "Communicator"; TAG_DEGNINORE = "Degnin Ore"; TAG_GUNTRAINING = "Accuracy"; TAG_HEALTHTRAINING = "Toughness"; TAG_SCANNER = "Scanner"; TAG_PRISONPASS = "Prison Pass"; TAG_ALARM = "Alarm"; TAG_AMMOFILLUP = "Ammo"; TAG_HEALTHFILLUP = "Health"; TAG_TELEPORTERBEACON = "Teleporter Beacon"; TAG_METALARMOR = "Metal Armor"; TAG_LEATHER = "Leather Armor"; TAG_HEGRENADES = "HE-Grenade Rounds"; TAG_PHGRENADES = "Phoshorus-Grenade Rounds"; // "Fire-Grenade_Rounds" in the Teaser TAG_CLIPOFBULLETS = "Clip of Bullets"; // "bullets" in the Teaser TAG_BOXOFBULLETS = "Ammo"; TAG_MINIMISSILES = "Mini Missiles"; //"rocket" in the Teaser TAG_CRATEOFMISSILES = "Crate of Missiles"; //"box_of_rockets" in the Teaser TAG_ENERGYPOD = "Energy Pod"; TAG_ENERGYPACK = "Energy Pack"; TAG_POISONBOLTS = "Poison Bolts"; // "poison_arrows" in the Teaser TAG_ELECTRICBOLTS = "Electric Bolts"; // "electric_arrows" in the Teaser TAG_AMMOSATCHEL = "Ammo Satchel"; // "Back_pack" in the Teaser // Item tags: Strife keys TAG_BASEKEY = "Base Key"; TAG_GOVSKEY = "Govs Key"; // "Rebel_Key" in the Teaser TAG_PASSCARD = "Passcard"; TAG_IDBADGE = "ID Badge"; TAG_PRISONKEY = "Prison Key"; TAG_SEVEREDHAND = "Severed Hand"; TAG_POWER1KEY = "Power1 Key"; TAG_POWER2KEY = "Power2 Key"; TAG_POWER3KEY = "Power3 Key"; TAG_GOLDKEY = "Gold Key"; TAG_IDCARD = "ID Card"; TAG_SILVERKEY = "Silver Key"; TAG_ORACLEKEY = "Oracle Key"; TAG_MILITARYID = "Military ID"; TAG_ORDERKEY = "Order Key"; TAG_WAREHOUSEKEY = "Warehouse Key"; TAG_BRASSKEY = "Brass Key"; TAG_REDCRYSTALKEY = "Red Crystal Key"; TAG_BLUECRYSTALKEY = "Blue Crystal Key"; TAG_CHAPELKEY = "Chapel Key"; TAG_CATACOMBKEY = "Catacomb Key"; // "Tunnel_Key" in the Teaser TAG_SECURITYKEY = "Security Key"; TAG_COREKEY = "Core Key"; // "New_Key1" in the Teaser TAG_MAULERKEY = "Mauler Key"; // "New_Key2" in the Teaser TAG_FACTORYKEY = "Factory Key"; // "New_Key3" in the Teaser TAG_MINEKEY = "Mine Key"; // "New_Key4" in the Teaser TAG_NEWKEY5 = "New Key5"; TAG_ORACLEPASS = "Oracle Pass"; // Item tags: misc Strife stuff TAG_10GOLD = "10 gold"; TAG_25GOLD = "25 gold"; TAG_50GOLD = "50 gold"; TAG_300GOLD = "300 gold"; TAG_QUEST4 = "quest4"; TAG_QUEST5 = "quest5"; TAG_QUEST6 = "quest4"; // Item tags: Strife NPCs TAG_ACOLYTE = "ACOLYTE"; TAG_ARMORER = "Armorer"; TAG_BARKEEP = "Bar Keep"; TAG_BEGGAR = "Beggar"; TAG_MACIL1 = "MACIL"; TAG_MACIL2 = "MACIL"; TAG_MEDIC = "Medic"; TAG_ORACLE = "Oracle"; TAG_PRIEST = "PRIEST"; TAG_RATBUDDY = "rat buddy"; TAG_REBEL = "Rebel"; TAG_TEMPLAR = "TEMPLAR"; TAG_WEAPONSMITH = "Weapon Smith"; // Item tags: Chex weapons TAG_SPOON = "Spoon"; TAG_SPORK = "Super Bootspork"; TAG_MINIZORCHER = "Mini Zorcher"; TAG_LARGEZORCHER = "Large Zorcher"; TAG_SUPERLARGEZORCHER = "Super-Large Zorcher"; TAG_RAPIDZORCHER = "Rapid Zorcher"; TAG_ZORCHPROPULSOR = "Zorch Propulsor"; TAG_PHASINGZORCHER = "Phasing Zorcher"; TAG_LAZDEVICE = "LAZ Device"; // Heretic strings HE1TEXT = "with the destruction of the iron\n" "liches and their minions, the last\n" "of the undead are cleared from this\n" "plane of existence.\n\n" "those creatures had to come from\n" "somewhere, though, and you have the\n" "sneaky suspicion that the fiery\n" "portal of hell's maw opens onto\n" "their home dimension.\n\n" "to make sure that more undead\n" "(or even worse things) don't come\n" "through, you'll have to seal hell's\n" "maw from the other side. of course\n" "this means you may get stuck in a\n" "very unfriendly world, but no one\n" "ever said being a Heretic was easy!"; HE2TEXT = "the mighty maulotaurs have proved\n" "to be no match for you, and as\n" "their steaming corpses slide to the\n" "ground you feel a sense of grim\n" "satisfaction that they have been\n" "destroyed.\n\n" "the gateways which they guarded\n" "have opened, revealing what you\n" "hope is the way home. but as you\n" "step through, mocking laughter\n" "rings in your ears.\n\n" "was some other force controlling\n" "the maulotaurs? could there be even\n" "more horrific beings through this\n" "gate? the sweep of a crystal dome\n" "overhead where the sky should be is\n" "certainly not a good sign...."; HE3TEXT = "the death of d'sparil has loosed\n" "the magical bonds holding his\n" "creatures on this plane, their\n" "dying screams overwhelming his own\n" "cries of agony.\n\n" "your oath of vengeance fulfilled,\n" "you enter the portal to your own\n" "world, mere moments before the dome\n" "shatters into a million pieces.\n\n" "but if d'sparil's power is broken\n" "forever, why don't you feel safe?\n" "was it that last shout just before\n" "his death, the one that sounded\n" "like a curse? or a summoning? you\n" "can't really be sure, but it might\n" "just have been a scream.\n\n" "then again, what about the other\n" "serpent riders?"; HE4TEXT = "you thought you would return to your\n" "own world after d'sparil died, but\n" "his final act banished you to his\n" "own plane. here you entered the\n" "shattered remnants of lands\n" "conquered by d'sparil. you defeated\n" "the last guardians of these lands,\n" "but now you stand before the gates\n" "to d'sparil's stronghold. until this\n" "moment you had no doubts about your\n" "ability to face anything you might\n" "encounter, but beyond this portal\n" "lies the very heart of the evil\n" "which invaded your world. d'sparil\n" "might be dead, but the pit where he\n" "was spawned remains. now you must\n" "enter that pit in the hopes of\n" "finding a way out. and somewhere,\n" "in the darkest corner of d'sparil's\n" "demesne, his personal bodyguards\n" "await your arrival ..."; HE5TEXT = "as the final maulotaur bellows his\n" "death-agony, you realize that you\n" "have never come so close to your own\n" "destruction. not even the fight with\n" "d'sparil and his disciples had been\n" "this desperate. grimly you stare at\n" "the gates which open before you,\n" "wondering if they lead home, or if\n" "they open onto some undreamed-of\n" "horror. you find yourself wondering\n" "if you have the strength to go on,\n" "if nothing but death and pain await\n" "you. but what else can you do, if\n" "the will to fight is gone? can you\n" "force yourself to continue in the\n" "face of such despair? do you have\n" "the courage? you find, in the end,\n" "that it is not within you to\n" "surrender without a fight. eyes\n" "wide, you go to meet your fate."; // EPISODE 1 - THE CITY OF THE DAMNED HHUSTR_E1M1 = "THE DOCKS"; HHUSTR_E1M2 = "THE DUNGEONS"; HHUSTR_E1M3 = "THE GATEHOUSE"; HHUSTR_E1M4 = "THE GUARD TOWER"; HHUSTR_E1M5 = "THE CITADEL"; HHUSTR_E1M6 = "THE CATHEDRAL"; HHUSTR_E1M7 = "THE CRYPTS"; HHUSTR_E1M8 = "HELL'S MAW"; HHUSTR_E1M9 = "THE GRAVEYARD"; // EPISODE 2 - HELL'S MAW HHUSTR_E2M1 = "THE CRATER"; HHUSTR_E2M2 = "THE LAVA PITS"; HHUSTR_E2M3 = "THE RIVER OF FIRE"; HHUSTR_E2M4 = "THE ICE GROTTO"; HHUSTR_E2M5 = "THE CATACOMBS"; HHUSTR_E2M6 = "THE LABYRINTH"; HHUSTR_E2M7 = "THE GREAT HALL"; HHUSTR_E2M8 = "THE PORTALS OF CHAOS"; HHUSTR_E2M9 = "THE GLACIER"; // EPISODE 3 - THE DOME OF D'SPARIL HHUSTR_E3M1 = "THE STOREHOUSE"; HHUSTR_E3M2 = "THE CESSPOOL"; HHUSTR_E3M3 = "THE CONFLUENCE"; HHUSTR_E3M4 = "THE AZURE FORTRESS"; HHUSTR_E3M5 = "THE OPHIDIAN LAIR"; HHUSTR_E3M6 = "THE HALLS OF FEAR"; HHUSTR_E3M7 = "THE CHASM"; HHUSTR_E3M8 = "D'SPARIL'S KEEP"; HHUSTR_E3M9 = "THE AQUIFER"; // EPISODE 4: THE OSSUARY HHUSTR_E4M1 = "CATAFALQUE"; HHUSTR_E4M2 = "BLOCKHOUSE"; HHUSTR_E4M3 = "AMBULATORY"; HHUSTR_E4M4 = "SEPULCHER"; HHUSTR_E4M5 = "GREAT STAIR"; HHUSTR_E4M6 = "HALLS OF THE APOSTATE"; HHUSTR_E4M7 = "RAMPARTS OF PERDITION"; HHUSTR_E4M8 = "SHATTERED BRIDGE"; HHUSTR_E4M9 = "MAUSOLEUM"; // EPISODE 5: THE STAGNANT DEMESNE HHUSTR_E5M1 = "OCHRE CLIFFS"; HHUSTR_E5M2 = "RAPIDS"; HHUSTR_E5M3 = "QUAY"; HHUSTR_E5M4 = "COURTYARD"; HHUSTR_E5M5 = "HYDRATYR"; HHUSTR_E5M6 = "COLONNADE"; HHUSTR_E5M7 = "FOETID MANSE"; HHUSTR_E5M8 = "FIELD OF JUDGEMENT"; HHUSTR_E5M9 = "SKEIN OF D'SPARIL"; // Keys TXT_GOTBLUEKEY = "BLUE KEY"; TXT_GOTYELLOWKEY = "YELLOW KEY"; TXT_GOTGREENKEY = "GREEN KEY"; // Artifacts TXT_ARTIHEALTH = "QUARTZ FLASK"; TXT_ARTIFLY = "WINGS OF WRATH"; TXT_ARTIINVULNERABILITY = "RING OF INVINCIBILITY"; TXT_ARTITOMEOFPOWER = "TOME OF POWER"; TXT_ARTIINVISIBILITY = "SHADOWSPHERE"; TXT_ARTIEGG = "MORPH OVUM"; TXT_ARTISUPERHEALTH = "MYSTIC URN"; TXT_ARTITORCH = "TORCH"; TXT_ARTIFIREBOMB = "TIME BOMB OF THE ANCIENTS"; TXT_ARTITELEPORT = "CHAOS DEVICE"; // Items TXT_ITEMHEALTH = "CRYSTAL VIAL"; TXT_ITEMBAGOFHOLDING = "BAG OF HOLDING"; TXT_ITEMSHIELD1 = "SILVER SHIELD"; TXT_ITEMSHIELD2 = "ENCHANTED SHIELD"; TXT_ITEMSUPERMAP = "MAP SCROLL"; // Ammo TXT_AMMOGOLDWAND1 = "WAND CRYSTAL"; TXT_AMMOGOLDWAND2 = "CRYSTAL GEODE"; TXT_AMMOMACE1 = "MACE SPHERES"; TXT_AMMOMACE2 = "PILE OF MACE SPHERES"; TXT_AMMOCROSSBOW1 = "ETHEREAL ARROWS"; TXT_AMMOCROSSBOW2 = "QUIVER OF ETHEREAL ARROWS"; TXT_AMMOBLASTER1 = "CLAW ORB"; TXT_AMMOBLASTER2 = "ENERGY ORB"; TXT_AMMOSKULLROD1 = "LESSER RUNES"; TXT_AMMOSKULLROD2 = "GREATER RUNES"; TXT_AMMOPHOENIXROD1 = "FLAME ORB"; TXT_AMMOPHOENIXROD2 = "INFERNO ORB"; // Weapons TXT_WPNGOLDWAND = "GOLD WAND"; TXT_WPNMACE = "FIREMACE"; TXT_WPNCROSSBOW = "ETHEREAL CROSSBOW"; TXT_WPNBLASTER = "DRAGON CLAW"; TXT_WPNSKULLROD = "HELLSTAFF"; TXT_WPNPHOENIXROD = "PHOENIX ROD"; TXT_WPNGAUNTLETS = "GAUNTLETS OF THE NECROMANCER"; TXT_NEEDBLUEKEY = "YOU NEED A BLUE KEY TO OPEN THIS DOOR"; TXT_NEEDGREENKEY = "YOU NEED A GREEN KEY TO OPEN THIS DOOR"; TXT_NEEDYELLOWKEY = "YOU NEED A YELLOW KEY TO OPEN THIS DOOR"; TXT_CHEATPOWERON = "POWER ON"; TXT_CHEATPOWEROFF = "POWER OFF"; TXT_CHEATHEALTH = "FULL HEALTH"; TXT_CHEATKEYS = "ALL KEYS"; TXT_CHEATSOUNDON = "SOUND DEBUG ON"; TXT_CHEATSOUNDOFF = "SOUND DEBUG OFF"; TXT_CHEATIDDQD = "TRYING TO CHEAT, EH? NOW YOU DIE!"; TXT_CHEATIDKFA = "CHEATER - YOU DON'T DESERVE WEAPONS"; TXT_CHEATTICKERON = "TICKER ON"; TXT_CHEATTICKEROFF = "TICKER OFF"; TXT_CHEATARTIFACTS3 = "YOU GOT IT"; TXT_MIDASTOUCH = "YOU GOT THE MIDAS TOUCH, BABY"; TXT_GOTSTUFF = "You got the stuff!"; TXT_FREEZEON = "Freeze mode on"; TXT_FREEZEOFF = "Freeze mode off"; TXT_STRANGE = "You feel strange..."; TXT_STRANGER = "You feel even stranger."; TXT_NOTSTRANGE = "You feel like yourself again."; TXT_LEADBOOTSON = "LEAD BOOTS ON"; TXT_LEADBOOTSOFF = "LEAD BOOTS OFF"; TXT_LIGHTER = "You feel lighter"; TXT_GRAVITY = "Gravity weighs you down"; // Raven intermission TXT_IMKILLS = "KILLS"; TXT_IMITEMS = "ITEMS"; TXT_IMSECRETS = "SECRETS"; TXT_IMTIME = "TIME"; RAVENQUITMSG = "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO QUIT?"; // Hexen strings // Mana TXT_MANA_1 = "BLUE MANA"; TXT_MANA_2 = "GREEN MANA"; TXT_MANA_BOTH = "COMBINED MANA"; // Keys TXT_KEY_STEEL = "STEEL KEY"; TXT_KEY_CAVE = "CAVE KEY"; TXT_KEY_AXE = "AXE KEY"; TXT_KEY_FIRE = "FIRE KEY"; TXT_KEY_EMERALD = "EMERALD KEY"; TXT_KEY_DUNGEON = "DUNGEON KEY"; TXT_KEY_SILVER = "SILVER KEY"; TXT_KEY_RUSTED = "RUSTED KEY"; TXT_KEY_HORN = "HORN KEY"; TXT_KEY_SWAMP = "SWAMP KEY"; TXT_KEY_CASTLE = "CASTLE KEY"; TXT_NEED_KEY_STEEL = "You need the STEEL KEY"; TXT_NEED_KEY_CAVE = "You need the CAVE KEY"; TXT_NEED_KEY_AXE = "You need the AXE KEY"; TXT_NEED_KEY_FIRE = "You need the FIRE KEY"; TXT_NEED_KEY_EMERALD = "You need the EMERALD KEY"; TXT_NEED_KEY_DUNGEON = "You need the DUNGEON KEY"; TXT_NEED_KEY_SILVER = "You need the SILVER KEY"; TXT_NEED_KEY_RUSTED = "You need the RUSTED KEY"; TXT_NEED_KEY_HORN = "You need the HORN KEY"; TXT_NEED_KEY_SWAMP = "You need the SWAMP KEY"; TXT_NEED_KEY_CASTLE = "You need the CASTLE KEY"; // Artifacts TXT_ARTIINVULNERABILITY2 = "ICON OF THE DEFENDER"; TXT_ARTISUMMON = "DARK SERVANT"; TXT_ARTIEGG2 = "PORKALATOR"; TXT_ARTIPOISONBAG = "FLECHETTE"; TXT_ARTITELEPORTOTHER = "BANISHMENT DEVICE"; TXT_ARTISPEED = "BOOTS OF SPEED"; TXT_ARTIBOOSTMANA = "KRATER OF MIGHT"; TXT_ARTIBOOSTARMOR = "DRAGONSKIN BRACERS"; TXT_ARTIBLASTRADIUS = "DISC OF REPULSION"; TXT_ARTIHEALINGRADIUS = "MYSTIC AMBIT INCANT"; // Puzzle artifacts TXT_ARTIPUZZSKULL = "YORICK'S SKULL"; TXT_ARTIPUZZGEMBIG = "HEART OF D'SPARIL"; TXT_ARTIPUZZGEMRED = "RUBY PLANET"; TXT_ARTIPUZZGEMGREEN1 = "EMERALD PLANET"; TXT_ARTIPUZZGEMGREEN2 = "EMERALD PLANET"; TXT_ARTIPUZZGEMBLUE1 = "SAPPHIRE PLANET"; TXT_ARTIPUZZGEMBLUE2 = "SAPPHIRE PLANET"; TXT_ARTIPUZZBOOK1 = "DAEMON CODEX"; TXT_ARTIPUZZBOOK2 = "LIBER OSCURA"; TXT_ARTIPUZZSKULL2 = "FLAME MASK"; TXT_ARTIPUZZFWEAPON = "GLAIVE SEAL"; TXT_ARTIPUZZCWEAPON = "HOLY RELIC"; TXT_ARTIPUZZMWEAPON = "SIGIL OF THE MAGUS"; TXT_ARTIPUZZGEAR = "CLOCK GEAR"; TXT_USEPUZZLEFAILED = "YOU CANNOT USE THIS HERE"; // Items TXT_ARMOR1 = "MESH ARMOR"; TXT_ARMOR2 = "FALCON SHIELD"; TXT_ARMOR3 = "PLATINUM HELMET"; TXT_ARMOR4 = "AMULET OF WARDING"; // Weapons TXT_WEAPON_F2 = "TIMON'S AXE"; TXT_WEAPON_F3 = "HAMMER OF RETRIBUTION"; TXT_WEAPON_F4 = "QUIETUS ASSEMBLED"; TXT_WEAPON_C2 = "SERPENT STAFF"; TXT_WEAPON_C3 = "FIRESTORM"; TXT_WEAPON_C4 = "WRAITHVERGE ASSEMBLED"; TXT_WEAPON_M2 = "FROST SHARDS"; TXT_WEAPON_M3 = "ARC OF DEATH"; TXT_WEAPON_M4 = "BLOODSCOURGE ASSEMBLED"; TXT_WEAPONPIECE = "A weapon piece! This is your lucky day!"; TXT_QUIETUS_PIECE = "SEGMENT OF QUIETUS"; TXT_WRAITHVERGE_PIECE = "SEGMENT OF WRAITHVERGE"; TXT_BLOODSCOURGE_PIECE = "SEGMENT OF BLOODSCOURGE"; // Strife locks TXT_NEEDKEY = "You don't have the key"; TXT_NEED_PASSCARD = "You need a passcard"; TXT_NEED_PASSCARD_DOOR = "You need a pass card key to open this door"; TXT_NEED_IDCARD = "You need an ID card"; TXT_NEED_PRISONKEY = "You don't have the key to the prison"; TXT_NEED_HANDPRINT = "Hand print not on file"; TXT_NEED_GOLDKEY = "You need the Gold Key"; TXT_NEED_IDBADGE = "You need an ID Badge"; TXT_NEED_IDBADGE_DOOR = "You need an ID Badge to open this door"; TXT_NEED_SILVERKEY = "You need the Silver Key"; TXT_NEED_BRASSKEY = "You need the Brass Key"; TXT_NEED_REDCRYSTAL = "You need the Red Crystal"; TXT_NEED_BLUECRYSTAL = "You need the Blue Crystal"; TXT_RETAIL_ONLY = "THIS AREA IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE RETAIL VERSION OF STRIFE"; TXT_DOES_NOT_WORK = "That doesn't seem to work"; // Strife Quest messages TXT_QUEST_14 = "You've Blown Up the Crystal"; TXT_QUEST_16 = "You've Blown Up the Gates"; TXT_QUEST_27 = "You've Blown Up the Computer"; TXT_KILLED_BISHOP = "You Killed The Bishop!"; TXT_KILLED_ORACLE = "You've Killed The Oracle!"; TXT_KILLED_MACIL = "You Killed Macil!"; TXT_KILLED_LOREMASTER = "You've Killed the Loremaster!"; // Strife pickup messages TXT_METALARMOR = "You picked up the Metal Armor."; TXT_LEATHERARMOR = "You picked up the Leather Armor."; TXT_MEDPATCH = "You picked up the Med patch."; TXT_MEDICALKIT = "You picked up the Medical kit."; TXT_SURGERYKIT = "You picked up the Surgery Kit."; TXT_STRIFEMAP = "You picked up the map."; TXT_BELDINSRING = "You picked up the ring."; TXT_OFFERINGCHALICE = "You picked up the Offering Chalice."; TXT_EAR = "You picked up the ear."; TXT_BROKENCOUPLING = "You picked up the broken power coupling."; TXT_SHADOWARMOR = "You picked up the Shadow armor."; TXT_ENVSUIT = "You picked up the Environmental Suit."; TXT_GUARDUNIFORM = "You picked up the Guard Uniform."; TXT_OFFICERSUNIFORM = "You picked up the Officer's Uniform."; TXT_FTHROWERPARTS = "You picked up the flame thrower parts."; TXT_REPORT = "You picked up the report."; TXT_INFO = "You picked up the info."; TXT_TARGETER = "You picked up the Targeter."; TXT_COMMUNICATOR = "You picked up the Communicator."; TXT_COIN = "You picked up the coin."; TXT_XGOLD = "You picked up %d gold."; TXT_BEACON = "You picked up the Teleporter Beacon."; TXT_DEGNINORE = "You picked up the Degnin Ore."; TXT_SCANNER = "You picked up the scanner."; TXT_NEEDMAP = "The scanner won't work without a map!\n"; TXT_PRISONPASS = "You picked up the Prison pass."; TXT_STRIFECROSSBOW = "You picked up the crossbow."; TXT_ASSAULTGUN = "You picked up the assault gun."; TXT_MMLAUNCHER = "You picked up the mini missile launcher."; TXT_FLAMER = "You picked up the flame thrower."; TXT_MAULER = "You picked up the mauler."; TXT_GLAUNCHER = "You picked up the Grenade launcher."; TXT_SIGIL = "You picked up the SIGIL."; TXT_BASEKEY = "You picked up the Base Key."; TXT_GOVSKEY = "You picked up the Govs Key."; TXT_PASSCARD = "You picked up the Passcard."; TXT_IDBADGE = "You picked up the ID Badge."; TXT_PRISONKEY = "You picked up the Prison Key."; TXT_SEVEREDHAND = "You picked up the Severed Hand."; TXT_POWER1KEY = "You picked up the Power1 Key."; TXT_POWER2KEY = "You picked up the Power2 Key."; TXT_POWER3KEY = "You picked up the Power3 Key."; TXT_GOLDKEY = "You picked up the Gold Key."; TXT_IDCARD = "You picked up the ID Card."; TXT_SILVERKEY = "You picked up the Silver Key."; TXT_ORACLEKEY = "You picked up the Oracle Key."; TXT_MILITARYID = "You picked up the Military ID."; TXT_ORDERKEY = "You picked up the Order Key."; TXT_WAREHOUSEKEY = "You picked up the Warehouse Key."; TXT_BRASSKEY = "You picked up the Brass Key."; TXT_REDCRYSTAL = "You picked up the Red Crystal Key."; TXT_BLUECRYSTAL = "You picked up the Blue Crystal Key."; TXT_CHAPELKEY = "You picked up the Chapel Key."; TXT_CATACOMBKEY = "You picked up the Catacomb Key."; TXT_SECURITYKEY = "You picked up the Security Key."; TXT_COREKEY = "You picked up the Core Key."; TXT_MAULERKEY = "You picked up the Mauler Key."; TXT_FACTORYKEY = "You picked up the Factory Key."; TXT_MINEKEY = "You picked up the Mine Key."; TXT_NEWKEY5 = "You picked up the New Key5."; TXT_ORACLEPASS = "You picked up the Oracle Pass."; TXT_HEGRENADES = "You picked up the HE-Grenade Rounds."; TXT_PHGRENADES = "You picked up the Phosphorus-Grenade Rounds."; TXT_CLIPOFBULLETS = "You picked up the clip of bullets."; TXT_BOXOFBULLETS = "You picked up the box of bullets."; TXT_MINIMISSILES = "You picked up the mini missiles."; TXT_CRATEOFMISSILES = "You picked up the crate of missiles."; TXT_ENERGYPOD = "You picked up the energy pod."; TXT_ENERGYPACK = "You picked up the energy pack."; TXT_POISONBOLTS = "You picked up the poison bolts."; TXT_ELECTRICBOLTS = "You picked up the electric bolts."; TXT_AMMOSATCHEL = "You picked up the ammo satchel."; // Random dialogs TXT_RANDOM_PEASANT_01 = "Please don't hurt me."; TXT_RANDOM_PEASANT_02 = "If you're looking to hurt me, I'm not really worth the effort."; TXT_RANDOM_PEASANT_03 = "I don't know anything."; TXT_RANDOM_PEASANT_04 = "Go away or I'll call the guards!"; TXT_RANDOM_PEASANT_05 = "I wish sometimes that all these rebels would just learn their place and stop this nonsense."; TXT_RANDOM_PEASANT_06 = "Just leave me alone, OK?"; TXT_RANDOM_PEASANT_07 = "I'm not sure, but sometimes I think that I know some of the acolytes."; TXT_RANDOM_PEASANT_08 = "The order's got everything around here pretty well locked up tight."; TXT_RANDOM_PEASANT_09 = "There's no way that this is just a security force."; TXT_RANDOM_PEASANT_10 = "I've heard that the order is really nervous about the front's actions around here."; TXT_RANDOM_REBEL_01 = "There's no way the order will stand against us."; TXT_RANDOM_REBEL_02 = "We're almost ready to strike. Macil's plans are falling in place."; TXT_RANDOM_REBEL_03 = "We're all behind you, don't worry."; TXT_RANDOM_REBEL_04 = "Don't get too close to any of those big robots. They'll melt you down for scrap!"; TXT_RANDOM_REBEL_05 = "The day of our glory will soon come, and those who oppose us will be crushed!"; TXT_RANDOM_REBEL_06 = "Don't get too comfortable. We've still got our work cut out for us."; TXT_RANDOM_REBEL_07 = "Macil says that you're the new hope. Bear that in mind."; TXT_RANDOM_REBEL_08 = "Once we've taken these charlatans down, we'll be able to rebuild this world as it should be."; TXT_RANDOM_REBEL_09 = "Remember that you aren't fighting just for yourself, but for everyone here and outside."; TXT_RANDOM_REBEL_10 = "As long as one of us still stands, we will win."; TXT_RANDOM_AGUARD_01 = "Move along, peasant."; TXT_RANDOM_AGUARD_02 = "Follow the true faith, only then will you begin to understand."; TXT_RANDOM_AGUARD_03 = "Only through death can one be truly reborn."; TXT_RANDOM_AGUARD_04 = "I'm not interested in your useless drivel."; TXT_RANDOM_AGUARD_05 = "If I had wanted to talk to you I would have told you so."; TXT_RANDOM_AGUARD_06 = "Go and annoy someone else!"; TXT_RANDOM_AGUARD_07 = "Keep moving!"; TXT_RANDOM_AGUARD_08 = "If the alarm goes off, just stay out of our way!"; TXT_RANDOM_AGUARD_09 = "The order will cleanse the world and usher it into the new era."; TXT_RANDOM_AGUARD_10 = "Problem? No, I thought not."; TXT_RANDOM_BEGGAR_01 = "Alms for the poor?"; TXT_RANDOM_BEGGAR_02 = "What are you looking at, surfacer?"; TXT_RANDOM_BEGGAR_03 = "You wouldn't have any extra food, would you?"; TXT_RANDOM_BEGGAR_04 = "You surface people will never understand us."; TXT_RANDOM_BEGGAR_05 = "Ha, the guards can't find us. Those idiots don't even know we exist."; TXT_RANDOM_BEGGAR_06 = "One day everyone but those who serve the order will be forced to join us."; TXT_RANDOM_BEGGAR_07 = "Stare now, but you know that this will be your own face one day."; TXT_RANDOM_BEGGAR_08 = "There's nothing more annoying than a surfacer with an attitude!"; TXT_RANDOM_BEGGAR_09 = "The order will make short work of your pathetic front."; TXT_RANDOM_BEGGAR_10 = "Watch yourself, surfacer. We know our enemies!"; TXT_RANDOM_PGUARD_01 = "We are the hands of fate. To earn our wrath is to find oblivion!"; TXT_RANDOM_PGUARD_02 = "The order will cleanse the world of the weak and corrupt!"; TXT_RANDOM_PGUARD_03 = "Obey the will of the masters!"; TXT_RANDOM_PGUARD_04 = "Long life to the brothers of the order!"; TXT_RANDOM_PGUARD_05 = "Free will is an illusion that binds the weak minded."; TXT_RANDOM_PGUARD_06 = "Power is the path to glory. To follow the order is to walk that path!"; TXT_RANDOM_PGUARD_07 = "Take your place among the righteous, join us!"; TXT_RANDOM_PGUARD_08 = "The order protects its own."; TXT_RANDOM_PGUARD_09 = "Acolytes? They have yet to see the full glory of the order."; TXT_RANDOM_PGUARD_10 = "If there is any honor inside that pathetic shell of a body, you'll enter into the arms of the order."; TXT_RANDOMGOODBYE_1 = "Bye!"; TXT_RANDOMGOODBYE_2 = "Thanks, bye!"; TXT_RANDOMGOODBYE_3 = "See you later!"; TXT_HAVEENOUGH = "You seem to have enough!"; TXT_GOAWAY = "Go away!"; TXT_COMM0 = "Incoming Message"; TXT_COMM1 = "Incoming Message from BlackBird"; // Menu Strings // Main Menu MNU_NEWGAME = "NEW GAME"; MNU_OPTIONS = "OPTIONS"; MNU_GAMEFILES = "GAME FILES"; MNU_INFO = "INFO"; MNU_QUITGAME = "QUIT GAME"; // Skills MNU_CHOOSESKILL = "CHOOSE SKILL LEVEL:"; SKILL_BABY = "I'm too young to die"; SKILL_EASY = "Hey, not too rough"; SKILL_NORMAL = "Hurt me plenty"; SKILL_HARD = "Ultra-Violence"; SKILL_NIGHTMARE = "NIGHTMARE!"; CSKILL_BABY = "Easy does it"; CSKILL_EASY = "Not so sticky"; CSKILL_NORMAL = "Gobs of goo"; CSKILL_HARD = "Extreme Ooze"; CSKILL_NIGHTMARE = "Super Slimey!"; SSKILL_BABY = "Training"; SSKILL_EASY = "Rookie"; SSKILL_NORMAL = "Veteran"; SSKILL_HARD = "Elite"; SSKILL_NIGHTMARE = "Bloodbath"; MNU_WETNURSE = "THOU NEEDETH A WET-NURSE"; MNU_YELLOWBELLIES = "YELLOWBELLIES-R-US"; MNU_BRINGEST = "BRINGEST THEM ONETH"; MNU_SMITE = "THOU ART A SMITE-MEISTER"; MNU_BLACKPLAGUE = "BLACK PLAGUE POSSESSES THEE"; MNU_SQUIRE = "SQUIRE"; MNU_KNIGHT = "KNIGHT"; MNU_WARRIOR = "WARRIOR"; MNU_BERSERKER = "BERSERKER"; MNU_TITAN = "TITAN"; MNU_ALTARBOY = "ALTAR BOY"; MNU_ACOLYTE = "ACOLYTE"; MNU_PRIEST = "PRIEST"; MNU_CARDINAL = "CARDINAL"; MNU_POPE = "POPE"; MNU_APPRENTICE = "APPRENTICE"; MNU_ENCHANTER = "ENCHANTER"; MNU_SORCERER = "SORCERER"; MNU_WARLOCK = "WARLOCK"; MNU_ARCHMAGE = "ARCHMAGE"; // Classes MNU_CHOOSECLASS = "CHOOSE CLASS:"; MNU_FIGHTER = "FIGHTER"; MNU_CLERIC = "CLERIC"; MNU_MAGE = "MAGE"; MNU_RANDOM = "RANDOM"; // Game Files MNU_LOADGAME = "LOAD GAME"; MNU_SAVEGAME = "SAVE GAME"; MNU_NOPICTURE = "No Picture"; MNU_DIFFVERSION = "Different\nVersion"; MNU_NOFILES = "No files"; MNU_DELETESG = "Do you really want to delete the savegame\n"; // Episodes MNU_EPISODE = "Select Episode"; MNU_COTD = "CITY OF THE DAMNED"; MNU_HELLSMAW = "HELL'S MAW"; MNU_DOME = "THE DOME OF D'SPARIL"; MNU_OSSUARY = "THE OSSUARY"; MNU_DEMESNE = "THE STAGNANT DEMESNE"; $ifgame(heretic) SWSTRING = "ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE REGISTERED VERSION"; // Options Menu OPTMNU_TITLE = "OPTIONS"; OPTMNU_CONTROLS = "Customize Controls"; OPTMNU_MOUSE = "Mouse options"; OPTMNU_JOYSTICK = "Joystick options"; OPTMNU_PLAYER = "Player Setup"; OPTMNU_GAMEPLAY = "Gameplay Options"; OPTMNU_COMPATIBILITY = "Compatibility Options"; OPTMNU_AUTOMAP = "Automap Options"; OPTMNU_HUD = "HUD Options"; OPTMNU_MISCELLANEOUS = "Miscellaneous Options"; OPTMNU_NETWORK = "Network Options"; OPTMNU_SOUND = "Sound Options"; OPTMNU_DISPLAY = "Display Options"; OPTMNU_VIDEO = "Set video mode"; OPTMNU_DEFAULTS = "Reset to defaults"; OPTMNU_RESETTOSAVED = "Reset to last saved"; OPTMNU_CONSOLE = "Go to console"; // Controls Menu CNTRLMNU_TITLE = "CUSTOMIZE CONTROLS"; CNTRLMNU_SWITCHTEXT1 = "ENTER to change, BACKSPACE to clear"; CNTRLMNU_SWITCHTEXT2 = "Press new key for control, ESC to cancel"; CNTRLMNU_CONTROLS = "Controls"; CNTRLMNU_ATTACK = "Fire"; CNTRLMNU_ALTATTACK = "Secondary Fire"; CNTRLMNU_RELOAD = "Weapon Reload"; CNTRLMNU_ZOOM = "Weapon Zoom"; CNTRLMNU_USER1 = "Weapon State 1"; CNTRLMNU_USER2 = "Weapon State 2"; CNTRLMNU_USER3 = "Weapon State 3"; CNTRLMNU_USER4 = "Weapon State 4"; CNTRLMNU_USE = "Use / Open"; CNTRLMNU_FORWARD = "Move forward"; CNTRLMNU_BACK = "Move backward"; CNTRLMNU_MOVELEFT = "Strafe left"; CNTRLMNU_MOVERIGHT = "Strafe right"; CNTRLMNU_TURNLEFT = "Turn left"; CNTRLMNU_TURNRIGHT = "Turn right"; CNTRLMNU_TURN180 = "Quick Turn"; CNTRLMNU_JUMP = "Jump"; CNTRLMNU_CROUCH = "Crouch"; CNTRLMNU_TOGGLECROUCH = "Crouch Toggle"; CNTRLMNU_MOVEUP = "Fly / Swim up"; CNTRLMNU_MOVEDOWN = "Fly / Swim down"; CNTRLMNU_LAND = "Stop flying"; CNTRLMNU_MOUSELOOK = "Mouse look"; CNTRLMNU_KEYBOARDLOOK = "Keyboard look"; CNTRLMNU_LOOKUP = "Look up"; CNTRLMNU_LOOKDOWN = "Look down"; CNTRLMNU_CENTERVIEW = "Center view"; CNTRLMNU_RUN = "Run"; CNTRLMNU_TOGGLERUN = "Toggle Run"; CNTRLMNU_STRAFE = "Strafe"; CNTRLMNU_SCOREBOARD = "Show Scoreboard"; CNTRLMNU_TOGGLESCOREBOARD = "Toggle Scoreboard"; CNTRLMNU_CHAT = "Chat"; CNTRLMNU_SAY = "Say"; CNTRLMNU_TEAMSAY = "Team say"; CNTRLMNU_WEAPONS = "Weapons"; CNTRLMNU_NEXTWEAPON = "Next weapon"; CNTRLMNU_PREVIOUSWEAPON = "Previous weapon"; CNTRLMNU_SLOT1 = "Weapon Slot 1"; CNTRLMNU_SLOT2 = "Weapon Slot 2"; CNTRLMNU_SLOT3 = "Weapon Slot 3"; CNTRLMNU_SLOT4 = "Weapon Slot 4"; CNTRLMNU_SLOT5 = "Weapon Slot 5"; CNTRLMNU_SLOT6 = "Weapon Slot 6"; CNTRLMNU_SLOT7 = "Weapon Slot 7"; CNTRLMNU_SLOT8 = "Weapon Slot 8"; CNTRLMNU_SLOT9 = "Weapon Slot 9"; CNTRLMNU_SLOT0 = "Weapon Slot 0"; CNTRLMNU_INVENTORY = "Inventory"; CNTRLMNU_USEITEM = "Activate item"; CNTRLMNU_USEALLITEMS = "Activate all items"; CNTRLMNU_NEXTITEM = "Next item"; CNTRLMNU_PREVIOUSITEM = "Previous item"; CNTRLMNU_DROPITEM = "Drop item"; CNTRLMNU_QUERYITEM = "Query item"; CNTRLMNU_DROPWEAPON = "Drop weapon"; CNTRLMNU_OTHER = "Other"; CNTRLMNU_AUTOMAP = "Toggle automap"; CNTRLMNU_CHASECAM = "Chasecam"; CNTRLMNU_COOPSPY = "Coop spy"; CNTRLMNU_SCREENSHOT = "Screenshot"; CNTRLMNU_CONSOLE = "Open console"; CNTRLMNU_POPUPS = "Strife Popup Screens"; CNTRLMNU_MISSION = "Mission objectives"; CNTRLMNU_KEYS = "Keys list"; CNTRLMNU_STATS = "Weapons/ammo/stats"; // Mouse Menu MOUSEMNU_TITLE = "MOUSE OPTIONS"; MOUSEMNU_ENABLEMOUSE = "Enable mouse"; MOUSEMNU_MOUSEINMENU = "Enable mouse in menus"; MOUSEMNU_SHOWBACKBUTTON = "Show back button"; MOUSEMNU_CURSOR = "Cursor"; MOUSEMNU_SENSITIVITY = "Overall sensitivity"; MOUSEMNU_NOPRESCALE = "Prescale mouse movement"; MOUSEMNU_SMOOTHMOUSE = "Smooth mouse movement"; MOUSEMNU_TURNSPEED = "Turning speed"; MOUSEMNU_MOUSELOOKSPEED = "Mouselook speed"; MOUSEMNU_FORWBACKSPEED = "Forward/Backward speed"; MOUSEMNU_STRAFESPEED = "Strafing speed"; MOUSEMNU_ALWAYSMOUSELOOK = "Always Mouselook"; MOUSEMNU_INVERTMOUSE = "Invert Mouse"; MOUSEMNU_LOOKSPRING = "Lookspring"; MOUSEMNU_LOOKSTRAFE = "Lookstrafe"; // Joystick Menu JOYMNU_CONFIG = "CONFIGURE CONTROLLER"; JOYMNU_OPTIONS = "CONTROLLER OPTIONS"; // Player Setup Menu MNU_PLAYERSETUP = "PLAYER SETUP"; PLYRMNU_NAME = "Name"; PLYRMNU_TEAM = "Team"; PLYRMNU_PLAYERCOLOR = "Color"; PLYRMNU_RED = "Red"; PLYRMNU_GREEN = "Green"; PLYRMNU_BLUE = "Blue"; PLYRMNU_PLAYERCLASS = "Class"; PLYRMNU_PLAYERSKIN = "Skin"; PLYRMNU_PLAYERGENDER = "Gender"; PLYRMNU_AUTOAIM = "Autoaim"; PLYRMNU_SWITCHONPICKUP = "Switch on pickup"; PLYRMNU_ALWAYSRUN = "Always Run"; // Display Options DSPLYMNU_TITLE = "DISPLAY OPTIONS"; DSPLYMNU_SCOREBOARD = "Scoreboard Options"; DSPLYMNU_SCREENSIZE = "Screen size"; DSPLYMNU_BRIGHTNESS = "Brightness"; DSPLYMNU_VSYNC = "Vertical Sync"; DSPLYMNU_CAPFPS = "Rendering Interpolation"; DSPLYMNU_COLUMNMETHOD = "Column render mode"; DSPLYMNU_WIPETYPE = "Screen wipe style"; DSPLYMNU_SHOWENDOOM = "Show ENDOOM screen"; DSPLYMNU_PALLETEHACK = "DirectDraw palette hack"; // Not used DSPLYMNU_ATTACHEDSURFACES = "Use attached surfaces"; // Not used DSPLYMNU_STRETCHSKY = "Stretch short skies"; DSPLYMNU_DRAWFUZZ = "Use fuzz effect"; DSPLYMNU_TRANSSOUL = "Lost Soul translucency"; DSPLYMNU_FAKECONTRAST = "Use fake contrast"; DSPLYMNU_ROCKETTRAILS = "Rocket Trails"; DSPLYMNU_BLOODTYPE = "Blood Type"; DSPLYMNU_PUFFTYPE = "Bullet Puff Type"; DSPLYMNU_MAXPARTICLES = "Number of particles"; DSPLYMNU_MAXDECALS = "Number of decals"; DSPLYMNU_PLAYERSPRITES = "Show player sprites"; DSPLYMNU_DEATHCAM = "Death camera"; DSPLYMNU_TELEZOOM = "Teleporter zoom"; DSPLYMNU_QUAKEINTENSITY = "Earthquake shake intensity"; DSPLYMNU_NOMONSTERINTERPOLATION = "Interpolate monster movement"; DSPLYMNU_MENUDIM = "Menu dim"; DSPLYMNU_DIMCOLOR = "Dim color"; // HUD Options HUDMNU_TITLE = "HUD Options"; HUDMNU_ALTHUD = "Alternative HUD"; HUDMNU_MESSAGE = "Message Options"; HUDMNU_CROSSHAIR = "Default Crosshair"; HUDMNU_FORCECROSSHAIR = "Force default crosshair"; HUDMNU_GROWCROSSHAIR = "Grow crosshair when picking up items"; HUDMNU_CROSSHAIRCOLOR = "Crosshair color"; HUDMNU_CROSSHAIRHEALTH = "Crosshair shows health"; HUDMNU_CROSSHAIRSCALE = "Scale crosshair"; HUDMNU_NAMETAGS = "Display nametags"; HUDMNU_NAMETAGCOLOR = "Nametag color"; HUDMNU_SCALESTATBAR = "Stretch status bar"; HUDMNU_SCALEFULLSCREENHUD = "Stretch Fullscreen HUD"; HUDMNU_OLDOUCH = "Use old ouch mug shot formula"; HUDMNU_HEXENFLASHES = "Hexen weapon flashes"; HUDMNU_POISONFLASHES = "Poison damage flashes"; HUDMNU_ICEFLASHES = "Ice death flashes"; HUDMNU_HAZARDFLASHES = "Poison Buildup flashes"; // AltHUD Options ALTHUDMNU_TITLE = "Alternative HUD"; ALTHUDMNU_ENABLE = "Enable alternative HUD"; ALTHUDMNU_SCALEHUD = "Stretch alternative HUD"; ALTHUDMNU_SHOWSECRETS = "Show secret count"; ALTHUDMNU_SHOWMONSTERS = "Show monster count"; ALTHUDMNU_SHOWITEMS = "Show item count"; ALTHUDMNU_SHOWSTATS = "Show stamina and accuracy"; ALTHUDMNU_SHOWBERSERK = "Show berserk"; ALTHUDMNU_SHOWWEAPONS = "Show weapons"; ALTHUDMNU_SHOWAMMO = "Show ammo for"; ALTHUDMNU_SHOWTIME = "Show time"; ALTHUDMNU_TIMECOLOR = "Time color"; ALTHUDMNU_SHOWLAG = "Show network latency"; ALTHUDMNU_AMMORED = "Red ammo display below %"; ALTHUDMNU_AMMOYELLOW = "Yellow ammo display below %"; ALTHUDMNU_HEALTHRED = "Red health display below"; ALTHUDMNU_HEALTHYELLOW = "Yellow health display below"; ALTHUDMNU_HEALTHGREEN = "Green health display below"; ALTHUDMNU_ARMORRED = "Red armor display below"; ALTHUDMNU_ARMORYELLOW = "Yellow armor display below"; ALTHUDMNU_ARMORGREEN = "Green armor display below"; ALTHUDMNU_AUTOMAPHUD = "Alternative Automap HUD"; ALTHUDMNU_TITLECOLOR = "Map title color"; ALTHUDMNU_MAPTIMECOLOR = "Map time color"; ALTHUDMNU_HUBTIMECOLOR = "Hub time color"; ALTHUDMNU_TOTALTIMECOLOR = "Total time color"; ALTHUDMNU_COORDINATECOLOR = "Coordinate color"; ALTHUDMNU_COORDINATEMODE = "Coordinate mode"; ALTHUDMNU_STATSNAMECOLOR = "Statistics name color"; ALTHUDMNU_STATSCOLOR = "Statistics color"; // Misc. Options MISCMNU_TITLE = "Miscellaneous Options"; MISCMNU_MERGEKEYS = "Merge left+right Alt/Ctrl/Shift"; MISCMNU_WINFULLSCREENTOGGLE = "Alt-Enter toggles fullscreen"; MISCMNU_MACFULLSCREENTOGGLE = "Command-F toggles fullscreen"; MISCMNU_QUERYIWAD = "Show IWAD selection dialog"; MISCMNU_ALLCHEATS = "Enable cheats from all games"; MISCMNU_ENABLEAUTOSAVES = "Enable autosaves"; MISCMNU_AUTOSAVECOUNT = "Number of autosaves"; MISCMNU_SAVELOADCONFIRMATION = "Save/Load confirmation"; MISCMNU_DEHLOAD = "Load *.deh/*.bex lumps"; MISCMNU_CACHENODES = "Cache nodes"; MISCMNU_CACHETIME = "Time threshold for node caching"; MISCMNU_CLEARNODECACHE = "Clear node cache"; // Automap Options AUTOMAPMNU_TITLE = "AUTOMAP OPTIONS"; AUTOMAPMNU_COLORSET = "Map color set"; AUTOMAPMNU_CUSTOMCOLORS = "Allow map defined colors"; AUTOMAPMNU_SETCUSTOMCOLORS = "Set custom colors"; AUTOMAPMNU_CONTROLS = "Customize map controls"; AUTOMAPMNU_ROTATE = "Rotate automap"; AUTOMAPMNU_OVERLAY = "Overlay automap"; AUTOMAPMNU_TEXTURED = "Enable textured display"; AUTOMAPMNU_FOLLOW = "Follow player"; AUTOMAPMNU_SHOWITEMS = "Show item counts"; AUTOMAPMNU_SHOWMONSTERS = "Show monster counts"; AUTOMAPMNU_SHOWSECRETS = "Show secret counts"; AUTOMAPMNU_SHOWTIME = "Show time elapsed"; AUTOMAPMNU_SHOWTOTALTIME = "Show total time elapsed"; AUTOMAPMNU_MAPSECRETS = "Show secrets on map"; AUTOMAPMNU_SHOWMAPLABEL = "Show map label"; AUTOMAPMNU_DRAWMAPBACK = "Draw map background"; AUTOMAPMNU_SHOWKEYS = "Show keys (cheat)"; AUTOMAPMNU_SHOWTRIGGERLINES = "Show trigger lines"; AUTOMAPMNU_SHOWTHINGSPRITES = "Show things as sprites"; // Automap Controls MAPCNTRLMNU_TITLE = "CUSTOMIZE MAP CONTROLS"; MAPCNTRLMNU_CONTROLS = "Map Controls"; MAPCNTRLMNU_PANLEFT = "Pan left"; MAPCNTRLMNU_PANRIGHT = "Pan right"; MAPCNTRLMNU_PANUP = "Pan up"; MAPCNTRLMNU_PANDOWN = "Pan down"; MAPCNTRLMNU_ZOOMIN = "Zoom in"; MAPCNTRLMNU_ZOOMOUT = "Zoom out"; MAPCNTRLMNU_TOGGLEZOOM = "Toggle zoom"; MAPCNTRLMNU_TOGGLEFOLLOW = "Toggle follow"; MAPCNTRLMNU_TOGGLEGRID = "Toggle grid"; MAPCNTRLMNU_TOGGLETEXTURE = "Toggle texture"; MAPCNTRLMNU_SETMARK = "Set mark"; MAPCNTRLMNU_CLEARMARK = "Clear mark"; // Automap Colors MAPCOLORMNU_TITLE = "CUSTOMIZE MAP COLORS"; MAPCOLORMNU_DEFAULTMAPCOLORS = "Restore default custom colors"; MAPCOLORMNU_BACKCOLOR = "Background"; MAPCOLORMNU_YOURCOLOR = "You"; MAPCOLORMNU_WALLCOLOR = "1-sided walls"; MAPCOLORMNU_FDWALLCOLOR = "2-sided walls with different floors"; MAPCOLORMNU_CDWALLCOLOR = "2-sided walls with different ceilings"; MAPCOLORMNU_EFWALLCOLOR = "2-sided walls with 3D floors"; MAPCOLORMNU_GRIDCOLOR = "Map grid"; MAPCOLORMNU_XHAIRCOLOR = "Center point"; MAPCOLORMNU_NOTSEENCOLOR = "Not-yet-seen walls"; MAPCOLORMNU_LOCKEDCOLOR = "Locked doors"; MAPCOLORMNU_INTRALEVELCOLOR = "Teleporter to the same map"; MAPCOLORMNU_INTERLEVELCOLOR = "Teleporter to a different map"; MAPCOLORMNU_SECRETSECTORCOLOR = "Secret sector"; MAPCOLORMNU_SPECIALWALLCOLOR = "Special trigger lines"; MAPCOLORMNU_CHEATMODE = "Cheat Mode"; MAPCOLORMNU_TSWALLCOLOR = "Invisible 2-sided walls"; MAPCOLORMNU_SECRETWALLCOLOR = "Secret walls"; MAPCOLORMNU_THINGCOLOR = "Actors"; MAPCOLORMNU_MONSTERCOLOR = "Monsters"; MAPCOLORMNU_NONCOUNTINGMONSTERCOLOR = "non-counting Monsters"; MAPCOLORMNU_FRIENDCOLOR = "Friends"; MAPCOLORMNU_ITEMCOLOR = "Items"; MAPCOLORMNU_COUNTITEMCOLOR = "Count Items"; MAPCOLORMNU_OVERLAY = "Overlay Mode"; MAPCOLORMNU_OVCHEATMODE = "Overlay Cheat Mode"; // Message Options MSGMNU_TITLE = "MESSAGES"; MSGMNU_SHOWMESSAGES = "Show messages"; MSGMNU_SHOWOBITUARIES = "Show obituaries"; MSGMNU_SHOWSECRETS = "Show secret notifications"; MSGMNU_SCALETEXT = "Scale text in high res"; MSGMNU_MESSAGELEVEL = "Minimum message level"; MSGMNU_CENTERMESSAGES = "Center messages"; MSGMNU_MESSAGECOLORS = "Message Colors"; MSGMNU_ITEMPICKUP = "Item Pickup"; MSGMNU_OBITUARIES = "Obituaries"; MSGMNU_CRITICALMESSAGES = "Critical Messages"; MSGMNU_CHATMESSAGES = "Chat Messages"; MSGMNU_TEAMMESSAGES = "Team Messages"; MSGMNU_CENTEREDMESSAGES = "Centered Messages"; MSGMNU_SCREENSHOTMESSAGES = "Screenshot messages"; MSGMNU_LONGSAVEMESSAGES = "Detailed save messages"; // Scoreboard Options SCRBRDMNU_TITLE = "SCOREBOARD OPTIONS"; SCRBRDMNU_COOPERATIVE = "Cooperative Options"; SCRBRDMNU_ENABLE = "Enable Scoreboard"; SCRBRDMNU_HEADERCOLOR = "Header Color"; SCRBRDMNU_YOURCOLOR = "Your Player Color"; SCRBRDMNU_OTHERPLAYERCOLOR = "Other Players' Color"; SCRBRDMNU_DEATHMATCH = "Deathmatch Options"; SCRBRDMNU_TEAMDEATHMATCH = "Team Deathmatch Options"; // Gameplay Menu GMPLYMNU_TITLE = "GAMEPLAY OPTIONS"; GMPLYMNU_TEAMPLAY = "Teamplay"; GMPLYMNU_TEAMDAMAGE = "Team damage scalar"; GMPLYMNU_SMARTAUTOAIM = "Smart Autoaim"; GMPLYMNU_FALLINGDAMAGE = "Falling damage"; GMPLYMNU_DROPWEAPON = "Drop weapon"; GMPLYMNU_DOUBLEAMMO = "Double ammo"; GMPLYMNU_INFINITEAMMO = "Infinite ammo"; GMPLYMNU_INFINITEINVENTORY = "Infinite inventory"; GMPLYMNU_NOMONSTERS = "No monsters"; GMPLYMNU_NOMONSTERSTOEXIT = "No monsters to exit"; GMPLYMNU_MONSTERSRESPAWN = "Monsters respawn"; GMPLYMNU_NORESPAWN = "No respawn"; GMPLYMNU_ITEMSRESPAWN = "Items respawn"; GMPLYMNU_SUPERRESPAWN = "Big powerups respawn"; GMPLYMNU_FASTMONSTERS = "Fast monsters"; GMPLYMNU_DEGENERATION = "Degeneration"; GMPLYMNU_NOAUTOAIM = "Allow Autoaim"; GMPLYMNU_ALLOWSUICIDE = "Allow Suicide"; GMPLYMNU_ALLOWJUMP = "Allow jump"; GMPLYMNU_ALLOWCROUCH = "Allow crouch"; GMPLYMNU_ALLOWFREELOOK = "Allow freelook"; GMPLYMNU_ALLOWFOV = "Allow FOV"; GMPLYMNU_BFGFREEAIM = "Allow BFG aiming"; GMPLYMNU_ALLOWAUTOMAP = "Allow automap"; GMPLYMNU_AUTOMAPALLIES = "Automap allies"; GMPLYMNU_ALLOWSPYING = "Allow spying"; GMPLYMNU_CHASECAM = "Chasecam cheat"; GMPLYMNU_DONTCHECKAMMO = "Check ammo for weapon switch"; GMPLYMNU_KILLBOSSSPAWNS = "Icon's death kills its spawns"; GMPLYMNU_NOCOUNTENDMONSTER = "End sector counts for kill %"; GMPLYMNU_DEATHMATCH = "Deathmatch Settings"; GMPLYMNU_WEAPONSSTAY = "Weapons stay"; GMPLYMNU_ALLOWPOWERUPS = "Allow powerups"; GMPLYMNU_ALLOWHEALTH = "Allow health"; GMPLYMNU_ALLOWARMOR = "Allow armor"; GMPLYMNU_SPAWNFARTHEST = "Spawn farthest"; GMPLYMNU_SAMEMAP = "Same map"; GMPLYMNU_FORCERESPAWN = "Force respawn"; GMPLYMNU_ALLOWEXIT = "Allow exit"; GMPLYMNU_BARRELSRESPAWN = "Barrels respawn"; GMPLYMNU_RESPAWNPROTECTION = "Respawn protection"; GMPLYMNU_LOSEFRAG = "Lose frag if fragged"; GMPLYMNU_KEEPFRAGS = "Keep frags gained"; GMPLYMNU_NOTEAMSWITCH = "No team switching"; GMPLYMNU_COOPERATIVE = "Cooperative Settings"; GMPLYMNU_MULTIPLAYERWEAPONS = "Spawn multi. weapons"; GMPLYMNU_LOSEINVENTORY = "Lose entire inventory"; GMPLYMNU_KEEPKEYS = "Keep keys"; GMPLYMNU_KEEPWEAPONS = "Keep weapons"; GMPLYMNU_KEEPARMOR = "Keep armor"; GMPLYMNU_KEEPPOWERUPS = "Keep powerups"; GMPLYMNU_KEEPAMMO = "Keep ammo"; GMPLYMNU_LOSEHALFAMMO = "Lose half ammo"; GMPLYMNU_SPAWNWHEREDIED = "Spawn where died"; // Compatibility Options CMPTMNU_TITLE = "COMPATIBILITY OPTIONS"; CMPTMNU_MODE = "Compatibility mode"; CMPTMNU_ACTORBEHAVIOR = "Actor Behavior"; CMPTMNU_CORPSEGIBS = "Crushed monsters can be resurrected"; CMPTMNU_NOBLOCKFRIENDS = "Friendly monsters aren't blocked"; CMPTMNU_LIMITPAIN = "Limit Pain Elementals' Lost Souls"; CMPTMNU_MBFMONSTERMOVE = "Monster movement is affected by effects"; CMPTMNU_CROSSDROPOFF = "Monsters cannot cross dropoffs"; CMPTMNU_DROPOFF = "Monsters get stuck over dropoffs"; CMPTMNU_INVISIBILITY = "Monsters see invisible players"; CMPTMNU_MINOTAUR = "No Minotaur floor flames in water"; CMPTMNU_NOTOSSDROPS = "Spawn item drops on the floor"; CMPTMNU_DEHACKEDBEHAVIOR = "DehackEd Behavior"; CMPTMNU_DEHHEALTH = "DEH health settings like Doom2.exe"; CMPTMNU_MUSHROOM = "Original A_Mushroom speed in DEH mods"; CMPTMNU_MAPACTIONBEHAVIOR = "Map/Action Behavior"; CMPTMNU_USEBLOCKING = "All special lines can block <use>"; CMPTMNU_ANYBOSSDEATH = "Allow any bossdeath for level special"; CMPTMNU_NODOORLIGHT = "Disable BOOM door light effect"; CMPTMNU_LIGHT = "Find neighboring light like Doom"; CMPTMNU_SHORTTEX = "Find shortest textures like Doom"; CMPTMNU_STAIRS = "Use buggier stair building"; CMPTMNU_FLOORMOVE = "Use Doom's floor motion behavior"; CMPTMNU_POINTONLINE = "Use Doom's point-on-line algorithm"; CMPTMNU_MULTIEXIT = "Level exit can be triggered more than once."; CMPTMNU_PHYSICSBEHAVIOR = "Physics Behavior"; CMPTMNU_NOPASSOVER = "Actors are infinitely tall"; CMPTMNU_BOOMSCROLL = "Boom scrollers are additive"; CMPTMNU_BADANGLES = "Cannot travel straight NSEW"; CMPTMNU_WALLRUN = "Enable wall running"; CMPTMNU_RAVENSCROLL = "Raven scrollers use original speed"; CMPTMNU_TRACE = "Self ref. sectors don't block shots"; CMPTMNU_HITSCAN = "Use Doom code for hitscan checks"; CMPTMNU_MISSILECLIP = "Use Doom heights for missile clipping"; CMPTMNU_RENDERINGBEHAVIOR = "Rendering Behavior"; CMPTMNU_POLYOBJ = "Draw polyobjects like Hexen"; CMPTMNU_MASKEDMIDTEX = "Ignore Y offsets on masked midtextures"; CMPTMNU_SPRITESORT = "Invert sprite sorting"; CMPTMNU_SOUNDBEHAVIOR = "Sound Behavior"; CMPTMNU_SOUNDSLOTS = "Cripple sound for silent BFG trick"; CMPTMNU_SILENTPICKUP = "Don't let others hear your pickups"; CMPTMNU_SILENTINSTANTFLOORS = "Inst. moving floors are not silent"; CMPTMNU_SECTORSOUNDS = "Sector sounds use center as source"; CMPTMNU_SOUNDCUTOFF = "Sounds stop when actor vanishes"; CMPTMNU_SOUNDTARGET = "Use original sound target handling"; // Sound Options SNDMNU_TITLE = "SOUND OPTIONS"; SNDMNU_SFXVOLUME = "Sounds volume"; SNDMNU_MENUVOLUME = "Menu volume"; SNDMNU_MUSICVOLUME = "Music volume"; SNDMNU_MIDIDEVICE = "MIDI device"; SNDMNU_UNDERWATERREVERB = "Underwater reverb"; SNDMNU_RANDOMIZEPITCHES = "Randomize pitches"; SNDMNU_CHANNELS = "Sound channels"; SNDMNU_BACKEND = "Sound backend"; SNDMNU_FMOD = "FMOD options"; SNDMNU_OPENAL = "OpenAL options"; SNDMNU_RESTART = "Restart sound"; SNDMNU_ADVANCED = "Advanced options"; SNDMNU_MODREPLAYER = "Module replayer options"; // Fmod Options FMODMNU_TITLE = "FMOD OPTIONS"; FMODMNU_WATERCUTOFF = "Underwater cutoff"; FMODMNU_OUTPUTSYSTEM = "Output system"; FMODMNU_OUTPUTFORMAT = "Output format"; FMODMNU_SPEAKERMODE = "Speaker mode"; FMODMNU_RESAMPLER = "Resampler"; FMODMNU_HRTFFILTER = "HRTF filter"; FMODMNU_BUFFERSIZE = "Buffer size"; FMODMNU_BUFFERCOUNT = "Buffer count"; // OpenAL Options OPENALMNU_TITLE = "OPENAL OPTIONS"; OPENALMNU_PLAYBACKDEVICE = "Playback device"; OPENALMNU_ENABLEEFX = "Enable EFX"; // Advanced Sound Options ADVSNDMNU_TITLE = "ADVANCED SOUND OPTIONS"; ADVSNDMNU_SAMPLERATE = "Sample rate"; ADVSNDMNU_OPLSYNTHESIS = "OPL Synthesis"; ADVSNDMNU_OPLNUMCHIPS = "Number of emulated OPL chips"; ADVSNDMNU_OPLFULLPAN = "Full MIDI stereo panning"; ADVSNDMNU_OPLCORES = "OPL Emulator Core"; ADVSNDMNU_GUSEMULATION = "GUS Emulation"; ADVSNDMNU_GUSCONFIG = "GUS config file"; ADVSNDMNU_MIDIVOICES = "MIDI voices"; ADVSNDMNU_DMXGUS = "Read DMXGUS lumps"; ADVSNDMNU_GUSMEMSIZE = "GUS memory size"; ADVSNDMNU_FLUIDSYNTH = "FluidSynth"; ADVSNDMNU_FLUIDPATCHSET = "Patch set"; ADVSNDMNU_FLUIDGAIN = "Gain"; ADVSNDMNU_REVERB = "Reverb"; ADVSNDMNU_FLUIDVOICES = "MIDI voices"; ADVSNDMNU_TIMIDITY = "Timidity++"; ADVSNDMNU_TIMIDITYEXE = "Path for executable"; ADVSNDMNU_TIMIDITYCHORUS = "Chorus"; ADVSNDMNU_TIMIDITYVOLUME = "Relative volume"; ADVSNDMNU_WILDMIDI = "WildMidi"; ADVSNDMNU_WILDMIDICONFIG = "WildMidi config file"; // Module Replayer Options MODMNU_TITLE = "MODULE REPLAYER OPTIONS"; MODMNU_REPLAYERENGINE = "Replayer engine"; MODMNU_MASTERVOLUME = "Master Volume"; MODMNU_QUALITY = "Quality"; MODMNU_VOLUMERAMPING = "Volume ramping"; MODMNU_CHIPOMATIC = "Chip-o-matic"; // Video Options VIDMNU_TITLE = "VIDEO MODE"; VIDMNU_FULLSCREEN = "Fullscreen"; VIDMNU_HIDPI = "Retina/HiDPI support"; VIDMNU_ASPECTRATIO = "Aspect ratio"; VIDMNU_FORCEASPECT = "Force aspect ratio"; VIDMNU_5X4ASPECTRATIO = "Enable 5:4 aspect ratio"; VIDMNU_ENTERTEXT = "Press ENTER to set mode"; VIDMNU_TESTTEXT1 = "T to test mode for 5 seconds"; VIDMNU_TESTTEXT2 = "Please wait 5 seconds..."; // Network Options NETMNU_TITLE = "NETWORK OPTIONS"; NETMNU_LOCALOPTIONS = "Local options"; NETMNU_MOVEPREDICTION = "Movement prediction"; NETMNU_LINESPECIALPREDICTION = "Predict line actions"; NETMNU_PREDICTIONLERPSCALE = "Prediction Lerp Scale"; NETMNU_LERPTHRESHOLD = "Lerp Threshold"; NETMNU_HOSTOPTIONS = "Host options"; NETMNU_EXTRATICS = "Extra Tics"; NETMNU_TICBALANCE = "Latency balancing"; // Option Values OPTVAL_OFF = "Off"; OPTVAL_ON = "On"; OPTVAL_MALE = "Male"; OPTVAL_FEMALE = "Female"; OPTVAL_OTHER = "Other"; OPTVAL_UPPERLEFT = "Upper left"; OPTVAL_UPPERRIGHT = "Upper right"; OPTVAL_LOWERLEFT = "Lower left"; OPTVAL_LOWERRIGHT = "Lower right"; OPTVAL_TOUCHSCREENLIKE = "Touchscreen-like"; OPTVAL_NONE = "None"; OPTVAL_TURNING = "Turning"; OPTVAL_LOOKINGUPDOWN = "Looking Up/Down"; OPTVAL_MOVINGFORWARD = "Moving Forward"; OPTVAL_STRAFING = "Strafing"; OPTVAL_MOVINGUPDOWN = "Moving Up/Down"; OPTVAL_INVERTED = "Inverted"; OPTVAL_NOTINVERTED = "Not Inverted"; OPTVAL_ORIGINAL = "Original"; OPTVAL_OPTIMIZED = "Optimized"; OPTVAL_PARTICLES = "Particles"; OPTVAL_SPRITES = "Sprites"; OPTVAL_SPRITESPARTICLES = "Sprites & Particles"; OPTVAL_MELT = "Melt"; OPTVAL_BURN = "Burn"; OPTVAL_CROSSFADE = "Crossfade"; OPTVAL_ONLYMODIFIED = "Only modified"; OPTVAL_SMOOTH = "Smooth"; OPTVAL_TRANSLUCENT = "Translucent"; OPTVAL_FUZZ = "Fuzz"; OPTVAL_SHADOW = "Shadow"; OPTVAL_ITEMS = "Items"; OPTVAL_WEAPONS = "Weapons"; OPTVAL_BOTH = "Both"; OPTVAL_ZDOOM = "ZDoom"; OPTVAL_STRIFE = "Strife"; OPTVAL_PLAYER = "Player"; OPTVAL_MAP = "Map"; OPTVAL_SCALETO640X400 = "Scale to 640x400"; OPTVAL_PIXELDOUBLE = "Pixel double"; OPTVAL_CURRENTWEAPON = "Current weapon"; OPTVAL_AVAILABLEWEAPONS = "Available weapons"; OPTVAL_ALLWEAPONS = "All weapons"; OPTVAL_LEVELMILLISECONDS = "Level, milliseconds"; OPTVAL_LEVELSECONDS = "Level, seconds"; OPTVAL_LEVEL = "Level"; OPTVAL_HUBSECONDS = "Hub, seconds"; OPTVAL_HUB = "Hub"; OPTVAL_TOTALSECONDS = "Total, seconds"; OPTVAL_TOTAL = "Total"; OPTVAL_SYSTEMSECONDS = "System, seconds"; OPTVAL_SYSTEM = "System"; OPTVAL_NETGAMESONLY = "Netgames only"; OPTVAL_ALWAYS = "Always"; OPTVAL_SCRIPTSONLY = "Scripts Only"; OPTVAL_NEVER = "Never"; OPTVAL_ALL = "All"; OPTVAL_ONLYLASTONE = "Only last one"; OPTVAL_CUSTOM = "Custom"; OPTVAL_TRADITIONALDOOM = "Traditional Doom"; OPTVAL_TRADITIONALSTRIFE = "Traditional Strife"; OPTVAL_TRADITIONALRAVEN = "Traditional Raven"; OPTVAL_ONLYWHENFOUND = "Only when found"; OPTVAL_ONFOROVERLAYONLY = "On for overlay only"; OPTVAL_OVERLAYNORMAL = "Overlay+Normal"; OPTVAL_OVERLAYONLY = "Overlay Only"; OPTVAL_NOTFORHUBS = "Not for hubs"; OPTVAL_FRONT = "Front"; OPTVAL_ANIMATED = "Animated"; OPTVAL_ROTATED = "Rotated"; OPTVAL_MAPDEFINEDCOLORSONLY = "Map defined colors only"; OPTVAL_DOUBLE = "Double"; OPTVAL_ITEMPICKUP = "Item Pickup"; OPTVAL_OBITUARIES = "Obituaries"; OPTVAL_CRITICALMESSAGES = "Critical Messages"; OPTVAL_NEVERFRIENDS = "Never friends"; OPTVAL_ONLYMONSTERS = "Only monsters"; OPTVAL_HEXEN = "Hexen"; OPTVAL_OLD = "Old"; OPTVAL_DEFAULT = "Default"; OPTVAL_DOOM = "Doom"; OPTVAL_DOOMSTRICT = "Doom (strict)"; OPTVAL_BOOM = "Boom"; OPTVAL_BOOMSTRICT = "Boom (strict)"; OPTVAL_MBF = "MBF"; OPTVAL_ZDOOM2063 = "ZDoom 2.0.63"; OPTVAL_4000HZ = "4000 Hz"; OPTVAL_8000HZ = "8000 Hz"; OPTVAL_11025HZ = "11025 Hz"; OPTVAL_22050HZ = "22050 Hz"; OPTVAL_32000HZ = "32000 Hz"; OPTVAL_44100HZ = "44100 Hz"; OPTVAL_48000HZ = "48000 Hz"; OPTVAL_64SAMPLES = "64 samples"; OPTVAL_128SAMPLES = "128 samples"; OPTVAL_256SAMPLES = "256 samples"; OPTVAL_512SAMPLES = "512 samples"; OPTVAL_1024SAMPLES = "1024 samples"; OPTVAL_2048SAMPLES = "2048 samples"; OPTVAL_4096SAMPLES = "4096 samples"; OPTVAL_UNLIMITED = "Unlimited"; OPTVAL_256K = "256K"; OPTVAL_512K = "512K"; OPTVAL_768K = "768K"; OPTVAL_1024K = "1024K"; OPTVAL_MAMEOPL2 = "MAME OPL2"; OPTVAL_DOSBOXOPL3 = "DOSBox OPL3"; OPTVAL_JAVAOPL3 = "Java OPL3"; OPTVAL_NUKEDOPL3 = "Nuked OPL3"; OPTVAL_SOUNDSYSTEM = "Sound System"; OPTVAL_FOO_DUMB = "foo_dumb"; OPTVAL_ALIASING = "Aliasing"; OPTVAL_LINEAR = "Linear"; OPTVAL_CUBIC = "Cubic"; OPTVAL_BLEP = "Band-limited step"; OPTVAL_LINEARSLOW = "Linear (Slower)"; OPTVAL_BLAM = "Band-limited linear"; OPTVAL_CUBICSLOW = "Cubic (Slower)"; OPTVAL_SINC = "Sinc"; OPTVAL_NOTEONOFFONLY = "Note on/off only"; OPTVAL_FULLRAMPING = "Full ramping"; OPTVAL_ALLUNACKNOWLEDGED = "All unacknowledged"; // Colors C_BRICK = "\cabrick"; C_TAN = "\cbtan"; C_GRAY = "\ccgray"; C_GREEN = "\cdgreen"; C_BROWN = "\cebrown"; C_GOLD = "\cfgold"; C_RED = "\cgred"; C_BLUE = "\chblue"; C_ORANGE = "\ciorange"; C_WHITE = "\cjwhite"; C_YELLOW = "\ckyellow"; C_DEFAULT = "\cldefault"; C_BLACK = "\cmblack"; C_LIGHTBLUE = "\cnlight blue"; C_CREAM = "\cocream"; C_OLIVE = "\cpolive"; C_DARKGREEN = "\cqdark green"; C_DARKRED = "\crdark red"; C_DARKBROWN = "\csdark brown"; C_PURPLE = "\ctpurple"; C_DARKGRAY = "\cudark gray"; C_CYAN = "\cvcyan"; // Option Strings OPTSTR_SIMPLEARROW = "Simple arrow"; OPTSTR_HERETIC = "Heretic"; OPTSTR_CHEX = "Chex"; OPTSTR_SYSTEMCURSOR = "System cursor"; OPTSTR_DIRECTSOUND = "DirectSound"; OPTSTR_WASAPI = "Vista WASAPI"; OPTSTR_ASIO = "ASIO"; OPTSTR_WAVEOUT = "WaveOut"; OPTSTR_NOSOUND = "No Sound"; OPTSTR_OSS = "OSS"; OPTSTR_ALSA = "ALSA"; OPTSTR_SDL = "SDL"; OPTSTR_ESD = "ESD"; OPTSTR_PULSEAUDIO = "PulseAudio"; OPTSTR_COREAUDIO = "Core Audio"; OPTSTR_PCM8BIT = "8-bit"; OPTSTR_PCM16BIT = "16-bit"; OPTSTR_PCM24BIT = "24-bit"; OPTSTR_PCM32BIT = "32-bit"; OPTSTR_PCMFLOAT = "32-bit float"; OPTSTR_AUTO = "Auto"; OPTSTR_MONO = "Mono"; OPTSTR_STEREO = "Stereo"; OPTSTR_PROLOGIC = "Dolby Prologic Decoder"; OPTSTR_QUAD = "Quad"; OPTSTR_SURROUND = "5 speakers"; OPTSTR_5POINT1 = "5.1 speakers"; OPTSTR_7POINT1 = "7.1 speakers"; OPTSTR_NOINTERPOLATION = "No interpolation"; OPTSTR_SPLINE = "Spline"; OPTSTR_FMOD = "FMOD Ex"; OPTSTR_OPENAL = "OpenAL"; SAFEMESSAGE = "Do you really want to do this?"; MNU_COLORPICKER = "SELECT COLOR"; WI_FINISHED = "finished"; WI_ENTERING = "Now entering:"; AM_MONSTERS = "Monsters:"; AM_SECRETS = "Secrets:"; AM_ITEMS = "Items:"; // Bloodbath announcer BBA_BONED = "%k boned %o like a fish"; BBA_CASTRA = "%k castrated %o"; BBA_CREAMED = "%k creamed %o"; BBA_DECIMAT = "%k decimated %o"; BBA_DESTRO = "%k destroyed %o"; BBA_DICED = "%k diced %o"; BBA_DISEMBO = "%k disembowled %o"; BBA_FLATTE = "%k flattened %o"; BBA_JUSTICE = "%k gave %o Anal Justice"; BBA_MADNESS = "%k gave AnAl MaDnEsS to %o"; BBA_KILLED = "%k killed %o"; BBA_MINCMEAT = "%k made mincemeat out of %o"; BBA_MASSACR = "%k massacred %o"; BBA_MUTILA = "%k mutilated %o"; BBA_REAMED = "%k reamed %o"; BBA_RIPPED = "%k ripped %o a new orifice"; BBA_SLAUGHT = "%k slaughtered %o"; BBA_SMASHED = "%k smashed %o"; BBA_SODOMIZ = "%k sodomized %o"; BBA_SPLATT = "%k splattered %o"; BBA_SQUASH = "%k squashed %o"; BBA_THROTTL = "%k throttled %o"; BBA_WASTED = "%k wasted %o"; BBA_BODYBAG = "%k body bagged %o"; BBA_HELL = "%k sent %o to Hell"; BBA_TOAST = "%k toasted %o"; BBA_SNUFF = "%k snuffed %o"; BBA_HOSED = "%k hosed %o"; BBA_SPRAYED = "%k sprayed %o"; BBA_DOGMEAT = "%k made dog meat out of %o"; BBA_BEATEN = "%k beat %o like a cur"; BBA_EXCREMENT = "%o is excrement"; BBA_HAMBURGER = "%o is hamburger"; BBA_SCROTUM = "%o suffered scrotum separation"; BBA_POPULATION = "%o volunteered for population control"; BBA_SUICIDE = "%o has suicided"; BBA_DARWIN = "%o received the Darwin Award"; // Chex Quest Strings CHUSTR_E1M1 = "E1M1: Landing Zone"; CHUSTR_E1M2 = "E1M2: Storage Facility"; CHUSTR_E1M3 = "E1M3: Experimental Lab"; CHUSTR_E1M4 = "E1M4: Arboretum"; CHUSTR_E1M5 = "E1M5: Caverns of Bazoik"; CE1TEXT = "Mission accomplished.\n" "\n" "Are you prepared for the next mission?\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "Press the escape key to continue..."; CE2TEXT = "You've done it!"; CE3TEXT = "Wonderful Job!"; CE4TEXT = "Fantastic"; CLOADNET = "you can't do load while in a net quest!\n\npress a key."; $ifgame(chex) QSPROMPT = "quicksave over your quest named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n."; $ifgame(chex) QLOADNET = "you can't quickload during a netquest!\n\npress a key."; $ifgame(chex) QLPROMPT = "do you want to quickload the quest named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n."; CNEWGAME = "you can't start a new quest\nwhile in a network quest.\n\npress a key."; CNIGHTMARE = "Careful, this will be tough.\nDo you wish to continue?\n\npress y or n."; CSWSTRING = "this is Chex(R) Quest. look for\n\nfuture levels at www.chexquest.com.\n\npress a key."; $ifgame(chex) NETEND = "you can't end a netquest!\n\npress a key."; $ifgame(chex) ENDGAME = "are you sure you want to end the quest?\n\npress y or n."; GOTCHEXARMOR = "Picked up the Chex(R) Armor."; GOTSUPERCHEXARMOR = "Picked up the Super Chex(R) Armor!"; GOTWATER = "Picked up a glass of water."; GOTREPELLENT = "Picked up slime repellent."; GOTBREAKFAST = "Supercharge Breakfast!"; GOTCBLUEKEY = "Picked up a blue key."; GOTCYELLOWKEY = "Picked up a yellow key."; GOTCREDKEY = "Picked up a red key."; GOTFRUIT = "Picked up a bowl of fruit."; GOTVEGETABLESNEED = "Vegetables are REALLY good for you!"; GOTVEGETABLES = "Picked up a bowl of vegetables."; GOTSLIMESUIT = "Found a Slime-Proof Suit"; GOTCHEXMAP = "Found a Computer Area Map"; GOTZORCHRECHARGE = "Picked up a mini zorch recharge."; GOTMINIZORCHPACK = "Picked up a mini zorch pack."; GOTPROPULSORRECHARGE = "Picked up a zorch propulsor recharge."; GOTPROPULSORPACK = "Picked up a zorch propulsor pack."; GOTPHASINGZORCHERRECHARGE = "Picked up a phasing zorcher recharge"; GOTPHASINGZORCHERPACK = "Picked up a phasing zorcher pack."; GOTLARGEZORCHERRECHARGE = "Picked up a large zorcher recharge."; GOTLARGEZORCHERPACK = "Picked up a large zorcher pack."; GOTZORCHPACK = "Picked up a Zorchpak!"; GOTLAZDEVICE = "You got the LAZ Device! Woot!"; GOTRAPIDZORCHER = "You got the Rapid Zorcher!"; GOTSUPERBOOTSPORK = "You got the Super Bootspork!"; GOTZORCHPROPULSOR = "You got the Zorch Propulsor!"; GOTPHASINGZORCHER = "You got the Phasing Zorcher!"; GOTLARGEZORCHER = "You got the Large Zorcher!"; GOTSUPERLARGEZORCHER = "You got the Mega Zorcher!"; GOTMINIZORCHER = "Picked up a Mini Zorcher."; $ifgame(chex) STSTR_DQDON = "Invincible Mode ON"; $ifgame(chex) STSTR_DQDOFF = "Invincible Mode OFF"; $ifgame(chex) STSTR_FAADDED = "Zorch Added"; $ifgame(chex) STSTR_KFAADDED = "Super Zorch Added"; $ifgame(chex) STSTR_CHOPPERS = "... Eat Chex(R)!"; OB_COMMONUS = "%o was slimed by a flemoid."; OB_BIPEDICUS = "%o was slimed by a bipedicus."; OB_BIPEDICUS2 = "%o was slimed by an armored bipedicus."; OB_CYCLOPTIS = "%o was slimed by a cycloptis."; OB_FLEMBRANE = "%o was defeated by the Flembrane."; OB_MPSPOON = "%o was spoon fed by %k."; OB_MPBOOTSPORK = "%o was thouroughly mixed with %k's bootspork."; OB_MPZORCH = "%o was zorched by %k."; OB_MPMEGAZORCH = "%o was hit by %k's mega-zorcher."; OB_MPRAPIDZORCH = "%o was rapid zorched by %k."; OB_MPPROPULSOR = "%o was zorched by %k's propulsor."; OB_MPP_SPLASH = "%o was hit by %k's propulsor."; OB_MPPHASEZORCH = "%o was phase zorched by %k."; OB_MPLAZ_BOOM = "%o fell prey to %k's LAZ device."; OB_MPLAZ_SPLASH = "%o was lazzed by %k."; // Music names for Doom. These are needed in the string table only so that they can // be replaced by Dehacked. // Note that these names are not prefixed with 'd_' because that's how Dehacked patches // expect them. MUSIC_E1M1 = "e1m1"; MUSIC_E1M2 = "e1m2"; MUSIC_E1M3 = "e1m3"; MUSIC_E1M4 = "e1m4"; MUSIC_E1M5 = "e1m5"; MUSIC_E1M6 = "e1m6"; MUSIC_E1M7 = "e1m7"; MUSIC_E1M8 = "e1m8"; MUSIC_E1M9 = "e1m9"; MUSIC_E2M1 = "e2m1"; MUSIC_E2M2 = "e2m2"; MUSIC_E2M3 = "e2m3"; MUSIC_E2M4 = "e2m4"; MUSIC_E2M5 = "e2m5"; MUSIC_E2M6 = "e2m6"; MUSIC_E2M7 = "e2m7"; MUSIC_E2M8 = "e2m8"; MUSIC_E2M9 = "e2m9"; MUSIC_E3M1 = "e3m1"; MUSIC_E3M2 = "e3m2"; MUSIC_E3M3 = "e3m3"; MUSIC_E3M4 = "e3m4"; MUSIC_E3M5 = "e3m5"; MUSIC_E3M6 = "e3m6"; MUSIC_E3M7 = "e3m7"; MUSIC_E3M8 = "e3m8"; MUSIC_E3M9 = "e3m9"; MUSIC_INTER = "inter"; MUSIC_INTRO = "intro"; MUSIC_BUNNY = "bunny"; MUSIC_VICTOR = "victor"; MUSIC_INTROA = "introa"; MUSIC_RUNNIN = "runnin"; MUSIC_STALKS = "stalks"; MUSIC_COUNTD = "countd"; MUSIC_BETWEE = "betwee"; MUSIC_DOOM = "doom"; MUSIC_THE_DA = "the_da"; MUSIC_SHAWN = "shawn"; MUSIC_DDTBLU = "ddtblu"; MUSIC_IN_CIT = "in_cit"; MUSIC_DEAD = "dead"; MUSIC_STLKS2 = "stlks2"; MUSIC_THEDA2 = "theda2"; MUSIC_DOOM2 = "doom2"; MUSIC_DDTBL2 = "ddtbl2"; MUSIC_RUNNI2 = "runni2"; MUSIC_DEAD2 = "dead2"; MUSIC_STLKS3 = "stlks3"; MUSIC_ROMERO = "romero"; MUSIC_SHAWN2 = "shawn2"; MUSIC_MESSAG = "messag"; MUSIC_COUNT2 = "count2"; MUSIC_DDTBL3 = "ddtbl3"; MUSIC_AMPIE = "ampie"; MUSIC_THEDA3 = "theda3"; MUSIC_ADRIAN = "adrian"; MUSIC_MESSG2 = "messg2"; MUSIC_ROMER2 = "romer2"; MUSIC_TENSE = "tense"; MUSIC_SHAWN3 = "shawn3"; MUSIC_OPENIN = "openin"; MUSIC_EVIL = "evil"; MUSIC_ULTIMA = "ultima"; MUSIC_READ_M = "read_m"; MUSIC_DM2TTL = "dm2ttl"; MUSIC_DM2INT = "dm2int";